Aer・1・即1』Observati鰯madeinthe貿yph・・玖KmY 憂}y the Central、Meteorological Observatory,Tokyo by H.Arakawa 惚6・肋卿」EθS6α76ん癩伽拓 (R㏄eived September13、1950) TheTyph・・nKITTY6fAu酵7−Sepし2乳1949,was・fgreati真tensit夕,andthe most destructive storm to㌔visit Tokyo in recent years。Over1001ives wereユost as a result of the storm,and estimates of property damage run we116〉er¥15,000,000, 000(about$40,000,000)』 0尊the nigh‡of・Aug.31,apProaching Tokyo from the South,at the・speed of ca.50ゐ吻/h,the storm centre edrossed the KANTO district about30∼50勧s加est gf the Central Meteorologica10bservatory(CMO)・ The TyPhoon KIT工Y was d三stinguished by at leastl the following two interesting features: (a)The storm centre crossed the Iand short distance west,of Tokyo,where thenet・fMete・r・16gica10わservati・nisfairlydgnse・ (b)It is fortmate that a good mmber of radiosonde an奨wind obsefv乱tions w寧re successfu11y obtained fro血the storm areal These observations have made it possible・to construct管a more complete picture of the vertical structure of a typhoon in a mature stage of・deyelopment than has been−possib玉e before.A radiosonde flight was made at T6kyo near the core of the typhoon. Many p置pers conceming㌻he vertical stτucture of the TyphOon、KITTY have been publishedundersev6raltitle銭、Thef・116wingn・te塾tte即㌻st・summarize多hes&一 1ient featuresof the stor血,obtain“d from all avai1⑳le so亘rces of・informatign7a吊.a possible contributiOn to future studies Of typhoon structure and compare with the fofmer pic㌻ure of the vertical structure of tropical cyclones as givenわy E・Palm6n and R』:H.Simpson. A number of re倉ular and specia1。radiosopde releaSe was made at s㌻ations。 (CMO,Haneda Weather CentralandAerological Observatory at Tateno)under the influence・fthis帥h・・瓶R翻i卿ndeflightsf・rt玲¢、7yかh・・nKITTYmade盲ythe stuff of CMO are: re1¢asedtimeanddate(135thmeridiancivilti斑e) Aug. 30, 12:30 Aug. 31,. 09:04 Aug. 31, 12:20 Aug. 31, 13:30 Aug. 31, 15:54 ● maximum height(7π〉 15,479 24,697 520ユ9 5,587 19,097 218 H. ムrakawa Vo1.1 No.2一毯 Augド31,‘18:4g .191377∵一(sh・rtly、iaa岬nce・fthecentre S曾pL1101:50 116,902 of t為e typboon K亙TTY) S{ミpt・ 1, 11・組㊨ 22,036 網 1 ■ r − 一 『 ∂一のら ,’ 一 』 q』、、l ク !レ ’ l 、 9 謬 、、 、 、. !20.1 監, ≧ ノ こ76し。 く=》ノ .謹60こ 4、」 Q 、壁嗣』一 ≧ , o 、ζ、一一グ ≧ 雨 \ ノq q , ,’ オ4. 働噛一 ,’ 匹 ∠ニ 睾餓 一一 ’ く’、ノ・♂Q 一一顧面一r一ロー, 、 ’ ■隔o 一一帽,’ 72 一9一■匿 11 ’ 〔つ ノ’ 、、 、 、 『噂り嘲』一 一一』一一・一臼。一}一一20亀一馳一 一Q レ!一聞一贈一軸㌧40。づ脂 “つ、 ♂ 田鞠、 、 ρ’ 、 「 、 矯_!’ 、鰯 i」302一 73 ミく ∼紹 9 ’ /5 o、 、軸・・ !一、 \ ,一騨門一 ミ/49/ 、 、 、 、 馬、、 、 、、5ぴ ミ}’ご 、 、 らQ 4 ミ・ 、馬 ≧・ ’ 、 76 4ρ4 く:》 / 、 、 一ρ 亀 ㌧、 、 、 、 、 、 偽 、 簡qじ幅r /7 /70〆 ≧ ≧o 働 鞠o∫働鳴 醇、 . 、 馬 qDqレ トoミ ノ 、、 を麗 18 一い一一 く一f 80 ρ一・. 6■一殉, 6 一一6■一8 ,’ 、 q甲脅軸グ 、q隔 暗一一ρφ’ 70。 o 駒の。聞一簡。鯉門一一ヅ0乱 』 F“麟◎ JP q』 、 一、、’・薗’ 曜』ロ屠 φP 4 一廟 、鞠バー’ 一一一 一『 四四〇 . 御◎. 。⇔一嶺’一、画嶋『 ,”’”一馳嫡簡、鞠・一 、グρ一働、 ■謄の■層一一 働軸曜亀 q瞳晦鮎働 糟一一雌鴫廟貼働爾埆。・幅薗一一兜9肝 ♂ 、一90a〆 _一一102r璽P ■”葡一一■酔ρ■9 ■じ響■燭5陶■8畠』 40 “ 甲 畠・』一眺凶口殉庸晶一躰90 0 50 亀 ’『30。 、、、20呈一’ 口■曜d』65一 “ 鞠 の一〇 一贈働贈鞠角贈 一 一の一 ,=曜印一一曜;戦二・F,器 ,’岬『 簡軸鞠 ♂ 一■5一■曜 一鵬・一一 鱈 孟 £ 五 f Z ’ ∠ ∠ 12ん10為8ん』16ん 4ん 2ん0 22ん20んZ8ゐス6 んμ,ん72た10ん 8ん 3(蓼)ゑ1,1θ49 8む 01 6あ. 40∂ 一一 亀93ろ耀ε 忽0轡「「一一梅、 斥綴廼、 ’ 』、磁πか白 ノ:ヤoπ舌 恥1丁蜘r・雛“e岬tゑr・ught塾eTyゆ蹴鳳 1950 219 Aer・1・gica!Observati・nsmadeinth壱、Typh・・nKITTY z8挽 !8倫 〃〃z♪ μη∂麗♪ ,00ゆ 〆魏砺ノ μ6%4〃ε) ‘77078舵 1/6702尻) ノ陥 郷槻 ㊦ ∼舶 @ ・◎ ・○ 14倫 勉鷹 吻肱 200葡 鷹02耀 rz24θ4〃∼) ‘/2439〃zノ 〃262β〃2 /2!侃 ・④ 、 +5耀 ノ ◎ 一a3、 、 ノ0砺 ご、974勉) 揮〃” 孤9663!π) 300朋6く9612“z), ,○ ナ4〃2 ダ仰・ 旧紹飯 ,一35〃z・ ノ2倫 ‘ξ752鷹 ・○ κ〃2 ‘7494尻 物 500㌍6 5勉, 157 皿 緬63h∼) 炉 ■ F 十5/η 多o励β06肋ノ ‘2%6沈 0、8 κ加 一/0麗 00耀5 イ、く934硯, ‘3037襯) +3耀 十 ‘43Z31 6/η +7〃2 1000尻δ 一4!η 氏929卯) r2!η 175御 け飽 ‘838〃∼)‘31欣 +3!η’ ・’←珈‘一4舵 4/伽 ‘3ノ!3〃0 の ぜノ 〆/9聖, 1繊93潮フ2糎 一4/η rθ47澗ノ r9ク2〆η +渤倫 r瑠8ア切 一∠!η ﹃+3 、900!励 θ寂9履 =1, 一2!η r32〃z) ‘z6!η) 12左、 θん 勒 0ん 20潅 /6ん 、,/2ん 』8花 ρh 性C.磁……繭幽,・岬一・ 多 誉 6κ擁 r3075/η♪ ■r ‘!92勉 一ノ!η ,で5846傑, λ 一2 ‘36蘇 ・ヲ尻 ‘4345加) ) 1ノ膨爪) 一/尻 %初 、四 鯉ノ伽 θ5切 83〃zヌ ‘4303醒) F−2 一5!η 12伽. 一7尻 †/5〃こ μ324尻) ・6”o尻 μ2π!η)F 尻卯 ■ 砺 θ侃 ・○ 一7〃2 %脚 β砺 駐‘758 4〃〃“z6 イ昭9ゆ イ75餓ク 194ゐ (⊃ ■ . ア 舟吻雌08イακ¢碗あ泥凶α)8ηε∠凝ごo々oンεハ9・〃瑳・・ 、 F ド Fl&.2・Hei言hts。fis。baric・surfacesand.c呈醐ati・n・acce1・rati・ηsρver・theTyph・・uKITTYし ノ H‘Amkaiwa 22Ω Vo1,1No。2も4 F慰.、1i3・the ti㎞e c士oss se3do亘s五っwi血g t五e distributiop of temperature(dotteユ 『1iμe)&d、かQtential tellnperature(full line).It’wQuU appear th&t the core of the 8t6r削sd磁e欝wゆer,speci琴11y』at『hモgh6幽∀6islthantheairc・1umnsat 20り滝肋s in the front a磁300為鷹s i血the rear from the¢entre. Ani it wouldα1so 加pear至hat’eore of・施e st6rm is decidedly higher in potential temperature,espe・ 登ia11¥a璽higher.1evelsド↑h6setw・featuresarequitesimilarwiththePALM無 ﹃at血q 6rbss se“tion,which shows t互at there is a markeユdescending mっtion in the free sp虹e士e in the very cσre oまthe storm.It would appear that the storm region .in癒e fr6pt餌d the rear of th今storm is母ecidedly coldりr bσth in毎ir temperature 孕nd、Pφ瞬ialtemperatureye$pecia11yathighqrlevelsプ・}thanthe「&irc・1u母nsat great aiStance fro拠the centre.。The very heavy lines with considerable slope show the bounαary surfaces sep塾rating two regions of ascending and descending air c口rrenもs.−猛is’1玉sαuite different、from Dr.PALM詮N7s cross section.Instormyregion Of蹴y宅r・麺1『りゆ卑inamatuτestage・葦『σeve1・pementthere『must be『anintense ascend短g卑otio瓦二which reshlts the dynamical c)01ing ana th6uprus簸of the isen一 ・tropi¢surface.$D、the verti¢al structure given for the Typhoon KITTY seems to be more trustwort口y than the P合LM丘N’s cross−section for the Miami・New Orleans 瞬聯e。・f・Septe坤er1791・1947・ IfΨe suppo$e・that the ti血e cross−section of the typho6n KITTY takes over the「r・1e『・fthe、sρ伽i・獅di・nalcr・ss・s戯i・n・fthetyph・・孕KITTYWecanc・聾 鍔ude some imporねnt・reshlts. 、Ip view of thβimportance of baro¢1inity for the dyn3m圭cS.of ty玉)hoon,the prgsent・author intends to evaluate the variation of the ci翻ati・nWitht塑e磨霧』二/噌一・。whereρisthedehsi卿theatm・sphericpres− s翠re』 1ぬorder候ンcompute㌻亘e inte独sity of th6drcuねtion accerelation in the cross section of the ltyβ1100n KITTY,one fni彗五‡chooSe a conv“nieロt path of integration co阻$1sting・of twb princ}pal is6b亀rsρ。a簿dヵ、_100and two・vertical linesα、and8+1 cgnnecti璽th。s今is・》arsindicatingthere1αasedtim船f・rtw・successives・u恥dings。 ’豊r瞬kehydr6staticeduati・n,itf・11・ws亡hat−4変一84之一の,where8isthea昏 ρ 『ごeleゴati舳bf。卜gravity,2毛heheig血t,andψthegeDptentia1.Integrati・na1・ngthe i蜘rsglYeszeτ・・41・ngtw・veτti¢als・the,heightdi丘erencesbetweentw・s亡cces・ s墨ve。prih¢}pal isobar$may『be i阜tegrated so that 嬢一100 魑一100 4CF 3∫一=ψ 一ψ 画,古 嬢,オ十1・ S6e:V・8JE取KNES・J・BJERKNES・H:・Sg:LBERG u・T.BERGERON,1933:Phys− ikalis¢he、Hydrbαy虹amik,Berlip,Sprin2er,§41(3ゲA)∴ T・evaluatetkecゆla㌻i・尊accele&ti・n,thedataincludingheights・fis。baric s敏rfaces for e取ch IQOmb、int命rval from the grigina1.somdings are tabulated i11 マig・2・andthe、is・bars、f・revery100mb(fu111ines)andthellnesindicatingthe rele&sed times(thin vertical lines〉m&y be《irawn、in t血e cross−section of the Typhoon 1950 Aerological Observations made in the Typhoon KIT『rY 221 :KITTY. The ev31uateαheight diffβrences are also「t中u1&tei、in Fig2. The circulat呈o簸&ccerelations are、written for each square in metres(geometrical hei琴ht) inste&d of dynamic metres(geopotentia1).、Two heavy lines with considerable slope are the axes of low pressure. The aescending motion in the coreαnd the ascend・ ’i ng motion in the storm region,must・receive・a retardation owing to the evaluated』 circ葺1ation accerelation,while the original baroclini重y Io$es its intensity.Thus the descending motion in the core and the ascending motion in the storm region are c£dynamic origin,other th3n tke cir¢ulation accerelation. The isobaric curves o至Fig2s豆ow clearly that the pressure minimum is progξes・ siv£1y・decreased with.increasing altftude・in the troposphere. Above12∼13km, 串uch ten遣ency continues so t姦at the血aximum o£pressure apPears over the region of min三mum・pressure in旗e lqwer layers.. 丁豆e foreward displacement of the pressure minimum at g掩ater heights found by R.H.S三MPSO:N for the Florida hurricane of Oct6ber,1946seems to be rea1,while the statistigal investigations for extra−tropical cyclones suggest almost reversal modeL R碗グ6勿06s (1)Cen乞ral Meteorological Observatory,Tokyo,1951: Aerdogical Data、of Japan for Aug。 .a蔽d Sept。1949,u簸der preparation。 ,・1949:Preliminary Reports on t棄Typhoon KITTY,in Japanese. YAMADA,H.,and MATSUHASHr,S.,1950,Vertical Stfucture of Typhoons,in Jap歌nese. 騨SODA,Y・,1950:0ntheMe伽d・fC・mputingVertica1M・ti6nintムeAtm・sphere・ 1,II and III,Papers in Meteoro】ogy and Geo∫㌧hysics,Tokyo,1,i No.1・ (2)PALM血N,E。,11948:0n the Formation a趣d Structure ofTropical Hurricane3,Geopぬy− sica3, Helsingfors。 (3)SIMPSON,R。H.,1947:A Note on the Movelnent aad Structure of t』e Florida Hurricape of October1946,MQnthly Weaεher Re寸iew,75,53・58.
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