551.508.5 Nearby Obstacle Anemometer Reading in the Presence o圭 by M。Sanuki C6%惚1!晩オ6070109加106s脚α渉07ツ S.Kimura and S.Toyama ・∼レZ6!60701092αzl R6s6‘z70h乃zs渉πz6渉6 (Received September30,1955) Abstract A three−cup anemometer and a combination windサane ahd ane− mometer model are tested in wind tunnel as to their rotational speed in the presence of a cylindrical obstacle.Somewhat¢onsistent and remarkable errors in reading,especia11y in the lee.side,areσbserved which shou1(1be taken into account in wind spee(1m6asurement at tower鞠pylons etc。 1. Object Ground−based anemometry is often effected with anemometers installe(1at the side of towers,pylons etc.Especially,the gradient of wind speed is always measured with this installation.The present experiment is scoped to clarify the magnitude and correction of errors caused by this installation. 2. Methoαof experiment The cup anemometer and the combination wind vane and anemometer model are set respectively according to the scheme illustrate(1in Figs.1an(12,aroun(1 of the1.5−meter wind tunnel of the Institute, the ane− mometer being set in the horizontal Plane passing the mid−point of the cylinder. The cup anemometer is of the standar(i type hav− ing three cups of diame− ter100mm and cup.center diameter of200mm. The ③ / @ 1 4 .7 夢 3∬ 350 q 矯略 吐ゴ霧 ←一%一一一乃o,→ き疇§唱も、\Φ■§嘆 across the free air stream も 亀 ー監暮量−−量−−ーー86,馨畦量4−−,喜−ーロ踵5昌ー−−馨8 cylinder is placed vertically iも噂う− and4=100,44.7and22mm in case of combination anemometer mode1. The 、乗ミ in case of cup anemometer, ー ー−書⋮⋮:L馨ー屡⋮⋮聾⋮1 さ§§ミ駕㌔、Φ§良 a circular cylinder of diame− ter4=150,100and44.7mm Fig。L Arrangement of the cup anemometer around the cylin(1er(Plan view,unit in mm). Anemometer Reading in the Presence of Nearby Obstacle L ⑤ ←卿 .昇ク150_ し ド Fig.2.Arrangement of the combination model around the cylinder(plan view,unit in n}m). 為腎博黛謡O鴨恥O。、\恥貸黛団ヘ 1も竜十 蝋勤 / ー﹃f3墨ー−−崔︸−ー−−−il−−﹁﹃−−ーーー!歪ー59−毒−−8 篇 、磯! ④盈 ③ さも、黛蓉喚鵠Φ、㍉もミ受 ⋮ーー;L 1955 141 combination anemometer is an 1:2.5scale model of Speedovane(an experiment− al combination wind vane and anemometer,also Ref. 【11)having a windmill or a prop611er of diameter140mm and total fuselage Iength of 272mm. The anemometer read− ing is first taken at the location of the cylinder with the cylinder removed。This reading iS regarded aS COm− parison base an(l other rea(1− ings are expressed as its :fractions。 Fo】f the combination model the deviation of the fuselage center line from the direction of the tumel Bow is also observed。 All observations are conducted in the steady state of the tunnel flow・ 3. Exper三mental results 1)Cupanemometer The most remarkable effect is found in the lee−side of the cylinder,as illustrated in Fig.3,whereハワノVo stan(is for the ratio of anemometer readings with and with− out the presence of the cylinder.The abscissa represents distance measured windward or leeward from the cylinder center,expressed in multiple of cylinder diameter.This shield一 ∠0 ∠0 ψ臨44z_2。 ing effeCt is sO COn− sPicuous in the lee− 〃=κ33 % 44ク side that the sole practical remedy is to %謡2.o install an anmometer withcup center dia− meter∠)1arger than at 〃 一〇5 least丘ve times the 賜 cylinder diameter 4 〃 0.5 % (Fig.3b). The wind− 〆 垢諾∠35 Ward StagnatiOn effeCt is much milder and the anemOmeter reading at distances larger than ・four times the cylinder diameter will give suf− Hcient accuracy (Fig. 3a). The anemometer 0 0 /04 5 0 0 5 〃4 齢η‘んvα♪4 ∠eθwα雇 ‘α) 6δ♪ Fig. 3.Cup anemometer reading at various distances wind− ward and leeward of the cylinder(4:cylinder diameter, P:cup center diameter,M。R.L wind tunne1). 142 M.Sanuki,S.Kimura and S.Toyama Vo1。VI No.2 reading段t both sides of the cylinder gives only minor deviations,amounting ノ〉/ムηoニ0.99at position3in Fig。1an(1LO2at position4,for three sizes of cylinder・ This msymmetry is caused by the direction of anemometer rotation as皿ustrated in Fig.1,as the near flow to the cylinder is more accelerated than that at the far side.Tぬe resulted effect has the tendency to accelerate the anemometer at position4more than that at position30wing to the fact that the driving cup (recessing in the wind)of the former is closer than that of the latter・The wind tunnel free bouudary has nothing to do with this unsymmetry,as is ascer− tained from a separate experiment. The results in Fig.3are tested up to wind spee(10f20m/s aロd it is found that the wind speed has very little effect on them. 2) Combination anemometer The results are i11ustrated in Fig.4.The shielding effect is similar to the ∠0 /0 砂初 麟 ∠ンげ講6.∂6 娠竺3.13 〃 〃 一〇.5 % 毎 ゆ 4 一〇5 % 0 0 んr4 /0 5 0 0 5 〃 !ぜ 204 酩,74’豚6ひ4 ∠eθレγα!・4 似♪ . (ゆ) Fig.4.Combination anemometer reading at various distances windward and leeward of the cylinder(4:cylinder diameter,D:propeller diameter,M.R.1.wind tumel). case of cup anemometer,an(i the propeller diameter Z)should be taken not less than six times the cylinder diameter4,if the anemometer reading is effected in the lee−side.In the windward side a propeller diameter larger than three times the cylinder diameter will be satisfactory.In both cases the location of the anemometer should probably be taken at distances larger than five to ten times the cylinder diameter. The deviation of the fuselage center line from the tunnel fiow(1irection is most fierce at position6in case of cylinder diameter100mm,where.speed measurement is h4rdly possible.Other positions give deviations of from several degrees to10。right or left,even in case of the smallest cylinder diameter44.7mm, except wind.ward locations. The anemometer reading at both sides of the cylinder gives.〈ワノ〉o=0.95for 4=100mm,and.〈ワ.〈乙o=1.O for4二44.7and22mm.No msymmetry is observed in these cases. All the tests are conducted up to wind speed of10m/s. 4. Conclusions 1) The cup center diameter of a cup anemometer should be taken larger 1955 143 Anemometer Reading in the Presence of Nearby Obstacle than at least five times the diameter of the obstacle,in order to obtain satis. factory reading.This is more essential than the distance of the anemometer location which will be taken not less than four times the obstacle diameter. 2) The propeller diameter of a combination anemometer should be taken larger than at least six times the diameter of出e obstacle.This is more import− ant,h6re again than the insta11atioll distance,which need not exceed five to tell times the diameter of the obstacle. R碗76銘06 【1】 SANuKI,M・and KIMuRA,S.,1954:Experiments on a Marine Combination Wind Vane and Anemometer in Pitching or Rolling Motion,Pap.Met.Geophys。, 3,p.35。
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