Shortlist of volumes published by the IUPPS or by IUPPS commissions, listed by editors (latest to earliest, 150 titles inventoried by January 2014, mainly comprises titles published between 1996 and 2013) Inventaire court des volumes publiés par l’UISPP ou par les commissions de l’UISPP, selon directeurs de publication (par ordre descendant, 150 titres répertoriés en janvier 2014, contient surtout les titres publiés entre 1996 et 2013) Florianópolis congress 2011 Kamermans et al. ed. 2014 Remote sensing BAR S2588 Djindjian & Robert ed. 2013 Understanding landscapes BAR S2541 (Volume 4) Groenen ed. 2013 Palaeolithic aesthetics BAR S2496 (Volume 3) Sirbu & Schuster ed. 2012 Tumuli BA-IA BAR S2396 (Volume 2) Anati et al. ed. 2012 Non-literate expression BAR S2360 (Volume 1) JIAP 2010 (Journées Informatique et Archéologie de Paris) 2010 Giligny et al.ed. 2012 JIAP 2010 Archeologia e Calcolatori supplemento 3 Madrid conference 2009 Capote et al. ed. 2011 Flint mining BAR S2260 UISPP Commission IV conference Budapest 2009 Biro ed. 2010 Quantitative methods for the 21st century Archeologia e Calcolatori 21 Articles by members of the UISPP Commission IV 2009 de Beaune, et al. ed. 2009 Cognitive archaeology and human evolution CUP JIAP 2008 (Journées Informatique et Archéologie de Paris) 2008 Djindjian et al. ed. 2008: Webmapping in hist. and arch. sciences Archeologia e Calcolatori 19 Lisbon congress 2006 Oosterbeek & Fidalgo ed. 2011 Miscellanea BAR S2224 (Volume 47) Fidalgo & Oosterbeek ed. 2010 Proceedings BAR S2124 (Volume 36) Mateus & Queiroz ed. 2010 Landscapes in S Europe BAR S2124 (Volume 36) Buarque ed. 2010 Gardeners in S America BAR S2124 (Volume 36) Cruz ed. 2010 Agro-pastoralism/metallurgy BAR S2124 (Volume 36) Valera & Shaw Evangelista ed. 2010 Enclosure in Iberia BAR S2124 (Volume 36) Carozza et al. ed. 2010 Anthropisation Europe 6500–500 BC BAR S2124 (Vol 36) Calado et al. ed. 2010 Monumental questions II BAR S2123 (Volume 8) Calado et al. ed. 2010 Monumental questions I BAR S2122 (Volume 7) Fidalgo & Oosterbeek ed. 2010 Proceedings BAR S2108 (Volume 35) Groenen & Martens ed. 2010 Methods of art history BAR S2108 (Volume 35 Kolber et al. ed. 2010 Spiral and circular rock art BAR S2108 (Volume 35) Sharpe et al. ed. 2010 European cave art BAR S2108 (Volume 35) Simões Abreu ed. 2010 Euro-Mediterranean rock art BAR S2108 (Volume 35) Kumar & Bednarik ed. 2010 Global state of the art BAR S2108 (Volume 35) Keyser & Greer ed. 2010 North American rock art BAR S2108 (Volume 35) Gheorgiu ed. 2010 Neolithic and Chalcolithic Eurasian architecture BAR S2097 (Volume 48) Oosterbeek ed. 2010 Proceedings BAR S2083 (Volume 34) Funari et al. 2010 Historical Archaeology BAR S2083 (Volume 34) Bernardes ed. 2010 Romanization and indigenous societies BAR S2083 (Volume 34) Vergara Cerqueira & Peixoto ed. 2010 History, arch. & soc. BAR S2083 (Volume34) Vergara Cerqueira et al. ed. 2010 Public archaeology BAR S2083 (Volume 34) Bettencourt et al. ed. 2010 Space & place, Upper Palaeolithic–IA Europe BAR S2058 (Vol 41) Pétillon et al. ed. 2009 Projectile elements Upper Pal–Neo Palethnologie/Palethnology 2009/1 Babes & Kaeser ed. 2009 Archaeologists without boundaries BAR S2046 (Volume 46) Cavulli et al. ed. 2009 Structural evidence and Archaeometry BAR S2045 (Volume 32) Cavulli ed. 2009 Structural evidence BAR S2045 (Volume 32) Prudêncio & Dias ed. 2009 Archaeometry BAR S2045 (Volume 32) Fontana et al. ed.2009 Total animal exploitation BAR S2040 (Volume 42) Velho & Kamermans ed. 2009 Technology & methodology, practice BAR S2029 (Vol 37) Seglie et al. ed. 2009 Prehistoric art: signs, symbols, myth, ideology BAR S2028 (Volume 27) Crubézy et al. ed. 2009 Humans: evolution and environment BAR S2026 (Volume 22) Djindjian & Oosterbeek ed. 2009 Symbolic spaces, prehistoric art BAR S1999 (Vol 40) Grimaldi & Cura ed. 2009 Quartzite exploitation BAR S1998 (Volume 39) Dimitriadis, et al. ed. 2009 Rock art and museum BAR S1997 (Volume 30) Poggiani-Keller et al. ed. 2009 Rock art data base BAR S1996 (Volume 29) Otte et al. ed. 2009 Palaeolithic BAR S1968 (Volume 28) Midgley ed. 2009 Antiquarians at the megaliths BAR S1956 (Volume 38) Sternke et al. ed. 2009 Non-flint raw material in prehistory BAR S1939 (Volume 11) Djindjian et al. ed. 2009 Territoires Paléolithique supérieur européen BAR S1938 (Volume 3) Ranjana Ray & Jayaswal ed. 2009 Prehistory in India BAR S1924 (Volume 1) Scarre ed. 2009 Megalithic quarrying BAR S1923 (Volume 31) Muscio & López ed. 2009 Unified Darwinian paradigm BAR S1915 (Volume 20) Théry-Parisot et al. ed. 2009 Palaeolithic and Mesolithic fuel BAR S1914 (Volume13) Grimaldi & Perrin ed. 2008 Mountain environments Palaeo–EBA BAR S1885 (Vol 26) Anati ed. 2008 Prehistoric art and ideology BAR S1872 (Volume 16) Brandherm & Trachsel ed. 2008 Dark Age Medit. IA chronology BAR S1871 (Vol 9) Diniz ed. 2008 Early Neolithic Iberian Peninsula BAR S1857 (Volume 18) Bacvarov ed. 2008 Infant/child burials BAR S1832 (Volume 24) Aubry et al. ed. 2008 Space and time BAR S1831 (Volume 21) Darlas & Mihailović ed. 2008 Palaeolithic of the Balkans BAR S1819 (Volume 17) Heyd & Clegg ed. 2008 Aesthetics and Rock Art III BAR S1818 (Volume 10) Bednarik & Hodgson ed. 2008 Pleistocene World palaeoart BAR S1804 (Volume 19) Coimbra & Dubal ed. 2008 Symbolism in rock art BAR S1793 (Volume 25) Coimbra & Dimitriadis ed. 2008 Cognitive archaeology BAR S1737 (Volume 23) Kozlowski & Nowak ed. 2008 Meso/Neo Balkans & Middle Danube BAR S1726 (Vol 6) Moncel et al. ed. 2008 Raw material and food supply areas BAR S1725 (Volume 5) Whallon ed. 2007 Late Paleolithic environments Adriatic BAR S1716 (Volume 4) Kornfeld et al. ed. 2007 Rockshelter research BAR S1655 (Volume 14) Liège congress 2001 Secrétariat du Congrès ed. 2006 Préhistoire de l’Amérique BAR S1524 Secrétariat du Congrès ed. 2006Préhistoire de l’Asie et de l’Océanie BAR S1523 Secrétariat du Congrès ed. 2006 Préhistoire en Afrique / African Prehistory BAR S1522 Rodriguez Casal ed. 2006 Le mégalithisme atlantique / Atlantic megaliths BAR S1521 Guilaine & van Berg ed. 2006 La Néolithisation / The Neolithisation process BAR S1520 Le Brun-Ricalens et al. ed. 2005 Productions lamellaires aurignaciennes ArchéoLogiques 1 Secrétariat du Congrès ed. 2005 Age du Fer en Europe BAR S1378 Terradas ed. 2005 L'outillage lithique ethnoarchéologique BAR S1370 Secrétariat du Congrès ed. 2005 Archéologie et histoire du moyen âge BAR S1355 Livingstone Smith et al. ed. 2005 Pottery manufacturing processes BAR S1349 Barich et al. ed. 2005 Hunters vs. pastoralists in the Sahara BAR S1338 Secrétariat du Congrès ed. 2005 The Bronze Age in Europe and Mediterranean BAR S1337 Secrétariat du Congrès ed. 2004 Muséographie et société contemporaine BAR S1313 Secrétariat du Congrès ed. 2004 Epoque romaine BAR S1312 Secrétariat du Congrès ed. 2004 Art Paléolithique Supérieur et Mésolithique BAR S1311 Secrétariat du Congrès ed. 2004 Le Néolithique au Proche Orient et en Europe BAR S1303 Secrétariat du Congrès ed. 2004 Le Mésolithique / The Mesolithic BAR S1302 Secrétariat du Congrès ed. 2004 Premiers hommes et Paléolithique Inférieur BAR S1272 Secrétariat du Congrès ed. 2004 Paléoécologie / Paleoecology BAR S1271 Secrétariat du Congrès ed. 2004 Archéométrie / Archaeometry BAR S1270 Secrétariat du Congrès ed. 2004 Le Paléolithique Supérieur BAR S1240 Secrétariat du Congrès ed. 2004 Le Paléolithique Moyen BAR S1239 Burnez-Lanotte ed. 2003 Lithic materials in the Linearbandkeramik BAR S1200 Giumlia-Mair & Lo Schiavo ed. 2003 Etain à l'origine de la métallurgie BAR S1199 Secrétariat du Congrès ed. 2003 Théories et méthodes BAR S1145 Costamagno & Laroulandie ed. 2003 Archéozoologie au Magdalénien BAR S1144 Gheorghiu ed. 2003 Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age hydrostrategies BAR S1123 Vasil'ev et al. ed. 2003 Perceived landscapes and built environments BAR S1122 Patou-Mathis & Bocherens ed. 2003 Environnement des chasseurs-cueilleurs BAR S1105 Mafart & Delingette ed. 2002 Three-dimensional imaging BAR S1049 Straus ed. 2002 American archaeologists in European Upper Palaeolithic BAR S1048 Djindjian & Moscati ed. 2002 Commission IV Symposia Archeologia e Calcolatori 13 Ljubljana 2000 conference CAA/UISPP Stancic & Veljanovski ed. 2001 Computing archaeology for understanding the past BAR S931 UISPP Commission IV conference in Scottsdale, Arizona, 1998 Cowgill & Kintigh ed. Forthcoming Archaeological problems/quantitative methods Forlì congress 1996 Peretto & Giunchi ed. c. 1998 Atti del 13 Congresso Di Lernia & Manzi ed.1998 Before food production in North Africa Milliken & Peresani ed. 1998 Lithic technology Palma di Cesnola article 1998 Il problema dell’ origine del Gravettiano Johnson & North ed. 1997 Archaeological applications of GIS (CD) Afanas’ev et al. ed. 1996 The prehistory of Asia and Oceania Andreoni et al. ed. 1996 Oltre la pietra : modelli e tecnologie per capire la preistoria Aumassip et al. ed. 1996 The prehistory of Africa Bagolini & Lo Schiavo ed. 1996 The copper age in the Near East and Europe Bar-Yosef et al. ed. 1996 The Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Belardelli et al. ed. 1996 The Bronze Age in Europe and the Mediterranean Beltrán Martínez & Vigliardi ed. 1996 Art in the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Bermond Montanari & Narayan ed. 1996 Prehistoric research in contemporary society Bietti ed. 1996 Theoretical and methodological problems Bietti Sestieri & Kruta ed. 1996 The Iron Age in Europe Castelletti & Cremaschi ed. 1996 Paleoecology Castelletti & Cremaschi ed. 1996 Micromorphology of deposits of anthropogenic origin Facchini ed. 1996 The first humans and their cultural manifestations Francovich et al. ed. 1996 Archaeology and history of the Middle Ages Grifoni Cremonesi et al. ed. 1996 The Neolithic in the Near East and Europe. Megalithism Hester et al. ed.1996 The prehistory of the Americas Kozłowski & Tozzi ed. 1996 The Mesolithic Luiselli & Pensabene ed. 1996 The Roman period (in the provinces and the barbaric world) Montet-White et al. ed.1996 The Upper Palaeolithic Segreteria del congresso ed. 1996 Abstracts, 13th International Congress Segreteria del congresso ed. 1996 Bolletino, 13th Congress Antonelli, Bagolini & Bietti ed. 1996 The colloquia (which editor edited which colloquium?) Bagolini, Facchini & Grifoni Cremonesi ed. 1996 The colloquia (which editor edited which colloquium?) Ronchi 1996 Il congresso : fotografie dal 13 Congresso Gambassini ed. c. 1995 Il Paleolitico dell'Italia centro-meridionale (Guide) Broglio ed. c. 1995 Paleolitico, Mesolitico e Neolitico dell'Italia nord-orientale (Guide) Guerreschi et al. ed. c. 1995 Emilia-Romagna (Guide) La Torre ed. c.1995 La fascia tirrenica da Napoli a Reggio Calabria (Guide) Bietti Sestieri et al. ed. c. 1995 Sicilia orientale ed Isole Eolie (Guide) Maggi et al. ed. c. 1995 Toscana e Liguria (Guide) Previous congresses and conferences UISPP Commission IV Meeting Mount Victoria Australia 1993 Johnson ed. 1994. Methods in the mountains Sydney Univ. Archaeological Method series 2 12th congress Bratislava 1991 Includes: Laxton et al. ed. 1991 Commission IV sessions, Bratislava: Académie des Sciences 11th congress Mainz 1987 Includes: Voorrips ed. 1990 Mathematics & Information Science Studies in Modern Archaeology Vol 3 UISPP Commission IV conference in Denver, Colorado, SAA annual meeting 1985 Aldenderfer ed.. 1987. Quantitative research in archaeology SAGE Publications UISPP Commission IV conference in Amsterdam 1983 Voorrips & Loving ed. 1985 To pattern the past Strasbourg: Council of Europe 10th congress Mexico City 1981 Includes: Cowgill, et al. ed. 1981 Manejo de datos y métodos matemáticos de arqueología Preprints 9th congress Nice 1976 Includes: De Lumley ed. 1976 La préhistoire française. Tome 1: CNRS Guilaine ed. 1976a La préhistoire française. Tome 2 CNRS Camps ed. 1976 Chronologie préhistoire circum-méditerranéenne Colloque 2 (Preprint?) Wendorf ed.1976 Terminologie préhistoire du Proche-Orient Colloque 3 (Preprint?) Borillo & Bourelly ed. 1976 Banque de données et méthodes formelles Colloque 4(Preprint?) Ghosh ed. 1976 Paléolithique inférieur et moyen en Asie Colloque 7 (Preprint?) Valoch ed. 1976 Premières industries de l’Europe Colloque 8 (Preprint?) Combier ed.1976 L'évolution de l'acheuléen en Europe Colloque10 (Preprint?) Freeman ed. 1976 Structures d'habitat Paléolithique moyen Colloque 11 (Preprint?) Kozłowski ed. 1976 L'Aurignacien en Europe Colloque 16 (Preprint?) Higgs ed. 1976 Origine de l’élevage/domestication Colloque 20 (Preprint?) Müller-Karpe ed. 1976 Les débuts de la métallurgie Colloque 22 (Preprint?) Guilaine ed. 1976b La Civilisation des vases campaniformes Colloque 24 (Preprint?) Duval & Kruta ed. 1976 Les mouvements celtiques Colloque 28 (Preprint?) Joffroy ed. 1976a Le passage du 1er au 2e âge du Fer Colloque 29 (Preprint?) Leroi-Gourhan et al. ed. 1976 Sud du Bassin parisien : livret-guide de l'excursion A1 Joffroy ed. 1976b Champagne, Bourgogne : livret-guide de l'excursion A2 Clottes ed. 1976 Pyrénées : livret-guide de l'excursion A5 Combier & Thévenot ed. 1976 Bassin du Rhône paléo et néo: livret-guide de l'excursion A8 De Lumley & Barral ed.1976 Sites paléo Nice, grottes Grimaldi: livret-guide de l'excursion B1 Courtin ed.1976 Sites néo et protohistoriques région de Nice : livret-guide de l'excursion B2 8th congress Belgrade 1971 Includes: Vinski 1971 Die völkerwanderungszeitliche Nekropole Kranj, Actes du VIIIe Congrès International UISPP I: Rapports généraux (Beograd 1971) 7th congress Prague 1966 6th congress Rome 1962 5th congress Hamburg 1958 4th congress Madrid 1954 3rd congress Zürich 1950 2nd congress Oslo 1936 1st congress London 1932
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