Peer reviewed articles Piccolino G. “Making democracy legible? The politics of voter registration and the experience of the permanent electronic electoral list (LEPI) in Benin”, forthcoming on Development & Change. Piccolino G. 2014, “Ultranationalism, Democracy and the Law: Insights from Côte d’Ivoire”, Journal of Modern African Studies, 52(1), pp 45-68. Piccolino G. 2012, “David against Goliath in Côte d’Ivoire? Laurent Gbagbo’s war against global governance”, African Affairs, 111 (442), pp. 1–23. Piccolino G. and J. Karlsrud 2011, “Withering consent but mutual dependency? UN peace operations and African assertiveness”, Conflict, Security and Development 11 (4), pp. 447472. Piccolino G. 2011, “Né ingerenza, né indifferenza… e allora che cosa? La Francia nella crisi ivoriana”, Afriche e Orienti, 3-4. pp. 179-194. Piccolino G. 2010, “A Litmus Test for the European Union? The EU’s Response to the Crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo from 1996 to the 2006 Elections”, European Foreign Affairs Review 15 (1), pp. 115–136. Other articles Piccolino G. 2013, Book review of Adekeye Adebajo and Kaye Whiteman (eds), The EU and Africa. From Eurafrique to Afro-Europa, in Strategic Review of Southern Africa, 35 (2), pp. 160-162. Piccolino G. 2012, “In missione nel cuore di tenebra”, Sapere, August, pp. 50-57. Piccolino G. 2012, Vive la Civilisation! Re Leopoldo e il suo Congo, Edizioni ETS, Pisa. Piccolino G. 2011, “Costa d’Avorio: le elezioni presidenziali del novembre 2010 e la ripresa della guerra”, Afriche e Orienti, 1-2, pp. 106-113. Piccolino G. 2011, “La transizione senza pace di Ouattara”, Il Manifesto, 13 August, p. 9. Piccolino G. 2011, “Guazzabuglio Ivoriano”, interview by Roberto Moranduzzo, Vita Trentina, 9 January, p. 10. Piccolino G. 2009, “Aspettando Godot in Costa d’Avorio: il processo di pace ivoriano tra speranze e infiniti rinvii”, Afriche e Orienti 3-4, pp. 138-142. Piccolino G. 2007, "Il Congo, l'Italia e Leopoldo II del Belgio (1903 - 1908) - I parte: Una "relazione pericolosa" all'epoca del colonialismo”, Memorie Scientifiche, Giuridiche, Letterarie, Serie VIII, vol. X, Fasc. 1 2007, National Academy of the Sciences, Humanities and Arts of Modena, pp. 219-259. Piccolino G. 2007, "Il Congo, l'Italia e Leopoldo II del Belgio (1903 - 1908) - II parte: Nel regno del caoutchouc e della "blague" - La missione in Congo di Eduardo Baccari e le sue conseguenze", Memorie Scientifiche, Giuridiche, Letterarie, Serie VIII, vol. X, Fasc. 1 2007, National Academy of the Sciences, Humanities and Arts of Modena, pp. 261-318. Piccolino, G. 2010, “Due presidenti per un paese? La Costa d’Avorio nel caos” , Limes (Italian review of Geopolitics), on line version, 30 December 2010, Piccolino G. 2010, “La Repubblica di «Ado» Ouattara”, Il Manifesto, 29 December 2010, p. 9. Piccolino G. 2010, “La caduta delle Forze nuove: L’esercito non riformato può mettere in pericolo il processo elettorale”, Il Manifesto, 31 October, p. 9. Piccolino G., 2009, “La transizione infinita della Costa d'Avorio: rimandate ancora le elezioni di «uscita dalla crisi» nel paese che da sette anni vive nello stallo”, Il Manifesto, 22 November, p. 8. Piccolino G. 2008, “Turchia: la frattura regionale di uno Stato centralizzato”, Occasional Paper 04/2008, Italian Center for Turkish Studies, June 2008. Piccolino G. 2005, "Eduardo Baccari e il Congo", Giornale di Medicina Militare (quarterly magazine of the Italian Defence Ministry), Directorate of Military Health, Rome, OctoberDecember 2005, pp. 577-586. Book chapters Piccolino G. 2014, “Discours nationaliste et fétichisation de la loi en Côte d’Ivoire entre 2002 et 2011”, forthcoming in Fabio Viti (ed.), La Côte d’Ivoire, d’une crise à l’autre, L’Harmattan. Piccolino G. 2014, “The Dilemmas of Consent in UN Peace Operations: the case of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire”, in Marco Wyss and Thierry Tardy (eds), Peacekeeping in Africa: the Evolving Security Architecture, Routledge. Piccolino G. 2012, “La democrazia in Costa d’Avorio: una transizione incompiuta?” in C. Fiamingo (ed.), Africa che cambia. Processi evolutivi in Africa subsahariana: un’antologia di analisi e studi di caso, Unicopli, Milano, pp.39-54. Piccolino G. 2010, “Evoluzione dei rapporti tra UE e Africa dalla fine della guerra fredda”, U.E.! Un’introduzione all’Unione Europea, Athena Edizioni, Florence, pp. 217-250. Working papers Piccolino, G. “A Democratic Rentier State? Taxation, Aid Dependency, and Political Representation in Benin”, forthcoming, GIGA working papers series. Piccolino G. and S. Minou 2014, “The EU and regional integration in West Africa: effects on conflict resolution and Transformation”, Regioconf project working paper, University of Tübingen and University of Pretoria. Conference presentations - "Ultranationalism, democracy and the law: insights from Côte d’Ivoire", paper to be presented at the African Studies Association (ASA) of the United Kingdom (UK) Biennial Conference, University of Sussex 9-11 September 2014. - “Democracy by IDs and fingerprints? The politics of voter registration and voter registration reform in West Africa”, paper to be presented at the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, 3 - 6 September 2014, University of Glasgow. - “The European Union, regional conflicts and the promotion of regional integration”, paper presented at the the Fifth European Conference of African Studies (Lisbon, June 26-28, 2013). -- “The Dilemmas of Consent in UN Peace Operations”, paper presented at the conference “International Peacekeeping in Africa”, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 22-24 November 2012. -- “Post-Victory Peacebuilding in Côte d’Ivoire”, paper presented at the Italian “African Studies Conference”, University of Pavia, Faculty of Political Science, 18-20 September 2012. -- “La Loi, la Constitution et l’Etat dans le discours des nationalistes Ivoiriens”, paper presented at the Italian “African Studies Conference”, University of Pavia, Faculty of Political Science, 18- 20 September 2012. -- (co-authored with John Karlsrud) “Withering consent but mutual dependency? UN peace operations and African assertiveness”, paper presented at the conference “Globalization and Development – Rethinking Interventions and Governance”, Centre for Globalization and Development at the University of Gothenburg, November 22-23, 2011. -- ‘Liberal peace or second independence? The Ivorian peace process’, Paper presented at the 4th European Conference of African Studies (ECAS), Uppsala, 15-18 June 2011. -- “La Crisi Ivoriana: Uno Stato Due Presidenti”, invited participation to a round-table organized by the Circolo di Riflessione sull'Africa (Discussion Group on Africa) of the Università Statale di Milano, Milan, 1 March 2011. -- “La Francia nella crisi ivoriana: né ingerenza, né indifferenza… e allora che cosa?”, paper presented at the Italian Conference of African Studies “Studi Italiani sull’Africa a 50 anni dall’indipendenza”, Università “L’Orientale”, Naples, 30 September–2 October 2010. -- “Mediation, local response and the limits of international engagement in Côte d'Ivoire”, paper presented at the Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Stockholm, 9-11 September 2010. -- “Mediation, local response and the limits of international engagement in Côte d'Ivoire”, paper presented at the ECPR, Graduate Conference, Dublin City University, 30 August–1 September 2010. -- “A litmus test for Europe? The European Union and the crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (1996 – 2006)”, paper presented at the Annual Congress of the Italian Society of Political Science (SISP), Rome, 17-19 September 2009. -- Conference “Leopoldo II del Belgio e l'Italia: una "relazione pericolosa" all'epoca del Colonialismo”, Modena, 28 February 2007, Aula Magna of the planetario comunale “F. Martino”, Invited talk, Series of conferences of the National Academy of the Sciences, Humanities and Arts of Modena.
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