TIZIANO ACCIAVATTI MD [email protected] Address: Via Magazzeno 46/A Cappelle Sul Tavo(Pescara), 65010 Italy Birth Place and Date: Pescara, Italy 8th May 1984 Mobile: 0039-3290739483 EDUCATION 2002-2009: G. D’ANNUNZIO UNIVERSITY, Chieti, Italy Degree in Medicine and Surgery with a score of 110/110 “cum laude” Title of the dissertation: “The mirror neuron system in subjects with spinal cord injury” 1997-2002: Liceo scientifico B Spaventa Montesilvano (PE), Italy Scientific diploma with a score of 100/100 CLINICAL AND WORK EXPERIENCE Present appointments 2010 - present “G. d’ANNUNZIO” UNIVERSITY, Chieti, Italy Department of Neuroscience and Imaging • Psychiatric Resident Previous appointments 2009 – May 2010 Neuropsychiatric Hospital “Villa Jolanda", Ancona, Italy M.D. with professional collaboration agreement 2006 –2009 G. d’ANNUNZIO” UNIVERSITY, Chieti, Italy Psychiatry and Psychology Institute • Involved in the Institute scientific activities QUALIFICATIONS – MEMBERSHIP OF BODIES • • • Italian Medical Council registration (since 2009) Membership of the Italian Society of Psychiatry (since 2012) Regional Coordinator for Abruzzo-Molise of Young Italian Society of Psychiatry TEACHING Present appointments 2012-2014 G. d’ANNUNZIO” UNIVERSITY, Chieti, Italy Psychology School • Free Lecturer in ”Psychiatry”, 2012-2014 LEONARDO DA VINCI UNIVERSITY, Chieti, Italy Psychology School • Free Lecturer in ”Psychiatry”, RESEARCH AND ACADEMIC/PROFESSIONAL STANDING Scientific Publications: 1. Di Giannantonio M, Di Iorio G, Acciavatti T, De Berardis D Sexual addiction Quaderni Italiani di Psichiatria 2010 29 (1) , pp. 24-29 2. De Berardis D, Acciavatti T, Campanella D, Serroni N, Olivieri L, Ranalli C, Marasco V, Carano A, Cavuto M, Di Iorio G, Piersanti M, Di Giannantonio M. Novel approaches in the treatment of antipsychotic-induced hyper-prolactinemia: The role of partial agonists of D2 dopaminergic receptors Recent Patents on Endocrine, Metabolic and Immune Drug Discovery 2010 Nov , 4 (3) , pp. 230-240 3. De Berardis D, Di Iorio G, Acciavatti T, Conti C, Serroni N, Olivieri L, Cavuto M, Martinotti G, Janiri L, Moschetta FS, Conti P, Di Giannantonio M. The emerging role of melatonin agonists in the treatment of major depression: focus on agomelatine CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets. 2011 Feb;10(1):119-32. 4. Di Giannantonio M, Di Iorio G, Guglielmo R, De Berardis D, Conti CM, Acciavatti T, Cornelio M, Martinotti G. Major depressive disorder, anhedonia and agomelatine: an open-label study. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2011 Jan-Mar;25(1):109-1 5. Marasco V, De Berardis D, Serroni N, Campanella D, Acciavatti T, Caltabiano M, Olivieri L, Rapini G, Cicconetti A, Carano A, La Rovere R, Di Iorio G, Moschetta FS, Di Giannantonio M. Alexithymia and suicide risk among patients with schizophrenia: preliminary findings of a crosssectional study].Riv Psichiatr. 2011 Jan-Feb;46(1):31-7. 6. Carano A, De Berardis D, Campanella D, Serroni N, Ferri F, Di Iorio G, Acciavatti T, Mancini L, Mariani G, Martinotti G, Moschetta FS, Di Giannantonio M. Alexithymia and suicide ideation in a sample of patients with binge eating disorder.J Psychiatr Pract. 2012 Ja n;18(1):5-11 7. Cinosi E, Di Iorio G, Acciavatti T, Cornelio M, Vellante F, De Risio L, Martinotti G. Sleep disturbances in eating disorders: a review. Clin Ter. 2011;162(6):e195-202. 8. Alexithymia, suicide risk and serum lipid levels among adult outpatients with panic disorder. De Berardis D, Campanella D, Serroni N, Moschetta FS, Di Emidio F, Conti C, Carano A, Acciavatti T, Di Iorio G, Martinotti G, Siracusano A, Di Giannantonio M. Compr Psychiatry. 2013 Jan 14. 9. Vellante F, Cornelio M, Acciavatti T, Cinosi E, Marini S, Dezi S, De Risio L, Di Iorio G, Martinotti G, Di Giannantonio M. Treatment of resistant insomnia and major depression. Clin Ter. 2013;164(5):429-35 10. Sepede G, Di lorio G, Lupi M, Sarchione F, Acciavatti T, Fiori F, Santacroce R, Martinotti G, Gambi F, Di Giannantonio M. Bupropion as an add-on therapy in depressed bipolar disorder type I patients with comorbid cocaine dependence. Clin Neuropharmacol. 2014 Jan-Feb;37(1):17-21. Lupi M, Martinotti G, Acciavatti T, Pettorruso M, Brunetti M, Santacroce R, Cinosi E, Di Iorio G, Di Nicola M, Di Giannantonio M. Pharmacological Treatments in Gambling Disorder: A Qualitative Review. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:537306. 11. Edited Books: Contributions 1) T Acciavatti, G Di Iorio “Semeiotica psichiatrica e psicopatologia”. In: Psicopatologia in slides (a cura di L. Janiri; G. Martinotti; M di Giannantonio) Alpes Edizioni, 2012 2) De Berardis D, Carano A, Ferri F, Campanella D, Serroni N, Caltabiano M, Olivieri L, Acciavatti T, Di Iorio G, Cavuto M, Di Emidio F, Martinotti G, Moschetta FS, Di Giannantonio M. The relationships between self-esteem and alexithymia in the development of eating disorders. in Handbook of psychology of self-esteem January 2012, pages 259-273 3) De Berardis D, Marasco V, Campanella D, Serroni N, Calatabiano M, Olivieri L, Ranalli C, Carano A, Acciavatti T, Di Iorio G, Cavuto M, Moschetta FS, Di Giannantonio M. Alexithymia, body image and eating disorders. IN Body Image: Perceptions, Interpretations and Attitudes 2011, Pages 135-151 Chieti 21/07/2014
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