Commercialization of Food and Energy products. Legal Andress: by Studio Tosi V. Cesare Battisti 48, CAP 21043 Castiglione Olona (Va) Operative Office: V. Cascina del rosario 86 , CAP 21100 Varese (Va) ITALY Phone: +39 0332 264656, Fax: +39 0332 1691420, Mobile: +30 340 260 1099 VAT: IT 03310860121 REA: 340679, CCIAA of Varese Crude Glycerin 183/GMP+ Parameter Unit Acceptance limit Aspect - Liquid clear amber pH - 5,0-7,5 Concentration %weight Mín 80,0 (compulsory declaration)* Water content %weight Max 13,5 Salt content (NaCl) %weight Max 5,50 Methanol content %weight Max 0,50* Na content %weight Max 3,5 (compulsory declaration if >1,5%)* K content %weight Max 1,8 (compulsory declaration if >1,5%)* Ni content %weight / mg/kg < 20 (compulsory declaration if > 20 mg/kg)* MONG %weight Max 4,0* (*)Based on EU Regulation Number 68/2013 by the European Commission dated January 16th 2013 related to the Catalogue of feed materials Annual sample analysis of undesirable substances. Arsenic mg/kg Max 2 Lead mg/kg Max 10 Cadmium mg/kg Max 1 Aflatoxin B1 mg/kg Max 0,02 Hidrocyanic acid mg/kg Max 50 Free gossypol mg/kg Max 20 Volatile mustard essence mg/kg Max 100 Dioxin (PCDD+PCDF) ng EQT PCDD/F OMS / kg Max 0,75 Dioxin+PCB ng EQT PCDD/F-PCB OMS / kg Max 1,5 Mercury mg/kg Max 0,1 Nitrites mg/kg Max 15 Aldrin mg/kg Max 0,01 Dieldrin mg/kg Max 0,01 Commercialization of Food and Energy products. Legal Andress: by Studio Tosi V. Cesare Battisti 48, CAP 21043 Castiglione Olona (Va) Operative Office: V. Cascina del rosario 86 , CAP 21100 Varese (Va) ITALY Phone: +39 0332 264656, Fax: +39 0332 1691420, Mobile: +30 340 260 1099 VAT: IT 03310860121 REA: 340679, CCIAA of Varese DDT mg/kg Max 0,05 Chlordane mg/kg Max 0,02 Crotolaria sp mg/kg Max 100 Endosulfan (alfa+beta) mg/kg Max 0,1 Endrin mg/kg Max 0,01 Fluoride mg/kg Max 150 Nickel mg/kg Max 50 Mercury mg/kg Max 0,1 Prussic acid mg/kg Max 50 Hexachlorobencene mg/kg Max 0,01 Hexachlorociclohexane alfa mg/kg Max 0,02 Hexachlorociclohexane beta mg/kg Max 0,01 Heptachlor mg/kg Max 0,01 Castor-oil plant mg/kg Max 10 Hexachlorociclohexane gamma mg/kg Max 0,2 Pag. 2 a 2 WILLMAS SRL VAT: IT 03310860121 REA: 340679, CCIAA of Varese Phone: +39 0332 264656, Fax: +39 0332 1691420, Mobile: +30 340 260 1099, Email: [email protected], Website: Legal Andress: by Studio Tosi V. Cesare Battisti 48, CAP 21043 Castiglione Olona (Va) ITALY, Operative Office: V. Cascina del rosario 86 , CAP 21100 Varese (Va) ITALY
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