Contatori idrici aEW100 getto singolo Series Serie EW100 Singlejet Water Meters DN15…20 perPOTABLE acqua potabile e fredda DN15…20 FOR COLD AND WARM WATERcalda APPLICATIONS SPECIFICHE TECNICHE PRODUCT DATA CONTENTS SOMMARIO EW1000 per fredda EW1000 foracqua cold water EW1001 calda EW1001per for acqua warm water Contents ............................................................................... Sommario.............................................................................. 11 General ................................................................................. 2 Generalità.............................................................................. 22 Application .......................................................................... Applicazione.................................................................... 22 Features ............................................................................. Design ................................................................................ Caratteristiche................................................................. 2 2 Materials ............................................................................. Costruzione..................................................................... 22 Approvals ........................................................................... Materiali........................................................................... 2 2 Technical Details ................................................................. 3 Certificazioni.................................................................... 2 Specifications ..................................................................... 3 Flow Data ........................................................................... Dettagli tecnici...................................................................... 33 Sizing ................................................................................. Specifiche........................................................................ 33 Function ............................................................................. Dati del flusso.................................................................. 3 3 Counter ........................................................................... 3 Dimensionamento............................................................ 3 Flow Sensor .................................................................... 3 Funzionamento................................................................ 3 Interfaces ........................................................................ 3 Contatore.................................................................. 33 Installation .......................................................................... Sensore di portata.................................................... 33 Communication and Readout ............................................. Interfacce.................................................................. 33 Communication Options ................................................. Setup .............................................................................. Installazione. .................................................................... 3 4 Readout Options ............................................................. Comunicazione e lettura.................................................. 34 Identification ....................................................................... Opzioni di comunicazione......................................... 3 4 Meter Identification in the Field ....................................... 4 Configurazione.......................................................... 3 Front Panel Contents ...................................................... 4 Opzioni di lettura....................................................... 4 Dimensions ........................................................................ 5 Identificazione. ................................................................. 4 6 Ordering Details ................................................................... Identificazione contatore sul campo.................... 4 6 Ordering Information del .......................................................... pannello anteriore............................. 4 6 ScopeIndicazioni of Deliverysul ............................................................... Accessories ........................................................................ Dimensioni....................................................................... 56 Connection Sets ............................................................. 6 Dettagli per l’ordinazione. .................................................... 5 6 Other Accessories .......................................................... Informazioni per l’ordinazione.......................................... 5 Ambito della fornitura....................................................... 5 Accessori......................................................................... 6 Kit di collegamento................................................... 6 Altri accessori........................................................... 6 Clip Modulo on RF module RF Honeywell y All rights reserved IT0H0A93-IT01R0613 EN0H-0427GE25 R0313 1 EW100 SERIES SINGLEJET WATER METERS Serie EW100 - Contatori idrici A GETTO SINGOLO GENERALITÀ GENERAL Applicazione Application I contatori d’acqua a gettosinglejet singolo Honeywell serie Honeywell EW100 Series water meters areEW100 used for sonomeasurement adatti alla misurazione del flusso calda potable o flow of cold or warm waterdiinacqua residential water freddasystems. negli impianti idrici di acqua potabile residenziali. Sonoare disponibili in in dimensioni datoDN15 DN20 e sono dotati They available sizes DN15 DN20a and have a mechandi contatore meccanico. ical counter. They can be retrofitted with clip on RF modules for integration fixed ormoduli mobileRF RFa networks. The RF protocol È possibileinto applicare capsula per l’integrazione used compatible with Honeywell’s range RF heat cost alloin retiisRF AMR e Walk-By. Il protocollo RF of utilizzato cators. è compatibile con la gamma di ripartitori dei costi del EW1000 water RF meters are suitable for cold water up to 30°C. riscaldamento Honeywell. I contatoriwater EW1000 possono essereforutilizzati con acqua EW1001 meters are suitable warm water up to 90°C. fredda fino a 30 °C. I contatori EW1001 possono essere utilizzati con acqua calda Features fino a 90 °C. • MID approval 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 Fig. 1. EW100 main components Fig. 1. Componenti principali EW100 •Caratteristiche Compact design • Rotatable counter • Certificazione MID •• Retrofittable RF modules Design compatto • Contatore ruotabile Design • È possibile installare moduli RF Table 2. EW100 Series main components Numero Componente Number Component Coperchio trasparente con dati di certificazione Transparent cover with approval marks and 1 1 e numero di number serie serial EW100 Series water meters consist of: Costruzione • Rotatable mechanical counter 2 3 •I contalitri Cover forserie clip on modules EW100 sono costituiti dai seguenti elementi: • C ontatore meccanico ruotabile • Singlejet mechanical flow measuring unit • Coperchio per moduli RF • Housing with external threads according to ISO228 on inlet • and Unità di misurazione meccanica monogetto outlet and a sievedel onflusso the inlet • Involucro con filettature esterne, conforme alla norma ISO 228, in ingresso e in uscita, e filtro in ingresso 4 5 6 7 Materials 8 •Materiali Counter housing and flow measuring unit made of plastic MID Certificazione B Classe metrologica 15-20 MID B 3 4 5 6 7 8 Involucro contatore Counter housing Involucro sensore di flusso Flow sensor housing Ingresso con filtro Inlet with sieve Contatore a rulli a otto cifre Eight digit roller counter Coperchio per moduli a pinza Cover for clip on modules Uscita Outlet Freccia di indicazione del flusso Flow arrow Tabella 2. Componenti principali serie EW100 • Housing of singlejet flow sensor made of brass • Involucro del contatore e unità di misurazione del flusso in plastica Approvals • Involucro del sensore del flusso monogetto in ottone Table 1. Approvals EW100 Series Certificazioni DN size Approval Metrological class 15-20 Dimensione DN 2 Tabella 1. Certificazioni serie EW100 2 EN0H-0427GE25 R0313 2 Honeywell y All rights reserved Serie EW100 - Contatori idrici A GETTO SINGOLO DETTAGLI TECNICI Funzionamento Specifiche Mezzo Acqua potabile Temperatura mezzo EW1000: 1…30 °C EW1001: 1…90 °C Temperatura ambiente 1…55 °C Contatore Il contatore può essere letto dall’indicatore a rullo a 8 cifre con unità di misura in m³. Il contatore può essere ruotato per migliorare la leggibilità. Il contatore a rulli riporta cinque cifre e tre cifre decimali. Temperatura di stoccaggio 1…60 °C Sensore di portata Pressione di esercizio max 16 bar Classe di protezione IP54 Processo di misurazione Contatore idrico meccanico compatto con girante e misurazione del volume monogetto Display Contatore a rulli, 8 cifre Unità di misura m³ Classe ambientale (OIML R49) B (contatore fisso, installazione all’interno) Interfacce RF (opzionale, installabile a parte) Interfacce Ai contatori idrici serie EW100 è possibile applicare un modulo RF a capsula. Per ulteriori dettagli sulle interfacce, si rimanda al capitolo “Comunicazione e lettura”. Dati tecnici Dimensione DN 15 Portate conformi agli standard MID l/h (orizzontale) 31 Minimo (Q1) l/h (verticale) 63 Permanente (Q3) m³/h 2,5 Sovraccarico (Q4) m³/h 3,125 orizzontale 80:1 Range dinamico (Q3/Q1) verticale 40:1 Ulteriori dati di portata Portata nominale Qn m³/h 1,5 Portata iniziale l/h <8 Perdita di pressione a Q3 mbar 630 Portata a p = 1 bar m³/h 3,2 La tecnologia monogetto del sensore del flusso garantisce un’elevata precisione di misurazione e un’eccezionale stabilità a lungo termine. La girante è collegata al contatore tramite accoppiamento magnetico. 20 50 100 4 5 80:1 40:1 2,5 <15 630 5,1 Dimensionamento • I contatori idrici serie EW100 devono essere scelti in modo che le portate permanenti dell’impianto siano comprese tra la portata minima (Q1) e la portata permanente (Q3) • La portata non deve essere inferiore a quella minima (Q1) e non deve superare la portata di sovraccarico (Q4) Installazione • A monte e a valle dei contatori serie EW100 non occorrono tratti intermedi • I contatori di tutte le dimensioni possono essere installati in qualunque posizione. In posizione verticale il range dinamico è inferiore • Evitare di installare il contatore nel punto più alto dell’impianto o in un punto dell’impianto in cui l’aria potrebbe rimanere intrappolata nel contatore • Si raccomanda di collocare una valvola a sfera a monte e a valle del contatore, per semplificare eventuali sostituzioni • Durante la misurazione, il contatore deve essere completamente pieno d’acqua Comunicazione e lettura Opzioni di comunicazione Ai contatori idrici serie EW100 è possibile applicare un modulo RF a capsula. I moduli RF consentono l’integrazione del contatore in reti RF progettate per la lettura remota dei ripartitori dei costi del riscaldamento. Sono disponibili due moduli: • EW9106AFZ001 per l’integrazione di un contatore EW100 in una rete RF (“AMR”) • EW9106AFZ002 per l’integrazione di un contatore EW100 in una rete RF (“Walk-By”) EW9106AFZ002 può essere adattato per l’uso in una rete RF “Walk-By”. EW9106AFZ001 non può essere adattato per l’uso in un impianto RF di tipo “Walk-By”. Fare riferimento alle schede dei moduli RF EW9106. Configurazione I contatori serie EW100 non richiedono configurazione. 3 network. EW9106AFZ001 cannot be downgraded for use in a walk by RF system. Also see separate data sheet ‘EW9106 RF Modules’. Serie EW100 - Contatori idrici A GETTO SINGOLO m • Manual readout by visiting meter and reading consumption values off roller counter Setup EW100 Series water meters require no setup. Readout Options • RF: remote readout by attaching meter to a mobile or fixed RF network. For this meter must be equipped with clip on RF module EW9106AFZ001 or EW9106AFZ002 Opzionireadout di lettura • Manual by visiting meter and reading consumption values off roller counter • RF: remote readout by attaching meter to a mobile or fixed Honeywell All rights reserved RF For thistramite meter must beWATER equipped withmisurazione clip on RF •EW100 Lnetwork. ettura ymanuale visualizzazione della SERIES SINGLEJET METERS module or EW9106AFZ002 e del EW9106AFZ001 consumo sul contatore a rullo Identification 3 EN0H-0427GE25 R0313 • R F: lettura remota tramite collegamento del contatore a una rete RF AMR o Walk-By. A tal fine, il contatore deve essere dotato di modulo RF EW9106AFZ001 o EW9106AFZ002 Meter Identification in the Field Identificazione • Transparent round rotatable counter housing permanently EN0H-0427GE25 R0313 fixed to flow sensor housing Identificazione del contatore sul campo • White cover for clip on mount, with blue or red bar (indicating cold or warm water), Honeywell logo and designation • Involucro contatore ruotabile trasparente, fissato permanentemente al corpo del contatore ‘EW100 Series’ • Coperchio bianco con barra blu o rossa (indicante acqua fredda o calda), logo Honeywell e indicazione della serie EW100 Unpainted brass housingè with external threadsi moduli on inletRF andEW9106 •• Sganciando il coperchio possibile installare outlet in ottone non verniciato con filettature esterne all’ingresso e all’uscita • Involucro 3 Front Panel Indicazioni sulContents pannello anteriore 1 9 2 8 1 8 2 7 7 3 6 3 6 4 4 5 5 Fig. 2. Top view of EW100 with front panel elements Fig. 2. EW100: elementi del pannello anteriore Numero Number 1 1 2 32 43 54 65 7 6 8 97 8 9 4 Fig. 3. Top view of EW9106 with front panel elements Fig. 3. EW9106: elementi del pannello anteriore Table 3. Front panel elements Elemento Numero Elemento Element Number Element Numero di serie 1 Involucro trasparente Serial number 1 Transparent housing Contrassegno di certificazione 2 Codice SO (numero d’ordine) Approval mark dinamico 2 OSper Number Flusso permanente Q3 e range 3 Porta IrDA testina(order otticanumber) Permanent flow Q3 and dynamic range 3 IrDA port for use with opto head Numero certificazione MID 4 Logo Honeywell Indicazione serie 5 Marchio CE'Honeywell' e simbolo cassonetto MIDEW100 approval number 4 logomark rifiuti Logo Honeywell 6 Numero di serie con testo codice a barre ‘EW100 Series’ mark 5 CE mark and wheelieebin symbol Pressione e temperatura nominali 7 Indicatore interfaccia IrDA ‘Honeywell’ logomark 6 Serial number as barcode and clear text Contatore a rulli e unità di misura 8 Antenna RF and temperature rating 7 IrDA interface indicator Marchio Pressure CE Roller counter and unit 8 RF antenna Tabella 3. Elementi del pannello anteriore CE mark Serie EW100 - Contatori idrici A GETTO SINGOLO EW100 SERIES SINGLEJET WATER METERS Dimensioni NOTA: • S e non diversamente indicato, tutte le dimensioni sono espresse in mm • Il peso si intende senza raccordi o altri accessori Fig. 4. Dimensions EW100 Series Fig. 4. Dimensioni serie EW100 m unless stated otherwise tings or any other accessories Filettatura Dimensione DNDimensions Lunghezza L Series Altezza H Diametro contatore Table 4. EW100 contatore Length Meter Height Counter diameter Weight 15 80 G 3/4” B 69 65 L thread H 15 G 3/4“ B 110 G 3/4” B 65 69 0.40 kg 65 80 69 110 130 20 G 3/4“ B 130 69 G 1” B G 1“ B 69 Tabella 4. Dimensioni serie EW100 65 69 0.43 kg 65 0.63 kg Peso 0,40 kg 0,43 kg 65 0,63 kg DETTAGLI PER L’ORDINAZIONE Informazioni per l’ordinazione Articolo Dimensione DN Portata Q3 Lunghezza 15 2,5 m³/h 15 20 Contatori idrici monogetto serie EW100 Codice SO per acqua fredda per acqua calda 80 mm EW1000AZ1101 EW1001AZ1101 2,5 m³/h 110 mm EW1000AZ1201 EW1001AZ1201 4 m³/h 130 mm EW1000AZ2001 EW1001AZ2001 Tabella 5. Codici SO (SO = Specifica Ordine) Ambito della fornitura • • • • ontatore idrico serie EW100 C Due guarnizioni Guarnizione e filo di sigillatura Istruzioni per l’installazione e la configurazione 5 • Locking Two paper sealings wire and seal • Two paper sealings EW100 Series 2.5 m³/hQ3 Item DN15size Flowrate • Locking wire andsetup seal instructions Installation and singlejet Scope of Delivery • Locking wire and seal 15 2.5 m³/h Serie EW100 - Contatori idrici A GETTO SINGOLO water meters • Installation and setup instructions •• Installation and setup instructions EW100 water meter 20 4 m³/h EW100Series Series 15 2.5 m³/h singlejet • Two paper sealings Accessori 15 2.5 m³/h Accessories water meters Scope Delivery • Lockingof wire and seal 20 4 m³/h Accessories Kit di collegamento Accessories andwater setupmeter instructions • Installation EW100 Series Connection Sets of Delivery •Scope Two paper sealings Kit con dado a bocchettone, guarnizione e finale in Sets ••Connection Locking wire and seal Set ofcon union nut, sealing and externally threaded brass EW100 Series water meter Connection Sets ottone filettatura esterna (una confezione per ogni tailpiece (one pack per meter required) threaded brass Accessories ••Set Installation and setup instructions of union nut, sealing and externally contatore richiesto) Two sealings Set of paper union nut, sealing and externally threaded brass tailpiece (one pack per meter required) For DN15, 1/2” xrequired) 3/4” EWA1500035 per meter •tailpiece Locking(one wire pack and seal For DN15, DN20, 1/2” 3/4” x 3/4” 1” 80 mm Length EW1000AZ1101 EW1001AZ1101 OS-Number 110 mm EW1000AZ1201 for cold water EW1001AZ1201 for warm water 130 mm 80 mm EW1000AZ2001 EW1000AZ1101 EW1001AZ2001 EW1001AZ1101 110 mm EW1000AZ1201 EW1001AZ1201 EW1000AZ2001 EW1001AZ2001 130 mm Altri accessori Other Accessories Valvola aAccessories sfera con filettatura interna Other Ballvalve with internal threads Other Accessories Ballvalve withDN15, internal threads G1/2” internal thread EWA087HY004 G1/2” filettatura Ballvalve withDN15, internal threads EWA087HY004 internaG1/2” DN15, internal thread EWA087HY004 DN20, G 3/4”internal internalthread thread EWA087HY004 EWA087HY005 DN15, G1/2” DN20, G 3/4” filettatura internal thread EWA087HY005 Other Accessories EWA087HY005 DN20, internaG 3/4” internal thread EWA087HY005 Ballvalve with internal threads Clip on RF modules DN15, G1/2” internal thread EWA087HY004 Moduli RF a capsula Clip on RF modules Fixed network (AMR) EW9106AFZ001 Other Accessories Clip on RF modules DN20, G 3/4” internal thread EWA087HY005 module Fixed network (AMR) EW9106AFZ001 Modulo dithreads rete(AMR) fisso network EW9106AFZ001 Ballvalve withFixed internal EW9106AFZ001 module Mobile network (walk by) EW9106AFZ002 (AMR) module Other Accessories DN15, G1/2” internal thread EWA087HY004 module Mobile network (walk by) EW9106AFZ002 Modulonetwork di rete mobile Mobile (walk by) EW9106AFZ002 EW9106AFZ002 Clip on RFwith modules module DN20, G 3/4” internal thread EWA087HY005 Ballvalve internal threads (walk by) module Fixed network (AMR) thread EW9106AFZ001 DN15, G1/2” internal EWA087HY004 module DN20, G 3/4” internal thread EWA087HY005 Mobile network (walk by) EW9106AFZ002 Clip on RF modules module Fixed network (AMR) EW9106AFZ001 module Clip on RF modules Mobile network (walk by) EW9106AFZ002 Fixed network (AMR) EW9106AFZ001 module module EWA1500035 EWA1500042 EWA1500035 EWA1500035 For DN20, 3/4” x 1” EWA1500042 AccessoriesFor DN20, 3/4” x 1” EWA1500042 Set of union nut, sealing and externally threaded brass Per sealing DN20, 3/4” 1” EWA1500042 tailpiece (onenut, pack per meter Set of union andxrequired) Sanpress red bronze crimp fitting (two packs per meter Accessories Set of union nut, sealing andrequired) Sanpress red bronze crimp For sealing DN15, 1/2” 3/4” EWA1500035 Connection Sets Set of union nut, andxrequired) Sanpress red bronze crimp fitting (two packs per meter For DN15, for 15mm pipe-Øe raccordo VA7404A015 Kit con (two dadopacks a For bocchettone, guarnizione a fitting per meter required) DN20, 3/4” 1” EWA1500042 Set of union nut, sealing andx externally threaded brass pressione in bronzo rossofor Sanpress (due confezioni per For DN15, 15mm pipe-Ø VA7404A015 18mm VA7404A018 tailpiece (oneSets pack per meter required) DN15, for 15mm pipe-Ø VA7404A015 Connection ogni contatore For richiesto) For DN15, for 18mm pipe-Ø VA7404A018 DN20,for 22mm VA7404A020 1/2”18mm x 3/4”pipe-Ø EWA1500035 For DN15, VA7404A018 Set bronze crimp Set of of union union nut, nut, sealing sealing and and Sanpress externallyred threaded brass For DN20, for 22mm pipe-Ø VA7404A020 Per DN15, per22mm For DN20, 3/4” xtubazione 1” EWA1500042 fitting packs per meter required) tailpiece (one pack per meter required) for pipe-Østainless VA7404A020 Set of(two union nut, sealing and Mapress steel VA7404A015 Ø 15packs mm per meter required) crimp For for 15mm VA7404A015 For DN15, DN15, 1/2” x Mapress 3/4”pipe-Østainless EWA1500035 Set of fitting union (two nut, sealing and steel Set of union sealing andtubazione Mapress stainless steel Per DN15, per crimp fittingnut, (two packs per meter required) For DN15, for 15mm pipe-Ø VA7403A015 For DN15, for 18mm pipe-Ø VA7404A018 VA7404A018 For DN20, 3/4” x 1” EWA1500042 crimp (two packs required) Set of fitting union nut, sealing andmeter Sanpress red bronze crimp Ø 18 mm per ForDN20, DN15, for22mm 15mm pipe-Ø VA7403A015 fitting (two packs per meter required) 18mmpipe-Ø VA7403A018 For for VA7404A020 For DN15, for 15mm pipe-Ø VA7403A015 Per DN20, per tubazione VA7404A020 DN15, 18mmpipe-Ø VA7403A018 For DN15, VA7404A015 For DN20, for15mm 22mm pipe-Ø VA7403A020 Ø 22 mm for For DN15, for 18mm pipe-Ø VA7403A018 Set of of union union nut, nut, sealing and Sanpress red bronze crimp Set sealing and Mapress stainless steel ForDN15, DN20, for18mm 22mm pipe-Ø VA7403A020 For for pipe-Ø VA7404A018 fitting (two packs per meter required) crimp meter required) For packs DN20, for 22mm pipe-Ø VA7403A020 Set offitting union(two nut, sealingper and internally threaded red Kitbronze con dado a For bocchettone, guarnizione e raccordo a DN20, for 22mm pipe-Ø VA7404A020 For DN15, for 15mm pipe-Ø VA7404A015 tailpiece (two packs per meter required) For DN15, for 15mm pipe-Ø VA7403A015 Set of union nut, sealing and internally threaded red pressione in acciaio inox Mapress (due confezioni per Set of union nut, sealing and internally threaded red Mobile network (walk by) For DN15, for 18mm pipe-Ø VA7404A018 bronze tailpiece (two packs per meter required) For DN15, thread Rp1/2” VA7405A015 For DN15, for 18mm pipe-Ø VA7403A018 ogni contatore richiesto) bronze tailpiece (two packs per meter required) Set of union nut, sealing and Mapress stainless steel module For DN20, for 22mm pipe-Ø VA7404A020 Forpacks DN15, thread Rp1/2” VA7405A015 crimp fitting (two meter required) VA7403A020 DN20,per Rp3/4” VA7405A020 For DN20, for 22mm pipe-Ø For DN15, thread Rp1/2” VA7405A015 Per DN15, per tubazione ForDN15, DN20,for thread Rp3/4” VA7405A020 For 15mm pipe-Ø VA7403A018 VA7403A015 For DN20, Rp3/4” stainless VA7405A020 Set of of union union nut, nut, sealing and internally Mapress steel Ø 18 mm thread Set sealing and threaded red For(two DN15, for pipe-Ø VA7403A018 crimp fitting (two packs per18mm meter required) bronze tailpiece packs per meter required) NOTE: UnionPer nutsDN20, of connection sets VA7403, VA7404 and per tubazione VA7403A020 For DN20, for pipe-Ø VA7403A020 For DN15, for 22mm 15mm pipe-Ø VA7403A015 VA7405 are not sealable with locking wire. Union nuts Ø 22 mm For DN15, thread Rp1/2” VA7405A015 NOTE: Union nuts of connection sets VA7403, VA7404 and NOTE: Union nuts of connection sets VA7403, VA7404 and of connection set EWA150… are drilled forUnion sealing VA7405 are not sealable with locking wire. nuts For DN15, for 18mm pipe-Ø VA7403A018 For DN20, thread Rp3/4” VA7405A020 VA7405 are not sealable with locking wire. Union nuts with locking wire Set of union nut, sealing and internally red of connection set EWA150… arethreaded drilled for sealing Kit con dado a bocchettone, e finale of connection set EWA150… arerequired) drilled forin sealing For DN20, for guarnizione 22mm pipe-Ø VA7403A020 bronze tailpiece (two packs per meter with locking wire bronzo rosso con filettatura interna (una confezione per with locking wire For DN15, thread Rp1/2” VA7405A015 ogni richiesto) Set contatore of union and internally threaded red and NOTE: Unionnut, nutssealing of connection sets VA7403, VA7404 Environmental and Combustion Controls For DN20, thread Rp3/4” VA7405A020 bronze tailpiece (two perwith meter required) VA7405 are notpacks sealable locking wire. Union nuts of connection set EWA150… are drilledEN0H-0427GE25 for sealing R0313 Environmental and Combustion Controls Honeywell GmbH Per DN15, filettatura For thread Rp1/2” VA7405A015 Environmental andDN15, Combustion Controls VA7405A015 March 2013 (Rev. C) with locking wire Rp1/2” EN0H-0427GE25 Honeywell GmbH Hardhofweg ©VA7405A020 2013 HoneywellR0313 International Inc. For DN20, thread Rp3/4” EN0H-0427GE25 R0313 Honeywell GmbH March 2013 (Rev. C) NOTE: Union nuts of connection sets VA7403, VA7404 and Subject to change without notice Per DN20, filettatura March 2013 (Rev. C) Hardhofweg 74821 MOSBACH © 2013 Honeywell International Inc. Manufactured for and on behalf of the Environmental and VA7405 are not sealable with lockingVA7405A020 wire. Union nuts Hardhofweg ©Subject 2013 Honeywell International Inc. Rp3/4” to change without notice Combustion Controls Division of Honeywell Technologies 74821 MOSBACH GERMANY of connection set EWA150… are drilled for sealing Subject to change without notice Manufactured for and behalf of the Environmental and 74821 MOSBACH Sàrl, Z.A. La Pièce 16,on 1180 Rolle, Switzerland or its AuthoEnvironmental and of Combustion Manufactured forand and on behalfof ofHoneywell the Environmental and with locking wire NOTE: Union nuts connection Controls sets VA7403, VA7404 Combustion Controls Division Technologies GERMANY rized Representative. Phone: +49 (6261) 810 Combustion Controls Division of Honeywell Technologies GERMANY Sàrl, Z.A. La Pièce 16, 1180 Rolle, Switzerland or its AuthoEN0H-0427GE25 R0313 Honeywell GmbH are not sealable with locking wire. VA7405 Union nuts Sàrl, La Pièce 16, 1180 Rolle, Switzerland or its AuthorizedZ.A. Representative. Phone: (6261) 810set EWA150… are drilled Fax: +49+49 (6261) 81393 March 2013 (Rev. C) of connection for sealing NOTA: I dadi a bocchettone dei kit di collegamento rized Representative. Phone: +49 (6261) 810 Hardhofweg 2013 Honeywell International Inc. with locking wire e VA7405 non sono ©Subject Fax: +49 (6261) 81393 VA7403, VA7404 piombabili. to change without notice Fax: +49 (6261) 81393 74821 MOSBACH Environmental and Combustion for and on behalf of the Environmental and I dadi a bocchettone del kitControls EWA150…Manufactured sono forati Combustion Controls Division of Honeywell Technologies GERMANY EN0H-0427GE25 R0313 Honeywell perGmbH la piombatura. Sàrl, Z.A. La Pièce 16, 1180 Rolle, Switzerland or its AuthoMarch 2013 (Rev. C) Representative. Phone: +49 (6261) 810 Hardhofweg © 2013 Honeywell International Inc. Environmental and Combustion Controls rized • Installation and instructions Persetup DN15, 1/2”xx3/4” 3/4” For DN15, 1/2” Connection Sets Fax: +49 (6261) 81393 74821 MOSBACH Honeywell GmbH GERMANY Hardhofweg Phone: +49 (6261) 810 74821 MOSBACH Fax: +49 (6261) 81393 GERMANY Phone: +49 (6261) 810 Subject to change without notice EN0H-0427GE25 R0313 Manufactured for and on behalf of the Environmental and March 2013 Controls (Rev. C) Division of Honeywell Technologies Combustion © 2013 International Inc. Sàrl, Z.A.Honeywell La Pièce 16, 1180 Rolle, Switzerland or its AuthoSubject to change without notice rized Representative. Manufactured for and on behalf of the Environmental and Combustion Controls Division of Honeywell Technologies Sàrl, Z.A. La Pièce 16, 1180 Rolle, Switzerland or its Authorized Representative. Fax: +49 (6261) 81393 Honeywell Srl Via Philips 12 20900 Monza (MB) Tel: 039 2165 1 Fax: 039 2165402 IT0H0A93-IT01R0613 EW9106AFZ002
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