Corsi di laurea a.a. 2015-2016 Bachelor programs 2015-2016 a.y. Richiesta modifica dati inseriti nella domanda di ammissione online Form to modify information entered in the online application USERNAME __________ Indica l’application per la quale chiedi la modifica tick the application for wich you want to ask the change T0201 Candidati Italiani – Sessione invernale T0101 International candidates – Winter session T0501 World Bachelor in Business Io sottoscritto _________________________ I,the undersigned cognome surname _________________________ nome name voglio modificare dati / upload relativi a: I would like to change the following data / upload: (indica con un✓- tick with a ✓) DATI ANAGRAFICI / DOCUMENTO IDENTITA’ PERSONAL DATA / ID CARD or PASSPORT SCUOLA SUPERIORE HIGH SCHOOL UNIVERSITA’ UNIVERSITY se sei iscritto in un altro ateneo if you have enrolled at university VOTI MARKS SCELTA CORSI PROGRAM CHOICE TEST ATTITUDINALE APTITUDE TEST da test Bocconi a SAT/ACT, e viceversa from Bocconi test to SAT/ACT, and vice versa Data ______________ Date ___________________________ firma signature Compila, firma e invia questo modulo con copia del tuo documento di identità a [email protected], indicando in oggetto: Codice application, USERNAME e Cognome. Please fill out, sign and send this form with a copy of ID card or passport to [email protected]. Please write in the object: Application Code, Username and Surname.
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