scH IRMER'S LIBRARY OF M USICAL c LAS S ICS Vol. l4l (t?'u\ - tK6) GIUSEPPE CONCONE Op. 25 Fifteen Studies in Style ond Expression For the Piono Edited ond Fingered by LOUIS OESTERLE G. SCHIRMER New York/London CoPyright, 19fi),.bY G. Schirmer, lnc' Copyright renowal assigned, 1928, to G. Schirmer, lnc' fth.a b *' U' 3 A' Quinze Fifteen Etudes de Genre et d'Expression. Studies in Style and Expression. I La Frileuse. Edited and fingered Robin Redbreast. b_y Lottis Oesterle. Qiuseppe Concone. Op. P5. Vivo quasi Presto. 5 3 Moderato. 3 lrrtYl ylvtfV Alleg:ro g'iusto.(J = ur) YIYI' Ytfrtr Coggrtlht, 7000, bg 6. BcAirmer-(Inc.) Co7grr\ht rcruual assigrud, l02Erto e. Bcliqrr 6rc.) ?rlntcdbthcU'S' A' lllllt r I tV I I I Y/-\t I 2 dp. -'/ ' '' tln tn #'.:in?t ln I .l 3-11 r ll,r hli ,,7lJlJJ 41 4r a 7 tt lnf It I L. L. 1) lb l I l I 'l l l I I f t '{ v t tt llrlll I TVY n .6 Les Moissonneurs. The ReaPers. . Le Rriveil. The Arvakening. I r\Ioderato.(r = 1641 I Allegro giusto.{J.= rrr) xL:?5 * 6 I Pribre. PraYerWhile passing a monasterY-. \ t * on ob' Aoia. *^ob' ee. l-'\---l f<___r.. . r_r, F-=r' {.o ilI Conte dEnfant. Fairy- tale. Prelude. +tv lr Ea.* rl Allegretto eon moto.(J = sal Melorlv marked; accompauiment distiilet. 5 *ta.f*.ta. iiglo*, "t.----) ry Melancolie. Melancholy. Lento. :[rDl:r { H Presto. ffilr Andante sostenuto. d np l2 = on) molto espressiao lg-il*-s -t rl r?Fl- P 6U poco riten. II - :> ff, tf dzmin' ifrrci t --- - >:>-> aa ngf ^3\ espressirso con anima Ea. :.. noeo animando :,f=. t qa. - a?>', 3 B 2 fFG; ,/;-. l. -?\. 4 t63t7 c ta. 9a-. Andante sostenuto. p r) added grace note. 6 .16 v .\ Alleg'retto vivo. ( ) = rco.) 4-44 Preludc. Alleg'retto grazioso. ()= Eaenly and lightly. roo.) Les Papillons. (Butterflies) ---4 5 \ a---------: VI 18 Doux Souvenirs. (Sweet Memories.) Moderato quasi lento. p'dolce Prolude. eres'c. ed auimando - 6U \7 qa. Andante amabile.d=ee) Ifolto espres.siuo sz-',--'T-' 6 p dolce ?.- l-jil^ ; s-3 \ t6m?o a, -8 F} 3 p 4-Fe r3-!l+4 h \:> I1a----. ---.. - p {tE.5 r F'l-Fa cresc. ed animand, Ea. * ru con grazia G --\ .-1f-'-----'I -.? -_G- .<a:iFa + --'.'- espress. pl. vII Anxi6t6. (Anxiety.) Alleg'ro risoiuto. Prelude. Alleg'ro agitato. (J = ,,..) lten marcata la melodfa -x1tJ. Ea. qa. 4. *+ +; This accent I'as orig.inally placed over d in the 1s-t and 3n1d * measures only' J} '+! ^dh 3 16817 qa. vilr F,6verie. (Reverie.) P".r"d..l o Andante un poco mosso. (J=g*) sempre leg:ita la melodza 28 8a. qa. 5 3 -.l qa. * :.-\ Ea. ED. to*, b * lt Ea. N -tF 5 t .ib. ,.=:Z.\.- :---..'i^. Ea. -* 2t d I-J.J ,P dtm. LJ.J b*----------- ,[JJ a: IJJ-J 'ttrtti m LLJ Ll r 1 f ryl s o tt3l7 qa. * 26 ,IX La Ronde des Archers. (The Archers' Patrol.) Moderato quasi alleg'retto . ()=rc+t Pr.l"d..l Wrv!vv \ I t. I I Y t t 28 x Marche Triomphale. (Triumphat March.) P".r.d*{ '7t'r 2'3 2 Tempo di marcia. 29 qa.* *a.x ^ ll- a) r- v rtStt el s I ',' I ; E^ t^ 9a.* 3,-._- 4 r- rrrlA :' ,u, ! qa.* . itra'-i' p Hll fTE O l= Ea.* 9a* : n-1.4 A e9 r F I I I Ea.----= 6----------___- + 6sc io Ea. * Ea. r. ll . 82 x,I La Brise dans Ia Feuillde. Murmuring Leaves. Prelud.e. ra.ll. Allegretto con moto. FJr exercising'the +tlt and stlt fi assai $\j \\i i\i b t4 U ( p tl8t7 e sempre dim. XII L'Hirondelle. (The Swa11ow.) 8-"'"----'"----' %A[.**o moderatf assai. rJhol Pla.u wtth, Ioghtness, neatness, and' decesfon fr',v 4o A -- 2l p I VT ll I oi' sfti,r,T' ( I xilI Allegro giusto. P"rI.d..l a 37 Nuit 6toil6u. (Starry Night.) D __ 'Acon dolcezxa? F-€ TT ? -4 dolce con delalcatezxa Andante sempre sostenuto. d I tranatrz P 'z = roo) '38 I -T--- t'3 qa * > b ft gem?re a mez,4a aoce ffihHb,hr.r eon deltbalezza s xIv r+O La Fantasque. (The Phantast) Allegro assai quasi presto. d.=oo) t??, FFF rrr r c.Q2. ll- C. f Fr r J- J- .{llegro assai. LTstesso il t68t7 tem7oo;. "r' r-+ - ?. F 'Jil ll8r7 ) I I .44 xv Les Vagues. (The Waves) Allegro g:iusto. (J = e+.) rc lLr) '48 IF 1E 'E ,--\ {sta tzZ ._t ti- G -sBb t:+ I I ItrE cfcsc. tlrglT ?T W qr efre ' i' eresc. xVt* <:> =*\b* + t \lj AA --^ i i A
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