STUDIAMO LA STRUTTURA:dalla microscopia alla diffrazione Maria Grazia Betti MICROSCOPIA: come guardare atomi e nanostrutture? GRAFITE 1cm Occhio umano 10µm microscopio ottico 0.1µm microscopio elettronico . 0.1nm 1nm microscopio a scansione Metodi di scrittura nanoscopica Metodi di scrittura nanoscopica: linguaggio binario Metodi di scrittura microscopica Dallo spazio diretto allo spazio reciproco: lo studio delle strutture ordinate La diffrazione di raggi X e di elettroni Reticolo di Bravais Un reticolo di Bravais specifica l’arrangiamento periodico in cui le unità elementari del cristallo sono disposte. Tali unità possono essere singoli atomi, gruppi di atomi, molecole, ioni, ecc. Definizioni: -Un reticolo di Bravais è una schiera infinita di punti discreti con una disposizione e un’orientazione che appare la stessa da qualsiasi dei punti la schiera sia vista. - Un reticolo di Bravais è formato da tutti i punti con vettori posizione della forma: R = n1a1 + n2 a2 + n3 a3 ai ni interi sono detti vettori primitivi The 14 Bravais Lattices in 3D 3D crystal structures CsCl, 2 at/un.cell: (000)a, (1/2,1/2,1/2)a simple cubic Li, Na, …, Cr, Nb, V, W, …1 at/un.cell body centered cubic Cu, Ag, Au,…, Ni, Pd, … , Ne, Ar, …,1 at/un.cell NaCl, 2 at/un.cell: (000)a, (1/2,1/2,1/2)a ZnS 2 fcc : (000)a, (1/4,1/4,1/4)a face centered cubic face centered cubic 3D crystal structures C, Si, Ge 2 fcc : (000)a, (1/4,1/4,1/4)a GaAs, ZnS 2 fcc : (000)a, (1/4,1/4,1/4)a a2 φ a1 Oblique (p) net |a1|≠|a2| φ≠90° 2D Bravais Nets and Unit Meshes Rectangular (c) net |a1|≠|a2| φ=90° a1’ a2 φ a1 Rectangular (p) net |a1|≠|a2| φ=90° a2’ φ a2 φ a1 Primitive cell |a1’|≠|a2’| φ≠90° Unit cell a1 a2 a2 φ a1 Square (p) net |a1|=|a2| φ=90° φ Hexagonal (p) net |a1|=|a2| φ=120° Cella primitiva di Wigner-Seitz Cella unitaria è una cella che riempie tutto il cristallo per operazioni di traslazione, anche con sovrapposizioni. La cella primitiva è la più piccola cella unitaria ossia la cella unitaria di volume minimo. Per costruzione, contiene un solo punto reticolare e i soli atomi della base. Spesso i vettori di traslazione primitivi vengono usati per definire gli assi cristallografici, che formano i tre spigoli adiacenti di un parallelepipedo. A volte si usano assi non primitivi, quando sono più convenienti o più semplici. Reticolo di Bravais in 3D: celle unitarie convenzionali e celle unitarie primitive 2D Crystallography: 2D Point Groups SIMMETRIE TRASLAZIONALE E ROTAZIONALE 120o THREE-FOLD 3D reciprocal lattice In crystallography, the reciprocal lattice of a Bravais lattice is the set of all vectors K such that real and reciprocal space Bragg's law (1913): Interference pattern of X-rays scattered by long range ordered structures. n λ =2dsinθ The path difference is 2dsinθ where θ is the incidence angle Von Laue ei(k’-k)R=1 se k’-k=G (k’-k)R=2πm where R is a Bravais lattice vector PROBE: ions, electrons, neutrons, protons, with a wavelength comparable to the distance between the atomic or molecular structures. Fundamentals of Diffraction Techniques in 3D Space Diffraction techniques require a long-range translational symmetry of the system giving access to the reciprocal lattice. The diffraction process satisfies conservation of energy and momentum but for the addition of any reciprocal lattice vector. For a 3D-system: k = (k ) ' k =k +ghkl 2 ' 2 Conservation of Energy Conservation of Momentum The diffracted beams are characterized by the points of the points of the reciprocal lattice. The wavelength of the projectile particle must be of the same order of magnitude of the interplanar spacings of the solid. Fundamentals of Diffraction Techniques Ewald Sphere Construction in 3D Reciprocal Space 2π 2mE k= = λ h2 12 1) A vector k is drawn terminating at the origin of the reciprocal space 2) A sphere of radius k is constructed about the beginning of k 3) For any point at which the sphere passes through a reciprocal lattice point, a line to this point from the center of the sphere represents a diffracted beam k’ 4) Notice the reciprocal lattice vector ghkl Fundamentals of Diffraction Techniques k = (k 2 ) ' 2 2 2 ' 2 ' 2 k k k|| + k⊥ || + ⊥= ' k =k +ghkl Conservation of Energy Conservation of Momentum The indexing of the diffracted beams is, by convention, referenced to the substrate real and reciprocal net. . Collecting Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction Data De te c to r Z be a m ω γ d nt be a α m D iff ra ct e Inci de I(q) acted r f f i D be ion t c e j ro am p δ Specular beam q = kd - ki ' k =k +ghkl d i Bragg 2dsinθ=nλ Each sum is peaked at 2np/ai and tends in the limit of large Ni value, to a periodic array of d-functions with a spacing of 2p/ai. N 1 q ⋅ R n = 2 nπ ∑n = 0 exp( iq ⋅ ( n1a1 + n2 a 2 + n3a3 ) ) = 0 q ⋅ R ≠ 2nπ n 1 N1 − 1 The diffracted intensity from a crystal has the special property of being confined along specific, well-defined directions and is the product of three orthogonal, periodic δ-function arrays. The momentum transfer q has to simultaneuosly meet the three following conditions for the intensity to be at the maximum: q ⋅ a 1 = 2π ⋅ h q ⋅ a 2 = 2π ⋅ k q ⋅ a = 2π ⋅ l 3 with h, k and l integer values. The three conditions can be simultaneously satisfied by Q vectors which represent the reciprocal lattice points. Since the Q vectors are a set of translation vectors in the reciprocal space corresponding to the real space crystal structure given by Rn, the Laue condition simply states that the maximum scattered intensity occurs at the reciprocal lattice points of the real space crystal structure. Intensity Distribution Atoms are never residing at fixed lattice sites, they are thermally vibrating around an average position. If we include a Debye-Waller factor in the structure factor to consider thermal N1 − 1 N 2 − 1N 3 − 1 vibrations: A f = Ae F ( q ) ∑ exp( iq ⋅ Rn ) = Ae F ( q ) ∑ ∑ ∑ n1 = 0 n2 = 0 n3 = 0 n1,n 2 ,n 3 exp( iq ⋅ ( n1a 1 + n2 a 2 + n3a 3 ) ) where Mj is the Debye Waller factor associated to the j-th atom: F ( q) = Nc ∑ j= 1 M j = 8π f j ( q ) exp( iq ⋅ r j ) exp( − M j ) 2 u 2 j sin θ sin θ = Bj 2 2 λ λ 2 2 Classical approximation: Scattering Amplitude X-ray scattering cross sections are weak the intensity of the scattered beam is negligible compared to that of the incident one. the incident wave is constant in the whole diffracting volume. multiple scattering is not considered. The kinematic approximation of single scattering is valid (1st Born approximation) Introducing the electron density in the material ρtot(r), the total scattered amplitude for elastic scattering is given by the coherent addition of the waves scattered by the electrons: A(q) q = k d − k i scattering vector, waves with A(q) = ∫ ρ tot ( r ) e − iq.r d 3r ki and kd wave vectors for the incident and scattered ki = k d = 2π / λ ρ tot ( r ) = ∑ ρ j ( r − r j ) The material is a collection of j atoms at positions rj j where ρj(r) is the electron distribution for atom j A(q) = ∑ j ( ) − iq.r 3 ρ r − r e d r= j j ∫ ∑ j − iq.u 3 ( ) ρ u e d ue j ∫ − iq.r j = ∑ fj e − iq.r j j Introducing the atomic form factor : f j0 ( q ) = − i q .u 3 ( ) ρ u e d u ∫ j |q| I(q) Strategy I (hkl ) ∝ F hkl 2 ∆qFWHM=2/Lc Lc =2/ ∆qFWHM Measuring the peak maximum is not reliable De te c to r One measures the integrated intensity by Rocking the sample in front of the detector Z ω α γ δ q D =2π/∆qFWHM = πLc Requirements for a good data set Diffractometer degrees of freedom grazing angle α sample rotation axis ω Detector in-plane rotation δ Detector out of plane rotation γ Accurate data normalization Instrument resolution function Sample size effects DE BROGLIE c E = hν = h λ c E = hν = h λ h λ = mv DAVISSON E GERMER Le particelle si comportano come onde con λ=h/mv e vengono diffratte hk2/2m electrons Sonda e- lento Massa (g) 9 x 10-28 Velocità (m/s) 1.0 λ (m) 7 x 10-4 e- veloce 9 x 10-28 5.9 x 106 1 x10-10 Inelastic Mean Free Path (nm) 10 Inelastic Mean Free Path of Electrons vs. Kinetic Energy 5 1.0 0.5 50 100 500 1000 5000 1000 Kinetic Energy (eV) The inelastic mean free path of excited electrons in solids is very short with respect to the inter-atomic distance. How the emission of elastically scattered electrons decays as a function of depth (z) Excited Electron Solid Surface θ 0 1-st z3 2-nd 3-rd 4-th 5-th z Excited Atom Solid Fundamentals of Diffraction Techniques Ewald Sphere Construction in 2D Reciprocal Space Notice that the reciprocal lattice is now replaced by infinite reciprocal lattice rods perpendicular to the surface and passing through the reciprocal net points 1) At surfaces 2D translational symmetry holds thereby only the wave vector parallel to the surface is conserved with the addition of a reciprocal net vector 2) The procedure of Ewald sphere construction is similar to the 3D case 3) The dashed scattered wave vectors propagate into the solid and are not observable Fundamentals of Diffraction Techniques in 2D Space k = (k ) 2 2 ' 2 ' 2 k k k|| + k⊥ || + ⊥= Conservation of Energy ' k || =k|| +ghk Conservation of Momentum 2 k⊥ ' 2 is not conserved since the translational symmetry normal to the surface is now broken The indexing of the diffracted beams is, by convention, referenced to the substrate real and reciprocal net. If the selvedge or adsorbate structures have larger periodicities, the surface reciprocal net is smaller than that of the substrate alone. The extra reciprocal net points and associated diffracted beams are dnoted by fractional rather than integral indices. LEED: How the Surface Meshes in the Real Space and in the Reciprocal Space Correspond Each Other Laue Conditions a1 • (s - s0) = n1 λ a2 • (s - s0) = n2 λ s00 s0 s01 a1 a2 b1 b2 s11 s01 ∆ s / λ = n 1 b1 + n2 b2 (ai • bj = δij) LEED: A Series of Observations To a first approximation, the single scattering formalism (kinematical approximation) is adopted. The incident electron is described as a plane wave and the amplitude of the outgoing electron is given by the coherent sum of scattering from each atom A e x p i∆ k⋅A fj e x p i∆ k⋅r ( ) ( ∑ ∑ ∑ ∆ k= j) n m A ∆k A fj rj j Amplitude of the outgoing electron Real surface net vector Atomic scattering factor Position vector within a surface unit mesh n, m Indices of surface meshes LEED: A Series of Observations 1) The atomic scattering cross section (fj) involves a phase shift (also dependent on k) and is thus complex 2) the incident wave is exponentially attenuated in the solid 3) Since atom-electron scattering cross sections can be very large (≈ 1 Å2, i.e. 1010 times larger than in X-ray diffraction), multiple scattering must be included. This means that each incident electron is treated a a superposition of the primary wave and the scattered waves A expi k⋅A F (∆ ) ∑ ∑ ∆ k= ∆ k n m F∆k =∑ fj expi∆ (k⋅rj ) j Geometrical structure factor Calculated Diffraction Intensities Spot Separation Halfwidth (relative to 2π/a) One atom ∞ ∞ Two atoms (distance a) 1 1/2 1 1/N N atoms in a row (regular distance a) Several (M) groups of N atoms each (regularly spaced) [distance of group centers (N+1/2)a] Several groups of varying size (arranged as in (d)) N atoms randomly distributed over 2N regular sites 1/[N+(1/2)] 1/{M[N+(1/2)]} 1 dependening on spot size and mixture 1 1/(2N) Real Space Reciprocal Space Si(111)(7x7) Examples of LEED Patterns (a) Si(111) (7x7) (b) GaAs(110) (c) Sr2CuO2Cl2 Notice that the LEED spots span a variety of relative intensities Examples of LEED Patterns ) Si(111) (7x7) ) Si(111) (5x5) Examples of LEED Patterns local order by STM c(2x6) K-InAs(110) long-range order by LEED GRAFENE: Super-reticoli in 2D Dalle dimensioni del cristallo…. ….alla fase amorfa Dal solido al liquido A(q) = ∑ ∫ ρ j ( r − r j )e j − iq.r 3 d r= ∑ ∫ ρ j ( u) e j − iq.u 3 d ue − iq.r j = ∑ j fj e − iq.r j Dal solido al liquido A(q) = ∑ ∫ ρ j ( r − r j )e j − iq.r 3 d r= ∑ ∫ ρ j ( u) e j − iq.u 3 d ue − iq.r j = ∑ j fj e − iq.r j Da sistemi “semplici”a sistemi “complessi”
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