European Federation of Cytology Societies 4tu Annual Tutorial in Cytopathology Trieste, June 66-10, 2011 NON HODGKIN LYMPHOMA (NHL) NHL Classification The World Health Organization Classification of Lymphomas (2001) B-CELL B CELL NEOPLASMS T-CELL T CELL AND NK NK-CELL CELL NEOPLASMS Precursor B cell neoplasm •Precursor B-lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma •Precursor Precursor B-cell B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia Precursor T-cell neoplasm •Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia •Precursor Precursor T-cell T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia Mature (peripheral) B-cell neoplasms •B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia/ small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL/CLL) •B-cell B ll prolymphocytic l h ti lleukemia k i Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma (LPCL) •Splenic marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (with/without villous lymphocytes) •Hairy cell leukemia •Plasma cell myeloma/plasmacytoma •Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of MALT type (MALT) •Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (with/without monocytoid Bcells) (MZL) •Follicular lymphoma (FL) •Mantle-cell lymphoma (MCL) •Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) •Burkitt lymphoma/Burkitt cell leukemia (BL) Mature (peripheral) T-cell neoplasms •T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia •T-cell granular lymphocytic leukemia •NK-cell NK ll llymphomaleukemia h l k i (NKL) •Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia (HTLV-1 positive) •Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type •Enteropathy-type E t th t T-cell T ll llymphoma h •Hepatosplenic gamma-delta T-cell lymphoma •Subcutaneous panniculities-like T-cell lymphoma •Mycosis fungoides/Sezarysyndrome •Anaplastic A l ti llarge-cellll llymphoma, h T/ T/nullll cell, ll primary cutaneous type •Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not otherwise characterized (PTL) •Angioimmunoblastic A i i bl ti T T-cellll llymphoma h •Anaplastic large-cell lymphoma, T/null cell, primary systemic type Cytology, phenotype (FC), IGH quantitative assessment (PCR), l h ( ) ( ) IGH integrity evaluation (FISH) of lymphoid cells IGH probe, split signal Dipartimento di Scienze Biomorfologiche e Funzionali, Università di Napoli “Federico II” IT • IGH (14q32) is the most frequently involved in different translocations of B‐cell NHL t (14;18)(q32;q21) in FL and a subset of DLBCL t (14;18)(q32;q21) in FL and a subset of DLBCL t (11;14)(q13;q32) in MCL t (q14;q32) in 60 % in MM with different chromosomal partners t (9;14)(p13;q32) in 50% of LPCL and some cases of MZL t (8;14)(q24;q32) in 100% of BL • The The IGH FISH DNA probe, split signal, is a mixture of two fluorochrome: IGH FISH DNA probe, split signal, is a mixture of two fluorochrome: the green labelled DNA probe that binds to a 612 kb telomeric segment, and the red labelled that binds to a 460 kb centromeric segment, to the IGH breakpoint • Therefore IGH FISH DNA probe probe, split signal should detect any breakage involving the IGH locus at chromosome 14q32. Dipartimento di Scienze Biomorfologiche e Funzionali, Università di Napoli “Federico II” IT Indirect FC markers of malignancy g y CD5/CD19 co‐expression / p g CD19/CD10 co‐expression in >50% of the gated cells Dipartimento di Scienze Biomorfologiche e Funzionali, Università di Napoli “Federico II” IT ICC-FC sub-classification of small/medium cell size NHL phenotype LPCL SLL CLL MCL FL MZL/ MALT SNCL PTL NKL k:λ>4:1 or <1:3 + + + + + +/ +/- - - CD19/CD5+ - + + - - - - - C CD19/CD10+ /C - - - + - + - - CD19/CD23+ +/- + - - - - - - CD19/FMC7+ +/- - + +/- - - - - CD19/CD38+ + - - - - - - - bcl-2+/CD10 - - - + - - - - CD4+/CD8- or CD4-/CD8+ - - - - - - + - CD5+ CD19- - - - - - - + - CD2/CD3+CD7- or CD2/CD7+CD3- - - - - - - + - CD3+/- CD56+ CD19- - - - - - - - + Chronic lymphatic leukaemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL) • • • • • • Incidence: 7-8% 7 8% of all NHL. NHL Cytology: Smears show monotonous, dispersed cell populations composed of small lymphocytes with clumped chromatin and occasional small, occasional, small nucleoli; mitoses are absent or rare. rare Accelerate phases of CLL/SLL show larger, nucleolated, cells (paraimmunoblasts) and mitoses, and should not be confused with Richter’s syndrome, which is a large-cell “histiocytic” lymphoma arising i i on a CLL/SLL background. b k d ICC: light chain restriction, CD5+, CD20+, CD23+; Ki 67 is positive in a small percentage of the cells. FC CD5/CD19+, FC: CD5/CD19 CD19/CD23+, CD19/CD23 CD19+/CD10-, CD19 /CD10 κ or λ light li ht chain h i restriction. FISH: trisomy 12, 11q22 (ATM), 12, 13q14.3, 13q34.3 (LAMP1), and 17p13 1 (p53) as prognostic markers. 17p13.1 markers Differential diagnosis: Non-specific hyperplasia ML, FL, MZL. Chronic lymphatic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL) CLL/SLL: A monotonous monomorphous cell population of small lymphocytes with clumped chromatin and occasional, small, nucleoli. Chronic lymphatic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL/CLL) SLL/CLL cy: a monomorphic, dispersed cell population composed by small lymphocytes and occasional larger nuclei nuclei. “glandular glandular bodies”)are bodies )are present in the background background. ICC of SLL/CLL on cytospins y showing negativity for lambda and positivity for kappa light chains (peroxidase/anti peroxidase immunostain) lambda kappa Chronic lymphatic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL) CLL/SLL: FNA smear and corresponding FC showing CD19/CD5 and CD19/CD23 coexpression and kappa light chain restriction. Chronic lymphatic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL) Dipartimento di Scienze Biomorfologiche e Funzionali, Università di Napoli “Federico II” IT Lymphoplasmacytoid Lymphoma, Immunocytoma (LPCL) • • • • • Incidence: 1-2% 1 2% of all NHL. NHL Cytology: dispersed cell population composed of small lymphocytes with plasmacytoid differentiation; mature plasma cells are also present. ICC: CD20+, CD5-,CD10-, CD23-, Ki67+ in a variable percentage (10-20%) of cells. cells FC: CD5-/CD19+, CD19+/CD23+, CD19+/CD10-, CD19+/CD38+, κ or λ light chain restriction. Differential diagnosis: Non-specific hyperplasia, SLL/CLL. Lymphoplasmacytoid Lymphoma, Immunocytoma (LPCL) LPCL dispersed small lymphocytes with clumped chromatin and plasmacytoid differentiation Lymphoplasmacytoid Lymphoma (LPCL) Dipartimento di Scienze Biomorfologiche e Funzionali, Università di Napoli “Federico II” IT Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) • • • • • • Incidence: 7-10% of all NHL. C t l Cytology: di dispersed d cellll population l ti composed d off small/medium-size ll/ di i lymphocytes with irregular nuclei and a thin rim of pale cytoplasm. Nuclei may have slightly irregular shape, clumped chromatin and small nucleoli, nucleoli or may be cleaved. cleaved Mitoses are scanty whereas they may be numerous in the “blastoid” variant ICC. CD20+, CD5+,CD10-, CD23-, Ki67+ in a variable percentage ((10-20%)) of the cells. FC: CD5+/CD19+, CD19/FMC7+, CD19+/CD23-, CD19+/CD10-, κ or λ light chain restriction. ( )(q q ) FISH: t(11;14)(q13;q32). Differential diagnosis: Non-specific hyperplasia, SLL/CLL,FL, MZL. Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) MCL: dispersed cell population composed by medium-size lymphocytes. Nuclei may be slightly irregular in shape or cleaved and have clumped chromatin and small nucleoli nucleoli. Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) Cyclin D1 - bcl-1 MCL: dispersed cell population composed by medium-size lymphocytes with irregular nuclei. Nuclei are slightly irregular in shape or cleaved and have clumped chromatin and small nucleoli nucleoli. MCL: nuclear positivity for cyclin D1. Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) Ki67 MCL: Medium-size lymphocytes with irregular nuclei and clumped chromatin. Frequent mitoses may be seen. MCL: Ki67 immunostain may shows nuclear positivity in a high percentage e of cells. Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) MCL: Medium-size lymphocytes with irregular nuclei and clumped chromatin. Nuclei may show a kind of moulded pattern. . MCL: FISH demonstration of t(11;14)(q13;q32): locus 14q32 (IGH) is labelled in green and locus 11q13 ((CNDD1/PRAD1)) is labelled in orange. Note fusion signals (yellow) in which the green signals overlap the orange signals. Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) FC of MCL showing CD19/CD5 and CD19/FMC7 co-expression and lambda light chain restriction. Follicular lymphoma (FL) • • • • • • Incidence: 22-30% of all NHL. Cytology: dispersed cell population of medium- to large-size lymphocytes, with irregular nuclei and a thin rim of pale cytoplasm. Nuclei may have irregular shape,clumped chromatin and inconspicuous nucleoli in grade I, or large nucleiand two or more marginal nucleoli in grades II and III. III ICC: CD20+,CD5-,CD10+,CD23-,Ki67+ in a variable % of the cells. FC: CD5-/CD19+, CD19+/FMC7+, CD19+/CD23-, CD19+/CD10+, CD10/bcl 2+ κ or λ light chain restriction. CD10/bcl-2+, restriction FISH: t(14;18)(q32;q21). Differential diagnosis: Non-specific hyperplasia, SLL/CLL,MCL. Phenotype Follicular lymphoma (FL) Low-grade FL: a monotonous population of small lymphocytes with clumped chromatin and inconspicuous nucleoli. Scattered large cells are present in the background. Low-grade FL: Ki-67 show positivity in a relative small percentage of the cells. Follicular lymphoma (FL) Low-grade FL: a monotonous population of small lymphocytes with clumped chromatin and inconspicuous nucleoli. Scattered large cells are present in the background. Low-grade FL: Ki-67 show positivity in a relative small percentage of the cells. Follicular lymphoma (FL) Intermediate-grade Intermediate grade FL: a relative monomorphous population of medium medium-sized sized lymphocytes with clumped chromatin, nuclear abnormalities and one or more nucleoli. intermediate-grade FL: Ki-67 show positivity in a large percentage of the cells. Follicular lymphoma (FL) High-grade FL: a relative monomorphous population of large lymphoid cells with dispersed chromatin, nuclear abnormalities and one or more large nucleoli. High-grade FL: Ki-67 show positivity in almost all the large cells present in the smear. Follicular lymphoma (FL) High-grade Hi h d FL FL: a relative l ti polymprphous l h population l ti off llarge llymphoid h id cells ll with ith di dispersed d chromatin, nuclear abnormalities and one or more large nucleoli. Scattered small lymphocytes are present in the background. Follicular lymphoma (FL) Low--grade FL Low High--grade FL High FC of FL showing CD19/CD10 co-expression, bcl-2 overexpression and kappa light chain restriction. Follicular lymphoma (FL) FL: a relative polymorphous population of medium medium-sized sized lymphocytes with dispersed chromatin, nuclear abnormalities, and one or more small nucleoli. FC shows CD10/bcl-2 coexpression that reflects the follicles bcl-2 histological positivity. Follicular lymphoma (FL) with dim or no light chains expression t(14;18)(q32;q21) IIn cases off FL (CD10/19 co-expression) i ) with ith di dim or no lilight ht chains h i expression, i FISH may b be helpful in diagnosis by the demonstration of t14-18. Bcl2 locus (18q21,labelled red), overlaps IGH locus (14q32, labelled in green) giving a signal of fusion (yellow). IGH gene rearrangement in lymphoma with dim or no light chains expression FC in a lymphoma without light chains expression Detection of clonal IGH gene rearrangements: In PCR, rearranged DNA is amplified with a series of consensus primers that are complementary to sequences of variable regions framework 1, framework 2 2, and framework 3 and to joining regions (JH) of the IGH gene gene. Monoclonal and polyclonal PCR products can be discerned by their size distributions. There are several methodologies for evaluating PCR amplifications; here conventional electrophoresis in ethidium bromide–stained agarose gels (AGE). If a significant population of cells contains the same unique IGH rearrangement, it appears as a well-defined band on each of the AGE here reported. A clonal population of cells is indicated by the presence of a distinct non–germline band, whereas normal or reactive populations have only germline bands and should produce multiple bands (smears). Marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (MZL) • • • • • Incidence: 2-3% of all NHL. Cytology: dispersed cell population composed of small lymphocytes with irregular nuclei. Nuclei may have slightly irregular shape, dense chromatin pale cytoplasm y p observed in and indistinct nucleoli,, or be cleaved. The rim of p histological sections is rare or undetectable on the smears. Monocytoid cells and plasma cells may be intermingled, mitoses are scanty. ICC: CD20 CD20+,, CD5 CD5-,CD10-, ,CD10 , CD23 CD23-,, Ki67 Ki67+/-. /. FC: CD5-/CD19+, CD19+/FMC7-, CD19+/CD23-, CD19+/CD10-, κ or λ light chain restriction. Differential diagnosis: Non-specific Non specific hyperplasia, hyperplasia SLL/CLL,MCL, SLL/CLL MCL FL. FL Marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (MZL) MZL: ultrasound guided FNC of the spleen with diffuse splenomegaly (note the tip of the needle). ) FNC C shows a relative monomorphous population off small lymphocytes with clumped chromatin. FC shows CD5-, CD10-,kappa light chain restriction with CD19/kappa coexpression. Extranodal B-cell lymphoma of mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT lymphoma) MALT lymphoma: ultrasound guided FNC of an extremely thick bowel wall with former inconclusive endoscopic biopsies. FNC shows atypical lymphoid cells in a necrotic background. FC shows CD5- and kappa light chain restriction. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) • • • • • Incidence: 30-40% of all NHL. C t l Cytology: di dispersed d large l l lymphoid h id cells ll with ith irregular i l nuclei, l i one or more large nucleoli and a wider rim of pale cytoplasm. Variants of DLBCL are centroblastic, immunoblastic T-cell/histiocyte-rich and anaplastic Nuclei may be slightly irregular in shape or cleaved and anaplastic. have dense chromatin and indistinct nucleoli. Lymphocyte and plasma cells may be intermingled, Mitoses are scanty. percentage g ICC: CD19+,, CD20+,, 22+,, CD79a+,, Ki67+ in a variable p (10-20%) of the cells. FC: CD5-/CD19+, CD19+/FMC7-, CD19+/CD23-, CD10-, κ or λ light chains restriction. DD: HL, metastases. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) DLBCL : dispersed cell population composed by large lymphoid cells with irregular nuclei, one or more large nucleoli. Scatterd small lymphocytes are present in the background. DLBCL : ICC:CD20+. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) DLBCL : dispersed cell population composed by large lymphoid cells with irregular nuclei nuclei, one or more large nucleoli, immature chromatin and nuclear crushes. Cytoplasm may be present or not. Plasma cell myeloma/plasmacytoma • • • • • Incidence: 15% of haematological malignancies. Cytology: in typical cases show dispersed cell population composed of small/medium-size plasma cells. Cells show one or two nuclei with ith clumped l d ““cartwheel” t h l” chromatin h ti and d smallll nucleoli. l li C Cytoplasm, t l when present are well defined with evident perinuclear Golgi apparatus. In poorly differentiated cases nuclei are atypical and may show marked anisonucleosis. ICC. CD20-/+, CD5-, CD10-, CD23-, CD38, CD79a, EMA, Ki67+ in a variable percentage. FC: CD38 CD38+,, CD38/56 +/-, / , CD10 CD10-,, κ or λ light chain restriction. Differential diagnosis: non-haematological tumours in poorly differentiated cases. Plasma cell myeloma/plasmacytoma y p y Extramedullary plasmacytoma shows a dispersed cell population of small and medium size plasma cells. Cells show one or two nuclei with clumped “cartwheel” chromatin and small nucleoli. nucleoli Cytoplasm, Cytoplasm when present are well defined with evident perinuclear Golgi apparatus. Note binucleated cells. Plasma cell myeloma/plasmacytoma FC of Plasma cell myeloma/plasmacytoma : CD19-, CD38+, CD38/56 co-expression in 70-80% of the cases Lack of CD56 expression has been considered a negative prognostic factor. Burkitt lymphoma (BL) • • • • • Incidence: 1-2% of all NHL. Cytology: dispersed cell population composed of undifferentiated medium sized lymphocytes with dispersed chromatin and one or more small basophilic nucleoli; the cytoplasm is basophilic and g , resulting g in sometimes vacuolated. Immature nuclei are fragile, frequent nuclear crushes in the smear; a high mitotic index is observed. Scattered macrophages with engulfed cytoplasm may give a starry sky pattern to the smear. ICC CD20+, ICC: CD20+ CD5-, CD5 CD10+, CD10+ Bcl-6+, B l 6+ CD23-, CD23 Ki67+ in i a high hi h percentage of the cells. FC: CD5-/CD19+, CD19+/FMC7-, CD19+/CD23-, CD19+/CD10+, light chain often unexpressed. unexpressed FISH: t(8;14)(8q24;q32). Burkitt lymphoma (BL) BL: dispersed cell population composed by undifferentiated medium sized lymphocytes with dispersed chromatin and one or more small basophilic nucleoli; Immature nuclei are fragile resulting in frequent nuclear crushes in the smear; an high mitotic index is observed observed. Scattered macrophages with engulfed cytoplasm may give a starry sky pattern to the smear. Burkitt lymphoma (BL) BL: dispersed cell population composed by undifferentiated medium sized lymphocytes with immature chromatin. Numerous mitoses may be observed. FC: almost all the cells shows CD19/CD10 co co-expression. expression anaplastic large cell lymphoma • • • • • • • • Incidence: 3% of all NHL. NHL Cytology: dispersed and polymorphous large cells with very irregular shape. Multilobated, horseshoe bi- and multinuclecleated cells are present. The nuclei have coarse chromatin and larger nucleoli. The background is generally polymorphous with mature lymphocytes, granulocytes and eosinophils. Atypical mitoses and necrosis may be seen. ICC: CD20-, CD45+ CD15-, CD30++, Ki67+, EMA+, ALK-1+/-. FC: CD5+/-, CD19+/-, aberrant phenotypes may be observed. FISH: t(2;5)(p23;q35). ( ; )(p ;q ) PCR: clonal rearrangement of the T-cell receptor (90%). DD: DLBCL, HL, metastases. anaplastic large cell lymphoma Ki67 Large anaplastic, nucleolated cells, Ki67+ with small lymphocytes and granulocytes in the background. anaplastic large cell lymphoma ALK Large anaplastic anaplastic, nucleolated cells cells, ALK+ interspersed between small lymphocytes lymphocytes. Peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTL) • • • • • • Incidence: 7-8% of all the NHL. NHL Cytology: dispersed and polymorphous medium- or large-sized cells with irregular shape, vesicular nuclei and evident nucleoli. The nuclei have irregular shape, coarse chromatin and one or more large nucleoli. Binucleated cells are frequently observed. The background is generally polymorphous; mature lymphocytes, granulocytes, numerous eosinophils may be present. ICC: CC CD20-, C 20 CD3+, C 3 C CD4+ C 10 CD23-, CD10-, C 23 Ki67+ 6 in a variable percentage of the cells. FC: CD5+, CD19-, CD10-, CD2+ CD3+ CD7-. PCR TC receptor rearranged PCR: d in i most cases. DD: B-cell NHL. Peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTL) PTL shows a wide spectrum of cytological features: dispersed or loosely aggregated, monomorphic or polymorphous small or medium medium-sized sized cells with irregular shape nuclei with evident or inconspicuous nucleoli. The background may be polymorphous with mature lymphocytes granulocytes and/or eosinophils. Peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTL) CD 20 CD45 Ro PTL shows p polymorphous y p medium-sized cells with irregular g shaped p nuclei and small nucleoli. FC: CD19-, CD10-, ICC shows CD20 negativity with few scattered positive cells and diffuse positivity for CD45Ro. Peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTL) PTL shows polymorphous medium-sized cells with irregular shaped nuclei and scattered small lymphocytes in the background. FC: CD19-, CD5+, CD10-, CD4+, CD8-, CD2+, CD2/3+ CD7. Loss of CD7 expression is frequently observed in PTL. Peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTL) CD45Ro PTL shows medium-sized cells poorly differentiated lymphoid cells with irregular shaped nuclei and small nucleoli. ICC shows diffuse positivity for CD45Ro. FC: CD19-, CD5+, CD2+,CD7-. Precursor T-lymphoblastic y p lymphoma/leukemia y p ((TLL)) • • • • • IIncidence: id <1% 1% off allll the h NHL. NHL Cytology: dispersed and polymprphous medium-sized undifferentiated cells. Nuclei are round or convoluted with dispersed p chromathin and small nucleoli. High mitotic index and nuclear fragility. ICC: CD20-, CD20 CD3+, CD3+ CD10-, CD10 TDT+, TDT+ Ki67+ in a high percentage of the cells. FC: CD5 +/-, CD19-, CD10-, CD2+ CD3+ CD7-. DD: BL. Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia (TLL) dispersed and polymprphous medium-sized poorly differentiated cells. Nuclei are irregular with with clumped chromathin and small nucleoli. Numerpous mitosesmay be seen. CD3 TLL: diffuse CD3+ NK-cell lymphoma/leukemia • • • • • Incidence: <1% of all the NHL. NHL Cytology: dispersed and monomorphous small- or medium-sized undifferentiated cells. The nuclei are round or convoluted with dispersed chromatin and small nucleoli. There is also a high mitotic index and nuclear fragility. ICC: CD20 CD20-, CD3+, CD3+ CD10 CD10-, TDT+, TDT+ CD56+ Ki67+ in a high percentage of the cells. FC: CD56+, CD5 -, CD19-, CD10-, CD2-CD3- CD7-. DD: PTL, LLA, TLL. NK ll l NK‐cell lymphoma/leukemia h /l k i Dipartimento di Scienze Biomorfologiche e Funzionali, Università di Napoli “Federico II” IT Blastic NK-cell lymphoma/leukemia Blastic NK lymphoma: dispersed and monomorphous medium-size medium size and poorly differentiated or undifferentiated cells. The nuclei are irregular and fragile with dense chromatin and small nucleoli. Nuclear crushes and atypical mitoses are present. FC is “mute” except for CD56+ Pitfalls and shortcomings ! Pitfalls and shortcomings ! Hodgkin Lymphoma anaplastic large cell lymphoma CD30 Dipartimento di Scienze Biomorfologiche e Funzionali, Università di Napoli “Federico II” IT F, 57‐yrs, F, 57 yrs, FNC of 50 mm nodule in the left thyroidal area FNC of 50 mm nodule in the left thyroidal area Cytological diagnosis: y g g T‐cell lymphoproliferative process Dipartimento di Scienze Biomorfologiche e Funzionali, Università di Napoli “Federico II” IT Hi t l i l di Histological diagnosis: benign type B1 ectopic thymoma i b i t B1 t i th CD45Ro CK-pan CK pan Dipartimento di Scienze Biomorfologiche e Funzionali, Università di Napoli “Federico II” IT Thymic lymphocytes: y y p y •mature “polyclonal” T‐cells profile: (CD2+,CD3+,CD5+,CD7+) •CD10+ in an immature T‐cell subsets •maturation: CD4‐ CD8‐ in the cortex, continues as CD4+ CD8+, reaches maturation as CD4+ CD8‐ or CD4‐ CD8+ in the medulla. CD4+/CD8+ is a specific feature of intrathymic T‐cells Dipartimento di Scienze Biomorfologiche e Funzionali, Università di Napoli “Federico II” IT • 40 yrs old female, HIV positive with right ‐ cervical swelling. The patient suffered from a FL, since 2 yrs, last chemotherapy 10 months before • US: 2,5 cm large lymph node, oval with hilus preservation US: 2 5 cm large lymph node oval with hilus preservation • FC: CD5:10%, CD19:49%, CD23: 10%, FMC7: 0%, CD10:40%, CD10/19:40%, lambda light chains 40%, kappa light chains 0%. Cytological FC diagnosis: FL Dipartimento di Scienze Biomorfologiche e Funzionali, Università di Napoli “Federico II” IT Final histological diagnosis: reactive hyperplasia with Fi l hi t l i l di i ti h l i ith florid follicular proliferation! Dipartimento di Scienze Biomorfologiche e Funzionali, Università di Napoli “Federico II” IT Incidence, phenotypical and molecular data of non-lymphomatous, clonal B-cell B cell population: a review of the literature Author/year organ sample Berthold F, 1989 lymph node histology Matsubayashi S, 1990 thyroid FNA Cartagena N, 1992 lymph node Jordan RC, 1996 n. of cases 1 clinical background light chain restriction FC‐ICC‐IHH ( pos./total) IgH clonality PCR (pos./total) follow‐up Herpes virus 6 NP + (1/1)* negative 15 Hashimoto thyroiditis FC/ + (7/15) NP NR FNA 86 NP ICC/ + (1/86) NP NR minor salivary glands histology 50 Sjogren’s syndrome NP + (4/50) NR Zhou XG, 1999 lymph node tonsils histology 9 NR NP + (9/9) negative Saxena A, 2000 stomach histology 20 Helicobacter pylori gastritis NP + (10/20) negative Kussik SJ, 2004 lymph node histology and FNA 6 5 negative,1 HIV FC/ + (6/6)* + (3/6) negative Chen H, 2006 thyroid histology and FNA 21 Hashimoto thyroiditis FC/ + (18/21) ‐ negative Venkatraman L, 2006 lymph node FNA 26 NHL, reactive, HIV (1case) ICC+ (1‐HIV/26) + (1/26) negative Bangerter M, 2007 lymph node FNA 131 NR FC+ (3/131) NP negative Nam‐Cha SH, 2008 lymph node histology 8 Castleman’s, LES, EBV, HIV (1 case) IHH/+ (8/8)* + (3/8) 6 negative, 2 developed NHL Bhargava P, 2008 lymph node FNA 1 HIV FC/+ ‐ negative Zeppa P, 2009 thyroid FNA 34 Hashimoto thyroiditis FC/+ (5/34) ‐ negative Fan HB, 2009 liver histology 40 HCV hepatitis ‐ + (4/40) negative FUTURE PERSPECTIVES FUTURE PERSPECTIVES New antibodies for diagnosis g • Schniederjan SD et al.: A novel flow cytometric antibody panel for distinguishing Burkitt lymphoma fromCD10+ diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma. Am J Clin Pathol. 2010 133 718 2010;133:718. • ……expression of CD44 and CD54 differs significantly between BL and CD10+ DLBCL….. between BL and CD10 DLBCL….. • Leshchenko et al.: Genomewide DNA methylation analysis reveals novel targets for drug development in mantle cell lymphoma. Blood. 2010;116:1025. …….CD37 surface expression in 93% MCL. CD37 f i i 93% MCL FUTURE PERSPECTIVES Dipartimento di Scienze Biomorfologiche e Funzionali, Università di Napoli “Federico II” IT Non Hodgkin lymphoma, monoclonal antibodies Non Hodgkin lymphoma monoclonal antibodies and Flow Cytometry • Monoclonal antibodies have a direct action against IgG constant regions and a cross‐fire effect (radio conjugated) • Flow cytometry may quantify the target cells by the evaluation of antigen co‐ expression and their numerical evaluation Dipartimento di Scienze Biomorfologiche e Funzionali, Università di Napoli “Federico II” IT FUTURE PERSPECTIVES FUTURE PERSPECTIVES Högerkorp CM et al.: Identification of uniquely expressed transcription factors in highly Högerkorp CM et al : Identification of uniquely expressed transcription factors in highly purified B‐cell lymphoma samples. Am J Hematol. 2010;85:418. Andréasson U et al.: Identification of molecular targets associated with transformed diffuse Andréasson U et al : Identification of molecular targets associated with transformed diffuse large B cell lymphoma using highly purified tumor cells. Am J Hematol. 2009;84:803. Dipartimento di Scienze Biomorfologiche e Funzionali, Università di Napoli “Federico II” IT acknowledgments • • • • Prof. L. Palombini Prof. A. Vetrani Prof. G. Troncone Dr I Cozzolino Dr. I. Cozzolino • • • • • • • Dr. A. Iaccarino Dr C Frangella Dr. C. Frangella Dr. U. Malapelle Dr. F. Plaitano Dr. M. Russo Dr. M. Salatiello Dr. L.V. Sosa Fernandez y gy Dipartimento di Scienze Biomorfologiche e Funzionali, Università di Napoli “Federico II” IT
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