Effetti di Difaprost su sintomatologia disurica, alterazioni istologiche e infiammazione in pazienti affetti da ipertrofia prostatica benigna candidati ad intervento chirurgico Nazareno Suardi Urological Research Institute Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele LUTS: prevalenza INFLAMMATION AND BPH • A causative role for inflammation in the pathogenesis of BPH was first proposed in 1937 • BPH nodules frequently occur concurrently with chronic inflammatory infiltrates (mainly chronically activated T cells) • These infiltrating cells are responsible for the productions of cytokines which may initiate, support and maintain the fibromuscolar growth in BPH. Kramer and Marberger, Curr Opin Urol 2006, 16:25-9 Steiner et al, J Urol 1994, 151:480-4 Untergasser et al, Exp Gerontol 20052005, 40:121-8 ROLE OF INFLAMMATORY CELLS IN BPH CELLS T cells ROLE IN BPH REFERENCES Stimulation of stromal growth Kramer et al, 2002 Recognition of prostatic antigen Alexander et al, 2004 Klyushnenkova et al, 2004 Morphogenesis of prostate gland Theyer et al, 1992 Bierhoff et al, 1997 CD8+ citotoxic T cells Gland destruction in advanced BPH Blumenfeld et al, 1992 CD8+ suppressor T cells Maintainace of peripheral tolerannce El.Demiry et al, 1985 Vyskhovanets et al, 2005 CD4+ T helper 1 Stimulation of stromal and epithelial cell proliferation, recruitment of more T cells Kramer et al, 2002 Deshpande et al, 1989 CD4+ T helper 2 Increased prostatic synthesis of active androgens Gingras et al, 1999 T helper 17 cells Production of IL-17, IL-6 and IL-8 Steiner et al, 2003 Stimulation of secretion of proinflammatory citokines McKenzie et al, 2006 B cells, mast cell Unknown Ablin et al, 1971 Macrofagi Antigen presentation or regulation of COX-2 expression in BPH epithelium Taoka et al, 2004 Wang et al, 2004 DEVELOPMENT OF CHRONIC IMMUNE INFLAMMATION IN ASSOCIATION WITH BENIGN PROSTATIC GROWTH UNANSWERED QUESTIONS: 1. Which is the primary stimulus? 2. Is it a response to an abnormal or pathologic environmental stimulus or an abnormal response to an otherwise “physiologic” stimulus? Kramer et al, Eur Urol 2007, 51:1202-16 ACUTE INFLAMMATION: 15.4% 97.9% mild 1.9% moderate 0.2% severe CHRONIC INFLAMMATION: 77.6% 89.0% mild 10.7% moderate 0.3% severe Nickel JC et al Eur Urol 54:1379–1384,2008 EVIDENCE OF A RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE DEGREE OF LUTS AND THE DEGREE OF CHRONIC INFLAMMATION Nickel JC et al Eur Urol 54:1379–1384,2008 Obiettivi dello studio 1. Valutare l’efficacia del trattamento con Difaprost sui parametri clinici dei pazienti affetti da ipertrofia prostatica candidati ad intervento chirurgico disostruttivo. 2. Valutare l’impatto della terapia con Difaprost sulle alterazioni istologiche tipiche dell’infiammazione a livello prostatico. Difaprost • Serenoa Repens – Inibizione 5-alfa reduttasi – Azione miorilassante – Blocco recettori intraprostatici per gli androgeni • Quercetina – Azione antiproliferativa – Attività antinfiammatoria (mastociti) – Azione antiossidante • Acido lipoico – Effetto antiossidante • Β-sitosterolo – Azione antinfiammatoria ed immunomodulante – Attività antiproliferativa e pro-apoptotica Materiali e metodi • Studio prospettico randomizzato • Criteri di inclusione – Pazienti affetti da ipertrofia prostatica sintomatica candidati ad intervento chirurgico – Età: 50-75 anni – IPSS > 8 – Flusso massimo < 15 ml/sec. – Residuo post-minzionale < 350 ml – Nessun sospetto di tumore prostatico – Urinocoltura negativa Disegno dello studio - 1 • Screening: – PSA, uroflussometria, IPSS, residuo postminzionale, volume prostatico • Pazienti randomizzati in due gruppi: – Gruppo 1: Difaprost 1 compressa al giorno per 3 mesi – Gruppo 2: nessuna terapia • Dopo tre mesi: – PSA, uroflussometria, IPSS, residuo postminzionale, volume prostatico Disegno dello studio - 2 • Successivo intervento disostruttivo (TURP) • Analisi isto-patologica dei pezzi operatori con analisi dettagliata dei parametri infiammatori – Edema – Flogosi – Angiectasia – Atrofia – MIB Caratteristische dei pazienti Age (years) Mean Range Total PSA (ng/ml) Mean Prostatic Volume (ml) Mean IPSS score Mean Q max (ml/sec.) Mean Q med (ml/sec.) Mean Group 1 (n=18) Group 2 (n=18) P-value 65 53-74 66.2 53-83 0.5 2.01 3.6 0.2 54.1 62.3 0.1 18.6 14 0.02 10.1 11.4 0.4 5.6 7 0.04 Caratteristische dei pazienti trattati PSA Mean (median) Range IPSS score Mean (median) Range Q max Mean (median) Range Q med Mean (median) Range Post-voiding volume (ml) Mean (median) Range Pre-treatment Post-treatment P-value 2.01 (1.24) 0.6 - 7.5 1.99 (1.32) 0.2 - 1.3 0.9 18.6 (17) 9 - 33 18.6 (17.5) 10 - 33 0.9 10.1 (8.9) 4 - 28 10.2 (9.3) 5.3 - 20 0.9 5.6 (5.65) 2.9 - 9 6.5 (7) 2.5 - 9.5 0.9 46.1 (35) 0 - 200 25.2 (27.5) 0 - 70 0.1 Quantitative analysis of flogosis at histology in patients treated with Difaprost® (Group 1) and in the control group. 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Severe Moderate Mild Difaprost 0 50 50 Control 11,1 55,5 33,3 Quantitative analysis of edema presence at histology in patients treated with Difaprost® (group 1) and in the control group. 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Assente Presente Difaprost 55,5 45,5 Control 33,3 66,6 Quantitative analysis of angiectasia presence at histology in patients treated with Difaprost® (group 1) and in the control group. 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Assente Presente Difaprost 61,1 38,9 Control 50 50 Quantitative analysis of MIB-1 at hystology in patients treated with Difaprost® (group 1) and in the control group. MIB-1 3,94 3,92 Difaprost Control Conclusioni • La terapia con Difaprost in pazienti candidati ad intervento chirurgico per ipertrofia prostatica riduce il volume postminzionale. • Difaprost esercita una azione anti-infiammatoria riducendo la presenza di flogosi, edema ed angiectasia. • L’inclusione di un numero maggiore di pazienti potrebbe dimostrare effetti significativi anche su altri parametri clinici ed infiammatori.
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