Stanze e mobili. Ihereislare . Indicazioni Preoosizioni stradali Rooms andfurniture I ffll Chestanzesono? 1 ivilgn moro 2 Guardala fisura.Scrivii nomi dellestanze. igndin omor livang room 2 thramboo 5 kenchìt 3 loitte 6 dreobom 48 lJnit8 . WhereI liv€ A batltoo l D B E F E Abbina le paroleai numeri dellafigura dGcrcizio 2. Scrivileal posto Siusto rmchan +ett CD player cooker lamp magazine pcture shower sofa table TV video recorder !l I 7 2 t 8 { l0 9 u a t2 is/are da fbt la figura. Scrivi seiftasi con b I mere's... o Thereare.,. . I ll-..r. 2 llr.'.. Guardala figura. Poi scrivi donande e t@ rispost€brevi. l TV/bedroom/? A kli.t .Wir là. b.droont B Y.d.ùara is. chairs/kitchen/? A &a fl$ra ùv c|Lirsh d|3kncùaù? B t{0.d|.l. ,r.rtì. magazine/living room / ? B pictures/ dining room / ? picture/toiÌet/? l|vo.r cl.iB ùrfà. livtugroor. r.î inli. kilclrù t TV/bathroom/? a t a CDs/bedroom/? , t Guardala figua, Poi sarivi rispostebrevi. table/ dining room / ? b therea TV in the dinins room? llo. il$ru ÈnL Arc thereanybooksin the living room? yaa.lttataa?a. B ùere a tablein the kitchen? a Ar€ th€reanychairsin the bathroom? 5 B tbcr€a sofain the livins room? a Af! th€re any bool6 in the dining loom? 7 Abbina le domandedi A all€ risoostedi b. A B I Is Manolo in the livingroom? a Yes,thereare. 2 Is therea tablein the bathroom? 3 Is this your book? \ \- c Yes,they are. 4 ls Corrine fiom Britain? B rher€a maeazinein the toilet? .Àrl tùcreeny armchairsin the living room? b No, he isn t. d No, thereisn t. 5 Are îhere anymagazines e Yes,it is. on the table? 6 Are Kim and Frances f No,sheisn't. married? I live 49 UnitS. Where 8 flD Rispondialle domandein modo personale. 1 How manvroomsaretherein yourhouseor flat? 2 Is therea CD player? 3 Is therea TV in yourbedroom? 4 Is therea showerin the bathroom? 5 Are thereany book or magazinesin the toilet? Pronunciation D B DovecadeI'accento?Metti le Pamle 9 ltr!' nella colonnacorretta,A, B, C, D o E. Li!!l.n afternoon armchair becausecomputer delicious dictionary expensivefantastic holiday horrible Japan +it€he+ languages lovely maSazinenever Portugueseunt Prepositions l0 Scrivi le preposizionisotto le figure. Usai4 on, unilet e next to- î\-/ î\-,7 *.[l .W I ur!&t c^ ts+g r CBo )lÒ) tr--l ì 4 1l Completale íiasi, Scîivi itl, oú uniler e next to. +lJk Itr I The TV is l.rtlo the armcbair. 4 The magazineis | live 50 Unit8 ' Wher€ the sofa. 2 The keys are 5 The camerais the table the floor. the lamP 3 The mobile phone is tne drawel The shoesare the bed. the flo Asaoltae disegnale cosen€lla stanza. ingandwriting hE€ E hiri l4gi e ascoltail tsro. Rispondialledornande. Fasicomplete. I lìaere do Lucyand Nicolaslive? llr 5,t h . 3null.oldào|... in Bn?itor. I flow manybedroomsaretherein their house? t B therea sofain îhe living room? a lr'bet do Lucyand Nicolasdo in îhe evening? 5 ìùere are there photographs oftheir families? ó L the kitchen old? t b'b€re do Lucyand Nicolashavelunch? B îh€rea garden? -tr Lucyand Nicoìashappyin their house? In lhediningroomthere isa lableandfourchai15. Therearea lol of ) h*ÉlMnf|ooít thé]e phologEphsofour :: af?úo arndlrlrg anda The families onlhewalls. .,|oÍùltJlrbohavea we kllchenlsnew. have - 'lElairfdcq . Ytdeor€@rde., inthèkitchen, brcaffast . .rnàtwifaylr.onthe butwehavelunch and $lIlfial! .|!lvro plctures. room. dlnnerlnthedlnlng '*rrtrry @mfortable t!€|l|, {d Inlh€cvcnlng Wehavea smallgarden andtwoaals.Wèarcvery , F!&xilvodrtelevlslon happyInourhouse! LJnitS.Where lliv€ 5l 14 Scrivi Ùn brano sulla tua casa, English Everyday Directions 16 Scrivi i nomi dei posti. Sonotutti sulla cartina a p. 53. Translation 15 Scrivile frasiin italiano. I There'sa tableirr thediningroom. Therearethree armchairsin the living noom. 'ls therea picture on the tr'all?' Tes,thereis.' 'Arethereanymagazines ulder the bed?' 'No, there arenC t7 l@ Ascoltae guardale c$tina a p. 53.Seguile indictzioni siradali, Doveti trovi? I Startfrom the Chinescrcstaurant. Youate at the li.rta. 2 Startfiom the thealre. Youareat the 3 Startftom the chemistYouareat the Startftom th€ railwayst tion. . Youareat the Startftom the Intemet aifé. . Youareat the - 52 Unit8'whereltive Cineaa ?ost Offícc New5ogent P8lil L,rf trl t*. a s o q ì o tlJ i. \ q r.,,,rou t$ a v^-oxroao RoAD \ q Church . 'N//l: \ /Bank PARK '-t .t 'ttpa, L KING,5 a4 U ::14 Cìty' Hotel o l.. U STREET r- dg rheati Staaion i L indicazioni stradali. 3 Startftom thepostoffice. ica: trom the chemist. A Excuse therea banknearhere? I B€ me. Is therea bank near here? a ìgl9 dq,nJrrligtrRo4!,!io+!in!g! d ùford Ro.d.Tun!!!1i!!o!c!!nlt" D. !$ti! Ro.d i. orllqrigùf. SÈ: iom the theatre. .l È..1ie therea supermarket nearhere? I 4 Stan from the railway station. A Excuseme.Is therea cinemanear here? B Unit8 . Where I live 53
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