Giovanni L. SICURANZA LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 1 BOOKS [1] G.L.Sicuranza and S.K.Mitra, Eds. Multidimensional Processing of Video Signals, Boston/ Dordrecht/ London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992. [2] G. Ramponi, G.L. Sicuranza, S. Carrato and S. Marsi, Eds. Signal Processing VIII, Theories and Applications, Trieste: Edizioni LINT, 1996. [3] V. J. Mathews and G.L.Sicuranza, Polynomial Signal Processing, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2000. [4] S.K.Mitra and G.L.Sicuranza, Eds., Nonlinear Image Processing, San Diego: Academic Press, 2001. [5] S. Marshall and G.L. Sicuranza, Eds. Advances in Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, New York: Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2006. 2 BOOK CHAPTERS [1] G.L.Sicuranza, “Elaborazione di immagini”, in Enciclopedia delle Scienze Fisiche, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana G. Treccani, vol. 3, 1993. [2] G.L.Sicuranza, “Theory and approximation of polynomial filters”, in Circuits & Systems Tutorials, IEEE ISCAS-94, C.Toumazou Ed.: London, UK, June 1994, pp. 50-58. [3] S.Carrato, S.Marsi, G.Ramponi and G.L.Sicuranza, “Image coding using artificial neural networks”, in Digital Signal Processing in Telecommunications, A.R.Figueiras-Vidal, ed., pp. 313-361, Springer-Verlag, 1996. [4] A. Cavallaro, S. Marsi, G.L. Sicuranza, “A Motion Compensation Algorithm Based on Non Linear Geometric Transformation and Quadtree Decomposition” in Signal Analysis and Prediction, A. Prochzka, J. Uhlr, P.J.W. Rayner, N.G. Kingsbury, Eds.: Birkhauser Boston, 1998 [5] A. Carini, E. Mumolo and G.L. Sicuranza, “V-vector algebra and Volterra filters,” in Advances in Imaging and Electronic Physics, Vol. 124, P. W. Hawkes, Ed.: Academic Press, San Diego, USA, 2002. [6] G.L. Sicuranza, A. Carini and A. Fermo, “Nonlinear adaptive filters for acoustic echo cancellation in mobile terminals,” in Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing: Theory, Methods, and Applications, K. E. Barner and G. R. Arce, Eds.: CRC Press, 2003. [7] G.L. Sicuranza and A. Carini, “Nonlinear multichannel active noise control,” in Advances in Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, S. Marshall and G.L. Sicuranza, Eds., New York: Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2006. 1 [8] G. L. Sicuranza and A. Carini, “On a class of nonlinear filters”, in Festschrift in Honor of Jaakko Astola on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday, I. Tabus, K. Egiazarian and M. Gabbouj, Eds, TICSP series No. 47, Tampere 2009, pp. 115-144. 3 PUBLICATIONS IN INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS [1] L.Delcaro and G.L.Sicuranza, “A method for externally stored matrix transposing”, IEEE Trans. on Computers, vol. C-23, n. 9, September 1974. [2] L.Delcaro and G.L.Sicuranza, “Design of two-dimensional recursive digital filters”, IEEE Trans. on Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-25, n. 6, December 1977. [3] G.L.Sicuranza, “Least squares algorithm for the design of digital two-dimensional all-pass filters”, Electronics Letters, vol. 14, n, 19, 14th September 1978. [4] M.L.Malagnini and G.L.Sicuranza, “Two-dimensional digital filtering techniques for astronomical plate processing”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 70, n. 4, November 1978. [5] G.L.Sicuranza, “Linear phase approximation for two-dimensional recursive digital filters”, IEEE Trans. on Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-27, n. 3, June 1979. [6] R.Mottola and G.L.Sicuranza, “Finite word length effects in a multimicroprocessor-oriented implementation of two-dimensional digital filters”, Alta Frequenza, vol. XLVIII, n. 10, October 1979. [7] G.L.Sicuranza, “Signal processing activities at the Istituto di Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica of the University of Trieste”, Signal Processing, n. 3, October 1981. [8] G.L.Sicuranza, “2-D digital filters using logarithmic number systems”, Electronics Letters, 29th October 1981, Vol. 17, n. 22. [9] G.L.Sicuranza, “Design of two-dimensional recursive digital filters with coefficients of finite word length”, IEEE Trans. on Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP-30, n. 1, February 1982. [10] G.L.Sicuranza, “Fast digital filters for image processing”, Alta Frequenza, Vol. LI, n. 2, March-April 1982. [11] G.L.Sicuranza, “Fast realisation of 2-D digital filters using logarithmic number systems”, Electronics Letters, 9th June 1983, Vol. 19, n. 12. [12] G.L.Sicuranza, “On efficient implementations of 2-D digital filters using logarithmic number systems”, IEEE Trans. on Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP-31, n. 4, August 1983. [13] G.L.Sicuranza, “Nonlinear digital filter realization by distributed arithmetic”, IEEE Trans. on Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP-33, n. 4, August 1985. [14] G.L.Sicuranza and G.Ramponi, “Adaptive nonlinear digital filters using distributed arithmetic”, IEEE Trans. on Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP-34, n. 3, June 1986. [15] R.Glavina, S.Cucchi and G.L.Sicuranza, “Nonlinear interpolation of TV image sequences”, Electronics Letters, 16th July 1987, Vol. 23, n. 15, pp. 778-780. 2 [16] G.L.Sicuranza and G.Ramponi, “A variable-step adaptation algorithm for memory-oriented Volterra filters”, IEEE Trans. on Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP-35, n. 10, October 1987. [17] G.Ramponi and G.L.Sicuranza, “Decision-directed nonlinear filter for image processing”, Electronics Letters, 5th November 1987, Vol. 23, n. 23, pp. 1218-1219. [18] G.Ramponi and G.L.Sicuranza, “Quadratic digital filters for image processing”, IEEE Trans. on Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP-36, n.6, June 1988. [19] G.Ramponi, G.L.Sicuranza and W.Ukovich, “A computational method for the design of 2-D nonlinear Volterra filters”, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, Vol. CAS-35, n.9, September 1988. [20] G.L.Sicuranza and A.N.Venetsanopoulos, “2-D quadratic filter implementation by a general-purpose nonlinear module”, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, vol. CAS-36, n.1, January 1989. [21] B.G.Mertzios, G.L.Sicuranza and A.N.Venetsanopoulos, “Efficient structures for twodimensional quadratic filters”, Photogrammetria, vol. 43, n.4, 1989. [22] B.G.Mertzios, G.L.Sicuranza and A.N.Venetsanopoulos, “Efficient realizations of twodimensional quadratic digital filters”, IEEE Trans. on Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-37, n.5, May 1989. [23] G.L.Sicuranza and G.Ramponi, “Adaptive nonlinear prediction of TV image sequences”, Electronics Letters, 13th April 1989, Vol.25, n.8, pp.526-527. [24] G.L. Sicuranza, G. Ramponi and S. Marsi, “An artificial neural network for image compression”, Electronics Letters, vol.26, no.7, 29th March 1990, pp.477-479. [25] G.L.Sicuranza, “Quadratic filters for signal processing”, in Proc. IEEE (invited paper), Vol. 80, n. 8,August 1992. [26] R. Simonetti, A. Polo Filisan, S. Carrato, G. Ramponi and G.L. Sicuranza, “Deinterlacer for IQTV Receivers and Multimedia Applications”, IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, Vol.39, N.3, August 1993; also presented at the International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Rosemont, Illinois, June 8-10, 1993. [27] F.De Carlo, R. Stalio, P. Trampus, A.L.Broadfoot, B.R.Sandel and G.L.Sicuranza, “Description and analysis of an algorithm for star identification, pointing and tracking systems”, Optical Engineering, August 1994. [28] G.Candotti, S.Carrato, A.Polo Filisan and G.L.Sicuranza, “Pyramidal multiresolution source coding for HDTV”, IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, vol. 40, n. 4, November 1994; also presented at the International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Rosemont, Illinois, June 1994. [29] A.Carini, G.L.Sicuranza, V.J.Mathews, “On the inversion of certain nonlinear systems”, Signal Processing Letters, vol. 4, December 1997. [30] T.M.Panicker, V.J.Mathews and G.L.Sicuranza,“Adaptive Parallel-Cascade Truncated Volterra Filters,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 46, n.10, October 1998. 3 [31] A.Carini, E. Mumolo and G.L.Sicuranza, “V-Vector Algebra and its application to Volterra adaptive filtering,” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 46, n. 5, pp. 585-598, May 1999. [32] C.J.Van den Branden Lambrecht, D.M.Costantini, G.L.Sicuranza, and M.Kunt, “Quality Assessment of Motion Rendition in Video Coding,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 9, n. 5, pp. 766-782, August 1999. [33] A.Carini, V.J.Mathews and G.L.Sicuranza, “Sufficient stability bounds for slowly varying direct-form recursive linear filters and their applications in adaptive IIR filters,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Vol. 47, n. 9, pp. 2561-2567, September 1999. [34] F.Gottardo, J.Mir, G.Parladori and G.L.Sicuranza, “Preprocessing of MPEG-2 video sequences using rational filters,” Applied Signal Processing, Vol. 6, n. 2, pp. 61-70, 1999. [35] A.Carini, V.J.Mathews and G.L.Sicuranza, “Equalization of recursive polynomial systems,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 6, n. 12, pp. 312-314, December 1999. [36] A.Carini, E.Mumolo and G.L.Sicuranza, “A new algebraic description of adaptive Volterra filters,” Signal Processing, Vol. 80, n. 3, pp. 549-552, March 2000. [37] L.Khriji, G.Bernacchia, M.Gabbouj and G.L.Sicuranza, “Programmable hardware system for class of nonlinear order statistics rational hybrid filters,” Electronics Letters, Vol. 36, No. 10, pp. 922-923, 11th May 2000. [38] A.Fermo, A.Carini, and G.L.Sicuranza, “Analysis of different low complexity nonlinear filters for acoustic echo cancellation,” Journal of Computing and Information Technology, Vol.8, No. 4, pp. 333-339, December 2000, also presented at the First Int. Workshop on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, IWISPA 2000, Pula, Croatia, June 14-15, 2000. [39] K. E. Barner, G.R. Arce, G.L. Sicuranza, and I.Shmulevich, Eds., Special Issue on “Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing” - Part I, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, No. 4, December 2001. [40] K. E. Barner, G.R. Arce, G.L. Sicuranza, and I.Shmulevich, Eds., Special Issue on “Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing” - Part II, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, No. 1, January 2002. [41] A. Fermo, A. Carini and G.L. Sicuranza, “Low complexity nonlinear adaptive filters for acoustic echo cancellation,” European Transactions on Telecommunications, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 161-169, March/April 2003. [42] G.L. Foresti, G. Ramponi, C. Regazzoni, G.L. Sicuranza, and G. Vernazza, Eds., Special Issue on “Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing” - Part I, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, No. 12, 15 September 2004. [43] A. Carini and G. L. Sicuranza, “Filtered-X Affine Projection algorithms for active noise control using Volterra filters,” in Special Issue on “Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing” - Part I, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, No. 12, pp. 1841-1848, 15 September 2004. [44] G. L. Sicuranza and A. Carini, “Filtered-X Affine Projection Algorithm for Multichannel Active Noise Control Using Second-Order Volterra Filters,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 11, No. 11, pp. 853-857, Nov. 2004. 4 [45] G. L. Sicuranza. G. Arce, M. Gabbouj and S. Marshall, Eds., Special Issue on “Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing” - Part II, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, No. 16, 15 November 2004. [46] G. L. Sicuranza and A. Carini, “A multichannel hierarchical approach to adaptive Volterra filters employing filtered-x affine projection algorithms,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 1463-1473, April 2005. [47] A. Carini and G. L. Sicuranza, “Transient and steady-state analysis of Filtered-X Affine Projection algorithms,”, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 665- 678, February 2006. [48] A. Carini and G. L. Sicuranza, “Analysis of transient and steady-state behavior of a multichannel Filtered-x Partial-Error Affine Projection algorithmm,” EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, Volume 2007, Article ID 31314, 15 pages, open access article. [49] F. Russo and G. L. Sicuranza, ”Accuracy and performance evaluation in the genetic optimization of nonlinear systems for active noise control,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 1443-1450, August 2007. [50] A. Carini and G. L. Sicuranza, “Optimal regularization parameter of the multichannel Filtered-x Affine Projection algorithm,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 55, no. 10, pp. 4882-4895, Oct. 2007. [51] G. L. Sicuranza and A. Carini, “A generalized FLANN filter for nonlinear active noise control,” IEEE Trans. Speech, Audio, and Language Processing, vol. 19 , pp. 2412-2417, No. 8, Nov. 2011. [52] A. Carini, S. Cecchi, F. Piazza, I. Omiciuolo, and G. L. Sicuranza “Multiple position room response equalization in frequency domain,” IEEE Trans. Speech, Audio, and Language Processing, vol. 20, pp. 122-134, No. 1, Jan. 2012. [53] G. L. Sicuranza and A. Carini, “On the BIBO stability condition of adaptive recursive FLANN filter with application to nonlinear active noise control,” IEEE Trans. Speech, Audio, and Language Processing, vol. 20, pp. 234-245, No. 1, Jan. 2012. [54] A. Carini, G. L. Sicuranza and V. John Mathews, “Efficient adaptive identification of linearin-the-parameters nonlinear filters using periodic input sequences,” Signal Processing, Vol. 93, Issue 5, pp. 1210-1220, May 2013. [55] A. Carini and G. L. Sicuranza, “Fourier nonlinear filters”, Signal Processing, vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 183-194, Jan. 2014. [56] G. L. Sicuranza and A. Carini, “Unconstrained linear combination of even mirror Fourier non-linear filters”, IET Signal Processing, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 612-621, Aug. 2014. [57] A. Carini and G. L. Sicuranza, “Perfect periodic sequences for even mirror Fourier nonlinear filters”, Signal Processing, vol. 104, pp. 80-93, Nov. 2014. [58] A. Carini and G. L. Sicuranza, “Recursive even mirror Fourier nonlinear filters and simplified structures”, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Vol. 64, No. 24, pp. 6534-6544, Dec. 2014. [59] A. Carini, S. Cecchi, L. Romoli and G. L. Sicuranza, “Legendre nonlinear filters”, Signal Processing, Vol. 109, pp. 84-94, Apr. 2015. 5 4 PUBLICATIONS IN NATIONAL JOURNALS [1] L.Delcaro and G.L.Sicuranza, “Analisi degli amplificatori selettivi con il metodo delle variabili di stato”, Alta Frequenza, vol. XXXVI, n. 12, December 1967. [2] G.L.Sicuranza, “Un modello di stato per reti elettriche attive lineari”, Alta Frequenza, vol. XXXVII, n. 3, March 1968. [3] L.Delcaro, G.L.Sicuranza, G.Zoldan, U.Pisani and V.Pozzolo, “Misure dirette e indirette di parametri differenziali dei transistori”, Alta Frequenza, vol. XXXVIII, n. 3, March 1969. [4] L.Delcaro, G.L.Sicuranza and G.Zoldan, “Rappresentazioni analitiche dei parametri di diffusione dei transistori”, Alta Frequenza, vol. XXXVIII, n. 6, June 1969. [5] L.Delcaro, G.L.Sicuranza, G.Zoldan, U.Pisan and V.Pozzolo, “Attendibilita’ delle misure indirette dei parametri di ammettenza e di diffusione al variare della frequenza”, Alta Frequenza, vol. XXXVIII, n. 9, September 1969. [6] L.Delcaro, G.L.Sicuranza and G.Zoldan, “Una applicazione delle rappresentazioni analitiche dei transistori alla analisi degli amplificatori selettivi a larga banda”, Tecnica Italiana, vol. XXXIV, n. 11, November 1969. [7] L.Delcaro, G.L.Sicuranza and G.Zoldan, “Identificazione automatica nel dominio della frequenza di un multipolo lineare”, Alta Frequenza, vol. XXXVIII, n. 12, December 1969. [8] L.Delcaro, G.L.Sicuranza and G.Zoldan, “ANCAP2: un programma per l’analisi delle reti elettriche lineari”, Alta Frequenza, vol. XXXIX, n. 3-4, March - April 1970. [9] G.L.Sicuranza and P.Sirotti, “Un procedimento per la trasformazione automatica delle rappresentazioni equivalenti di un N-porte”, Tecnica Italiana vol. XXXV, n. 12, December 1970. [10] G.L.Sicuranza and P.Sirotti, “L’analisi di reti elettriche di grandi dimensioni mediante interconnessione di N-porte”, Alta Frequenza, vol. XL, n. 12, December 1971. [11] G.L.Sicuranza and P.Sirotti, “Frequency analysis for electronics circuits by interconnection of multiterminal components”, Tecnica Italiana, vol. XXXVIII, n. 4-6, April-June 1973.Æ [12] L.Delcaro and G.L.Sicuranza, “Un programma di elaborazione delle immagini con minicalcolatore”, Alta Frequenza, vol. XLIII, n. 8, August 1974. [13] R.Brancato, A.D’Amore, L.Delcaro, G.Ravalico and G.L.Sicuranza, “An attempt towards a new technique for the computer analysis of fluorescein angiography”, Bullettin of the Hellenic Ophthalmological Society, vol. 43, 1975. [14] L.Delcaro and G.L.Sicuranza, “Ottimizzazione vincolata di filtri digitali ricorrenti bidimensionali”, Tecnica Italiana, vol. XLI, n. 4, July - August 1976. [15] A.D’Amore, L.Delcaro and G.L.Sicuranza, “Un sistema di elaborazione delle immagini”, Tecnica Italiana, vol. XLI, n. 6, November - December 1976. [16] A.D’Amore, L.Delcaro, R.Mottola and G.L.Sicuranza, “Un sistema di elaborazione delle immagini con minicalcolatore”, Alta Frequenza, vol. XLVI, n. 1, January 1977. [17] L.Delcaro and G.L.Sicuranza, “Filtri digitali bidimensionali per l’elaborazione delle immagini”, Alta Frequenza, vol. XLVII, n. 2, February 1978. 6 [18] P.Cortivo, L.Dalla Palma, L.Delcaro, P.Nicolao and G.L.Sicuranza, “Computer processing of X-ray films. Preliminary report on arteriograms”, Radiologia Clinica, vol. 47, n. 3, 1978. [19] G.L.Sicuranza, “An interactive system for computer reduction and display of twodimensional data”, Memorie della Societa’ Astronomica Italiana, vol. 49, n. 4, 1978. [20] M.L.Malagnini and G.L.Sicuranza, “Astronomical applications of interactive imaging techniques”, Memorie della Societa’ Astronomica Italiana, vol. 49, n. 4, 1978. [21] M.L.Malagnini and G.L.Sicuranza, “Stars and star clusters: classification criteria by statistics derived from the co-occurrence matrix”, Memorie della Societa’ Astronomica Italiana, vol. 50, n. 3, 1979. [22] M.L.Malagnini and G.L.Sicuranza, “Interactive methods for feature analysis in astronomical images”, Memorie della Societa’ Astronomica Italiana, vol. 51, n. 3, 1980. [23] M.L.Malagnini and G.L.Sicuranza, “L’elaborazione delle immagini e le sue applicazioni in astronomia”, Coelum, vol. XLVIII, n. 11-12, vol. L, November - December 1980. [24] M.L.Malagnini and G.L.Sicuranza, “Classificazione e discriminazione di immagini astronomiche: proposta per lo sviluppo del software applicativo”, Memorie della Societa’ Astronomica Italiana, vol. 53, n. 1, 1982. [25] F.Cesa, S.Cucchi and G.L.Sicuranza, “Riduzione di ridondanza nella trasmissione di immagini televisive tramite DCT”, Tecnica Italiana, n. 4, October-November 1986. [26] R.Glavina, G.Ramponi, S.Cucchi and G.L.Sicuranza, “Interframe image coding with nonlinear prediction”, Tecnica Italiana, n.2, 1988. 5 PUBLICATIONS IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS [1] G.L.Sicuranza, “Modelli dei transistori per l’analisi automatica”, in Atti del Simposio su: ”Caratteristiche essenziali dei dispositivi a semiconduttori e metodi di misura”, Palermo, 1-2 December 1972. [2] R.Brancato, A.D’Amore, L.Delcaro, G.Ravalico and G.L.Sicuranza, “Possibilita’ della computerizzazione dei dati fluoro - angiografici nella valutazione del calibro dei vasi retinici”, in Atti della riunione annuale della Societa’ Oftalmologica Lombarda, Salice Terme, June 1975. [3] R.Brancato, L.Delcaro, G.Ravalico and G.L.Sicuranza, “The computerized elaboration of fluoroangiographic data on retinal vascularization”, in Atti del Congresso Europeo sulla Fluoroangiografia, Gand, Belgium, March 24 - April 1, 1976. [4] P.Cortivo, L.Dalla Palma, L.Delcaro, P.Nicolao, R.Mottola and G.L.Sicuranza, “Possibilita’ dell’elaborazione delle immagini con minicalcolatore in campo radiografico”, in Atti del Simposio AEI su: “L’elaboratore elettronico nella strumentazione biomedica”, Trieste, Italy, June 29 - July 1, 1977. [5] L.Delcaro and G.L.Sicuranza, “Progetto e impiego di filtri digitali bidimensionali”, in Atti del Simposio AEI su: ”L’elaboratore elettronico nella strumentazione biomedica”, Trieste, Italy, June 29 - July 1, 1977. 7 [6] G.L.Sicuranza, “Least squares approximations for two-dimensional IIR filters with specified phase response”, in Proc. Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing, Florence, Italy, August 30 - September 2, 1978. [7] G.L.Sicuranza, “Design of two-dimensional all-pass filters by phase correction”, in Proc. Fourth Int. Symposium on Network Theory, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 4-7 September 1979. [8] G.L.Sicuranza, “Tecniche di ottimizzazione vincolata per il calcolo di filtri digitali ricorrenti bidimensionali”, in Atti del convegno su: “Elaborazione numerica delle immagini”, Florence, Italy, December 17-18, 1976. [9] M.L.Malagnini and G.L.Sicuranza, “A statistical approach to the image discrimination problem”, in Proc. Int. Workshop on Image Processing in Astronomy, Trieste, Italy, 4-8 June 1979. [10] M.L.Malagnini and G.L.Sicuranza, “Second-order statistics for image classification”, in Proc. of the ESO Workshop on Two-Dimensional Photometry, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, March 1980. [11] M.L.Malagnini and G.L.Sicuranza, “An application of pattern recognition to a classification problem in astronomy”, in Proc. of the First European Signal Processing Conf., EUSIPCO80, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 16-19, 1980. [12] G.L.Sicuranza, “Two-dimensional digital filters with finite word length coefficients on a nonuniform grid”, in Proc. of the European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, The Hague, The Netherlands, August 25-28, 1981. [13] L.Delcaro, G.L.Sicuranza, P.Cortivo and R.S.Pozzi-Mucelli, “Elaborazione di immagini: applicazioni in campo radiografico”, in Atti del Convegno Scientifico Interdisciplinare dell’Universita’ degli Studi di Trieste, Trieste, Italy, November 25, 1981. [14] G.L.Sicuranza, “On the accuracy of 2-D digital filter realizations using logarithmic number systems”, in Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, Paris, France, May 3-5, 1982. [15] M.L.Malagnini, M.Pucillo, P.Santin, G.L.Sedmak and G.L.Sicuranza, “A system for object detection and image classification on photographic plates”, in Proc. IAU Colloquium N. 78 Astronomy with Schmidt-type telescopes, Asiago, Italy, August 30 - September 2, 1983. [16] G.L.Sicuranza, “Memory-oriented realizations of 2-D digital filters”, in Proc. of the Sixth European Conf. on Circuit Theory and Design, Stuttgart, F.R. of Germany, September 6-8, 1983. [17] G.L.Sicuranza, A.Bucconi and P.Mitri “Adaptive echo cancellation with nonlinear digital filters”, in Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, San Diego, CA, March 19-21, 1984. [18] G.L.Sicuranza, “Theory and realization of nonlinear digital filters”, in Proc. of IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuit and Systems, Montreal, Canada, May 7-10, 1984. [19] G.Ramponi and G.L.Sicuranza, “Fast 2-D digital filters using look-up tables”, in Proc. of Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing, Florence, Italy, September 5-8, 1984. [20] G.L.Sicuranza and G.Ramponi, “Distributed arithmetic implementation of nonlinear echo cancellers”, in Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, Tampa, FL, March 26-29, 1985. 8 [21] G.Ramponi and G.L.Sicuranza, “The sign algorithm in memory-oriented implementations of nonlinear adaptive digital filters”, in Proc. of Seventh European Conf. on Circuit Theory and Design, Prague, Czechoslovakia, September 2-6, 1985. [22] G.L.Sicuranza, “An introduction to M-D nonlinear digital filters”, in Proc. IASTED Int. Symp. Applied Signal Processing and Digital Filtering, Paris, France, June 19-21, 1985. [23] G.L.Sicuranza and G.Ramponi, “Theory and realization of M-D nonlinear digital filters”, in Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, Tokyo, Japan, April 7-11, 1986. [24] G.Ramponi, G.L.Sicuranza and W.Ukovich, “An optimization approach to the design of nonlinear Volterra filters”, in Proc. of EUSIPCO-86, The Hague, The Netherlands, September 2-5, 1986. [25] F.Cesa, S.Cucchi and G.L.Sicuranza, “Application and performances of 2-D DCT for digital transmission of television signals”, in Proc. of MELECON’87, Roma, March 24-26, 1987. [26] G.Ramponi, G.L.Sicuranza and S.Cucchi, “2- and 3-D nonlinear predictors”, in Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, Dallas, TX, April 6-9, 1987. [27] B.G.Mertzios, G.L.Sicuranza and A.N.Venetsanopoulos, “Efficient structures for 2-D quadratic filters”, in Proc. of Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing, Florence, Italy, September 7-10, 1987. [28] F.Cesa, M.Modena and G.L.Sicuranza, “2-D DCT intrafield coding for high quality TV signals” in Proc. of Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing, Florence, Italy, September 7-10, 1987. [29] S.Carrato, G.L.Sicuranza and G.Ramponi, “A gradient-directed unsharp masking algorithm for syncrotron radiation angiography”, in Proc. of MELECON’89, Lisbon, Portugal, April 11-13, 1989. [30] G.Ramponi and G.L.Sicuranza, ”Texture discrimination via higher-order statistics”, in Proc. of the Workshop on Higher-Order Spectral Analysis, Vail, Colorado, June 28-30, 1989. [31] B.G.Merzios and G.L.Sicuranza, “Realization of non finite extent quadratic digital filters”, in Proc. of European Conf. on Circuit Theory and Design, Brighton, UK, 5-8 September 1989. [32] S. Marsi, G. Ramponi and G.L. Sicuranza, “Image compression using a perceptron”, in Proc. Terzo Workshop su Architetture Parallele e Reti Neurali, Vietri sul Mare (SA), Italy, May 1990. [33] S. Marsi, G. Ramponi and G.L. Sicuranza, “Improved Neural Structures for Image Compression”, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP-91, Toronto, Canada, May 14-17, 1991. [34] S.Cucchi, F.Desinan, G.Parladori and G.L.Sicuranza, “DSP implementation of arbitrary sampling frequency conversion for high quality sound applications”, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP-91, Toronto, Canada, May 14-17, 1991. [35] S. Carrato and G.L.Sicuranza, “A gradient-directed adaptive algorithm for synchrotron radiation angiography”, in Proc. MELECON, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, May 22-24, 1991. 9 [36] S. Carrato, G.L.Sicuranza and G.Ramponi, “Image compression by linear and nonlinear neural models”, in Proc. COST 229 WG 2 Workshop, Bayona, Spain, March 13-15, 1991. [37] G.L.Sartori, S.Carrato and G.L.Sicuranza, “Linear neural networks with hierarchical structures for image compression”, in Proc. Quarto Workshop su Architetture Parallele e Reti Neurali, Vietri sul mare (SA), Italy, May 1991. [38] G.L.Sicuranza, “Elaborazione di immagini presso il DEEI - Universita’ di Trieste”, in Atti del Simposio AEI ”Elaborazione di immagini: applicazioni e prospettive”, Genova, 3 June 1991. [39] L.Schweizer, G.Parladori, G.L.Sicuranza and S.Marsi, “A fully neural approach to image compression”, in Proc. ICANN-91, Espoo, Finland, June 24-28, 1991. [40] S.Carrato, A.Premoli and G.L.Sicuranza, “Linear and nonlinear neural networks for image compression”, in Proc. Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing, Florence, Italy, September 4-6, 1991. [41] G.Ramponi, A.Premoli and G.L.Sicuranza, “A new piecewise-linear model for adaptive nonlinear digital filtering”, in in Proc. ECCTD- 91, Helsingor, Denmark, September 36,1991. [42] S.Carrato, G.Ramponi, A.Premoli and G.L.Sicuranza, “Improved structures based on neural networks for image compression”, in Proc. of First IEEE-SP Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing, Nassau Inn, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, September 29 October 2, 1991. [43] S.Carrato, S.Marsi, G.L.Sicuranza and G.Ramponi, “Parallel structures based on neural networks for image compression”, in Proc. COST 229 WG4 Workshop on Massively Parallel Computing, Leysin, Switzerland, March 9-11, 1992. [44] G.L. Sicuranza, “Quadratic filters for signal processing: principles and applications”, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems Engineering, Kobe, Japan, September 17-19, 1992. [45] L.Schweizer, G.Parladori and G.L.Sicuranza, “Globally trained neural network architecture for image compression”, in Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing, Copenhagen, Denmark,August 31 - September 2, 1992. [46] F.Zuliani, A.Polo, A.Vindigni and G.L.Sicuranza, “Bridging the computer world to high definition displays in a multimedia environment: a nonlinear approach”, in Proc. Japan Displays’92, 1992. [47] V.J.Mathews and G.L.Sicuranza, ”Volterra and general polynomial related filtering”, Tutorial II, in Proc. of IEEE Winter Workshop on Nonlinear Digital Signal Processing, January 17-20, 1993, Tampere, Finland. [48] S. Marsi and G.L. Sicuranza, “Neural Network for Compression of Image Sequences”, in Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Time-varying Image Processing and Moving Object Recognition, Firenze, Italy, June 10-11, 1993. [49] S. Carrato, G.L. Sicuranza and L. Manzo, “Application of ordered codebooks to image processing”, in Proc. 1993 IEEE-SP Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing, Baltimore, Mariland, September 1993. 10 [50] F.De Carlo, R. Stalio, P. Trampus, A.L.Broadfoot, B.R.Sandel and G.L.Sicuranza, “The star identification, pointing and tracking system of UVSTAR, an attached payload instrument for the Shuttle Hitchhiker-M platform”, in Proc. Shuttle Small Payloads 1993 Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland, October 4-7, 1993. [51] S. Marsi, G.L. Sicuranza, “On reduced-complexity approximations of quadratic filters”, in Proc. of Twenty-Seventh Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, November 1-3, 1993, (invited paper). [52] S. Carrato, S, Marsi, G.L.Sicuranza and G. Ramponi, “Two- and three-dimensional data coding”, in Atti della Giornata di Studio su: Elaborazione di Immagini mediante reti neurali, Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Roma, Italy, December 16, 1993. [53] A.Vanzo, G.Ramponi and G.L.Sicuranza, “An image enhancement technique using polynomial filters, in Proc. IEEE ICIP-94, Austin, Texas, November 13-16, 1994. [54] G.Ramponi and G.L.Sicuranza, “Sobel-Laplacian image sharpening for noisy data”, in Proc. DSP95, Limassol, Cyprus, June 1995. [55] S.Bonifacio, S.Marsi and G.L.Sicuranza, “A 10 kb/s video coding technique based on spatial transformation”, in 5th Int. Workshop on Time-Varying Image Processing and Moving Object Recognition, Florence, Italy, September 5-6, 1996. [56] T.S.Panicker, V.J.Mathews and G.L.Sicuranza, “Parallel-cascade adaptive Volterra filters”, in Proc. EUSIPCO-96, Trieste, Italy, September 10-13, 1996. [57] D.M.Costantini, C.J.Van den Branden Lambrecth, G.L.Sicuranza and M.Kunt, “Motion rendition quality metric for MPEG coded video”, in Proc. IEEE ICIP-94, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 16-19, 1996. [58] A.Carini, V.J.Mathews and G.L.Sicuranza, “Sufficient stability bounds for slowly varying discrete-time recursive linear filters”, in Proc. ICASSP-97, Munich, Germany, April 20-24, 1997. [59] A.Carini, G.L.Sicuranza, V.J.Mathews, “On the exact inverse and the p-th order inverse of certain nonlinear systems”, in Proc. 1997 IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, September 7-11, 1997 Mackinac Island, Michigan, USA. [60] A.Carini, G.L.Sicuranza, V.J.Mathews, “Equalization and linearization of nonlinear systems”, in Proc.ICASSP-98, May 12-15, 1998, Seattle, Washington, USA. [61] F.Dardi, J.Mir, G.Parladori and G.L.Sicuranza,“Preprocessing for the MPEG-2 video coding,” in Proc. of the Workshop on Non-Linear Model Based Image Analysis, NMBIA98, Glasgow, Scotland, July 1-3, 1998. [62] F.Dardi and G.L.Sicuranza,“Algorithms for Compressed Video Processing in Multimedia Applications,” in Proc. of EUSIPCO-98, Rhodos, Greece, September 8-11, 1998. [63] A.Carini, V.J.Mathews, and G.L.Sicuranza, “Exact and pth Order Equalization and Linearization of Recursive Polynomial Systems,” in Proc. 32th Asilomar Conf., Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, November 1998. [64] L.Khriji, M.Gabbouj, G.Bernacchia and G.L.Sicuranza, “Hardware implementation of the median-rational hybrid filter for colour images,” IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, NSIP-99, Antalya, Turkey, June 20-23, 1999. 11 [65] F.Gottardo, J.Mir, G.Parladori and G.L.Sicuranza, “Nonlinear preprocessing for MPEG-2 video sequences,” IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, NSIP-99, Antalya, Turkey, June 20-23, 1999. [66] G.Bernacchia, G.L.Sicuranza, L.Khriji and M.Gabbouj, “Hardware Implementation of the Median-Rational Hybrid Filters,” in Proc. 6th IEEE Int. Conf. on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS’99, Pafos, Cyprus, Sept. 5-8, 1999. [67] G. Bernacchia, L.Khriji, M.Gabbouj and G.L.Sicuranza, “Programmable hardware implementation for the median-rational hybrid filter,” in Proc. ICIP’99, Kobe, Japan, October 1999. [68] L.Khriji, G.Bernacchia, M.Gabbouj and G.L.Sicuranza, “A dedicated hardware system for a class of nonlinear order statistics rational hybrid filters with applications to image processing,” in Proc. ICIP’99, Kobe, Japan, October 1999. [69] G.L.Sicuranza, “Polynomial filters for image and video processing,” Keynote speech, Proc. of First Int. Workshop on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, IWISPA 2000, Pula, Croatia, June 14-15, 2000. [70] A.Fermo, A.Carini, and G.L.Sicuranza, “Simplified Volterra filters for acoustic echo cancellation in GSM receivers,” EUSIPCO-2000, Tampere, Finland, 5-8 September 2000. [71] S. Marsi and G.L.Sicuranza, “FPGA implementation of quadratic filters,” Proc. of IEEE EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, NSIP-01, Baltimore, MD, June 3-6, 2001. [72] A. Fermo, G.L.Sicuranza and V. Pahor, “Hardware-oriented region based algorithm for low power motion estimation,”, Proc. of the 2nd International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, ISPA-01, Pula, Croatia, June 19-21, 2001. [73] A.Fermo, G.L. Sicuranza and V. Pahor, “Analysis of different motion estimation algorithms for low power mobile communication,” Proc. First COST 276 Workshop on Information and Knowledge Management for Integrated Media Communication, Leganes, Madrid, Spain, 21-23 November 2001. [74] A. Fermo, G.L. Sicuranza, and V. Pahor, “Hardware-oriented region based algorithm for low-power motion estimation,” Proc. EUSIPCO-2002, Toulouse, France, September 3-6, 2002. [75] A. Carini and G.L. Sicuranza, “Implementation issues for V-vector algebra,” Proc. 9th IEEE Int. Conf. on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 2002, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 15-18, 2002. [76] S. Marsi, A. Fermo, G. L. Sicuranza and S. Carrato, “Low power architecture for a motion detection algorithm,” Proc. First COST 276 Workshop on Transmitting, processing and watermarking multimedia contents, Bordeaux, France, March 31- April 1, 2003. [77] A. Carini and G. L. Sicuranza, “Filtered-X Affine Projection algorithm for nonlinear active noise controllers,” in Proc. 2003 IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, Grado, Italy, June 8-11, 2003. [78] I. Perkon, A. Kosir, G. L. Sicuranza and J. Tasic, “A simple level set method for vocal cords segmentation,” in Proc. 6th COST Workshop, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 6-7, 2004. 12 [79] G. L. Sicuranza and A. Carini, “Nonlinear active noise control,” in Proc. XII European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO-2004, Vienna, Austria, September 7-10, 2004. [80] G. L. Sicuranza and A. Carini, “Nonlinear multichannel active noise control using partial updates,” in em Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, Philadelphia, PA, March 2005. [81] A. Carini and G. L. Sicuranza, “Steady-state and transient analysis of multichannel filteredx affine projection algorithms,” in em Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, Philadelphia, PA, March 2005. [82] A. Carini and G. L. Sicuranza, “Filtered-X affine projection algorithms for a class of nonlinear multichannel active noise controllers,” Proc. of IWAENC 2005, International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Sep. 12-15, 2005 [83] A. Carini and G. L. Sicuranza, “Transient and Steady-State Analysis of Filtered-X Affine Projection Algorithms with Imperfect Secondary Path Estimate,” Proc. of ISPA 2005, International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, Zagreb, Croatia, Sep. 15-17, 2005 [84] G. L. Sicuranza and A. Carini, “On the accuracy of generalized Hammerstein models for nonlinear active noise control”, Proc. 2006 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Sorrento, Italy, 24-27 April 2006. [85] F. Russo and G. L. Sicuranza, ”Genetic optimization in nonlinear systems for active noise control: accuracy and performance evaluation,” Proc. 2006 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Sorrento, Italy, 24-27 April 2006. [86] A. Carini and G. L. Sicuranza, “Analysis of a Multichannel Filtered-X Set-Membership Affine Projection Algorithm,” Proc. of IEEE ICASSP-06, Toulouse, France, May 14-19, 2006. [87] G. L. Sicuranza and A. Carini, ”Piecewise-Linear Expansions for Nonlinear Active Noise Control,” Proc. of IEEE ICASSP-06, Toulouse, France, May 14-19, 2006. [88] A. Carini and G. L. Sicuranza, “Analysis of a Multichannel Filtered-X Partial-Error Affine Projection Algorithm,” Proc. of EUSIPCO-06, Firenze, Italy, Sept. 4-8, 2006. [89] G.L. Sicuranza and A. Carini, “Active noise control with on-line compensation of memoryless nonlinearities in the secondary path,” Proc. of International Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, NSIP-07, Bucharest, Sept. 10-12, 2007. [90] A. Carini and G. L. Sicuranza, “On the regularization of the Filtered-X Affine Projection algorithm,” Proc. of International Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, NSIP-07, Bucharest, Sept. 10-12, 2007. [91] G.L. Sicuranza and A. Carini, “Compensation of memoryless nonlinearities for active noise control applications,” Proc. of International Symposium on Communication, Control and Signal Processing, ISCCSP-08, Malta, March 12-14, 2008 (Invited paper). [92] A. Carini, S. Malatini and G. L. Sicuranza, “Optimal variable step-size NLMS algorithms for feedforward active noise control,” Proc. of EUSIPCO-08, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 25-29, 2008. 13 [93] G. L. Sicuranza and A. Carini, “Filtered-X NLMS algorithm with compensation of memoryless nonlinearities for active noise control,” Proc. of EUSIPCO-08, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 25-29, 2008. [94] Ivan Omiciuolo, A. Carini and G. L. Sicuranza, ”Multiple position room response equalization with frequency domain fuzzy C-Means prototype design,” Proc. IWAENC 2008, Seattle, WA, USA, September 14-17, 2008. [95] A. Carini, I. Omiciuolo, G.L. Sicuranza, “Multiple Position Room Response Equalization: Frequency Domain Prototype Design Strategies”, 6th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2009), Sept. 16-18, 2009, Salzburg, Austria. [96] G. L. Sicuranza and A. Carini, “Adaptive recursive FLANN filters for nonlinear active noise control,” Proc. of IEEE ICASSP-11, Prague, Czech Republic, May 22-27, 2011. [97] A. Carini, V. J. Mathews, and G. L. Sicuranza, “Efficient NLMS and RLS algorithms for a class of nonlinear filters using periodic input sequences” Proc. of IEEE ICASSP-11, Prague, Czech Republic, May 22-27, 2011. [98] G. L. Sicuranza and A. Carini, “Recursive controllers for nonlinear active noise control,” 7th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2011), Sept. 4-6, 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia. [99] A. Carini and G. L. Sicuranza, “A new class of FLANN filters with application to nonlinear active noise control,” Proc. of EUSIPCO-12, August 27-31, 2012, Bucharest, Romania. [100] A. Carini and G. L. Sicuranza, “Even mirror Fourier nonlinear filters”, in Proc. Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Process. (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, pp. 56085612, May 26-31, 2013. [101] G. L. Sicuranza and A. Carini, “A new recursive controller for nonlinear active noise control”, 8th Int. Symp. on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2013), Trieste, Italy, pp. 626-631, Sept. 4-6, Sep. 2013. [102] G. L. Sicuranza and A. Carini, “Nonlinear system identification by means of mixtures of linear-in-the-parameters nonlinear filters, 8th Int. Symp. on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2013), Trieste, Italy, pp. 330-335, Sept. 4-6, Sep. 2013. [103] G. L. Sicuranza and A. Carini, “A novel class of BIBO stable recursive nonlinear filters”, in Proc. Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Process. (ICASSP), Firenze, Italy, pp. 7984-7989, May 4-9, 2014. [104] A. Carini and G. L. Sicuranza, “Perfect periodic sequences for identification of even mirror Fourier nonlinear filters”, in Proc. Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Process. (ICASSP), pp. 8009-8014, Firenze, Italy, May 4-9, 2014. [105] A. Carini, S. Cecchi, M. Gasparini and G. L. Sicuranza, “Introducing Legendre nonlinear filters”, in Proc. Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Process. (ICASSP), pp. 7989-7994, Firenze, Italy, May 4-9, 2014. [106] A. Carini, S. Cecchi, L. Romoli and G. L. Sicuranza, “Perfect periodic sequences for Legendre nonlinear filters” Proc. of EUSIPCO-14, Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 1-5, 2014. 14 6 OTHER PUBLICATIONS [1] G.L.Sicuranza, “L’analisi delle reti elettriche lineari con il metodo delle variabili di stato”, Rel. Int. n. 10 of the Istituto di Elettrotecnica e di Elettronica, Universitay of Trieste, July 1967. [2] L.Delcaro and G.L.Sicuranza, “Un programma per l’analisi di reti elettriche lineari attive o passive”, Rel. Int. n. 15 of the Istituto di Elettrotecnica e di Elettronica, University of Trieste, November 1967. [3] L.Delcaro, G.L.Sicuranza and G.Zoldan, “Metodi per la identificazione automatica di parametri differenziali dei transistori nel dominio della frequenza”, Rel. Int. n. 36 of the Istituto di Elettrotecnica e di Elettronica, University of Trieste, March 1969. [4] G.L.Sicuranza, “Un modello analogico per rappresentazioni analitiche della matrice di ammettenze dei transistori”, Rel. Int. n. 53 of the Istituto di Elettrotecnica e di Elettronica, University of Trieste, September 1971. [5] A. D’Amore, L.Delcaro and G.L.Sicuranza, “Un sistema di acquisizione ed elaborazione digitale delle immagini”, Rel. Int. n. 61 of the Istituto di Elettrotecnica e di Elettronica, University of Trieste, April 1974. [6] G.L.Sicuranza, “Metodi per l’elaborazione numerica di immagini, I”, Cultura e Scuola, vol. XIX, n. 73, January - March 1980. [7] G.L.Sicuranza, “Metodi per l’elaborazione numerica di immagini II”, Cultura e Scuola, vol. XIX, n. 74, April - June 1980. November 2014 15
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