METHODOLOGIES _ VISUAL TEST Visual Test is an integrated qualitative approach used for the assessment of the visual concepts and combines three tools (Qualitative-motivational, Eye tracking and Semiotics) to achieve an analysis with a higher value-added. __GOAL The tool aims to analyze completely a visual concept in terms of performance (comprehension, appreciation, memorability, intention-to-buy-generated, ...), evaluation of the details (lettering, images, colors, ...), screening of several creative alternatives and optimizations and improvements __RESEARCHES The tool represents a comprehensive analysis of all visual stimuli related to the Web (web sites and portals), the advertising (print, TV, posters), the promotion (brochures, leaflets, ...), the marketing (logo, slogan, payoffs, packaging, ...) METHODOLOGIES _ VISUAL TEST __APPROCCIO APPROACH The output of the Visual Test result from the integration of 3 methods: Qualitative-motivational: analysis of the visual concept with the qualitative methodology techniques in order to verify the customers’ decoding, the values and the content of the image conveyed and the improvement and optimization areas Eye Tracking: support to the qualitative analysis of data related to the visual fruitions of the concept collected through the technological tool in order to better understand how the customer perceives the stimulus and react to it and are affected by it Semiotics: integration of the qualitative insights from the semiotic desk analysis according to the Qualitatif Total protocol METHODOLOGIES _ VISUAL TEST __THE INTEGRATED APPROACH METHODOLOGIES _ VISUAL TEST __THE SYSTEM OF THE INTEGRATED REPORTING METHODOLOGIES _ VISUAL TEST __OUTPUT Integrated semiotic/qualitative approach: Total Qualitatif protocol L’analisi semiotica si integra perfettamente con l’approccio qualitativo-motivazionale secondo il protocollo di ricerca TQ - Total Qualitatif: Studio Qualitativo Integrato Le intenzioni comunicative I codici utilizzati La decodifica Analisi Semiotica Desk Indagine Motivazionale sul consumatore Un esame qualitativo in profondità dei segni, dei codici e dei valori veicolari in grado di fornire una valutazione dell’efficacia del concetto visivo e una sua un’ottimizzazione Un esame qualitativo sul campo che esplora in profondità i vissuti, le motivazioni e le reazioni del consumatore di fronte al concetto visivo analizzato Due step di analisi : • Analisi Desk • Field motivazionale Due approcci metodologici: • Tecniche di analisi semiotica • Tecniche motivazionali METHODOLOGIES _ EYE TRACKING __OUTPUT Eye Tracking contribution: visual path about the use of a press ad (Gaze Plot)
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