Literature on papyri in the Lund University Library collection The parenthesis after a source refers to specific papyri from the University Library’s collection, giving the inventory numbers (inv.) for the papyri. More sources and references are available in the Manuscript Section at Lund University Library. Books Andorlini, Isabella. Trattato di medicina su papiro. Firenze: Istituto papirilogico ‘G. Vitelli’, 1995. (P. Lund inv. 4) Bagnall, Roger & Raffaella Cribiore. Women’s letters from Ancient Egypt, 300 BC – AD 800. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2006. (P. Lund inv. 27) Betz, Hans Dieter. The Greek magical papyri in translation, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986. PGM 89. (P. Lund inv. 32) Cribiore, Raffaella. Writing, Teachers and Students in Graeco-Roman Egypt. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1996. American Studies in Papyrology 36. (P. Lund inv. 9) Daniel, Robert. W. & Franco Maltomini, eds. Supplementum magicum. Vol. 1. Köln: Westdeutscher Vlg, 1990. Papyrologica Coloniensia 16:1. (P. Lund inv. 32) Hoffman, Jesse. A family of prophets in 2nd century Roman Egypt. MA thesis. Berkeley, 2008. (P. Lund inv. 42) Knudtzon, Erik J. Bakchiastexte und andere Papyri der Lunder Papyrussammlung (PLund Univ-Bibl 4). Diss. Lund, 1946. (P. Lund inv. 4) Articles/Chapters Andorlini, Isabella, “1. Frammento medico con elenco di sintomi.” Papyrological Texts in Honor of Roger S. Bagnall. Eds. Rodney Ast, Hélène Cuvigny, Todd M. Hickey and Julia Lougovaya. Durham, N.C.: American Society of Papyrologists, 2012. 1-8. American Studies in Papyrology 53 (P. Lund inv. 111r.) Andorlini, Isabella. "Scavi e acquisti di papiri negli anni '30: Il caso dei PLund.” Comunicazioni dell’Istituto Papirologico ‘G. Vitelli’ 1 (1995): 45-50. Baplu, Nele. “The word list P. Lund VI 11 (inv. 9): re-edition and commentary.” Archiv für Papyrusforschung (AfP) 52:1 (2006): 14-33. (P. Lund inv. 9) Gilliam, Elizabeth H. “The archives of the temple of Soknobraisis at Bacchias.” Yale Classical Studies. 10. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1947: 179-281. 2014-09-04 1 Hickey, Todd. “A penthēmeros certificate from the reign of Caracalla.” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 178 (2011): 240-242. Hickey, Todd. “A private extract from a weaver’s census return (P. Lund inv. 77).” Comunicazioni dell’Istituto Papirologico ‘G. Vitelli’ 9 (2011): 57-60. (P. Lund inv. 77) Hickey, Todd. “Two papyri in Lund.” The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (BASP) 46 (2009): 31-36. (P. Lund inv. 43 & 48) Pruneti, Paola & Mariella Menchelli. “Isocrates, Ad Dem. 12-14.” Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini (CPF): testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina, parte I:2, Cultura e filosofia (Galenus - Isocrates). 1:2. Firenze: Olsckhi, 2008. 267-270. (P. Lund inv. 11 verso) Reiter, Fabian. "Zum Ziegeleimonopol im Fayum." Graeco-Roman Fayum. Texts and Archaeology, Proceedings of the Third International Fayum Symposion, May 29 - June 1, 2007. Eds. Sandra Lippert & Maren Schentuleit. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2008. 209-216. (P. Lund inv. 220) Teeter, Timothy. “54. Payment record.” Papyrological Texts in Honor of Roger S. Bagnall, Eds. Rodney Ast, Hélène Cuvigny, Todd M. Hickey & Julia Lougovaya. Durham, N.C. American Society of Papyrologists, 2012. 307-309. American Studies in Papyrology 53 (P. Lund inv. 69) Articles published in Kungl. humanistiska vetenskapssamfundets i Lund årsberättelse. Aus der Papyrussammlung der Universitätsbibliothek in Lund: I: Wifstrand, Albert, "Literarische Fragmente", 1935 II: Wifstrand, Albert, "Griechische Privatbriefe", 1937. III: Hanell, Krister, "Kultische Texte", 1938. IV: Knudtzon, Erik J., "Bakchiastexte und andere Papyri", 1946. V: Knudtzon, Erik J. & Neugebauer, O., "Zwei astronomische Texte", 1947. VI: Knudtzon, Erik J., "Vermischte Texte", 1952. 2014-09-04 2
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