VOLUME 48 - AUTUMN EDITION 2014 CHESTNUT AND WINE FESTIVAL SUNDAY 27 APRIL OUTDOOR BBQ AREA 11am - 4pm Roasted chestnuts and complimentary wine 100ml Market and food stalls • Entertainment by Motivo and Fratelli del Sud Carnival rides • 4 hours unlimited rides • 12 noon – 4pm • $15 Sideshow alley • Win a prize! • Just $4 a game Stall application forms available. Registrations close 28 March, 2014. Email: [email protected] 2 CLUB MARCONI Proudly Supported by Peter Warren Fiat Alfa www.clubmarconi.com.au CONTENTS REPORTS & schedule SPECIAL OCCASIONS 04 courtesy bus schedule 02 Chestnut day 05 reports 23 santa maria ss delle graze 24 Republic day ENTERTAINMENT & EVENTS 12 what’s on SPECIAL DINING OFFERS 14 club entertainment 26 PIAZZA autumn SPECIALS 17 diesel 28 STAR BUFFET 16 hotshots 29 CRYSTAL JADE 22 antonio grosso 18 la fiesta brazil 19 sounds of the supremes 21 wiggles 41 the italian show groups and associations 31 ITALIAN SENIORS GROUP 32 ASSOCIATION REPORTS 39 LADIES AUXILIARY MEMBERS PROMOTIONS 08 win a trip to the fifa 2014 world cup 10 easter raffles 11 MEMBERS JACKPOT DRAW Volume 48 - Autumn Edition 2014 3 Club Marconi Board of Directors VINCE FOTI MARIO SOLIGO JOE ROMEO ROBERT CARNIATO FRANK OLIVERI SAM VACCARO DELFINA PIPITONE SAM NOIOSI ANDREA CARNUCCIO ANGELO RUISI MORRIS LICATA BERTI MARIANI President Director Vice President / Sports President Director Vice President Director Director Director Director Director Director Director members Courtesy Bus Club Marconi Courtesy Bus is a FREE service to our members and their guests*, available 7 days a week. To book, please contact Club Reception in person or 9822 3333 Option 9. WESTERN RUN** Abbotsbury, Bonnyrigg, Bonnyrigg Heights, Bossley Park, Cecil Hills, Edensor Park, Greenfield Park, Horsley Park, Prairiewood, St Johns Park, Wakeley, Wetherill Park, Green Valley Monday to Thursday 4pm, 6pm, 8pm, 10pm Friday 4pm, 6pm, 8pm, 10pm, 12am, 2am Saturday 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, 8pm, 10pm, 12am Sunday12pm, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, 8pm, 10pm eastern RUN** Cabramatta, Cabramatta Station, Canley Heights, Fairfield, Fairfield Heights, Fairfield Station, Fairfield West, Mount Pritchard, Smithfield Monday – Thursday 5pm, 7pm, 9pm, 11pm Friday 5pm, 7pm, 9pm, 11pm, 1am, 3am Saturday11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, 9pm, 11pm, 1am Sunday 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, 9pm, 11pm * Guest(s) travelling with a member to the same location. **Bus operates within a radius and may not include all streets within your suburb. Contact club reception for map locations. The courtesy bus has limited seats, pre-booking recommended. Shuttle bus runs every 15 minutes. Pickup at Club Marconi. Drop off at Stockland Wetherill Park. Onsite security and under cover parking. Available for staff and customers. 7 days a week. Hours of operation Monday - Wednesday 7am – 7pm Thursday 7am – 10pm Friday 7am – 7pm 4 Saturday Sunday 7am – 7pm 10am – 4pm A publication of CLUB MARCONI of Bossley Park Social, Recreation and Sporting Centre Limited. WIRE is created by Club Marconi Senior designer: Mim Tumminello 121-133 Prairie Vale Road, Bossley Park NSW 2176 Telephone: 02 9822 3333 / Fax: 02 9822 3399 Web: www.clubmarconi.com.au | Email: [email protected] Like us on Facebook/marconiclub All information is correct at the time of printing. Extracts from this publication cannot be reproduced or copied without written permission from Club Marconi. CLUB MARCONI www.clubmarconi.com.au President’s Report Vince Foti Cari soci, Le festivita’ natalizie sono state eccezionalmente positive per il Club Marconi. Non solo il Club e’ riuscito ad ottenere, in molte delle sue sezioni, profitti mai raggiunti in precedenza, ma ha fatto registrare un notevole aumento dei soci e dei loro amici che hanno scelto il Club Marconi come il loro club ideale per meglio celebrare lo spirito delle festivita’ natalizie. Il Comitato Direttivo e il personale dirigenziale del Club ispirati dagli incoraggianti risultati ottenuti guardano con fiducia al futuro It has been a wonderful festive season for Club Marconi. Not only did the Club achieve unprecedented profits in most areas of the Club, but it showed an increase in the number of Members and friends that shared the spirit of the season at the Club of their choice, Club Marconi. The Board and Management are inspired and encouraged by this success and look forward to further providing a high level of service for the Club’s Members. I must thank Club Marconi staff for their efforts and conscious endeavour in delivering the service you, the Members deserve. In my end of year financial statement, I reported that the Club’s trading performance delivered a $1.08 million profit. Whilst it is a most pleasing result, the Board is cautious that in order to improve we must embark on an operation to update our facility and strive for that level of efficiency to maximise the resources we currently have. There is a much needed capital expenditure to be allocated to building maintenance and renovations in order that we may be an attractive destination within the competitive club zone. The Board and Management will prioritise the improvements. During last year, I reported that the Commonwealth Bank offered to extend a facility for increased funding of $2.5 million, however after renewed submissions showing more conservative budget estimates, the bank has withdrawn their offer. I apologise for any misunderstanding. The Club’s core debt to the CBA is, at this stage $10,544,902, we will continue to maintain our commitment to further reduce this debt in 2014. The Board has fully assessed the operation of Oscar’s Restaurant and regretfully made the prudent decision to discontinue the operation. We are now in the final stages of leasing the restaurant to an external local operator. In October last year, the Club once again hosted the ‘Victor Chang Heart of the West’ fundraising dinner, which was a tremendous success, many thanks to my fellow committee members Dr. Nat Romeo, Michael Daniele, Romeo Tamburri and Marconi staff With the 2014 FIFA World Cup commencing in June, we have installed an exciting new video wall in which we will be televising each match live here at Club Marconi. As we have done in the past, we will be extending trading hours to accommodate all live World Cup matches. As always, I like to end my report by asking for your support and patronage and to be a united force to nurture, reinforce and strengthen the Marconi spirit. Vince Foti Club President intenzionati ad ulteriormente migliorare il livello del servizio messo a disposizione dei soci. Mi sembra obbligatorio ringraziare tutto il personale del Club Marconi per la serieta’ professionale evidenziata nel consentire ai soci di poter usufruire di quell’ ottimo servizio che essi meritano. Nel mio rendiconto finanziario di fine anno avevo riferito che grazie ad una buona gestione il Club aveva fatto registrare un profitto di $ 1.08 milioni. Il Comitato Direttivo, sebbene sia soddisfatto del risultato ottenuto, e’ anche consapevole che per continuare ad eccellere bisogna impegnarsi a migliorare le nostre facilitazioni e fare ogni sforzo possibile per raggiungere un livello di efficienza utilizzando al meglio le risorse di cui disponiamo al momento. C’e’ veramente bisogno di convergere spese di capitale verso la manutenzione e la ristrutturazione del club per poter restare al livello di competenza degli altri clubs situati nelle zone limitrofe del nostro club. Il comitato Direttivo e il personale dirigenziale daranno la precedenza a queste necessarie migliorie. Durante l’anno passato vi avevo informati che la Banca del Commonwealth si era offerta di concedere al Club una estensione del prestito aumentandolo di $ 2.5 milioni. Tuttavia dopo avere esaminato le nostre richieste, che hanno rilevato una piu’ conservativa valutazione del bilancio, la banca ha deciso di ritirare la sua offerta. Vi chiedo scusa per eventuali malintesi. Il debito del Club Marconi con la Commonwealth Bank e’ attualmente di $ 10,544,902 e noi continueremo ad impegnarci al massimo per ridurre ulteriormente questo debito nel 2014. Il Comitato Direttivo ha ponderatamente valutato l’operativita’ del Ristorante Oscar e con enorme rincrescimento ha deciso di cessarne l’attivita’ operativa. Siamo giunti alle trattative finali per affittare il ristorante ad un operatore locale. Nel mese di Ottobre dell’anno scorso il Club aveva organizzato la serata di gala “Victor Chang Heart of the West” per la raccolta di fondi da designare in beneficenza. L’evento si e’ rivelato un eccezionale successo e al riguardo desidero ringraziare i colleghi di questo apposito comitato Dr. Nat Romeo, Michael Daniele e Romeo Tamburri. oltre che al personale del Club Marconi. Con l’avvicinarsi dell’inizio del Campionato Mondiale di Calcio in Brasile, in programma nei mesi di Giugno e Luglio, e’ stato installato nel Club un nuovo video su una intera parete dove potrete vedere tutte le partite dal vivo al Club Marconi. Come abbiamo sempre fatto tradizionalmente in passato in occasione di un cosi’ importante evento sportivo, le ore di apertura e chiusura del club verranno cambiate in concomitanza degli orari delle varie partite in programma. Come di consueto concludo questa mia relazione nel chiedervi di continuare a sostenere il club e ad essere una forza unita per alimentare, rinforzare e tenere alto lo spirito del Club Marconi. Vince Foti Presidente Volume 48 - Autumn Edition 2014 5 SPORTS President’s Report MARIO SOLIGO Cari soci e amici, A nome del Comitato Esecutivo dello Sport porgo il benvenuto a tutti i soci del Marconi Sport per quello che, mi auguro, sara’ un altro anno ricco di successi a livello competitivo e organizzativo. Poco prima delle festivita’ natalizie il Marconi SBB ha ottenuto un altro eccellente risultato vincendo la “Western Sydney Billiards Competition” sconfiggendo l’Hornsby RSL. Dear Members and friends, On behalf of the Sports Executive, I welcome back all the Marconi Sports Members to another eventful and successful season for all our sporting associations on and off the playing arena. Just before Christmas, we saw Marconi SBB win the Western Sydney Billiards Competition defeating Hornsby RSL. Our star-studded, nationally-ranked Billiards Team completely dominated the competition in 2013. Congratulations to the SBB boys. We look forward to them defending the title in 2014. Bocce, being one of our foundation sports, kicked off the year’s sporting calendar over the Australia Day weekend by hosting the National Raffa Tournament. Three States competed for prize money and trophies. It was encouraging for many Club Members to witness some of the country’s best Bocce Players in action. Il calendario delle Bocce, il primo sport dei soci fondatori, e’ iniziato nel week-end di Australian Day con il Torneo Nazionale di Raffa, disputatosi al Club Marconi con la partecipazione di tre stati che hanno gareggiato con in palio soldi e trofei.. Mi ha fatto piacere vedere che molti soci hanno assistito alle gare per vedere all’opera alcuni tra i migliori giocatori in Australia. Le nostre squadre juniores e seniores del Marconi Cricket Brumbies sono quasi tutte piazzate bene in classifica per cercare di accedere alle finali. Vi prego di sostenere i nostri bravi juniores assistendo alle loro partite in programma il Sabato mattina. Per maggiori dettagli telefonate alla Associazione. Our Marconi Cricket Brumbies are placed well to compete in the Finals with our Junior and Senior teams. Please support our all-conquering Juniors by coming along and watching them play each Saturday morning. Contact the Association for details. La nostra “LNA Club of the Year “Associazione del Netball si sta febbrilmente preparando con le registrazioni per un nuovo anno e desidero incoraggiare i genitori ad iscrivere le loro figlie in una delle nostre piu’ prestigiose Associazioni . Gli allenamenti si svolgono al Club Marconi da Febbraio ad Agosto, e quindi tenete gli occhi aperti per le date delle registrazioni. Our LNA Club of the Year Netball Association is busily preparing for their new season and I encourage parents to get their daughters involved in one of our most successful associations. They train at the Club between February and August, so keep an eye out for registration details. Inoltre abbiamo anche la “Physical Culture” che ha enormemente progredito nel corso degli anni sotto la guida di Anne Fenech e questo anno compiera’ un ulteriore miglioramento con l’acquisizione di nuovi e competenti insegnanti. Anche in questo caso occhi aperti per l’inizio delle registrazioni. Additionally, we also have Physical Culture which has blossomed over the years under the teaching of Anne Fenech and this year they are expanding even further with additional teachers. So keep an eye out for their registrations also. I look forward to seeing the efforts of our Marconi Mustangs and the enhancements to Marconi Park with a new scoreboard and improved amenities. After a wonderful year on and off the field, we wish Tony Trimboli and his members all the very best at their new enhanced Home Ground. On the cultural front, we all look forward to the next Art Exhibition in the Artist Corner which will showcase a one-person show opening in February and running until May. Our Art Association continues to display top class Exhibitions, please pop by and visit the Arts Corner to view the latest works. Our 2014 Carnivale will be held on 6 April 2014. This is a wonderful opportunity to see all our Sports Associations showcase their competitiveness against visiting teams from all over Sydney and all on the one day. Lastly it gives me much pride to see one of our hard working Fencing administrators and coaches Sam Salemi being awarded the Fairfield City Citizen of the Year during the Australian Day celebrations. A wonderful recognition for a man who puts his heart and sole into his sport. Congratulations Sam on behalf of the Marconi Sports Family. In closing, I would like to wish all volunteers the best of luck through this busy pre-season of registrations and trials. On behalf of the Board and Sports Executive, I would like thank everyone for all their efforts and continual commitment to Marconi Sports. Mario Soligo Sports President / Club Vice President 6 La nostra squadra, molto quotata a livello nazionale, ha completamente dominato in lungo e in largo le competizioni del 2013 e quindi mi congratulo con i componenti del SBB fiducioso che riusciranno a difendere i titoli vinti anche nel 2014. CLUB MARCONI www.clubmarconi.com.au Non vedo l’ora di vedere all’opera i Marconi Mustags nel rinnovato Marconi Park con nuove migliorate facilitazioni e un nuovo tabellone per i risultati. Dopo un meraviglioso anno dal punto di vista competitivo e organizzativo a Tony Trimboli e ai suoi soci auguriamo di ottenere ulteriori prestigiosi successi anche nel nuovo rinnovato terreno di gioco. Per quanto riguarda la parte culturale la nostra Art Association continua ad organizzare mostre di pittura di alta qualita’ e non sara’ da meno la prossima mostra in programma nell’Artist Corner da Febbraio a Maggio e che sara’ dedicata ad un unico eccezionale artista. Il Carnivale 2014 si svolgera’ il 6 Aprile. Si tratta di una opportunita’ fantastica di vedere all’opera , tutte nello stesso giorno, le nostre Associazioni sportive che si misureranno contro altre squadre di Sydney. E infine mi ha riempito di orgoglio vedere che, uno dei nostri instancabili dirigenti e allenatori della Fencing Association , Sam Salemi, e’ stato premiato con il prestigioso premio “Fairfield City Citizen of the Year” durante l’Australian Day. Congratulazioni da parte della famigia sportiva del Marconi a Sam, che si dedica anima e corpo nello sport dei “Tre moschettieri” , per il meritatissimo riconoscimento ricevuto. Concludo nell’augurare molta fortuna a tutti i volontari durante il periodo delle registrazioni e dei provini che sempre precedono l’inizio delle competizioni vere e proprie. A nome del Comitato Direttivo e dell’Esecutivo dello Sport, desidero ringraziare tutti coloro che continuano con i loro sforzi e costante dedizione a mantenere sempre competitivo il livello dello sport al Club Marconi. Mario Soligo Vice Presidente / Presidente Associazioni Sportive FOOTBALL committee REPORT robert carniato Firstly on behalf of the Football Committee, staff, coaches and managers here at Marconi Stallions, we all hope you had a great festive break through Christmas and the New Year. There have been a few notable changes within the football department since our last report. I would like to extend a warm welcome to my fellow Board Members – Morris Licata and Frank Oliveri as they join myself, Joe Romeo and Berti Mariani to make up the Football Committee. We would also like to congratulate Darren Iocca as the new Marconi Stallions First Grade Coach. Darren’s experience as both player and manager will bring a wealth of knowledge and an extensive skill set to the First Grade team. This comes to light as the former Stallions boss Jean-Paul de Marigny was successfully appointed as Assistant Coach to Melbourne Victory. On behalf of the Board of Directors, and everyone here at Marconi, we would like to thank ‘JP’ for all of his hard work and devoted efforts to the Stallions, and we wish him the very best of success for his coaching career moving forward. With the First Grade team now finalised, we are pleased to announce James Chronopoulos as our First Grade Team Captain for 2014. James has replaced the captaincy role from Nahuel Arrarte, who unfortunately has retired from playing due to sustaining a knee injury last season. We would like to thank Nahuel for his outstanding leadership and dedication to the Stallions and wish Nahuel the very best of success as he has now undertaken a football coaching career. Marconi Stadium hosted a series of W-League and National Youth League matches for the Western Sydney Wanderers throughout November, December and January. We are proud to say these matches have been of great success and benefit to Marconi and the Wanderers, housing record attendances across both leagues. This combined with our patronage supporting the Wanderers A-League team via live televised games in our Main Lounge area, has generated a great sense and feel of football throughout the Club. We would like to thank our partners at the Western Sydney Wanderers for selecting Marconi Stadium as their venue to host their W-League and National Youth League teams. Finally, as we move into the 2014 Competition Season, expect to see a great deal of football around the club. Commencing with the 2014 FNSW Pre-Season Tournament in February which tested players and tactics for both the Stallions men’s and women’s teams. As they prepare for the 2014 IGA National Premier Leagues NSW Men’s 1 / Women’s 1 competition, Round 1 will debute at Marconi Stadium on Saturday 15th March 2014. I would like to thank my colleagues in the Football Committee, and the Board of Directors for your ongoing support. I would also like to thank our Football Administration staff – Jesse Mariani and Klaus Okon for their dedication and hard work in preparing for the 2014 season. Finally I would like to thank the Sponsors of the Marconi Stallions for keeping Marconi involved in football within the highest level that we can participate in. Yours in Football, Robert Carniato Football Chairman On behalf of Joe Romeo, Berti Mariani, Morris Licata and Frank Oliveri Volume 48 - Autumn Edition 2014 7 8 CLUB MARCONI www.clubmarconi.com.au Volume 48 - Autumn Edition 2014 9 EASTER RAFFLES EGGSTRAVAGANZA FRIDAY 4 & 11 APRIL Easter Hampers, Meat Trays and Deli Hampers Tickets on sale 6.30pm. Draw starts 7.30pm SUNDAY 6 & 13 APRIL Easter Hampers, Electricals, Giftware, Gift Cards and Deli Hampers Tickets on sale 4.30pm. Draw starts 5.30pm Tickets available in the Main Lounge. Still only $1 for 10 numbers. Please note: There will be no raffles Good Friday or Easter Sunday. hey kids! GET EGGCITED THIS EASTER! ‘HOP’FREE EASTER MOVIE WEDNESDAY APRIL 16 FROM 10AM An Easter movie that’s fun for the whole family! From the creators of “Dispicable Me”, follow E.B., the Easter Bunny’s teenage son, as he heads to Hollywood, determined to become a drummer in a rock ‘n’ roll band. Stars Russell Brand, Hugh Laurie and James Marsden. PLUS POPCORN & LOLLY BAGS MEET THE EASTER BUNNY WEDNESDAY 16 & THURSDAY 17 APRIL Main Lounge from 6pm. EASTER EGG DECORATING THURSDAY 17 APRIL Have fun and get creative at our Easter Egg Decorating Workshop. Free from 6pm – 8pm in the Christina Lounge. 10 CLUB MARCONI www.clubmarconi.com.au every THURSDAY night Draws at 8pm, 8.30pm and 9pm. If the $5,000 is not won, we guarantee to give away $500 cash at 9.30pm. Simply swipe your card every Thursday between 7pm and 9pm. JACKPOT WILL INCREASE BY $500, IF NOT WON. Conditions apply. Visit Club Marconi for more details. Authorised under NSW permit number LTPS/13/08203. WHAT’S ON MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Cash Housie From 7pm Italian Bingo From 10am Bingo From 10.30am Mahjong From 1pm Mahjong From 1pm Jackpot Draw From 8pm FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Bingo From 10.30am Free Entertainment From 9pm Raffles From 4.30pm Raffles From 6.30pm Free Entertainment From 7pm Free Entertainment From 9.30pm CASH HOUSIE Cristina Lounge Learning Links From 7pm } Cost $10 } Book of 6 BONUS sheet and jackpot sheet } 20 bingo games and 7 cash housie games 12 BINGO Italian Elettra - Tuesday From 10am }S ee Circolo Anziani for details English Elettra - Wednesday and Friday } Books on sale 10am } Starts 10.30am CLUB MARCONI www.clubmarconi.com.au MAHJONG Sports Lounge Tuesday 1pm Thursday 1pm }$ 500 to be won per session JACKPOT DRAW Thursdays 8pm, 8.30pm & 9pm } Prize pool starts at $5,000 and jackpots $500 each week if not won. } JACKPOT MUST BE WON AT $10,000 RAFFLES Fridays Tickets 6.30pm Draw 7.30pm }M eat, chicken and gourmet deli hampers Sundays Tickets 4.30pm Draws 5.30pm }E lectrical, home wares, hampers and vouchers Volume 48 - Autumn Edition 2014 13 SPECIAL EVENT ENTERTAINMENT Main Lounge | free APRIL 14 CLUB MARCONI www.clubmarconi.com.au 2 Easter Thursday DJ Dean 9.30pm – 1.30am 24 Anzac Day DJ Dean 9.30pm – 1.30am Image: Joey Fimmano entertainment FRIDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY AUDITORIUM 8pm - 12am FREE Main Lounge 8.30pm - 12.30am FREE Main Lounge 8.30pm - 12.30am FREE colosseo AND main lounge 8pm - 12am $3M, $5NM march march march March 7 Matchbox Band and DJ Trev 7 Debellis Band 1 Italian Club Night 1 Joe Casale Band (ML) 14DJ (after Swimsuit Model Search) 8Latin Addiction 8 Vagabondi Band 15City Roc DJ 21Mesa Groove 22Sensation Latina 15Tony Di Marti and I Giovanotti 28The Spark 29Italian Club Night 22Dolce Vita Band ROCK N ROLL 21 Midnight Drifters and DJ Trev LIVE WIND DOWN LIVE MUSIC SATURDAY ITALIAN CLUB NIGHT 29Tony Di Marti and I Giovanotti (ML) APRIL arpil APRIL april 4 On The Prowl and DJ Trev 4 All Funked Up 5Latin Addicton 5 Dolce Vita Band 11Debellis Band 12DJ Dean 18 Rockin’Mustangs and DJ Trev 18Party Central 19Latin Addiction 12Tony Di Marti and I Giovanotti 25The Spark 26Italian Club Night 19Vagbondi Band 26Paul Cincotta Band (ML) MAY may MAY may 2 Pink Chevys and DJ Trev 2 Debellis Band 3 Latin Addiction 3 Latin Addiction 9The Spark 16 The Bandits and DJ Trev 16Endless Summer 10Tony Di Marti and I Giovanotti 10Tony Di Marti and I Giovanotti (ML) 17City Roc DJ 17Dolce Vita Band 30 Mr James Band and DJ Trev 23Debellis Band 24Latin Addiction 24Vagabondi Band 31George Vumbaca 31George Vumbaca 23The Spark SUNDAY DANCE NIGHT DUO Main Lounge | 7pm - 10.30PM | FREE MARCH april may 2 Reflection Duo 6 Melo Ridolfo Duo 4 Reflection Duo 9 John Vadala Duo 13 John Vadala Duo 11 John Vadala Duo 16 Joe Casale Duo 20 Gino & Jeff 18 Dolce Vita Duo 23 Gino & Jeff 27 Joe Casale Duo 25 Lucio Ventresca Duo 30 Fantasia Duo *Please note content is correct at time of printing and is subject to change without notice. Volume 48 - Autumn Edition 2014 15 AUSTRALIA’S NO.1 GIRLS NIGHT OUT! FRIDAY 28 MARCH Doors 8pm | Colosseo | Tickets $28 from Club Reception or call 9822 3333 Ladies, start your engines! Australian number one girl’s night out is coming to Marconi. The two hour extravaganza of music, lights and action is all wrapped up in a Las Vegas style production show and presented by some of the sexiest men in Australia – the Sydney Hotshots. The show called Funtasia includes acrobatics, break dancing, gymnastics and showcases all the usual suspects – the fireman, the cowboy, the policeman…and so much more!! Get your friends together for the ultimate ladies night out, it’s guaranteed to be loads of fun! 16 CLUB MARCONI www.clubmarconi.com.au Don’t miss this much loved singer, songwriter and guitarist, Diesel, as he gets ready to rock Marconi. The Let It Fly tour supports Diesel’s 11th album release and is a celebration of his life’s work so far and what a body of work that is with songs like ‘Tip of My Tongue’, ‘Cry in Shame’, ‘Never Miss Your Water’ and ‘Soul Revival’, to name a few. S AT U R D AY 1 2 A P R I L singer, song writer, guitarist and rock n’ roll legend auditorium | doors open 8pm | Show 8.30pm tickets $40 | available from club reception or online at eventopia.co Volume 48 - Autumn Edition 2014 17 SATURDAY 31 MAY Celebrate the music, colour, culture and rhythm of the home of the FIFA 2014 World Cup in this spectacular show! } Auditorium Doors 8pm, Show 8.30pm } Tickets $15 (Reserved seating) } 18 CLUB MARCONI www.clubmarconi.com.au Dancers } DJ JVR Javier Soto } Sensacion Latin Band } Thursday 12 June doors 8pm tickets $28 from club reception Direct from the USA, and having performed in over 40 countries around the world, Sounds of the Supremes is a celebration of the music that defined a generation. Led by Kaaren Ragland, one of the original Supremes from the 70’s and 80’s, Sounds of the Supremes features over 20 chart topping Motown hits. Bring your dancing shoes – it’s guaranteed to be a fun night. Volume 48 - Autumn Edition 2014 19 FREE KIDS ENTERTAINMENT EK E W ERY V E Y A ZZA* FUN D ’S D THE P I N I K EE REE AT FR F IA ITH SW LOON L IDS E K & BA M G P N 5 I INT FROM CE PA T A F MEN PM N 6 I A M T ZI TER FRO & KO S EN D Y I K K F PIN AREA ETY O Y I A R L A SP AV / KID PLUS E G LOUN A N I T CRIS , CO ance, dance S I D & dd OKE tar an CH MAR 20 ARA ner pop s K S ’ n D KI your i ts. ver st hi Disco o the late t dance L APRI 17 TING ands on A R O this h DEC GG ave fun in r Bunny. E R E AST Easte and h E ative et the e e r c m t s Ge plu hop, s k r o w e toung e u l b ile, E ocod snake! r V c I MAY a L h A ILES ounters wit d a slippery afe and T P E s R an nc 15 Close up e eck turtle rience in a n e g exp , long lizard tive learnin ed. c rchas Intera ironment. eal pu m in v ny ma izza, fun en with a gourmet p . FREE m , eal izza – 9p kids m ed under p able 5pm 1 : u n il t e . lis va Kids M items and grill. A er 12 years ice of consists of d ls o n a h u e C n m * hildre meal main Main i classics, ns apply, c n io o it c ond mar and c Terms 20 CLUB MARCONI www.clubmarconi.com.au SECOND SHOW SUNDAY 23 MARCH Auditorium Doors 12pm | Show 12.30pm All Tickets $27.50 (Children under 12 months free) On sale at Club Reception or call 9822 3333 To avoid disappointment, please be advised Prams are not permitted into the Auditorium. Cloak room available. Partners Partners © 2014 The Wiggles Pty Ltd. Individual artists may be substituted. © 2014 The Wiggles Pty Ltd. Individual artists may be substituted. Volume 48 - Autumn Edition 2014 21 friday 14 March Doors open 7.30pm | Show 8pm | auditorium 22 tickets $35 | available from club reception CLUB MARCONI www.clubmarconi.com.au 11TH ANNuAL FAMILy FESTIVAL IN HONOUR OF Maria SS Delle Grazie SaNtUaRIO dI tReSIlIcO SYdNeY NSW SAMANTHA JADE PERFORMING LIVE!! MC PAOLO RAjO SOPRANO CINzIA MAROTTA RAjO jeSABeLLe TRIO ARTURO TOSCANI DOLCe eNTeRTAINMeNT TONy SeRgI DANCe NRg SUNDAY 4TH MAY AT CLUB MARCONI FREE ENTRY ı MaSS aT 11aM ı eNTerTaiNMeNT STarTS FrOM 2PM A GREAT DAY OUT! FOOD riDeS MerCHaNDiSe STallS Car SHOW FireWOrKS ly ! ITa Tr Ip To WITH NIck Jr.’s Dora THe explorer 2 - 2.30pM ı 3 - 3.30pM ı 4 - 4.30pM a © 2014 Viacom International Inc. ! MeeT & GreeT w iN MajOr SPONSOrS: Club MarCONi, FOTi FireWOrKS, aDriaNO COluCCiO FuNeral Volume 48 - Autumn Edition 2014 ServiCeS, CaMPiSi CONTiNeNTal buTCHery, lbF CONCreTe, eaSTCOaST beveraGeS 23 Peter Warren Fiat Alfa Proudly Supports the 2014 Sunday 1 June FROM 11AM CLUB MARCONI CELEBRATES THE BIGGEST DAY ON THE ITALIAN CALENDAR WITH THE PEOPLE OF SYDNEY. Commemorative Mass – 10am Market and gourmet food stalls Live entertainment – Presented by Tony Di Marti and featuring acts by Francesca (direct from Italy), Frank DeBellis Band, Claudio Sandrelli, Tony Sergi, Dj Sam Gullo and lots more…. Carnival Rides Foti Fireworks spectacular Stall and sponsorship opportunities: email [email protected] Volume 48 - Autumn Edition 2014 25 Autumn specials We’re famous for our authentic wood fired pizzas, pastas, burgers, panini and gelato. AY B Y OPEN MONDAY - FRIDAY FROM 10AM SATURDAY - SUNDAY FROM 11AM P POINTS BUY 5 PIZZAS AND RECEIVE THE 6TH FREE Available any day of the week between March - May 2014. Excludes Gourmet pizzas. Members only. TUESDAY NIGHT $11.50 STEAK NIGHT 230g MSA rump steak with chips, salad and gravy. [Available 6pm – 9pm] WEDNESDAY NIGHT $11.50 RIBS TICKLER Half rack of juicy BBQ pork ribs and beer battered chips. [Available 6pm – 9pm] THURSDAY KIDS EAT FREE Choice of Kids Menu: 1 kids meal FREE with any main meal purchased. Main meal consists of items listed under pizza, gourmet pizza, marconi classics, main meals and grill [Available 5pm – 9pm] Terms and conditions apply, children under 12 years. FRIDAY LUNCH 2 PASTAS FOR $22 Does not include pasta listed on specials board. [Available midday until 3pm] SATURDAY LUNCH COURTYARD BBQ BBQ Roll $4.50, BBQ Roll & VB $7.50 [Available midday until 3pm] SUNDAY LUNCH SUNDAY ROAST LUNCH Chef’s selection of roast meats and vegetables with accompaniments $14. [Available midday until 3pm] 26 Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Offers not available on Public holidays or special event days (Festival days, Mother’s day, Easter etc). Club Marconi has the right to remove these offers at any given time without notice Dine in only. *Members price. Members discount already applied. Specials may change at any time without notice. CLUB MARCONI www.clubmarconi.com.au Mother’s Day Luncheon Treat mum to a special 3 course meal Sunday 11 May L ive Entertainment and champagne on arrival Doors open 12pm | Elettra Adults $39 | Kids under 12 years $22 Bookings essential 9822 3333 ENQUIRIES (02) 9822 3324 FUNCTIONS MUST BE PAID IN FULL 7 DAYS PRIOR WITH FINAL NUMBERS [email protected] Appointments Essential Volume 48 - Autumn Edition 2014 27 EASTER AT GOOD FRIDAY 18 April EASTER SATURDAY 19 April EASTER SUNDAY 20 April EASTER MONDAY 21 April LUNCH & DINNER Adults $25.80 | Senior/Member $24.80 Senior + Member $23.80 | Kids $1.90 x age The best value ‘all you can eat’ buffet in the west is at Club Marconi. Experience the wonderful variety and ambience of the widely praised Star Buffet, our ‘all you can eat’ family restaurant serving up an international smorgasbord of flavours and cuisines, for all ages and tastes. MOTHER’S DAY 11 May LUNCH & DINNER Adults $30.80 Kids $2.30 x age Book now for Mother’s Day! 28 Phone (02) 9822 3372 | www.starbuffet.com.au CLUB MARCONI www.clubmarconi.com.au Crystal Jade offers a 5 star Chinese dining experience using only the freshest ingredients including a live seafood selection from eight display tanks. We offer modern and traditional Chinese cuisine, beautifully prepared with passion by our executive chefs from China and Hong Kong. MOTHERS DAY SPECIAL SUNDAY 11 MAY Lunch and dinner with a special gift for all mothers Amazing 8 course set menu $42 per adult | $21 children under 12 YUM CHA TUESDAY - SUNDAY 11.30AM TO 3.00PM Over 50 different varieties of freshly handmade dim sims and noodles Limited time only | Terms & Conditions apply 15% OFF ALL CASH PAYMENTS ONLY EASTER LIVE SEAFOOD SPECIAL GOOD FRIDAY, EASTER SATURDAY & SUNDAY Live Lobster, Crabs, Pippies, Coral Trout, Jade Perch, Barramundi, Murray Cod, Abalone and more 15% OFF Terms & Conditions apply ALL CASH PAYMENTS ONLY Bookings essential 9822 3326 | Level 1 AY B Y P POINTS Tuesday to Sunday Volume 48 - Autumn Edition 2014 Lunch 11.30am - 3.00pm | Dinner 5.00pm - 10.00pm (Fri & Sat open to 11pm) 29 Club Marconi is the ‘Wanderers home away from home’ Plan ahead - Wanderers away games coming up Sat 8 Mar Sat 29 Mar Sat 12 Apr WSW v Sydney FC WSW v Central Coast Mariners WSW v Melbourne Heart Kick off 7:45pm (BBQ from 7pm) Kick off 5:30pm (BBQ from 5pm) Kick off 4:30pm (BBQ from 4pm) afc champions league Wed 26 Feb Wed 12 Mar Wed 19 Mar Tues 1 Apr Tues 15 Apr Tues 22 Apr WSW v Ulsan Hyundai (KOR) WSW v Guizhou Renhe (CHN) WSW v Kawasaki Frontale (JPN) WSW v Kawasaki Frontale (JPN) WSW v Ulsan Hyundai (KOR) WSW v Guizhou Renhe (CHN) Kick off 7:30pm (Home) Kick off 11:00pm (Away) Kick off 7:30pm (Home) Kick off 9:00pm (Away) Kick off 8:30pm (Away) Kick off 7:30pm (Home) Club Marconi is a proud Corporate Sponsor of the Western Sydney Wanderers VALUED AT $50,000 ♣ 3 MATCHES ♣ FLIGHTS AND ACCOMMODATION FOR WINNING TEAM draw Thursday 27 March 7.30pm TOURNAMENT DATES Saturday 29 March Sunday 30 March Monday 31 March 1pm 1pm 7pm Teams of 4 Buy in $800 ($200 per player) Visit www.thepokerpalace.com.au CIRCOLO ANZIANI E AMICI This information is printed for the benefit of the Italian speaking Seniors Group. Il Circolo degli Anziani e degli Amici celebra i suoi primi 35 anni di amorevole e lodevole servizio per la comunita’ degli italiani anziani presso il Club Marconi in Sydney’s West. Il Circolo organizza un programma di attivita’, viaggi, ed escursioni che parte e rientra nel nostro fantastico Club. Ed ecco alcuni degli eventi da appuntare nel vostro diario: MARZO Martedi 4 Gita al Fraternity Club Wollongong Festa di Carnevale Per informazione telefonate Vicki Fontana 9610 3526 Emma Dal Col 9823 6578 Martedi 29Star Buffet Pranzo Elettra Room 10am Tombola carte e pranzo Biglietti $15 Soci $16 Non-soci MAGGIO Martedi 11Elettra Room 10am Tombola carte e pranzo Biglietti $15 Soci $16 Non-soci Martedi 6Non ci sono attivita Martedi 18Elettra Room 10am Tombola carte e pranzo Biglietti $15 Soci $16 Non-soci Martedi 13Festa per tutte le mamme Elettra Room 10am Tombola carte e pranzo Biglietti $15 Soci $16 Non-soci Martedi 25Star Buffet Pranzo Elettra Room 10am Tombola carte e pranzo Biglietti $15 Soci $16 Non-soci Martedi 20Elettra Room 10am Tombola carte e pranzo Biglietti $15 Soci $16 Non-soci APRILE Martedi 27Elettra Room 10am Tombola carte e pranzo Biglietti $15 Soci $16 Non-soci Martedi 1Elettra Room 10am Tombola carte e pranzo Biglietti $15 Soci $16 Non-soci Martedi 8Elettra Room 10am Tombola carte e pranzo Biglietti $15 Soci $16 Non-soci GIUGNO Martedi 3Elettra Room 10am Tombola carte e pranzo Biglietti $15 Soci $16 Non-soci Martedi 15Non ci sono attivita Martedi 22Elettra Room 10am Festa di Pasqua Biglietti $15 Soci $16 Non-soci Per informazione telefonate Vicki Fontana 0418 110 197 / Emma Dal Col 9823 6578 AVVISO IMPORTANTE PER I PENSIONATI Nell’informare i soci e amici che le attivita’ del Circolo riprenderano il 28 Gennaio 2014 il comitato del Circolo Anziani del Club Marconi augura a tutti di trascorrere un sereno e felice Natale e un Prosperoso 2014. Arrivederci 28 Gennaio 2014. Il patronato Ital-Uil considerate la numerosa comunita’ italiana residente nella zona di Fairfield, Smithfield, Liverpool e Bossley Park, ha deciso di effettuare un servizio settimanale di assistenza press oil Club Marconi. Gli interessanti possono mettersi in contatto con Ital-Uil chiedendo di Pino Musso al numero telefonico 9261 1585 / 77. Volume - AutumnEdition Edition 2014 2014 Volume 4848- Autumn 31 CONTACTS ART ASSOCIATION Art classes are held in the Cristina Lounge on Monday nights 32 ART ASSOCIATION Joe Briffa 0430 478 570 GENTS BOCCE Captain Vice Captain Joe Rozzo Cosmo Florio 0408 589 122 0408 416 104 LADIES BOCCE Captain Vice Captain Adriana Brunetta Ann Fioravanti 9609 2459 0457 765 525 BORELLA Captain Vice Captain Secretary Luigi Volpato Renato Moro Eileen Santolin 9826 2206 9604 0908 0408 240 055 CARDS Captain Vice Captain Peter Brisot Lina Marcon 9639 2659 9725 3374 CARPET BOWLS Captain Vice Captain Giovanna Piva Mary Cauchi 9620 1671 9620 1630 CHOIR Secretary Administrator Maddalena Ietri Maurizio Alfonso 9610 5503 9730 0852 CRICKET President Secretary Tony Carbone Rocco Pezzano 0432 987 850 0419 609 647 FENCING President Secretary Armourer Josette Giampietro Carla Ciccarelli Sam Salemi 0449 848 090 0414 799 030 0409 246 747 CYCLING President Secretary Greg Deale Allan Grant 0414 694 141 9610 1891 GOLF Captain Vice Captain Phil Stabile Ray Coombs 0410 595 504 0408 253 315 NETBALL President Secretary Mary Capasso Angela Portelli 0404 475 583 0400 334 732 PHYSICAL CULTURE Anne Fenech Heather Fenech 0423 316 563 0422 188 457 RUGBY LEAGUE President Secretary Tony Trimboli Jenny Spinnato 0411 597 057 0403 126 844 SNOOKER Captain Vice Captain Jim Ruisi Vic Sacco 0407 229 678 0408 606 648 Artists Corner The Artists Corner located in upper mezzanine area next to the Tivoli Room is available for artist members to exhibit their works at the club at no cost. This is a great opportunity for any member to display their artworks and offer them for sale to members and guests. For further information contact Joe Briffa on 9896 7643 or 0430 478 570, John Supe on 9644 6426 or visit the website at www.fairfieldcityart.org Fairfield City Art Society Meetings In addition to regular exhibitions, we hold monthly meetings at the Artists Corner located on the mezzanine area every 2nd Monday of each month (except Public Holidays) from 7.30pm onwards. A number of the meetings consist of free art demonstrations, slide presentations and art workshops. All Club Marconi members are welcome to attend and participate if they wish. For information regarding the Art Association please telephone the organiser, Joe Briffa on 7643 or 0430 478 570, John Supe on 9644 6426 or visit the website at www.fairfieldcityart.org Trading hours SPORTS ASSOCIATION Executive Officer Spyros Kehris 0416 099 871 TENNIS Stewart Whicker 9822 3336 FOOTBALL Secretary Administrator Jesse Mariani Klaus Okon 9822 3349 9822 3344 CLUB MARCONI www.clubmarconi.com.au The classes are held on Monday nights during school terms, in the Bocce Lounge and are conducted by Ms Nika Norman. Classes commence at 7.00pm and finish at 8.30pm. For further information contact Nika Norman direct on 0401 171 704. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 12pm - 8pm 12pm - 8pm 12pm - 9pm 12pm - 9pm 12pm - 12am 9am - 12am 12pm - 8pm ASSOCIATIONS BOCCE (GENTS) BOCCE (LADIES) BOCCE PROGRAM Welcome back to all our Bocce players. We look forward to a very happy and healthy 2014. FEBRUARY Friday 7 Feb 7pm Prize Night Sunday 9 Feb Federation Sunday 16 Feb Ladies & Gents 1pm Sunday 23 Feb Federation MARCH FSSM 7, 8, 9, 10 Mar VENETO Melbourne Trip Friday 21 Mar 7pm Prize Night Sunday 30 Mar 1pm Ladies & Gents APRIL Friday 4 Apr 7pm Prize Night Our 2013 season ended with our Christmas lunch held at the Bocce courts. Unfortunately, Santa Claus could not come, but we all enjoyed the meal prepared by Jeff the Master Chef of the Club. Thank you to all the ladies who helped on the day. It was greatly appreciated. You can see by the photos how we all enjoyed the day and of course, each other’s company. We are now playing our 2014 season and Adriana and I would like to thank all our Bocce players for participating on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, and we look forward to seeing you all at Bocce. Yours in sport, Adriana and Ann Sunday 6 Apr Sunday 13 Apr Federation Sunday 20 Apr Easter Sunday 27 Apr 1pm Singles Assoc. Ladies & Gents 7pm Prize Night MAY Friday 2 May Sunday 4 May Mothers Day Sunday 18 May Ladies & Gents 1pm Last November 9th, Club Marconi held their Sports Presentation Night. On this evening the “Ladies & Gents” were well represented with over 45 players . Members wearing their Christmas t-shirts and feeling the Christmas spirit On this night a special trophy was presented to the winners of the Galloni Cup. We held our Annual General Meeting on 15th November 2013 and we thank you for the re-election of Cosimo and myself for the next 12 months. A thank you goes out to all the workers that put their time in to help at the Christmas party dinner, this turned out to be a very happy and enjoyable night. We want to thank the Marconi club and our Sports President for their ongoing support of Bocce. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and best wishes for the coming year. The Bocce Family See you on the courts. Joe Rozzo Adriana and Ann admiring the desserts Volume 48 - Autumn Edition 2014 33 BORELLA On Friday 15 November 2013 we had a good roll up at our AGM and Captain Luigi and Vice Captain Renato and their loyal committee were re-elected to keep the traditional “Treviso” sport of Borella alive and direct this unique group for another year of friendship and good times for members, their families and friends. Our family continues to grow in strength and unity and sincere thanks to our team who are always available and willing. Congratulations to the two new Club Marconi Board members and we look forward to their attendance at some of our functions in 2014. We are very proud of our Association and involvement at Club Marconi and appreciate their continuous support and encouragement. Director Delfina Pipitone joined us at the dinner and Club Marconi President Vince Foti called in to wish us a happy festive season and best wishes for 2014. President Vince added that there is something special about being with the Borella Family and the spirit that exists at Club Marconi. The Borella Family concluded another successful year with their Christmas Party held on Sunday 22 December 2013. Sports Association President and Club Vice President Mario Soligo and Mrs Marisa Soligo and Director Delfina Pipitone celebrated with us and praised President Luigi and Vice Captain Renato and their great committee for organising all the festivities. Delfina together with players Ennio Basso and Terry Serafin, on behalf of the Borella Family, presented gifts of appreciation to Luigi and Renato. Captain Luigi thanked the Board of Directors for all their support over the past year. Special thanks to Jeff and Michele and staff for the delicious Christmas lunch and their excellent service throughout the year. Together we will continue to maintain the strong bond with Club Marconi. We thank Club Marconi Sports Associations Committee for all their hard work in 2013 and we wish them and all of the Marconi Sports Associations another successful year in 2014. On Sunday 17 November the Istrana family sponsored the delicious dinner, organised by Jeff, Michele and Staff. Director Delfina Pipitone also joined us and presented the winners and players with their prizes. BORELLA PROGRAM 2014 MARCH 2014 Friday 7 Mar 7.30pm Prize Night Sunday 23 Mar 2.00pmSponsored by Albaredo Families and Prize Day april 2014 Friday 4 Apr 7.30pm Prize Night Sunday 13 Apr 2.00pm Championship Singles may 2014 Sunday 4 May 2.00pmSponsored by Brombal and Laviano Family Sunday 25 May 2.00pm Our last family dinner sponsors for 2013 were Galliano and Daniella Callegari on Sunday 2 December. The Ladies Borella players also enjoyed their game on the same day. Our generous sponsor presented a bottle of wine and a panettone to all the players. 34 CLUB MARCONI www.clubmarconi.com.au Double Prize Day Borella enquiries: Captain - Luigi Volpato 9826 2206 Vice Captain - Renato Moro 9604 0908 ASSOCIATIONS CARDS carpet bowls CARDS PROGRAM Carpet Bowls every Wednesday in the Colosseo at 10am march 2014 New Members Welcome! Sunday 2 Mar 1.30pm Gents Scopa Prizes Sunday 2 Mar 1.30pm Ladies Ramino Prizes Sunday 23 Mar 1.30pm Gents Tresette Prizes Sunday 30 Mar 1.30pm Association Cup Scopa Sunday 13 Apr 1.30pm Gents Scopa Prizes Sunday 13 Apr 1.30pm Ladies Ramino Prizes Sunday 27 Apr 1.30pm Gents Tresette Prizes 1.30pm Association Cup Tresette APRIL 2014 Club Association Championship 14th March Singles 28th March Pairs 11th April Triples Regards to all Captain - Giovanna Piva Vice Captain - Mary Cauchi May 2014 Sunday 4 May Sunday 11 May 1.30pm Sunday 11 May Gents Scopa Prizes 1.30pmLadies Association Cup Ramino Prizes Sunday 25 May 1.30pm Gents Tresette Prizes Sunday 25 May 1.30pm Ladies Ramino Prizes Cards President - Peter Brisot Vice President - Lina Marcon snooker Marconi does it again! Winning Interclub Billiards at Club Marconi, beating Hornsby RSL 4 nil. Michael Pearson beat Joe Minici and made a break of 160 plus. Vic Cravino, our Marconi electrician, also made a break of 150 plus. Well done boys. Nicolina Notte and Julie Lotorto Champions Vic Cravino, Roger Farebrother, Vittorio Sacco and Michael Pearson Peter Brisot and Lina Marcon receiving volunteer appreciation certificates from Fairfield City Council SELF SERVICE TERMINALS Tina Casella and Julie Lotorto at Christmas party 9AM - 2AM Volume 48 - Autumn Edition 2014 35 FENCING Salle – en guarde 2014 to all our Marconi fencers & their families. Also welcome to our newest members. A salute to 2013 with great season ending results from our junior 7 senior fencers who had competed in year end competitions. All the hard work throughout the year had resulted to great achievements. Congratulations to the following fencers Womens sabre Hannah14/25 Womens epee Aleksandra 31/42 Mens epee U13 girls gilt foil Max44/77 1st place gold, Courtney Buchanan A thank you to all our fencers, coaches and committee members for a great end to 2013, with the Marconi fencing academy’s presentation night acknowledging all members for their contributions. Also a big thank you goes to Fairfield Mayor Frank Carbone who attended the presentation as well. Special thanks to club Marconi board / sports association who have once again shown their support & willingness to assist us year after year. Also, to Antonio Signorello for his part in the great results achieved this year. His guidance to the coaches and fencers has greatly contributed to our success. U11 boys gilt foil 3rd place bronze, Nathan Shiba State womens club foil team, 3rd place bronze Leah Mangion Courtney Buchanan Rebekah Shiba Josette Giampietro Congratulation to our junior fencers who competed in the nsw state competition and friendship cup. They came up against teams form Japan, New Zealand, Victoria, Qld, WA and Singapore. Fantastic effort and challenging. U13 boys foil state championship Robert Ciccarelli 18th U9 boys foil state championship Dean Ciccarelli 12th U11 boys foil state championship Nathan Shiba Act national open championship (Canberra, Australian institute of sport) was the last major competition for 10 of our Marconi fencers down in Canberra. For 6 of the Marconi blades it was their first time in an open Australian event, in which they bouted with the best Australian and international high ranked fencers in an all age category ranging from 17yrs and up. The youngest competitor was one of our Marconi fencer, Robert Ciccarelli (12yrs) followed by Jacob (15), Federico (15), D’artagnan (14), Courtney (13), Rebekah (14) and Max (15).Very proud moment for these young fencers who gave it their all and came out with great results. Great achievement in it self. As we enter 2014, registrations have commenced with healthy levels of enquiries & new memberships, also introducing a beginners introductory course in fencing for the period of 5 weeks starting in February. Quote of the day: the great mistake is to anticipate the outcome of the engagement; you ought not to be thinking of whether it ends in victory or defeat. Let nature take its course, and your tools will strike at the right moment. Why not try the elite sport of fencing. Come along and watch our state, national and international champions do their training. Monday 6pm - 9pm or Thursday special training 5pm - 9pm with Antonio Signorello, former Italian Olympic coach and now Australian national foil and sabre coach For more information, please visit our website http://www.marconifa.org.au or email us on [email protected] Thank you Josette Giampietro President Marconi Fencing Academy The following results ranked in Australia Mens / womens foil Jacob 38/64 Federico 56/64 D’artagnan 48/64 Robert 52/64 Courtney29/40 Rebekah27/40 Leah17/40 36 CLUB MARCONI www.clubmarconi.com.au Marconi fencing academy presentation night GOLF The 2014 Golf Calendar has a great section of courses and events. See the full listing below. We’ve also introduced a number of changes this year including: The Club Championship will mirror the Association Championship and will be decided on the aggregate of the best two qualifying games played plus the Final. Match-Play Championship The starting 32 players will be decided by the top 16 Stableford scores in games 1 and 2. In the event that additional spots are available (through either the same person securing a top 16 spot in game 2 or top 16 place getter not wishing to participate, then spots will be allocated based on alternate selection from place 17 game 1, place 17 game 2, place 18 game 1, place 18 game 2 and so on as required until all spots are filled. $10 entry fees applies to top 32. Grades will be amended from 2014 to assist with the rebalance of the existing membership base. Grades will be determined as follows: A GRADE - 0 to 16 (previously 0 to 14) B GRADE - 17 to 22 (previously 15 to 21) C GRADE - 23 to 36 (previously 22 to 36) in the vent additional spots are available 2014 Calendar Events 2 March 2014 - Twin Creeks 11am Sponsor - Stevens Concreting 4BBB & Multiplier Combo - Draw Partner, Stableford 16 March 2014 - camden lakeside 6.40am Sponsor - Business & Taxation Concepts (BTC) Stableford 30 March 2014 - CABRAMATTA GOLF CLUB 7am Sponsor - Vista Windows Matchplay - Round 1, 32 Starters, Stableford 13 april 2014 - the ridge golf club 6.15am Sponsor - Perfection Fresh Club Championship - Round 1, Stroke 4 May 2014 - wallacia golf club 8am Sponsor - Golotta Solicitors Matchplay - Round 2, 16 Starters, Stableford 18 May 2014 - the ridge golf club 7.50am Sponsor - Mortgage Choice, Leichhardt Club Championship - Round 2, Stroke For all the latest updates, like us on facebook www.facebook.com/marconiclub Phillip Stabile Captain, Marconi Golf Club (MGC) Volume 48 - Autumn Edition 2014 37 netball Our Netball Committee is looking forward to the 2014 season and what a year it’s going to be! Marconi Physical Culture commenced in February 2014. A big welcome to new committee members Natarlia Toi Toi and Natasha Palumbo. I am sure they will be a great asset to our netball club. Physi is a unique combination of dance, floor and standing exercises designed to help girls and women of all ages with their musicality, coordination and flexibility. Through a series of these structured dance routines students develop posture, poise and confidence in individual and group choreography. 2013 saw Marconi win LCNA 2013 Club of the Year. A great result for the club as it was the first season as a club in the Liverpool Association. Congratulations to all and congratulations to our Premiers, 13Cs, Div 4 and Div 6. We’d also like to congratulate the following award winners on their great achievements in the 2013 season: The Trimboli/Mittiga Clubperson of the Year Award Natarlia Toi Toi The Tara Warner Junior Umpires Encouragement Award Madonna Gendy The Coaching Award - Ann Café & Jamie Stanley The Sharon Mariani Memorial Service Award went to one of our National umpires – Lianne McGowan The 2013 Best and Fairest, Coaches Award, Most Consistent, Most Improved and Best & Fairest Recipients Were; U8s - Team 18 Most Consistent Player Most Improved Player U11 B – Team 15 Coaches Award Most Improved Player Jessica Grasso Alessia Lombardo Open for preschoolers to ladies and your first lesson is Free! So many girls and their families choose Marconi Physical Culture because of our light-hearted teaching approach, signature themed nights and fun atmosphere that has achieved remarkable results over the last 6 years. Many parents appreciate that Marconi Physical Culture is a not for profit organisation. We are affiliated with Western Zone Physical Culture and Club Marconi who have been pivotal in the growth and quality of our organisation. 2014 timetable TUESDAY CLASSES Age GroupTimeRoom 9-12 years 4.30-5.30pm Auditorium 13-16 years 5.15-6.00pm Auditorium Ladies 6.00-6.45pmAuditorium Seniors (17-28yrs) 6.45-7.45pm Auditorium WEDNESDAY CLASSES Age GroupTimeRoom Georgia Goulden Melissa Winfield 3-4 years 4.00-4.30pm Auditorium 5-6 years 4.30-5.15pm Auditorium 7-8 years 5.15-6.00pm Auditorium 6.00-7.00pm Auditorium U10B – Team 17 Most Improved Player Most Consistent Player Jayde Cox Renae Ward 9-12 years U12 A – Team 13 Most Improved Player Best & fairest Player Selina Tualauta Charis Nuku-McGregor Please see our website or call Anne for further details. www.marconiphysi.com U11 C – Team 16 Most Consistent Player Most Improved Player Ritisha Singh Morgan Tangman U13 C – Team 12 Coaches Award Most Improved Player Tanya Marjanac Elma Kapic New and previous members are encouraged to arrive 15 minutes before their lesson. Anne 0423 316 563, Heather 0422 188 457 A big thank you to Sports President Mario Soligo and his sports Committee Sam Noiosi, Delfina Pipitone and Sam Vaccaro for contributing to Netball and to all of the Marconi Sports Associations success. A special thank you goes to Delfina for coming down to Woodward Park on Saturdays to cheer our girls on and a big thank you also to Mario who came down to watch the girls play on Grand Final Day. Mary, Angela, Daniela, Lucy, Annette, Ann, Kelsey, Veronica, Melissa, Laura, Natasha and Natarlia Netball Enquiries President - Mary Capasso 0404 475 583 Secretary - Angela Portelli 0403 071 551 38 PHYSICAL CULTURE CLUB MARCONI www.clubmarconi.com.au LADIES AUXILIARY REPORT Hello again on behalf of the Marconi ladies committee I welcome you all back to club Marconi I hope you all have had a great ending of the year 2013, and a bright beginning for 2014. This year will be a very motivated year for the ladies auxiliary as our intention is to provide new ideas in our functions and of course we need you to participate and make our events successful. As we say good bye to 2013 let me tell you that our Christmas function was a great success and our Christmas carols were a huge success with God providing us with great weather, it was an outstanding event, we expect that 2014 will be bigger and better. This year the ladies auxiliary have a major trip, we will be going to Hawaii in September and all members that are interested must let me know, the latest by the end of February all deposits have to be paid by that date to secure a place so to book for this trip you need to contact me on 0417 653 701. Santa giving out lollies to all We will also be doing day trips but at this stage we have not decided where and what date when the decision are made we will have a poster at the front foyer of the club for your information. 2014 function dates 15 April Easter Luncheon 27 April Chestnut Day 6 May Mother’s Day Luncheon 10 May Mothers Night 22 July Christmas in July 2 September Father’s Day Luncheon 6 September Fathers Night 4 November Melbourne Cup 9 December Christmas Luncheon A merry time was had by everyone Hope to see you all around the club Joan Pellegrino Ladies Auxiliary President A small thank you to our helpers for 2013 Members are invited to nominate their mother as a candidate for the Mother of the Year Award. The nomination form must be completed by 11th April, 2014. MOTHER OF THE YEAR NOMINATION FORM PROPOSER:BADGE # ADDRESS:PHONE NOMINEE:BADGE # ADDRESS:PHONE Please include with this nomination form a short biography of the nominee (limit 500 words). A panel of five will select the winner of the Award and be announced during the Mother’s Night held on the 10th May. Hand your nomination form into Club Reception attention, Ladies Auxiliary. Volume 48 - Autumn Edition 2014 39 Club Marconi Sam Bianca with Vice President Luigi e Luciana Volpato; Giuesppe Santolin, Berto e Rita Feletti; Giuseppe Carretta, Rosa Favotto; Maria Lorenzetto e Rina Zaia We have left 2013 behind, finishing the year with a wonderful Christmas function, enjoyed by all, with joy, happiness and a lot of fun. Thank you everybody. Thank you to Mr Angelo Bagatella and Mr & Mrs Eddie Camilleri for attending the Christmas Party. On a very sad note, we lost our dear member, Nino Rubbo. He was a man with so much respect, honesty and charisma. Never a bad word towards anyone and a sense of humour and love of life. We will always remember him. The choir is always looking for new members and we hope to make 2014 a bigger and better year. Practice every Thursday night, 7pm to 9pm at Club Marconi. Maddalena 9610 5503 Maurizio 9637 0852 Angelo 9622 0240 Regards, Maddalena Ietri TREVISANI NEL MONDO CELEBRATE NEW YEAR’S EVE The Club Marconi Elettra Room provided the perfect atmosphere for over 150 members and friends who dined, wined and danced to the sounds of Italo Baraldi to farewell 2013 and welcome in 2014. President Peter Brisot welcomed the happy gathering including visitors from Italy and Melbourne who joined in the New Year’s Eve festivities. Gracing each table was the traditional handcrafted centrepiece depicting a candle circulating the world. The centrepiece symbolises Trevisani around the World, simultaneously linking them to their origin and lighting a candle to illuminate the globe. The lighting of the candles and singing of the Trevisani Nel Mondo Anthem led by Luciana Volpato, brought a tear to the eye, renewing the pride and strengthening the bond that exists in this unique organisation. Trevisani non scordare quella terra tanto bella a cui devi le tue doti di profonda umanita’. Hai ragguinto nel migrare le nazioni piu lontane ed hai fatto ovunque onore alla Treviganita’. Sei di casa in tutto il mondo, ti conoscon tutti i cieli ma la Veneta tua terra porti sempre in fondo al cuor. Accendi una candela Trevisani Nel Mondo E tutta la terra s’illuminera! May 2014 bring us HOPE, PEACE, JOY and LOVE italian seniors supporters of swiaa The Marconi Italian Seniors have been hard working contributors and supporters of SWIAA Aged Care. On the 11th February 2014 Fr Alberico blessed the ‘Marconi Italian Seniors Dining Room’ and the ‘Thanksgiving Garden’. Both the Dining Room and Garden have been furnished by the wonderful donations from the Italian Seniors Committee in excess of $10,000. Appreciations for the kind donations by Mr Charlie Barone Chairman of SWIAA and Mr Mario Soligo Director of both SWIAA Ltd and Club Marconi. The Italian Seniors have been supporters of SWIAA since the inception of the organisation back 1992, with Vicky Fontana as the first Company Officer. Over the years Club Marconi has assisted the organisation with donations, clerical and accounting assistance as it grow. Today their relationship is stronger than ever and both organisation work towards the welfare, care and support to the Italian Community in Sydney’s West. 40 CLUB MARCONI www.clubmarconi.com.au AT CLUB MARCONI Come and join the exciting new music classes offered at Club Marconi by Busy Bees Music. Busy Bees Music offers the award winning Kindermusik program which is like an interactive ‘developmental playdate’ that brings parents and their children together for a weekly music education class. With age-appropriate classes for babies, walkers, toddlers and big kids, these specially designed programs instil a lifelong love of music. Classes are run by Maestro Educator Tania Rashidi. Busy Bees Music’s Club Marconi studio is currently in the top 5% of Kindermusik studio’s worldwide! Each term’s classes include a CD, instrument, storybook and access to Kindermusik’s online portal of music, games, activities and more. Contact Tania Rashidi on 0419 449 733 or email [email protected] or visit www.busybeesmusic.com.au Special members offer First class FREE pure evolution Uniquely Australian Health Directly from the Australian Alps water® beloka is a local, premium Australian alternative to imported mineral waters. The bottles are Australian made, as are the labels, cartons and caps. Many Australian families benefit from the enjoyment of our products. Environmentally Sensitive water® beloka is proud to be an independent, specialist Australian mineral water company. Since the foundation of the precious Well in 2007, meticulously clean bottling facilities have been installed to maintain the purity of its water. The only ingredients in beloka water® are those that the mountains put there. The natural minerals that are presented include magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium. These are beneficial to the human muscular, skeletal and nervous systems. Pure Style The contemporary bottle shape and design speak of pure class. There is Naturally Still Water and Lightly Sparkling Water, in a selection of sizes, to meet all needs and all occasions. Phone +61 2 8882 8088 www.twitter.com/belokawaterNSW Email [email protected] www.belokawater.com.au www.facebook.com/belokawater.au NOW TAKING ENROLMENTS! Call 9822 3322 RFIEL AI FINALIST 2 012 DS F AR 121 Prairie Vale Road, Bossley Park BUSIN S AW ES D All meals included Best value in the region ELYF Program Long Day Care 7.30am – 6pm Volume 48 - Autumn Edition 2014 43 Tennis and squash at Club Marconi, anyone? Did you know that there are tennis and squash courts for hire right here on the grounds of Club Marconi, just at the back of the main Club building? As a very special offer, weekend squash court hire is available at half price for Members - courts open Saturday and Sunday, 9.00am to 11.00pm. We also offer tennis lessons and coaching for toddlers, juniors and seniors after school Monday to Friday and all day Saturday. We’re also the home of the Marconi Tennis Academy and hold School Holiday Tennis Camps for limited places. Bookings and enquiries 9822 3336 44 CLUB MARCONI www.clubmarconi.com.au CODE OF CONDUCT For the information of members and guests A member or guest may be asked to leave or refused entry to Club Marconi for being: •Intoxicated •Violent • Quarrelsome and argumentative • Smoking in a smoke free area • Suspected of possessing a prohibited drug, or • For committing an offence under the Liquor Act 2007 When asked by Management, the member or guest is required by law to: • • • • Leave the venue immediately Leave the vicinity of the Club premises (more than 50 metres) Not re-enter or attempt to re-enter the Club premises within 24 hours Not re-enter the vicinity of the Club premises for 6 hours Should a member or guest fail to comply, they commit an offence which renders them liable to an infringement notice. Upon receiving an infringement notice, you are required by law to move more than 50 metres away from the Club premises. You cannot return to our venue for at least 24 hours and you are not permitted to return to the vicinity within 6 hours. If you fail to comply, you commit an offence and police may take action. A reasonable excuse for remaining in the vicinity includes obtaining transport, residence within the vicinity or a patron having fears for their safety. Members or guests who are removed from the licensed premises must not re-enter or attempt to re-enter the Club within 24 hours. Patrons who breach these laws face a potential on the spot fine of $550 (Liquor Act 2007). For your safety and security throughout the Club, video surveillance equipment is in operation 24 hours a day. This is in accordance with the Workplace Surveillance Act 2005. Kind regards, Grant Imeson - Chief Executive Officer Volume 48 - Autumn Edition 2014 45 Club Marconi congratulates Sam Salemi, Fairfield Council’s Citizen of the Year LADIES AUXILIARY UPCOMING EVENTS 15 APRIL EASTER LUNCH 6 MAY MOTHER’S DAY LUNCH 10 MAY MOTHER’S DAY NIGHT Doors open 10am | Elettra Doors open 10am | Elettra Doors open 7pm Entertainment by Paul Cincotta. Surprise entertainment. Entertainment by Matthew dal Cin. Tickets $47 available at reception or call Emma 9823 6578 or Joan 0417 653 701. 46 CLUB MARCONI www.clubmarconi.com.au Tickets $47 available at reception or call Emma 9823 6578 or Joan 0417 653 701. Tickets $12 available at reception. PETER WARREN FIAT. ALFA ROMEO. HEY! Peterwarrenfiatalfa.com.au (02) 9828 8969 Peter Warren Automotive DL 5411 (02) 9828 8969 Corner Todman Ave & Hume Highway Warwick Farm 2170 Peterwarrenfiatalfa.com.au Peterwarrenfiatalfa.com.au Volume 48 Peter - Autumn Edition 2014 Warren Fiat Alfa 47 Peter Warren Fiat Alfa Proudly Supports the 2 014 Sunday 1 June FROM 10AM CLUB MARCONI CELEBRATES THE BIGGEST DAY ON THE ITALIAN CALENDAR WITH THE PEOPLE OF SYDNEY.
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