
Il Tempo di Dante
DASWA Newsletter
Ne ws le tte r J u l y/ A ug u st 2 0 1 4
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Dante Matters
Dear members, teachers & students,
Degli Eventi
All persons with a
genuine interest in
Italian culture are
welcome to join.
♫ ♪ ♬
Date of next cultural
evening - Friday
September 12 @7.30pm
Il liuto e il canto in
Italia nei secoli scorsi
To be presented by
Aidan Deasy.
A reminder to members that July 1st
marks the beginning of the new financial
year and once again yearly membership
fees are due. There has been an
increase of $5 in the couple membership
but otherwise fees remain the same.
September we have scheduled two
events - a presentation of Italian music
for the lute with Aidan Deasy a Dante
students and a film evening with the film
to be advised in September.
Every year the Dante Alighieri Society of
W.A. prepares examination papers in the
Italian language for high school students
in Years 10, 11 and 12. The exams are
taken in August and are the Society’s
largest yearly project; a contribution to
the ongoing study of the Italian language
in the schools of WA. It is a large undertaking but is carried out with
commitment and dedication. A number
of high school students also attend our
Italian evening classes to help them with
their studies.
Monica Giora, the
examinations coordinator, has worked
hard preparing the exams and keeping
the content current to teenager trends
and within the bounds of WACE
requirements. Grazie Monica for your
commitment, we are most grateful for
your hard work and grazie to the
schools, teachers, students, and parents
who have continued to support Dante
over the years.
All participating
students receive a certificate.
October prizes are presented to the
successful students by the Italian Consul
to Perth, at a special ceremony. It is
interesting to hear parents mention that
they too sat the Dante School Exams in
past years: the tradition continues.
Cineforum - Friday
September 26 @ 7.30pm
Inspector Montalbano La tradizione continua …………..
The 2014 Lavazza Italian
Film Festival of Perth begins
Wednesday 24 September
and finishes Sunday 12
October 2014
164 James Street,
Northbridge, WA
13 Essex Street,
Fremantle, WA
We urge all our members to support
the Italian Film Festival. With such a
wide selection, there is always a film
or two to suit everyone’s taste.
Encourage your friends and family to
go along and help make 2014 the best
attended Italian Film Festival in Perth
thus far.
Cordiali saluti
Elfrida Rossi - President
DASWA Newsletter
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A day outing to New Norcia – the only monastic town in Australia
By Christian Crozier, Intermediate Student of Italian at DASWA
On a cold, dark Saturday morning in June, a group
of DASWA Italian students, accompanied by
lecturers Milena and Judita braved an early start to
meet in the car park in West Perth. Many were
clutching hastily bought takeaway cups of coffee to
sustain them on the first part of the trip. It had
seemed such a good idea a few weeks previously
when we signed up for a day trip to the historic
monastic town of New Norcia approximately 130km
north of Perth. We were soon on our way in our
hired minibus driven by Mark, or Marco, as we
insisted on calling him, much to his bemusement
(Mark spoke no Italian and probably thought we
were quite mad!
After a stop at the Bindoon Bakery for morning tea,
we arrived at New Norcia where we were met by
Dom Chris, one of the 9 remaining Benedictine
monks who live in the Community. He took us on a
conducted tour of the historic town, founded in
1847 by the Spanish Bishop Rosendo Salvado (18141900). This is the only monastic town in Australia
and boasts rich architecture in the Baroque, Gothic
revival, Byzantine, Italian, Renaissance and Latin
styles. 2014 marks 200 years since Bishop Salvado’s
birth and to celebrate this anniversary, the New
Norcia Museum & Art Gallery has curated an
extensive exhibition detailing the work and lives of
the monks of New Norcia from 1847 to the present
day. St Gertrude’s College and St Ildephonsus
College former boarding schools are both beautiful
buildings with incredible frescos.
There then
followed a visit to the Abbey Church prior to
attending lunch-time prayers with the monks in the
Following prayers our group walked to the New
Norcia Hotel for a delicious pub lunch. Then there
was time to visit the gift shop to purchase local
products of olive oil, wine, preserves & bread
before the trip back to Perth.
On the homeward journey we called in to a Bindoon
orchard and everyone on the bus bought a bag of
mandarins, freshly picked by the farmer while we
It was a happy but tired group who arrived back in
Perth that evening but everyone agreed that it had
been well worth the early start.
For further information on New Norcia the following
website is a great resource:
Entrance to the monastery
Dom Chris in the Abbey Church which contains the
tomb of Rosendo Salvado
Il Gruppo
DASWA Newsletter
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L’Italia da scoprire - Torre del Lago (Lucca)
Per gli amanti della buona musica e in particolare
dell’ opera, una visita d’obbligo e’ Torre del
Torre del Lago e’ una frazione di 11.000 abitanti
del comune di Viareggio in provincia di Lucca
(Toscana) situata fra il lago di Massaciuccoli e il
mare Tirreno. In questo borgo rustico, dal clima
mite, adagiato sulle sponde del lago, si trasferi’
attirato dalla pace e tranquillita’il piu’
generazione post- verdiana, Giacomo Puccini.
Nato a Lucca il 22 dicembre, 1858, da una
famiglia di musicisti, il Maestro decise di
prendere dimora a Torre del Lago, che in seguito
venne chiamata Torre del lago di Puccini, attirato
non solo dalla tranquillita’ del luogo ma anche
dalla bellezza del lago. Ancora oggi, il piccolo
centro cittadino un agglomerato di sonnolenti
case e giardini e la sua marina attirano ogni anno
un grande numero di turisti desiderosi non solo di
godere della tranquillita’ del borgo, ma di
percorrere l’itinerario della vita del grande
compositore. A Torre del Lago annualmente si
svolge il
Festival Puccini, che attira
regolarmente circa 40.000 persone, provenienti
da tutte le parti del mondo desiderose di
immergersi nella loro passione, l’opera. Il festival
si svolge non lontano dalla imponente villa in stile
Liberty, circondata da un parco verdeggiante
,dimora scelta da Puccini e in cui scrisse alcune
delle sue maggiori opere.
Oggi la Villa Museo nella quale Puccini visse per
circa 30 anni dal 1891 al 1924 anno in cui mori’ e’
aperta al pubblico come cosi’ pure una piccola
cappella all’interno della villa medesima dove
giacciono le spoglie del Grande Maestro, che pur
morendo a Bruxelles, desidero’ di essere
tumulato nel luogo piu’ caro al suo cuore.
Una volta giunti a Torre del Lago si
puo’continuare per :
Lucca e visitare la Casa Natale del Maestro, il
museo Puccini, il teatro del Giglio, e lo storico
Caffe’ Caselli ritrovo di letterati e musicisti. Per
Viareggio, che lungo il suo suggestivo lungomare
conserva alcune dellle piu’ belle architetture
Liberty. Tra queste il Caffe’ Margherita, meta
prediletta di Puccini, e per La casa museo a Celle
Puccini, luogo d’origine della famiglia Puccini
raggiungibile solo in minibus.
Allora, andiamo tutti ad ascoltare della buona
La Villa
Il lago
Il maestro Puccini
Il manifesto
DASWA Newsletter
When in Rome…..
Latte is the Italian word for milk and if you
order a latte, especially outside tourist
areas, you may end up with a glass of milk.
If you want a coffee, head to a bar and do
as the Italians do - stand to drink it. In
restaurants coffee (usually espresso) is
Dante Alighieri Society of
normally served only after the meal
Western Australia
3/239 Rear Fitzgerald St (including dessert) is finished. Italians don't
West Perth WA 6005 drink coffee with their meal and they
PO Box 588, North Perth generally don't drink cappuccino after noon,
WA 6906
although you can still ask for one.
Phone: (08) 9328 8840
(08) 9328 8841
We are now on
La storia del sorbetto
Dante Alighieri Society of
The Mission of the
Dante Alighieri
Society of WA is:
To promote the
study of the Italian
language in
Western Australia
through its School
of Italian and to
offer cultural
programs that
stimulates a deeper
understanding of
Italy and her rich
Italian dogs
Italian Lagotto Romagnolo
DASWA Sponsor
Elfrida Rossi
Maria Pennone, the mother of DASWA
Vice President Carlo Pennone, and past
committee member Ima Pellone, died
in July. Our thoughts are with Carlo,
Ima and families at this sad time.
Queste parole siano l’espressione piu’
sentita del nostro sincere cordoglio.
[email protected]
The ancestors of the Lagotto Romagnolo
marshlands of Ravenna in northern Italy.
When the marshlands were drained, the
dogs were used to find truffles on the plains
and hills of Romagna. They are sometimes
known as Romagna Water Dogs. Today they
are used throughout Europe as truffle
Il lagotto romagnolo, è una razza canina,
dalle antiche origini italiane, che si è
sviluppata nella zone paludose del delta del
Po. Dotato di eccezionale olfatto, è l'unica
razza al mondo specializzata nella cerca del
I sorbetti e la Sicilia: una combinazione
riuscita grazie agli arabi. Questi
inventarono i sorbetti con la neve
insaporita da dei dolcificanti e
profumata con degli aromi. La parola
sorbetto sembrerebbe derivare dal
turco “serbet”, cioe’ bere. Gia’
Senofonte da’ la ricetta: neve
dell’Etna, miele, frutta e aroma, per
cui e’ chiaro che il sorbetto gia’ si
consumava alle mense patrizie nella
Roma imperiale. Caterina dei Medici
aveva al suo seguito un gelataio
siciliano e che il primo “Café’” di Parigi
fu aperto dal Siciliano Procopio dei
Sorbetto alla mandorla