Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Marta Ceccaroni Via Bregnano 47, 00135 Roma (Italy) 3396697477 [email protected] Skype supercicca1 WORK EXPERIENCE 11/2012–Present Early Stage Researcher for Astronet-II Department of Mathematics, Univerità degli studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", Rome (Italy) Postdoc (Co.Co.Co.) Research Projects:- Dissipative Effects on Attitude Dynamics in rotational models- Missions to asteroids Attendance of periodical Astronet-II schools (every 6 months approx) Lecturer and Examiner: Lectures for the Celestial Mechanics course of the Master degree in mathematics and exam invigilation Examiner: Examiner for the Celestial Mechanics Course of the Master Degree in Mathematics. Supervisor for graduands: Supervision of preparation for the final graduating thesis of Master students in Mathematics: Supervision, advice, correction, general help and guidance. Website setting, creation of logos and it services Reviewer: - Journal Planetary and Space Science, Elsevier - Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, Springer - Advances in Space Research, Elsevier 31/03/2014–07/06/2014 Internship University of Surrey, Guildford, (United Kingdom) Internship at the University of Surrey, with prof. Phil Palmer and prof. Mark Roberts.The internship focused on the w.p. 1.4 (missions to asteroids). Content: investigate the influence of solar Gravity and Solar Radiation pressure on the rotational equilibria generated by an asteroid modeled as three point masses. In addiction understanding and developing the so called polyhedron model for the asteoids, which will be used jointly with other partners of the net. 2013 Intenship Politecnico di Milano, Milano (Italy) Internship weeks (sparse during 2013) in Polimi, with prof. Franco Bernelli Zazzaera (Polimi) and prof. Camilla Colombo (Southampton University). Content: Work on the dissipative eects due to a viscous drag. Setting the equation of motion, the derivation in action angle variables which however are probably not convenient for the study, thus introduction of the sets of variables analogous to the polar nodal for the orbital case. 21/09/2011–21/01/2012 Ariadna Fellow European Space Agency (ESA) - ESTEC, (Netherlands) Ariadna Study: Analytical perturbative theories of motion in highly inhomogeneous gravitational fieldsJoined research project with ACT Advanced Concepts Team, financed by esa 9/12/14 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 1 / 6 Curriculum Vitae 01/09/2005–31/12/2005 Marta Ceccaroni It tutor Department of Mathematics, University of Roma Tre, Roma (Italy) Supplementary explanations and exercises for the Informatic course of the bachelor degree in Mathematics 01/09/2003–30/09/2003 High School Lecturer in Mathematics Liceo Scientifico Louis Pasteur, Rome (Italy) High School Lecturer for supplementary courses: Mathematics Lectures/ Exercising 01/09/2003–31/10/2009 Private lecturer Rome (Italy) Private Lessons in Mathematics, Physics and Basic English for high school students EDUCATION AND TRAINING 01/11/2014–Present Second Level Post Graduate course in Science and Space Technology Department of Mathematics,Università di Roma "Tor Vergata", Rome (Italy) Master topics: Universe and Solar system exploration, Cosmology, Astrobiology, Solar Physics, Plasma physics, Space exploration, Space Missions, Data processing, Space flight dynamics, EU Projects, Celestial Mechanics, Numerical methods for astronomy, Earth Observation, On board instrumentations, Scientific coding, Managment Strategies, European Projects. The master will also provide a 3 months to 1 year work experience in a space company among the partners of the master. 01/10/2009–01/11/2012 Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Gralsgow, (United Kingdom) PhD project: “The Low Thrust Restricted Four Body Problem”Final Thesis title: “Natural and perturbed dynamics about Trojan bodies”▪ Functional analysis, non linear dynamics, dynamical systems theory, stability analysis, non-linear control theory Thesis supervisor: James Biggs 02/2013–05/2013 Post doctoral Course on KAM theory Department of Mathematics, University of Roma Tre, Rome (Italy) 2006–2008 Master Degree in mathematics: Differential Equations and Functional Analysis Department of Mathematics, University of Roma Tre,, Rome (Italy) Thesis title: “The Weak Stability Boundary” Final Marks: 110/110 cum laude Functional analysis, non linear dynamics, dynamical systems theory, stability analysis, non-linear control theory Graduation Date 26th Feb 2009 Thesis supervisor: Luca Biasco 2003–2006 Bachelor Degree Department of Mathematics, University of Roma Tre, Roma (Italy) 9/12/14 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 2 / 6 Curriculum Vitae Marta Ceccaroni Final Marks: 110/110 cum laudeGraduation Date 28th Feb 2007 1998–2003 High School Diploma Liceo Scientifico Louis Pasteur, Rome (Italy) Final Marks: 100/100 PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue(s) Italian Other language(s) English UNDERSTANDING SPEAKING Listening Reading C2 C2 WRITING Spoken interaction Spoken production C2 C2 C2 First Certificate in English 3 years living in uk Levels: A1/A2: Basic user - B1/B2: Independent user - C1/C2: Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Communication skills Excellent communication skills gained through my experience in the numerous conferences attended (see publications/conferences list) Visual comunication skills: project and realisation of the Astronet-II Logo ( some graphics on the webstite of the Astrondynamics group of Tor Vergata ( Organisational / managerial skills Good event organization skills: co-organization of the AstroNet-II training schools ( co-organization of the Asteroid workshop and organization of the exercise session of the workshop ( Job-related skills Journal Papers November 2014 Ceccaroni M, Celletti A.: Some models for the description of the attitude dynamics Rendiconti di Matematica, Serie VII Volume 35, Roma (2014), 1-30 (in print) July 2014 Bucciarelli S., Ceccaroni M., Celletti A., Pucacco G.: Qualitative and analytical results of the bifurcation thresholds to Halo orbits. Annali di Matematica Pura e Applicata (submitted) January 2013 Ceccaroni, M., Biggs, J. D.: Analytic perturbative theories in highly inhomogeneous gravitational fields. Icarus, Volume 224, Issue 1, p. 74-85. DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2013.01.007 December 2012 Марта Чеккарони, Франческо Бискан2, Джеймс Биггс: АНАЛИТИЧЕСКИЙ МЕТОД ДЛЯ ВОЗМУЩЕННОЙ “ЗАМОРОЖЕННОЙ” ОРБИТЫ ВОКРУГ АСТЕРОИДА С СИЛЬНО НЕОДНОРОДНЫМ ГРАВИТАЦИОННЫМ ПОЛЕМ: ПЕРВОЕ ПРИБЛИЖЕНИЕ АСТРОНОМИЧЕСКИЙ ВЕСТНИК, 2014, том 48, № 1, с. 1–15 DOI: 10.7868/S0320930X14010034 December 2012 Ceccaroni, M., Biscani, F., Biggs, J. D.: Analytical method for perturbed frozen orbit around an Asteroid in highly inhomogeneous gravitational fields: a first approach Solar System Research (2014) 48: 33-47 , January 01, 2014. DOI: 10.1134/S0038094614010031 April 2012 Ceccaroni, M., Biggs, J. D., Biasco, L.: Analytic estimates and topological properties of the weak stability boundary Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, Volume 114, Issue 1-2 , pp 124. DOI: 10.1007/s10569-012-9419-x November 2011 Ceccaroni, M., Biggs, J. D.: Low-thrust propulsion in a coplanar circular restricted 9/12/14 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 3 / 6 Curriculum Vitae Marta Ceccaroni four body problem Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, Volume 112, Issue 2 (2012), Page 191-219. DOI: 10.1007/s10569-011-9391-x Conference Papers: October 2012 Ceccaroni, M., Biscani, F., Biggs,J.D.: Analytical perturbative theories of motion in highly inhomogeneous gravitational fields. IAC2012 – International Astronautical Congress - (Naples) Paper ID: IAC-12,C1,7,6,x14267 October 2011 Ceccaroni, M., Biggs,J.D.: Nonlinearly stable equilibria in the Sun-Jupiter-TrojanSpacecraft four body problem. IAC2011 – International Astronautical Congress - (Cape Town) Paper ID: IAC-11,C1,4,9,x11300 October 2010 Ceccaroni, M., Biggs,J.D., McInnes, C.: Extension of low thrust propulsion to the coplanar circular restricted four body problem with applications to future trojan asteroids missions. IAC2010 – International Astronautical Congress - (Prague) Paper ID: IAC-12,C1,7,6,x14267 Accepted presentations at Conferences: July 2014: Ceccaroni M., Bucciarelli S., Celletti A.: Numerical Methods for accurate estimates of Halo orbits bifurcation value. ICNPAA 2014 Congress, Narvik, Norway. July 2014: (Invited speaker) Ceccaroni, M.,: Halo orbits bifurcations in the central menifold dynamics AIMS, Madrid 23rd-28th June 2014 A qualitative analysis of bifurcations to halo orbits Oral presentation at the Third AstroNet-II school, University of Zielona Gora, Zielona Gora September 2013: Ceccaroni, M., Biggs, J. D,:Double averaging method for frozen orbits around an inhomogeneous body (oral presentation) CelMec VI, San Martino al Cìimino June 2013: Ceccaroni, M: The Restricted Three Body Problem with Stokes Drag. Oral presentation at the Second AstroNet-II school, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow May 2013: Biggs, J. D, Ceccaroni, M: Application s of dynamical systems Snowbird, Utah USA February-March 2013: Ceccaroni, M., Biggs, J. D,: Double averaging method for frozen orbits around an inhomogeneous body (poster) First International Conference on Dynamics of Differential Equations, Atlanta October 2012: Ceccaroni, M., Biscani, F., Biggs, J. D.: Analytical Perturbative method for frozen orbits around the asteroid 433-Eros. IAC2010- International Astronautical Congress - (Naples). September 2012: Ceccaroni, M., Biscani, F., Biggs, J. D.: Analytical method for perturbed frozen orbits around an Asteroid in highly inhomogeneous gravitational fields. Analytical methods for celestial mechanics, St.Petersburg. June 2011:Ceccaroni, M., Biggs, J. D., Biasco, L.: Some Analytic Estimates of the Weak Stability Boundary New Trends in Astrodynamics and Applications VI, New York. June 2011: Ceccaroni, M., Biggs, J. D., Biasco, L.: The Weak Stability Boundary in the Sun-JupiterTrojan-spacecraft four body problem New Trends in Astrodynamics and Applications VI, New York. October 2011:Ceccaroni, M., Biggs, J. D.: Nonlinearly stable equilibria in the Sun-Jupiter-TrojanSpacecraft four body problem IAC2011 – International Astronautical Congress - (Cape Town). September/ October 2010: Ceccaroni, M., Biggs, J. D.:Extension of low thrust propulsion to the Autonomous Coplanar Circular Restricted Four Body problem with application to Future Trojan Asteroids Missions IAC2010 - International Astronautical Congress - (Prague). Online Project Reports: Ariadna Study Report: Analytical perturbative theories of motion in highly inhomogeneous gravitational fields (11-5201) Study R... Astronet-II Report WP. 2.3: Dissipative effects on attitude dynamics. Invited Seminars October 2014 Let's Talk about the Relegation Algorithm, Mathematics department, Universita degli Studi di Milano 9/12/14 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 4 / 6 Curriculum Vitae Marta Ceccaroni April 2014 Natural and perturbed dynamics around Trojan bodies Mathematics department, Universita degli Studi di Milano. April 2014 Natural and perturbed dynamics around Trojan bodies Aerospace department, Politecnico di Milano. 12th Mar. 2013 Natural and perturbed dynamics around Trojan bodies Georgia Institute of technology, Atlanta (US) 6th February 2013 Natural and perturbed dynamics around Trojan bodies University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (UK) 29th Jan. 2013 Natural and perturbed dynamics around Trojan bodies University of Roma Tor Vergata, Rome, (IT) 3rd July 2013 Natural and perturbed dynamics around Trojan bodies University of Glasgow, Glasgow (UK) 19th December 2011 The Weak Stability Boundaries, University of Roma Tre, Rome (IT) Honours and awards: 6 September 2013:Gruppo Nazionale di Fisica Matematica, INdAM and Società Italiana di Meccanica Celeste e Astrodinamica (SIMCA): winning prize “Celestial Mechanics for Planet Earth” for the best presentation of original research work aimed at safeguarding our planet from potential extraterrestial threats. 30 August 2012:Royal Academy of Engineering, International Travel Grant 10 October 2011:Royal Aeronautical Society of London, Aerospace Speakers' Travel Grants 10 October 2010: Royal Academy of Engineering, International Travel Grant 11 August 2010: European Space Agency, ESA, ESA sponsorship for the IAC2010 10 February 2010: British Interplanetary Society BIS Shortlisted for the BIS sponsorship for the IAC 2010 (5 people among all the UK applicants) Computer skills ▪ Programming languages: HTML, C, Java▪ Excellent knowledge of the software Mathematica▪ Excellent knowledge of Latex▪ Basic knowledge in the software matlab ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Prof. Giorgilli Antonio [email protected] Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy. Tel 0039-0250316150 Dr. James Biggs [email protected] Senior Lecturer at the Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Uk. Tel.0044-01415745011 Prof. Gerard Gomez [email protected] Professor at the Department de Matematica Aplicada i Analisi, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain. Prof. Biasco Luca 9/12/14 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 5 / 6 Curriculum Vitae Marta Ceccaroni [email protected] Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Universit\'a di Roma Tre, Italy. Tel 0039-065733 9/12/14 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 6 / 6
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