Ordine per paese Nome Azienda Paese 1 Istituto Italiano di Cultura AUSTRIA 2 Wave Network AUSTRIA Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 Pagina web Attività azienda Mansioni tirocinante All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Numero totale studenti www.iicvienna.esteri.it 1 3 Europagymna AUSTRIA sium Klagenfurt www.wave-network.org www.europagymnasium.at Wave is an informal European Network in the field of Combating Violence against women and children (women's refuges, counselling centres, helplines, among other). The network set out to promote and strengthen the human rights of women and children in general and to prevent violence against women and children in particular. Support for UNFPA , PICUM, EIGE projects. Support for the organization of the WAVE annual conference, website updates, support for the monthly newsletter... Istituto di istruzione media e superiore. Assistenza ai docenti di lingua italiana; ricerca materiali linguistici; redazione e correzione di brevi testi. www.eurovia.org The European Coordination Via Campesina is a European organisation that currently comprises 27 national or regional farmers’, agricultural workers’ and rural organizations based in 18 European countries. Its principal objective is the promotion of diverse and sustainable family and peasants farming based on the principles of the Food Sovereignity. The European Coordination Via Campesina is recognized by the European Institutions and International Organisations as a stakeholder. It takes part in advisory groups of the European Commission, is invited by the European Parliament to participate in public hearings, and it is a member of the Civil Society Mechanism in the Committee on World Food Security of the United Nations TO BE DECIDED Lingua di lavoro Italiano, tedesco Inglese 1 or 2 August 2014 - December 2014 Italiano, tedesco 1 4 EUROPEAN BELGIO COORDINATIO N VIA CAMPESINA Periodo ottobre 2014 - marzo 2015 Francese e inglese 1 TO BE DECIDED 1 Ordine per paese Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 5 Fundamental BELGIO Rights European Experts Group (FREE Group) www.free-group.eu 6 Culture and BELGIO Media Agency Europe (CUMEDIAE) www.culture-media.eu Understanding of the European Union decision making process and notably of the European Parliament as co-legislator for Freedom security and justice area related policies (Fundamental rights, european citizenship, human mobility, security and judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters) The main focus will be on the current negotiations linked with the european date Protection legislative reform as well as on the relevant international negotiations with third countries. The trainee will attend the ordinary Parliamentary Commitee meetings as well as the hearings linked with the PostPrism parliamentary enquiry US surveillance activity... CUMEDIAE is both an agency (an entity that “acts on behalf of”) and a consultancy (an entity that provides external advice) serving both public and private organizations in the field of culture and creative industries. In a way, it provides the expertise that an international department would offer to smaller organizations who already have (or would like to have) some international activity but cannot afford such a department in-house; and serves larger entities who may want to externalize part of their international activities to a trusted agency. CUMEDIAE can represent its clients in their international activities, including negotiations and contracts. It can play an intermediation role in dealing with organizations involved in culture or the arts in any international project, on a general or specific basis. CUMEDIAE advises its clients on the best ways to access European funds, and handle the administrative work required. Sometimes CUMEDIAE acts as an external adviser, or it can provide its expertise to join others in bigger projects in Europe or the Mediterranean. It can also provide specific services, such as international secretariat, or communication and event management. Tasks of the trainee: Assist in background research for on-going projects and new business opportunities Support in writing briefs for meetings and project proposals Contribute to the building up of new projects, including general design, budget, etc… Support in follow up and daily management of ongoing projects, and in communicating with their promoters. Assist in managing the relationship with clients and partners, EU institutions, Contributing to coordinate CUMEDIAE’s network of experts Assist in arranging meetings and events, and generally supporting the administrative activity All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Francese e inglese 2 da settembre 2014 Francese e inglese 2 September 2014 (not less than 4 months) 2 Ordine per paese 7 Chambre de Commerce BelgoItalienne 8 Ozfair BELGIO BELGIO Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.ccitabel.com www.ozfair.be The Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce is a non- European Desk, Master and Training: profit association under Belgian law and is legally - Participating in the organisation of the Chamber of and financially autonomous. It was founded in Commerce training courses 1950 to foster contacts between Belgium and Italy. - Tutoring of training courses in EU project drafting - Other support activities to the European desk - Drafting of articles for the Chamber of Commerce magazine - Participating and organizing conferences and meetings organized by the Chamber of Commerce - Monitoring the EU funding opportunities - Consultancy to members and clients about EU grants and tenders Trade Fairs and Events: - Organization of Arte in Tavola, Expoitalia and other events in Belgium - Promotion of Italian exhibitions in Belgium Communication: - Realization and updating of websites - Drafting of informative texts about the CCBI activities - Translation of texts and other documents - Contact with members Ozfair is a concept store. Ozfair main purpose is to Co-Managment of the order; dealy management of promote the fair trade chain in proposing the the shop and of the table d'hôte ; sharing of all the biggest range of fair trade items (food and non tasks they daily have. food) in Brussels. Ozfair has also integrated a "table d'hôte" small restaurant where it serves a daily full bio-fair trade and vegan dish. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Inglese, francese, italiano 1 1 09/2014 - 02/2015 03/2015 - 09/2015 Francese e inglese 1 september 2014 to march 2015 3 Ordine per paese 9 Ufficio Regionale Comunitario BELGIO Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.regione.campania.it L'Ufficio Comunitario Regionale è istituito con funzione di collegamento tecnico, amministrativo e operativo tra la regione Campania e le istituzioni europee. L'Ufficio svolge i seguenti compiti: costante informazione ed aggiornamento sulle iniziative normative della Commissione europea riguardanti materie di interesse regionale al fine di informare tempestivamente la Giunta ed il Consiglio Regionale; - sportello informativo europeo sulle attività istituzionali della Regione; supporto al Presidente ed ai componenti della Giunta regionale, al Consiglio regionale ed ai consiglieri, nonché ai rappresentanti della Regione negli organismi e nei comitati di lavoro delle istituzioni comunitarie; raccordo tra la Regione e la rappresentanza permanente dell'Italia presso l'Unione Europea; informazione, sostegno e supporto all'attività di enti, imprese ed organismi pubblici e privati sulle opportunità offerte dall'ordinamento comunitario; formazione in affari europei ed europrogettazione dei funzionari della Regione Campania. Lo stage si pone l'obiettivo di approfondire la conoscenza dei principali dossier europei quali: la politica regionale dell'Europa, il monitoraggio delle opportunità di finanziamento cominitari, gli sviluppi europei alla luce del Trattato di Lisbona, il programma di coesione 2007-2013, la futura programmazione 2014-2020, Orizzonte 2020, ecc. Durante lo Stage il tirocinante sarà inserito nell' attività normale dell'Ufficio, Parteciperà a Seminari e Conferenze inerenti gli argomenti sopra evidenziati ed elaborerà validi documenti di riflessione e sintesi. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Inglese, francese. 2 2 2 2 settembre - novembre dicembre - febbraio marzo - maggio giugno - agosto 4 Ordine per paese 10 ATHENA EULOGOS 11 LELEUX ASSOCIATED BROKERS BELGIO BELGIO Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.eu-logos.org www.leleux.be EU-Logos Athèna gives you the tools to understand the area of freedom, security and justice in the Europe, a project that puts the citizen at the center of public space. This project, vast and ambitious, encompassing concrete and present topics such as free movement, human rights, non-discrimination, the fight against racism and xenophobia, the protection of privacy and personal data, civil and criminal justice, the fight against organized crime, terrorism, drug trafficking and money laundering, the management of migration flows and asylum policies. EU-Logos Athena informs and assists you in monitoring major recent developments in Europe. EU-Logos Athena invites you to build a Europe united in freedom, solidarity and progress, in harmony with its neighbors. Brokerage and investment management services All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Inglese, francese. 1 any date Investment analysis Francese, inglese 1 any date 5 Ordine per paese 12 European Consulting Brussels BELGIO 13 Euro Union Consult BELGIO Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ www.ecbrussels.com OFFERTA NON ANCORA CONFERMATA DALL’AZIENDA 14 European BELGIO Centre for Economic an Policy Analysis and Affairs (ECEPAA) www.eucgroup.eu OFFERTA NON ANCORA CONFERMATA DALL’AZIENDA www.ecepaa.eu ECEPAA (European Centre for Economic and Policy and Affairs) is an indipendent non-profit institute founded on the idea that research-based policymaking is vital for European societies. Established in Brussels in 2011, ECEPAA intends to carry out policy-oriented research and development assistance projects, specializing in questions of European migration policy, Lifelong learning programme and global economy. The main aims of ECEPAA is policy analysis effects both at European institutional level and at society level, promoting lifelong learning activities and organizing activities at local and at European levels on the main issues of the organization such as migration (people with migrants background and refugees), socioeconomic inclusion of disadvantage people (elderly, youth with migrants background and low educated people), young people (mobility and nonformal education), international aid (cooperation with third countries organizations), Euro-Med relations. The trainee is expected to gain experience in working in different areas of a radio station and policy and economic analysis. More specifically experience and understanding of: - Technical competences in radio management and running - Organizing interviews - Preparing and writing articles - Update the association’s Web site - The practical aspects and running of WebTV - Attending and reporting on conferences/press events - Website management and updating - English language and Culture Team working Analysis and drafting of short policy papers relating to the following areas: a) Migration and asylum policies both at European and Belgian level b) hoAccess to European funds and its impact in the context of the members states c) aid policies and the centrality of the Mediterranean area d) Labour policies with particular attention to the dimension of welfare. Inglese, francese 2 settembre 2014 - marzo 2015 6 Ordine per paese 15 Istituto Italiano di Cultura 16 University of Tartu, Institute of Government and Politics Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 DANIMAR www.iiccopenaghen.esteri. Promozione della lingua italiana all’Estero it CA Organizzazione di corsi di lingua Promozione della cultura italiana all’Estero Organizzazione eventi culturali anche in collaborazione con enti e istituzioni locali Informazioni di carattere culturale agli utenti locali Assegnazione di borse di studio a studenti danesi Tenuta di biblioteca, videoteca ed emeroteca e prestito agli utenti locali Collaborazione alla programmazione e promozione degli eventi culturali organizzati dall’Istituto Partecipazione ai servizi e all’organizzazione dei corsi di lingua Supporto alla tenuta della mediateca, biblioteca, emeroteca, videoteca Partecipazione all’organizzazione di eventi culturali (mostre, conferenze, concerti) Collaborazione alle attività di segreteria e di archivio ESTONIA We are an internationalized institute of political science located at Estonia's national university. We have 12 different nationalities od people on staff (including 1 Italian!) and teach at all three levels of higher education. Last year we hosted nearly a dozen visiting researchers and guests. Our main operating language is English. We have a range of national and international research grants in which interns can get involved. Interns would be provided with a work space and invited to participate in Institute events (research, seminars, conference). Interns are invited to participate as research assistants in the Institute's main research domains: Contructivism in international relations, Russian politics and foreign policy, Electoral behaviour and evoting, transitinal justice & memory politics. SETTORE FORMAZIONE E TRADUZIONE: ASSISTENZA ALLE IMPRESE: INFORMAZIONE ASSISTENZA PROMOZIONE FORMAZIONE-TRADUZIONE TURISMO SETTORE FORMAZIONE E TRADUZIONE: Promozione dei corsi di lingua italiana per aziende francesi; Promozione dei certificati CLIP, CLECI; Traduzione articoli; Aggiornamento materiale web; Progetti di vario tipo come “Marchio ospitalità italiana” 17 Chambre de FRANCIA Commerce Italienne Pour la France de Marseille www.rti.ut.ee www.ccif-marseille.com; www.italiatourismonline.co m All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Inglese 1 22 settembre 2014 - 22 dicembre 2014 Inglese 2 flexible Italiano, francese 1 1 1 novembre 2014 - febbraio 2015 marzo 2015 - giungo 2015 giugno 2015 - settembre 2015 7 Ordine per paese Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 18 Chambre de FRANCIA Commerce Italienne Pour la France de Marseille ASSISTENZA ALLE IMPRESE www.ccif-marseille.com 19 Chambre de FRANCIA Commerce Italienne Pour la France de Marseille SETTORE TURISMO www.ccif-marseille.com; 20 Centre Italiance www.centre-italiance.org FRANCIA All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ SETTORE ASSISTENZA ALLE IMPRESE: SETTORE ASSISTENZA ALLE IMPRESE: Favorire gli scambi economici e commerciali tra la Assistenza a progetti e assistenza alle imprese Francia e l’Italia e viceversa. "standard", secondo le domande che quotidianamente arrivano al nostro sportello. Italiano, francese 1 1 SETTORE TURISMO: SETTORE TURISMO: Favorire gli scambi economici e commerciali tra la The trainee will focus on:- Contact Italian Hotel Francia e l’Italia e viceversa. proposing them purchase of advertising – newsletter’s site www.italiatourismonline.com management- Work of translation (from Italian into French and vice versa) – Work of secretariat (mail registration, switchboard). ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURAL COURSES FOR ADULTS AND CHILDREN; Promotion and organizations of events with the goal of strengthening the cultural exchange between France and Italy. Implementation of programs/Animation of the groups/Transmission of language and cultural skills Attend the classes animated by others professors Teach the Italian language and the culture to groups of adults Promoter. Public relations 8 Settembre 2014 - 8 Dicembre 2014 8 Dicembre 2014 - 8 Marzo 2015 Italiano, francese 1 1 Ottobre 2014 - Febbraio 2015 Marzo 2015 - Settembre 2015 Italiano, francese 2 Settembre 2014 - luglio 2015 8 Ordine per paese 21 Amarcord Sarl FRANCIA (LA LIBRERIA) Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.libreria.fr Attività di vendita di libri in italiano e in francese; partecipazione a eventi culturali (incontri, festival, saloni, rassegne, ecc.), organizzazione di incontri con autori e traduttori nella libreria. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Lo stage rappresenta una formazione all'attività di libraio: conoscenza degli strumenti informatici utilizzati nella gestione degli stock e della cassa; catalogazione e presentazione dei libri; scelta dei libri da ordinare e lavoro sullo stock presente in libreria; contatto con gli editori, distributori e clienti. Italiano, francese 1 22 PATRONATO INCA FRANCE 23 CENTRE CULTUREL ITALIEN FRANCIA FRANCIA www.inca.it Attività di Patronato - Assistenza Sociale FRANCIA Italiano, francese 1 gennaio - giugno 2015 (sede di Parigi) 1 gennaio - giugno 2015 (sede di Marsiglia) www.centreculturelitalien.co m Italiano, francese accordo in fase di definizione 24 Chambre de Commerce Italienne de Lyon Accoglienza del pubblico in ufficio, accoglienza telefonica, classifica pratiche, compilazione schede telematiche, gestione posta ottobre 2014 - febbraio 2015 accordo in fase di definizione accordo in fase di definizione www.ccielyon.com Italiano, francese OFFERTA NON ANCORA CONFERMATA DALL’AZIENDA 9 Ordine per paese Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 25 Chambre de FRANCIA Commerce Italienne Pour la France de Paris www.ccif-france.fr 26 ISTITUTO STATALE ITALIANO LEONARDO DA VINCI www.scuolaitalianaparigi.org The Italian school in Paris is formed by elementary, secondary and high school and has the characteristics of an Italian school. It is a high quality school and is attended by both Italian and foreign pupils with the aim to give a strong contribution to the diffusion of Italian culture abroad. The school depends on the Ministry of Foreign Affaires and most of the teachers are seconded teachers from Italy. We have also two teachers from Ministère de l’ Education Nationale to teach French. The trainee should have tasks in the secretariat: • Have contacts with associations, museums, travel agencies to organise conferences, outings, visits, trips for all the courses • Be able to multitask, especially in organizational and administrative fields The trainee should have tasks in the secretariat: • Have contacts with associations, museums, travel agencies to organise conferences, outings, visits, trips for all the courses • Be able to multitask, especially in organizational and administrative fields www.polimnia.eu Assistere lezioni di italiano per stranieri FRANCIA 27 ASSOCIATION FRANCIA POLIMNIA All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Italiano, francese, inglese OFFERTA NON ANCORA CONFERMATA DALL’AZIENDA Scuola di italiano per stranieri Italiano, francese 1 1 solo se realment e interessat o all'insegn amento dell'italia no per stranieri ottobre 2014 - marzo 2015 Italiano da settembre 2014 a giugno 2015 10 Ordine per paese 28 Anda Sprachschule 29 Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Amburgo Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 GERMANI www.anda-sprachschule.de Language school in Berlin specialized in teaching A German and Spanish as a foreign language. GERMANI www.iicamburgo.esteri.it A Organizzazione e promozione di eventi culturali volti a valorizzare la diffusione della cultura italiana. Organization of cultural activities; organization of language courses; customer service personally, by telephone and email; assistance to students; maintaining and updating the school website; managing student's accommodation… Collaborazione alla organizzazione ed alla realizzazione degli eventi culturali promossi dall’istituto. Collaborazione alla gestione dell’archivio e della bacheca dell’istituto. Collaborazione a tutte le attività di segreteria (stesura di lettere, invio fax, protocollo). Traduzione di testi di carattere culturale ed amministrativo. Servizio informazione (ricerche internet). Collaborazione alla catalogazione dei volumi della biblioteca. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Tedesco, inglese 1 1 October 2014 - March 2015 April 2015 - September 2015 Italiano, tedesco 1 1 1 ottobre 2014 - 31 marzo 2015 1 aprile 2015 - 30 settembre 2015 11 Ordine per paese 30 Arbeitsgemein GERMANI www.alg.de schaft A Literarischer Gesellschaften und Gedenkstätte n e.V. Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 In 1986 the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Literarischer Gesellschaften und Gedenkstätten e.V. was established and is known by ist initials ALG. It aims to support and enhance the many-facted literary establishments within the whole of Germany and beyond. The umbrella organization sees its task as helping to maintain the literary diversity of this country of poets and thinkers, to appreciate this diversity and make it visible in a world changed by new technologies. It has a membership of more than 220 literary societies, museums and memorials. The ALG represents its members in public, support literary projects as well as the cooperation and exchange between literary institutions. The working group organizes conferences where representatives of museums and societies get the chance to compare and contrast their experiences. It creates a platform for the societies to present themselves to the public and and organizes regular further training.There is a forum on the internet for debate, posting and information. A magazine is published twice a year. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Description of trainee's tasks and duties: Projected conferences, prepare Bookfair in Leipzig (Spring), contribute to publications, produce Newsletters, Correspondence Tedesco 1 da ottobre 2014 12 Ordine per paese 31 Ass. Amici dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Amburgo GERMANI www.iic-hamburg.de A 32 Iberika GERMANI www.iberika.de Sprachschulen A Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 Organizzazione dei corsi di lingua e cultura italiana, supporto alle attività culturali promosse dall'Istituto, preparazione e somministrazione degli esami per la certificazione della lingua italiana (CILS). Iberika is a private language center in Berlin with many years of experience. Iberik offers language courses in German, English, Spanish, Portuguese , French and Dutch. Iberika offers translation services and is an official examination centre of the language certificates Telc, CAPLE (University of Lisbon) and of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce. Collaborazione all'organizzazione dei corsi di lingua e cultura italiana dell'Istituto gestiti dall'Associazione in loco Amici dell'Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Amburgo e.V, spedizione programmi corsi, gestione pagamenti, compilazione schede iscrizione, promozione corsi e aggiornamento sito, collaborazione alle attività di segreteria, informazione al pubblico, promozione corsi di lingua presso aziende locali, supporto alle attività culturali promosse dall'Istituto, attività di segreteria, traduzione di testi di carattere culturale e amministrativo, collaborazione alle attività gestite dalla Biblioteca e alla gestione della didattica dei corsi di lingua e cultura italiana Advising and assisting costumers . Management of costumer informotion . Management of language level classification tests . Composing bills and registration confirmations . Administration and composing of participation certificates . Supporting both teacher and course scheduling . Evaluation of customer feedback . Getting to know the marketing tools. Preparation ond assistance with trade fairs. Work with the website and online marketing All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Italiano, tedesco 1 1 settembre 2014 - febbraio 2015 marzo 2015 - settembre 2015 Tedesco. 2 any period to be decided 13 Ordine per paese 33 Sprachschule Aktiv München GERMANI www.sprachschule-aktivA muenchen.de 34 FREIDLANDER- GERMANI www.friedlaender.de SCHULE A 35 Università di Gottingen Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 Sprachschule Aktiv is a language school. We offer courses in different languages. We also help students with accommodation and finding jobs. The Friedlander-Schule is a private language school. It offers German language courses for foreigners from all over the world in all levels. It also offers education for teachers and our students can write examinations monthly. The trainee would help with the organisation of the courses and management of the school. The trainee would help look for teachers, consult the clients about the particular levels and courses, answer the telephone and emails. Sometimes the trainees will have to help with managing the website, editing texts, etc. The trainee can also gain experience in teaching. The trainee will get knowledge of the office management in its daily tasks and of the specific features of the school. She or he will assist the staff in managing the computer work and will help and advice incoming customers/students (foreigners). All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Inglese, tedesco 6 as desired Tedesco 1 from june 2014 any period is possible GERMANI www.phil.uni-goettingen.de; A www.gerhardlauer.de Tedesco 1 TO BE DECIDED 14 Ordine per paese 36 Italienische GERMANI www.itkam.org Handelskamm A er e.V. FRANKFURT 37 SOCIETà DANTE ALIGHIERI 38 Literaturforu m im BrechtHaus GERMANI www.societadanteberlin.eu A GERMANI www.lfbrecht.de A Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 The Italian Chamber of Commerce - a private, non profit-making organisation - is committed to promoting and extending business relations between Germany and Italy. Since our beginnings in 1911, the Italian Chamber of Commerce has helped countless companies in both Italy and Germany succeed in business, has fostered a range of trade developments, and has helped relations between our two great countries grow. Therefore we concentrate our business on the organization of business meetings, delegations and trade shows. We offer also individual services of informations to German and Italian entrepreneurs. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Supported by the logistics and event planning or trade show manager, the student will be involved in: - phone answering and customers receiving - events planning and PR - writing, translating and sending letters - organization of B2B meetings - organization of trade shows Società senza scopo di lucro per la diffusione della Attività di supporto segreteria (front-office, registro cultura e della lingua italiana. newsletter, disbrigo corrispondenza ordinaria); attività di supporto alla gestione degli eventi culturali; attività di gestione prestito e consultazione libri. The Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus is a meeting During an internship at the Brecht-Haus, you would place for literature and theatre lovers, but also for work mostly in the press and PR section. You will people who are interested in history and politics all assist our team in the daily run of business in the over the world. Since 1992, we are focusing on following duties and responsibilities: writers and dissertations about literature, culture, -writing press releases society and politics. Therefore, we arrange a - take care of our homepage and also our facebook multitude of presentations, readings, lectures and profile symposiums and cooperate with numerous science- - designing our monthly flyers and culture institutions, publishing companies, - copy-editing magazines, newspapers and external - organisation of the evening events representations of companies overseas. These are, for example,universities, colleges, "Literaturen", "Das Magazin", the Institut Français, the embassies of Chile, Sweden, Switzerland and others. We encourage and support young writers Italiano, tedesco OFFERTA NON ANCORA CONFERMATA DALL’AZIENDA Italiano, tedesco 2 a partire da metà agosto 2014 Tedesco 1 Job interview face to face in Berlin is required in advance! 15 Ordine per paese 39 Camera di Commecio Italiana Monaco di Baviera Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 GERMANI www.italcam.de A 40 AEOLIS GRECIA CULTURAL DEVELOPMEN T SOCIETY OF LESVOS ISLAND www.hcc.edu.gr Promozione degli scambi commerciali tra Italia e Supporto al personale camerale, collaborazione Germania, assistenza alle PMI italiane sul mercato nell'organizzazione di eventi promozionali, compiti di tedesco, organizzazione di eventi promozionali. segreteria, assistenza clienti, relazioni e ricerche, gestione banche dati interne. The Hellenic Culture Centre www.hcc.edu.gr , founded in 1995, is one of the first non formal education institutions that offered Greek as a foreign/second language courses. It has an expertise in Language Teacher Training programmes. The aims of the institution are to promote language learning and language teaching and to contribute to adult education and intercultural education methodology. Has been involved in different national and EU projects on intercultural education, teacher training, cultural exchanges, e-learning. In details: The Hellenic Culture Centre (HCC), Athens & Santorini Island, is a private organization specialized in teaching Greek as a Second / Foreign Language. ( face to face and online) The promotion of language teaching and learning as well as the development of online didactic materials and innovative teaching and learning methods in the framework of today’s multicultural context are its aims. The Hellenic Culture Centre offers four internship posts for Erasmus students, for its offices in Athens and Santorini island, Greece: 1. Marketing coordinator To coordinate and implement a Marketing programme for new students recruitment, especially through the Internet, to work on the website, to upload materials and create newsletters, to translate texts into her/ his mother tongue 2. EU funding assistant To assist in developing proposals for EU funded projects under the Life Long Learning Programme, and to assist in implement projects that are on the way (monitor printing and production of materials, monitor on time implementation of events, monitor on time delivery of products/ deliverables, monitor expenses according to budget), to evaluate proposals and provide feedback. 3. E-learning expert To develop the e-learning platform of HCC. To coordinate the social networks of HCC. To create didactic materials for e-learning. To work on elearning projects and develop new projects 4. Cultural Officer To develop a cultural programme in Athens & in Santorini complementary to the language programme, to develop training materials for cultural presentations (in English), to accompany students to cultural visits. To welcome students and project partners from Europe and organise their stay. To update the Social Media of the organisation with cultural information. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Italiano, tedesco 1 1 1 settembre 2014 - 28 febbraio 2015 febbraio 2015 - 31 luglio 2015 aprile 2015 - 30 settembre 2015 Inglese 4 Internships may start anytime during the year for 3, 6 or 12 months. BUT the office in Athens operates JanJuly and September – December (closed during August) while the office in Santorini operates June – September (closed October- May). 16 Ordine per paese Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 41 Extremeirelan IRLANDA d - College Green Tourism Office www.extremeireland.ie 42 The Central School of English www.centralschool.ie IRLANDA Extreme Ireland Adventures offers a variety of walking tours - soft adventure tours - day tours, adventure courses and international adventures. We are a young company passionate about Ireland and it's many secrets. Training into tourist office tasks; selling tours, face to face, on the phone, online; cash transactions, credit card transactions; brochures (stock) maintenance; dealing with customers enquires. Teaching of English as a Foreign Language The trainee will work 35 hours a week as part of the Administration team. Tasks include face to face, Skype calls and emails in Italian and English, office administration, teacher support, marketing, supporting students in all aspects of their school life. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Inglese 1 1 1 Inglese 2 2 2 2 43 International House Dublin IRLANDA www.ihdublin.com International House Dublin incorporating High School Ireland is an affiliate member of the International House World Organisation, one of the largest language teaching and teacher training organisations in the world. Like all International House Schools, IH Dublin is committed to implementing high standards of quality and innovation in education and training. IH Dublin is one of Ireland's leading English Language Schools providing quality English Language Courses for adults in the Dublin city centre Language School, an excellent High School Programme in High Schools all around Ireland, Junior Summer Programmes for teenagers in superb private High Schools in Dublin and expert Teacher Training including the globally recognised University of Cambridge CELTA Course. Updating information on computer database and general admin tasks. Using a variety of office equipment, such as fax machines, photocopiers, scanners, conduct research on the Internet, and operate and troubleshoot new office technologies. Interact with clients and visitors. Answer telephones and transfer to appropriate departments including education and financial sectors. Meet and greet students arriving to the residence. Preparing promotional materials, welcome packs for new students and end of course certificates. settembre - dicembre gennaio - aprile maggio - agosto 01/09/2014-01/12/2014 01/12/2014-01/03/2015 01/03/2015-01/06/2015 01/06/2015-01/09/2015 Inglese 1 September 2014 - August 2015 17 Ordine per paese 44 The Horner School of English IRLANDA Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.hornerschool.ie Adult English language providing EFL classes for adult individuals and junior groups. The school is located in Dublin City Centre and is open throughout the year. Students come from all over the world to attend our courses. Many student come to study English for 12 or 24 weeks other attend for short courses of 3 and 4 weeks. We place our students with Irish host families and in university style student residences. We also arrange full day guided coach tours and afternoon/evening social and cultural visits. Photocopyng standard forms, student questionnaires, grading tests, course timetables etc; working at the front reception desk, assisting students to book tours and excursions; accompanying students on the organised activities some afternoons and approximately one evening per week; dealing with student problems as required; answering and confirming bookings and enquiries by e mail, telephone and fax... All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Inglese 1 1 September 2014 - February 2015 March 2015 - September 2015 18 Ordine per paese 45 Modern Polyglots Agency IRLANDA Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.modernpolyglots.ie The intern will gain practical experience in office administration, managing orders, coordinating a team of translators/interpreters, handling customer queries and phone calls, telesales, translating text, interpreting, project management, basic bookkeeping, working with language memory systems, localising websites, and various Internet related tasks: posting articles, renewing links, updating content online, ad publishing etc. This can be applied for future office administration, sales, management, direct marketing jobs, translation and interpreting. The intern will gain communication skills and skills in staff management, direct sales, handling urgent tasks, presentation. We will provide the following training: using office software, online publishing tools, records keeping; writing business letters and emails. The intern will be working with business clients and public customers who can sometimes have little or Basic English. Friendliness, self-motivation, good language and communication skills are required to meet and greet customers, handle emails and phone calls. Knowledge of standard computer navigation and programs such as Internet browser and Microsoft Office suite is beneficial with average typing speed. Previous computer courses will be a benefit but not necessary. In-house training will be provided. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Inglese 1 any period to be decided 19 Ordine per paese 46 CES – Centre IRLANDA of English Studies - SEDE DUBLINO 47 Modern Polyglots Agency (English Language Teacher) IRLANDA Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.ces-schools.com www.modernpolyglots.ie Teaching English as a second language to adult students from around the world. Reception and office administration tasks; dealing with student enquiries; supporting teachers in provision of English language courses; maintenance of a student database, including attendance and payment data; contributing to marketing campaigns, including social marketing; devising and organising student social activities; contributing content to the school's website and translation of same. English Language Teacher/Tutor: The intern will gain practical experience in providing tutoring to individuals and small groups in the Tutorial Centre located in the Modern Polyglots Agency. Assist students in improving academic achievements by meeting with them on a regular basis and working on their English Language skills. This will include teaching basic and also specialized material. Other assistance might include: reviewing class material, predicting test questions, formulating ideas for papers, or working on solutions to problems. The intern will be working with small groups of individuals, aiming at teaching them how to meet and greet customers, handle emails, and maintain a standard business talk. Responsibilities include being punctual for all scheduled tutoring sessions and completing and handing in all required paperwork to the mentor, assigned by company at the end of internship. Inhouse training will be provided. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Inglese 1 from September 2014 Inglese 1 any period to be decided 20 Ordine per paese 48 Stealth Translations Ltd. IRLANDA Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ www.stealthtranslations.co We provide high quality, competitively priced Collaboration on translation projects. m translation services to organisations across a wide range of industry sectors, which mainly comprises of medical, legal, engineering and marketing, who require linguistic services for marketing, legal, informational and operational purposes. Inglese 1 49 Translation.ie IRLANDA www.translation.ie Translation.ie is the leading Translation and Interpretation Company in Ireland. For over 10 years, the company has been providing interpreting, translation and other language solution services to a wide range of customers in all major and minor languages. TO BE DECIDED To support the staff in the translation department i.e taking phone calls, responding to emails and performing general everyday tasks necessary for the efficient running of the business; to provide quotations for clients requesting translation services; to contact and assign appropriate projects to available translators/proofreaders; to manage the life cycle of translation projects from beginning to end; to prepare final translated documents for clients... Inglese 2 any date 21 Ordine per paese 50 Atlantic IRLANDA Language School Galway / Dublin 51 Translit 52 Istituto Italiano di Cultura per i Paesi Bassi IRLANDA OLANDA Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.atlanticlanguage.com www.translit.ie Established in 1993, Atlantic Language is a premium-choice English language school situated in Galway city and now also in Dublin city. Atlantic Language provides a wide range of English language courses to adult and junior students. Courses are General English, Intensive English, Business English, Cambridge and IELTS exam preparations, Pre-Masters and University Foundation programmes. There are also summer courses for junior students and families. The company won the Language Travel Magazine Award for Best English Language School Europe 2009 The trainee is mainly involved in helping at the reception area. This includes welcoming students, dealing with daily enquiries, operating the phone, preparing welcome packs for new students and looking after students’ questionnaires. The trainee may be asked to assist the junior department and the marketing department. From time to time the trainees may be asked to assist the student welfare officer during school events. Translation services; interpreting services; voiceover services. An intern will gain practical experience in office administration, managing orders, coordinating a team of translators/interpreters, handling customers queries and phone calls, talesales, translating texct, interpreting, project management, basic bookeeping, records keeping, working with language memory systems, localising websites and various Internet related tasks: posting articles, renewing links, updating content online, ad publishing etc. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Inglese 2 2 3 September 2014 - January 2015 February 2015 - May 2015 May 2015 - September 2015 Inglese 1 3-6 months www.iicamsterdam.esteri.it Promozione di eventi culturali volti a valorizzare la Lavoro di segreteria diffusione della lingua e della cultura italiana. Inglese, italiano 1 TO BE DECIDED 22 Ordine per paese 53 TransPerfect Translations Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 Barcelona; www.transperfect.com London; Amsterda m; Utrecht 54 University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Humanities OLANDA 55 SPANDA FUNDATION OLANDA www.uva.nl TransPerfect was founded in 1992 with the The intern will form part of our Translation Project following mission: to provide the highest quality Management team. The candidate will primarily be language services to leading businesses worldwide. responsible for carrying out translation projects in accordance to the standards of our company. Some translation tasks will also be included in the role. Position responsibilities: work on translation projects from the biginning to the end; look for corresponding linguists in the data base; negotiate with freelance translators and proofreaders; prepare job folders and files for translation; issue POs for linguists; small translation tasks... Institute of Highter Education All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Inglese 1 Programme to be decided after consultation between supervisor and trainee. Trainee should submit a portfolio and resume. Inglese 1 www.spanda.org Starting date not fixed: Barcelona: minimum 3 months London: minimum 6 months Amsterdam: minimum 2 months Utrecht: minimum 4 months A transantional NGO learning organization for Depending on which Programme/Projects the trainee Development to catalyze sustainable long-term will be assigned to systemic change in culture, education, health & environment, economics and research and the attainment of a higher degree of individual and collective consciousness. The Organization is in Consultative Status with the United Nation Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). second semester Inglese (C1), francese, spagnolo 3 any date 23 Ordine per paese 56 STUDIO LINGUA 57 Camera di Commercio e Industria Italiana per il Portogallo OLANDA Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.studiolingua.nl PORTOGA www.ccitalia.pt LLO STUDIOLINGUA is an Italian Language school located in the heart of Amsterdam. Studiolingua offers a wide spectrum of opportunities: Language courses in six different levels (from absolute beginner to highly experienced) Long, short and intensive courses (for days a week) with classes during day time and/or in the evening Individual courses or in groups, possibility for companies to have instructors on-site Dutch courses for Expats Courses preparing for the CELI and CILS exams Italian lessons for children Courses in vinology, gastronomy and cooking Mixed conversation courses for students of different levels, a book club, courses on art (history) and many more The courses are highly differentiated and are open to a broad audience that looks to master the Italian language next to learning to understand what makes Italy so special. Studiolingua also provide teachers training. Depending on the study direction of the trainee, we can make a taylor made program; the main task can anyway decrypted like: assistance to teachers, classroom observation, lesson preparation, participation in educational meetings, free participation in teacher training sessions and day of study offered by Studiolingua during the period of stay, various auxiliary activities that from time to time will be required in relation to the language and culture courses; student accommodation, ensure that everyone is in the correct class, general information, management of the student café, attendance at cultural exhibitions and or other events involving the school, light secretarial tasks such as sorting mail, preparing shipping info, etc.. Any other business according to the needs that may arise (photocopying, preparing classrooms for study days, etc..). Entrepreneurs association aiming at developing trade relationships between Portugal and Italy Acquisition of the methodologies used by the Chamber of Commerce for the development of trade and economic cooperation between Italy and Portugal All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Inglese, Italiano 1 1 September 2014 - February 2015 March 2015 - September 2015 Portoghese, italiano 2 5th of January to 27th of March (Lisboa/Porto) 24 Ordine per paese Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 58 P LISBOA02 - PORTOGA www.fl.ul.pt UNIVERSIDAD LLO E DE LISBOA 59 Associaçao PORTOGA www.appf.pt Portuguesa LLO dos Professores de Frances 60 Temple Newsam REGNO UNITO The Office of External Relations and International Cooperation is a unit within Student Operations whose purpose is to maintain and enhance a high quality central support service to the Faculty’s international students during their time at the University. The team currently consists of four staff. Together the team is responsible for undertaking international student-related policy work, providing comprehensive pre- and post-arrival support to the Faculty’s international students, providing orientation events to new international students, managing the Faculty’s Student Exchange schemes with European Higher Education Institutions, ensuring compliance with Portuguese immigration legislation and fulfilling the terms of our sponsor licence, and providing students with visa and immigration advice. Administrative Support: Answering routine enquiries from callers, students, academics, and senior management by email, telephone and in person -Administrative support for members of the team -Deal with incoming and outgoing post -Photocopying and scanning of documents -Ensuring filing systems are up to date -Ensuring all required paperwork for outgoing and incoming students is complete -Maintaining accurate records for incoming and outgoing exchange students -Assisting with the organisation of orientation sessions for students participating on an exchange (incoming and outgoing) - Assisting with the organisation arrangements for any visits from partner universities. The Portuguese Association of French Teachers (APPF), which was created in 1986, works to promote multilinguism in the educational system and especially French language learning. The internship is aimed at a trainee fluent in French and Portuguese and interesded in foreign language teaching and teacher profession. www.leeds.gov.uk/templene Leeds City Council’s major visitor attractions wsam All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Portoghese, inglese 2 Portoghese, francese 1 Meeting and greeting customers and visitors. Office administration, customer surveys including analyzing and recording results. Supporting existing administration staff, education officers, estate officers, and visitor assistants. da settembre 2014 per 6 mesi October 2014 - March 2015 Inglese 2 Early June 2014 to September 2015 25 Ordine per paese 61 Global Voices Ltd 62 BIZNETSERV Professional Translation, Interpreting and Voiceovers REGNO UNITO REGNO UNITO Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.globalvoices.co.uk www.biznetserv.com GLOBAL VOICES is a fast growing, small-size international language company with operational headquarters in Scotland. We provide our services to a wide range of companies and organisations worldwide. We are looking for Italian trainees to join our Sales Team in Stirling. Competence in sales and marketing, office work, working as a team and individually, research, data management, experience of work in a language company, client management, translation/proofreading of relevant company materials, other tasks possible based on personal skills and experience. We are a professional translation, interpreting and Proof-reading, bookeeping, invoicing, coordination voiceover company based in London with over two with clients and translators thousands translators, interpreters and voiceover artists. We translate the complete range of the European, Scandinavian, Easten European, MiddleEastern and Asian languages. We translate all kinds of documentation from agreements and contracts through to technical specifications and manuals, correspondence, shares, offers, web sites, media information and sales presentations. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Italiano, inglese 4 1 availability from 01/10/2014 September 2014 - 3/6 months Inglese (C1C2) - è richiesta anche la conoscenza del Francese (B2) e del Tedesco 26 Ordine per paese 63 IRMO 64 OISE London REGNO UNITO REGNO UNITO Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.irmo.org.uk Trainees joining IRMO will learn how to interact in a challenging and multicultural environment, dealing directly with refugees and migrants from Latin and Central America and volunteers from all over the world. Moreover, working at IRMO trainees will take part to our different projects about social inclusion (English for Work), community project with families (Parental Learning Support) and volunteer resources management (Volunteer Scheme). Trainees will work directly with Project Coordinators, supporting them in administrative activities (organization of appointments, database management), planning of activities, public relations(informing clients about IRMO’s activities) and project’s monitoring and evaluation. Following an interview and considering trainee’s personal aspirations and IRMO’s need, the Volunteer Scheme Coordinator will assign trainees to one of the projects Spagnolo (C1), Inglese. 3 flexible/to be agreed www.oise.com Inglese OFFERTA NON ANCORA CONFERMATA DALL’AZIENDA 65 Translations in REGNO London UNITO www.translationsinlondon.c om 66 Aplomb Translations www.aplombonline.com REGNO UNITO IRMO is a charitable organisation dedicated to improving the social and economic conditions of underprivileged sectors of the community with special emphasis on Latin-American migrants. IRMO's mission is to promote any charitable purpose for the benefit of people of Indoamerican origin, primarily but not exclusively resident in Great Britain, by the advancement of education and culture, the protection of health and the relief of poverty, sickness and distress. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Inglese da agosto 2015 minimo 4 mesi OFFERTA NON ANCORA CONFERMATA DALL’AZIENDA 27 Ordine per paese 67 DPI Democratic Progress Initiative 68 Pilgrims English Language Courses REGNO UNITO REGNO UNITO Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.democraticprogress.or The Democratic Progress Institute (DPI) is an g independent non-governmental organisation, which was established in consultation with a group of international experts in the areas of conflict resolution and democratic advancement. The Institute seeks to provide expertise, combining research and practicable approaches to broaden bases for wider public involvement in promoting peace and democracy building. www.pilgrims.co.uk The internship will involve a wide variety of duties depending on the particular skills of the successful candidat(s). Duties may include but are not limited to: political research, legal research, policy research, event organisation and logistics, administartion, fundraising research, writing for publication, proof reading end editing. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Inglese 1 English Language Courses Inglese 1 69 Charioteer Theatre REGNO UNITO TO BE DECIDED www.charioteertheatre.co.u ORGANISATION OF THEATRE. LABORATORIES AND k WORKSHOPS ORGANISATION OF PUBLIC EVENTS SHOW PRODUCTIONS FUNDING RESEARCH PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES MARKETING maximum 3 months ORGANISATION AND PROMOTION OF EVENTS ADMIN WORK MARKETING ASSISTING DIRECTOR Inglese 1 Novembre 2014 - Aprile 2015 28 Ordine per paese 70 CREATIVE CULTURE REGNO UNITO 71 Better REGNO Languages.co UNITO m Ltd Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.creativecultureint.com Creative Culture is a language and cultural expert. We help our clients export creative concepts and projects worldwide in the most relevant and impacting way. To that effect, we work with an international network of creative specialists based around the world and manage the projects centrally from London. We are involved in various ways and at any stage of the creative process to make sure it will work internationally. We offer adaptation/creative translation services but also cultural consulting, interpreting, DTP, linguistic coaching, copywriting, corporate cultural events management, fixing and research etc. our areas of specializations are advertising, marketing, events, tourism, games, entertainment including TV, films, music, theatre and many more. www.betterlanguages.com Support to client management: daily client projects and problematic, project management, coordination with our teams of specialists around the world, briefing, time and budget management, creation of optimized tools, consistency checks, editing in your mother tongue etc. Support to business development team: research for leads and prospects, social and networking events. Daily management and update of the talent database and relationship with our worldwide specialists: talent search and testing, creative judgement, project management, help develop new partnerships with collaborators Active participation to the life of our website and marketing: content update, articles, presentations, adapt or create new marketing material etc. Administrative tasks: data and invoice processing, payments, etc. Translation Services Company, translating between Trainees will work alongside Translation Managers English and all major world languages. and more mainly involved in QA checking translation work. They will need to raise queries with translators, and will undertake project management tasks under the supervision of full-time staff. They may be asked to do a limited amount of translation, but the main tasks are QA and project management focused. The student will gain a good understanding of Trados Studio, and of translation and translation project management processes within a small translation company. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Inglese 2 4 months minimum (starting date to be decided) Inglese 1 minimum 3 months to be agreed 29 Ordine per paese 72 Come2Englan REGNO d UNITO 73 BANIPAL PUBLISHING 74 Frances King School of English REGNO UNITO REGNO UNITO Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.come2england.com www.banipal.co.uk www.francesking.co.uk Come2England is an international agency based in London which is providing assistance to people willing to have an international experience in London. We provide customized services focusing on job research, accommodation, English course, internship and much more. Managing a professional recruitment network; cv drafting; contact new partners and take care of old partnerships; placement in different companies and sector; exploring new businesses; customer service and follow up; managing international phone calls Banipal magazine showcases contemporary Arab authors in English translation, from wherever they are writing and publishing. An independent magazine, founded 15 years ago, in 1998, by Margaret Obank and Iraqi author Samuel Shimon, Banipal's three issues a year present both established and emerging Arab writers through poems, short stories or excerpts of novels, plus the occasional features of LITERARY INFLUENCES, TRAVELLING TALE. The programme will cover all aspects of work on Banipal magazine in order to give a hands-on training in the preparation and production, marketing and promotion of this unique magazine of literary translation. Promotion of the magazine will also include planning and organising literary events. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Inglese 1 1 1 1 1 September 2014 - December 2014 January 2015 - Abril 2015 May 2015 - August 2015 from mid-September 2014 to mid- December 2014 from 5 January 2015 till 5 May 2015 We are a school teaching English as a second language to international students. We are located in Kensington in central London, and have been in details into our database (Microsoft CRM-based) business for over 40 years. We are accredited by the British Council, and are a member of English confirmations to students/agents via email UK, Quality English, and IALC. Accommodation departments to meet client requests and to resolve problems as required Inglese ONLY FOR POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS Inglese 2 anytime directly from students, via email, online Live Chat, and telephone 30 Ordine per paese 75 Today Translations REGNO UNITO Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.todaytranslations.com Document Translations/Interpreting/Conference Equipment/Voiceover All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Collaboration on translation projects Inglese 1 76 Oxfam Shop 77 PATRONATO INCA CGIL REGNO UNITO REGNO UNITO www.oxfam.org.uk www.inca.it Oxfam is an international federation of 17 organizations working in approximately 90 countries worldwide to find solutions to poverty and injustice. The ultimate goal is to enable people to exercise their rights and to manage their own lives. Oxfam works directly with communities and seeks to influence the poweful, to ensure that poor people can improve their lives and livelihoods and have a say in the decisions that affect them. To this end, Oxfam supports and initiates a wide range of projects in the fields of economic development, humanitarian relief, education and many more. Oxfam UK has set up numerous shops which raise funds to support its work. Much of the stock clothing, books, homeware- is donated by the public. However, the shops also sell some fairtrade items produced by Oxfam or by companies which they support: food, toiletries, cleaning products, greetings cards and crafts Assisting the Shop Manager in the daily running of the shop; cash handling, financial management, till operating and general administrative tasks; merchandising; understanding Oxfam systems and procedures… Attività di Patronato - Assistenza Sociale Interaction with a variety of persons and Institutional Bodies -Involvement in the everyday activities of the organization -Administrative tasks -Receive public -Answering enquiries from a variety of users end of August - beg of September 2014 for 3 months Inglese 2 any period to be decided, which can be between 2 and 6 months Inglese 1 01/09/2014- 28/02/2015 31 Ordine per paese 78 LIVING LEARNING ENGLISH BRISTOL REGNO UNITO 79 CREATIVE REGNO TRANSLATION UNITO S LTD Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.livingenglish.com www.creativetranslation.co m Living Learning English specialises in offering an individually designed programme of one-to-one intensive language teaching in the teacher's home. The student is totally immersed in the English language and culture, and can make rapid progress. You can choose when you want to come, how long you would like to stay, the number of hours tuition per week (15, 20, 25 or 30) and the type of English you would like to learn - General English, English for Business, Academic English or English Plus. Each lesson is a full teaching hour of 60 minutes. Resources - Updating the catalogue of resources (books, CDs and cassettes) - Labelling, cataloguing and storing new books & CDs - Organising and dispatching course materials to teachers - Checking-in returned course materials Teachers - Binding teacher’s manuals - Visiting new potential homestay teachers (with the Principal) and advising on suitability for the post from a client / student perspective Office - Answering the telephone and taking messages - Photocopying - Filing - Typing - Organising files We are a translation offering translation and multilingual copywriting, typesetting and production services. To undertake general office duties and assist the translation project managers (PMs) in all aspects of their work. This will include updating translation memories, liaising with translators as well as proofreading and content checking translations. Some translation/proofreading from English into Italian might also be involved. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Inglese 2 from September 2014 (6 months) Inglese 1 September 2014 for 3 months 32 Ordine per paese 80 Fundaci ón SPAGNA Alianza por la Solidaridad 81 La Asociación Por Ti Mujer SPAGNA 82 E JAEN01 SPAGNA UNIVERSIDAD DE JAÉN Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.solidaridad.org Participar activamente en alianza con otras organizaciones y redes en procesos de definición de políticas públicas locales, nacionales o globales y contribuir al seguimiento, evaluación y control social de las mismas, en áreas y temáticas que priorice en sus estrategias; seguimiento al cumplimento de los Derechos Humanos garantizados en tratados internacionales y a los compromisos adoptados en conferencias internacionales relevantes para las áreas y temáticas que priorice en sus estrategias; atender situaciones graves de violación de los Derechos Humanos en contextos de crisis mediante la Acción Humanitaria... Auxiliar de Tienda Solidaria: Atención al Cliente; gestión de cobros; reponer artículos; apoyo en actividades de sensibilización fuera de la tienda; apoyo en las actividades relacionadas con Comercio Justo en la organización. Área de proyectos en la oficina: apoyo en la sede con gestiones administrativas relacionadas con los proyectos de la organización. Spagnolo 1 www.asociacionportimujer.o We are an association that contributes his actions rg to the fight against the gender violence, the empowerment of the women, the fully exercise of her rights and the achievement of gender equality, as essential conditions to accomplish social justice, human, sustainable development and peace. Our mission is to promote the comprehensive development of the Immigrant Woman and her Family, providing them with necessary tools with the objective to promote a social change towards gender equality, in particular the strengthening and the presence of the woman in the job market and their active participation in the society, repulsing all the violence against her. Improve knowledge of Spanish language, dealing with the problems of immigrant women, gain greater sensitivity to gender violence, knowledge of the Spanish culture, intercultural. Supporting labor integration programs, support comprehensive care programs (language, computer). Support administrative area, activities with women beneficiaries of the programs, collaboration in prevention and awareness od domestic violence. http://www.ujaen.es The trainee will work at the International Relations Office. The trainee will support our International Relations Office concerning all procedures relative to the ERASMUS International Mobility Program management: specially incoming and outgoing student. International Mobility Programs management All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ TO BE DECIDED Spagnolo 2 Septiembre 2014 - Marzo 2015 Spagnolo, inglese 1 15/09/2014 – 15/12/2014 33 Ordine per paese 83 Casa del Lector SPAGNA Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.casalector.es Cultural centre All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Cultural activities: exhibitions; conferences; concerts… Spagnolo 1 84 DON QUIJOTE SPAGNA SALAMANCA www.dq-salamanca.com 85 Camera di SPAGNA Commercio e Industria Italiana per la Spagna Madrid www.italcamara-es.com 86 Librería El Giraldillo www.elgiraldillo.net SPAGNA Aware of the importance of mastering and learning languages, Ideal Education Group was formed in 1986 with the intention of providing students of all ages and nationalities with the cultural experience of learning one or more languages under the highest quality academic conditions. To do translations in his/her native language; to create contents in the web, orientated to the market of his/her, own language; to assist in the Internet department. The Chamber of Commerce provides support to Italian and Spanish companies that are interested in both markets. Our aim is to promote, support and develop trade and economic relations between Spain and Italy. Our activities provide communication, business and commercial services, training courses, networking activities, events organization and carry on European projects. Within the Association of the Chamber, students will achieve practical knowledge in the working field, facing the typical problems related to the daily working in the different Departments and they will improve the knowledge of the Spanish Language. Librería universitaria. Venta al público. Auxiliar al personal de ventas en las tareas cotidianas de atención al público. TO BE DECIDED Spagnolo 2 2 September 2014 - February 2015 February 2015 - August 2015 Italiano, spagnolo, inglese 2 Settembre 2014 per 6 mesi Spagnolo 1 desde mitad de septiembre de 2014 - hasta mitad de diciembre de 2015 34 Ordine per paese 87 ESPAÑOLÉ SPAGNA INTERNATION AL HOUSE VALENCIA 88 CLIC Centro de SPAGNA Lenguas e Intercambio Cultural S.L. 89 Grupo Intramuros SPAGNA Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.espanole.es / www.ihvalencia.es www.clic.es Language school with 60% of foreign students learning Spanish and 40% Spanish students learning other languages. Private language center for Spanish, English, German, French, Portuguese and Chinese; private Teacher Training center for CELTA/DELTA and FELE courses… www.grupointramuros.com The trainees will partecipate into jobs connected to the edition of Intramuros Review and its distribution assistance to Maria Sheila Cremaschi for the realization and post-production of: Hay Festival and Hay Festival Budapest. . Customer care/ student welfare · Give tourist information about the city, transport and social and cultural events · Planning the trips/activities of the students and accompanying students to some of the activities · Enrol students and handle the administrative documents involved in the enrolment process (confirmations, invoices…) · Duties related with the reception desk of the school. · Help the academic department. · Help to the director with marketing issues. Spanish department: support to the head of studies, communication between teachers and students, providing lists, preparing material for new students, certificates. Lending Library and Multimedia room: Preparing language exchange between students, books, DVD and CD's loans. Support for the foreign languages department. Support for the book store: reception, organizing new material. Relation with the organizers of the festival and announcers and writers (and other people) of Intramuros Review. Relation with governmental departments for helps and subventions All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Spagnolo 3 set-14 Spagnolo, inglese 4 any time minimum 3 months Spagnolo 2 any date 35 Ordine per paese 90 ESCUELA DELENGUA SPAGNA 91 Instituto SPAGNA Mediterráneo SOL, S.L. Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.delengua.es www.inmsol-granada.es Escuela Delengua is a language school specialized in Spanish language and culture courses that run all year round. The school was founded in 1997 and since then we have welcomed students from all over the world, from beginners (A1 level) up to advanced (C2 level). We do also specific courses for foreign students, like Spanish and LatinAmerican Literature, History, Medical Spanish, Spanish for business, Legal Spanish and tailed courses. To improve the Spanish level of our students and also the knowledge of Granada and its surroundings we organize daily activities. Everyday administration tasks Collaborate to design, produce and maintain web sites Marketing research and promotion through Internet Creation and update of databases Translation to different languages. Spanish school in Granada since 1992 that offers Spanish courses to foreigners, cultural activities, excursions and accommodation in Granada. Instituto Cervantes accredited centre. -marketing and advertisement of Instituto Mediterráneo Sol, by Internet -language assistant -translation of brochures, e-mails…in the languages known -updating and creation of data bases -posting adds about the school services in the language known -updating and creation of some sections of the webpage (culture, news…) in the languages known -responsible of visiting and choosing accommodations for students -responsible of the social networks of the school (facebook, pinterest, twitter…) All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Spagnolo, inglese 1 Beginning of October 2014 - end of January or February 2015 Spagnolo, inglese 1 January 2015 - March 2015 36 Ordine per paese 92 EUREKA 93 EOI de Granada SPAGNA SPAGNA Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.eurekamadrid.com www.eoidegranada.org EUREKA is a school whose main purpose is teaching Spanish as a foreign language. Our faculty is formed by qualified teachers certified in subjects such as Classical Spanish, Spanish Language and Art and Literature. All our teachers have been carefully chosen by the school's academic board and trained to use our exclusive method in order to ensure the greatest success of our students. Our method is based on the direct contact between teacher and student, and the creation of a relaxed atmosphere so that learning comes naturally, and thus it is reinforced through practice and communication. This is possible thanks to the fact that there is a maximum of 8 students per class. The intern will be in charge of administrative duties related to the Spanish language market in Italy. She/He will have to design and correct our website, translate our student´s handbook and other issues, marketing, publicity, make contact with Italian agencies and universities that could become potential clients for the school, support students, specially, Italian students as well as create databases. This will be the main tasks among others within the fields of administration and marketing. The main activity in this institution is teaching languages to adults. Support at the Secretary Office: students’ registrations, files updating. Organisation and implementation of workshops to teach Italian to adults focusing on both language and culture. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Spagnolo, inglese 2 secondo le esigenze della scuola Spagnolo, inglese 3 3 01/09/2014 - 23/12/2014 07/01/2014 - 15/07/2015 37 Ordine per paese 94 EOI DE CADIZ SPAGNA Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.eoicadiz.es We are a public school of languages, teaching French, German, English and Italian to adults wishing to expand their general language skills, but we also do courses for Primary and Secondary teachers who work or wish to work in bilingual schools. We teach levels A1 to B2 in all languages and up to C1 in English. Also, we have a distance programme in English and French. The trainee will carry out the following tasks: -Help in the Italian department, assisting the teachers in the preparation of classroom materials as well as during the classes of all levels. -Help design and prepare extracurricular activities for the students of Italian -Also, if the trainee has a good command of any of the other languages taught in the school, he or she could also carry out these tasks within the other Departments. -Help in the classification of teaching materials for the school library -Work in the library within the borrowing timetable -Depending on the time of the year, the trainee may also have to help in the school office and assisting the public, especially during enrolment periods -Any other office work which could be necessary at any given time. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Italiano, spagnolo, inglese 2 between 15the September 2014 and 30th June 2015 38 Ordine per paese 95 Abama Golf & SPAGNA Spa Resort 96 E BADAJOZ01 - SPAGNA Universidad de Extremadura Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.abamahotelresort.com The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. is the ; www.ritzcarlton.com parent company to the luxury hotel chain, RitzCarlton Hotels. Ritz-Carlton operates 81 luxury hotels and resorts in major cities and resorts in 26 countries worldwide. The current company was founded in 1983, when the brand was bought from the previous owners to start The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C., based in Atlanta, Georgia, which began expansion of the brand to other locations. The hotel company is today a subsidiary of Marriott International. Abama Golf & Spa Resort is one of the properties run by The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company. Our trainees will be able to learn all the tasks and processes that are involved in their positions. A training plan will be specifically designed for each one of them so their manager will be able to track their learning process by doing a constant follow up on their progression. They will have a monthly meeting with the Learning & Quality Manager in order to maintain a close relation with each trainee and be able to guarantee the continuous growth & development of the students. www.unex.es Working in administrative tasks with the team of the international office, an any of the mobility programmes ran by it. EHEA’s institution. International Relations Office. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Spagnolo, inglese, tedesco 2 any date Spagnolo, inglese 1 1 anydate (CAMPUS CÁCERES) anydate (CAMPUS BADAJOZ) 39 Ordine per paese 97 E SEVILLA01 - SPAGNA UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 http://www.us.es/internatio Higher Education- International Relations nal/index.html International Mobility (Study, Placement) Other international exchange programmes under bilateral agreements Study abroad. Management of incoming Chinese students, welcome service and logistics. Counselling and providing information to incoming and outgoing exchange students, in charge of drawing up informative documents, leaflets, etc., organising presentations and meetings for Erasmus students, assisting in all procedures related to international mobility (such as reception, enrolment, counselling and information, contact with universities, translation of documents). The trainee will assist the International office, including international students application processing; monitoring and updating student databases and making reports; responding to students enquiries by email and post. Support to administrative staff in LLP Erasmus management and Extra European bilateral agreements management. The trainee will work from 09 AM TO 14 PM, Monday to Friday. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Spagnolo, inglese 1 1 01 settembre - 30 novembre 01 marzo - 31 luglio 40 Ordine per paese 98 IELE Instituto SPAGNA de Estudios de la Lengua Espa ñola Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.iele.com All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ IELE es una escuela de idiomas, especializada en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera. inglés y su idioma materno. Spagnolo información sobre nuestros cursos, alojamientos, actividades, etc... inglés de documentos que necesitemos enviar a otros países. estudiantes. visitado para fotografiar y supervisar las buenas condiciones de los mismos. 1 any date (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) de nuestra escuela. nuestros estudiantes. para grupos de escolares internacionales. o colaboradores para que conozca nuestra escuela. 41 Ordine per paese 99 Instituto Andalusí de Español SPAGNA 100 FEDERACION SPAGNA PROVINCIAL DE EMPRESAS Y TURISMO DE GRANADA Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.instituto-andalusi.com Our school opened in 2002 and offers Spanish courses for people from different countries. We offer Intensive Courses for adults and juniors but also preparation courses for the DELE exam and business Spanish. The Instituto Andalusi offers a variety of excursions and activities, which focus on the Spanish language and culture, such as excursions to Cordoba, Granada, Seville and Morocco but also visits of museums, memorials and churches in Malaga. Moreover we are offering activities in the school building like cooking class of Paella or other Spanish specialities. Learn how to incorporate research into his teaching from fields such as teaching methodology, applied linguistics, language acquisition, testing and evaluation, special needs education and so on. Trainees are aware of the different techniques necessary for teaching reading, writing, speaking and listening and for improving reception, production, interaction and mediation skills in learners. www.hosteleriadegranada.es La Federacion Provincial de Empresas de Hostelerìa y Turismo de Granada es una organización empresarial creada en el año 1982, con el objetivo de atender las necesidades de los diferentes subsectores que compone el sector. Knowledge of the work processes of the Federation. Accomplishment of simple writings of tourist nature. Telephone attention to our associated companies. Supporting tasks in all kind of communications to our associated companies. Face-to-face attention to our associated companies. Administrative formalities in and out of the office. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Spagnolo, inglese 1 september 2014 for 3 or 6 months Spagnolo, inglese 1 periodo da decidere con l'azienda 42 Ordine per paese 101 Hotel Moderno *** 102 EOI DE CORDOBA SPAGNA SPAGNA Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.hotel-moderno.com www.eoicordoba.es Las tareas a realizar. Departamento de recepción. . Check in y check out . Atención al cliente utilizando diferentes vías (fax, email o personalmente) . Atención telefónica . Departamento de Reservas y conserjería. Tramitación de fax, e-mail y documentación (folletos, catálogos u otros) . 3 turnos rotativos, mañana, tarde y noche. En los perfiles en el que el alumno este de cara al público, se le exigirá, respeto, cordialidad, amabilidad y profesionalidad. Centro público de enseñanza especializada de idiomas (alemán, árabe, francés, inglés, italiano) a alumnado a partir de los 16 años de edad. Organización de actividades culturales complementarias a la enseñanza. Apoyo a la labor docente del profesorado del Departamento de Italiano. Colaboración en la organización de actividades complementarias. Diseño de materiales de apoyo a la docencia. Apoyo a la gestión del servicio de Biblioteca Colaboración en tareas diversas de la vida académica del Centro All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Spagnolo, inglese 2 a partir de octubre Spagnolo, inglese 1 No antes del 15 de septiembre - no después del 15 de junio 43 Ordine per paese Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 103 E CORDOBA SPAGNA 01UNIVERSIDAD DE CORDOBA Oficina de Relaciones Internacionale s de la Facultad de Derecho y CCEE y Empresariales www.uco.es/Facultaddedere Gestión de toda la movilidad nacional e cho internacional de alumnado, profesorado y PAS de la Facultad de Derecho y CEE y Empresarios de Córdoba. 104 Instituto Hispànico de Murcia www.ihdemu.com SPAGNA All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Asistencia en la gestión de la movilidad nacional e internacional, proceso de llegada y salida de estudiantes extranjeros, application forms, learning agreements y resto de documentación requerida en cada caso, asistencia en la búsqueda de alojamiento y en cualquier tramite necesario para la movilidad de estudiantes in y out de nuestra facultad. Spagnolo, inglese, italiano 1 Spanish language school for foreign students. We welcome worldwide students all year round willing to study Spanish. Language school established in 2000. We also organize accommodation, school trips and socio-cultural activities. Marketing communication plan; conducting international market research; contribute to product promotion; community manager; create and/or set up new products; relevant text writing/translating… Spagnolo, inglese 4 105 ESCUELA CARMEN DE LAS CUEVAS SPAGNA www.carmencuevas.com Spanish and Flamenco Courses plus accommodation any date Attention to our students when they come to the office and at the phone (giving information to all the questions they may have about the school, the city, the cultural activities in English, Spanish and Italian) Routine administration tasks that assure a good welcoming and service to our students and organization of the school; reviewing publicity texts; Linkbuilding; Website updating. from September 2014 (4/6 month period) Spagnolo, inglese 1 March 2015 for 6 months 44 Ordine per paese 106 CAMERA DI COMMERCIO ITALIANABARCELLONA SPAGNA 107 Amnistía SPAGNA International Madrid Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.camaraitaliana.com www.es.amnesty.org Promozione del made in Italy in Spagna Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 3 million supporters, members and activists in over 150 countries and territories who compaign to end grave abuses of human rights. Contacts with companies and authorities; Spanish and Italian companies brokering; business to business; commercial transactions; date base management and updating; event organization Attendance to a conference about Amnesty International mission and objectives, and its work method; on-line course: introduction to human rights and AI; on-line course: basic messages about human rights in the name of AI; take part in the making process at the Amnesty International work plan in Madrid...... All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Italiano, spagnolo 1 1 settembre 2014 - dicembre 2014 gennaio 2015 - maggio 2015 Spagnolo 1 de finales de septiembre de 2014 a principio de febrero de 2015 45 Ordine per paese 108 Amnistía SPAGNA International Cordoba 109 QCS Traducciones Madrid SPAGNA 110 Centro de Estudios Luis Vives SPAGNA Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.es.amnesty.org www.qcs-sl.com PLAN DE TRABAJO PARA ALUMNOS ERASMUS EN PRÁCTICAS INFORMACIÓN PREVIA: La mayoría de los grupos locales de Amnistía Internacional funcionan con personas voluntarias. Por ello, las actividades deben realizarse de manera que sean compatibles con los trabajos personales. Además, las características de la propia organización, atenta siempre a la evolución de la actualidad, hacen que puedan surgir acciones no previstas inicialmente y que, por su urgencia, hay que atender. El plan de trabajo, por lo tanto, no tendrá un horario regular e incluirá tanto el conocimiento de la organización, no sólo a nivel local sino nacional y autonómico, y la colaboración con actividades que diferentes personas del grupo realicen en los ámbitos en que se trabaja. También sería conveniente que las personas en prácticas diseñaran una actividad suya particular y la desarrollaran como un proyecto propio. Las tareas, habilidades y competencias están, en parte, incluidas en los apartados siguientes; pueden deducirse del programa de formación y de las tareas encomendadas. Habría que añadir el conocimiento necesario de las políticas internacionales en materia de DDHH y las importancia de lograr una autonomía personal a la hora de actuar como impulsores de acciones en favor de los DDHH. Translation, interpreting and other language services. Translation, revision, localization, project management, terminology management, formatting texts, team working online, customer service for basic functions. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Spagnolo 1 a partir de septiembre Spagnolo, Inglese 2 1 September 2014 - 28 February 2015 www.luis-vives.es OFFERTA NON ANCORA CONFERMATA DALL’AZIENDA 46 Ordine per paese Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 111 International SPAGNA House Barcelo na www.ihes.com/bcn 112 Escuela Oficial SPAGNA de Idiomas de Fuengirola www.eoifuengirola.es 113 Centro del Profesorado de Malaga SPAGNA www.cepmalaga.com 114 AGENZIA FIRENZE TURCHIA All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ OFFERTA NON ANCORA CONFERMATA DALL’AZIENDA www.firenze.com.tr We are a public school of languages which offers Help cataloguing library and in charge of the loan teaching and certification up to level B2 for English, program at the library. French and German. Our educational offer is in person, blended and e-learning. In service teacher training Italian and Spanish Language courses (group and individual) for Turkish Students Study Abroad Department for Italian Universities and Language Courses. Management of the Library (database, audio-video, etc); Customer Service; Administrative tasks/Support at the Secretary Office; Some others determined by the Management Team Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired: experiencing the path from beginner to intermediate level, how Turkish people learn Italian Language. Understanding the difficulties from student’s point of view. Focusing on new projects and be able to create new materials to make it easier. Getting familiar to language teaching methods by assisting our Italian teachers in the classes and individual lessons. Detailed programme of the training period: working hours are going to be shared between Firenze Italian language courses and Firenze study abroad consultancy department. Tasks of the trainee: creating and editing documentation and exercises to support students specific interest and expectations such as commercial Italian. Practising teaching and doing conversations with Firenze language course students. Preparing travel guides for main Italian cities for our study abroad students. Orienting our students about Italian language and the daily life situations in Italy. Spagnolo, Inglese 1 September 2014 - December 2014 or March 2015 Spagnolo, Inglese 3 from September 2014 Turco, inglese, spagnolo 1 1 01/09/2014 - 01/03/2015 01/03/2015 - 01/09/ 2015 47 Ordine per paese 115 TR NIDGE 01 - TURCHIA NIGDE UNIVERSITESI Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 www.nigde.edu.tr It is higher education institution located in the Cappadocia region, the city of Nigde, Turkey. It has more than 18.000 students. There are 7 faculties, 3 schools, 3 graduate schools, 5 vacational schools. The trainee will be employer according to the workload of the department where he/she will work. For example: if the trainee is placed in the laboratories he/she will work there while helping the professors who carry out the projects. If the trainee is placed in the offices they do the office work determined by the chef. All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Inglese 01.06.2014 – 01.09.2014 3 Aziende/ Università da contattare direttamente dagli studenti. Gli studenti interessati devono presentare la propria candidatura direttamente all'ente e, in caso di esito positivo, consegnare la lettera di accettazione all'Ufficio Relazioni Internazionali 1 2 3 4 DK ROSKILD01 DANIMAR www.ruc.dk - ROSKILDE CA UNIVERSITETS CENTER SF VAASA01 VAASAN YLIOPISTO FINLANDI www.uwasa.fi A P COIMBRA01 PORTOGA www.uc.pt/en/driic/estagios LLO _in UNIVERSIDAD E DE COIMBRA LANGUAGE CONNECT REGNO UNITO www.languageconnect.net Gli studenti interessati devono contattare personalmente la dott.sssa Lise Andersen all'indirizzo: [email protected] Università non convenzionata. Per accedere prendere contatti diretti con l'Università attraverso il seguente link: www.uc.pt/en/driic/estagios_in Università non convenzionata. Per accedere prendere contatti diretti con l'Università attraverso il seguente link: www.uc.pt/en/driic/estagios_in Gli studenti interessati devono presentare la propria candidatura direttamente sul sito http://www.linguistconnect.net/ 48 Ordine per paese 5 6 7 Elenco offerta Erasmus Plus/Traineeship a.a. 2014/2015 Atlas Translations REGNO UNITO www.atlas-translations.co.uk Regent's University London Cactus Language Training REGNO UNITO www.regents.ac.uk REGNO UNITO www.cactuslanguagetraining .com All. n°. 2 al d.r. n°___________ Gli studenti interessati devono presentare la propria candidatura direttamente sul sito http://www.atlastranslations.co.uk Gli studenti interessati devono presentare la propria candidatura direttamente sul sito http://www.regents.ac.uk Gli studenti interessati devono presentare la propria candidatura 3 mesi prima del periodo desiderato direttamente sul sito http://www.cactuslanguagetraining.com 49
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