C ORRIERE CIOCIARO A PUBLICATION OF THE CIOCIARO CLUB OF WINDSOR Una pubblicazione del Ciociaro Club di Windsor tel: 519-737-6153 fax: 519-737-7269 January/February 2014 www.ciociaroclub.com Gennaio/Febbraio 2014 General Meetings The next General Assembly Meetings will take place on Feb. 23 and Mar. 23 at 9:30 am. Riunioni Generali Le prossime Riunioni Generali avranno luogo il 23 febbraio e il 23 marzo alle ore 09:30. Friday Night Specials Feb. 14: Rabbit Cacciatore, gnocchi and vegetable Feb. 21: Roast Lamb, potato and vegetable Feb. 28: Veal Parmigiana, gnocchi and vegetable Mar. 7: Roasted Quails, potato and vegetable Mar. 14: Beef Medallions, lasagna and vegetable Mar. 21: Osso Buco, polenta and vegetable Mar. 28: Veal Stew, ravioli and vegetable Apr. 4: Baccala’ in Umido, polenta and vegetable Apr. 11: Chicken Parmigiana, gnocchi and vegetable Apr. 18: Grilled Jumbo Shrimp, rice and vegetable Apr. 25: Rabbit Cacciatore, gnocchi and vegetable RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED Let us do the cooking for you this Friday! Specialità Del Venerdì Sera 14 febbraio 21 febbraio 28 febbraio 07 marzo 14 marzo 21 marzo 28 marzo 04 aprile 11 aprile 18 aprile 25 aprile Coniglio alla cacciatore, gnocchi e verdure Agnello Arrosto, patate e verdure Vitello all parmigiana, gnocchi e verdure Quaglie Arrosto, patate e verdure Filetto di Manzo, lasagna e verdure Osso Buco, polenta e verdure Spezzatino di vitello con ravioli e verdure Baccala’ in Umido, polenta e verdure Pollo alla Parmigiana, gnocchi e verdure Gamberoni alla Griglia, risotto e verdure Coniglio alla cacciatore, gnocchi e verdure PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE IMPORTANT MEMBERSHIP NEWS Ciociaro Club Membership Drive & Pre-Junior Kids Program Dear Members: I hope this letter finds you and your family well. I am sending this letter to update you on two exciting initiatives that we are undertaking for the 2014 calendar year with the focus of ensuring that our Club remains strong and stable as we look toward the future. Temporary Membership Drive As you already may have heard, the General Assembly, through recommendation of the Board of Directors, has approved a Temporary Membership Drive which will be in effect until October 31, 2014. I encourage you to notify the members of your family, and friends who qualify to become members under the provisions of the Constitution, and who have not yet done so, to take advantage of the special temporary membership rates that we have introduced. This limited time offer includes the waiving of all fees for Junior Members and of the initiation fee for General Members. (Please see following attached pages for complete details). The goal for this Temporary Program is to enrol as many Ciociari as possible. This will enable our Club to be relevant for many more generations to come. Pre-Junior Kids Program The General Assembly has also approved the creation of a Pre-Junior Kids Program which is directed to children from ages infant to 13 years old. Children of General Members will be enrolled free of charge. The Club will organize a series of events that will take place throughout the year catering specifically to this group. This will allow us to nurture their love and understanding of our rich Ciociaro heritage. Once enrolled in this program your child (or children) will receive a complimentary age appropriate gift and a Family Tree that they can proudly hang in your home that will also serve to document their Ciociaro heritage. Going forward it is our intention to enrol all children of General Members into this program. Similarly, starting in 2014 Members’ children must be enrolled in this program to receive benefits such as the Ciociaro Children’s Christmas Party. Applications to become a: 1) General Member; 2) Junior Member; or 3) to join the Pre-Junior Kids Program, are available online at ciociaroclub.com or from the Club’s Office. Call 519 737-6153 for more information. Sincerely, Giulio Malandruccolo, President In Loving Memory of Valentino Rossi It is with sad hearts that we announce the passing of our long time Board Member and Friend. He will always be remembered in our hearts with great memories that we can cherish. "Forever in Our Hearts Valentino" CORRIERE CIOCIARO PAGE 2 IMPORTANT MEMBERSHIP NEWS Temporary Membership Drive - Dues (December 1st 2013 to October 31, 2014) General Member (18 yrs. old and over): Pay by year: $40 year +HST =$45 per year (The initiation fee has temporarily been waived for the duration of the Membership Drive only) Lifetime membership (non-refundable) One-time payment (Discounted) membership based upon age (see attached table) (The initiation Fee has temporarily been waived for the duration of the Membership Drive only) Junior Member (14 to 17 yrs old): 1) Pay by Year : $50 one-time payment cost is waived (covering from ages 18 to 23) 2) Lifetime membership (non-refundable) $0 initiation Fee + One-time payment (Discounted) membership based upon age (see attached table). Notes: A) Under this TEMPORARY membership drive the Club is waiving the cost of the junior membership dues in each example above. B) The dues for a Junior Member will increase starting the year he or she turns 24 so that they are in line with those of a General Member. This member still becomes a General Member at 18 years of age (and is entitled to all of the benefits of being a General Member at 18 years of age). C) Applications must be accompanied by the payment in order to be processed. D) Any new applicant who becomes a General Member during the membership drive (including payment and swearing in) will be entered into a draw for a trip to Italy (return airfare only; for one; max value of $1,500). E) Any new applicant who becomes a Junior Member (14-18; including payment and swearing in) will be entered into a draw for a one-time educational bursary of $1,500 (toward post secondary education). CORRIERE CIOCIARO New Dues Structure Effective November 1, 2014 General Member (18 yrs. old and over): Pay by year: $150 initiation Fee + $40 year = $170+$45=$215 (each component includes HST) Lifetime membership (non-refundable) $150 initiation Fee + One-time payment (Discounted) membership based upon age (see attached table); (each component is subject to HST) Junior Member (14 to 17 yrs old): 1) Pay by year: $0 Initiation Fee + $50 one- time payment (this rate is valid until the junior member turns 24). 2) Lifetime membership (non-refundable) $0 initiation Fee + One-time payment (Discounted) membership based upon age (see attached table). Notes: A) The dues for a Junior Member will increase starting the year he/she turns 24 so that they are in line with those of a General Member. This member still becomes a General Member at 18 years of age (and is entitled to all of the benefits of being a General Member at 18 years of age). B) A significant benefit of obtaining membership as a Junior Member is that you avoid having to pay the initiation fee when you become a General Member. C) Applications must be accompanied by the payment in order to be processed. PAGE 3 “OPTIONAL” LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP FEE SCHEDULE Annual Membership Fee (current annual fee) 50% Discount $ 40.00 - 20.00 _______ Discounted Membership Fee $_______ 20.00 Number of Years (age 65 less age of member - minimum age of 24) Age Lifetime Membership Fee HST 0-23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 $820.00 $820.00 $800.00 $780.00 $760.00 $740.00 $720.00 $700.00 $680.00 $660.00 $640.00 $620.00 $600.00 $580.00 $560.00 $540.00 $520.00 $500.00 $480.00 $460.00 $440.00 $420.00 $400.00 $380.00 $360.00 $340.00 $320.00 $300.00 $280.00 $260.00 $240.00 $220.00 $200.00 $180.00 $160.00 $140.00 $120.00 $100.00 $106.60 $106.60 $104.00 $101.40 $98.80 $96.20 $93.60 $91.00 $88.40 $85.80 $83.20 $80.60 $78.00 $75.40 $72.80 $70.20 $67.60 $65.00 $62.40 $59.80 $57.20 $54.60 $52.00 $49.40 $46.80 $44.20 $41.60 $39.00 $36.40 $33.80 $31.20 $28.60 $26.00 $23.40 $20.80 $18.20 $15.60 $13.00 Total Lifetime Membership Fee Annual Payments based on current $40/year (incl. HST) Savings by Purchasing a Lifetime Membership vs. Annual Fees $926.60 $926.60 $904.00 $881.40 $858.80 $836.20 $813.60 $791.00 $768.40 $745.80 $723.20 $700.60 $678.00 $655.40 $632.80 $610.20 $587.60 $565.00 $542.40 $519.80 $497.20 $474.60 $452.00 $429.40 $406.80 $384.20 $361.60 $339.00 $316.40 $293.80 $271.20 $248.60 $226.00 $203.40 $180.80 $158.20 $135.60 $113.00 $1,853.20 $1853.20 $1808.00 $1762.80 $1717.60 $1672.40 $1627.20 $1582.00 $1536.80 $1491.60 $1446.40 $1401.20 $1356.00 $1310.80 $1265.60 $1220.40 $1175.20 $1130.00 $1084.80 $1039.60 $994.40 $949.20 $904.00 $858.80 $813.60 $768.40 $723.20 $678.00 $632.80 $587.60 $542.40 $497.20 $452.00 $406.80 $361.60 $316.40 $271.20 $226.00 $926.60 $926.60 $904.00 $881.40 $858.80 $836.20 $813.60 $791.00 $768.40 $745.80 $723.20 $700.60 $678.00 $655.40 $632.80 $610.20 $587.60 $565.00 $542.40 $519.80 $497.20 $474.60 $452.00 $429.40 $406.80 $384.20 $361.60 $339.00 $316.40 $293.80 $271.20 $248.60 $226.00 $203.40 $180.80 $158.20 $135.60 $113.00 * Persons wishing to become a member after the age of 60, would pay annually. CORRIERE CIOCIARO PAGE 4 CORRIERE CIOCIARO PAGE 5 Paese storico della Ciociaria: CASTELLIRI Il territorio di Castelliri, bagnato dal Liri, si estende ai piedi dei monti Ernici. Per l’amenità dei luoghi, si riscontra la presenza dell’uomo sin dagli albori civiltà. Nicolucci ha rinvenuto oggetti risalenti all’epoca della pietra e una necropoli dell’età romana. Il Momsen riferisce che nei suo territorio sono state rinvenute due iscrizioni: una di un cambiavalute cereatino e l’altra (in localit a Madonna della Neve) riguardante duonviri che fecero lasstricare una strada. Questa si snodava in località Collasturo e si pensa che sia una diramazione della via Latina, alla cui inistra sorgeva, come tramanda Strabone, Cereate. In questo municipio, secondo Frontino e Plutarco, nacque il grande Caio Mario. E’ opinione dominante che Castelliri era ricompreso nel territorio di Cereate, pertanto, l’arx di quest’ultima roccaforte degli Emici, a confine con i Vilsci, potrebbe individuarsi in località Codarda. Presumibilmente distrutta durante le invasioni barbariche, nello stesso luogo, fu ricostruito nel medioevo un modesto Castello, che ci è stato tramandato dalle fonti con il nome di Castelluccio. Ricompreso nel ducato di Sora, è appartenuto ai signori legati ai D’Angiò e poi ad altri seguaci degli Aragonesi. Nel 1580 passò ai Bonconpagni e poi al Regno di Napoli. Nella chiesa parrocchiale dedicata a S. M. Sàlome, vi è custodita una croce del 1600, che appartenne al cardinale Baronio. Nel 1873 Castelluccio di Sora, cosi si chiamava in quel tempo, contava 1640 abitanti, un ospedale ed una banca agraria. Con R.D. del 1878 fu autorizzato a chiamarsi Castelliri. Distrutta dal terremoto del 1915 è stata ricostruita ed oggi ha una fiorente area industriale. The territory of Castelliri, washed by the Liri River, extends as far as the foor of Ernici mounts. For the pleasantness of the places, the presence of man can be traced since the most remote times of civilization. The archeaologist Nicolucci brought to light pieces dating back to the Stone Age and a necropolis of the Iron Age. Pierleoni maintains that the last discovery shows that on the territory a pagus (a district) rose, which also survived in the Roman period. Momsen reports the discovery on this territory, of two inscriptions; one tells of a “Cereatino” money-changer and the other (in Madonna della Neve locality) concerning a “duonviri” who ordered to pave a street. It wound along Collasturo oand it is thought to be a branch of the via Latina; on its left it stood, as Strabo hands down, Cereate. In this municipality, according to Frontino and Plutarch, the great Gaius Marius was born. The mainstream theory holds that Castelliri was part of the territory of Cereate, therefore, the “arx” of the last fortress of the Hernicians at the borders with the Volscians, could be recognized as Codards. Presumably destroyed during the barbaric invasions, in the same place, a modest Castle was rebuilt in the Middle Ages, which has been handed down with the name “Castelluccio”. Part of the dukedom of Sora, it later belonged first to the lords who were tied to the D’Angio’ and then to Aragonese followers. In 1580 it went into the hands of the Boncompagni family and then to the Kindgom of Naples. In the parish church dedicated to S.M. Sàlome, there is a 1600’s cross, that belonged to Cardinal Baronio. In 1873 Castellucio of Sora, as it was called at that time, numbered 1640 inhabitants, had a hospital and an agricultural bank. With Royal Decree of 1878 it was authorized to call itself Castelliri. Destroyed in the earthquake of 1915, it was rebuilt and today is a fluorishing industrial area. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS UN BENVENUTO AI NOSTRI NUOVI SOCI DECEMBER, 2013 CORRIERE CIOCIARO JANUARY 2014 PAGE 6 MEMBERS’ INFO / INFORMAZIONI PER I SOCI Town of the Year 2014 “ CASTELLIRI ” We are pleased to announce that this year the town chosen for "comune dell’Anno” will be Castelliri. We will be welcoming Avv. Francesco Quadrini and his delegation. The tickets for the Members' Banquet will be available for pick up on certain days. Please see flyer for more information. CIOCIARO CLUB GOLF LEAGUE AT ROSELAND GOLF COURSE Specifics: Our mixed Golf League’s third season is here and again it will be at Roseland Golf Course, the closest golf course to our Club. Season Starts: April 21, 2014 Season Ends: Sept. 15, 2014 Tee Time: 5:00 pm to 5:45 pm We can host six foursomes totaling 24 players. Total Cost: $500 (HST in).Banquet at end of season included. LEAGUE APPLICATION FORM: Name: .................................................................................................. Phones: ............................................ Cell ......................................... Ciociaro Club BLOOD DRIVE Can you spare an hour of your time to help save a life? BRING A FRIEND AND DONATE AT THE Windsor Blood Donor Clinic 3909 Grand Marais Rd. East, Windsor MONDAY TUES., FRI., & SAT WEDNESDAY THURSDAY CLINIC CLOSED 8 am – 12 noon 3 pm – 7 pm 12 noon – 8 pm The Ciociaro Club has now signed up for the Partners for Life Program. When you go to donate, please mention to the receptionist that you are donating on behalf of the Ciociaro Club so that your donation will be credited to our club. If you have any questions regarding eligibility, please call 1 888 2 DONATE (1 888 236-6283). You can book your appointment by calling 1-888-2DONATE (1-888-236-6283) or go to www.blood.ca. Basic guidelines can be found on the web site (www.blood.ca). For first time donors between 17 and 23, there are additional height and weight criteria that must be met. These can be found on the web site or you can call 1 888 2 DONATE. Address: ............................................................................................... .............................................................................................................. E-mail: ........................................................................ To hold and confirm your registration, complete this form, attach a cheque for $50 payable to Ciociaro Club Golf League and bring it or mail it to the Club. You can also go on the internet under the Club site: ciociaroclub.com, copy this form, complete it and e-mail to the Club at [email protected] or fax 519-737-7269 and call the club 519-737-6153 with your credit card number. First come first served. Applications with payment will have their date documented. The first 16 of the 24 golfers coming back are from last year, leaving 8 new openings. Final Registration and Payment Balance Meeting will be held at Ciociaro Club Members’ Bar during the month of March. For any questions call Mario Saurini, League President at 519-5638408. COME and ENJOY YOUR GOLF SEASON in FELLOWSHIP back at our Club. CORRIERE CIOCIARO Reminder from the Office of the Treasurer The deadline for the 2014 membership dues is March 31st as per Bylaw IX, Sect. II, of the Constitution. Dalo Ufficio del Tesoriere La Tessera per il 2014, deve essere pagata entro il 31 marzo, decreto di Legge IX, Parte. II, della Costituzione. Next Newsletter The next newsletter will be going out the first week of April. Anyone interested in putting information in the newsletter, please submit to Anna Vozza by March 15th. PAGE 7 CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY ITALIAN SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PARTY CORRIERE CIOCIARO PAGE 8 CORRIERE CIOCIARO PAGE 9 CORRIERE CIOCIARO PAGE 10 Feb. 22nd from 9am to 1pm Mar. 1st from 9am to 1pm 1) Online or 2) At “in person” session at the Ciociaro Club on CORRIERE CIOCIARO PAGE 11 Ciociaro Club 519-737-6153 Teresa Di Domenico 519-324-2538 Giulio Malandruccolo 519-816-7897 Anna Vitti 519-254-3355 CORRIERE CIOCIARO Bonaldi Store 586-263-1233 Teria De Lorenzo 586-871-6499 Piero Di Stefano 313-277-5871 Rocco Mauri 586-883-2960 Printed on RECYCLED PAPER - Please Recycle CP PAGE 12
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