Pubblicazioni di Nazzareno Mandolesi nel quadriennio 1995-1998

Curriculum Vitae
Nazzareno Mandolesi
January 2014
Education Status
31 August 1944
Degree in Physics, 1969, University of Bologna
- Professor of “Space Science” at University of Ferrara and “Technology
Transfer/Innovation” at IUSS (Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori) – University
of Ferrara
- Research Director
Present Managerial Positions and International Tasks
Member of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) Director Board, representing the Treasury Ministry
ASI ‘s responsible for Space Activities and relationships with Italian Research Centers and Universities
Member of the HISPAC/ESA (High Level Science Policy Advisory Committee to the ESA’s DG)
Member of the Scientific Committee of the SPACE magazine
Member of Scientific/Technical Committee of CESMA (CEntro Studi Militari Aeronautici)
Evaluator for the “University and Research Ministry” (MIUR) of the Industrial Projects PON in the field of
“Aeronautics and Aerospace”
Evaluator for the “University and Research Ministry” (MIUR) of the Technological National Cluster in the
field of “Aeronautics and Aerospace”
Principal Investigtor of the Planck ESA mission
President of the e-Geos (Telespazio-ASI Company)
Professor at IUSS –University of Ferrara
Professor at Physics Department and Earth Sciences of University of Ferrara
Principal previous Managerial Tasks
I have acquired an experience of more than 40 years in the fields of Space Science and Technology,
Experimental and Theoretical Cosmology, in Technological Transfer, and in Geopolitics as:
Member of the ESA “Astronomy Working Group” (AWG)
Member of the CNR " Physical Sciences Committee”
Member and Scientific Secretary of the CNR "National Space Committee "
Member of the ESA international Committee "Space Station Utilization Panel"
Member of the Bord of Directors of the “Consorzio di Ricerca Gran Sasso”
Responsible and Principal Investigator (PI) of the ESA Planck satellite and Chairman of the
International Consortium Planck/LFI made up of about 100 Universities and Research Institutes
from 11 Countries
Member of the International Committee “European Space Science Committee” (European Science
Responsible of the CNR Department IASF (Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale) - Sezione di Bologna
Member of the ASI “Comitato Tecnico Scientifico” (Technical Scientific Committee)
President of the CNR Area della Ricerca (Research Campus) in Bologna
Member of the Board of ASTER (Technological Transfer Consortium among Regione Emilia
Romagna, CNR, ENEA, Universities of the Emilia Romagna County, and private/public
Responsible of the INAF Technological Transfer and Innovation Office
Director of the CNR research Institute TESRE
Director of the INAF research Institute IASF-Bologna
Co-Chairman of the ESA Panel on the human space exploration
Member of the ESA Scientific Space Science Advisor Committee (SSAC) (2000 - 2013)
Vice President of the Think Tank Security and Scientific consultant of the Vice President of
COPASIR (until March 2013)
Scientific Curriculum
During my entire academic and research career I have been involved in experimental physics and
cosmology from ground and space, developing in parallel a deep theoretical skill in these fields. I have
acquired a wide experience as system physicist, mainly in the fields of space physics and in the
microwaves/millimeter waves fields (optics, receivers, antennae etc.). I have, during the past decades,
consolidated a national and international managerial experience, leading projects, Institutes and Research
Groups as well as serving as scientific and technical advisor of national and international Organisations and
Agencies. I have a vaste experience in the evaluation of scientific and technological projects. As Principal
Investigator and leader of one of the two experiments aboard the Planck ESA satelllite I am managing an
International Consortium of Universities, Research Groups and Industries which has involved, during the
mission life more than 1000 scientist, engineers and technical people. It represents a successful mission story
(see results in professional Journal and popular magazione and Journals). About 1500 scientists and
engineers have been involved in the satellite technical management and scientific data analysis. I have been
Director of a CNR Institute and an INAF Institute, managing about 100 people , since 1994 until 2010. In
the year 2004 I have started the INAF Technological Transfer Office which I have led until 2010. In six
years the INAF TTO has registered 20 new patents and started the activities of four Spin-Off Companies,
the first among them has represented Italy in the 2010 Shangai (2010) World Expo.
Presently I am giving lectures on “Technological Transfer and innovation” at IUSS – University of Ferrara
and on “Space Science” at the Department of Physics and Earth Sciences” of University of Ferrara.
My scientific and technological career is proven by:
More than 320 pubblications in Scientific and Technical referred Journals
More than 500 internal and technical reports
More than 1000 internal documents/reports related to the development of space missions (e.g.
ISO, Planck)
More than 7600 citations
H-index: 47
Five Awards to the career
I served as chairman/member numerous national and international Workshop/Comference organising
committies and invited to give national and international talks and colloquia (more than 300).
I have more than 40 years of experience in the advancement and organisation of the research and
management/evalutation of scientific and technological activities.
I have contributed to the advancement of the scientific knowledge giving popular talks, colloquia,
exhibitions. and as author of papers in Journals (e.g. “Le Scienze”, “le Stelle”, “Science”, CERN Courier,
Space Magazine and others). I have been interviewed by a large number scientific Journals, radio and
television broadcastings.
In my academic career I have been supervising a large number of physics and astronomy degree and PHD
thesis of students of the University of Bologna and Ferrara. I am presently a Professor of the University of
Ferrara (Department of Physics and Earth Sciences) and IUSS-University of Ferrara..
In the most recent years I have also been deeply involved in Earth Observing activities as well as in