KIT PERNI FUSI / KING PIN SETS KIT PERNI FUSI KING PIN SETS MERCEDES Intercamb. Suitable for 201 6113300019 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Model 307D-308/D-309D-310/D - 407D-408D-409D-410/D 507/D-510-512D Sprinter 208D-210D-212D-214 308D-310D-312D-314 408D-410D-412D-414 FINO A ASSALE 280946 (Lato guida = Lato opposto alla guida) UP TO AXLE 280946 (Steering arm side = Tie rod arm side) Misura perno / King pin size Ø 26 x 136 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 202 6113300419 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Model 307D-308/D-309D-310/D - 407D-408D-409D-410/D 507/D-510-512D Sprinter 208D-210D-212D-214 308D-310D-312D-314 408D-410D-412D-414 DA ASSALE 280947 (Lato guida) FROM AXLE 280947 (Steering arm side) Misura perno / King pin size Ø 26 x 136 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL 1 Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. LEMA ref. KIT PERNI FUSI / KING PIN SETS KIT PERNI FUSI KING PIN SETS MERCEDES LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 203 6113300319 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type 307D-308/D-309D-310/D - 407D-408D-409D-410/D 507/D-510-512D Sprinter Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. Modello Model 208D-210D-212D-214 308D-310D-312D-314 408D-410D-412D-414 DA ASSALE 280947 (Lato opposto alla guida) FROM AXLE 280947 (Tie rod arm side) Misura perno / King pin size Ø 26 x 136 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for Tipo veicolo Vehicle type 204 3103300019 (3103300519) (3105860333) BUS Modello Model O 309 B/D - O 609/611/613/614 D L/LK 406 DG - L/LK 407 D - L/LF/LK/LKO 408 G - L 408 DG L/LK/LKO 409 - L/LK 410 - L 508 DG - L 608 D - L 613 D 507D - 510 - 609 D - 709 D - 709 /K - 809 D - 811 D Misura perno / King pin size Ø 27 x 154 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL 2 KIT PERNI FUSI / KING PIN SETS KIT PERNI FUSI KING PIN SETS LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Model 205 6703300119 (6753300119) Vario 612-614-712-714 /F/K/L-717 /F/K/L-814 /K/L-817 /K/L 823 /K/L-917 /K/L-923 /K/L-1017 /K/L-1023 L-709-809 D/K 811 D/DK-814 D/F/K/L/S BUS O 814 /L Lato guida + Lato opposto alla guida Steering arm side + Tie rod arm side Misura perno / King pin size Ø 30 x 186 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 206 6703300219 (6753300019) Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Model 612-614-709-712-714 /F/K/L-717 /F/K/L 809 D-809 /K-811 D/DK-814 D-814 /F/K/L/S-817 F/K/L 823 /K/L-917 /K/L/KO-923 /K/L-1017 /K/L-1023 /LBUS O 814 /L Lato guida + Lato opposto alla guida Steering arm side + Tie rod arm side Misura perno / King pin size Ø 30 x 186 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL 3 Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. MERCEDES KIT PERNI FUSI / KING PIN SETS KIT PERNI FUSI KING PIN SETS MERCEDES LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 207 3603300619 (3605860033) Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. BUS Modello Model 1013 /K/KO/S-1017 /F/K/KO/LS/S-1213 /K/KO/S 1217 /K/KO/L/LS/S-1219 /F/K/S-1222 /F/S-1228 F-1413 /K/KO 1414 /K-1417 C/CK/K/KO-1419 C/CL/F/K/L/LS/S-1420 /L/LS 1422 /F/L/LS/S-1424 F/LS/S-1425 /LS/S-1428 F-1814-1919 F 811 D/DK-814 D/F/K/L/S O 303 Misura perno / King pin size Ø 38 x 217 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 208 6753301519 (6753300319) Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Model 809 /K-814 /F/K/KO/L/S-817 /F/L/LS/S-914 /K 1114 /L42/L49-1117 /K/L/LS/S-1120 /F/L/LS/S BUS O 814 /L-O 817-O 914 O 301-O 402-O 1117 /L-O 1120 /L Lato guida Steering arm side Misura perno / King pin size Ø 33 x 186 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL 4 KIT PERNI FUSI / KING PIN SETS KIT PERNI FUSI KING PIN SETS MERCEDES Intercamb. Suitable for 209 3603300719 (3605860233) Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Model LP/LPF/LPK/LPKO 810/911B-LP/LPK/LPKO 1013 B LP/LPKO 1113 B-LP/LPK/LPS/LPKO 1213/1216/1319 LP/LPK/LPS 1313-LP/LPK/LPS/LPKO/OF 1317-LP/LPS 1424 LPS/LP/LPK/LPKO 1513-LP/LPK/LPS 1517/1519 BUS O 303 Misura perno / King pin size Ø 36.65 x 211 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 210 3553300319 (3555860033) Tipo veicolo Vehicle type BUS Modello Model 1219 K-1413 /K/KO-1414 /K-1417 C/CK/K/KO 1419 C/CL/F/K/L/S-1420 /L/LS-1422 /F/L/LS/S-1424 /F/K/S 1425 /LS/S-1428 F-1613 /K/KO/L-1614 /K-1617 C/CK/CL/CS 1619 C/K/KO/L/S-1620 /L-1622 /K/L/S-1624 /K/L/LS/S 1625 /K/L/LS/S-1628 L-1814-2219 /K/KO/L-2222 L 2224 K/B/S-2225-2422-2425 O 303 Misura perno / King pin size Ø 45 x 219 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL 5 Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. LEMA ref. KIT PERNI FUSI / KING PIN SETS KIT PERNI FUSI KING PIN SETS Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. MERCEDES LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 211 6553300019 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Model 1420 L-1422 F/L-1424 F/L-1426 F-1427 F-1431 F-1622 L 1625 K/S-1628 L-1717 /L-1720 /L/LU-1722 L-1726 /L 1729 /K/L-1733 /L-1735 AF/L/LS-1748 L/LS-1820 L-1824 /L 1827 L-1831-1831 /L-1834-1834 /L-1835 A-1838 L/LA/LS 1840-1844 /AF/L/S/LS-1850 L/LS-1922-1929-1929 /A/L 1935 /A-1945 A-1948-2024-2031-2038-2044-2050-2222 /L 2225 /B-2228 L-2420 /L-2422 B/K/L-2424 L-2426 /B-2426 L 2429-2429 /L-2433 /L/LS-2435-2435 /L/S-2444 L-2448 /L 2524 /K/L-2527 /B/K/L-2529-2531-2531 /L-2534 /L/LL/LS 2535 /L-2538 /L-2544-2544 /L-2548 L-2550 L-2552 /L-2628 A 2629 /A-2635-2635 /A/L-2638 /L-2644 /L/S-2648 /L-2650 /L 2653 /L-3050-3229 /B/K-3233-3234-3235-3235 /L-3238-3248 3250 L-3255-3328/3335 A-3335 A-3336-3528 A-3534-3535 3535 A/L-3538-3538 /A-3544 /LS-3548-3550-3550 L-3553 /L 3850-4435 A-4635-4644-4645-4648-4850-5248 O 302 S-O 303-O 330-O 340-O 405-O 407-O 408 OH 1622 L-OH 1625 /L-OH 1627 L-OH 1628 L-OH 1634 L BUS Lato opposto alla guida (escluso perno fuso 217) Tie rod arm side (except king pin 217) PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL 6 KIT PERNI FUSI / KING PIN SETS KIT PERNI FUSI KING PIN SETS MERCEDES Intercamb. Suitable for 212 6753301419 (6753300219) Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Model 809 /K-814 /F/K/KO/L/S-817 /F/L/LS/S-914 /K 1114 /L42/L49-1117 /K/L/LS/S-1120 /F/L/LS/S BUS O 814 /L-O 817-O 914 O 301-O 402-O 1117 /L-O 1120 /L Lato opposto alla guida Tie rod arm side Misura perno / King pin size Ø 33 x 186 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 213 3433300219 (3435860233) Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Model LP/OF 1617-LP/LPKO 1619-L/LK/LS 1621-LK/LS 1624 LP/LPK/LPS 1624-LP/LPK/LPS 1626-LP/LPK/LPS 1632 L/LK/LS 1921-L/LK/LS 1924-LP/LPS 1924-LPL/LPS 1926 L/LK/LS 1928-LP/LPS-1932-LPS 2024 6x2-LPS 2032 6x2 LPS 2024 6x2-LPS 2032 6x2-1932-LP 2223 6x2 LP 2224 6x2-LP/LPB/LPK/LPS 2224 6x4-LP 2226 6x2-LP/LPB/LPK/LPS 2226 6x4 LP/LPL 2232 6x2-LP/LPK/LPS 2232 6x4 Misura perno / King pin size Ø 45/46 x 225 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL 7 Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. LEMA ref. KIT PERNI FUSI / KING PIN SETS KIT PERNI FUSI KING PIN SETS Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. MERCEDES LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 214 3913300019 (3895860033) (3915860033) Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Model 2433-2435-2435 LS 6x2/4-2435 /L-2438-2448 /L-2622 2626 6x4/B 6x4-2626 K 6x4/S 6x4-2628 2628 /B 6x4/K 6x4/S 6x4-2629 /B/K/S-2632 /6x4/K 6x4/S 6x4 2633-2633 /S 6x4-2635 /S-2636-2636 /K/S-2638-2644 S 6x4 2648 S-2822-2825-2828-2833-3025 /B/K-3025-3028 /B/K 3028-3033-3036-3038 /L-3228-3228 S 6x4-3235 /B/K/L 3236 S 6x4-3248-3328 /B/K-3328-3332-3333-3335-3335 /K 3336 /K/S/8x4-3338-3528-3535-3535 /B/K-3536 /S-3544 S 3636-3828 K 6x4-3833-4435 K-4436 /8x4 Misura perno / King pin size Ø 50/51 x 222.50 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL 8 KIT PERNI FUSI / KING PIN SETS KIT PERNI FUSI KING PIN SETS MERCEDES LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 216 9423320806 9423321906 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Model Actros Atego (18 t →) Axor Misura perno / King pin size Ø 54 x 237 mm LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 217 9423320006 9423320406 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Model Actros Atego (18 t →) Axor Perno da utilizzare nei kit 211-219-221-223-225 King pin to be used in kit 211-219-221-223-225 Misura perno / King pin size Ø 50 x 222.50 mm 9 Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. Perno da utilizzare nei kit 227-229-232-234 King pin to be used in kit 227-229-232-234 KIT PERNI FUSI / KING PIN SETS KIT PERNI FUSI KING PIN SETS MERCEDES LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 218 6553300519 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Model Actros Atego (18 t →) Axor Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. Lato guida / Steering arm side (escluso perno fuso 217 / except king pin 217) Freno a disco / Disc brake PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 219 VEDI 218 SEE 218 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Lato guida / Steering arm side Freno a disco / Disc brake Modello Model Actros Atego (18 t →) Axor 218 con perno 217 / 218 with king pin 217 Misura perno / King pin size Ø 50 x 222.50 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL 10 KIT PERNI FUSI / KING PIN SETS KIT PERNI FUSI KING PIN SETS MERCEDES LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 220 6553300419 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Model Actros Atego (18 t →) Axor PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 221 VEDI 220 SEE 220 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Lato opposto alla guida / Tie rod arm side Freno a disco / Disc brake Modello Model Actros Atego (18 t →) Axor 220 con perno 217 / 220 with king pin 217 Misura perno / King pin size Ø 50 x 222.50 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL 11 Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. Lato opposto alla guida / Tie rod arm side (escluso perno fuso 217 / except king pin 217) Freno a disco / Disc brake KIT PERNI FUSI / KING PIN SETS KIT PERNI FUSI KING PIN SETS MERCEDES LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 222 6553300719 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Model Actros Atego (18 t →) Axor Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. Lato guida / Steering arm side (escluso perno fuso 217 / except king pin 217) Freno a tamburo / Drum brake PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 223 VEDI 222 SEE 222 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Lato guida / Steering arm side Freno a tamburo / Drum brake Modello Model Actros Atego (18 t →) Axor 222 con perno 217 / 222 with king pin 217 Misura perno / King pin size Ø 50 x 222.50 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL 12 KIT PERNI FUSI / KING PIN SETS KIT PERNI FUSI KING PIN SETS MERCEDES LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 224 6553300619 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Model Actros Atego (18 t →) Axor PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 225 VEDI 224 SEE 224 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Lato opposto alla guida / Tie rod arm side Freno a tamburo / Drum brake Modello Model Actros Atego (18 t →) Axor 224 con perno 217 / 224 with king pin 217 Misura perno / King pin size Ø 50 x 222.50 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL 13 Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. Lato opposto alla guida / Tie rod arm side (escluso perno fuso 217 / except king pin 217) Freno a tamburo / Drum brake KIT PERNI FUSI / KING PIN SETS KIT PERNI FUSI KING PIN SETS MERCEDES LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 226 9423300219 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Model Actros Atego (18 t →) Axor Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. Lato opposto alla guida / Tie rod arm side (escluso perno fuso 216 / except king pin 216) Freno a tamburo / Drum brake PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 227 VEDI 226 SEE 226 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Lato opposto alla guida / Tie rod arm side Freno a tamburo / Drum brake Modello Model Actros Atego (18 t →) Axor 226 con perno 216 / 226 with king pin 216 Misura perno / King pin size Ø 54 x 237 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL 14 KIT PERNI FUSI / KING PIN SETS KIT PERNI FUSI KING PIN SETS MERCEDES LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 228 9423300319 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Model Actros Atego (18 t →) Axor PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 229 VEDI 228 SEE 228 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Lato guida / Steering arm side Freno a tamburo / Drum brake Modello Model Actros Atego (18 t →) Axor 228 con perno 216 / 228 with king pin 216 Misura perno / King pin size Ø 54 x 237 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL 15 Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. Lato guida / Steering arm side (escluso perno fuso 216 / except king pin 216) Freno a tamburo / Drum brake KIT PERNI FUSI / KING PIN SETS KIT PERNI FUSI KING PIN SETS MERCEDES LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 231 9423300519 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Model Actros Atego (18 t →) Axor Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. Lato guida / Steering arm side (escluso perno fuso 216 / except king pin 216) Freno a disco / Disc brake PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 232 VEDI 231 SEE 231 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Lato guida / Steering arm side Freno a disco / Disc brake Modello Model Actros Atego (18 t →) Axor 231 con perno 216 / 231 with king pin 216 Misura perno / King pin size Ø 54 x 237 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL 16 KIT PERNI FUSI / KING PIN SETS KIT PERNI FUSI KING PIN SETS MERCEDES LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 233 9423300419 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Model Actros Atego (18 t →) Axor PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 234 VEDI 233 SEE 233 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Lato opposto alla guida / Tie rod arm side Freno a disco / Disc brake Modello Model Actros Atego (18 t →) Axor 233 con perno 216 / 233 with king pin 216 Misura perno / King pin size Ø 54 x 237 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL 17 Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. Lato opposto alla guida / Tie rod arm side (escluso perno fuso 216 / except king pin 216) Freno a disco / Disc brake KIT PERNI FUSI / KING PIN SETS KIT PERNI FUSI KING PIN SETS MERCEDES LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 235 3463300019 (3465860033) Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Models Actros I - Actos II Atego (18 t →) Assale Axle 730-731-733 737 Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. Parte superiore (vedi 236) Top side (see 236) Misura perno / King pin size Ø 50 x 109 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 236 3463300219 (3463320306) Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Models Actros I - Actos II Atego (18 t →) Assale Axle 730-731-733 737 Parte inferiore (vedi 235) Bottom side (see 235) Misura perno / King pin size Ø 50/64/50 x 119 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL 18 KIT PERNI FUSI / KING PIN SETS KIT PERNI FUSI KING PIN SETS MERCEDES LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 237 0003301319 (6253300619) (6253320406) Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Models Assale Axle Actros I - Actos II Atego (18 t →) 730 Misura perno / King pin size Ø 50/54 x 126 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for Tipo veicolo Vehicle type 238 6683300019 (3103301219) Vario Modello Models Assale Axle 730 LK (BM673) Misura perno / King pin size Ø 27 x 154 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL 19 Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. Parte inferiore (vedi 241) Bottom side (see 241) KIT PERNI FUSI / KING PIN SETS KIT PERNI FUSI KING PIN SETS MERCEDES LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 241 6253300119 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Models Actros I - Actos II Atego (18 t →) Assale Axle 730-731 Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. Parte superiore (vedi 237-242) Top side (see 237-242) Misura perno / King pin size Ø 55/60 x 126 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 242 6253300419 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Models Actros I - Actos II Atego (18 t →) Assale Axle 730-731 Parte inferiore (vedi 241) Bottom side (see 241) Misura perno / King pin size Ø 55 x 109 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL 20 KIT PERNI FUSI / KING PIN SETS KIT PERNI FUSI KING PIN SETS MERCEDES LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 243 6753301819 (6753300419) Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Models LK - MK - NG Assale Axle 730-733 Misura perno / King pin size Ø 38 x 217 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 244 6753301919 (6753300519) Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Models LK - MK Assale Axle 730-733 Lato guida Steering arm side Misura perno / King pin size Ø 38 x 217 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL 21 Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. Lato opposto alla guida Tie rod arm side Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. KIT PERNI FUSI / KING PIN SETS KIT PERNI FUSI KING PIN SETS MERCEDES LEMA ref. Intercamb. Suitable for 245 3003300519 Tipo veicolo Vehicle type Modello Models Assale Axle LK (BM675-679) 730 Lato guida Steering arm side Misura perno / King pin size Ø 45 x 216 mm PER 1 RUOTA / FOR 1 WHEEL 22
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