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Macroscopic systems exhibiting some kind of ordering, such as superconductors, ferromagnets, and crystals, are described by the underlying quantum dynamics. Even the large-scale structures in the universe, as well as the ordering in the biological systems appear to be the manifestation of the microscopic dynamics governing the elementary components of these systems. Thus, we talk of macroscopic quantum systems: these are quantum systems in the sense that, although they behave classically, some of their macroscopic features nevertheless cannot be understood without recourse to quantum theory. The question then arises how the quantum dynamics generates the observed macroscopic properties. In other words, how it happens that the macroscopic scale characterizing those systems is dynamically generated out of the microscopic scale of the quantum elementary components (Umezawa 1993, Umezawa et al. 1982). Moreover, we also observe a variety of phenomena where quantum particles coexist and interact with extended macroscopic objects which show a classical behavior, for example, vortices in superconductors and superfluids, magnetic domains in ferromagnets, dislocations and other topological defects (grain boundaries, point defects, etc.) in crystals, and so on. We are thus also faced with the question of the quantum origin of topological defects and their interaction with quanta (Umezawa 1993, Umezawa et al. 1982): this is a crucial issue for the understanding of symmetry-breaking phase transitions and structure formation in a wide range of systems from condensed matter to cosmology (Kibble 1976, Zurek 1997, Volovik 2003). Here, we will review how the generation of ordered structures and extended objects is explained in quantum field theory (QFT). We follow Umezawa (1993) and Umezawa et al. (1982) in our presentation. We will consider systems in which spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) occurs and show that topological defects originate by inhomogeneous (localized) condensation of quanta. The approach followed here is alternative to the usual one (Rajaraman 1982), in which one starts from the classical soliton solutions and then ‘‘quantizes’’ them, as well as to the QFT method based on dual (disorder) fields (Kleinert 1989). In the next section we introduce some general features of QFT useful for our discussion and treat some aspects of SSB and the rearrangement of symmetry. Next we discuss the boson transformation theorem and the topological singularities of the boson condensate. We then present, as an example, a model with U(1) gauge invariance in which SSB, rearrangement of symmetry, and topological defects are present (Matsumoto et al. 1975a, b). There we show how macroscopic fields and currents are obtained from the microscopic quantum dynamics. The Nielsen–Olesen vortex solution is explicitly obtained as an example. The final section is devoted to conclusions. Symmetry and Order in QFT: A Dynamical Problem QFT deals with systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom. The fields used for their description are operator fields whose mathematical significance is fully specified only when the state space where they operate is also assigned. This is the space of the states, or physical phase, of the system under given boundary conditions. A change in the boundary conditions may result in the transition of the system from one phase to another. For example, a change of temperature from above to below the critical temperature may induce the transition from the 222 Quantum Fields with Topological Defects normal to the superconducting phase in a metal. The identification of the state space where the field operators have to be realized is thus a physically nontrivial problem in QFT. In this respect, the QFT structure is drastically different from the one of quantum mechanics (QM). The reason is the following. The von Neumann theorem (1955) in QM states that for systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom all the irreducible representations of the canonical commutation relations are unitarily equivalent. Therefore, in QM the physical system can only live in one single physical phase: unitary equivalence means indeed physical equivalence and thus there is no room (no representations) for physically different phases. Such a situation drastically changes in QFT where systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom are treated. In such a case, the von Neumann theorem does not hold and infinitely many unitarily inequivalent representations of the canonical commutation relations do in fact exist (Umezawa 1993, Umezawa et al. 1982). It is such richness of QFT that allows the description of different physical phases. QFT as a Two-Level Theory In the perturbative approach, any quantum experiment or observation can be schematized as a scattering process where one prepares a set of free (noninteracting) particles (incoming particles or infields) which are then made to collide at some later time in some region of space (spacetime region of interaction). The products of the collision are expected to emerge out of the interaction region as free particles (outgoing particles or out-fields). Correspondingly, one has the in-field and the outfield state space. The interaction region is where the dynamics operates: given the in-fields and the instates, the dynamics determines the out-fields and the out-states. The incoming particles and the outgoing ones (also called quasiparticles in solid state physics) are well distinguishable and localizable particles only far away from the interaction region, at a time much before (t = 1) and much after (t = þ1) the interaction time: in- and out-fields are thus said to be asymptotic fields, and for them the interaction forces are assumed not to operate (switched off). The only regions accessible to observations are those far away (in space and in time) from the interaction region, that is, the asymptotic regions (the in- and out-regions). It is so since, at the quantum level, observations performed in the interaction region or vacuum fluctuations occurring there may drastically interfere with the interacting objects, thus changing their nature. Besides the asymptotic fields, one then also introduces dynamical or Heisenberg fields, that is, the fields in terms of which the dynamics is given. Since the interaction region is precluded from observation, we do not observe Heisenberg fields. Observables are thus solely described in terms of asymptotic fields. Summing up, QFT is a ‘‘two-level’’ theory: one level is the interaction level where the dynamics is specified by assigning the equations for the Heisenberg fields. The other level is the physical level, the one of the asymptotic fields and of the physical state space directly accessible to observations. The equations for the physical fields are equations for free fields, describing the observed incoming/outgoing particles. To be specific, let the Heisenberg operator fields be generically denoted by H (x) and the physical operator fields by ’in (x). For definiteness, we choose to work with the in-fields, although the set of outfields would work equally well. They are both assumed to satisfy equal-time canonical (anti)commutation relations. For brevity, we omit considerations on the renormalization procedure, which are not essential for the conclusions we will reach. The Heisenberg field equations and the free-field equations are written as ð@Þ H ðxÞ ¼ J½ H ðxÞ ½1 ð@Þ’in ðxÞ ¼ 0 ½2 where (@) is a differential operator, x (t, x) and J is some functional of the H fields, describing the interaction. Equation [1] can be formally recast in the following integral form (Yang–Feldman equation): H ðxÞ ¼ ’in ðxÞ þ 1 ð@Þ J ½ H ðxÞ ½3 where denotes convolution. The symbol 1 (@) denotes formally the Green function for ’in (x). The precise form of Green’s function is specified by the boundary conditions. Equation [3] can be solved by iteration, thus giving an expression for the Heisenberg fields H (x) in terms of powers of the ’in (x) fields; this is the Haag expansion in the LSZ formalism (or ‘‘dynamical map’’ in the language of Umezawa 1993 and Umezawa et al. 1982), which might be formally written as H ðxÞ ¼ F½x; ’in ½4 (A (formal) closed form for the dynamical map is obtained in the closed time path (CTP) formalism (Blasone and Jizba 2002). Then the Haag expansion [4] is directly applicable to both equilibrium and nonequilibrium situations.) Quantum Fields with Topological Defects We stress that the equality in the dynamical map [4] is a ‘‘weak’’ equality, which means that it must be understood as an equality among matrix elements computed in the Hilbert space of the physical particles. We observe that mathematical consistency in the above procedure requires that the set of ’in fields must be an irreducible set; however, it may happen that not all the elements of the set are known from the beginning. For example, there might be composite (bound states) fields or even elementary quanta whose existence is ignored in a first recognition. Then the computation of the matrix elements in physical states will lead to the detection of unexpected poles in the Green’s functions, which signal the existence of the ignored quanta. One thus introduces the fields corresponding to these quanta and repeats the computation. This way of proceeding is called the self- consistent method (Umezawa 1993, Umezawa et al. 1982). Thus it is not necessary to have a one-to-one correspondence between the sets { Hj } and {’iin }, as it happens whenever the set {’iin } includes composite particles. The Dynamical Rearrangement of Symmetry As already mentioned, in QFT the Fock space for the physical states is not unique since one may have several physical phases, for example, for a metal the normal phase and the superconducting phase, and so on. Fock spaces describing different phases are unitarily inequivalent spaces and correspondingly we have different expectation values for certain observables and even different irreducible sets of physical quanta. Thus, finding the dynamical map involves singling out the Fock space where the dynamics has to be realized. Let us now suppose that the Heisenberg field equations are invariant under some group G of transformations of H : H ðxÞ ! 0 H ðxÞ ¼ g½ H ðxÞ ½5 with g 2 G. The symmetry is spontaneously broken when the vacuum state in the Fock space H is not invariant under the group G but only under one of its subgroups (Umezawa 1993, Umezawa et al. 1982). On the other hand, eqn [4] implies that when H is transformed as in [5], then ’in ðxÞ ! ’0in ðxÞ ¼ g0 ½’in ðxÞ ½6 with g0 belonging to some group of transformations G0 and such that g½ H ðxÞ ¼ F½g0 ½’in ðxÞ ½7 223 When symmetry is spontaneously broken it is G0 6¼ G, with G0 the group contraction of G; when symmetry is not broken then G0 = G. Since G is the invariance group of the dynamics, eqn [4] requires that G0 is the group under which free fields equations are invariant, that is, also ’0in is a solution of [2]. Since eqn [4] is a weak equality, G0 depends on the choice of the Fock space H among the physically realizable unitarily inequivalent state spaces. Thus, we see that the (same) original invariance of the dynamics may manifest itself in different symmetry groups for the ’in fields according to different choices of the physical state space. Since this process is constrained by the dynamical equations [1], it is called the dynamical rearrangement of symmetry (Umezawa 1993, Umezawa et al. 1982). In conclusion, different ordering patterns appear to be different manifestations of the same basic dynamical invariance. The discovery of the process of the dynamical rearrangement of symmetry leads to a unified understanding of the dynamical generation of many observable ordered patterns. This is the phenomenon of the dynamical generation of order. The contraction of the symmetry group is the mathematical structure controlling the dynamical rearrangement of the symmetry. For a qualitative presentation see Vitiello (2001). One can now ask which ones are the carriers of the ordering information among the system elementary constituents and how the long-range correlations and the coherence observed in ordered patterns are generated and sustained. The answer is in the fact that SSB implies the appearance of bosons (Goldstone 1961, Goldstone et al. 1962, Nambu and Jona-Lasinio 1961), the so-called Nambu– Goldstone (NG) modes or quanta. They manifest as long-range correlations and thus they are responsible of the above-mentioned change of scale, from microscopic to macroscopic. The coherent boson condensation of NG modes turns out to be the mechanism by which order is generated, as we will see in an explicit example in a later section. The ‘‘Boson Transformation’’ Method We now discuss the quantum origin of extended objects (defects) and show how they naturally emerge as macroscopic objects (inhomogeneous condensates) from the quantum dynamics. At zero temperature, the classical soliton solutions are then recovered in the Born approximation. This approach is known as the ‘‘boson transformation’’ method (Umezawa 1993, Umezawa et al. 1982). 224 Quantum Fields with Topological Defects f The Boson Transformation Theorem Let us consider, for simplicity, the case of a dynamical model involving one scalar field H and one asymptotic field ’in satisfying eqns [1] and [2], respectively. As already remarked, the dynamical map is valid only in a weak sense, that is, as a relation among matrix elements. This implies that eqn [4] is not unique, since different sets of asymptotic fields and the corresponding Hilbert spaces can be used in its construction. Let us indeed consider a c–number function f (x), satisfying the ’in equations of motion [2]: ð@Þf ðxÞ ¼ 0 ½8 The boson transformation theorem (Umezawa 1993, Umezawa et al. 1982) states that the field f H ðxÞ ¼ F½x; ’in þ f ½9 is also a solution of the Heisenberg equation [1]. The corresponding Yang–Feldman equation takes the form f H ðxÞ ¼ ’in ðxÞ þ f ðxÞ þ 1 ð@Þ J ½ f H ðxÞ ½10 The difference between the two solutions H and f H is only in the boundary conditions. An important point is that the expansion in [9] is obtained from that in [4] by the spacetime-dependent translation ’in ðxÞ ! ’in ðxÞ þ f ðxÞ ½11 The essence of the boson transformation theorem is that the dynamics embodied in eqn [1] contains an internal freedom, represented by the possible choices of the function f (x), satisfying the freefield equation [8]. We also observe that the transformation [11] is a canonical transformation since it leaves invariant the canonical form of commutation relations. Let j0i denote the vacuum for the free field ’in . The vacuum expectation value of eqn [10] gives f ðxÞ h0j f H ðxÞj0i D h ¼ f ðxÞ þ 0 1 ð@Þ J ½ f H ðxÞ i E 0 ½12 f The c–number field (x) is the order parameter. We remark that it is fully determined by the quantum dynamics. In the classical or Born approximation, which consists in taking h0jJ [ fH ]j0i = J [ f ], that is, neglecting all the contractions of the physical f fields, we define cl (x) limh!0 f (x). In this limit, we have ð@Þclf ðxÞ ¼ J ½clf ðxÞ that is, cl (x) provides the solution of the classical Euler–Lagrange equation. Beyond the classical level, in general, the form of this equation changes. The Yang–Feldman equation [10] gives not only the equation for the order parameter, eqn [13], but also, at higher orders in h, the dynamics of the physical quanta in the potential generated by the ‘‘macroscopic object’’ f (x) (Umezawa 1993, Umezawa et al. 1982). One can show (Umezawa 1993, Umezawa et al. 1982) that the class of solutions of eqn [8] which lead to topologically nontrivial (i.e., carrying a nonzero topological charge) solutions of eqn [13], are those which have some sort of singularity with respect to Fourier transform. These can be either divergent singularities or topological singularities. The first are associated to a divergence of f (x) for jxj = 1, at least in some direction. Topological singularities are instead present when f (x) is not single-valued, that is, it is path dependent. In both cases, the macroscopic object described by the order parameter, carries a nonzero topological charge. ½13 Topological Singularities and Massless Bosons An important result is that the boson transformation functions carrying topological singularities are only allowed for massless bosons (Umezawa 1993, Umezawa et al. 1982). Consider a generic boson field in satisfying the equation ð@ 2 þ m2 Þin ðxÞ ¼ 0 ½14 and suppose that the function f (x) for the boson transformation in (x) ! in (x) þ f (x) carries a topological singularity. It is then not single-valued and thus path dependent: Gþ ðxÞ ½@ ; @ f ðxÞ 6¼ 0; for certain ; ; x ½15 On the other hand, @ f (x), which is related with observables, is single-valued, that is, [@ , @ ] @ f (x) = 0. Recall that f (x) is solution of the in equation: ð@ 2 þ m2 Þf ðxÞ ¼ 0 ½16 Gþ (x) From the definition of and the regularity of @ f (x), it follows, by computing @ Gþ (x), that @ f ðxÞ ¼ 1 @ Gþ ðxÞ @ þ m2 2 ½17 This equation and the antisymmetric nature of 2 Gþ (x) then lead to @ f (x) = 0, which in turn implies m = 0. Thus, we conclude that [15] is only compatible with massless equation for in . Quantum Fields with Topological Defects The topological charge is defined as Z Z NT ¼ dl @ f ¼ dS @ @ f C S Z 1 þ dS G ¼ 2 S ½18 Here C is a contour enclosing the singularity and S a surface with C as boundary. NT does not depend on the path C provided this does not cross the singularity. The dual tensor G (x) is G ðxÞ 12 Gþ ðxÞ ½19 and satisfies the continuity equation @ G ðxÞ ¼ 0 þ þ , @ Gþ ðxÞ þ @ G ðxÞ þ @ G ðxÞ ¼ 0 ½20 Equation [20] completely characterizes the topological singularity (Umezawa 1993, Umezawa et al. 1982). An Example: The Anderson–Higgs–Kibble Mechanism and the Vortex Solution We consider a model of a complex scalar field (x) interacting with a gauge field A (x) (Anderson 1958, Higgs 1960, Kibble 1967). The lagrangian density L[(x), (x), A (x)] is invariant under the global and the local U(1) gauge transformations (we do not assume a particular form for the Lagrangian density, so the following results are quite general): ðxÞ ! ei ðxÞ; A ðxÞ ! A ðxÞ ½21 ðxÞ ! eie0 ðxÞ ðxÞ; A ðxÞ ! A ðxÞ þ @ ðxÞ ½22 respectively, where (x) ! 0 for jx0 j ! 1 and/or jxj ! 1 and e0 is the coupling constant. We work in the Lorentz gauge @ A (x) = 0. The generating functional, including the gauge constraint, is (Matsumoto et al. 1975a, b) Z 1 ½dA ½d½d ½dB Z½ J; K ¼ N exp i S½A ; B; ½23 S¼ Z h d4 x LðxÞ þ BðxÞ@ A ðxÞ þ K ðxÞðxÞ þ KðxÞ ðxÞ 2 i þ J ðxÞA ðxÞ þ ijðxÞ vj Z N ¼ ½dA ½d½d ½dB Z 4 2 exp i d x LðxÞ þ ijðxÞ vj 225 B(x) is an auxiliary field which implements the gauge-fixing condition (Matsumoto et al. 1975a, b). Notice the -term where v is a complex number; its roˆle is to specify the condition of symmetry breaking under which we want to compute the functional integral and it may be given the physical meaning of a small external field triggering the symmetry breaking (Matsumoto et al. 1975a, b). The limit ! 0 must be made at the end of the computations. We will use the notation Z 1 ½dA ½d½d ½dBF½ hF½i;J;K N ½24 exp i S½A ; B; with hF[]i hF[]i, J =K =0 and hF[]i lim!0 hF[]i . The fields , A , and B appearing in the generating functional are c-number fields. In the following, the Heisenberg operator fields corresponding to them will be denoted by H , AH , and BH , respectively. Thus, the spontaneous symmetry breaking condition is expressed by h0jH (x)j0i ~v 6¼ 0, with ~v constant. Since in the functional integral formalism the functional average of a given c-number field gives the vacuum expectation value of the corresponding operator field, for example, hF[]i h0jF[H ]j0i, we have lim ! 0 h(x)i h0jH (x)j0i = ~v. Let us introduce the following decompositions: 1 ðxÞ ¼ pffiffiffi ½ ðxÞ þ iðxÞ 2 1 KðxÞ ¼ pffiffiffi ½K1 ðxÞ þ iK2 ðxÞ 2 ðxÞ ðxÞ h ðxÞi Note that h(x)i = 0 because of the invariance under ! . The Goldstone Theorem Since the functional integral [23] is invariant under the global transformation [21], we have that @Z[ J, K]=@ = 0 and subsequent derivatives with respect to K1 and K2 lead to pffiffiffi Z h ðxÞi ¼ 2v d4 yhðxÞðyÞi pffiffiffi ¼ 2v ð; 0Þ ½25 In momentum space the propagator for the field has the general form Z ð0; pÞ ¼ lim 2 !0 p m2 þ ia þ (continuum contributions) ½26 226 Quantum Fields with Topological Defects Here Z and a are renormalization constants. The integration in eqn [25] picks up the pole contribution at p2 = 0, and leads to ~ v¼ pffiffiffi Z v , m ¼ 0; 2 a ~ v ¼ 0 , m 6¼ 0 ½27 The Goldstone theorem (Goldstone 1961, Goldstone et al. 1962) is thus proved: if the symmetry is spontaneously broken (~ v 6¼ 0), a massless mode must exist, whose field is (x), that is, the NG boson mode. Since it is massless, it manifests as a longrange correlation mode. (Notice that in the present case of a complex scalar field model, the NG mode is an elementary field. In other models, it may appear as a bound state, for example, the magnon in (anti)ferromagnets.) Note that pffiffiffi Z 4 @ h ðxÞi ¼ 2 d yhðxÞðyÞi ½28 @v and because m 6¼ 0, the right-hand side of this equation vanishes in the limit ! 0; therefore, ~v is independent of jvj, although the phase of jvj determines the one of ~ v (from eqn [25]): as in ferromagnets, once an external magnetic field is switched on, the system is magnetized independently of the strength of the external field. The Dynamical Map and the Field Equations Observing that the change of variables [21] (and/or [22]) does not affect the generating functional, we may obtain the Ward–Takahashi identities. Also, using B(x) ! B(x) þ (x) in [23] gives h@ A (x)i, J, K = 0. One then finds the following two-point function pole structures (Matsumoto et al. 1975a, b): ( hBðxÞðyÞi ¼ lim ð2Þ !0 hBðxÞA ðyÞi ¼ @x ( hBðxÞBðyÞi ¼ lim !0 Z i d4 p eipðxyÞ 4 i ð2Þ4 i ð2Þ4 Z Z e0 ~ v p2 þ ia d4 p eipðxyÞ d4 p eipðxyÞ 1 1 p2 þ ia p2 ) 1 p2 ½29 ½30 ðe0 ~ vÞ 2 Z (, A , B), all the other two-point functions must vanish. The dynamical maps expressing the Heisenberg operator fields in terms of the asymptotic operator fields are found to be (Matsumoto et al. 1975a, b) ( ) Z1=2 H ðxÞ ¼ :exp i in ðxÞ ~v þ Z1=2 in ðxÞ ~v þF ½in ; Uin ; @ðin bin Þ : ½32 Z1=2 @ bin ðxÞ e0 ~v þ : F ½in ; Uin ; @ðin bin Þ: 1=2 ðxÞ þ AH ðxÞ ¼Z3 Uin BH ðxÞ ¼ e0 ~v 1=2 Z ½bin ðxÞ in ðxÞ þ c The absence of branch-cut singularities in propagators [29]–[31] suggests that B(x) obeys a free-field equation. In addition, eqn [31] indicates that the model contains a massless negative-norm state (ghost) besides the NG massless mode . Moreover, it can be shown (Matsumoto et al. 1975a, b) that a massive vector field Uin also exists in the theory. Note that because of the invariance (, A , B) ! ½34 where : . . . : denotes the normal ordering and the functionals F and F are to be determined within a particular model. In eqns [32]–[34], in denotes the NG mode, bin the ghost mode, Uin the massive vector field, and in the massive matter field. In eqn [34] c is a c-number constant, whose value is irrelevant since only derivatives of B appear in the field equations (see below). Z3 represents the wave function renormalization for Uin . The corresponding field equations are @ 2 in ðxÞ ¼ 0; @ 2 bin ðxÞ ¼ 0 ð@ 2 þ m2 Þin ðxÞ ¼ 0 ðxÞ ¼ 0; ð@ 2 þ m2V ÞUin @ Uin ðxÞ ¼ 0 ½35 ½36 with mV 2 = (Z3 =Z )(e0 ~v)2 . The field equations for BH and AH read (Matsumoto et al. 1975a, b) @ 2 BH ðxÞ ¼ 0; @ 2 AH ðxÞ ¼ jH ðxÞ @ BH ðxÞ ½37 with jH (x) = L(x)=AH (x). One may then require that the current jH is the only source of the gauge field AH in any observable process. This amounts to impose the condition: p hbj@ BH (x)jaip = 0, that is, ð@ 2 Þp hbjA0H ðxÞjaip ¼ phbj jH ðxÞjaip ½31 ½33 ½38 where jaip and jbip denote two generic physical states and A0 v : @ bin (x):. EquaH (x) AH (x) e0 ~ tions [38] are the classical Maxwell equations. The condition p hbj@ BH (x)jaip = 0 leads to the Gupta– Bleuler–like condition ðÞ ðÞ ½in ðxÞ bin ðxÞjaip ¼ 0 ½39 () where () in and bin are the positive-frequency parts of the corresponding fields. Thus, we see that in and bin cannot participate in any observable reaction. Quantum Fields with Topological Defects This is confirmed by the fact that they are present in the S-matrix in the combination (in bin ) (Matsumoto et al. 1975a, b). It is to be remarked, however, that the NG boson does not disappear from the theory: we shall see below that there are situations in which the NG fields do have observable effects. The Dynamical Rearrangement of Symmetry and the Classical Fields and Currents From eqns [32]–[33] we see that the local gauge transformations of the Heisenberg fields H ðxÞ ! eie0 ðxÞ H ðxÞ AH ðxÞ ! AH ðxÞ þ @ ðxÞ; BH ðxÞ ! BH ðxÞ ½40 with @ 2 (x) = 0, are induced by the in-field transformations in ðxÞ ! in ðxÞ þ bin ðxÞ ! bin ðxÞ þ in ðxÞ ! in ðxÞ; e0 ~ v 1=2 Z e0 ~ v 1=2 Z ðxÞ ðxÞ ½41 Uin ðxÞ ! Uin ðxÞ On the other hand, the global phase transformation H (x) ! ei H (x) is induced by in ðxÞ ! in ðxÞ þ in ðxÞ ! in ðxÞ; ~ v 1=2 Z f ðxÞ; bin ðxÞ ! bin ðxÞ Uin ðxÞ ! Uin ðxÞ ½42 with @ 2 f (x) = 0 and the limit f (x) ! 1 to be performed at the end of computations. Note that under the above transformations, the in-field equations and the S-matrix are invariant and that BH is changed by an irrelevant c-number (in the limit f ! 1). Consider now the boson transformation in (x) ! in (x) þ (x): in local gauge theories the boson transformation must be compatible with the Heisenberg field equations but also with the physical state condition [39]. Under the boson transformation with (x) = ~ vZ1=2 f (x) and @ 2 f (x) = 0, BH changes as BH ðxÞ ! BH ðxÞ e0 ~ v2 f ðxÞ Z ½43 eqn [38] is thus violated when the Gupta–Bleulerlike condition is imposed. In order to restore it, the shift in BH must be compensated by means of the following transformation on Uin : 1=2 Uin ðxÞ ! Uin ðxÞ þ Z3 a ðxÞ; @ a ðxÞ ¼ 0 ½44 with a convenient c-number function a (x). The dynamical maps of the various Heisenberg operators are not affected by [44] since they contain Uin and 227 BH in a combination such that the changes of BH and of Uin compensate each other provided ð@ 2 þ m2V Þa ðxÞ ¼ m2V @ f ðxÞ e0 ½45 Equation [45] thus obtained is the Maxwell equation for the massive potential vector a (Matsumoto et al. 1975a, b). The classical ground state current j turns out to be 1 j ðxÞ h0jjH ðxÞj0i ¼ m2V a ðxÞ @ f ðxÞ ½46 e0 The term m2V a (x) is the Meissner current, while (m2V =e0 )@ f (x) is the boson current. The key point here is that both the macroscopic field and current are given in terms of the boson condensation function f (x). Two remarks are in order: first, note that the terms proportional to @ f (x) are related to observable effects, for example, the boson current which acts as the source of the classical field. Second, note that the macroscopic ground state effects do not occur for regular f (x)(Gþ (x) = 0). In fact, from [45] we obtain a (x) = (1=e0 )@ f (x) for regular f (x) which implies zero classical current (j = 0) and zero classical field (F = @ a @ a ), since the Meissner and the boson current cancel each other. In conclusion, the vacuum current appears only when f (x) has topological singularities and these can be created only by condensation of massless bosons, that is, when SSB occurs. This explains why topological defects appear in the process of phase transitions, where NG modes are present and gradients in their condensate densities are nonzero (Kibble 1976, Zurek 1997). On the other hand, the appearance of spacetime order parameter is no guarantee that persistent ground state currents (and fields) will exist: if f (x) is a regular function, the spacetime dependence of ~ v can be gauged away by an appropriate gauge transformation. Since, as already mentioned, the boson transformation with regular f (x) does not affect observable quantities, the S-matrix is actually given by 1 S ¼ : S in ; Uin @ðin bin Þ : ½47 mV This is indeed independent of the boson transformation with regular f (x): 1 0 @ðin bin Þ S ! S ¼ :S in ; Uin mV 1 1=2 þZ3 ða @ f Þ : ½48 e0 228 Quantum Fields with Topological Defects since a (x) = (1=e0 )@ f (x) for regular f (x). However, S0 6¼ S for singular f (x): S0 includes the interaction of the quanta Uin and in with the classically behaving macroscopic defects (Umezawa 1993, Umezawa et al. 1982). The Vortex Solution Below we consider the example of the Nielsen– Olesen vortex string solution. We show which one is the boson function f (x) controlling the nonhomogeneous NG boson condensation in terms of which the string solution is described. For brevity, we only report the results of the computations. The detailed derivation as well as the discussion of further examples can be found in (Umezawa 1993, Umezawa et al. 1982). In the present U(1) problem, the electromagnetic tensor and the vacuum current are (Umezawa 1993, Umezawa et al. 1982, Matsumoto et al. 1975a, b) F ðxÞ ¼ @ a ðxÞ @ a ðxÞ Z m2 0 d4 x0 c ðx x0 ÞGþ ¼ 2 V ðx Þ ½49 e0 j ðxÞ ¼ 2 m2V e0 Z 0 d4 x0 c ðx x0 Þ@x0 Gþ ðx Þ ½50 respectively, and satisfy @ F (x) = j (x). In these equations, Z 1 1 0 d4 p eipðxx Þ 2 c ðx x0 Þ ¼ ½51 p m2V þ i ð2Þ4 The line singularity for the vortex (or string) solution can be parametrized by a single line parameter and by the time parameter . A static vortex solution is obtained by setting y0 (, )= and y(, )= y(), with y denoting the line coordinate. Gþ (x) is nonzero only on the line at y (we can consider more lines but let us limit to only one line, for simplicity). Thus, we have Z dyi ðÞ 3 ½x yðÞ Gij ðxÞ ¼ 0 G0i ðxÞ ¼ d d ½52 Gþ Gþ ðxÞ ¼ 0 ij ðxÞ ¼ ijk G0k ðxÞ; 0i Equation [49] shows that these vortices are purely magnetic. We obtain @0 f ðxÞ ¼ 0 @i f ðxÞ ¼ Z 1 2 dijk dyk ðÞ x @j d ð2Þ Z eipðxyðÞÞ d3 p p2 ½53 R that is, by using the identity (2)2 d3 p(ei px =p2 ) = 1=2jxj, Z 1 dy ðÞ 1 d k ^ rx ½54 rf ðxÞ ¼ 2 d jx yðÞj Note that r2 f (x) = 0 is satisfied. A straight infinitely long vortex is specified by yi () = i3 with 1 < < 1. The only nonvanishing component of G (x) are G03 (x) = Gþ 12 (x) = (x1 )(x2 ). Equation [54] gives (Umezawa 1993, Umezawa et al. 1982, Matsumoto 1975a, b) Z @ 1 @ 2 d f ðxÞ ¼ ½x þ x22 þ ðx3 Þ2 1=2 @x1 2 @x2 1 x2 ¼ 2 ½55 x1 þ x22 @ x1 @ f ðxÞ ¼ 2 ; f ðxÞ ¼ 0 2 @x2 x1 þ x2 @x3 and then f ðxÞ ¼ tan1 x2 ¼ ðxÞ x1 ½56 We have thus determined the boson transformation function corresponding to a particular vortex solution. The vector potential is Z m2 x0 a1 ðxÞ ¼ V d4 x0 c ðx x0 Þ 02 2 02 2e0 x1 þ x2 2 Z ½57 m x0 a2 ðxÞ ¼ V d4 x0 c ðx x0 Þ 02 1 02 2e0 x1 þ x2 a3 ðxÞ ¼ a0 ðxÞ ¼ 0 and the only nonvanishing component of F : Z m2 d4 x0 c ðx x0 Þðx01 Þðx02 Þ F12 ðxÞ ¼ 2 V e0 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi m2 ¼ V K0 mV x21 þ x22 e0 ½58 Finally, the vacuum current eqn [50] is given by qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi m3 x2 j1 ðxÞ ¼ V qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi K1 mV x21 þ x22 e0 x2 þ x2 1 2 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3 mV ½59 x1 q ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi j2 ðxÞ ¼ K1 mV x21 þ x22 e0 x2 þ x2 1 2 j3 ðxÞ ¼ j0 ðxÞ ¼ 0 We observe that these results are the same of the Nielsen–Olesen vortex solution. Notice that we did not specify the potential in our model but only the invariance properties. Thus, the invariance properties of the dynamics determine the characteristics of the topological solutions. The vortex solution Quantum Fields with Topological Defects manifests the original U(1) symmetry through the cylindrical angle which is the parameter of the U(1) representation in the coordinate space. Conclusions We have discussed how topological defects arise as inhomogeneous condensates in QFT. Topological defects are shown to have a genuine quantum nature. The approach reviewed here goes under the name of ‘‘boson transformation method’’ and relies on the existence of unitarily inequivalent representations of the field algebra in QFT. Describing quantum fields with topological defects amounts then to properly choose the physical Fock space for representing the Heisenberg field operators. Once the boundary conditions corresponding to a particular soliton sector are found, the Heisenberg field operators embodied with such conditions contain the full information about the defects, the quanta and their mutual interaction. One can thus calculate Green’s functions for particles in the presence of defects. The extension to finite temperature is discussed in Blasone and Jizba (2002) and Manka and Vitiello (1990). As an example we have discussed a model with U(1) gauge invariance and SSB and we have obtained the Nielsen–Olesen vortex solution in terms of localized condensation of Goldstone bosons. These thus appear to play a physical role, although, in the presence of gauge fields, they do not show up in the physical spectrum as excitation quanta. The function f (x) controlling the condensation of the NG bosons must be singular in order to produce observable effects. Boson transformations with regular f (x) only amount to gauge transformations. For the treatment of topological defects in nonabelian gauge theories, see Manka and Vitiello (1990). Finally, when there are no NG modes, as in the case of the kink solution or the sine-Gordon solution, the boson transformation function has to carry divergence singularity at spatial infinity (Umezawa 1993, Umezawa et al. 1982, Blasone and Jizba 2002). The boson transformation has also been discussed in connection with the Ba¨klund transformation at a classical level and the confinement of the constituent quanta in the coherent condensation domain. For further reading on quantum fields with topological defects, see Blasone et al. (2006). Acknowledgments The authors thank MIUR, INFN, INFM, and the ESF network COSLAB for partial financial support. 229 See also: Abelian Higgs Vortices; Algebraic Approach to Quantum Field Theory; Quantum Field Theory: A Brief Introduction; Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime; Symmetries in Quantum Field Theory: Algebraic Aspects; Symmetries in Quantum Field Theory of Lower Spacetime Dimensions; Topological Defects and their Homotopy Classification. Further Reading Anderson PW (1958) Coherent excited states in the theory of superconductivity: gauge invariance and the Meissner effect. Physical Review 110: 827–835. Blasone M and Jizba P (2002) Topological defects as inhomogeneous condensates in quantum field theory: kinks in (1 þ 1) dimensional 4 theory. Annals of Physics 295: 230–260. Blasone M, Jizba P, and Vitiello G (2006) Spontaneous Breakdown of Symmetry and Topological Defects, London: Imperial College Press. (in preparation). Goldstone J (1961) Field theories with ‘‘superconductor’’ solutions. Nuovo Cimento 19: 154–164. Goldstone J, Salam A, and Weinberg S (1962) Broken symmetries. Physical Review 127: 965–970. Higgs P (1960) Spontaneous symmetry breakdown without massless bosons. Physical Review 145: 1156–1163. Kibble TWB (1967) Symmetry breaking in non-abelian gauge theories. Physical Review 155: 1554–1561. Kibble TWB (1976) Topology of cosmic domains and strings. Journal of Physics A 9: 1387–1398. 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