DISS. ETH NO. 21763 Direct Numerical Simulation of Catalytic Ignition A thesis submitted to attain the degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES of ETH ZURICH (Dr. sc. ETH Zurich) presented by Andrea Brambilla M.Sc. Energy Engineering, Politecnico di Milano born on 14.06.1982 citizen of Italy accepted on the recommendation of Prof. Dr. Konstantinos Boulouchos, examiner PD Dr. Ioannis Mantzaras, co-examiner Dr. Christos Frouzakis, co-examiner Prof. Dr. Gianpiero Groppi, co-examiner 2014 Abstract Combustion of hydrogen and syngas in micro- or mesoscale channels has recently attracted increasing interest for the development of both portable power generation devices and large-scale “zero-emissions” power plants. Although gas-phase combustion can be stabilized even in small confinements by adopting technical measures like annealed walls and excess enthalpy combustion, flame/wall interactions, mainly in terms of radical quenching and heat losses, may result in many unstable combustion modes. On the other hand, in small geometrical confinements catalytic combustion is more favorable compared to pure gas-phase combustion due to the increase in surfaceto-volume ratio and the suppression of most intrinsic flame instabilities in the presence of a catalyst. Within this context, Direct Numerical Simulation assumes a great relevance for fundamental studies by resolving all the involved spatiotemporal scales. In the present work, a Direct Numerical Simulation low-Mach-number reactive flow solver including detailed transport, and gas-phase and surface chemistry, was used to study two different topics relevant to micro-/mesoscale combustion. In the first part, instabilities occurring in lean syngas/air homogeneous combustion in an inert mesoscale channel were investigated. Experimental images obtained by collecting the OH* chemiluminescence signal in a channel flow reactor were used to validate the code against steady flames while an observed oscillatory flame was the starting point for a parametric nui merical study. The combustion modes were mapped as a function of wall temperature and CO to H2 molar ratio and new instabilities, not previously reported in the literature, were found. Finally, recent experimental results with the fast OH-LIF technique revealed steady and oscillatory modes in agreement with the computed ones. In the second part, the numerical solver was further developed by implementing conjugate heat transfer that was successfully validated against analytical and numerical results available in literature. The startup of lean hydrogen/air hetero-/homogeneous combustion in a mesoscale channel was studied by resolving for the first time all relevant spatiotemporal scales. Fast transient processes like light-off and gas-phase ignition, with a duration ranging from fractions of milliseconds to a few milliseconds, were studied in detail. Direct Numerical Simulation was also used for benchmarking a quasisteady-state code and the limitations of its underlying assumptions were identified. Throughout the work, the Computational Singular Perturbation (CSP) analysis has been extensively used as a diagnostic tool to obtain insights into the physics behind the observed phenomena. Some important results achieved are the identification of competition for OH radical between H2 and CO as a main mechanism responsible for weak combustion in lean syngas/air homogeneous combustion, and the recognition of OH desorption from the catalytic surface as a key step for triggering gas-phase ignition in lean hydrogen/air hetero-/homogeneous combustion. ii Sommario La combustione di idrogeno e syngas in microcanali e mesocanali sta attraendo sempre piu’ interesse a livello industriale sia per lo sviluppo di dispositivi portatili di generazione di potenza che nell’ambito di centrali termoelettriche a ridotte emissioni inquinanti. Sebbene la combustione in fase gassosa possa essere stabilizzata anche in canali di piccole dimensioni (da frazioni di millimetro a pochi millimetri) adottando opportuni accorgimenti tecnici quali l’inertizzazione delle pareti ed il preriscaldamento dei reagenti, l’interazione fiamma/parete rende la combustione instabile a causa delle perdite termiche e della ricombinazione dei radicali. Per canali di piccole dimensioni la combustione catalitica e’ preferibile rispetto alla combustione in fase gassosa dati l’elevata superficie per unita’ di volume e l’effetto stabilizzante del catalizzatore. All’interno del contesto appena introdotto, la “Direct Numerical Simulation” riveste notevole importanza a livello di ricerca di base per la sua capacita’ di studiare tutte le scale spaziali e temporali coinvolte. Per il presente studio, un codice numerico per “Direct Numerical Simulation” di fluidi reagenti a bassi numeri di Mach che include cinetica chimica dettagliata (sia in fase gassosa che eterogenea) e trasporto di massa, e’ stato utilizzato per studiare due differenti problematiche relative alla combustione in microcanali e mesocanali. La prima parte della tesi e’ dedicata allo studio di instabilita’ nella combustione in fase gassosa di miscele magre di syngas e aria in mesocanali. Il iii codice numerico e’ stato dapprima validato con immagini sperimentali di fiamme stazionarie ottenute rilevando la chemiluminescenza del radicale OH eccitato. Successivamente, partendo da condizioni sperimentali alle quali una fiamma instabile e’ stata osservata, si e’ effettuato uno studio parametrico con lo scopo di mappare i diversi tipi di instabilita’ in funzione della temperatura di parete e della composizione del syngas in termini del rapporto CO:H2 . Nuove instabilita’ mai riportate nella letteratura scientifica sono state osservate. Infine, risultati sperimentali ottenuti recentemente con OH-LIF ad alta frequenza hanno rivelato l’esistenza di fiamme stabili ed oscillatorie in accordo con i risultati numerici. Nella seconda parte, il codice di calcolo e’ stato ulteriormente sviluppato con l’aggiunta dello scambio termico con la parete solida (scambio termico coniugato) e della conduzione termica multidimensionale all’interno della parete che sono stati validati con dati analitici e numerici disponibili nella letteratura scientifica. Il transitorio di avviamento della combustione di miscele magre di idrogeno e aria all’interno di mesocanali catalitici e’ stato quindi studiato. Per la prima volta in questo tipo di studi e’ stato possibile simulare tutti i processi coinvolti e le relative scale spaziali e temporali. Fenomeni transitori come l’ignizione catalitica ed in fase gassosa, la cui durata varia da frazioni di millisecondo a pochi millisecondi, sono stati studiati in dettaglio. Il codice numerico per “Direct Numerical Simulation” e’ stato anche usato per verificare le previsioni e le limitazioni di un codice di calcolo quasi stazionario. I dati ottenuti dalle simulazioni sono stati spesso analizzati con la tecnica chiamata “Computational Singular Perturbation” (CSP) per rivelare i processi chimici e fisici coinvolti, e alcuni importanti risultati sono stati ottenuti. Nell’ambito della combustione in fase gassosa di miscele magre di syngas e aria, la competizione per il radicale OH tra idrogeno e monossido di carbonio e’ stata ritenuta responsabile per il fenomeno definito “weak combustion“, mentre nell’ambito della combustione catalitica il desorbimento del radicale OH dalla parete e’ stato identificato come processo chiave nell’ignizione in fase gassosa. iv Acknowledgements First, I would like to thank all the people who gave me technical (but not only) support and in particular the LAV team headed by Professor Konstantinos Boulouchos for providing a pleasant working place, my office mate Martin Schmitt, my supervisors Dr. Yiannis Mantzaras and Dr. Christos Frouzakis for their guidance, the experimental team at CFG/PSI for the experimental data, Prof. Ananias Tomboulides and Dr. Stefan Kerkemeier for helping with code development, Prof. Gianpiero Groppi for accepting to be my co-examiner, Paul Scherrer Institute and Swiss National Science Foundation for financial support, and the team at Brutus cluster of ETHZ for providing the computational resources. My sincere gratitude goes to all those who are co-authors of the great experience I had in Z¨ urich, sharing with me joy but also frustration moments. I would like to thank the colleagues who were also good friends out of ETH, all the colleagues of the Italian-Greek-Persian-Indian-... lunch team with whom I enjoyed the lunch break regardless of the food served in the canteen, the Italian connection in Z¨ urich, my flatmate, and the Z¨ urichMilano weekend commuters with whom I spent most of my Sunday evenings watching movies and discussing during the epic trips with Cisalpino train. I gratefully acknowledge all the friends and people that I met in Z¨ urich, whose names are not listed because the list would be longer than the thesis itself, but each of whom gave an important contribution. v Last but not least I would like to thank the people who stood on my side even being geographically far away from me and (hopefully!) suffering a bit for my departure. A very special thank to my girlfriend, who encouraged me continuously, to my family and all my friends in Italy. vi Contents Contents vii List of Tables 1 List of Figures 2 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Thesis Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 10 2 Numerical Approach 2.1 Governing equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 Gas-phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 Catalytic wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Numerical method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Code validation: Conjugate Heat Transfer . . 2.3.1 Validation of the steady-state solution 2.3.2 Validation of the transient solution . . 2.4 Computational Singular Perturbation Analysis 2.4.1 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 13 13 18 21 23 24 25 28 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion 33 3.1 Review on flame dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 vii Contents 3.2 3.3 3.4 Computational domain, boundary conditions and chemistry Results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 Steady experimental vs DNS results . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.2 Effect of wall temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.3 Effect of the CO to H2 ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.4 CSP analysis of the V-shaped and weak flames . . . . 3.3.5 Experimental results with fast OH-LIF . . . . . . . . Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 40 41 45 65 68 74 87 4 Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels 91 4.1 Review on numerical models for catalytic combustion . . . . 91 4.2 Computational domain, boundary conditions and chemistry 95 4.3 Results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 4.3.1 CSP analysis of a transient SPSR . . . . . . . . . . . 99 4.3.2 Detailed Numerical Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 4.4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 5 Conclusions and future work 141 5.1 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 5.2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Bibliography viii 149 List of Tables 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Effective Lewis number . . . . . . . . . . Summary of non-ignited and weak flames Explosive mode analysis V-shaped flame Explosive mode analysis weak flame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 62 70 72 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Wall thermophysical properties . . . . . . . . CSP analysis SPSR at Tr = 1200 K . . . . . . CSP analysis SPSR: influence initial coverage Numerical conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ignition times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hydrogen conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CSP analysis of gas-phase ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 101 102 103 113 114 120 1 List of Figures 2 2.1 2.2 Validation of steady conjugate heat transfer. . . . . . . . . . . . Validation of transient conjugate heat transfer. . . . . . . . . . 25 27 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 Domain and boundary conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . First comparison DNS vs steady experimental flame . . . . . Second comparison DNS vs steady experimental flame . . . Oscillatory flame with OH* chemiluminescence . . . . . . . iHRR and conversion oscillatory ignition (964 K≤ TW ≤ 969 Summary of oscillatory ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frequency of oscillatory ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conversion at TW = 994 K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-D OH maps of oscillatory ignition at TW = 974 K . . . . . Tmax and heat transfer rate at TW = 974 K . . . . . . . . . . Propagation speed and stretch at TW = 974K . . . . . . . . Mass fractions 2-D maps at TW = 974 K . . . . . . . . . . . Reaction rates 2-D maps at TW = 974 K . . . . . . . . . . . Random ignition spots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weak flames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-shaped flames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Numerical stability map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flame tip opening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Explosive modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 43 44 46 49 50 51 52 53 54 56 59 60 61 63 64 65 68 69 . . . . . . . . K) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List of Figures 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 Reaction rates R3 and R25 . . . . . . . . . . . Test rig with fast OH-LIF . . . . . . . . . . . Experimental stability map with fast OH-LIF V-shaped flames with fast OH-LIF . . . . . . Asymmetric flames with fast OH-LIF . . . . . First oscillatory flame with fast OH-LIF . . . Measured wall temperature oscillatory flames Spatially integrated OH oscillatory flames . . Second oscillatory flame with fast OH-LIF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 76 79 80 82 84 84 86 86 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 Domain and boundary conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CSP analysis transient SPSR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rates of progress during light-off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Light-off Case 1: iSHRR, Stefan velocity, TW , coverages . Hydrogen profile evolution during light-off . . . . . . . . . Hydrogen conversion rate during light-off . . . . . . . . . . Wall temperature evolution during heat-up . . . . . . . . . Coverages evolution during heat-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-D maps gas-phase radicals during heat-up . . . . . . . . Explosive mode gas-phase ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gas-phase ignition Case 3: iHRR, iSHRR and conversion Gas-phase ignition Case 3: coverages . . . . . . . . . . . . Gas-phase ignition Case 3: 2-D OH maps . . . . . . . . . . Gas-phase ignition Case 6: iHRR, iSHRR and conversion Gas-phase ignition Case 6: 2-D OH maps . . . . . . . . . . Gas-phase ignition Case 7: 2-D OH maps . . . . . . . . . . Gas-phase ignition Case 7: Stefan velocity, Pt(s) and O(s) DNS vs QSS predictions: light-off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DNS vs QSS predictions: gas-phase ignition . . . . . . . . QSS failure: 2-D H2 maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QSS failure: H(s) and O(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QSS failure: TW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 100 105 107 110 111 115 118 119 120 122 123 124 125 126 128 129 130 131 134 135 136 3 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation Recent advances in micro-fabrication technologies have sustained a growing trend in the miniaturization of electromechanical devices, which nowadays rely heavily on batteries [1, 2]. One of the main disadvantages of batteries, especially at the millimeter/centimeter-scale range, is their low energy density. Even the most advanced lithium-ion batteries have an energy density of merely 0.2 kWh/kg [3] that cannot compete with the typical energy densities of hydrocarbon fuels, e.g. about 15 kWh/kg for methane and 12 kWh/kg for diesel. The comparison clearly shows the attractiveness of hydrocarbon-based power generation systems for powering microdevices. Combustion appears to be a strong candidate for the conversion of chemical energy. A miniature combustion device with a mere 3 % efficiency would favorably compete with state-of-the-art batteries [1] simply because the fuel is easily replaceable and thus the device does not suffer from long recharging 5 1. Introduction times. Chigier et al. [4] estimated that a microcombustor can achieve energy density up to 10 kWh/kg, while micro-engines may have much higher energy density than conventional engines [2]. Furthermore, there are specific applications where mechanical power and/or heat are required and combustion devices can provide them directly. Several research projects have been carried out in order to develop combustion-based micro power generation systems, including Swiss-roll-type microcombustors coupled to thermoelectric devices [5, 6], microscale Wankel-type rotary engines [1, 7], micro gas turbines [8, 9], and microthrusters [10, 11]. Pure gas-phase combustion at the micro- and mesoscale, defined respectively as sizes being smaller or larger than 1 mm [2], poses severe challenges in terms of stability because with the increase of surface-to-volume ratio wall heat losses and radical quenching play a larger role and proper technical measures have to be taken in order to stabilize a flame. Pure gas-phase combustion of methane has been demonstrated at the sub-millimeter scale in reactors with appropriately annealed walls [12]. Practical configurations such as the mesoscale Swiss-roll-type burner, where the burned gas energy is recycled to the unburned gas mixture, have been shown to stabilize nearstoichiometric propane/air flames at channel widths of 3.5 mm [13] by using the concept of “excess-enthalpy” combustion introduced in the pioneering works of Weinberg et al. [14] and Takeno et al. [15]. On the other side, high surface-to-volume ratios favor catalytic (heterogeneous) combustion, which becomes the preferred route compared to pure gaseous (homogeneous) combustion. Catalytic reactions broaden the classical flammability limits and 6 1.1. Motivation lead to stable combustion even in the presence of high heat losses [13,16]. Recent works [17, 18] have demonstrated the potential of catalytically coated walls in suppressing intrinsic flame instabilities in micro- and mesoscale channels. Applications of catalytic combustion at the micro-/mesoscale also include stationary gas turbines used in large-scale power generation, whereby combustion is attained in honeycomb reactors comprising a multitude of catalytically coated channels with individual hydraulic diameters ranging from less than 1 mm to about 2 mm [19]. Relevant combustion methodologies comprise the fuel-lean catalytically stabilized thermal combustion (CST) [20, 21], the fuel-rich catalytic/fuel-lean gaseous combustion [22–24], and the fuel-lean inverse catalytically stabilized combustion (i-CST) [25], with the potential to achieve single-digit NOx emissions (≤ 3 ppmv) [20]. Within the context of growing environmental and fuel-supply security concerns, combustion of hydrogen and hydrogen-rich fuels like synthesis gas (syngas) appears to be particularly attractive for both large-scale power plants and microreactors for portable power generation [26]. Hydrogen-rich syngases can be produced in large power plants through gasification of various solid fuels like coal and biomass [27], refinery residues [28] and municipal solid wastes [29]. A potential application of these fuels is in Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) approaches, which use a variety of fuel feedstocks for power generation. When precombustion capture and storage of CO2 are applied [30, 31], IGCC provides a viable way towards a carbonfree power generation. Combined production of power and hydrogen can 7 1. Introduction also be achieved in some IGCC approaches [28] and in technologies based on natural gas decarbonization [32]. Hydrogen-containing fuels are also investigated in postcombustion CO2 capture concepts for natural-gas-fired power plants [33, 34]. Finally, hydrogen and hydrogen-rich fuels are of interest in microreactors for portable power generation units [35] where hydrocarbon fuels can be processed in suitable on-board micro-reformers [36–39]. Motivated by the aforementioned interest to develop “zero-emissions” micro-/mesoscale combustors for both large-scale and portable power generation, the present doctoral thesis undertakes a numerical study of hetero/homogeneous combustion of hydrogen and syngas in mesoscale channels. The themes that are tackled are two: in the first part, instabilities occurring in lean syngas combustion in inert mesoscale channels are investigated, while in the second part a fully transient direct numerical simulation code for catalytic combustion is extended to account for conjugate heat transfer and is used to study dynamic processes (light-off and gas-phase ignition) in catalytic combustion of lean hydrogen in mesoscale channels. The scientific relevance and the novelty behind these two studies is summarized below. When combustion occurs at a small scale, the increase in surface-tovolume ratio and the reduction of the characteristic thermal inertia time of the combustor structure will significantly enrich the combustion phenomena via reduced mixing and enhanced wall heat loss, and wall-flame thermal and kinetic couplings, which lead to various new phenomena such as flameless combustion, weak flame propagation, flame street formation, kinetic extinction, pulsating and spinning instabilities [2]. A review of flame dynamics 8 1.1. Motivation in micro-/mesoscale channels is provided in Chapter 3. The dynamics of syngas fuels in spatially multidimensional confined systems has not been investigated yet. The present study aims at extending the knowledge about flame dynamics in small confinements by undertaking a detailed numerical investigation of lean syngas/air flame dynamics in a mesoscale inert (noncatalytic) 2-D channel with a height of 7 mm. The code is first validated against steady experimental flames where the OH* chemiluminescence signal is detected, while parametric numerical studies are carried out by varying the wall temperature and the CO:H2 ratio. The fast OH-LIF technique is finally used to assess the capability of the numerical code in reproducing both steady and dynamic combustion modes. The development of advanced numerical catalytic combustion models poses severe challenges due to the different physicochemical processes with disparate spatio-/temporal scales that must be accounted for: surface and gas-phase chemistry, convective and diffusive heat and mass transport within the bulk flow (interphase transport), intraphase transport within the catalyst washcoat, heat conduction in the channel wall and radiative heat transfer. The corresponding time scales range from fractions of milliseconds (surface and gaseous chemical times) to seconds (solid axial heat conduction time). Steady and transient models are required for the description of an individual catalytic channel during steady operation and light-off, respectively. Given the long characteristic solid wall heat-up time compared to the chemical, convective and diffusive time scales of a catalytic reactor, the quasisteady-state (QSS) assumption for the gas-phase and surface 9 1. Introduction chemistry is often invoked. A review of available numerical models is provided in Chapter 4. In this thesis a fully transient (without invoking the quasiteady-state assumption) 2-D numerical study of fuel-lean hydrogen/air hetero-/homogeneous combustion in a planar mesoscale (2 mm height) Ptcoated channel is undertaken, using detailed gas-phase and catalytic chemistry, and 2-D heat conduction in the solid wall. Fast processes such as light-off, homogeneous ignition and hetero-/homogeneous combustion interactions during dynamic operation, with time scales ranging from fractions of milliseconds to a few milliseconds, were studied for the first time given the model’s capability to resolve all relevant time scales. 1.2 Thesis Structure The thesis is organized as follows. In Chapter 2, the mathematical model and the employed numerical methodology are briefly described, while the code extension for conjugate heat transfer is validated against analytical and numerical data available in literature. In addition, the Computational Singular Perturbation (CSP) analysis, a computational tool used extensively for post-processing purposes, is introduced. Chapter 3 presents results of the detailed numerical study on combustion dynamics in fuel-lean premixed syngas/air mixtures in a mesoscale inert channel. The steady and oscillatory modes revealed by the numerical study are compared against experimental results obtained both by detecting the OH* chemiluminescence signal and with the fast OH-LIF technique. Chapter 4 is dedicated to the results 10 1.2. Thesis Structure of the fully transient detailed numerical study on fuel-lean hydrogen/air hetero-/homogeneous combustion in a Pt-coated mesoscale channel. Finally, Chapter 5 summarizes the main conclusions and delineates possible directions for future studies and code developments. 11 Chapter 2 Numerical Approach This chapter describes the mathematical model, the discretization method and the Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) solver used for the detailed numerical simulations presented in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4. Validation of the numerical code is also provided. Finally, the basic concepts of CSP analysis, a computational tool that was used to extract physical insights from the numerical results, are introduced and explained. 2.1 2.1.1 Governing equations Gas-phase Several combustion applications are characterized by low Mach number flows (M a 1) with compressibility effects due to strongly exothermic chemical reactions. Both compressible and incompressible schemes are not suitable to these conditions, unless they are modified [40]. The numerical 13 2. Numerical Approach schemes developed for solving low-Mach-number compressible flows try to retain compressibility effects due to heat release and changes in composition, while acoustic waves are filtered out. In this way a significant increase of the integration time step can be achieved since the fast acoustic time scales are not resolved. The mathematical formulation employed for the present study stems from the asymptotic analysis of Majda and Sethian [41] which leads to a decomposition of the pressure p(x, t) = p0 (t) + p1 (x, t), (2.1) where p1 /p0 = O(M a2 ), while the hydrodynamic pressure, p1 , is decoupled from the thermodynamic pressure computed with the equation of state. The low-Mach-number governing equations for a reactive gaseous mixture in an open system, ignoring body forces and radiative heat transfer, are: Continuity ∂ρ + ∇ · (ρu) = 0 ∂t Momentum ρ ∂u + u · ∇u ∂t = −∇p1 + ∇ · (µS) S = ∇ u + (∇ u)T − 14 (2.2) 2 (∇ · u) I 3 (2.3) (2.4) 2.1. Governing equations Energy ρcp ∂T + u · ∇T ∂t = ∇ · (λ∇T ) − Ng X hi ω˙i − ρ i=1 cp = Ng X Ng X ! cp,i Yi Vi · ∇T (2.5) i=1 cp,i Yi (2.6) i=1 Gas-phase species ρ ∂Yi + u · ∇Yi ∂t = −∇ · ρYi Vi + ω˙i i = 1, ..., Ng (2.7) with Ng the total number of gaseous species. In Eqs. (2.2) to (2.7), hi , ω˙ i , Yi , V i , Wi , cp,i are the enthalpy, chemical mass production term, mass fraction, diffusion velocity vector, molecular weight, and heat capacity of species i, respectively, while λ is the thermal conductivity, µ the dynamic viscosity, ρ the density, and cp the heat capacity of the mixture at constant pressure. I is the identity matrix. For a detailed gas-phase reaction mechanism with Nrg elementary reactions and Ng species χi Ng X i=1 νij0 χi Ng X νij00 χi , j = 1, ..., Nrg (2.8) i=1 the rate of progress of reaction j is function of the product of the molar concentrations of the species [Xi ] = ρYi /Wi according to the law of mass 15 2. Numerical Approach action qj = kjf Ng Y 0 νij [Xi ] − kjr i=1 Ng Y 00 [Xi ]νij , (2.9) i=1 where νij0 , νij00 are the stoichiometric coefficients of species i in the forward and reverse direction, respectively. The forward rate constant kjf of reaction j is given by an Arrhenius-type expression kjf = Aj T βj exp −Ej RT , (2.10) where the pre-exponential factor Aj , the temperature exponent βj , and the activation energy Ej are specified in the detailed reaction mechanism; the forward and reverse reaction rate constants are related through the equilibrium constant Kc,j (T ) = kjf /kjr . The production/destruction rate of species i is the sum of the rates of progress qj of all reactions j = 1, . . . , Nrg involving the ith species: ω˙ i = Wi Nrg X νij qj , (2.11) j=1 with νij = νij00 − νij0 . The diffusion velocities Vi of gas-phase species are given, according to the kinetic theory of gases, by the Stefan-Maxwell equation [42] which requires the solution of the (Ng × Ng ) multicomponent system at every grid point. In order to reduce the computational cost, the HirschfelderCurtiss approximation [43] is used, which accounts for the first term in the convergent series expansion and is the best first-order approximation to the 16 2.1. Governing equations full matrix diffusion as shown in [44]. V i is given by V i = V˜i + V c , (2.12) where the first term in the right-hand side of Eq. (2.12), by neglecting Soret and Dufour effects and by using the mixture-averaged diffusion model [45], becomes: 1 − Yi , j6=i Xj /Dji Di = P V˜i = − (Di /Xi ) ∇Xi , (2.13) with Dji , Di and Xi being the ith species binary diffusion coefficients, mixture-averaged diffusivity and mole fraction, respectively. A correction velocity, Vc =− Ng X Yi V˜i (2.14) i=1 needs to be introduced [46] in order to ensure global mass conservation, i.e. the expressions Ng X Yi ≡ 1, i=1 Ng X Yi V i ≡ 0, (2.15) i=1 are satisfied. The gaseous mixture is considered to be ideal and the equation of state is given by the ideal gas law: Equation of state (ideal gas law) p0 = ρRT ¯ W (2.16) 17 2. Numerical Approach where ¯ = W Ng X Yi Wi i=1 !−1 (2.17) is the mean molecular weight of the mixture, and R the universal gas constant. In the low-Mach-number formulation, the continuity equation (Eq. (2.2)) is replaced by Eq. (2.18): Ng X 1 Dρ 1 DT 1 DYi ¯ ∇·v =− = +W =: Qt ρ Dt T Dt Wi Dt i=1 (2.18) where Qt is the so-called “thermal divergence”. By substituting energy (Eq. (2.5)) and species (Eq. (2.7)) equations, Eq. (2.18) becomes: + 2.1.2 1 ρcp T Ng ¯ 1XW ∇·u= −∇ · ρYi Vi + ω˙ i + ρ i=1 Wi " ! # Ng Ng X X ∇ · (λ∇T ) − hi ω˙ i − ρ cp,i Yi Vi · ∇T =: Qt i=1 (2.19) i=1 Catalytic wall Within the solid walls, the energy equation under the assumption of constant themophysical properties becomes: ρs cs ∂T = λs ∇ 2 T ∂t (2.20) where ρs , cs and λs are the density, specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity of the solid, respectively. At the catalytic coating, the surface 18 2.1. Governing equations species coverage (θNg +k ) equations are solved ∂θNg +k s˙ N +k = σNg +k g k = 1, ..., Ns ∂t Γ (2.21) with Γ the surface site density of the catalyst, σNg +k the site occupancy of species Ng + k, s˙ Ng +k the catalytic molar production rate of the Ng + kth surface species and Ns the number of surface species. The production/destruction of gas-phase species at the catalytically active wall via adsorption/desorption reactions introduces a flux boundary condition at the gas-wall interface: n · [ρYi (u + V i )]+ = s˙i Wi i = 1, ..., Ng (2.22) where (+) indicates the properties just above the gas-wall interface, n is the unit outward-pointing vector normal to the surface and u is the Stefan velocity given by 1X n · u|+ = s˙i Wi i = 1, ..., Ng ρ i=1 Ng (2.23) The interfacial energy condition is: n · λ∇T |+ − Ng X i=1 X Ng +Ns n · [ρYi (u + V i )hi ]+ = s˙k Wk hk + n · λs ∇T |−(2.24) k=Ng +1 By substituting boundary condition of Eq. (2.22) into the flux term on the left-hand side of Eq. (2.24), a more compact form of the interfacial energy 19 2. Numerical Approach balance can be obtained: X Ng +Ns n · λ∇T |+ = s˙i Wi hi + n · λs ∇T |− (2.25) i=1 The surface molar reaction rates s˙i are computed from the law of mass action in the same way as the gas-phase reaction rates (see Eq. (2.8) to Eq. (2.11)) with the surface species molar concentrations computed as [Xk ] = Γ θk /σk . Some species coverages can modify the Arrhenius expression given in Eq. (2.10); in this case a modified expression is derived, which is function of three coverage parameters ηkj , µkj and εkj for species k and reaction j [47]: kjf = Aj T βj exp −Ej RT NY g +Ns µ 10ηkj θk θk kj exp[ k=Ng +1 −εkj θk ] RT (2.26) where the product in Eq. (2.26) considers only surface species responsible for the coverage modification. For some simple surface reactions the surface reaction rate is specified as a function of a “sticking coefficient” γj (probability that a process takes place when a collision occurs). The sticking coefficient γj can be converted into the usual mass-action kinetic rate constant with the relation [47]: kjf γj = m Γ r RT 2πWk (2.27) where Wk is the molecular weight of the gas-phase species and m is the sum of all the stoichiometric coefficients of reactants that are surface species. It is assumed that the sticking coefficient is much less than one, so that the 20 2.2. Numerical method molecular motion close to the solid surface is random and the presence of the solid surface does not affect the collision frequency of gas-phase species with the surface itself [47]. When the sticking coefficient is close to one, species which are carried close to the surface due to their random motion have a high probability of staying there [47]. This phenomena causes a nonMaxwellian velocity distribution and a correction factor provided by Motz and Wise [48] is applied, resulting in a modified expression of the forward rate constant [47]: kjf 2.2 γj 1 = 1 − γj /2 Γ m r RT 2πWk (2.28) Numerical method The governing equations presented in Section 2.1 were discretized in space using the spectral element method (SEM). The SEM is a high-order weighted residual technique developed by Patera and coworkers [49] in the 80’s that couples the tensor product efficiency of global spectral methods with the geometric flexibility of the finite element method (FEM) [40]. The SEM has usually a much higher approximation order (typically N = 5÷15) compared to the FEM, and it yields exponentially convergent dispersion error [40]. The SEM features excellent transport properties (minimal numerical diffusion and dispersion) for a significantly larger fraction of the resolved modes than is possible with the higher order finite difference and finite volume methods [50]. The starting point of SEM discretization is the Galerkin formulation where the set of partial differential equations is converted into its 21 2. Numerical Approach weak form. The weak formulation is then discretized by replacing integration with quadrature and by constructing the approximation subspace using polynomials of order N . In our case, the computational domain is split into quadrilateral conforming elements and the solution and geometry are expressed as sums of N th order tensor product Lagrange polynomials based on the Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre quadrature points. On a parallel computer architecture, each processor accommodates a subset of elements where only a nearest neighbor communication at partition boundaries is needed [40]. A complete reference on the subject can be found in the books of Gottlieb and Orszag [51], Deville et al. [50] and Canuto et al. [52]. The discretized equations are solved with a parallel code based on the incompressible flow solver nek5000 [53] by using a high-order splitting scheme for low-Mach-number reactive flows based on the formulation of Tomboulides et al. [54]. Since detailed kinetic mechanisms are usually quite stiff, with time scales being orders of magnitude faster compared to the fluid motion, it appears reasonable to split the low-Mach-number system of equations (Eq. (2.2) to (2.7)) into two subsystems, namely the hydrodynamic subsystem (continuity and momentum equations) and the thermochemistry subsystem (energy and species equations). The two subsystems are coupled through velocity in the species and energy equations, while thermophysical properties appearing in the flow equations depend on temperature and mixture composition. Furthermore the thermal divergence constrains the evolution of the flow field. The result is a large system of coupled non-linear partial differential equations. The algorithm decouples the two subsystems. 22 2.3. Code validation: Conjugate Heat Transfer First, the nonlinear thermochemistry subsystem is solved implicitly using a stiff integrator and an extrapolated velocity field. The spatial discretization of the thermochemistry subsystem yields an ordinary differential equations (ODE) inital value problem which is integrated in time with the variable qth-order (q = 1, ..., 5), variable-step multistep integrator CVODE [55], based on stiffly stable backward differentiation formulas (BDF). The thermodynamic state of the system is then known. During the next substep the hydrodynamic subsystem is advanced in time using a projection type velocity correction scheme introduced by Orszag et al. [56]. A semi-explicit integration approach is used for the hydrodynamic subsystem. Thermodynamic properties and reaction rates, of both gas-phase and surface species, are evaluated using CHEMKIN [47, 57], while transport properties are computed using CHEMKIN’s transport library [45]. 2.3 Code validation: Conjugate Heat Transfer Details about the validation of the incompressible and the low-Mach-number non-reactive flow solvers can be found in the PhD thesis of Kerkemeier [40]. Furthermore, the low-Mach-number reactive flow solver with gas-phase chemistry was successfully validated in [40] against the results of a laminar planar premixed lean hydrogen/air flame computed with the well established PREMIX code of CHEMKIN [58]. Finally, the catalytic model implemented during the completed PhD thesis of Pizza [59] has been validated in [17] against steady catalytic combustion results from a well established 23 2. Numerical Approach code developed in [60] which successfully simulated experiments in lean methane [61], lean hydrogen [62], and more recently in lean CO/H2 [63] and in rich hydrogen [64] over Pt. For the present work the capability of the low-Mach-number catalytic solver was extended by inclusion of conjugate heat transfer. Validation of conjugate heat transfer under steady and transient operation is reported in the next two sections. 2.3.1 Validation of the steady-state solution Validation of steady-state conjugate heat transfer solutions was carried out by comparing the computed interfacial gas-solid temperature TW with analytical results from [65]. The test case was a 2-D channel with solid walls and constant thermophysical properties for both fluid and solid. At the inflow, fully developed laminar velocity profile and constant temperature TIN were specified. At the outflow, zero Neumann boundary conditions were imposed. The outer wall temperature, Tb > TIN , was fixed, while the vertical front solid wall faces were adiabatic. Figure 2.1 shows the nondimensional interfacial gas-solid temperature, ΘW = (TW − TIN )/(Tb − TIN ), as a function of the nondimensional streamwise coordinate x/h, where h is the channel height, for solid to fluid thermal conductivity ratios λs /λ equal to 100 (Fig. 2.1(a)) and 1000 (Fig. 2.1(b)). A solid to fluid thermal conductivity ratio of practical interest is within the range delimited by the two selected values. The agreement between simulated (solid line) and analytical (symbols) results is excellent. 24 2.3. Code validation: Conjugate Heat Transfer Figure 2.1: Comparison between simulated (solid line) and analytical (symbols) results for the conjugate heat transfer problem in [65] and for solid to fluid thermal conductivity ratios λs /λ of (a) 100 and (b) 1000. The abscissa is the streamwise coordinate nondimensionalized with the channel height, while the ordinate is the nondimensional interfacial gas-solid temperature ΘW = (TW − TIN )/(TIN − Tb ). 2.3.2 Validation of the transient solution Validation of transient conjugate heat transfer solutions was carried out by comparing the computed interfacial gas-solid temperature TW with the finite difference solution presented in [66]. The test case was a 2-D channel with constant thermophysical properties for both fluid and solid. At the inflow, fully developed laminar velocity profile and constant temperature TIN were specified. At the outflow, zero Neumann boundary conditions were imposed. The outside boundaries of the solid walls were adiabatic. The initial temperature of the whole domain was TIN and the initial velocity 25 2. Numerical Approach was equal to the inflow velocity profile. The channel walls were heated up through a source term qW in the energy equation that was sinusoidal in the axial coordinate and could be either constant (Eq. (2.29)) or exponential (Eq. (2.30)) in time: qW = f (X) = (1 + CR sin(πKX)) qg (2.29) qW = f (X, F ) = (eDF − 1)sin(πKX) qg (2.30) where qg is a reference heat generation rate per unit volume that can be chosen arbitrarily, while the nondimensional axial coordinate is X = (αx)/[um (h/2)2 ], with α being the thermal diffusivity of the fluid and um the average fluid velocity, and the nondimensional time is F = αt/(h/2)2 , with t being the physical time. The values of the parameters in Eq. (2.29) and Eq. (2.30) are CR = 1.0, K = 1.0 and D = 4.0. The first generation term (Eq. (2.29)) is a model for a steady-state generation function, while the second one (Eq. (2.30)) can be used to model either an initial startup or a change in the steady-state power level [66]. Figure 2.2 reports the nondimensional interfacial gas-solid temperature, ΦW = λ(TW − TIN )/[qg δ(h/2)] as a function of the nodimensional axial coordinate X. The source term was sinusoidal in space and exponential in time (Eq. (2.30)) for Fig. 2.2(a) while it was sinusoidal in space and constant in time (Eq. (2.29)) for Fig. 2.2(b). The temperature in Fig. 2.2(a) is plotted at different nondimensional times F , and for a solid-to- 26 2.3. Code validation: Conjugate Heat Transfer Figure 2.2: Comparison between computed (solid lines) and finite difference [66] (symbols) nondimensional gas-solid interfacial temperature ΦW = λ(TW − TIN )/[qg δs (h/2)] for the conjugate heat transfer problem in [66]. The comparison in (a) refers to a solid to fluid thermal capacity ratio B = (ρs cs δs )/[ρcp (h/2)] equal to 1.0 and to different nondimensional time instants, F = αt/(h/2)2 , while the comparison in (b) refers to F = 0.2 and to different values of B. The nondimensional axial coordinate is defined as X = (αx)/[um (h/2)2 ]. The heat generation source term was sinusoidal in the streamwise coordinate and exponential in time (Eq. (2.30)) in (a), and sinusoidal in the streamwise coordinate and constant in time (Eq. (2.29)) in (b). fluid thermal capacity ratio B = (ρs cs δs )/[ρcp (h/2)] equal to 1, while the temperature in Fig. 2.2(b) is plotted at F = 0.2 and for different values of B. The comparison between the results of our simulations (solid lines) and those of the finite difference code (symbols) in Fig. 2.2 shows an excellent agreement. 27 2. Numerical Approach 2.4 Computational Singular Perturbation Analysis The Computational Singular Perturbation (CSP) method [67,68], originally developed for the reduction of detailed reaction mechanisms, has been proposed as a tool to analyze different types of flames. Applications include the interaction of a 2-D counter-rotating vortex-pair with a premixed methaneair flame [69], a methane-air edge flame [70] and n-heptane/air triple flames in partially premixed mixing layers [71]. Chemical Explosive Mode Analysis (CEMA), a variant of CSP, was recently proposed to investigate the modes with positive eigenvalues [72], which are characterized by an exponential increase in time, and was used to detect the location of premixed flame fronts and to identify auto-ignition as dominant stabilization mechanism for turbulent lifted hydrogen [72] and ethylene [73] jet flames. To the best of the author’s knowledge, CSP analysis has never been applied to study catalytic combustion. In the next section, the CSP methodology will be introduced for the general case where both gas-phase and surface reactions occur, while the case where only homogeneous chemistry is present can be derived as a particular case by removing the heterogeneous chemistry part. CSP analyis has been used to analyze both gas-phase syngas combustion in Chapter 3 and hetero-/homogeneous hydrogen combustion in Chapter 4. 28 2.4. Computational Singular Perturbation Analysis 2.4.1 Methodology The conservation equations for energy (Eq. (2.5)) and species (Eq. (2.7)) can be written in the CSP notation as ∂w = L(w) + g(w) = f ∂t (2.31) where w is the vector of temperature, gas-phase species mass fractions and surface species coverages (T, Y1 , . . . , YNg , θNg +1 , . . . , θNg +Ns ), L represents the convective-diffusive terms, and g is the chemical source term g(w) = Nrg X k S k R (w) + k=1 Nrs X S j Rj (w) (2.32) j=1 where Nrg and Nrs are the number of gas-phase and surface reactions, respectively, while Rk and Rj are the net rates of progress of the k th gaseous reaction and of the j th surface reaction, respectively. S k and S j are the stoichiometric vectors of the k th gaseous reaction and of the j th surface reaction, respectively, defined as: PNg νik Wi hi − i=1 ρcp ν1k W1 ρ . .. νNg k WNg Sk = ρ 0 . .. 0 (2.33) 29 2. Numerical Approach PNg +Ns A νij Wi hi V ρcp − i=1 ν W A 1j 1 V ρ .. . A νNg j WNg Sj = V ρ ν(Ng +1)j σN +1 g Γ .. . ν(Ng +Ns )j σNg +Ns Γ (2.34) where A is the catalytic surface area and V is the volume, while νik and νij are the net stoichiometric coefficients of species i in gaseous reaction k and surface reaction j, respectively. The right-hand side of Eq. (2.31) can be decomposed into fast r and N +Ns +1 g slow s modes by using the right {ai }i=1 N +Ns +1 g and left {bi }i=1 eigenvec- tors of the Jacobian matrix of the source term g, which provide the firstorder approximation of the CSP basis vectors/co-vectors [74]. The modal decomposition of Eq. (2.31) becomes f = f r (w) + f s (w) = M X r=1 X Ng +Ns +1 r ar h + as hs (2.35) s=M +1 with M the number of fast modes and hn = bn · f the mode amplitudes. The different modes identified by the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the source term Jacobian, can be analyzed by computing the CSP pointer 30 2.4. Computational Singular Perturbation Analysis Qki of species i with respect to mode k ai bki Qki = PNg +Nks +1 i=1 |aik bki | (2.36) which measures the projection of the vector of species i in composition space on the eigenvector ak [71] and indicates how parallel the axis of the ith species is to the corresponding mode. Pairs of complex conjugate modes are converted into pairs of real modes [75] hn = bnR · f , hn+1 = bnI · f (2.37) where bnR and bnI are the real and imaginary part of the eigenvector of the nth mode, respectively. The CSP pointers associated with a pair of complex conjugate modes are 2ai bniR Qni = PNg +NnR , s +1 |ain bni | i=1 2ainI bniI Qn+1 = P i Ng +Ns +1 i n |an bi | i=1 (2.38) CSP also introduced the participation indices of the chemical reactions k with respect to mode j Pkj (bj · S k )Rk = PNrg +Nrs k0 =1 |(bj · S k0 )Rk0 | (2.39) For the gas phase, participation indices can be defined also for a transport process l bjl Ll P j l0 j k0 l0 |bl0 L | + k0 |(b · S k0 )R | Plj = P (2.40) 31 2. Numerical Approach where Ll is the diffusive/convective term in the right-hand side of energy and gas-phase species equations (Eq. (2.5) and Eq. (2.7)). The eigenvectors are chosen in the direction of increasing temperature since it was found that this convention leads to participation index signs in agreement with the signs of the sensitivity coefficients [71]. The participation indices determine the contribution of the chemical reactions and of the transport processes to the mode amplitudes. 32 Chapter 3 Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2/air combustion 1 3.1 Review on flame dynamics The oxidation mechanisms of hydrogen and carbon monoxide are of fundamental importance, as they are subsets of all hydrocarbon reaction mechanisms [76]. It is well known that the oxidation of CO requires traces of hydrogen-containing species. In the presence of a small amount of hydrogen or water, OH radicals are formed leading to the oxidation of CO and to the production of H radicals, which feed into the chain-branching mechanism [76]. 1 Sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.1 to 3.3.4 are published in “A. Brambilla, C. E. Frouzakis, J. Mantzaras, R. Bombach, K. Boulouchos. Flame dynamics in lean premixed CO/H2 /air combustion in a mesoscale channel, Combust. Flame, 161:1268-1281, 2014” while Section 3.3.5 was accepted for oral presentation at the 35th International Symposium on Combustion as “A. Brambilla, M. Schultze, C. E. Frouzakis, J. Mantzaras, R. Bombach, K. Boulouchos. An experimental and numerical investigation of premixed syngas combustion dynamics in mesoscale channels with controlled wall temperature profiles, 35th International Symposium on Combustion, San Francisco, August 3-8 2014”. 33 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion Syngas oxidation exhibits complex dynamic behaviors even in simple homogeneous systems such as closed vessels or continuous stirred-tank reactors (CSTR). Experimental studies on the oxidation of carbon monoxide with different amounts of hydrogen in both closed [77, 78] and open systems [79] revealed the existence of four reaction modes: slow oxidation without light emission (steady dark reaction), steady and oscillatory reactions accompanied by chemiluminescence (steady and oscillatory glow, respectively), and a fourth mode characterized by oscillatory ignition with large, transient temperature excess and complete fuel consumption (oscillatory ignition). Oscillatory ignition appeared only in the presence of more than 1500 ppmv of H2 [79]. The oscillatory behavior was also revealed by theoretical studies [80] and CSTR simulations [81]. Other studies on syngas combustion in open systems have also reported complex dynamic phenomena. In the experimental investigation of Johnson et al. [82], combustion of CO with various amounts of hydrogen in a CSTR showed bistability, oscillatory behavior and a period-doubling cascade to chaos. Simple and complex oscillations were also reported for pure hydrogen combustion in a CSTR [83–86]. In practical channel-flow reactors, in addition to chemical kinetics, diffusive and advective transport as well as interactions with the walls, mainly in terms of heat losses and termination reactions [12], become important. These effects are exemplified at the micro- and meso-scales, which are characterized by high surface-to-volume ratios. Premixed flames in channels experience hydrodynamic instabilities [87, 88], caused by the density jump 34 3.1. Review on flame dynamics across the flame front, and diffusional-thermal instabilities [89], driven by the imbalance between heat and mass transport of the deficient reactant. Heat losses are an additional destabilizing factor which narrows down the combustion stability envelop [90]. Numerical studies of flame dynamics in micro- and meso-scale channels have also revealed a wealth of combustion modes. Pizza et al. investigated lean premixed hydrogen/air flames in micro- [91] and meso-scale [92] planar channels at atmospheric pressure and a prescribed wall temperature by means of 2-D simulations using detailed chemistry and transport. The impact of channel height and inlet velocity on flame dynamics was assessed and stability maps were constructed. In micro-scale channels, a rich variety of dynamics was observed with increasing channel height. For a channel height h = 1 mm, four different flame modes were observed with increasing inlet velocity [91]: repetitive ignition/extinction, V-shaped stationary flames, asymmetric stationary flames, oscillating flames and again asymmetric stationary flames. Oscillating flames were suppressed for channels narrower than h = 0.8 mm, while asymmetric flames vanished for h < 0.7 mm. Simulations in mesoscale channels with h = 2, 4 and 7 mm [92] revealed mild combustion, repetitive ignition/extinction, “closed” (singlebranch) and “open” (double-branch) symmetric flames and oscillating flames exhibiting harmonic, mixed mode or chaotic behavior [93]. A simpler thermodiffusive model with a single-step irreversible reaction and unity Lewis number [94] reproduced some of these modes, indicating that they were not necessarily of diffusive or kinetic origin but rather a result of flame-wall in- 35 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion teractions. An increase of the wall temperature was shown to have a strong impact, dampening the dynamics [94]. The effect of Lewis number and flow rate on the linear stability of symmetric and asymmetric flames propagating in adiabatic channels was addressed in [95] using a thermodiffusive model. Experimentally, Dogwiler et al. [61] observed asymmetric flames in lean methane/air combustion in an inert (non-catalytic) channel, which were anchored on either the upper or the lower wall. The sensitivity of the asymmetric flame to external perturbations resulted in transitions between the two flame structures at random time intervals. Maruta et al. [96] performed experiments with lean premixed methane/air and propane/air mixtures in a 2 mm diameter tube. For a propane/air mixture with an average velocity of 30 cm/s and equivalence ratio ϕ = 0.5, they reported different flame types depending on the wall temperature: stable flames, pulsating flames and a combination of repetitive ignition/extinction with pulsating flames. For the lean methane/air mixture, stable flames were identified at both high and low velocities (a vigorously burning flame and a mild combustion mode, respectively), while dynamic modes were reported at intermediate velocities in the form of repetitive ignition/extinction and a combination of repetitive ignition/extinction with pulsating flames. Jackson et al. [97] studied numerically a problem very similar to that of [96], showing instabilities characterized by regular oscillations or by a violent process of ignition and extinction. The repetitive ignition/extinction mode was also experimentally observed by Richecoeur and Kyritsis [98] for a non-premixed methane/oxygen flame in a 4 mm diameter curved duct. 36 3.1. Review on flame dynamics Heat loss effects on flames propagating in channels were studied by Cui et al. [99]. They investigated pulsating instabilities for Le > 1 flames using a thermodiffusive model and concluded that heat losses to the walls promoted flame oscillations by reducing the critical Lewis number for flame stability, so that oscillations could be observed at near-extinction conditions. Daou and Matalon [100] studied numerically the impact of conductive heat losses on flames propagating in channels and reported total flame extinction in narrow channels and partial flame extinction in wider channels, with the flame extinguishing only at the walls in the latter case. Using a thermodiffusive model, Chakraborty et al. [101] studied the interplay between non-unity Lewis number and heat losses in laminar premixed flames propagating in a channel. They observed simultaneous tip-opening and dead (extinguished) space near the wall for Lewis numbers significantly below unity and for high heat losses, which in turn gave rise to a multicellular flame with a “funnel-like” shape. The dynamics of syngas fuels in spatially multidimensional systems has not been investigated yet. The present study undertakes a detailed numerical investigation of lean syngas/air flame dynamics in a meso-scale channel with a height of 7 mm. Parametric studies are carried out by varying the wall temperature and the CO:H2 ratio. The numerical results are compared against experiments based on both the OH* chemiluminescence signal detection and the fast OH-LIF technique. The chapter is organized as follows. The computational domain, boundary conditions and chemical reaction mechanism are presented in Section 3.2. The numerical results 37 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion follow in Section 3.3. Comparisons between computed steady flames and OH* chemiluminescence images is given in Section 3.3.1 while in Sections to the various combustion modes computed by varying the wall temperature and for a CO:H2 molar ratio of rCO/H2 = 7 are elaborated upon. The effect of varying rCO/H2 is discussed in Section 3.3.3 and finally the Computational Singular Perturbation analysis is presented in Section 3.3.4. Recent experimental results obtained with the fast OH-LIF technique are compared against the numerical combustion modes in Section 3.3.5. 3.2 Computational domain, boundary conditions and chemistry A schematic of the computational domain with the boundary conditions is shown in Fig. 3.1. Figure 3.1: Schematic of the computational domain (all lengths in mm). For the species, flux boundary conditions are imposed at the inlet and the wall is non-reactive (zero normal fluxes). 38 3.2. Computational domain, boundary conditions and chemistry It consists of a 2-D channel of height h = 7 mm and length L depending on the flame position and extent. At the inflow, a uniform velocity profile UIN , constant inlet temperature TIN and flux boundary conditions for the species [102] ρYi (u + V i ) = ρuYi,ref (3.1) were imposed, where Yi,ref was the reference inlet composition. Along the channel walls, no slip for both velocity components and zero flux for all species (i.e. chemically inert walls) were applied. Although radicals could recombine on the wall, such reactions, which depend strongly on the specific material and surface treatment method, were not included, similarly to previous studies which successfully simulated many of the experimentally observed flame dynamics [91–93]. In this respect, a quenchless wall was simulated, mimicking the nearly quenchless materials reported in [12]. The wall temperature TW was prescribed. When experimental conditions were simulated, the wall temperature profiles were obtained from thermocouple measurements via cubic spline interpolation. In the parametric numerical studies, the wall temperature ramped up in the first 3.5 mm of the domain (a length equal to the channel half-height) via a hyperbolic tangent function from the inlet temperature to the final value, which was kept constant farther downstream. A similar wall temperature profile was used in previous studies ( [91] and [92]). At the outlet, zero Neumann boundary conditions (outflow in Fig. 3.1) were imposed. In all cases, the pressure was atmospheric. 39 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion The resolution requirements were determined by calculating the thermal thickness [103] of a 1-D flame using the PREMIX code of CHEMKIN [58]: δT = Tad − Tu max(dT /dx) (3.2) with Tu the unburnt flame temperature, Tad the adiabatic flame temperature and max(dT /dx) the maximum temperature gradient across the flame. The grid and the polynomial order were chosen in order to have at least 10 points within the thermal flame thickness; more details will be provided in Section 3.3. Grid independence of the solution was verified by repeating the simulations with different polynomial orders. In the following, non-dimensional quantities will be reported in terms of the inlet velocity, a reference temperature Tref = 994 K that was representative of the wall temperature, the channel height, and the thermophysical properties evaluated at Tref and the inlet composition. The CO/H2 /O2 elementary scheme of Li et al. [104] was used for the chemistry description with 32 non-duplicate elementary reversible reactions and 12 chemical species. 3.3 Results and discussion The predictive capability of the model and of the reaction mechanism was firstly investigated against experiments at steady combustion based on the 40 3.3. Results and discussion OH* chemiluminescence signal detection. Parametric simulations assessing the impact of wall temperature and CO:H2 ratio on the observed flame dynamics were subsequently carried out. Finally, recent experimental results with the fast OH-LIF technique are reported and compared against the numerical simulations. 3.3.1 Steady experimental vs DNS results Experiments were performed in an optically accessible channel reactor employed in earlier works [105, 106], which is here only briefly described while the details are provided in Section where the focus is on the experiments. The L = 300 mm long and W = 104 mm wide channel consists of two 9-mm thick Si[SiC] horizontal plates, separated by two vertical quartz windows with a height of h = 7 mm. The large aspect ratio (W/h ≈ 15) yielded a nearly 2-D flow as elaborated in previous steady experiments [62]. Twelve thermocouples per plate, embedded 0.9 mm beneath the channel surfaces, monitored the temperatures along the vertical symmetry axis, and the measured upper and lower wall surface temperatures were used as boundary conditions in the simulations. Experimental uncertainties on the ignition distance have been analyzed and found to be 2% in [62]. The excited OH* chemiluminescence signal was collected from one side window via an intensified CCD camera and a bandpass filter centered at 308 nm. Channel lengths of 120 mm were recorded, sufficient to cover the combustion zone in the present experiments. The OH* chemiluminescence images were subsequently compared with the computed heat release rate profiles, 41 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion HRR = − PNg i=1 hi ω˙i . Experiments in premixed counterflow methane-air flames by Panoutsos et al. [107] demonstrated that the excited OH* can be used as a heat release rate marker. The first examined case corresponded to a steady flame at equivalence ratio ϕ = 0.42 (based on both fuel components), CO:H2 molar ratio rCO/H2 = 3, inlet velocity UIN = 3.21 m/s and inlet temperature TIN = 335 K. The Reynolds number based on the inflow mixture viscosity, velocity and channel height was ReIN = 1130. The chemiluminescence measurements yielded a flame anchored close to the channel inlet, such that a computational domain with a length L = 105 mm was sufficient for the simulations. The domain was discretized with 75 equally spaced elements in the streamwise direction and 10 elements in the transverse direction, the latter refined towards the wall. A polynomial order of 15 was chosen, resulting in 16 interpolating points per element and spatial direction. The 1-D flame thickness computed using PREMIX [58] was δT = 0.95 mm, the laminar flame speed SL = 17.2 cm/s and the adiabatic flame temperature Tad = 1578 K, such that the thermal flame thickness was resolved with ten grid points. The measured upper and lower wall temperatures are plotted in Fig. 3.2(a), while the measured OH* chemiluminescence and the computed heat release rate distributions are shown in Figs. 3.2(b) and 3.2(c), respectively. Predictions were in good agreement with the measurements in terms of the flame anchoring position as well as the ensuing flame shape. Comparison was also made with a second steady flame, which was 42 3.3. Results and discussion Figure 3.2: (a) Measured wall temperature along the upper (black solid line) and lower (red dashed line) walls, (b) measured OH* chemiluminescence and (c) computed heat release rate for the steady flame at ϕ = 0.42, rCO/H2 = 3, UIN = 3.21 m/s, TIN = 335 K. anchored farther downstream from the inlet. The simulated domain had a length of L = 175 mm, discretized with 125 equally-spaced elements in the streamwise direction and 10 elements in the wall-normal direction, refined towards the walls. At ϕ = 0.6, rCO/H2 = 36, UIN = 4.01 m/s, and TIN = 323 K (ReIN = 1550), the corresponding 1-D flame had a thickness of δT = 1.14 mm, a laminar flame speed SL = 18.4 cm/s and an adiabatic flame temperature Tad = 1980 K. For a polynomial order of N = 15, the number of grid points within the flame thickness was 13. The experimental asymmetric flame structure in Fig. 3.3(b) captured also numerically in Fig. 3.3(c) was attributed to the pronounced asymmetry between the upper and lower wall 43 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion Figure 3.3: (a) Measured wall temperature along the upper (black solid line) and lower (red dashed line) channel walls, (b) measured OH* chemiluminescence and (c) computed heat release rate for the steady flame at ϕ = 0.6, rCO/H2 = 36, UIN = 4.01 m/s, TIN = 323 K. temperatures (Fig. 3.3(a)). The comparisons between experimental and numerical results in Figs. 3.2 and 3.3 indicate that in both cases the model reproduced well the ignition locations as well as the flame shapes. The flame asymmetry was also well reproduced by the model and the difference between measured and predicted ignition locations in Fig. 3.3 was 6 mm on the lower wall and 3 mm on the upper one. 44 3.3. Results and discussion 3.3.2 Effect of wall temperature Images of a dynamic mode identified experimentally for ϕ = 0.42, rCO/H2 = 7, UIN = 1.66 m/s, and TIN = 338 K (ReIN = 585) are shown in Fig. 3.4. The experimental images, which integrate the OH* chemiluminescence across the lateral direction, show an oscillatory flame with multiple branches oscillating out of phase. However, these images could not be used for comparing the numerical oscillatory flames described in the following sections for different reasons. First, this would have necessitated a high-speed camera in conjunction with a fast planar OH laser induced fluorescence (LIF) system, so as to isolate potential 3-D effects of the dynamic modes, as it was done for the experimental study reported in Section 3.3.5. In addition, such dynamics would also require 3-D simulations using temperature profiles measured over the channel width, which were not available with the current experimental setup. In order to numerically investigate the processes leading to the oscillatory behavior, a detailed numerical study was performed using the same operating conditions and varying the wall temperature to cover the measured range. As mentioned in Section 3.2, the wall temperature (TW ) was ramped up in the first 3.5 mm of the computational domain with a hyperbolic tangent profile from TIN to a constant value in the range TW =954 K to 1274 K. The corresponding 1-D premixed flame thickness for the conditions of Fig. 3.4 was δT = 1.16 mm, and the laminar flame speed and adiabatic flame temperature were SL = 13.8 cm/s and Tad = 1594 K, respectively. The computational domain length L = 105 mm was discretized with 75 45 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion Figure 3.4: (a) Measured wall temperature along the upper (black solid line) and lower (red dashed line) channel walls, (b) to (d) measured OH* chemiluminescence for an oscillatory flame at t = 64 ms, 76 ms and 87 ms, respectively (ϕ = 0.42, rCO/H2 = 7, UIN = 1.66 m/s, TIN = 338 K). equally spaced elements in the streamwise direction and 10 elements in the transverse direction, refined towards the walls, and a polynomial order of 12 was chosen. When the flame extended to the outflow, simulations were repeated with longer domains (up to L = 140 mm) to ensure a minimal effect of the outflow boundary conditions. Apart for a slightly higher normalized integral of the heat release rate (iHRR) over the whole domain iHRR = − Z X Ng ω˙i hi dV (3.3) V i=1 which was due to residual conversion in the exhaust gases, the results were not affected by the domain length. 46 3.3. Results and discussion Four combustion modes were identified: (i) no ignition for TW ≤ 960 K, (ii) dynamic modes, consisting of oscillatory ignition with periodic behavior for 964 K ≤ TW ≤ 1004 K and random strongly burning ignition spots alternating with periods of weak combustion for 1006 K ≤ TW ≤ 1008 K, (iii) weakly burning steady flames for 1010 K ≤ TW ≤ 1034 K, and finally (iv) strongly burning steady V-shaped flames for 1039 K ≤ TW ≤ 1274 K. The observed modes are discussed in the following. No ignition: TW ≤ 960 K The main characteristics of the non-ignited case at TW = 954 K are summarized in the top row of Table 3.2 (see Section Insignificant amounts of H2 and CO were converted (0.26% and 0.04%, respectively), with the conversion defined as R Conversion = 1 − R ρYi (u + V i ) · ndS OU T − ρYi (u + V i ) · ndS (3.4) IN n being the unit outward pointing normal vector. Small amounts of radicals were produced near the walls, and their mass fraction increased monotonically with increasing streamwise distance but never became high enough to promote runaway for a channel length of L = 105 mm. The temperature within the channel was nowhere higher than TW and the iHRR reached a steady value of 2.3x10−3 , three orders of magnitude lower than the iHRR obtained for the ignited cases. Similar observations were made at TW = 960 K where the iHRR at steady state 47 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion attained a maximum value of 0.01. For a longer domain with L = 140 mm, at TW = 960 K the higher residence time available for radical buildup resulted in the oscillatory ignition described in the next section. Therefore, the presence of the non-ignited case depended not only on TW but also on the domain length. Oscillatory ignition: 964 K ≤ TW ≤ 1004 K For wall temperatures in the range 964 K ≤ TW ≤ 1004 K, runaway within the channel length L = 105 mm was obtained, characterized by periodic ignition-extinction phenomena. At the lowest considered wall temperature of TW = 964 K, the flame was periodically blown out of the domain. The corresponding iHRR time history (Fig. 3.5(a)) showed that the blow-off intervals (where iHRR dropped down to 0.01) were followed by periods of radical buildup along the hot walls, which about 23 ms later resulted in re-ignition close to the outflow. The periods of low heat release rate were characterized by incomplete fuel conversion (Fig. 3.5(c)). For TW ≥ 969 K, a flame existed within the channel during the whole simulated time interval, as it could be inferred from the iHRR signals of Figs. 3.5(b), 3.6 and 3.9(a), which never dropped down to the values of the non-ignited case. Hydrogen and CO were almost fully consumed, although at TW = 969 K the conversion of CO could still drop to about 60% for short time intervals (Fig. 3.5(d)). 48 3.3. Results and discussion (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 3.5: iHRR for (a) TW = 964 K and (b) TW = 969 K; conversion of H2 (solid line) and CO (dashed line) for (c) TW = 964 K and (d) TW = 969 K. Characteristic instantaneous flame structures and the time histories of the iHRR with increasing wall temperature are shown in Fig. 3.6, while the oscillation frequencies extracted from the fast Fourier transform of the iHRR signal and the maximum temperatures reached during the ignitionextinction cycles are plotted in Fig. 3.7. The frequency of the ignition events increased exponentially with increasing TW due to the faster radical buildup close to the hot walls, while the maximum temperature in the domain reached its peak value for TW = 974 K. Two modes were observed within the range of wall temperatures of the oscillatory behavior: an asymmetric mode characterized by one asymmetric flame propagating along the upper or the lower wall during each ignition-extinction cycle (Figs. 3.6(a1), 3.6(b1), 3.6(e1) and Figs. 3.9(b) to 3.9(f)), which will be discussed in de49 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion (a) (b) Figure 3.6: Instantaneous distributions of YOH and time histories of the iHRR at (a1),(a2) TW = 984 K (asymmetric oscillatory flame), (b1),(b2) TW = 994 K (asymmetric oscillatory flame), (c1),(c2) TW = 994 K (symmetric oscillatory flame), (d1),(d2) TW = 1000 K (symmetric oscillatory flame) and (e1),(e2) TW = 1004 K (asymmetric oscillatory flame). tail below for the TW = 974 K case, and a symmetric mode where ignition kernels appeared concurrently and at the same axial location on both walls and resulted in two propagating flames (Figs. 3.6(c1) and 3.6(d1)). The 50 3.3. Results and discussion Figure 3.7: (a) Frequency of the iHRR and (b) maximum temperature in the computational domain achieved within an ignition-extinction cycle for different TW . Solid and dashed lines represent asymmetric and symmetric combustion modes, respectively. symmetric mode firstly appeared at TW = 994 K and for this temperature it coexisted with the asymmetric mode. The symmetric mode was characterized by fuel conversion (Fig. 3.8(b)) lower than the asymmetric one (Fig. 3.8(a)) due to fuel leakage close to the channel midplane. The average iHRR of the asymmetric mode was about 3.7 (Figs. 3.6(a2), 3.6(b2) and 3.6(f2)), which corresponded to complete fuel (H2 and CO) conversion, while the symmetric mode was characterized by an average iHRR of 3.2 (Figs. 3.6(c2) and 3.6(d2)). Different stages of the asymmetric ignition-extinction process for TW = 974 K are presented in Fig. 3.9. At time t1 a kernel ignited on the lower 51 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion Figure 3.8: Conversion of H2 (solid line) and CO (dashed line) for TW = 994 K and two coexisting modes: (a) asymmetric flame, (b) symmetric flame. wall at x ≈ 26 mm (Fig. 3.9(b)), but the peaks of temperature and radical concentrations were located farther downstream, within a flame that had ignited on the upper wall during the previous ignition-extinction cycle. The iHRR at t1 was close to the minimum value (Fig. 3.9(a)). The flame propagated both upstream and downstream from the new kernel (Fig. 3.9(c)), consuming rapidly the unburnt fuel trapped between the ignition spot and the flame of the previous cycle. The iHRR at t2 approached the peak of the entire cycle and the radicals reached their maximum concentrations at the tip of the downstream propagating front (Fig. 3.9(c)). The flame of the previous cycle was pushed downstream by the expanding gases from the new propagating flame, and was weakened due to upstream fuel depletion. Once the unburnt fuel was consumed, the downstream propagation could not be sustained any longer, the iHRR started to decrease (t3 in 52 3.3. Results and discussion Figure 3.9: Oscillatory flame at TW = 974 K. (a) time history of iHRR; (b) to (f) YOH distributions at the time instants t1 to t5 marked in (a). The white line in Figs. (d) and (e) is the YH2 = 10−4 isoline used to define the flame front for the plots of Fig. 3.11. Fig. 3.9(a)) and Tmax dropped sharply to the minimum value (Fig. 3.10(a) shortly after t2 ). An unstable asymmetric flame was formed (Fig. 3.9(d)) with its lower and upper ends propagating in opposite directions. The flame shrunk till a flame structure (which was the mirror image of the one at t1 ) 53 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion formed with a new ignition kernel appearing on the upper wall (Fig. 3.9(f)). Figure 3.10 shows the time series of the maximum temperature and of the integral over the upper (solid line) and lower (dashed line) walls of the local nondimensional heat transfer rate, Z λ∇T · n dx iHT R = (3.5) L Figure 3.10: Time histories of (a) the maximum temperature inside the channel and (b) the non-dimensional integral heat transfer rate from the fluid to the upper (solid line) and lower (dashed line) walls for the oscillatory flame at TW = 974 K; negative values signify that heat is transferred from the fluid to the wall. The circles indicate the five time instants for the flames in Fig. 3.9. At t1 , the maximum temperature was located within the weakening 54 3.3. Results and discussion flame from the previous ignition-extinction cycle. Shortly after, the temperature peak was inside the newly-ignited flame and Tmax increased sharply to reach the peak of the entire cycle. Regarding iHT R (Fig. 3.10(b)), the maximum of the heat losses along the lower wall was attained due to the propagation of the flame from the new kernel close to it, while on the upper wall the extinction of the previously ignited flame rendered the heat losses positive (i.e. heat was transferred from the wall into the channel). Figure 3.11(a) shows the absolute propagation speed along the flame fronts at times t3 and t4 defined as Sa = Sd + u · n (3.6) with Sd the displacement speed, the front speed relative to the flow velocity u [103], Sd = − 1 DΘ , |∇Θ| Dt (3.7) and n the normal to the front vector, pointing towards the fresh mixture n= ∇Θ |∇Θ| (3.8) Here, Θ is the hydrogen mass fraction isovalue YH2 = 10−4 , defining the flame front. Both fronts were characterized by absolute propagation speeds of opposite sign at their ends: the upper end propagated with a positive velocity towards the unburnt gases while the lower end regressed with a negative 55 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion Figure 3.11: (a) Local absolute propagation speed, (b) stretch, and (c) local heat release rate along the isoline YH2 = 10−4 for the flame fronts of Figs. 3.9(d) (solid lines) and 3.9(e) (dashed lines); TW = 974 K. velocity towards the exhaust gases. In the central part of the flame, the displacement speed almost balanced the flow velocity resulting in a nearly zero value of the absolute propagation speed. As a result of this distribution of propagation speed along the flame front, the flame length decreased from 56 3.3. Results and discussion about 6.5 cm (Fig. 3.9(d)) to less than 4 cm (Fig. 3.9(e)). The flame front propagated faster at the upper end for two reasons. Firstly, the upper-end was located farther downstream, so that the fresh mixture just upstream of the front had a higher temperature compared to the lower-end due to preheating from the hot wall. Another reason was the interplay of the two fuel components with the flame stretch defined as [103] K= 1 DA = a t + Sd κ A Dt (3.9) Here, A is the flame area, κ the front curvature κ=∇·n (3.10) and at the total aerodynamic strain rate of the front at = (δij − ni nj ) ∂ui ∂xj (3.11) The stretch for the flames in Figs. 3.9(d) and 3.9(e) was negative (positive) at the upper (lower) end (see Fig. 3.11(b)). Regarding the Lewis numbers, LeH2 = 0.291 while LeCO = 1.116. Had the fuel been only H2 , the burning rate would have intensified at the lower end and weakened at the upper end (the opposite would have happened if the fuel was only CO). Since rCO/H2 = 7, the fuel was mainly CO and the effective Lewis number based on the inflow composition and computed according to Law et al. [108] was slightly larger than unity (see Table 3.1). Since most hydrogen was depleted 57 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion before reaching the upper flame tip (compare Figs. 3.12(a) and 3.12(c)), the unburnt mixture at the upper end had a rCO/H2 higher than the one at the inflow and hence the effective Lewis number was greater than the one based on the inflow composition. The HRR along the two fronts was larger at the negatively-stretched upper end compared to the positively-stretched lower end (see Fig. 3.11(c)). At t3 , the local heat release rate HRR was stronger in the neighborhood of both walls compared to the almost unstretched central part (Fig. 3.11(c), solid line) presumably due to the effect of preheating from the hot walls. rCO/H2 0 1 5 7 10 LeH2 0.366 0.327 0.295 0.291 0.287 LeCO 1.274 1.135 1.116 1.101 Leef f 0.366 0.836 1.012 1.025 1.036 Tad [K] 1471 1542 1591 1594 1604 SL [cm/s] 36.1 22.7 15.2 13.8 12.7 Table 3.1: Lewis numbers of H2 and CO, effective Lewis number according to [108], adiabatic flame temperature and flame speed based on the unburned mixture computed with PREMIX [58] for different rCO/H2 and ϕ = 0.42. For the flame at t3 , Figs. 3.12 and 3.13 show the mass fractions and the non-dimensional mass reaction rates of H2 , H2 O, CO and CO2 . Water was mainly produced at the lower flame tip (Figs. 3.12(b) and 3.13(b)) resulting in an uneven distribution in the exhaust gases. The consumption rate of hydrogen was stronger at the lower flame tip (Fig. 3.13(a)), while CO was consumed more at the upper end (Fig. 3.13(c)). Close to the upper tip, there was a region where CO reacted with water to produce hydrogen 58 3.3. Results and discussion Figure 3.12: Distribution of the mass fractions of (a) H2 , (b) H2 O, (c) CO and (d) CO2 for the flame of Fig. 3.9(d); TW = 974 K. (Fig. 3.13(a) and 3.13(b)). During t3 ≤ t ≤ t4 , the upper wall was in extended contact with fresh mixture (Fig. 3.9(d) and 3.9(e)), and radical buildup resulted in the formation of a new ignition kernel (Fig. 3.9(f)). Just before this kernel ignited, the iHRR attained its minimum value, while at the same time the iHT R summed on both walls was about -0.6 (Fig. 3.10(b)), suggesting that its influence on the flame weakening was considerable (being about half of the iHRR in magnitude). As TW increased (Fig. 3.6), the propagation mechanism of the asymmetric flames did not change significantly, however: (i) the ignition points shifted closer to the inflow, (ii) the maximum length of a single flame decreased, (iii) for values above TW = 994 K the flame was no longer able to propagate upstream due to the higher frequency of the ignition events, 59 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion Figure 3.13: Non-dimensional reaction rates in mass of (a) H2 , (b) H2 O, (c) CO and (d) CO2 for the flame of Fig. 3.9(d); TW = 974 K. The white vertical lines in the color scales of (a) and (b) mark the zero values. resulting in downstream thermal expansion and upstream fuel depletion. Random ignition spots: 1004 K ≤ TW ≤ 1008 K Further increase of the wall temperature resulted in a combustion mode with multiple ignition kernels formed at random time instants and locations on the lower and/or upper wall. Since the same dynamic behavior was observed in domains of L =105 mm as well as 140 mm, the observed flame structures were independent of the channel length. Periods of a seemingly steady weak combustion mode characterized by a low heat release rate similar to the weak flame described in the next section were observed. Chemical activity was constrained in narrow layers close to the walls where radical concentrations varied in a non-monotonic fashion, eventually leading to ignition kernel formation. 60 3.3. Results and discussion Figure 3.14: Time history of (a) iHRR and (b) maximum temperature for TW = 1008 K; (c), (d) and (e) YOH distributions at the time instants t1 , t2 , t3 marked in (a) and (b). Figure 3.14 shows the time history of iHRR and maximum temperature as well as YOH distributions at three time instants for TW = 1008 K. The focus is on three time instants: the last interval of the non-periodic evolution, weak combustion and reignition. Just before reignition (t3 in Fig. 3.14), the maximum attained temperature was Tmax = 1010 K, only 2 K above the wall temperature. After reignition, Tmax exceeded 1600 K (Fig. 3.14(b)). The flame at t1 (Fig. 3.14(c)) evolved from two kernels, one on the upper and another on the lower wall, while at t2 (Fig. 3.14(d)) one 61 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion ignition kernel on the upper wall and three on the lower wall can be seen. Just before the first reignition (Fig. 3.14(e)) the layer of radicals close to the wall attained a wavy shape, leading to the creation of new kernels (one readily visible at x ≈ 110 mm). Furthermore, it could be observed that the second reignition in Fig. 3.14(a) and 3.14(b) at t = 0.92 s was stronger than the first one, indicating that the perturbations responsible for this behavior were not damped with time. Weak flames: 1010 K ≤ TW ≤ 1034 K For TW ≥ 1010 K only steady flames were formed and two regimes with very different combustion types could be identified: weakly burning flames for 1010 K ≤ TW ≤ 1034 K and strongly-burning V-shaped flames at higher wall temperature (the latter will be elaborated upon in Section TW K 954 1010 1012 1034 1034 L mm 105 105 105 105 210 Tmax K 954.0 1012.4 1015.1 1065.2 1065.2 Tmax location mm wall 33.64 , 0.06 34.71 , 6.93 47.47 , 0.35 47.47 , 0.35 H2 conv. % 0.26 63.69 64.47 78.71 93.33 CO conv. % 0.04 18.07 18.69 30.59 41.87 iHRR 0.002 0.865 0.889 1.342 1.778 Table 3.2: Main characteristics of the weak flames: maximum temperature within the domain (Tmax ), x and y coordinates of the maximum temperature point (channel length is L =105 mm, height h =7 mm and position [0,0] is the inlet corner on the lower wall, see fig. 3.1), conversion of H2 and CO and non-dimensional integral heat release rate iHRR. The first row refers to the non-ignited case at TW = 954 K for comparison. Weak flames were characterized by incomplete fuel conversion and max62 3.3. Results and discussion imum gas temperatures only a few degrees above TW (see Table 3.2), with reactions and heat release occurring in narrow layers close to the walls. These flames were different from the non-ignited case presented in Section (see first row of Table 3.2) since the maximum temperature was higher than TW while the fuel conversion and the iHRR were orders of magnitude higher than those of the non-ignited case. Figure 3.15: Weak combustion case for TW = 1034 K: (a) Nondimensional mass flow rate of H2 (solid line) and CO (dashed line) through the channel normalized by the corresponding inflow values; (b) reaction rate (RR) of H2 (solid line) and CO (dashed line) averaged over the channel height; (c) YOH distribution. Figure 3.15 depicts a case of weak combustion at the highest TW = 63 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion 1034 K where this mode was observed; fuel conversion, reaction rates and production of radicals peaked close to the inlet and they decreased gradually with increasing streamwise distance. The simulation was repeated by doubling the channel length to 210 mm, but the increase in fuel conversion remained modest (Table 3.2), indicating that this combustion mode did not depend on the channel length, while for the non-ignited case the domain length affected conversion. The weak regime presented in this paper differed from the one of previous studies ( [92] and [96]), where it was only observed at very low inflow velocities (≤ 0.8 cm/s in [92] and ≤ 3.0 cm/s in [96]). Figure 3.16: Distribution of YOH of V-shaped flames for (a) TW = 1074 K and (b) TW = 1274 K. V-shaped flames: 1044 K ≤ TW ≤ 1274 K For sufficiently high TW , stable vigorous combustion and complete fuel conversion were attained with the non-dimensional iHRR constantly close to 3.7 (complete fuel conversion). V-shaped flames without tip opening were 64 3.3. Results and discussion established within the range 1044 K ≤ TW ≤ 1274 K (Fig. 3.16). By increasing the wall temperature from 1044 K to 1274 K the maximum temperature in the domain increased from 1403 K to 1522 K, values lower than the adiabatic flame temperature of 1594 K, while for dynamic flames this value was usually exceeded (see Fig. 3.7(b)). An increase in TW enhanced the local flame speed, which in turn led to a reduction in the flame area (Fig. 3.16). 3.3.3 Effect of the CO to H2 ratio A limited parametric study was carried out by varying the CO to H2 molar ratio in the range 1 ≤ rCO/H2 ≤ 20, together with the wall temperature. The observed transitions and flame modes in the TW versus rCO/H2 parameter space are summarized in Fig. 3.17. Because of the high computational cost, the numerical study is not as detailed as for rCO/H2 = 7. Figure 3.17: Flame stability map in the TW – rCO/H2 parameter space. 65 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion Observed dynamics For rCO/H2 = 20, the range 984 K ≤ TW ≤ 1274 K was investigated. At TW = 984 K and 994 K, the mixture did not ignite. The radical concentration along the wall increased with increasing streamwise distance, but the heat release and the fuel conversion were negligible. Starting at TW = 1004 K, weak combustion was observed where the radical concentrations peaked close to the inflow and then decreased downstream, although the maximum temperature did not exceed the wall temperature. At TW = 1034 K, the maximum temperature Tmax = 1034.29 K barely exceeded the wall temperature, while for TW = 1044 K the maximum temperature was 1046.61 K. By further increasing TW , the difference between wall and maximum domain temperature increased, resulting in higher fuel conversion and heat release rate. Transition from weak combustion to strongly burning V-shaped flames was smooth and finally, at TW = 1174 K the first strongly-burning V-shaped flame fully contained within the domain was established with a maximum temperature of 1461 K. No dynamic combustion mode was found for rCO/H2 = 20. For rCO/H2 = 10, five combustion regimes were observed: no ignition for TW = 969 K, oscillatory ignition for 974 K ≤ TW ≤ 994 K with frequency increasing with TW , random ignition spots between TW = 1004 K and 1006 K. At TW = 1007 K the weak combustion regime started and transitioned to strongly burning V-shaped flames at TW = 1074 K. For rCO/H2 = 6, the mixture did not ignite at TW = 960 K, and the oscillatory ignition regime spanned over the wall temperature range 965 to 66 3.3. Results and discussion 1006 K. The oscillation frequency increased again with TW , exhibiting a symmetric mode of flame propagation between 985 K and 1003 K. Random ignition spots and chaotic behavior were found between 1007 K and 1010 K, while for TW = 1015 K and 1020 K weak combustion was attained. For rCO/H2 ≤ 5 the weak combustion mode vanished. The stronglyburning V-shaped flame was observed for rCO/H2 = 5 at TW = 1025 K, while at TW = 1020 K random ignition spots were formed; the oscillatory ignition regime appeared for TW ≤ 1010 K. Finally, the random ignition spots disappeared for rCO/H2 < 4. Flame tip opening The effect of rCO/H2 on the flame structure at the tip of the V-shaped flame was investigated at TW = 1274 K for CO to H2 ratio between 0 (pure hydrogen) and 10. The heat release rate distributions in Fig. 3.18 show that the flame length increased with increasing rCO/H2 ratio due to the decreased laminar flame speed (Table 3.1). The combined effect of the subunity Lewis number (Table 3.1) and the negative flame curvature resulted in reactant defocusing prevailing over the focusing of heat. As a consequence, the burning rate at the tip weakened and the flame opened (Fig. 3.18(c) and 3.18(d)) for rCO/H2 = 1 and 0. As already discussed, the effective Lewis number increased at higher rCO/H2 ratios and the intensified heat release at the tip resulted in a closed V-shaped flame (Fig. 3.18(a) and (b)) for rCO/H2 = 10 and 5. It should be 67 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion Figure 3.18: Nondimensional heat release rate (HRR) profiles for V-shaped flames at TW = 1274 K and (a) rCO/H2 = 10, (b) rCO/H2 = 5, (c) rCO/H2 = 1 and (d) rCO/H2 = 0 (pure hydrogen). noted, however, that in all cases no fuel leaked through the flame tip. 3.3.4 CSP analysis of the V-shaped and weak flames The CSP analysis was applied to the flames with rCO/H2 = 7 presented in the previous sections. In particular, the explosive modes (those characterized by a positive real part of the eigenvalue and therefore by an exponential growth in time) of V-shaped and weak flames were studied and compared in order to identify the physics responsible for the absence of strong combustion in the weak flames. 68 3.3. Results and discussion V-shaped flame at TW = 1074 K and rCO/H2 = 7 The explosive mode analysis was first tested on the steady V-shaped vigorously burning flame at TW = 1074 K and rCO/H2 = 7. For a premixed hydrogen/air flame, Lu et al. [72] found that an explosive mode exists only in the preheat zone, involving mainly the thermal runaway, while radicals (the most important being H) played only a secondary role. Radical explosion became important for auto-ignition. Figure 3.19: Distribution of the log10 of the real part of the explosive mode eigenvalue for (a) a V-shaped flame at TW = 1074 K and (b) a weak flame at TW = 1034 K. Figure 3.19(a) shows the explosive region for the flame of Fig. 3.16(a), while Table 3.3 summarizes the results of the CSP analysis. Two regions with different behavior could be distinguished at the flame anchoring points (point A) and the preheat zone (point B) in Fig. 3.19(a). The peak in the positive real part of the explosive mode was located at the flame anchoring region where radical formation played a dominant role. CSP indicated that at the flame anchoring points the radicals H, O and OH had major contri- 69 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion butions to the explosive behavior, while the temperature pointer was one order of magnitude smaller. The preheat zone was dominated by thermal runaway, with temperature being the most important variable followed by O, H and OH. TW [K] 1074 Point A λexp r 178.67 x, y [mm] 4.2, 0 1074 B 7.17 72.8, 3.5 Q 0.373 H 0.345 O 0.149 OH 0.083 T 0.642 T 0.084 O 0.040 H 0.035 OH P -0.656 LT -0.113 LH 0.033 R1 0.023 R2 -0.270 CT -0.087 R9 0.124 R25 0.124 LT Table 3.3: Real part of the eigenvalue of the most explosive mode in nondimensional units (λexp r ), together with the CSP pointers (Q) and participation indices (P ) for selected points of the flame shown in Fig. 3.19(a). L, C and R stand respectively for the diffusive, convective and reactive part in the right hand side of the governing equations for temperature and species (Eq. (2.5) and Eq. (2.7). The subscripts of the diffusive and convective terms refer either to a species or to temperature while for the reactive term they refer to the reaction number according to [104]: R1 : H + O2 = O + OH, R2 : O + H2 = H + OH, R9 : H + O2 (+M) = HO2 (+M) and R25 : CO + OH = CO2 + H. The two zones displayed very different characteristics in terms of the participation indices. At the anchoring points, the diffusive processes, especially of temperature (heat losses) and H radical, had a negative impact since they opposed the radical build up process, while chain branching reactions involving H, O and OH radicals were the major positive contributors. In the preheat zone, the advective term of the energy equation together with reaction R9 (which consumed the very reactive H radical in favor of 70 3.3. Results and discussion the more stable HO2 ) had a negative contribution, while diffusion of heat and the strongly exothermic reaction R25 (see Table 3.3) had a positive contribution. The contributions identified with the participation indices are in agreement with those reported in [71]. At the preheat zone boundary, a second explosive mode was found on the burned side, which was slower than the one dominating the preheat region; however at the boundary it grew and formed a complex conjugate pair with the first explosive mode. Within a narrow region, the real part of the complex conjugate eigenvalues decreased and became negative, suppressing the explosive behavior (as also observed in [71]). Analysis of the weak flame at TW = 1034 K and rCO/H2 = 7 The explosive region of the weak flame at TW = 1034 K (Fig. 3.15) is reported in Fig. 3.19(b), while the main results of the CSP analysis are summarized in Table 3.4. At point A, the same characteristics as for the anchoring point of the V-shaped flame were found. The positive real part of the eigenvalues peaked in this region, which was dominated by radical explosion with chain branching reactions having a positive contribution, and diffusive processes of temperature and H radical having a negative one. The behavior was more sensitive to the heat conduction and less sensitive to the H radical diffusion compared to that of the V-shaped flame (compare Tables 3.3 and 3.4). The chain branching reaction R11 also appears in Table 3.4, although its positive contribution was quite small. This reaction was also identified in [71] as having a positive contribution to the explosive mode. 71 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion TW (K) 1034 Point A λexp r 184.52 x, y [mm] 4.2, 0 Q 0.429 H 0.394 O 0.164 OH 0.009 T 1034 B 2.86 47.6, 0 0.686 T 0.033 O 0.014 OH 0.011 H P -0.79 LT -0.05 LH 0.036 R1 0.019 R2 0.012 R11 -0.015 LH2 -0.005 R9 0.956 LT 0.004 R25 Table 3.4: Real part of the eigenvalue of the most explosive mode in nondimensional units (λexp r ), together with the CSP pointers (Q) and participation indices (P ) for selected points of the flame shown in Fig. 3.19(b). L, C and R stand respectively for the diffusive, convective and reactive part of the right hand side of the governing equations for temperature and species (Eq. (2.5) and Eq. (2.7). The subscripts of the diffusive and convective terms refer either to a species or to temperature while for the reactive term they refer to the reaction number according to [104]: R1 : H + O2 = O + OH, R2 : O + H2 = H + OH, R11 : HO2 + H = OH + OH, R9 : H + O2 (+M) = HO2 (+M) and R25 : CO + OH = CO2 + H. At point B (Fig. 3.19(b)), located farther downstream on the wall, temperature played the most important role. Participation indices provided a possible explanation for the weak reactivity of this combustion mode. The main positive contribution to the explosive mode was due to heat transfer from the wall (Table 3.4), while the heat-releasing reaction R25 had a participation index two orders of magnitude smaller than in the preheat zone of the V-shaped flame (Tables 3.3 and 3.4). The diffusive term in the H2 equation had the main negative contribution. The picture emerging from the participation indices suggests that the explosive mode could no longer be sustained by the exothermicity of R25 , and reactions could only take place close to the hot walls supplying heat to the gas by conduction. Diffusion of 72 3.3. Results and discussion H2 opposed the explosive mode, and this was attributed to the competition for the OH radical between reactions R3 : H2 + OH = H2 O + H, and R25 : CO + OH = CO2 + H, the most important reactions for the consumption of H2 and CO (see Figs. 3.20(a) and 3.20(b)). Figure 3.20: Reaction rate (RR) of the two most important reactions for the depletion of (a) H2 and (b) CO, averaged over the channel height. (c) Product of the kinetic constants of reactions R3 (solid line) and R25 (dashed line) with the inflow concentrations of H2 and CO respectively, as a function of temperature. The chemical reactions are numbered according to [104]: R2 : O + H2 = H + OH, R3 : H2 + OH = H2 O + H, R22 : CO + O (+ M) = CO2 (+ M), R25 : CO + OH = CO2 + H. 73 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion The product of the R3 and R25 kinetic constants with the respective inflow concentrations of H2 and CO plotted in Fig. 3.20(c) as a function of temperature indicated that, close to the wall temperature TW where weak flames were observed, the two curves crossed, and the rate of the heat releasing reaction R25 was overtaken by the chain propagating reaction consuming hydrogen. This could also explain why at higher H2 concentration, i.e. rCO/H2 ≤ 5, the weak combustion mode was not observed since the crossing point appears at a much lower temperature and H2 chemistry always dominates within the investigated TW range. On the other side, for higher CO concentrations the intersection shifts to higher temperatures and CO chemistry dominates, extending the range where weak combustion can be observed (Fig. 3.17). In the neighborhood of the crossing points, chaotic ignition spots were observed, which were suppressed either at high H2 or high CO concentrations. For the weak flame no pair of complex conjugate eigenvalues were found at the boundary of the explosive region, suggesting that this kind of behavior was typical of ignited cases like the V-shaped flame where combustion was self sustained. 3.3.5 Experimental results with fast OH-LIF A recent experimental campaign investigated lean premixed syngas/air combustion in a 7 mm height channel by adopting the fast OH-LIF technique. Parametric studies were performed by varying the wall temperature, the total equivalence ratio, and the CO:H2 ratio. The main objective was to 74 3.3. Results and discussion assess the capability of the numerical code in reproducing the different combustion modes, especially the dynamic ones which could not be compared against the OH* chemiluminescence images for the reasons explained in Section 3.3.2. Experimental flames were compared against 2-D transient simulations. The syngas flame modes were also mapped over the studied parameter range and the impact of CO:H2 ratio on flame stability was investigated. The numerical setup is the one described in Section 3.2 while the experimental setup will be described in Sections and Results follow in Section Channel reactor The test rig and OH-LIF setup are depicted in Fig. 3.21. The rectangular reactor comprised two 9-mm-thick horizontal Si[SiC] ceramic plates (300 mm long (-x), 104 mm wide (-z) and placed 7 mm apart (-y)), and two 3-mm-thick vertical quartz windows. Wall temperatures were measured by S-type thermocouples, embedded 0.9 mm beneath the inner Si[SiC] channel surfaces by eroding 8.1 mm deep and 1 mm diameter holes from the outer Si[SiC] surfaces. Twenty-two thermocouples per plate were used, arranged in five axial rows, z = 0, ± 22.5 and ± 45 mm, with z = 0 denoting the x-y symmetry plane (Fig. 3.21(a)). To control the wall temperature, a combined heating/cooling arrangement was employed. The front vertical Si[SiC] faces were in contact to a water-cooled metal frame (see Fig. 3.21(b)) so as to moderate the reactor entry temperatures and mitigate flame flashback of the highly reactive hydrogen-containing mixtures. On the other hand, two 75 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion (a) 00000000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00000000000 x y z 0000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0y 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 z 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (b) O2,N2 TCB TCA 0 0 0 Thermocouples(TC) 0 0 0 00 00 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Heater Static 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0coils 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 000 mixers 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000 y 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grids 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0300 00000000000000000000000000000000 x 00 00 00 00 00 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 H2, CO Cooling water Figure 3.21: (a) Test rig with OH-LIF setup, (b) reactor detail. All distances in mm. resistive heater coils were placed above the Si[SiC] plates over the length 100 < x < 300 mm (with x = 0 denoting the start of the channel reactor) to counteract external heat losses. By adjusting the coil power, ramped axial wall temperature profiles with varying magnitudes could be achieved. The reactor was mounted inside a cylindrical steel-tank that controlled the pressure; the present studies were conducted at atmospheric pressure. Two 350-mm-long and 35-mm-thick quartz windows at both sides of the 76 3.3. Results and discussion tank allowed for optical access in the reactor (Fig. 3.21(a)), while two additional quartz windows at the rear tank flange and the reactor exhaust, respectively, facilitated streamwise optical access for the LIF excitation beam. H2 , CO, O2 and N2 were supplied by pressurized gas bottles and their flows were controlled by four dedicated Brooks mass-flow meters; the O2 /N2 composition was that of air. The gases flowed through two sequential static mixers and then through a rectangular flow-straightening section that had the same cross section as the reactor (104 x 7 mm2 ) and was equipped with cross-flow grids to provide uniform flow at the reactor entry (Fig. 3.21(b)). The inlet temperature at the reactor entry was monitored by a sheathed S-type thermocouple (TCA in Fig. 3.21(b)), the gas temperature after the static mixers by another sheathed K-thermocouple (TCB ) and, finally, the upper wall temperatures along the flow-straightening section by three Ktype thermocouples located at x = -42, -62, and –94 mm. Laser diagnostics The 526.5 nm second harmonic of a high-repetition rate pulsed Nd:YLF laser (Quantronix Darwin-Duo 527-80-M, pulse duration 120 ns, repetition rate up to 10 kHz) pumped a Radiant-Dyes Narrow Scan High-Rep laser using Rhodamine 6G dye. The output radiation was frequency-doubled to generate the 285 nm excitation beam, which had a low pulse energy (∼0.5 mJ) to avoid saturation of the A(ν 0 = 1) ← X (ν 00 = 0) OH transition. Repetition rates of 750 Hz and 1000 Hz were used, sufficient to temporally resolve the observed flame dynamics. A diverging cylindrical lens (f = -100 77 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion mm) and a converging spherical lens (f = 600 mm) transformed the 285 nm beam into vertical light sheet that propagated counterflow along the z = 0 symmetry plane (Fig. 3.21(a)). Counterflow propagation offset from the symmetry plane, in the range -30 < z < 30 mm, was also possible. A fast CMOS camera (LaVision HighSpeedStar6 with 1024 x 1024 pixels, 1024 x 512 used) with an image intensifier (HighSpeedIRO) recorded the OH fluorescence from both (1-1) and (0-0) transitions (308 and 314 nm, respectively) at 90◦ through the reactor and tank side-windows. Channel areas of 100 x 7 mm2 were recorded onto a 1024 x 74 pixel area of the CMOS chip. Over the 100 mm recorded length, the light sheet thickness varied from 0.3 to 0.4 mm. The camera was traversed axially to the particular position of each investigated flame, while at each position a movie consisting of 400 to 2000 images was recorded. Results and discussion Experiments were conducted at three lean equivalence ratios (ϕ = 0.25, 0.30 and 0.42, based on both fuels) and CO:H2 volumetric ratios from 1:1 to 20:1. Experiments at the highest ϕ = 0.42 were not possible for CO:H2 < 3:1, due to flame flashback, while CO:H2 = 1:1 was achievable only for the lowest ϕ = 0.25. Wall temperatures, controlled by adjusting the heating coil powers, ranged from 550 to 1320 K and inlet velocities changed modestly from 1.54 to 1.96 m/s. Surface temperatures measured by the central thermocouples (z = 0) differed by as much as 16 K from the corresponding off-center values (z = ± 22.5, ± 45 mm). All observed combustion modes are summarized in 78 3.3. Results and discussion CO:H2 volumetric ratio 20 10 8 6 4 2 os cillatory mode s s ta tio na ry mode s 1 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Average wall temperature [K] Figure 3.22: Experimentally-deduced stability maps. Circles: stationary modes, triangles: oscillatory modes. Filled symbols: modes with nearly symmetric shapes, open symbols: asymmetric modes. Red symbols: ϕ = 0.42, blue symbols: ϕ = 0.30, green symbols: ϕ = 0.25. Dashed lines demarcate regions of stationary (right) and oscillatory (left) modes, for each investigated ϕ. Fig. 3.22, parameterized in terms of the equivalence ratio, CO:H2 ratio, and wall temperature, where the latter was the average value of the upper-wall and lower-wall thermocouples along z = 0. Obviously, the non-uniform wall temperatures in each experimental case did not always render the mean temperature as a meaningful parameter for the discussion of the ensuing dynamics. Nonetheless, Fig. 3.22 identified stationary combustion modes at the higher temperatures and higher CO:H2 ratios and oscillatory modes at lower temperatures and lower CO:H2 ratios. Detailed description of the observed modes is provided next. 79 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion Figure 3.23: Stationary V-shaped flames: (a) ϕ = 0.42, CO:H2 = 3:1, UIN = 1.71 m/s, TIN = 335 K, (b) ϕ = 0.30, CO:H2 = 7:1, UIN = 1.70 m/s, TIN = 324 K. (a1, b1) measured (symbols) and fitted (lines) streamwise wall temperature profiles, (a2, b2) OH-LIF images, (a3, b3) simulations (color bars: predicted OH in ppm-mass). Arrows marked xig denote ignition positions. Steady V-shaped flames At the higher wall temperatures and higher CO:H2 ratios, stationary Vshaped flames were formed (filled circles in Fig. 3.22). Figure 3.23 provides LIF-measured and predicted OH maps, as well as streamwise profiles of upper-wall and lower-wall temperatures at z = 0, for two selected cases. The flames were modestly asymmetric, due to small temperature differences between the walls (typically by as much as 25 K), but they always formed two connected branches extending to the walls. The agreement between 80 3.3. Results and discussion measurements and predictions in Fig. 3.23 was particularly good in terms of flame shapes and ignition positions (the latter, indicated by arrows marked xig , were defined as the far-upstream positions whereby OH rose to 5% of its maximum value in the channel). Ignition for both cases in Fig. 3.23 occurred at the slightly hotter lower wall, close to the entry in Fig. 3.23(a3) and at the reactor rear in Fig. 3.23(b3) (xig ≈ 4 and 174 mm, respectively). Steady asymmetric flames Stationary asymmetric flames (open circles in Fig. 3.22) are reported in Fig. 3.24. OH-LIF images and predictions in Fig. 3.24(a2, a3) indicated formation of a “lower asymmetric flame”. Asymmetric flames exhibited a single flame branch extending from the upper to the lower wall and should not be confused to the V-shaped flames with modest asymmetry shown in Fig. 3.23. To clarify this issue, additional simulations were performed with a steady elliptic code (code details have been provided elsewhere [25, 61]), which can also find the unstable solutions. In Fig. 3.24(a4) a V-shaped flame and in Fig. 3.24(a5) an “upper asymmetric flame” were obtained with the steady code (in addition to the lower asymmetric flame, which is not shown), depending on the starting guess. We have shown in earlier works [91,92] that steady asymmetric flames stem from bifurcations of V-shaped steady flames, such that Fig. 3.24(a4) was indeed an unstable solution. While both lower and upper asymmetric flame solutions have been numerically shown to occur over the same parameter 81 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion Figure 3.24: Stationary asymmetric flames: (a) ϕ = 0.42, CO:H2 = 3:1, UIN = 1.69 m/s, TIN = 334 K, (b) ϕ = 0.30, CO:H2 = 15:1, UIN = 1.70m/s, TIN = 340 K. (a1, b1) measured (symbols) and fitted (lines) streamwise wall temperature profiles, (a2, b2) OH-LIF images, (a3, b3) simulations (color bars: predicted OH in ppm-mass). Images (a4, a5) provide additional solutions with a steady solver. Arrows marked xig denote ignition positions. space in channels with symmetric wall boundary conditions (same wall temperatures) [91, 92], it is not clear whether the upper asymmetric solution in Fig. 3.24(a5) is realizable. The unequal wall temperatures in the experiment may render the upper asymmetric solution unstable, or may require significant external perturbations to transit from the lower to the upper 82 3.3. Results and discussion asymmetric solution. Stability of the obtained solutions could only be assessed with the transient code; however, when using as initial condition for the transient simulations the upper-asymmetric solution from the steady code in Fig. 3.24(a5), the flame reverted to the lower-asymmetric solution in Fig. 3.24(a3). Hence it appears that the only stable solution is the lower asymmetric in Fig. 3.24(a2, a3). Figure 3.24(a2, a3) (lower asymmetric flame) and Fig. 3.24(b2, b3) (upper asymmetric flame) indicate again very good agreement between OH-LIF measurements and predictions. Ignition positions (xig ) were well-captured by the model both for the upstream-igniting flame in Fig. 3.24(a2, a3) and the downstream-igniting flame in Fig. 3.24(b2, b3). Oscillatory flames Theoretical analysis based on a simpler thermodiffusive model has demonstrated that a decrease in wall temperature promoted oscillatory combustion modes in channels [94]. In the present experiment, various types of oscillatory modes were also observed at the lower range of wall temperatures and predominantly at the lower CO:H2 ratios (triangles in Fig. 3.22). The measured oscillatory flame dynamics were the same, irrespective of the LIF light-sheet lateral position (-30 < z < 30 mm). Finally, most oscillatory modes involved asymmetric flame propagation (open triangles in Fig. 3.22) while nearly symmetric flame propagation was attained in very few cases (solid triangles in Fig. 3.22). Figure 3.25(a1-a4) depicts OH-LIF images at four times during the os83 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion (a1) (b1) (a2) (b2) (a3) (b3) (a4) (b4) 50 70 90 110 x [mm] 130 150 20 0 2000 40 60 80 x [mm] 100 120 Figure 3.25: Oscillatory flame, ϕ =0.42, CO:H2 = 7:1, UIN = 1.66 m/s, TIN = 338 K. (a1-a4) OH-LIF images at times 0, 28, 46, and 78 ms, respectively, (b1-b4) predicted OH (color bar: OH in ppm-mass) for constant TW = 969 K and same inlet properties, at times 0, 16, 26, and 41 ms, respectively. Figure 3.26: Measured wall temperature profiles for the oscillatory flames of: (a) Fig. 3.25, (b) Fig. 3.28. cillatory period of a flame with ϕ = 0.42, CO:H2 = 7:1, UIN = 1.66 m/s and TIN = 338 K. The measured wall temperature profiles are provided in Fig. 3.26(a); during the flame oscillations, no change occurred in the wall temperatures due to the large thermal inertia of the 9-mm-thick Si[SiC] plates. While the numerical model accurately captured the foregoing stationary combustion modes, the oscillatory modes proved very sensitive to the specific boundary conditions. This may not be surprising, as oscillatory flames have been known to be sensitive to gas radiation losses [109] (not con84 3.3. Results and discussion sidered in the model), to specific kinetic rates (discussed in CSTR syngas simulations [81]) that might not be accurately reproduced by the reaction mechanism, and possibly to 3-D effects. Moreover, the experiments could be subject to small external perturbations, which could trigger the oscillatory modes and which could not be included in the model. Nonetheless, qualitative agreement between measurements and simulations was obtained at somewhat different operating conditions. Simulations using the measured temperature profiles in Fig. 3.26(a) did not yield an oscillatory flame but an asymmetric one; this was also the case when using axial wall temperature profiles acquired by the offset-inz thermocouples (Fig. 3.21(a)). However, simulations at a constant wall temperature TW = 969 K (all other conditions being the same) shown in Fig. 3.25(b1-b4) compared very favorably against the experiments. Measurements and predictions in Fig. 3.25 pertained to slightly different domain lengths (50-150 mm and 20-120 mm, respectively). The simulations correctly reproduced all flame structures and propagation stages in Fig. 3.25: (a1-b1) ignition at the lower wall with the ignited flame of the previous cycle (visible downstream) being blown out of the domain; (a2-b2) establishment of a lower asymmetric flame; (a3-b3) shrinkage of the asymmetric flame towards a more symmetric structure; (a4-b4) ignition of a new flame on the opposite, upper wall. The process repeated itself in a periodic way. Times histories of integrated predicted OH mass fraction and the integrated OH-LIF signal (Fig. 3.27) indicated periodic solutions. The calculated oscillation frequencies were 22 Hz and 10.5 Hz for the simulation and experiment, 85 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion OH (a.u.) OHx10-3 respectively. 8 (a) 4 0 12 8 (b) 4 0 0.0 0.1 Tim e (s ) 0.3 0.4 Figure 3.27: Time series of integrated OH in the domains of Fig. 3.25: (a) predictions, (b) OH-LIF. Figure 3.28: Oscillatory flame, ϕ =0.42, CO:H2 = 7:1, UIN = 1.60 m/s, TIN = 326 K. (a1-a4) OH-LIF images at times 0, 92, 210, and 318 ms, respectively, (b1-b4) predicted OH (color bar: ppm-mass) for constant TW = 964 K and same inlet properties, at times 0, 53, 116, and 169 ms, respectively. Another oscillatory flame, exhibiting very broad axial flame movement, is illustrated in Fig. 3.28. The experimental conditions were ϕ = 0.42, CO:H2 = 7:1, UIN = 1.60 m/s and TIN = 326 K, while the measured wall temperature profiles are shown in Fig. 3.26(b). Simulations of a flame with similar behavior are shown in Fig. 3.28(b1-b4), obtained for a case with the 86 3.4. Conclusions same inlet conditions but a constant wall temperature TW = 964 K. The flame ignited at the end of the channel and either an upper-asymmetric flame (Fig. 3.28(a1, b1) and Fig. 3.28(a2, b2)), or a lower-asymmetric flame (Fig. 3.28(a3, b3) and Fig. 3.28(a4, b4)) propagated upstream. Reverting between upper- and lower-asymmetric flame propagation was perfectly repeatable in both experiments and predictions. This mode resembled oscillatory ignition/extinction, as the downstream flame propagation could reach the channel outlet in certain cases. Deduced oscillation frequencies from the OH time histories were 8 Hz and 4 Hz for the simulation and experiment, respectively. 3.4 Conclusions Premixed combustion of CO/H2 /air mixtures in a 7 mm height channel with chemically inert walls was studied numerically. The predictive capability of the computational tool was validated against OH* chemiluminescence measurements under conditions at which steady flames were obtained. Experiments further detected dynamic phenomena for a mixture composition characterized by ϕ = 0.42 and CO to H2 molar ratio rCO/H2 = 7, which was adopted as the starting point for a parametric numerical study to map the combustion modes as a function of TW and rCO/H2 . For ϕ = 0.42 and rCO/H2 = 7, four combustion modes were identified with increasing wall temperature: (i) no ignition (ii) dynamic modes, including oscillatory ignition with periodic behavior and random strongly 87 3. Flame dynamics in lean CO/H2 /air combustion burning ignition spots alternating with periods of weak combustion, (iii) weakly burning steady flames, and finally (iv) vigorously burning steady V-shaped flames. By increasing TW within the oscillatory ignition regime, the frequency of the ignition events increased exponentially. Above TW = 1004 K another dynamic mode appeared which has not been previously reported in the literature. It is characterized by ignition spots appearing at apparently random locations and time instants close to the walls and evolving into strongly burning flames. Periods of intense burning alternated with periods of weak combustion. As the wall temperature exceeded TW = 1008 K, combustion became steady and two stationary modes were observed: (i) weak combustion characterized by low chemical activity confined close to the walls, maximum temperature barely exceeding the wall temperature and incomplete fuel conversion for 1010 K ≤ TW ≤ 1034 K, and (ii) a V-shaped premixed flame at higher wall temperatures. The weak flame regime reported here differs from the one of previous studies [92, 96] where it was only observed at very low inflow velocities and was mainly driven by flame/wall interactions. In the present case it appears to be mainly kinetically driven. The Computational Singular Perturbation (CSP) technique was employed to gain insight into the physicochemical processes responsible for the weak combustion mode. The rates of the two main reactions responsible for depleting the fuel, respectively H2 + OH = H2 O + H and CO + OH = CO2 + H, crossed at a temperature close to the range of the weak 88 3.4. Conclusions combustion mode. CSP results provided evidence that a plausible reason for weak combustion was the competition for the OH radical between the two reactions. Variation of the rCO/H2 ratio within the range 1 ≤ rCO/H2 ≤ 20 showed that at high CO concentrations the weak combustion mode range extended over a wider TW range, while the dynamic modes disappeared. At high H2 concentrations the weak mode vanished and the oscillatory mode extended over a wider TW range, but the chaotic mode with random ignition spots was suppressed. Finally, the fast OH-LIF technique was adopted in a recent experimental campaign whose main target was to assess the predictive capability of the numerical code in reproducing dynamic modes. The numerical results compared favorably to steady experimental flames under the same operating conditions, while dynamic modes were correctly predicted by imposing a constant wall temperature profile instead of the measured one. Possible reasons for the discrepancy might be some approximations used in the numerical code like the absence of radiative heat losses, the adequacy of the detailed reaction mechanism in reproducing correctly specific kinetic rates under the given conditions, and possibly 3-D effects, phenomena to which the oscillatory modes have been shown to be very sensitive. 89 Chapter 4 Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels 1 4.1 Review on numerical models for catalytic combustion The development of advanced numerical catalytic combustion models poses severe challenges due to the different physicochemical processes with disparate spatio-/temporal scales: surface and gas-phase chemistry, convective and diffusive heat and mass transport within the bulk flow (interphase transport), intraphase transport within the catalyst washcoat, heat conduction in the channel wall and radiative heat transfer. The corresponding time scales range from fractions of milliseconds (surface and gaseous chemical times) to 1 The content of the present chapter is published in “A. Brambilla, C. E. Frouzakis, J. Mantzaras, A. Tomboulides, S. Kerkemeier, K. Boulouchos. Detailed transient numerical simulation of H2 /air hetero-/homogeneous combustion in platinum-coated channels with conjugate heat transfer, Combust. Flame, doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2014.04.003, in press”. 91 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels seconds (solid axial heat conduction time). Steady and transient models are required for the description of an individual catalytic channel during steady operation and light-off, respectively. Furthermore, a spatial dimensionality of at least two is necessary to correctly describe interphase transport and particularly homogeneous combustion. The reason is that gaseous combustion, which is in many cases detrimental to the catalyst integrity and hence of interest for safety reasons, is largely controlled by the reactant species and temperature boundary layer profiles [110, 111]. Homogeneous combustion is often neglected in catalytic combustion modeling even though its influence, especially on steady-state combustion characteristics and at elevated pressures, may be significant [16, 112, 113]. Flow laminarization induced by the intense heating from the catalytic surfaces renders laminar modeling appropriate at inlet Reynolds numbers where an isothermal flow would have otherwise transitioned to turbulence [114]. Three-dimensional effects do play a role in commercial straight-channel honeycomb reactors [115,116] despite the rounding of the channel corners during coating [117] that in turn suppresses strong secondary flows. One-dimensional channel flow models with lumped heat/mass interphase transport coefficients and simplified chemistry have been extensively used in the past (e.g. [118–121]). The models are appealing for their simplicity, however unique lumped heat and mass transport coefficients (Nusselt and Sherwood numbers) for developing channel flows relevant to practical catalytic combustion systems are not warranted in the presence of hetero/homogeneous chemistry [120,122]. A further simplification in 1-D channel- 92 4.1. Review on numerical models for catalytic combustion flow models is the classical plug-flow reactor model, which is valid either for very low or very high Reynolds numbers [123]. Two-dimensional models reproduce realistically the fluid mechanical transport and, when coupled with detailed hetero-/homogeneous chemistry, provide a powerful tool for both reactor design and fundamental research. For moderate to high Reynolds numbers, the boundary-layer models provide accurate results at an affordable computational cost [123]. Elliptic (full Navier-Stokes) 2-D models with detailed hetero-/homogeneous chemistry [19, 60, 62, 105, 114, 123–130] have become common research tools for steady simulations, but to the best of the author’s knowledge research codes based on such detailed models have not been applied in transient simulations. Transient catalytic channel simulations with detailed chemistry were reported in [131] using a commercial CFD software although this study did not address topics like light-off, gas-phase ignition and hetero/homogeneous chemistry coupling. Given the long characteristic solid wall heat-up time compared to the chemical, convective and diffusive time scales of a catalytic reactor, the quasisteady-state (QSS) assumption for the gas-phase and surface chemistry is often invoked. It is nonetheless understood that the QSS assumption may not hold at all spatial locations and/or all times during transient reactor operation [112, 132]. Two-dimensional transient CFD models for a single channel invoking the QSS approximation and using one-step surface chemistry were reported in [132–134]. Recently, a QSS transient 2-D channel model including detailed surface and gas-phase kinetics, heat conduction 93 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels in the solid wall and surface radiation heat transfer, was able to reproduce ignition and extinction experiments in catalytic partial oxidation (CPO) of methane over a rhodium-coated reactor [135]; the same code was further applied to study the light-off and hetero-/homogeneous combustion of syngas mixtures over platinum [136] and of lean methane/air mixtures in Ptcoated microreactors [112]. The quasisteady-state approximation imposes in many cases a 1-D discretization of the solid wall [112,135], otherwise the transverse heat conduction in the solid wall would become faster than the gas-phase equilibration process and thus invalidate the QSS approximation. Fully transient 2-D models with inclusion of intraphase washcoat diffusion but simplified catalytic chemistry were presented in [137]. Fundamental studies have also been carried out using transient codes with detailed chemistry for 1-D stagnation flows (SF) [138,139], which are characterized by an affordable computational cost, although the SF geometry is not particularly relevant to practical systems. The present study undertakes a fully transient (without invoking the quasiteady-state assumption) 2-D numerical study of fuel-lean hydrogen/air hetero-/homogeneous combustion in a planar mesoscale (2 mm height) Ptcoated channel, using detailed gas-phase and catalytic chemistry, along with 2-D heat conduction in the solid wall. Fast processes such as light-off, homogeneous ignition and hetero-/homogeneous combustion interactions during dynamic operation, with time scales ranging from fractions of milliseconds to a few milliseconds, were studied for the first time given the model’s capability to resolve all relevant time scales. The code was further used to assess 94 4.2. Computational domain, boundary conditions and chemistry the regimes of validity for the QSS assumption by comparing the present predictions with those of the QSS code used in [135, 136]. Implications of such comparisons are important by providing guidelines for proper use of the simpler QSS models. The chapter is organized as follows. The computational domain, boundary conditions and chemical reaction mechanisms are presented in Section 4.2 while the results follow in Section 4.3. In Section 4.3.1, the Computational Singular Perturbation method is applied to a transient surface perfectly stirred reactor (SPSR) in order to discuss the stiffness of the surface reaction mechanism. Section 4.3.2 presents the results of 2-D transient simulations. The physics of light-off, wall heat-up and gas-phase ignition are discussed in Section to, while the comparison between fully transient and QSS predictions is elaborated in Section 4.2 Computational domain, boundary conditions and chemistry The gas-phase computational domain was a 2-D channel of height h = 2 mm and length L = 10 mm (see Fig. 4.1). Symmetry was not invoked in order to allow for potential asymmetric flame structures, as reported in previous studies [17, 18]. At the inflow, uniform velocity profile, constant inlet temperature and flux boundary conditions for the species (Eq. (3.1)) were specified. The first 1 mm channel length was considered chemically inert (non-catalytic) while the remaining Lc = 9 mm were coated with Pt. 95 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels A similar configuration of the channel walls was adopted in [112] and [140] to avoid numerical complications associated with the catalyst leading edge coinciding with the inlet boundary. Along the inert part of the channel walls, no slip for both velocity components and zero flux for all species (i.e. chemically inert walls) were applied. Along the Pt-coated part of the channel walls the normal component of the fluid velocity was set equal to the Stefan velocity (Eq. (2.23)) while the tangential component was set equal to zero. The flux boundary conditions of Eq. (2.22) were applied for gas-phase species. At the outlet, zero Neumann boundary conditions were imposed. The inlet pressure was in all cases atmospheric. L = 10 mm s s cs s= 25 m Figure 4.1: Schematic of the computational domain. The solid walls had a thickness of δs = 25 µm and the materials employed were either cordierite (ceramic) or FeCr-alloy (metallic), with their respective properties summarized in Table 4.1 [141]. The outer horizontal channel walls were treated as adiabatic because of the presence of nearby identical channels in a honeycomb reactor. The vertical front solid wall faces towards the inlet and the outlet were also adiabatic (see Fig 4.1). The 96 4.2. Computational domain, boundary conditions and chemistry catalyst has been treated as an extremely thin layer deposited on the solid wall with the catalytically active area equal to the geometric area. Thus, internal mass transfer limitation has not been considered. Material cordierite FeCr-alloy λs [W/mK] 2 16 ρs [kg/m3 ] 2600 7200 cs [J/kgK] 1464 615 ρs cs [kJ/kgK] 3806 4428 Table 4.1: Properties for cordierite and FeCr-alloy materials. The fluid domain was discretized with 50 equally-spaced elements in the streamwise direction (x) and 20 elements in the transverse direction (y), the latter refined towards the wall to resolve strong gradients at the gas-solid catalytic interface. The solid walls were discretized such that at the gas-solid interface the elements had the same size as the corresponding elements on the fluid side. In total, 50 elements in the streamwise direction and 2 elements in the transverse direction were used for each wall. Thus, the element size in the x-direction was uniform and equal to 0.2 mm while in the y-direction it was varying from 0.2 mm at the channel axis to 0.01 mm at the wall/fluid interface. Ninth-order interpolating polynomials per spatial direction and element were employed. Grid-independence of the solution was checked by varying the polynomial order. Due to the high stiffness of the surface reaction mechanism, as will be discussed in Section 4.3.1, the integration time step was 4 ns; it was further reduced down to 1 ns during fast transient events like light-off and gas-phase ignition. The oxidation of hydrogen on Pt was described by the detailed (mean- 97 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels field) scheme of Deutschmann et al. [126] with 14 elementary reactions, 6 gas-phase species and 5 surface species. The surface site density was Γ =2.7x10−9 mol/cm2 . The elementary gas-phase scheme of Li et al. [142] was employed, which comprised 21 reversible reactions and 8 gaseous species with accompanying gas-phase thermodynamic data. The capacity of this scheme to reproduce measured gas-phase ignition characteristics under both fuel-lean and fuel-rich H2 /air hetero-/homogeneous combustion has been demonstrated in [64, 143]. Thermodynamic properties and reaction rates were evaluated using CHEMKIN [47, 57], while transport properties were computed using CHEMKIN’s transport library [45]. In the following, non-dimensional quantities will be reported in terms of inlet velocity and composition, a reference temperature of 650 K and a reference length equal to the channel height. 4.3 Results and discussion The first part of the present section is dedicated to an analysis of the hetero/homogeneous chemical reactions by using the Computational Singular Perturbation (CSP) method [67, 68]. To the best of the author’s knowledge CSP analysis has never been applied before on catalytic chemistry. The different modes and the corresponding time scales were identified with an in-house transient surface perfectly stirred reactor (SPSR) code based on CHEMKIN [47, 57], and the key issue of numerical stiffness is further discussed. The second and main part of this section is devoted to the results of 98 4.3. Results and discussion the fully transient detailed numerical simulations of a 2-D catalytic channel. The physicochemical processes governing the start-up of a catalytic channel are discussed in detail and fully transient numerical results are compared with those of a code relying on the quasi-steady state assumption. 4.3.1 CSP analysis of a transient SPSR CSP analysis was initially performed on a transient SPSR. The operating conditions were representative of those used for the detailed numerical simulations presented later, although a 2-D catalytic channel cannot obviously be reduced to a 0-D SPSR. Lean hydrogen/air mixtures with equivalence ratio ϕ = 0.3, inlet temperature (and initial temperature) TIN = 650 K and atmospheric pressure were investigated. The catalytic surface-to-volume ratio of the SPSR was A/V = 9 cm−1 , same as that of the 2-D channel with h = 2 mm and L = 10 mm (1 mm inert, 9 mm Pt coated, see Fig. 4.1). The SPSR residence time was τ = 10−3 s, which was equal to the flow residence time in the 2-D channel of length L = 10 mm based on an inflow velocity UIN = 10 m/s. The initial SPSR gas-phase composition was equal to the inflow composition and the surface was initially covered only with O(s). The elementary gas-phase mechanism of Li et al. [142] and the detailed surface mechanism of Deutschmann et al. [126] discussed in Section 4.2 were used. Figure 4.2(a) shows the SPSR temperature as a function of time while Fig. 4.2(b) shows the time history of the absolute value of the real part of the eigenvalue associated to the fastest mode, which is indicative of the 99 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels Figure 4.2: Predictions in a transient SPSR with ϕ = 0.3, TIN = 650 K, atmospheric pressure, A/V = 9 cm−1 , τ = 10−3 s. Time history of (a) temperature and (b) absolute value of the real part of the eigenvalue associated to the fastest mode. stiffness of the reaction mechanism. Throughout the simulation the fastest time scale was about 10−12 s, which is comparable to that reported in laminar n-heptane premixed flames [144]. The latter was obtained using the reaction mechanism of Curran et al. [145] with 560 species and 2538 reactions, where the smallest active time scale attained its lowest value 10−12 s in the reaction zone. Table 4.2 reports the results of the CSP analysis for the four fastest modes with an SPSR temperature Tr = 1200 K, a temperature at which both gas-phase and surface chemistry were active. The table clearly shows the presence of three fast time scales associated exclusively to surface species, namely H(s), H2 O(s) and OH(s) according to CSP pointer values Q. The main reactions associated with the three fastest modes according to their participation indices P are adsorption of hydrogen and the reversible reaction between H(s) and O(s) to form OH(s) for the first mode, 100 4.3. Results and discussion and adsorption/desorption of water for the second and third modes. Gasphase species appeared only in the fourth fastest mode, whose time scale was separated by three orders of magnitude from that of the third mode. The other two surface species of the reaction mechanism, i.e. Pt(s) and O(s), became important in the sixth fastest mode (not reported in Table 4.2), whose eigenvalue had a real part of -8.3x105 . Throughout the entire simulation, the surface species H(s) had a CSP pointer very close to unity for the fastest mode, apart from the short time period between 1.1x10−5 s and 1.8x10−5 s, which corresponded to the rapid fall of |λr | in Fig. 4.2(b) and it was dominated by O(s) and H2 O(s). λr [s−1 ] -1.13x1012 -2.19x1011 -1.37x109 -2.19x106 Q 9.95x10−1 H(s) 4.59x10−3 OH(s) 9.98x10−1 H2 O(s) 1.50x10−3 OH(s) 9.89x10−1 OH(s) 4.61x10−3 H(s) 7.44x10−1 H 2.51x10−1 OH P -4.84x10−1 H2 +2Pt(s)=>2H(s) 4.60x10−1 H(s)+O(s)=OH(s)+Pt(s) -5.00x10−1 H2 O(s)=>H2 O+Pt(s) 4.69x10−1 H2 O+Pt(s)=>H2 O(s) -3.97x10−1 H2 O(s)=>H2 O+Pt(s) 3.73x10−1 H2 O+Pt(s)=>H2 O(s) 3.19x10−1 H2 +OH=H2 O+H -2.15x10−1 OH(s)=>OH+Pt(s) Table 4.2: CSP analysis performed in a transient SPSR with reactor temperature Tr = 1200 K (see Fig. 4.2). The operating conditions are: lean H2 /air with ϕ = 0.3, TIN = 650 K, A/V = 9 cm−1 , τ = 10−3 s. The first column is the real part of the eigenvalues of the four fastest modes, while the second and third columns are the most important CSP pointers (Q) and participation indices (P ) of each mode, respectively. The initial surface coverage had strong impact on stiffness during the initial time steps. Table 4.3 presents CSP results of the fastest time scale in the SPSR at the second integration time step (t = 2x10−6 s) and for 101 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels different initial surface coverages. The case affected by the highest stiffness was the one with an initial surface coverage of 100 % O(s), while the fastest time scale of the other two cases, 100 % H(s) and 100 % Pt(s), respectively, was about two orders of magnitude slower. By comparing the participation indices for the three different cases, it could be clearly noticed that the fastest process, i.e. the one mainly responsible for the high stiffness of the system, was hydrogen adsorption. θinitial O(s) λr [s−1 ] -1.19x1012 Q 1.00 H(s) H(s) -6.08x1010 1.00 O(s) Pt(s) -5.65x1010 1.00 O(s) P 5.00x10 H2 +2Pt(s)=>2H(s) -5.00x10−1 H(s)+O(s)=OH(s)+Pt(s) -5.00x10−1 H(s)+O(s)=OH(s)+Pt(s) 2.80x10−1 O2 +2Pt(s)=>2O(s) -5.00x10−1 H(s)+O(s)=OH(s)+Pt(s) 2.79x10−1 O2 +2Pt(s)=>2O(s) −1 Table 4.3: CSP analysis of the fastest time scale in a transient SPSR at the second integration time step (2x10−6 s) and for different initial surface coverages. Operating conditions as in Table 4.2. The second column is the real part of the eigenvalues of the four fastest modes, while the third and fourth columns are the most important CSP pointers (Q) and participation indices (P ) of each mode, respectively. In order to study the influence of the heterogeneous reaction mechanism on the resulting stiffness, the foregoing SPSR problem was solved by replacing the detailed surface mechanism of Deutschmann et al. [126] with a one-step surface mechanism based on the early work of Schefer [146]. This one-step reaction mechanism has been used recently in a three-dimensional direct numerical simulation of turbulent channel flow catalytic combustion [147]. The one-step reaction mechanism reduced dramatically the stiffness of the problem and the eigenvalue associated to the fastest time scale 102 4.3. Results and discussion had a real part of -1.26x106 s−1 , i.e. six orders of magnitude slower than the fastest time scale obtained with the detailed mechanism. 4.3.2 Detailed Numerical Simulations In the next sections results of fully transient 2-D detailed numerical simulations are presented and discussed. Simulations were performed under the operating conditions summarized in Table 4.4. Light-off, solid wall heat-up and gas-phase ignition were investigated, the underlying physicochemical processes were identified and CSP analysis was used as diagnostic tool. The validity of the QSS assumption under different operating conditions and its ability to capture key phenomena in catalytic combustion was assessed by comparing the DNS results against those of a QSS code [135, 136]. Case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Material cordierite cordierite cordierite FeCr-alloy FeCr-alloy FeCr-alloy FeCr-alloy ϕ (H2 /air) 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 UIN [m/s] 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 TIN [K] 450 550 650 450 550 650 650 Table 4.4: Numerical conditions. Light-off Transient simulations were started from an initial temperature equal to the inlet temperature (see Table 4.4) for both the fluid and the solid domain. 103 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels The catalytic surface was initially covered with 100% O(s), which is realistic in practical systems when only air flows in the channel before the fuel is injected. Simulations with the transient SPSR at an inlet air composition resulted in a surface O(s) coverage ranging from 100 % to 99.8 % for inlet temperatures between 450 K and 650 K, respectively. In order to facilitate the comparison with the QSS code, at t = 0 s the air was instantaneously replaced with a H2 /air mixture having equivalence ratio ϕ = 0.3 (the QSS code could not simulate the process of hydrogen injection). The physics of the light-off process will be analyzed in detail for one selected case (Case 1 in Table 4.4) and the main differences with the other cases will be subsequently outlined. Figure 4.3 shows the integral over the catalytic surface (Scatalytic ) of the nondimensional rate of progress (iROP ) of the main reactions involved in light-off for Case 1 (cordierite, TIN = 450 K, UIN = 10 m/s), defined as: Z iROPi = qi dS (4.1) Scatalytic with qi being the rate of progress of the ith reaction. The reaction numbering in Fig. 4.3 is identified in the figure caption. The reaction mainly responsible for the delay in light-off was oxygen desorption (R6 ), due to its high activation energy, as it was initially necessary to create free Pt sites where hydrogen could adsorb (R1 ). Once adsorbed, H(s) reacted rapidly 104 4.3. Results and discussion Figure 4.3: Integral over the catalytic surface of the nondimensional rate of progress of the main reactions involved in the light-off of Case 1 in Table 4.4 (cordierite, TIN = 450 K, initial surface coverage 100% O(s)). The reaction numbers on the right refer to the following reactions of Deutschmann’s surface mechanism [126]: R1 : H2 + 2Pt(s) => 2H(s), R6 : 2O(s) => O2 + 2Pt(s), R8 : H2 O + Pt(s) => H2 O(s), R9 : H2 O(s) => H2 O + Pt(s), R12 : H(s) + O(s) = OH(s) + Pt(s), R13 : H(s) + OH(s) = H2 O(s) + Pt(s), R14 : OH(s) + OH(s) = H2 O(s) + O(s). The y-axes are in logarithmic scale. with O(s) to produce OH(s) and free Pt sites according to the reaction: R12 : H(s) + O(s) = OH(s) + Pt(s). This reaction sequence cannot be responsible for runaway because it de- 105 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels pends on the slow oxygen desorption reaction for the creation of new Pt sites and moreover hydrogen adsorption followed by R12 cannot increase the number of free Pt sites: when two Pt sites are taken by dissociative adsorption of hydrogen, the same amount of Pt sites is freed again after completion of reaction R12 . Thermal feedback is also not responsible for the runaway because the nondimensional integral surface heat release rate (iSHRR), Z iSHRR = − Scatalytic X Ng +Ns s˙i hi dS (4.2) i=1 was almost negligible before light-off (see Fig. 4.4(a)) and, given the high heat capacity of the wall, the entire light-off process was almost isothermal (see Fig. 4.4(c)). The mechanism responsible for the catalytic runaway was identified by using CSP analysis. An arbitrary point on the catalytic channel surface was considered and studied in detail before the light-off process had commenced. The results were independent on the location of the chosen point since the conditions before light-off were the same at any position on the catalytic surface. An explosive mode was found, whose corresponding eigenvalue had a positive real part of about 3x105 s−1 . The main species of this mode, identified by the largest CSP pointers, were Pt(s) and OH(s), while the main reactions with a positive participation index were: R1 : H2 + 2Pt(s) => 2H(s) 106 4.3. Results and discussion OH(s) O(s) H2O(s) Pt(s) H(s) Figure 4.4: Light-off for Case 1 in Table 4.4 (cordierite, TIN = 450 K, initial surface coverage 100% O(s)): (a) Integral over the catalytic surface of the nondimensional heat release rate due to gas-phase species (solid line) and surface species (dashed line); (b) Stefan velocity, (c) surface temperature and (d) surface coverages plotted at a reference point (x = 10 mm) on the catalytic surface of the upper wall. R9 : H2 O(s) => H2 O + Pt(s) R14 : OH(s) + OH(s) = H2 O(s) + O(s) The results of CSP analysis, supported by the rates of progress shown in Fig. 4.3, can be interpreted as follows. The buildup of OH(s) due to the combination of hydrogen adsorption and R12 , which conserved the number of existing free Pt sites as previously said, was accompanied by a fast in- 107 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels crease in the rate of reaction R14 . Production of H2 O(s) from R14 was the key step leading to runaway since this species desorbed rapidly (R9 ) leaving one new free Pt site. Water adsorption (R8 ) before light-off was negligible, therefore the new free Pt sites could be occupied by hydrogen adsorption. Reaction R13 , R13 : H(s) + OH(s) = H2 O(s) + Pt(s) was initially unimportant given the low coverage of H(s), which was mainly consumed through reaction R12 , but its contribution became considerable just before the runaway due to the increased hydrogen adsorption. Given the fast water desorption rate, reaction R13 together with R9 had the potential to create two new Pt sites for every H(s) converted, thus leading to runaway. Oxygen desorption became negligible after light-off and the species O(s) was consumed almost entirely through reaction R12 . Figure 4.4 summarizes the light-off process for Case 1 of Table 4.4. Time histories are plotted in Fig. 4.4 at a reference catalytic point located at the channel outlet. Figure 4.4(a) shows the iSHRR which was split into heat release rate due to gas-phase species (solid line) and due to surface species (dashed line). Surface heat release in catalytic combustion is almost entirely due to gas-phase species (conversion of hydrogen and oxygen into water) but during fast transient events, e.g. light-off, the heat released by surface species can be noticeable due to a fast rearrangement of surface coverages (for our specific initial conditions iSHRR became negative). For 108 4.3. Results and discussion the same reason, the Stefan velocity became relevant only during light-off as can be seen in Fig. 4.4(b), where positive values denote a Stefan flux towards the wall. The Stefan velocity was initially positive due to a net deposition of H atoms on the surface, which were mainly converted into OH(s) and H2 O(s) (see Fig. 4.4(d)), while at the end of the light-off process it became slightly negative due to a net water desorption. Figure 4.4(c) shows a small surface temperature increase (∼ 2.5 K) during light-off, which confirms the aforementioned negligible impact of the thermal feedback owing to the high heat capacity of the wall. Finally Fig. 4.4(d) shows the time evolution of surface coverage: it is seen that the rise in OH(s) was accompanied by a rise in Pt sites. The observed behavior of surface species agrees with the previously proposed runaway mechanism: the initial buildup of OH(s) on the surface was necessary to activate reactions R14 and R13 which, combined with water desorption R9 , released new Pt sites and hence accelerated the light-off process. The transition from the kinetically controlled to the mass transport limited regime can be seen in Fig. 4.5 and Fig. 4.6(b), which provide the time evolution of the transverse hydrogen mass fraction profile and hydrogen conversion rate, respectively. Once the runaway started, conversion of hydrogen increased very sharply in the kinetically controlled regime due to the fast surface chemical kinetics (even at 450 K) and to the high hydrogen concentration at the walls. At a certain time diffusion became limiting for the catalytic reactions, leading to a drop in hydrogen conversion (Fig. 4.6) and the mass transport limited regime was reached. 109 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels Figure 4.5: Time evolution during light-off of the transverse hydrogen mass fraction profiles for Case 1 in Table 4.4 (y = 0 and 2 mm are the channel walls while y = 1 mm is the channel midplane). The plotted time instants are: t = 0.32 ms solid line, t = 0.34 ms dashed line, t = 0.40 ms dashed dotted line, t = 0.80 ms dashed double dotted line, t = 1.20 ms dotted line. The profiles are plotted at the channel outlet x = 10 mm. Figure 4.6 shows nondimensional hydrogen conversion rate (H2 CR) during light-off for the three cases with cordierite walls (Cases 1 to 3 in Table 4.4). Hydrogen nondimensional conversion has been computed in two ways: difference between inlet and outlet mass flow rate (Fig. 4.6(a)) Z H2 CR = − Z − ρYH2 (u + V H2 ) · ndS (4.3) IN ρYH2 (u + V H2 ) · ndS OU T wit n being the outward pointing normal vector, and integral over the cat- 110 4.3. Results and discussion Figure 4.6: Computed hydrogen conversion rate during light-off for the three cases with cordierite wall (Cases 1 to 3 in Table 4.4): (a) difference between inlet and outlet hydrogen mass flow rate in nondimensional units and (b) hydrogen conversion rate computed from the integral over the catalytic surface of the nondimensional hydrogen reaction rate. Solid line refers to Case 1 with TIN = 450 K, dashed line refers to Case 2 with TIN = 550 K and dotted lines refer to the Case 3 with TIN = 650 K. For comparison, the nondimensional inlet mass flow rate of hydrogen is 0.0126, 0.0103 and 0.0088 for Cases 1 to 3 in Table 4.4, respectively. alytic surface of the hydrogen reaction rate (Fig. 4.6(b)) Z H2 CR = sH˙ 2 WH2 dS (4.4) Scatalytic The two definitions of hydrogen conversion rate converge to the same value only at the end of light-off, when a new quasi-steady state controlled by mass transport limitation was achieved. Both methods give the same results in terms of the light-off times reported in Table 4.5, which are identified by 111 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels a sudden increase in the H2 conversion rate (see Fig. 4.6(a) and 4.6(b)), although the peaks have different characteristics for the two methods due to different transient effects. The peaks in Fig. 4.6(b), computed by using the surface reaction rate, were achieved due to the aforementioned acceleration of chemical kinetics and to the high hydrogen concentration at the catalytic walls at earlier times, since initially there were no spatial gradients. The subsequent drop in hydrogen conversion rate was due to mass transport limitation. The peaks in Fig. 4.6(a), computed by using inlet and outlet mass flow rates, were due to the sudden fall in the outlet mass flow rate caused by the Stefan flux (see Fig. 4.4(b)). At its peak the Stefan velocity was about 11 cm/s and when integrated over the total catalytic length of 18 mm yielded a mass flow rate towards the catalytic surface equal to about 10 % of the inlet/outlet mass flow rates. Therefore, the presence of Stefan velocity had a considerable effect on the flow field, although its impact was limited to a very short time during light-off. It is worth noting that such effects of Stefan velocity have not been reported in practical channel geometries, as most spatially multidimensional simulations invoked the QSS assumption, where by definition the Stefan velocity is equal to zero. Light-off was achieved at 0.33 ms for Case 1 at TIN = 450 K, while it was almost instantaneous for the cases with TIN = 650 K and 550 K. When the simulations were initialized with a surface coverage either 100% H(s) or 100% Pt(s), light-off was almost instantaneous (i.e. occurring during the first integration time step of 4 ns) for any initial temperature in Table 4.4. The reason was that the only chemical reaction that could inhibit light-off 112 4.3. Results and discussion Case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 tlight−of f,DN S ms 0.33 0.03 0.00* 0.33 0.03 0.00* 0.00* tgas−phase ign,DN S ms 351.60 262.72 192.49 not computed** not computed** 258.20 311.32 tgas−phase ign,QSS ms 350÷375 250÷275 180÷200 475÷500 350÷375 260÷280 300÷320 Table 4.5: Ignition times for the conditions specified in Table 4.4. Both DNS and QSS times are reported for gas-phase ignition. For the QSS code a time interval is given due to the limitation in the time step size which was 20 ms for the case at TIN = 650 K and 25 ms for the other cases. * Cases 3, 6 and 7 had light-off at the first integration time step of 4 ns. ** Cases 4 and 5 have not been integrated down to the time of gas-phase ignition due to very high computational cost. at the considered initial temperatures was oxygen desorption, as previously discussed. After light-off, the hydrogen conversion rate was the same for the three different temperatures because it was dictated by mass transport limitations. The cases with FeCr-alloy wall are not reported in Fig. 4.6 since they do not differ from their respective cordierite cases with the same inlet temperature. Due to the high thermal capacity of the wall, thermal feedback did not play an important role in light-off, therefore the wall material had almost no effect. Finally, Case 7 with the lowest inlet velocity UIN = 5 m/s experienced the same light-off behavior as Case 6 with UIN = 10 m/s and same inlet temperature (TIN = 650 K) but the mass transport limited regime was characterized by a higher hydrogen conversion relative to the inlet mass, 113 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels Case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 mH2 ,converted H2 conversion surface (t = 20 ms) (t = 20 ms) 4.1x10−3 4.1x10−3 4.1x10−3 4.1x10−3 4.1x10−3 4.1x10−3 2.9x10−3 % 32.7 39.9 46.9 32.7 39.9 46.9 65.2 H2 conversion gas-phase (t > tgas−phase ign. ) % 63.4 (t=400 ms) 87.1 (t=300 ms) 94.1 (t=200 ms) not computed not computed 98.4 (t=280 ms) 99.6 (t=315 ms) H2 conversion surface (t > tgas−phase ign. ) % 4.3 (t=400 ms) 4.1 (t=300 ms) 5.4 (t=200 ms) not computed not computed 1.5 (t=280 ms) 0.4 (t=315 ms) Table 4.6: DNS-computed hydrogen conversion for the conditions specified in Table 4.4. All mass flow rates have been nondimensionalized with UIN = 10 m/s to make them comparable. although the total amount of converted hydrogen was lower (see Table 4.6). Columns 2 and 3 of Table 4.6 summarizes hydrogen conversion wellafter light-off (t = 20 ms) for all the cases. For the cases with UIN = 10 m/s, the total amount of hydrogen converted was the same although the conversion increased with increasing inlet temperature due to a lower inlet density and thus a lower inlet hydrogen mass flow rate. At later times, between light-off and gas-phase ignition, the hydrogen conversion increased only slightly due to the small influence of the increasing wall temperature on the mass transport. Wall heat-up The time period between light-off and gas-phase ignition was characterized by wall heat-up due to the surface heat release, while the heat released by gas-phase chemistry was negligible. Stefan velocity and surface heat 114 4.3. Results and discussion release rate due to adsorbed species were minimal given the absence of any fast transient event: the changes occurring on the catalytic surface were mainly driven by the slow heat-up of the solid wall. The temperature and radical distributions established during this time period were responsible for the later gas-phase ignition. The present section focuses mainly on the comparison between cordierite and FeCr-alloy, since the wall material played a key role during heat-up, unlike the light-off period: heat capacity affected the rise of temperature, while thermal conductivity was responsible for redistribution of thermal energy within the solid. Figure 4.7: Time evolution of interfacial gas/solid temperature profiles between light-off and gas-phase ignition for two cases with UIN = 10 m/s and TIN = 650 K: (a) cordierite (Case 3 in Table 4.4) and (b) FeCr-alloy (Case 6 in Table 4.4). Solid lines are DNS results and symbols are QSS results. The dashed line represents the value of the adiabatic flame temperature. 115 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels Figure 4.7 shows a comparison between cordierite (Fig. 4.7(a)) and FeCr-alloy (Fig. 4.7(b)) for Case 3 and Case 6 with UIN = 10 m/s and TIN = 650 K. The differences in time evolution of the gas/solid interfacial temperature profiles were exclusively due to the different properties of the wall materials. Under mass transport limitation, hydrogen conversion was controlled by transport of the reactants at the catalytic surface, which was only slightly influenced by wall temperature. Thus, the total amount of converted hydrogen (see Table 4.6) and consequently the surface heat release rate was the same for both cases. Wall heat-up was faster for cordierite compared to FeCr-alloy because of the slightly lower heat capacity ρs cs (see Table 4.1). The temperature peak was sharper for cordierite due to its lower thermal conductivity and could thus promote gas-phase ignition by creating a hot spot, as also reported in [112]. The peak temperature for the cordierite case was superadiabatic at t = 180 ms (see Fig. 4.7(a)) while for FeCr-alloy superadiabatic temperature was achieved only well after gasphase ignition. Superadiabatic temperature will be discussed in Section For FeCr-alloy, heat conduction from the catalytic section to the upstream inert section was considerable (see Fig. 4.7(b)) and it could create favorable conditions for gas-phase ignition within the non-catalytic zone where hydrogen was not catalytically depleted, as it will be discussed in the next section. The different properties of the two wall materials played a key role when considering the mechanical integrity of a catalytic reactor that could be compromised by the thermally-induced mechanical stresses. For both 116 4.3. Results and discussion considered cases, the thermal spatial gradients in the solid were maximum close to the beginning of the catalytic section, where the surface heat release rate suddenly jumped from zero to the maximum value attained within the channel. The maximum thermal spatial gradients were achieved just prior to gas-phase ignition. Regarding the transverse thermal gradient, the maximum value in the entire gas/solid domain was attained on the gas side of the catalytic surface: this was due to the interfacial energy conservation in Eq. (2.24), where the thermal conductivity of the gas was much lower than that of the fluid. At t = 180 ms cordierite had a maximum transverse thermal gradient equal to 5094 K/mm on the gas side and 835 K/mm on the solid side, while for FeCr-alloy the maximum values obtained at t = 240 ms were 2823 K/mm and 125 K/mm, respectively. The maximum value of the axial thermal gradient was 3763 K/mm for cordierite and 826 K/mm for FeCr-alloy. As expected, due to its lower thermal conductivity, cordierite favored larger solid thermal stresses compared to FeCr-alloy. Figure 4.8 shows the time evolution of surface coverage during the heat-up phase for Case 3. With increasing wall temperature, more free Pt sites became available. Figure 4.9 shows gas-phase radicals just before gasphase ignition (t = 180 ms). The most abundant species were H2 O2 and the radical HO2 , which were produced even at a relatively low temperature and were precursors of the more active radicals H, O and OH. These two radicals were produced only in the gas-phase since they did not participate in the surface reaction mechanism. Also H and O radicals were produced only in the gas-phase as their desorption was recombinative. Due to a 117 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels O(s) Pt(s) OH(s) H2O(s) H(s) Figure 4.8: Time evolution of surface coverage at two times between lightoff and gas-phase ignition for Case 3 in Table 4.4 (cordierite, UIN = 10 m/s and TIN = 650 K). Solid lines: t = 20 ms, dashed lines: t = 180 ms. net desorption, the peak in OH radical was maximum at the catalytic wall unlike the other radicals whose peaks were away from the catalytic wall (see Fig. 4.9). Regarding the influence of the operating conditions, Case 7 with reduced inlet velocity (UIN = 5 m/s) converted a lower amount of hydrogen as previously discussed (see Table 4.6), therefore the surface heat release rate was smaller compared to the cases with UIN = 10 m/s, causing a slower wall heat-up. Finally, a lower inlet temperature had the obvious effect of slowing down the wall heat-up. 118 y [mm] 4.3. Results and discussion 2 1 H 0 2 1 O 0 2 1 OH 0 2 1 HO2 0 2 1 H 2O 2 0 2 0 1.75E-06 0.00E+00 1.81E-05 0.00E+00 2.87E-05 0.00E+00 1.26E-04 0.00E+00 3.23E-05 0.00E+00 6 4 x [mm] 8 10 Figure 4.9: Two-dimensional maps of gas-phase radical mass fractions for Case 3 with cordierite wall, UIN = 10 m/s and TIN = 650 K just before gas-phase ignition (t = 180 ms). Gas-phase ignition Gas-phase ignition in catalytic channels requires higher wall temperatures compared to an inert channel with same operating conditions due to the near wall catalytic depletion of the limiting reactant. Surface chemistry has also a modest inhibiting effect by adsorbing H and O radicals [62]. On the other side surface chemistry could promote gas-phase ignition in two ways: through wall heat-up due to surface heat release and through OH radical desorption. In order to identify the crucial processes responsible for gas-phase ignition, CSP analysis was used. CSP analysis was performed to study the explosive modes, i.e. those characterized by a positive real part of the corresponding eigenvalue and hence by an exponential increase in time. Explosive modes are typical of 119 y [mm] 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels 2 1 0 0 2 6 4 8 10 x [mm] 0.00E+00 1.70E+00 Figure 4.10: Two-dimensional maps of the log10 of the real part of the eigenvalue of the explosive mode for the case in Fig. 4.9. The explosive mode is defined as the mode whose eigenvalue has a positive real part. λr [s−1 ] 4.68x10+1 Q 5.34x10−1 H 2.98x10−1 O 1.67x10−1 OH P 3.42x10 OH diffusion 7.19x10−2 H2 +OH=H2 O+H 5.04x10−2 H+O2 =O+OH -4.28x10−1 H diffusion -3.14x10−2 O diffusion -1.53x10−2 OH convection −1 Table 4.7: Results of the CSP analysis for the conditions in Fig. 4.9. The first column is the real part of the eigenvalue of the explosive mode, the second column contains the CSP pointers (Q) and the third column contains the participation indices (P ). runaway processes like gas-phase ignition. Fig. 4.10 shows the explosive region for the conditions in Fig. 4.9, which refers to Case 3 of Table 4.4 at a time instant just prior to gas-phase ignition. The explosive region extended, as expected, only over a zone with higher temperature and higher radical concentrations. Table 4.7 reports the result of CSP analysis refer- 120 4.3. Results and discussion ring to a point where the real part of the explosive eigenvalue was close to the maximum value obtained within the explosive region. CSP results clearly identified OH diffusion from the catalytic wall towards the explosive region as the main process responsible for the gas-phase runaway, while gasphase chain branching reactions had a much smaller effect, at least at this time instant. Later, during the runaway, chain branching reactions became dominant. Processes inhibiting the runaway were those that removed the most reactive radicals from the explosive region, i.e. diffusion of H and O radicals, which were adsorbed by the catalytic walls, and the convective transport of OH radical. The participation index of temperature diffusion did not appear among the three largest positive participation indices, therefore its contribution to the explosive mode was considerably weaker than the contribution of OH diffusion. Figures 4.11 to 4.13 depict the gas-phase ignition for Case 3 in Table 4.4. Figure 4.11(a) shows the increase in time of iHRR caused by gasphase ignition and the subsequent decrease in time of the iSHRR due to the competition for hydrogen consumption between the gas-phase and the catalytic pathways; gas-phase combustion prevented hydrogen from reaching the catalytic surface. Figure 4.11(b) shows the axial profiles of the gas-phase and catalytic hydrogen conversion rates; gas-phase conversion has been integrated over the channel half-height to facilitate comparisons with the surface conversion on one wall. In a narrow region close to the beginning of the catalytic section, surface conversion dominated. Gas-phase ignition could not be established within the inert section due to the low ther- 121 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels 195 ms 192.5 ms 190 ms Figure 4.11: Gas-phase ignition for Case 3 in Table 4.4 (cordierite, TIN = 650 K, UIN = 10 m/s): (a) time evolution of iHRR (solid line) and iSHRR (dashed line) and (b) time evolution of the spatial distribution of gas-phase (solid lines) and catalytic (dashed lines) hydrogen conversion rates. The curves in (b) refer to t = 190 ms, t = 192.5 ms and t = 195 ms. mal conductivity of cordierite (see Fig. 4.7(a)). Farther downstream, the presence of a region dominated by gas-phase chemistry reduced catalytic conversion to almost zero. The time response of the surface coverages following gas-phase ignition is reported in Fig. 4.12. Surface coverages did not change within the region dominated by catalytic chemistry, whereas downstream the depletion of hydrogen by gas-phase combustion caused an increase in the surface coverage of the excess reactant, which was oxygen, and a decrease of all other surface species. Stefan velocity (not plotted) was negligible during gas-phase ignition, achieving a maximum value of about 0.5 mm/s within the zone dominated by gas-phase combustion. Fig. 4.13 illustrates the gas-phase ignition sequence. Initially, the peak in OH, which was previously at the wall (see Fig. 122 4.3. Results and discussion Figure 4.12: Time evolution of surface coverages during gas-phase ignition for Case 3 in Table 4.4 (cordierite, TIN = 650 K, UIN = 10 m/s). The curves refer to t = 190 ms, t = 192.5 ms and t = 195 ms and the arrows indicate the direction of increasing time. 4.9) due to OH desorption, shifted to the gas-phase (Fig. 4.13(a)). The runaway process started and a flame propagated downstream staying close to the wall (Fig. 4.13(b)) where conditions were more favorable to gasphase combustion, i.e. the temperature and radical concentrations were higher while the flow velocity was lower. Finally, an open (two separate branches) flame was established (Fig. 4.13(c)). Due to the high DNS computational cost, the steady state could not be computed and simulations were terminated at t = 200 ms. However, steady state was computed with the QSS code which showed that, due to heat conduction towards the inert section, the flame moved upstream and eventually the gas-phase ignition 123 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels (a) 2 1.37E-04 y [mm] 1 0 2 (b) 0.00E+00 4.91E-04 (c) 0.00E+00 1.60E-03 1 0 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 x [mm] 8 10 0.00E+00 Figure 4.13: Two-dimensional maps of OH radical mass fractions during gas-phase ignition for Case 3 in Table 4.4 (cordierite, TIN = 650 K, UIN = 10 m/s): (a) t = 190 ms, (b) t = 192.5 ms and (c) t = 195 ms. point shifted within the inert zone. The other two cases with cordierite wall but lower inlet temperatures (Case 2 and Case 3) showed a similar gas-phase ignition process, although at steady state the gas-phase ignition point could not reach the inert zone. For the three cordierite cases the maximum temperature at steady state was superadiabatic. Superadiabatic temperature is theoretically achieved under mass transport limited conversion and adiabatic operation in fuel lean catalytic combustion of hydrogen, due to the lower than unity Lewis number and to the nature of the catalytic diffusion reaction zone. Superadiabatic temperature can also be achieved in practical non adiabatic combustion systems [148]. The FeCr-alloy wall cases were characterized by a higher temperature of the upstream inert section before gas-phase ignition when compared to the cordierite cases (see Fig. 4.7) because of their higher thermal conductivity 124 4.3. Results and discussion (see Table 4.1). For this reason, the FeCr-alloy cases were more likely to ignite within the inert section where the hydrogen concentration at the wall was higher. The two cases with FeCr-alloy wall and TIN = 450 and 550 K could not be computed until the occurrence of gas-phase ignition due to the relatively long physical time required (see Table 4.5) and to the high computational cost of the DNS catalytic simulations, thus emphasis is placed on the other two cases (Cases 6 and 7 in Table 4.4). Figure 4.14: Gas-phase ignition for Case 6 in Table 4.4 (FeCr-alloy, TIN = 650 K, UIN = 10 m/s): (a) time evolution of iHRR (solid line) and iSHRR (dashed line); time evolution of the axial profiles of hydrogen conversion rates (b) gas-phase and (c) catalytic. The curves in (b) and (c) refer to t = 250 ms, t = 258 ms, t = 267.2 ms and t = 270 ms and the arrows indicate the direction of increasing time. Figure 4.14 shows the integral heat release rate and hydrogen conversion rate during gas-phase ignition for Case 6 in Table 4.4 (FeCr-alloy, TIN = 650 K, UIN = 10 m/s). The initial time evolution of the iHRR and 125 y [mm] 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 0 (a) 2 2.38E-05 (b) 0.00E+00 2.32E-04 (c) 0.00E+00 1.67E-03 (d) 0.00E+00 2.42E-03 4 6 x [mm] 8 10 0.00E+00 Figure 4.15: Two-dimensional maps of OH radical mass fractions during gas-phase ignition for Case 6 in Table 4.4 (FeCr-alloy, TIN = 650 K, UIN = 10 m/s): (a) t = 250 ms, (b) t = 258 ms, (c) t = 267.2 ms and (d) t = 270 ms. iSHRR in Fig. 4.14(a) was similar to that in Fig. 4.11(a), which referred to a case with same operating conditions but cordierite wall, with the iHRR increasing and the iSHRR subsequently decreasing due to competition for hydrogen between gas-phase and surface mechanisms. At t = 267 ms the FeCr-alloy case had a sharp peak in iHRR due to the occurrence of gasphase ignition within the inert section. Figures 4.14(b) and 4.14(c) show the spatial distribution of gas-phase and catalytic hydrogen conversion rate, respectively. Initially, gas-phase ignition occurred downstream of the catalytic section, while surface chemistry was still dominating the upstream region. Later, a second ignition point appeared within the inert section and was connected with the downstream gas-phase combustion zone. Catalytic conversion decreased close to the beginning of the catalytic section unlike the cordierite case, since the surface was effectively shielded by gas-phase 126 4.3. Results and discussion combustion. The gas-phase hydrogen conversion rate had a minimum at the location where the catalytic conversion rate was maximum (see Fig. 4.14(b,c)). Hydrogen leaked through the flame in a narrow region close to the beginning of the catalytic section and it was converted on the surface. Time evolution of surface coverages is not reported but it was similar to the one of the cordierite case (Fig. 4.12) where the zone affected by gas-phase combustion underwent an increase in oxygen coverage. Figure 4.15 shows the gas-phase ignition sequence for Case 6 in Table 4.4. Gas-phase combustion started within the catalytic section (Fig. 4.15(a)), the flame propagated downstream close to the wall (Fig. 4.15(b)), two ignition spots appeared within the inert section (Fig. 4.15(c)) and finally a nearly stationary flame was established (Fig. 4.15(d)), where the ignition points were located in the inert section and gas-phase combustion was weakened at the beginning of the catalytic section as previously discussed. The other computed case with FeCr-alloy wall (Case 7 in Table 4.4, TIN = 650 K, UIN = 5 m/s) achieved gas-phase ignition directly within the inert zone. Figure 4.16 shows the ignition sequence: while gas-phase ignition started within the catalytic section, two ignition points appeared in the inert section (Fig. 4.16(a)) and developed quickly into a flame that propagated downstream (Fig. 4.16(b)); at a certain time a “flame ball” detached from the main flame (Fig. 4.16(c)) and consumed the unburnt fuel left downstream, while a nearly stationary flame with an open tip, due to the smaller than unity Lewis number, established (Fig. 4.16(d)). Ste- 127 y [mm] 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 0 (a) 2 6.20E-06 (b) 0.00E+00 2.90E-03 (c) 0.00E+00 2.52E-03 (d) 0.00E+00 2.55E-03 4 6 x [mm] 8 10 0.00E+00 Figure 4.16: Two-dimensional maps of OH radical mass fractions during gas-phase ignition for Case 7 in Table 4.4 (FeCr-alloy, TIN = 650 K, UIN = 5 m/s): (a) t = 310.84 ms, (b) t = 311.4 ms, (c) t = 311.72 ms and (d) t = 312.12 ms. fan velocity and surface coverages adapted almost instantaneously to the new conditions determined by the downstream propagating flame as seen in Fig. 4.17(a), and Figs. 4.17(b,c), respectively. The steady state solution computed with the QSS code showed that for all the FeCr-alloy cases the ignition points were located within the inert section and the wall temperature was superadiabatic due to a residual catalytic hydrogen conversion. Table 4.6 reports the hydrogen catalytic and gaseous conversions: gasphase combustion increased significantly hydrogen consumption while the residual catalytic conversion after gas-phase ignition was very small and confined in a narrow region close to the beginning of the catalytic section. 128 4.3. Results and discussion Figure 4.17: Gas-phase ignition for Case 7 in Table 4.4 (FeCr-alloy, TIN = 650 K, UIN = 5 m/s): (a) time evolution of the spatial distribution of Stefan velocity; time evolution of the spatial distribution of (b) Pt(s) coverage and (c) O(s) coverage. The curves refer to t = 311.16 ms (solid line), t = 311.40 ms (dashed line), t = 311.60 ms (dashed-dotted line) and t = 311.80 ms (dotted line). Comparison between DNS and QSS code results DNS results were compared with results from the QSS code developed in [135, 136]. Within the QSS assumption, gas-phase processes are considered to be fast enough to equilibrate within an integration time step of the transient solid energy equation. Therefore, while the fully transient energy equation is integrated for the solid domain, gas-phase equations are solved with a steady solver at every time step. The minimum time step for the QSS code was limited by the characteristic time for radial gas-phase diffusion (tg,r ) and it was computed as tg,r = (h/2)2 /αg , where αg is the 129 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels thermal diffusivity of the gas-phase. Within the temperature range 450-650 K the characteristic time tg,r varied between 16 ms and 8 ms, respectively, therefore a time step of 20 ms for the cases with TIN = 650 K and a time step of 25 ms for the other cases were chosen, sufficiently long for gas-phase equilibration. The solid wall was discretized only in the axial direction since the characteristic time for transverse conduction was much faster (1.19 ms for cordierite and 0.17 ms for FeCr-alloy) than tg,r and hence it could not be resolved within the gas-phase quasisteady assumption. O(s) Pt(s) OH(s) H2O(s) H(s) Figure 4.18: Comparison between DNS and QSS code for Case 1 in Table 4.4 at t = 25 ms: (a) comparison of the gas/solid interfacial wall temperature, and (b) comparison of the surface coverages. Solid lines are DNS and symbols are QSS predictions. A first obvious remark is that the light-off and gas-phase ignition processes could not be studied with the QSS code under the conditions in Table 130 y [mm] 4.3. Results and discussion 2 1 0 2 1 0 0 t = 375 ms t = 375 ms 2 0.00E+00 2.10E-04 6.32E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 y [mm] QSS t = 350 ms DNS t = 350 ms 4 6 x [mm] 8 10 0 2 1.16E-03 0.00E+00 4 6 x [mm] 8 10 8.10E-04 Figure 4.19: Comparison between DNS and QSS code predictions of 2-D OH mass fractions for Case 1. The solutions of the two codes are compared immediately before and immediately after the gas-phase ignition time. 4.4 since they were faster than the QSS time resolution: light-off duration was less than one millisecond for all cases (see Table 4.4), while gas-phase ignition duration ranged from a few milliseconds (see Fig. 4.13 and Fig. 4.16) to a time period comparable to the QSS time step (see Fig. 4.15). Comparison between QSS and DNS results was carried out for Case 1, for which slow chemistry effects (due to lower TIN ) could potentially invalidate the QSS assumption. Figure 4.18 shows comparison between DNS and QSS code at t = 25 ms, which is the first time step available with the QSS code, in terms of interfacial gas/solid temperature (Fig. 4.18(a)) and surface coverage (Fig. 4.18(b)). The agreement is quite good, with the maximum difference between the two temperature profiles being about 30 K at the beginning of the catalytic zone. The discrepancy was attributed to the presence of transverse gradients in the solid that could not be resolved with 131 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels the 1-D discretization of the QSS code. Figure 4.19 shows the comparison of 2-D OH maps between QSS and DNS codes for Case 1, immediately before and after gas-phase ignition. The QSS code slightly underpredicted OH mass fractions due to a lower peak temperature owing to the 1-D discretization of the wall. Nonetheless the time interval within which gas-phase ignition occurred was correctly predicted by the QSS code and the solution converged to the DNS one after gas-phase ignition. The QSS code never failed in describing the correct physics at any condition considered in Table 4.4, because surface chemistry was still fast enough for the quasisteady-state assumption to hold. A further comparison between QSS and DNS code is given in Fig. 4.7, providing the time evolution of surface temperature during wall heat-up for Cases 3 and 6 with the highest inlet temperature (TIN = 650 K) and different wall materials. During the wall heat-up phase there were no substantial differences between DNS and QSS code. Table 4.5 shows gas-phase ignition times for the DNS and QSS code predictions. The ignition time for DNS has been defined as the time instant when the time derivative of the iHRR was maximum while for the QSS code a visual inspection of the solution sufficed. The agreement between the ignition times computed with the two codes was again very good. The initial surface coverage did not impact the comparison. All DNS simulations were repeated with an initial coverage of either 100% H(s) or 100% Pt(s): in these cases light-off was almost instantaneous, as previously mentioned, but just after 2 ms the differences with the solution obtained 132 4.3. Results and discussion with an initial coverage of 100% O(s) were negligible. At the initial temperatures of Table 4.4 surface chemistry was still too fast to invalidate the quasisteady-state assumption: the only limiting reaction was oxygen desorption during light-off and, once some free Pt sites were available for hydrogen adsorption, light-off could be achieved leading quickly to the mass transport limited regime. In order to observe the failure of the QSS code, a lower initial temperature was required. A test case was run using the same conditions as Case 3 in Table 4.4 (cordierite, UIN = 10 m/s, TIN = 650 K) but starting from an initial temperature of 400 K. In order to make the comparison with the QSS assumption fairer, at t = 0 s the fluid at 400 K inside the channel was instantaneously replaced with fluid at 650 K since the QSS code could not simulate the process of injection. The initial surface coverage was 100 % H(s), unlike the other simulated cases, because the simulation started below the light-off temperature, as will be subsequently discussed. An initial surface coverage of 100 % H(s) was a realistic condition when the catalyst was in contact with the H2 /air mixture below light-off temperature: Fassihi et al. [149] and Rinnemo et al. [150] reported that the catalytic surface was initially covered with hydrogen when pH2 /(pH2 + pO2 ) > 0.1 − 0.2 and in our case already pH2 /(pH2 + pO2 ) = 0.375. The numerical experiment had similarities with the catalytic ignition studies in [139, 149–151] where, starting from a low initial temperature, either a platinum wire or a foil were heated through an external source until self-acceleration of the reaction rate and therefore light-off was achieved. In our case the temperature of the 133 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels catalytic surface was increased from the initial 400 K through heat transfer with the hotter flow at TIN = 650 K. The increase of the wall temperature was necessary to achieve light-off unlike the other cases previously described y [mm] where the temperature was already high enough for light-off. 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 0 DNS t = 17 ms DNS t = 18 ms DNS t = 20 ms QSS t = 20 ms 2 0.00E+00 6 4 x [mm] 8 10 8.73E-03 Figure 4.20: Two-dimensional maps of H2 mass fraction for a case with cordierite wall, UIN = 10 m/s, TIN = 650 K and initial temperature equal to 400 K. Figure 4.20 shows hydrogen mass fraction distributions obtained with the DNS code during the light-off sequence and the comparison with the QSS code after 20 ms. At t = 17 ms the hydrogen conversion was still kinetically limited everywhere. The hydrogen concentration at the wall decreased with increasing axial distance due to conversion and, since the light-off temperature increased with rising hydrogen concentration due to the well known self-poisoning effect [149, 150], conditions were more favorable close to the channel outlet for light-off to happen. Figure 4.21 shows 134 4.3. Results and discussion Figure 4.21: Time evolution of (a) hydrogen coverage and (b) oxygen coverage for a case with cordierite wall, UIN = 10 m/s, TIN = 650 K and initial temperature equal to 400 K. Solid lines are DNS solutions and the dashed line is the QSS solution after the first time step. that the surface coverage at t = 17 ms was still hydrogen dominated although at the channel outlet the hydrogen coverage had dropped to 85 % (note the logarithmic scale). Using a simplified model Fassihi et al. [149] predicted that catalytic ignition occurred when the hydrogen coverage was 95 % for pH2 /(pH2 + pO2 ) > 0.17, but of course they had different heat transfer characteristics and surface mechanism compared to our case. At t = 18 ms light-off occurred close to the channel outlet and then propagated upstream as can be seen in Fig. 4.20 where the light-off distance is identified by a sharp drop in the hydrogen mass fraction at the wall. The surface coverage switched from hydrogen-dominated to oxygen-dominated 135 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels Figure 4.22: Gas/solid interfacial temperature profile for a case with cordierite wall, UIN = 10 m/s, TIN = 650 K and initial temperature equal to 400 K. Solid lines are DNS solutions and the dashed line is the QSS solution after the first time step. (see Fig. 4.21), in agreement with [149, 150]. The first solution available from the QSS code was at t = 20 ms, which could be compared with that from the DNS code at the same time. Figure 4.20 shows that the hydrogen mass fraction at the outlet was higher for the DNS code compared to the QSS code. Furthermore, the QSS code predicted that the surface reactions were already mass transport limited everywhere while according to the DNS code there was a border between kinetically limited and mass transport limited zones at x ≈ 2 mm. Figure 4.21 shows that according to the QSS code the surface was already oxygen dominated everywhere at t = 20 ms, while in the DNS results there was still part of the surface which was hydrogen dominated. Finally, Fig. 4.22 highlights a large difference in wall tempera136 4.4. Conclusions ture between the two codes: since the QSS code predicted light-off within its first time step, the surface had a higher temperature due to the bigger chemical heat release rate. The results presented in this section highlight the importance of using DNS for fundamental studies of light-off and gas-phase ignition, and as a benchmark to assess the validity of the QSS assumption. 4.4 Conclusions Transient detailed 2-D numerical simulations of fuel-lean hydrogen hetero/homogeneous combustion in a mesoscale channel were performed by means of a spectral element code already including detailed transport, gas-phase and surface chemistry, whose capability was further augmented by implementing and validating 2-D conjugate heat transfer. The numerical code, which was free from any assumption, allowed for the first time the resolution of all the spatiotemporal scales in a practical 2-D catalytic channel geometry. A parametric numerical study was carried out, where the influence of wall material (cordierite and FeCr-alloy), inlet velocity (UIN = 5, 10 m/s) and inlet temperature (TIN = 450, 550, 650 K) on the startup process, from light-off until gas-phase ignition, was investigated. Light-off was almost instantaneous for any operating condition due to the fast heterogeneous chemistry. Even at the lower initial temperature, i.e. 450 K, catalytic ignition occured after only 0.33 ms, while for cases with an initial temperature of 650 K it happened at the first reported integration 137 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels time step (4 ns). Flow velocity and wall material had no influence since thermal feedback did not play any role given the high heat capacity of the solid. CSP analysis allowed the identification of the reaction sequence responsible for the catalytic runaway: after an initial buildup of OH(s), water production and desorption accelerated, leading to an increase of free Pt sites available for hydrogen adsorption. Stefan velocity achieved a peak value of about 11 cm/s and had a strong impact on the flow field; such a result has been observed for the first time in a practical channel geometry. The wall heat-up phase was mainly influenced by the material properties, in particular the thermal conductivity since heat capacity was very similar for the two materials. Given the lower thermal conductivity, cordierite had sharper temperature peaks that could promote earlier gas-phase ignition within the catalytic section, while FeCr-alloy had higher heat conduction towards the inert section where conditions for gas-phase ignition were more favorable. The lower thermal conductivity of cordierite was also responsible for higher thermal gradients leading to more severe thermallyinduced mechanical stresses. CSP analysis identified OH desorption from the catalytic surface as the main process leading to gas-phase ignition, while heat conduction from the hot wall played only a secondary role. Following downstream propagation of the flame, a fast rearrangement of surface coverages could be observed, with the time step being reduced to 1 ns due to the high stiffness. The total duration of gas-phase ignition ranged from about 1.5 ms for the case at TIN = 650 K and UIN = 5 m/s, to about 17 ms for the case at TIN = 450 K 138 4.4. Conclusions and UIN = 10 m/s. Predictions of the DNS code were compared with those of a code relying on the quasisteady-state (QSS) assumption in order to define the regime of validity of the latter. The time step of the QSS code was limited by the time required to equilibrate the gas phase and it was 20 ms for cases at TIN = 650 K, and 25 ms for all other cases. Under the operating conditions used for DNS simulations, predictions of the QSS code were in good agreement since chemistry was fast enough to reach equilibrium within one time step of the QSS code. Nonetheless, the QSS code could not address the study of fast processes like light-off and gas-phase ignition whose duration was shorter than the QSS integration time step. An additional test case was run with TIN = 650 K but a lower initial temperature for the solid equal to 400 K in order to bring the QSS assumption to its limit. In this case comparison of the DNS and QSS predictions after one QSS time step, i.e. 20 ms, showed a considerable discrepancy with the QSS code predicting a surface temperature more than 100 K higher than the DNS temperature. Furthermore, while DNS predicted the achievement of light-off only on part of the catalytic surface after 20 ms, the QSS code predicted that light-off was already achieved everywhere. The reason for the high computational cost of transient DNS simulations was investigated in a transient SPSR by means of CSP analysis. The hydrogen surface reaction mechanism exhibited an extremely high stiffness with the fastest time scale equal to 10−12 s pertaining to hydrogen adsorption and the reaction O(s) + H(s) => OH(s) + Pt(s), which had the same 139 4. Hydrogen catalytic combustion in Pt-coated channels order of magnitude as the fastest time scale of n-heptane detailed gas-phase reaction mechanism with 560 species and 2538 reactions. For comparison, the fastest time scale for a one-step hydrogen surface reaction mechanism was 10−6 s. In conclusion, despite the much higher computational cost of DNS compared to simplified models, fundamental studies cannot avoid relying on DNS due to the need to resolve all the relevant spatiotemporal scales. Codes relying on the QSS assumption are computationally affordable and robust tools for design purposes, but they have to be benchmarked against DNS results in order to define the range of operating conditions under which their predictions are reliable. 140 Chapter 5 Conclusions and future work 5.1 Conclusions A Direct Numerical Simulation solver for low-Mach-number reactive flows including detailed transport, and elementary gas-phase and heterogeneous chemistry, was further developed by implementing conjugate heat transfer, and was successfully validated against literature analytical and numerical results. The code allows time-accurate simulation of hetero-/homogeneous combustion by resolving for the first time all the relevant spatiotemporal scales and represents an important step in fundamental catalytic combustion. The main goal of this thesis was to investigate numerically hetero/homogeneous combustion of lean hydrogen and syngas/air mixtures in mesoscale channels, which assumes great relevance in the development of “zero-emissions” power generation at both small and large scales. The major findings and conclusions of this work are summarized below. In the first part, numerical simulations of gas-phase combustion in lean 141 5. Conclusions and future work syngas/air mixtures in an inert mesoscale channel have been performed with the aim to map combustion instabilities. The starting point of this study was an experimental campaign conducted with OH* chemiluminescence in a 7-mm height channel, which showed the existence of many stable and oscillatory combustion modes. The code was firstly validated against steady experimental flames whose OH* chemiluminescence signal was detected. Starting from the operating conditions where an oscillatory flame was found experimentally, a parametric numerical study was carried out wherein the wall temperature was varied within the range of measured wall temperature. New unsteady combustion modes have been numerically revealed: a first periodic mode named “oscillatory ignition”, and a second non-periodic mode named “random ignition spots”. Weak combustion has been observed for the first time at relatively high flow velocities. In terms of physical understanding, two were the major results of the study. For the “oscillatory ignition” mode, the interplay between two fuels, i.e. hydrogen and carbon monoxide, with Lewis number smaller and larger than unity, respectively, was found to be a possible explanation for the observed instability along with the heat exchange with the wall. Regarding the weak combustion mode, CSP analysis has been used as diagnostic tool and the results supported the hypothesis that competition for OH radical between H2 and CO could be the driving force for weak combustion. Finally, a stability map in the wall temperature/CO:H2 ratio space has been obtained. The results of a recent experimental campaign adopting fast OH-LIF compared favor- 142 5.1. Conclusions ably against the computed combustion modes. Steady flames showed an excellent agreement while dynamic modes, in particular oscillatory ignition, were correctly predicted but imposing a different wall temperature profile. Possible reasons for the discrepancy might be approximations in the numerical code, in particular the fact that radiative heat transfer was neglected, the adequacy of the detailed reaction mechanism in reproducing key reaction rates, and 3-D effects, phenomena to which the dynamic modes are particularly sensitive. In the second part, the DNS solver was used to investigate hetero/homogeneous combustion of lean hydrogen/air mixtures in a 2-mm height channel, including heat conduction in the solid wall. Given the absence of any limitation in the spatiotemporal resolution, the code could be used for fundamental studies on transient processes, e.g light-off and gas-phase ignition, and for benchmarking codes relying on the quasisteady-state (QSS) assumption. A parametric numerical study was carried out, where the influence of inlet velocity, inlet temperature and wall material was investigated. For all the simulated cases, light-off was much shorter than 1 ms, therefore it could not be studied with the QSS code. The key reactions responsible for catalytic ignition were identified, involving initially oxygen desorption and OH(s) buildup, while the runaway was triggered by water production and desorption. Stefan velocity achieved a peak value of 11 cm/s and had a large impact on the flow field, albeit for a very short time period. This effect has been observed for the first time in multidimensional systems. During the wall heat-up phase, the wall material played a con- 143 5. Conclusions and future work trolling role and the DNS code allowed computing the thermal gradients in the solid responsible for thermally induced mechanical stresses, while the 1-D wall discretization of the QSS code did not allow such an estimation. Finally, gas-phase ignition was achieved and the DNS code allowed to study the flame propagation process and hetero-/homogeneous pathways coupling. Surface species adapted almost instantaneously to the conditions dictated by the propagating flame due to the very fast surface chemistry. The QSS code could not be used to study gas-phase ignition since the latter lasted from a few milliseconds to a time period comparable to the QSS code time step. CSP analysis identified the net OH desorptive flux from the catalytic surface as the main process responsible for runaway in gas-phase ignition. For all the simulated cases the QSS code, although not being able to resolve the fast transient processes, showed a very good agreement with the DNS code. A new test case at a lower initial temperature, i.e. 400 K, was run and under these conditions the QSS code predicted an earlier lightoff and therefore a higher wall temperature due to the invalidation of the fast surface chemistry assumption. The results exemplified the usefulness of DNS for fundamental studies and for assessing the range of validity of codes based on simplified assumptions like the QSS one. 5.2 Future Work Although the DNS code available at the Aerothermochemistry and Combustion Systems Laboratory of ETH Zurich already represents a state-of-the- 144 5.2. Future Work art tool in combustion research, further developments have been identified including both the implementation of new physical processes and the improvement of the computational performance. Regarding the improvement of the physical model, the implementation of radiative heat transfer, at least between the solid walls, could significantly augment the code predicting capability given its relevance at both steady and transient reactor operation [60, 152]. A preliminary study to implement radiative heat transfer has been undertaken and the main identified problem consisted in the increase of the computational cost. This was because radiative heat transfer necessitates iterations within a single time step and communication between different CPUs on a parallel architecture, as the interacting surface grid points are distributed among many different processors. For future studies, the real challenge would be to simulate turbulent combustion in catalytic channels with detailed gas-phase and surface chemistry. The increased pressure requirements of new generation turbines have resulted in incoming Reynolds numbers of up to 30,000 based on the hydraulic diameter of an individual channel of the honeycomb reactor [19, 20]. However, turbulent catalytic combustion modeling has not yet received proper attention. Up to now, the DNS code could simulate turbulent catalytic combustion only with one-step surface chemistry [147] due to the excessively high computational cost of detailed surface chemistry owing to the higher stiffness as discussed in Section 4.3.1. With the aid of CSP analysis, the present work identified the physical reasons for the stiffness of 145 5. Conclusions and future work the detailed surface reaction mechanism, with the fastest time scale associated to hydrogen adsorption. Further code development is required but a starting point has already been identified and the first changes have been implemented into the DNS code. A first idea was to replace the current implicit integrator used for the thermochemistry part, i.e. CVODE [55], with a new integrator which is particularly suited for multirate problems, i.e. ARKode [153]. ARKode is a time integration package for stiff, nonstiff and multi-rate systems of ordinary differential equations, which is based on adaptive-step additive Runge-Kutta methods. The right-hand side of the equations can be partitioned into two components, a first one containing the “slow” time scales to be integrated explicitly, and a second one containing the “fast” time scales to be integrated implicitly. The partition of the right-hand side into “fast” and “slow” time scales can be guided by CSP analysis. The multirate formulation seems to be particularly suited for hetero-/homogeneous combustion problems with conjugate heat transfer, where the time scales due to chemistry are much faster than those associated to diffusive (in the gas and solid) and convective processes. At the moment, ARKode package has been coupled to the DNS code and successfully validated against the results of the simulations presented in Chapter 4, but all the attempts to efficiently split the right-hand side of the equations resulted in an even higher computational cost. Therefore additional work is needed. A second approach was to couple the DNS code with a differential algebraic solver in order to implement a quasisteady-state assumption that 146 5.2. Future Work was less restrictive than the one presented in the thesis, where only the solid energy equation was solved as transient. CSP analysis can identify the candidate species to be treated as steady, while transient equations are solved for the other species and temperature. Table 4.2 shows that the three fastest time scales are associated exclusively to H(s), H2 O(s) and OH(s), and there is a three orders of magnitude gap between the third and the fourth fastest time scale, which means that treating the three surface species as steady within an integration time step would be a reasonable assumption. The idea is to find a trade-off between the advantages of QSS codes in terms of lower computational costs, with the absence of time step restrictions of DNS codes. This formulation was first tested on an in-house quasisteady-state SPSR and preliminary results showed a negligible difference between the fully transient solution and the quasisteady-state solution, both in the description of the transient and of the steady state. 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