Aufnahme (28.07. bis 02.08.2014 im Tonstudio Limburg), Mix, Mastering: Michael Born Fotos: Ute Laux, Limburg Gestaltung: Stephan Schmidt, Limburg Ein herzlicher Dank geht an alle, die uns mit Rat, Tat, Worten und Gedanken unterstützt haben! opold / Summer aus: Kate und Le ath the moon ng was still bene bottle and ev’ry thi a in rld wo the t If I caugh me? would it shine for without your love, the moon the rings around e and understood otl ist Ar as art If I was sm ? tter if you loved me What would it ma is impossibly still ing ends s, where the world nts until the danc Here in your arm a matter of mome d an fill ful to s am with a million dre clear thing seems to be s when /and ev’ry Here in your arm would /do I fear Not a solit’r y thing the dancing’s end ment comes near mo s except when thi on saddled up the mo rld in an hourglass, til If I caught the wo un , dim til the stars grew so we could ride un room is silenced in the r, and all the noise ge an str a et me l One day you’l mystery u’re close to some You’ll feel that yo atters you’ll feel when ev ry thing sh son in histor y In the moonlight world’s oldest les r all your life; the he n ow kn e u’v yo as if Ensemble Amaryllis Coulais thieu /Coulais des Monsieur Ma neigées enant de terres en l‘oiseau si léger rev rte po n céa l‘o r su Caresse écho s‘éloigne l‘hiver au loin ton ailes Air éphémère de rnoie déploie tes tou nt ve au e vir e gn pa Es en x au âte Ch aus: Die Kinder du levant Dans l‘aube grise vers l‘arc en ciel in em ch un e Trouv ntemps pri le ra Se découvri n Caresse sur l‘océa ne île immergée er sur la pierre d‘u Pose l‘oiseau si lég l‘hiver Air éphémère de s‘éloigne ffle sou ie tes ailes Enfin ton nt tournoie déplo ntagnes vire au ve Loin dans les mo Calme sur l‘océan! Ulrike Jordan – Oboe, Akkordeon, Alt, Blockflöte Coldplay / Johansen Joel / Shaw gel Goodnight, my an eyes ur yo se clo Time to day estions for another And save these qu me ing ask en be e u‘v at yo I think I know wh say to ing try en what I‘ve be I think you know u yo ve lea r ve ne I promised I would ays know And you should alw go y ma u Wherever yo you are No matter where away far be ll wi I never gel Goodnight, my an ep sle to e tim Now it‘s things I want to say And still so many me songs you sang for Remember all the bay ld era em an ling on When we went sai an oce the on t ou And like a boat sleep I’m rocking you to d deep an rk da ‘s The water heart Inside this ancient part of me You’ll always be a gel Goodnight, my an am dre to e tim Now it’s will be nderf ul your life And dream how wo cry y ma ild Someday your ch s lullabye And if you sing thi Then in your heart be a part of me There will always be gone Someday we‘ll all and on... on go s ye But lullab They never die That‘s how you And I Will be would rise when I gave the word I used to rule the world, seas own e, sweep the streets I used to alon p slee I Now in the morning fear in my enemy‘s eyes I used to roll the dice, feel the : sing ld Listened as the crowd wou live the king“ „Now the old king is dead, long the walls were closed on me One minute I held the key, next stand les cast my that ed And I discover of sand Upon pillars of salt and pillars ing Roman Cavlary choirs are sing I hear Jerusalem bells aringing a foreign field in ries iona miss my ld, shie Be my mirror, my sword and For some reason I can‘t explain never an honest word Once you go there was never, world the d rule I n whe But that was me in d, blew dow n the doors to let It was the wicked and wild win s drum of d soun the and s Shattered window I‘d become People couldn‘t believe what on a silver plate Revolutionaries wait for my head be king? g, ah, who would ever wanna strin ly lone a on et pupp a Just ing , Roman Cavalry choirs are sing I hear Jerusalem bells aringing field ign fore a in ries iona miss shield, my Be my mirror, my sword and my name I know Saint Peter won‘t call For some reason I can‘t explain, d worl the d was when I rule Never an honest word, but that Trenet tac tic tic La pendule fait tic pic pac pic pic lac du x Les oiseau tous les dindons t Glou glou glou fon g dang dong din e ch clo ie Et la jol Mais... Dorothee Laux – Sopran Boum fait Boum Quand notre cœur um Bo dit lui ec av Tout i s‘éveille. Et c‘est l‘amour qu Boum bloom“ Il chante „love in um Bo ce de Au ry thme l‘oreille Qui redit Boum à is hier Tout a changé depu x fenêtres ux qui regard‘ au ye s de a e ru la Et es du ten des mains Y‘a du lilas et y‘a va paraître Sur la mer le soleil Boum t Boum L‘astre du jour fai um Bo dit lui ec Tout av fait Boum Boum Quand notre cœur u is fait hou hou ho Le vent dans les bo mê mê mê fait La biche aux abois fait fric fric frac La vaisselle cassée font flic flic flac lés Et les pieds mouil Mais... Boum fait Boum Quand notre cœur um Bo dit lui ec av Tout , c‘est l‘orage L‘oiseau dit Boum Boum t boum L‘éclair qui lui fai Boum dit u Die n bo le Et de nuages. il teu fau Dans son ir plus vif que l‘écla Car mon amour est ‘une abeille qu , eau ois ‘un qu Plus léger s‘il se met en colère Et s‘il fait Boum, des merveilles. lui ec av îne tra Il en Boum t Boum Le monde entier fai Boum Tout avec lui fait fait Boum Boum Quand notre coeur Boum Boum Boum Je n‘entends que um Boum Bo rs jou Ça fait tou ... Boum Boum Boum Armstrong en, red roses too I see trees so gre , for me and you om I see them blo erf ul world self, what a wond And I think to my ite e, and clouds of wh I see sk ies so blu red night sac rk da the y, d da The bright blesse ul world erf nd wo a self, what And I think to my in the sky rainbow, so pretty The colors of the by ing go es of people are also on the fac , ”How do you ing hands say ing I see friends shak u“ ing, ”I love yo They‘re really say w I watch them gro I hear babies cry, I’ll ever know n tha re, mo ch They‘ll learn mu erf ul world self, what a wond And I think to my nderf ul world wo a at wh f, sel Yes, I think to my do?“ t to wonderland? d. How do you ge Alice in wonderlan hind the tree? derland? Or just be Over the hill or un y. ay and leave the sk ling by they roll aw . see ot nn ca le When clouds go rol op e pe beyond the eye? Th Where is the land moon? ere is the crescent Where do I go? Wh y afternoon. nn su the in ewhere They must be som th to wonderland? d. Where is the pa Alice in wonderlan wonder where? lly rea I re? re or the Over the hill or he Nadja Jamiro – Mezzo-Sopran Fain Hirsch / Porat hav h, besharsheret za yad beyad la derec h, rec v de ga ha al el nu ’a ire Veshuv netse ad la derech, vesh haderech, am ech Veshuv netse’a el shav , od me’at im lo ach ia, bevaday nagia hav las lo nu rke Ve’ad lesha’arei rak da ki , ia, bevaday nagia Ve’ad lesha’arei rak chenu od rav haderech, hen ko haderech, veraba ba yachdav or ’av na h, Vegam im aruka derec derech, veraba ha ha ka aru im m Vega Irisches Tradition al / Gerlitz gardens Down by the sally meet did I d an e lov My ley gardens She passed the sal e feet hit -w With little snow love easy She bid me ”Take w on the tree“ As the leaves gro d foolish But I was young an ree ag t no With her did the river In a field down by nd sta did My love and I g shoulder nin lea my on d An -white hand She laid her snow love easy She bid me ”Take on the weirs“ ws gro ss As the gra foolish d But I was young an tears of l ful am I w And no ih Katalanisches We nachtslied lied / Schindler Deutsches Volks mir im Sinn Herzen, du liegst ich dir bin Du liegst mir im ißt nicht wie gut we , en erz hm Sc l vie r mi st ch ma Du mich be, so liebe auch So wie ich dich lie nur für dich ein all ich l füh e eb Die zärtlichsten Tri chtem Sinn? trauen, dir mit lei Doch darf ich dir wie gut ich dir bin ja ißt we n, ue ch ba Du kannst auf mi d erscheint Ferne mir dein Bil Und wenn in der s die Liebe vereint un ss da e, so gern Dann wünsch ich Martin Reu – G itarre, Barito ches Geläute mein Gemüt liebli Leise zieht durch hinaus ins Weite ng kli ühlingslied, Klinge kleines Fr Veilchen sprießen das Haus, wo die Zieh hinaus bis an s sie gr üßen las ich se schaust, sag Wenn du eine Ro n rtholdy / Gerlitz Mendelssohn-Ba ldi aus Gloria / Viva s te, imus te, adoramu glorificamus te Joey B ecker – Bassgitarre dic Laudamus te, bene drigal / Festa dreistimmiges Ma e taccio Madonna, io v’amo ore am rar Ve’l può giu iaccio me, quant’in voi gh Che tan è foco in e E s’io non oso dir rtire ma o mi o ns nte L’i ore me, ma’l vostro on r va sal r pe No’l fo‘ e: Io vi porto nel cor sire speme e’l gran de Da voi vien l’alta so: ces ’ac mm fia in o E mercè vostra viv eso int er r ess Vorria senza parla Bach d ores reboun stening sh li e th e ak um ll around yo tr umpet ti ay employ Sound the pl y bo ut mbers can ghtly ha sk illf ull nu at th On the spri y jo ruments of y A ll the inst s of this da e the glorie at br le To ce Purcell Vivaldi Piango, gemo, sospiro e peno O, la piaga rinchiusa é nel cor Solo chiedo per pace del seno che m’uccida un più fiero dolor Bottegari mansueta e bella Da poi ch’un orsa le al cor piaga morta M’ha fatto ch’entr l’arco e’l strale , ore Am sia tto Benede e bosco pien de ros Andro per questo rt e loco pa ni og ’in nd nta Sempre ca ore la fac’e’l foco Benedetta sia am questa mia fera E quando scontrerò rba pena ace r Dirò senza prova sua catena! la or am sia tta Benede Monteverdi Monteverdi vi accenti Zefiro torna e di soa soavi accenti di e to gra fa er L’a nde piè discioglie a l’o L’aer fa grato e’il e nd fro rdi ve le tra E mormorando on su’l prato i fiori Fa danzar al bel su n Fillid’e Clori cri il to Inghirlanda ; or care e gioconde am Note temprando de fon pro e e lli im E da monti e da va ri onia gli antri cano Raddoppian l’arm a ror l’au l cie Sorge più vaga in luci d’or; E’l sole sparge più uleo manto gia di Teti il bel cer fre to, Più puro argen e sol e at’ on nd ba Sol io, per selve ab nto occhi el mio torme L’ardor di due begli o, hor canto ng pia r ho ra ntu Come vuol mia ve Per foco, per gelo, nto Si dolce è il torme Riposo no ho Che in seno mi sta Nel porto del cielo to Ch’io vivo conten Riposo haverò Per cruda beltà Se colpo mortale Nel ciel di bellezza Con rigido strale za S’accreschi fierez Il cor m’impiagò te E manchi pietà Cangiando mia sor o scogli rte Che sempre qual mo di rdo da l Co o All’onda d’orgogli Il cor sanerò à sar e fed a Mi La speme fallace Rivolgam’ il pie Diletto né pace Non scendano a me E l’empia ch’adoro Mi nieghi ristoro di buona mercè Tra doglia infinita Tra speme tradita Vivra la mia fè re Se fiamma d’amo Già mai non sentì Quel riggido core Ch’il cor mi rapì Se nega pietate La cruda beltate Che l’alma invaghì te Ben fia che dolen te en gu lan e ta nti Pe Sospirimi un dì Karolina B ledowska - Violine Dorothee Laux (Sopran) lebt in Limburg. Studierte Gesang in Wiesbaden. Nadja Jamiro (Mezzo Sopran) Detmold. lebt in Limburg. Studierte Gesang in Nürnberg und Ulrike Jordan (Oboe, Akkordeon) urt. lebt in Limburg. Studierte Schulmusik in Frankf Martin Reuß (Gitarre) gik in Frankf urt. lebt in Limburg. Studierte Gitarre und Sonder pädago Assen Haydutov - Percussion Joey Becker (Bassgitarre) in Frankf urt. lebt in Wiesbaden. Studierte Jazz- und Popularmusik Karolina Bledowska (Violine) . lebt in Krakau /Polen. Studierte Violine in Krakau Assen Haydutov (Percussion) sion in Burgas / Bulgarien und Frankf urt. lebt in Frankf urt. Studierte Schlagzeug und Percus
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