EFFETTO FONDATORE DELLE MUTAZIONI BRCA1 E BRCA2 RICORRENTI NELL’AREA DEL TRIVENETO Elisa Pin, Elisa Cupelli, Lara della Puppa, Angela Valentina D’Elia, Giuseppe Damante, Laura Papi, Gianmaria Miolo, Riccardo Dolcetti, Clelia de Giacomi, Andrea Piga, Carla Dellach, Alessandra Viel Modena 18-19 novembre 2010 BRCA RECURRENT MUTATIONS BRCA1 BRCA2 MUTATION CRO BIC MUTATION CRO BIC C39Y 7x 4x (1) IVS16-2A>G 10x 5x (1) 795delT 7x 12x 5910C>G (Y1894X) 5x 61x 1806C>T(Q536X) 7x 88x (1) 9106C>T (Q2858X) 5x 10x (1) 5385insC 7x 1063x (1) C61G 7x 222x 235 G>A 300T>G (C39Y) (C61G) 1806C>T 795delT (Q536X) 5385insC BRCA1 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5910C>G (Y1894X) 12 131415 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 9106C>T (Q2858X) IVS16-2A>G BRCA2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 BIC BRCA1 BRCA2 AUSTRIA FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA IVS16-2A>G UDINE 795delT VENETO GORIZIA PORDENONE 5910C>G (Y1894X) 9106C>T (Q2960X) TREVISO 1806C>T (Q536X) VENEZIA SLOVENIA 235G>A (C39Y) 300T>G (C61G) 1806C>T (Q536X) 5385insC TRIESTE KOPER The 8 recurrent mutations represent 38% (55/145) of the identified BRCA mutations in our total series of screened cases, but more than 50%, if we focus on the families with probable North-East Italian origin. The comparison of haplotypes among families with the same mutation can distinguish whether high frequency BRCA alleles derive from a single mutation event (old or recent) or whether they are arisen independently more than once. Cases and Controls BRCA1 (5 mutations): - 33 carrier probands - 48 relatives (21 carrier, 27 non-carrier) - 91 healthy controls from the same geographic area. BRCA2 (3 mutations): - 19 carrier probands - 44 relatives (21 carrier, 23 non-carrier) - 91 healthy controls from the same geographic area. Haplotype analysis of 7 polymorphic markers flanking the BRCA1 locus (chr.17q21) Haplotype analysis of 7 polymorphic markers flanking the BRCA2 locus (chr.13q12) Seq. Pos. chr.17 HuRef Celera Prim Ass Marshfield (cM) D17S806 41180919-41181089 42264655-42264825 45811845-45812021 66.85 D17S902 37412061-37412214 38356859-38357011 41647204-41647339 64.16 D17S1325 37300854-37301077 38245247-38245460 41535531-41535746 D17S855 (BRCA1) 36971090-36971236 37861601-37861747 41204744-41204894 D17S1328 36925543-36925738 37816051-37816246 41159779-41159976 D17S800 34850782-34850955 35717993-35718164 39056423-39056594 62.01 D17S250 32947505-32947658 33812922-33813073 37152092-37152243 62.01 8233 kb 4.84 cM T C Seq. Pos. chr.13 HuRef Celera Prim Ass Marshfield (cM) D13S267 15075879 - 15076032 15330793 - 15330946 34264233 - 34264380 26.87 D13S171 14064951 - 14065177 14320748 - 14320974 33253937 - 33254167 25.08 D13S1701 13955677 - 13955966 14211351 - 14211640 33144530 - 33144819 D13S1698 13516128 - 13516286 13771290 - 13771448 32704522 - 32704676 D13S260 13247998 - 13248162 13503800 - 13503964 32436833 - 32436997 23.65 D13S290 12240204 - 12240379 12495878 - 12496055 31429323 - 31429512 21.51 D13S1246 11923172 - 11923372 12174871 - 12175071 31105534 - 31105738 20.44 ? BRCA2 3155 kb 6.43cM T C BRCA2 CASE-CONTROL CARRIER FREQUENCIES D13S171 D13S267 IVS16 - 2A>Gprobands (9) CONTROLS (85 - 91) 144 9 0 100 % 0% 44 41 52 % 48% Fisher p 5910C<G probands (5) CONTROLS (85 - 91) others 3 2 60 % 40% 34 51 40 % 60% (5) CONTROLS (85 - 91) Fisher p others 155 others 158 others 174 others 9 0 9 0 8 1 8 1 9 0 100% 0% 100% 0% 89% 11% 89% 11% 100% 0% 67% 33% 61 29 26 62 40 51 26 64 74 13 48 42 68% 32% 30% 70% 44% 56% 29% 71% 85% 15% 53% 47% 4 1 80 % 20% 44 41 52 % 48% 0.366 0.000049 0.013131 0.000712 205 others 6 3 0.504 0.604 226 others 299 others 155 others 162 others 174 others 201 others 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 4 1 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 80% 20% 40 50 26 62 40 51 17 73 74 13 24 66 44% 56% 30% 70% 44% 56% 19% 84% 85% 15% 27% 73% 0.021086 others D13S1246 299 0.398 144 D13S290 D13S260 others 0.054 156 D13S1698 230 0.0045 Fisher p 9106C>T probands others D13S1701 0.003269 0.019988 0.000454 0.025 1 240 others 287 others 173 others 168 others 174 others 199 others 5 0 5 0 4 1 4 1 5 0 4 1 100% 0% 100% 0% 80% 20% 80% 20% 100% 0% 80% 20% 50 40 21 67 3 88 26 64 74 13 29 61 56% 40% 24% 76% 3% 97% 29% 71% 85% 15% 32% 68% 0.071 0.001265 0.000051 BRCA2 0.033 1 0.047 BRCA2 CASE-CONTROL ALLELE FREQUENCIES D13S171 D13S267 IVS16 - 2A>Gprobands (18 alleles) CONTROLS (170 - 182 alleles) (10 alleles) CONTROLS (170 - 182 alleles) (10 alleles) CONTROLS (170 - 182 alleles) Fisher p D13S260 230 others 299 others 155 others 158 others 174 others 14 4 13 5 10 8 11 7 9 9 14 4 78% 22% 72% 28% 56% 44% 61% 39% 50% 50% 78% 22% 68 102 73 107 51 125 46 136 28 152 105 69 40% 60% 41% 59% 29% 71% 25% 75% 16% 84% 60% 40% 0.044 0.0025 0.031 0.004264 D13S1246 D13S290 others 0.001530 205 others 7 39% 11 61% 60 33% 120 67% 0.203 0.612 156 others 226 others 299 others 155 others 162 others 174 others 201 others 3 7 5 5 6 4 6 4 5 5 7 3 4 6 30% 70% 50% 50% 60% 40% 50% 50% 50% 50% 57% 43% 40% 60% 38 132 40 140 51 125 46 136 19 161 105 69 26 154 22% 78% 22% 78% 29% 71% 25% 75% 11% 89% 60% 40% 14% 86% Fisher p 9106C>T probands D13S1698 144 Fisher p 5910C<G probands D13S1701 0.058 0.697 0.070 0.025 0.003493 0.742 0.053 144 others 240 others 287 others 173 others 168 others 174 others 199 others 5 5 7 3 5 5 5 5 4 6 8 2 4 6 50% 50% 70% 30% 50% 50% 50% 50% 40% 60% 80% 20% 40% 60% 68 102 61 119 22 154 4 178 28 152 105 69 32 148 40% 60% 34% 66% 12% 88% 2% 98% 16% 84% 60% 40% 18% 82% 0.529 0.036 0.006161 0.000014 BRCA2 0.066709 0.320 0.097 BRCA1 HAPLOTYPE SPAN Shared by all carriers MUT D17S806 D17S902 D17S855 D17S1328 D17S800 D17S250 C39Y 170 149 149 247 170 149 795delT 170 149 149 247 174 1806C>T 170 145 145 247 5385insC 170 141 151 C61G 172 141 153 Proband Yes/No Control Yes/no P 7/0 83/7 1 149 7/0 10/80 170 153 5/0 83/7 247 170 153 7/0 33/56 247 166 147 7/0 3/87 1.5x 10-6 1 1.5x10-3 1x10-8 Shared by at least 50% carriers MUT D17S806 D17S902 D17S855 D17S1328 D17S800 D17S250 Proband Yes/No Control Yes/no P C39Y 170 149 149 247 170 149 5/2 7/82 2.3x10-4 795delT 170 149 149 247 174 149 4/3 2/84 1.7x10-4 1806C>T 170 145 145 247 170 153 4/1 1/85 0.9x10-5 5385insC 170 141 151 247 170 153 4/3 4/85 6.6x10-4 C61G 172 141 153 247 166 147 5/2 1/87 0.2x10-5 BRCA2 HAPLOTYPE SPAN Shared by all carriers D13S267 D13S171 D13S1701 D13S1698 D13S260 D13S290 D13S1246 IVS16-2 144 230 299 155 160 174 205 5910C>G 156 226 299 155 162 174 9106C>T 144 240 287 173 168 174 MUT Proband Yes/No Control Yes/no P 9/0 22/67 1.2x10 - 201 5/0 0/91 1x10 - 8 199 5/0 15/74 2.8x10 - 5 4 Shared by at least 50% carriers MUT D13S267 D13S171 D13S1701 D13S1698 D13S260 D13S290 D13S1246 Proband Yes/No Control Yes/no P IVS16-2 144 230 299 155 160 174 205 6/3 2/89 1.8x10 -6 5910C>G 156 226 299 155 162 174 201 3/2 0/91 6.9x10 - 5 9106C>T 144 240 287 173 168 174 199 3/2 0/91 6.9x10 - 5 BRCA1 3228-3329delAG Manual haplotype reconstruction, assuming the least number of possible recombinations Mutation age estimate with the DMLE+2.2 software: 129 generations= 3225years for example…. BRCA1 795delT BR704 D17S250 D17S800 155 BR328, BR384 BR573, BR613 149 170/176 247 D17S855 149 D17S902 149 162 BR573 159 BR392 145/155 174 D17S1328 D17S806 BR128 170 BR128, BR328, BR384, BR392, BR613, BR704 • • • • • PROVISIONAL CONCLUSIONS The haplotypes significantly associated to the single mutations have been identified by combining the analyses of • allele frequency in probands and controls • allelotype segregation in the families These haplotypes are frequents in probands but absent or rare in controls, and cosegregate with BRCA mutation in the family. This preliminary analysis supports the “common ancestor” hypothesis for all the investigated mutations. In some cases this analysis will allow to establish the n° of generations (and approximate age) of the recurrent mutations. A specific test for this panel of recurrent mutations (5 BRCA1, 3 BRCA2) could represent a rapid and less expensive strategy for mutation screening in the FVG/Veneto population. Ringraziamenti: Associazioni UNICREDIT FVG e ANDOS
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