Collezione | Collection 2014 4 Contents PATCH ACQUARELLATO p 4 PAPAVERO ACQUARELLATO p 12 GOLDENAGE JEWEL \ 1 p 20 GOLDENAGE JEWEL \ 2 p 32 PATCH FIAMMATI p 44 PAPAVERO FILIGRANA p 54 STARDUST p 68 PASSIFLORA GIANT p 78 FRESIA p 86 GARDEN NEW p 96 32 68 96 20 12 44 54 78 86 PATCH ACQUARELLATO 5 7 8 11 PAPAVERO ACQUARELLATO 13 14 16 19 GOLDEN AGE JEWEL \ 1 21 23 25 25 27 28 30 GOLDEN AGE JEWEL \ 2 33 35 36 39 40 43 PATCH DI FIAMMATI 45 47 48 51 52 PAPAVERO FILIGRANA 55 56 59 61 63 64 66 69 STARDUST 70 73 74 75 76 PASSIFLORA GIANT 79 80 81 82 84 85 FRESIA 87 88 89 90 93 94 GARDEN NEW 97 98 99 101 102 103 104 105 PATCH ACQUARELLATO Divano INNTIL, pouf CILINDRO e cuscino in Chevron jacquard multicolor PHRAE (P.6.9.10). Cuscino unito spina pesce OJUS. Candela CHEVRON (P.6). Cuscini, poltroncina DANIELA in velluto di viscosa a macro coste COOMBA (P.6.9.11). Tavolino HOLLY GLASS (P.6.8.11). Tavolo rocchetto in massello di cedro tornito CEDAR SPOOL MISSONIHOME/RIVA1920 (P.9). Pouf CILINDRO, divano NAP, pouf 60x40 in jacquard misto seta effetto patch di righe acquarellate PALENQUE (P.9.10.11). Tappeto shag di viscosa rasato NIRSA (P.9.10). Tenda a frange sovrapposte DAINTREE. Vasi GOMITOLO grande e piccolo (P.11). Candela LAGUNA MISSONIHOME/Apothia (P.11). GOLDENAGE JEWEL \ 2 Letto INNTIL in jacquard tubico bianco oro a motivo gioiello PESSAC. Copripiumino e federe in raso di cotone ricamato a chevron sfumati oro e argento PARIS. Tappeto chain stitch ricamato in lana/viscosa POUM. Tenda ricamo sfumato su tulle naturale PEQUI. Poltroncina tonda CORDULA in cuoio. Tavolino HOLLY GLASS. Vaso BORSA. Candele tonde con texture a cordoncino GOMITOLO (P.32.33). Divano INNTIL, pouf CILINDRO, cuscini in velluto di viscosa a macro coste color avorio COOMBA. Cuscino in Chevron sfumato argento PLAISIR, cuscino e pouf CILINDRO in Chevron rigato MASULEH (P.32.34). Lampade BUBBLE NUDA gold. Tappeto in shag di viscosa WENGEN (P.34). PAPAVERO ACQUARELLATO Pouf 60x40, poltrona MINI GRAVITA’, cuscino in lino stampato a fiori acquarellato PAMPLONA (P.15.16.19). Pouf 60x40 e cuscini in velluto jacquard di viscosa a righe sfumate PARAGUAY (P.15.19), a triangoli bouclè multicolor NAXOS (P.15). Tappeto shag di viscosa rasato NIRSA. Tenda macro riga sfumata in poliestere PUCALLPA (P.16). Lampada intrecciata a mano THEA KUTA (P.17.18). Pouf CILINDRO, divano GRAVITA’, pouf 60x40, in pelle con effetto irregolare PLATO (P.16.19). Cuscino unito spina pesce OJUS. Lampade BUBBLE NUDA gold. Tavolo rocchetto in massello di cedro tornito CEDAR SPOOL MISSONIHOME/RIVA1920 (P.19). PATCH FIAMMATI Divano e pouf NAP, pouf 60x40, sedie PATCH ONE e PATCH TWO, cuscini in jacquard cotone PATCH (P.38.40.42). Cuscini in velluto di viscosa a macro coste COOMBA, in pelle effetto invecchiato OMAN (P.38.42). Tavolino rocchetto SPOOL multicolore. Tappeto punto maglia unito in lana PEREIRA. Vaso ovale a righe bianconero BAYADERE (P.39). Tavolino rocchetto SPOOL bianconero (P.40). Poltrone VIRGOLA, lampada SOPHIE in rafia rigate barrè bianco nera PRESCOTT. Tappeto effetto patch annodato a mano PRITZWALK. Pouf PUNTASPILLONE in Chevron bianco nero NOSSEN. Tavolini alto e basso HOLLY (P.42.43). GOLDENAGE JEWEL \ 1 Divano, pouf NAP e cuscini in matelassé a schacchi grandi e piccoli PRASLIN (P.22.25). Poltrona VIRGOLA, pouf CILINDRO e cuscini in pelle effetto invecchiato OMAN (P.22.25.27). Cuscini in raso stampa gioiello PERPIGNAN (P.22), ricamato su tulle PANTIN (P.23.26.29). Vaso GOMITOLO grande e piccolo (P.23.25.27). Candele FLAME a righe TOTEM e a onde TORTA (P.23.24.27). Lampada intrecciata a mano THEA KUTA. Tavolo rocchetto in massello di cedro tornito CEDAR SPOOL MISSONIHOME/RIVA1920. Tappeto chain stitch ricamato in lana PICCARDIA. Tenda in macramè sfumato multicolor PALAISEAU (P.25). Cuscini in duchesse di seta unita MONO (P.25.27). Poltroncina DANIELA e poltrone MINI GRAVITA’ in duchesse ricamata effetto gioiello PROVINS. Tappeti in shag di viscosa WENGEN. Lampadario a frange DANAE (P.26). Accappatoio e set spugna in velour effetto Chevron 3D PILLY. Candele tonde con texture a cordoncino GOMITOLO (P.28). Letto MORFEO, pouf CILINDRO e cuscino in macro Chevron jacquard NESTEROV. Copripiumino e federe in raso con stampa gioiello PORZIA. Plaid ricamato a chevron sfumato con bordo a frange “tie-dye” sfumate PRUDENCE. Tavolino HOLLY GLASS. Candela CHEVRON (P.29). 106 PAPAVERO FILIGRANA Divano e poltrona TIAMAT a grandi fiori stampati e ricamati PARAIBA e a piccoli PALMEIRA. Pouf CILINDRO e cuscini in velluto di viscosa a macro coste COOMBA. Tavolino rocchetto SPOOL multicolore. Lampada SOPHIE in jacquard fiammato bianconero PIAUI. Candele tonde con texture a cordoncino GOMITOLO. Candele FLAME a righe TOTEM e a onde TORTA (P.46). Tappeto sumak in lana-cotone PINHAL (P.46.51). Lampade a sospensione intrecciata a mano CORDULA (P.48.49). Poltroncine DANIELA, pouf CILINDRO e cuscini in jacquard tonale bianco-verde, bianco-blu, bianco-arancio PHOENIX (P.46.49). Tappeto in shag di viscosa WENGEN (P.49). Letto MORFEO in MOOMBA. Copripiumino e federe a grandi fiori stampati PAULINE e a righe sfumate PARSIFAL. Cuscino e pouf CILINDRO in jacquard cotone seta PATOS. Tenda in poliestere fiammato multicolor PINDAI. Lampada BUBBLE ricamo sfumato su tulle naturale PEQUI. Poltrone VIRGOLA in rafia rigate barrè bianco nera PRESCOTT. Vaso JAR BOCCIA grande (P.51). Accappatoio e set spugna velour PENELOPE, a righe multicolor PARIDE (P.53). STARDUST Divano NAP e cuscini in patch di maglia stampato OSAKA, in jacquard nido d’ape rigato PORTLAND, effetto spina pesce sfumato PRINCETON, rigato in velluto shag OXFORD. Tappeto shag di viscosa rasato NIRSA. Tenda a frange JAIPUR (P.56.58). Tavolo rocchetto in massello di cedro tornito CEDAR SPOOL MISSONIHOME/RIVA1920 (P.57.59.61). Vaso GOMITOLO grande e piccolo (P.57.58). Candele MAREMMA, BIANCONERO, MEDITERRANEO, MONTEROSA MISSONIHOME/Apothia (p.58). Poltrona MINI GRAVITA’, poltrona VIRGOLA, pouf CILINDRO e cuscino in pelle effetto invecchiato OMAN (P.59.60). Tappeto punto maglia unito in lana PEREIRA (P.59.60). Plaid ricamo sfumato effetto macramè ODOARDO (P.59.61). Letto MORFEO in macroknit ecru’ ONTARIO. Copripiumino e federe in raso jacquard tinto capo effetto punto maglia OLAFUR. Copriletto e cuscini in misto seta sfumato con effetto a costine ecru’ OLEG (P.59.61). Candele tonde con texture a cordoncino GOMITOLO (P.61). Accappatoio e set spugna riccio con frange e entre-deux in punto maglia-lurex ODINO (P.63). PASSIFLORA GIANT Letto SCREEN e divano TOP 4 in Chevron jacquard KEW (P.66.70). Copriletto e federe in raso stampa passiflora OLGA (P.66.69). Cuscini e pouf CILINDRO in pelle effetto invecchiato OMAN (P.66.69.71). Plaid misto cashmere effetto chevron PERSEO (P.66). Pouf 60x40 e cuscino rigato multicolor CLAREMONT. Tappeto in lana con effetto fiammato PORTO (P.66). Tenda a frange sovrapposte DAINTREE. Tavolini annodati a mano CORDULA (P.66.70). Lampade BUBBLE in micro Chevron sfumato JOHN, in passiflora OLGA, ricamato macro Chevron JANET e micro PETRA e NUDE gold. Tappeto shag di viscosa rasato NIRSA (P.68). Tappeto in shag di viscosa WENGEN. Pouf PALLINA in PASSIFLORA GIANT (P.70). FRESIA Divano, chaise-longue e pouf NAP in matelassé a schacchi grandi e piccoli PITTSBURGH. Cuscini unito spina pesce OJUS. Tavolini grande HOLLY e piccolo HOLLY GLASS (P.74). Tappeto in shag di viscosa WENGEN. Candele tonde con texture a cordoncino GOMITOLO (P.74.81). Pouf PUNTASPILLONE, pouf CILINDRO, poltrona VIRGOLA, cuscino in jacquard multicolor sfumato con effetti lurex PAILIN (P.77.78.81). Pouf PUNTASPILLONE e cuscino in jacquard sfumato multicolor con effetto pizzo oro PASADENA (P.77.81). Pouf CILINDRO e cuscini in velluto di viscosa a macro coste COOMBA, in jacquard tonale bianco-arancio, bianco-blu PHOENIX. Tappeto shag di viscosa rasato NIRSA (P.77.78). Chaise-longue VIRGOLA, pouf CILINDRO in cotone stampato a grandi fresie PHUKET (p.79.81). Lampadario a frange DANAE (P.79). Tenda ricamata multicolore sfumata PAILIN. Plaid lana-cotone effetto goffrato PACEY (P.81). GARDEN NEW Chaise-longue, poltrona, pouf NAP, chaise-longue JALAMAR, pouf PALLINA e cuscini in fresia bianconera e multicolor PRETORIA (P.84). Telo mare velour tinta unita LIAM (P.84), onda PENNY (P.84.80) e fresia PENELOPE (P.84.87). Vasi ovali BAYADERE bianconero basso e alto (P.87) e multicolor basso, medio e alto (p.85.86). Sedie pieghevoli REGISTA e SDRAIO in jacquard PVC ONDA (P.86.87). Telo mare riccio con bordo frange PONYO (P.86). Pouf CUBO in riga bianconera RAINBOW (P.87). Divano NAP e cuscini effetto Chevron multicolor KEW OUTDOOR (P.88). Pouf CILINDRO, chaise-longue JALAMAR e cuscini effetto Chevron bianconero KEW OUTDOOR (P.88.91). Chaise-longue PETAL e tavolinopouf PITAGORA (P.90). Teli mare velour rigato POLDO (P.90.91), a Chevron PABLO (P.91). Sdraio LETTINO MISSONIHOME e cuscino in dalia bianconera DALIA (P.85.91). Tutti i tessuti sono outdoor. PATCH ACQUARELLATO INNTIL sofa, CILINDRO pouf and cushion in multicolour chevron jacquard PHRAE (P.6.9.10). Solid coloured herringbone cushion OJUS. Candle CHEVRON p.6). Cushions and armchair DANIELA in macro viscose velvet corduroy COOMBA (P.6.9.11). Small table HOLLY GLASS (P.6.8.11). Small table in turned solid cedar CEDAR SPOOL MISSONIHOME/RIVA1920 (P.9). CILINDRO pouf, NAP sofa, pouf 60x40 in silk blend jacquard with watercolour stripe-patch motif PALENQUE (P.9.10.11). Cut viscose shag rug NIRSA (P.9.10). Fringing curtain DAINTREE. GOMITOLO large and small vases (P.11). LAGUNA candle from MISSONIHOME/Apothia (P.11). PAPAVERO ACQUARELLATO Pouf 60x40, MINI GRAVITA’ armchair and cushion in printed water-coloured flowers PAMPLONA (P.15.16.19). Pouf 60x40 and cushion in shading striped viscose velvet blend PARAGUAY (P.15.19), and triangular patterned jacquard with bouclé yarns NAXOS (P.15). Cut viscose shag rug NIRSA. Macro shaded striped polyester sheer PUCALLPA (P.16). Hand-woven pendant lamp THEA KUTA (P.17.18). CILINDRO pouf, GRAVITA’ sofa and pouf 60x40 in grain leather PLATO (P.16.19). Cushion in solid-tonal herringbone effect OJUS. BUBBLE NUDA pendant in light gold. small table in turned solid cedar CEDAR SPOOL MISSONIHOME/RIVA1920 (p.19) GOLDENAGE JEWEL \ 1 NAP sofa and pouf with cushions in varying chequered matelassé PRASLIN (P.22.25). VIRGOLA armchair, CILINDRO pouf and cushions in vintage style leather OMAN (P.22.25.27). Printed satin with jewel pattern PERPIGNAN (P.22), Jewel motif embroidered on tulle PANTIN (P.23.26.29). GOMITOLO large and small vases (P.23.25.27). FLAME candles: striped TOTEM and wave striped TORTA (P.23.24.27). Hand-woven pendant lamp THEA KUTA. Small table in turned solid cedar CEDAR SPOOL MISSONIHOME/ RIVA1920. Woollen rug with multicoloured embroidery with chain-stitch PICCARDIA. Sheer in shaded multicoloured macramè PALAISEAU (P.25). Cushions in duchesse silk MONO (P.25.27). Armchairs DANIELA and MINI GRAVITA’ in embroidered duchesse silk with jewel motif PROVINS. Viscose shag rugs WENGEN. Fringe chandelier light DANAE (P.26). Velour bathrobe and towelling set in 3D chevron effect PILLY. Ball-of-string like candles GOMITOLO (P.28). MORFEO bed, CILINDRO pouf and cushions in macro chevron jacquard NESTEROV. Duvet and pillowcases in printed cotton sateen with jewel motif PORZIA. Embroidered throw with shaded chevron and tie-dyed fringe border PRUDENCE. HOLLY GLASS small table. CHEVRON candle (P.29). 108 GOLDENAGE JEWEL \ 2 INNTIL bed in white and gold tubular jacquard with jewel motif PESSAC. Duvet and pillowcases in cotton sateen embroidered with gold and silver lurex yarn in chevron motif PARIS. Woollen rug with embroidery chain-stitch POUM. Chevron embroidered sheer in natural tulle PEQUI. CORDULA round armchair in fine leather straps. HOLLY GLASS small table. BORSA vase. Ball-of-string like candles GOMITOLO (P.32.33). INNTIL sofa, CILINDRO pouf and cushions in macro viscose velvet corduroy COOMBA. Cushions with shaded silver chevron PLAISIR, cushions and CILINDRO pouf in chevron motif MASULEH (P.32.34). BUBBLE NUDA pendant in light gold. Viscose shag rug WENGEN (P.34). PATCH FIAMMATI NAP sofa and pouf, pouf 60x40, PATCH ONE and PATCH TWO chairs, cushions in cotton jacquard PATCH (P.38.40.42). Cushions in macro viscose velvet corduroy COOMBA, and in vintage style leather OMAN (P.38.42). Multicoloured spool table SPOOL. Patchwork woollen rug in jersey stitch PEREIRA. Black and white striped oval-cylinder vases BAYADERE (P.39). Black and white spool table SPOOL (P.40). VIRGOLA armchair, SOPHIE floor lamp with shade black and white barrè striped raffia PRESCOTT. Hand knotted woollen patch rug PRITZWALK. PUNTASPILLONE pouf in black and white chevron motif NOSSEN. Large and small HOLLY tables (P.42.43). PAPAVERO FILIGRANA TIAMAT sofa and armchair in printed macro floral with embroidered detail PARAIBA and micro floral PALMEIRA. CILINDRO pouf and cushions in macro viscose velvet corduroy COOMBA. Multicoloured spool table SPOOL. SOPHIE floor lamp with light shade in black and white flamed jacquard PIAUI. Ball-of-string like candles GOMITOLO. FLAME candles: striped TOTEM and wave striped TORTA (P.46). Sumak rug in wool and cotton PINHAL (P.46.51). Hand woven pendant lamps CORDULA (P.48.49). DANIELA armchair, CILINDRO pouf and cushions in white-green, white-blue and white-orange tonal jacquard PHOENIX (P.46.49). Viscose shag rug WENGEN (P.49). MORFEO bed in MOOMBA. Duvet and pillowcases in printed cotton sateen with macro floral motif PAULINE and shaded stripes PARSIFAL. Cushion and CILINDRO pouf in cotton-silk jacquard PATOS. Multicoloured stripe sheer PINDAI. BUBBLE lamp in chevron embroidered sheer in natural tulle PEQUI. VIRGOLA armchair multicoloured barrè striped raffia PRESCOTT. JAR BOCCIA large vase (P.51). Velour bathrobe and towelling set in PENELOPE, and multicoloured stripe PARIDE (P.53). STARDUST NAP sofa and cushions printed knitted patch OSAKA, in honeycomb weave PORTLAND, shaded herringbone PRINCETON, and striped velvet shag and loop OXFORD. Cut viscose shag rug NIRSA. Fringing curtain JAIPUR (P.56.58). Small table in turned solid cedar CEDAR SPOOL MISSONIHOME/RIVA1920 (P.57.59.61). GOMITOLO large and small vases (P.57.58). MAREMMA candles, in fragrances: BIANCONERO, MEDITERRANEO, MONTEROSA MISSONIHOME/ Apothia (p.58). MINI GRAVITA’, armchair, VIRGOLA armchair, CILINDRO pouf and cushion in vintage style leather OMAN (P.59.60). Solid knitted woollen rug PEREIRA (P.59.60). Embroidered throw with shaded macramè effect ODOARDO (P.59.61). MORFEO bed in macroknit effect on jacquard ONTARIO. Duvet and pillowcases in yarn-dyed cotton sateen jacquard with knitted effect OLAFUR. Duvet and pillowcases in yarn-dyed silk blend jacquard OLEG (P.59.61). Ball-of-string like candles GOMITOLO (P.61). Terry bathrobe and towelling set with cam border in knitted effect ODINO (P.63). PASSIFLORA GIANT SCREEN bed and TOP 4 sofa in chevron jacquard KEW (P.66.70). Duvet and pillowcases in printed passionflower on cotton sateen OLGA (P.66.69). CILINDRO cushions and pouf in vintage style leather OMAN (P.66.69.71). Cashmere blend throw with chevron motif PERSEO (P.66). Pouf 60x40 and cushion in multicoloured striped CLAREMONT. Hand woven woollen rug with flame effect PORTO (P.66). Fringing curtain DAINTREE. Hand woven pendant lamps CORDULA (P.66.70). BUBBLE lamp with shade upholstered in shaded chevron JOHN, in passionflower print OLGA, embroidered macro chevron JANET and micro PETRA and un-upholstered BUBLLE lamp NUDE gold. Cut viscose shag rug NIRSA (P.68). Viscose shag rug WENGEN. PALLINA pouf in PASSIFLORA GIANT (P.70). FRESIA NAP chaise, sofa and pouf in matelassé jacquard with varying chequered motif PITTSBURGH. Cushions in solid herringbone OJUS. HOLLY and HOLLY GLASS tables (P.74). Viscose shag rug WENGEN. Ball-of-string like candles GOMITOLO (P.74.81). PUNTASPILLONE pouf, CILINDRO pouf, VIRGOLA armchair, and cushions in shaded multicoloured jacquard with lurex detail PAILIN (P.77.78.81). PUNTASPILLONE pouf and cushion in shaded multicoloured jacquard with golden lace effect PASADENA (P.77.81). CILINDRO pouf and cushions in macro viscose velvet corduroy COOMBA, in white-orange and white-blue tonal jacquard PHOENIX. Cut viscose shag rug NIRSA (P.77.78). VIRGOLA chaise, CILINDRO pouf in printed cotton with macro floral motif PHUKET (p.79.81). Fringe chandelier light DANAE (P.79). Sheer in shaded multicoloured jacquard with lurex detail PAILIN. Wool-cotton throw with embossed PACEY (P.81). GARDEN NEW NAP chaise, armchair and pouf, JALAMAR chaise, PALLINA pouf and cushions in printed outdoor fabric with freesia motif PRETORIA (P.84). Solid colour velour beach towel LIAM (P.84), with wave motif PENNY (P.84.80) and freesia motif PENELOPE (P.84.87). Black and white striped oval-cylinder vases BAYADERE tall and low (P.87) and multicoloured low, medium and tall (p.85.86). REGISTA director’s chair and SDRAIO sundeck chair in PVC jacquard ONDA (P.86.87). Terry beach towel with fringed border PONYO (P.86). CUBO pouf in black and white striped RAINBOW (P.87). NAP sofa and cushions in multicoloured chevron KEW OUTDOOR (P.88). CILINDRO pouf, JALAMAR chaise and cushions in black and white chevron KEW OUTDOOR (P.88.91). PETAL chaise and table-pouf PITAGORA (P.90). Striped velour beach towels POLDO (P.90.91), and in chevron PABLO (P.91). LETTINO daybed and cushion in black and white maxi floral DALIA (P.85.91). All pictured fabrics are suitable for outdoors. T&J Vestor spa Golasecca (VA) T +39 0331 950311 F +39 0331 959200 [email protected] Press: [email protected] T +39 02 2822738 Art Direction: Angelo Jelmini, Carlo Magnoli Styling: Paola Dallavalle Photo: Max Zambelli Graphic Design: Print: Intergrafica Verona
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