settembre 20

ESoDoc – European Social Documentary 2014
Settembre 20-26, Locarno
ESoDoc – European Social Documentary
Sessione 3 – settembre 20-26, 2014 – Locarno
In collaborazione con
ESoDoc – European Social Documentary è un progetto formativo offerto da ZeLIG, una delle poche scuole
europee ad occuparsi esclusivamente di film documentari. ESoDoc è sostenuto dal programma MEDIA della
Unione Europea, e può vantare un'estesa rete di partner che comprende numerose istituzioni di tutto il
mondo, tra cui WWF International (Gland, Svizzera), Amref (Roma, Italia), Greenpeace International
(Amsterdam, Olanda), European Documentary Network (Copenhagen, Danimarca).
L'obiettivo di ESoDoc è creare un ponte tra le richieste dei diversi protagonisti coinvolti nella produzione
documentaristica. Tra questi troviamo: autori e produttori indipendenti, organizzazioni non governative
(ONG) e non-profit (ONP), le emittenti televisive ed un crescente numero di professionisti del settore dei
nuovi media, che si occupano sia di produzioni di documentari online che di progetti crossmedia.
ESoDoc intende preparare i professionisti di oggi per il mercato di domani, rendendoli partecipi del
cambiamento che sta vivendo oggi il mondo dell’audiovisivo. Il corso si focalizza su un particolare genere di
documentario che sia facilmente adattabile a diverse piattaforme, proponendo film che spostino l'attenzione
su tematiche quali i diritti umani, la giustizia sociale e la protezione ambientale, in particolare nel paesi in via
di sviluppo.
ESoDoc offre 3 sessioni di una settimana ciascuna nell'arco di 6 mesi, durante i quali i partecipanti
sviluppano (sia singolarmente che in gruppo) un progetto di film documentario, anche tramite una
piattaforma internet creata appositamente e messa a disposizione per lavorare sui progetti durante i periodi
intermedi alle 3 sessioni. Maggiori informazioni su
ZeLIG Scuola di documentario, televisione e nuovi media
ZeLIG scuola di documentario, televisione e nuovi media, fondata nel 1988, è un'istituzione specializzata
nella formazione professionale nel settore del film documentario. Offre un corso di formazione professionale
triennale per la specializzazione nel documentario. Il corso è finanziato dagli assessorati alla formazione
professionale in lingua tedesca, ladina e italiana della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano. I seminari si tengono
in lingua tedesca, italiana e inglese. ZeLIG organizza corsi per professionisti filmmaker sullo sviluppo
progetto e la preparazione ai pitching, corsi di video partecipato e convegni e conferenze internazionali. È
inoltre una casa di produzione per film, documentari e progetti cross-media e fornisce così occasioni di
lavoro ai propri corsisti. ZeLIG è membro delle associazioni internazionali ed europee delle scuole di cinema
Geect e Cilect, dell'associazione documentaristi della Germania Ag Dok e dell'Italia Doc/it, della quale è tra i
cofondatori, nonché dell'European Documentary Network EDN. Maggiori informazioni su
Luogo: tutti i seminari e le proiezioni serali si terranno presso l'aula magna della SUPSI - Dipartimento
formazione e apprendimento, Piazza San Francesco 19 (Locarno). Per le proiezioni serali le porte di
accesso alla SUPSI chiuderanno alle ore 21.00; dopo tale orario non sarà più possibile entrare in sala.
Il pitching pubblico di mercoledì 24 settembre si terrà presso la Sala Sopracenerina, Piazza Grande 5
NOTA: tutti i seminari pubblici di ESoDoc a Locarno si svolgeranno in lingua inglese. Non è prevista
traduzione simultanea.
ESoDoc – European Social Documentary 2014
Settembre 20-26, Locarno
Tutti gli eventi aperti al pubblico
Domenica, 21 settembre
10.30 – 12.30 Michael Grotenhoff: “netwars/out of CTRL”, the making of a cross-media sensation
14.30 -16.15 Introduction to the Pitch
21.00 Proiezione: “netwars – War On The Web” by Marcel Kolvenbach
Lunedì, 22 settembre
21.00 Charlie Phillips, Deputy Director for Sheffield Doc/Fest: Crowd Funding and Crowd Sourcing
Martedì, 23 settembre
9.15 – 10.30 Distribution and Co-Production
21.00 Proiezione: Sister Rosetta – The Godmother of Rock and Roll by Mick Csáky
Mercoledì, 24 settembre
9.30 – 18.00 ESoDoc 2014 PITCH @Sala Sopracenerina
Giovedì, 25 settembre
10.00 – 11.00 Mark Atkin: Interactive documentary - a bright new future or a flash in the pan?
11.30 – 12.30 Flora Gregory: Storytelling for a Global Market
14.30 – 15.30 Nicole van Schaik: The Good Pitch
16.00 – 17.00 Hugh Purcell’s Desert Island DVDs
ESoDoc – European Social Documentary 2014
Settembre 20-26, Locarno
Sunday, September 21
10.30 – 12.30 Michael Grotenhoff: “netwars/out of CTRL”, the making of a crossmedia sensation
'netwars/out of CTRL', a groundbreaking cross-media project that explores the impending
threat of cyber warfare. The media company Filmtank approaches the hot topic with a graphic novel app for
tablets, a TV documentary, an interactive WebDOC series, an e-book and audio book to a series. How can
be produced and with which partners carried out such a project? Michael Grotenhoff will talk about the
challenges of partnering up with artists and companies from different sectors such as publishers,
broadcasters, programmers in order to create this multiplatform experience. Also he will share his thoughts
on opportunities of cross-media projects and on what he has learned from 'netwars/out of CTRL' for future
14.30 -16.15 Introduction to the Pitch
The pitch has become the standard way of selling your documentary project to TV, NGOs or sponsors all
over the film market world. Our Moderator Stefano Tealdi (Stefilm, Italy), with Sabine Bubeck-Paaz (Arte,
Germany) and Sibylle Kurz (, Germany) will tell us what the pitch is for, how it works and how you
should work It.
21.00 Screening: “netwars – War On The Web” by Marcel Kolvenbach – @SUPSI
The TV documentary "netwars – War On The Web" demonstrates that we are all affected by the digital war,
and that it’s already happening as we speak. At the heart of the documentary is an exclusive hack on a
German energy supplier. For the first time ever, an energy supplier is accompanied by a camera team as
high-profile hackers attempt to break into its infrastructure. Michael Grotenhoff – who wrote the script
together with director Marcel Kolvenbach and is executive producer of the film – will be available for Q&A
after the screening.
Monday, September 22
21.00 Charlie Phillips, Deputy Director for Sheffield Doc/Fest: Crowd Funding and
Crowd Sourcing – @SUPSI
What should we think about crowd sourcing and what does it mean for the research,
funding and impact of our films? What should we think about crowd funding? Is it a form of
begging? Or a good way of publicizing your film and raising an audience, as well as getting money of
course? What are the rules of running a good campaign? And which are the good and bad crowd funding
schemes? Above all, does it work for beginners or is it increasingly taken over by the industry? Charlie
Phillips knows! Sheffield and You! The Sheffield Doc/Fest is one of the biggest film industry get-togethers.
The Meet Market is a really good way to introduce your project to CEs. How do you apply? What are the
chances of showing your finished film at the Festival? Should you go anyway because it’s a prime
ESoDoc – European Social Documentary 2014
Settembre 20-26, Locarno
networking opportunity? Charlie – joined by Mark Atkin – will introduce Sheffield and then its your turn with a
Tuesday, September 23
9.15 – 10.30 Distribution and Co-Production
A round table, chaired by Hugh Purcell, with Stefano Tealdi who runs Stefilm, one of Italy’s
biggest distributors, Mick Csáky, double Emmy winner and hugely experienced UK coproducer and Charlie Phillips. Opinions differ, probably on the panel, about the value of a
distributor. How do they work? Co-production is often talked about without realizing what “co” actually means
– editorial collaboration? Sharing of resources? A device to get EU money? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of a co-producer?
21.00 Screening: Sister Rosetta – The Godmother of Rock and Roll by Mick Csáky – @SUPSI
Despite not being a household name today, Sister Rosetta Tharpe is one of the most influential artists of the
20th century. Her flamboyance, skill, and showmanship on the newly electrified guitar played a vital role in
the conception of Rock & Roll as a genre of music. Featuring archival performances and using new
interviews with fellow musicians, producers, friends, and colleagues, this film tells the story of a talented and
determined woman that introduces spiritual passion of her gospel music background into Rock & Roll. Learn
more about Sister Rosetta Tharpe, her life story, and lasting artistic legacy. Tonight we're showing the new
cut of Mick Csáky'’s latest documentary (2013) realized for PBS in the States and the BBC in the UK.
ESoDoc – European Social Documentary 2014
Settembre 20-26, Locarno
Wednesday, September 24
9.30 – 18.00 ESoDoc 2014 PITCH @Sala Sopracenerina
This is a public presentation of the projects developed during ESoDoc 2014. Some are
documentaries intended for TV and festivals, some for NGOs and some are www projects
either to accompany a TV documentary or to stand alone. The usual rules apply: a 7
minute pitch, including a trailer, followed by 12 minutes of feedback.
Moderator: Stefano Tealdi (Italy)
Flora Gregory (UK) was until very recently the Editor of the flagship documentary strand at Al Jazeera
(English) called Witness. Witness acquires and commissions doc films featuring character led stories that
provide an insight into how the world’s key events impact on the lives of ordinary people. Find it at It has been one of the best buyers of our documentaries and Flora one of the most
helpful CEs. After 25 years in the industry, most of it working for independent TV, she is now a free lance
Commissioning Editor.
Caroline Mutz (Germany / France) has been Commissioning Editor since 2002 at ARTE GEIE, Strasbourg,
specialising in International Co-productions and cultural programmes.
Nicole Van Schaik (UK / The Netherlands) is the European Outreach Director of Britdoc which runs the
Good Pitch. Good Pitch brings together filmmakers with NGOs, foundations, philanthropists, brands and
media around leading social issues – to forge coalitions and campaigns that are good for all these partners,
good for the films and good for society.
Mark Atkin (UK) is best known for being the Director of Crossover and outgoing Head of Studies at
Documentary Campus Masterschool. Crossover is an international programme designed to explore with
professionals from diverse disciplines – including film and TV production, animation, games – the creative
and the commercial challenges of developing content and services for digital media. Earlier this year he was
Commissioning Editor for web-docs at C4 in the UK.
Mick Csáky (UK) is one of the UK’s most eminent documentary directors and producers. He has won two
Emmys, is a Fellow of the Royal Television Society, an impresario whose AFRICA LIVE: The Roll Back
Malaria Concert from Senegal raised $millions to defeat malaria.
ESoDoc – European Social Documentary 2014
Settembre 20-26, Locarno
Thursday, September 25
10.00 – 11.00 Mark Atkin: Interactive documentary - a bright new future or a flash in
the pan?
Is there a future for interactive documentary? Where are the opportunities for film-makers
we once hoped for? Is film and TV turning away from multiplatform commissioning or are
we on the threshold of a digital revolution that is bigger than we ever anticipated?
11.30 – 12.30 Flora Gregory: Storytelling for a Global Market
What are the key elements for a documentary which can appeal the global audience and the global market?
Flora Gregory has been commissioning editor of Witness, Al Jazeera English flagship documentary strand.
14.30 – 15.30 Nicole van Schaik: The Good Pitch
Nicole van Schaik will present “The Good Pitch”, which brings together filmmakers with NGOs, foundations,
philanthropists, brands and media around leading social issues – to forge coalitions and campaigns that are
good for all these partners, good for the films and good for society.
16.00 – 17.00 Hugh’s Desert Island DVDs
The oldest radio programme in the UK is ‘Desert Island Discs’, the format of which is that the guest chooses
8 music records he/she would take to a desert island if stranded there. Hugh Purcell – ESoDoc Head of
Studies since 2004 – will review the docs he watched over the decade, mostly from ESoDoc, ZeLIG and the
National Film School in the UK, and choosing his favourite 8 sequences. These are all under 3 minutes, all
exceptional and memorable visual or audio treats.