Cod AL/CI/ 26 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 20W Max LED 3x1W 12/24 AcDc Ip 40 LUCI LIGHTS CARINA Cod AL/CI/ 26 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 20W Max LED 3x1W 12/24 AcDc Ip 40 LE LUCI METALSTYLE METASTYLE LIGHTS E’ l’indice internazionale di protezione del corpo illuminante alla penetrazione nella parte non incassata, e correttamente montata a soffitto, dei solidi (prima cifra) e dei liquidi (seconda cifra). Tutti i nostri faretti possono montare indifferentemente luci LED e ALOGENE. È possibile inserire vetri colorati per una illuminazione notturna. On all our spot lights can be easly mounted LED or HALOGEN. It is also possible use coloured glass for night illumination. Corpo in acciaio AISI 316 o ottone o alluminio Stainless Steel or Brass or Aluminium body. O-ring in materiale termoresistente (Viton, NBR o EPDF) per una perfetta tenuta stagna Hight temperature resistent O-ring (Viton, NBR o EPDF) for a perfect waterproof resistance Molle e viteria in acciaio inox o ottone Brass or Stainless Steel springs and screws 104 METALSTYLE Corpi Solidi / Solid bodies Liquidi / Liquids 0 Non protetto / No protection 0 Non protetto/ No protection 1 Protetto contro l’ingresso di solidi superiori a 50mm Protection against solid bodies larger than 50mm diameter 1 Protetto dalla caduta verticale di gocce di acqua Protected against vertically falling water drops 2 Protetto contro l’ingresso di corpi solidi con diametro superiore a 12mm Protected against penetration of solid bodies larger than 12mm diameter 3 Protetto da penetrazione di corpi solidi con diametro superiore a 2,5 mm Protection against penetration by probes larger than 2,5mm diameter. 4 Protetto contro l’ingresso di corpi solidi con diametro superiore a 1mm Protected against penetration of solids larger than 1mm diameter 2 Protetto dalla caduta di gocce d’acqua con inclinazione max 15° Protected against vertically falling water drops when enclosure is tilted up to 15° 3 Protetto dalla pioggia Protected against rain 4 Protetto dagli spruzzi d’acqua Protected against spraying water 5 Protezione contro i getti d’acqua provenienti da tutte le direzioni Protected against jets of water from any direction. 6 Protetto dalle onde Protected against powerful water jets 5 Protezione contro l’ingresso della polvere Protected against ingress of dust Vetri temperati o in pyrex, trasparenti, sabbiati. Tempered or Pirex glasses, sanded, transparent. Parabole in alluminio metallizzato per un alto rendimento illuminotecnico Metallized aluminium parabolic reflectors for hight luminosity. Ip 40 Is the International Protection index to the penetration, in the non recessed and correctly mounted components in the roof, of solids (first number) and liquids (second number). 7 Stagno all’immersione Sealed against immersion 6 Protezione totale contro la polvere Completely protected against ingress of dust 8 Stagno alla sommersione Sealed against submersion Tipi di finiture luci / Kind of finishing Fondelli in materiale plastico rinforzato per supportare alte temperature Bottom support made of rinforzed and hight temperature resistent plastic material Cromato Chrome Dorato Golden Lemon Bianco White Acciaio Stainless Steel Alluminio Alluminium METALSTYLE 105 LUCI / LIGHTS LUCI INTERNE ED ESTERNE 106 METALSTYLE INTERIORS AND EXTERNAL LIGHTS METALSTYLE 107 LUCI INTERNE - ESTERNE / SPOT LED, ALOGENI CARINA Cod interior AL/CI/ 26 Cod exterior AL/CI/ 26S LED 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 20W Max LED, HALOGEN SPOT / INTERIORS / EXTERIORS LIGHTS CRUX Cod interior AL/CI/6 Cod exterior AL/CI/6S LED 1 X GU 5,3 - 12/24 V - 20W Max 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 20W Max Ip 40-65 Ip 40-65 TUCANA Cod interior AL/CI/ 30 Cod exterior AL/CI/ 30S LED 1 X GU 4 - 12 V - 10W Max 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 10W Max Ip 40-65 108 METALSTYLE PERSEUS Cod interior AL/CI/ 31 Cod exterior AL/CI/ 31S LED 1 X GU4 - 12V - 10W Max 1 X G4 - 12/24V - 10W Max Ip 40-65 METALSTYLE 109 LUCI INTERNE - ESTERNE / SPOT LED, ALOGENI NORMA Cod interior AL/CI/7 Cod exterior AL/CI/7S LED 1 X GU 5,3 - 12/24 V - 20W Max 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 20W Max Ip 40-65 CENTAURUS Cod interior AL/CI/24 Cod exterior AL/CI/24S LED 1 X GU 5,3 - 12/24 V - 20W Max 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 20W Max Ip 40-65 110 METALSTYLE LED, HALOGEN SPOT / INTERIORS / EXTERIORS LIGHTS PICTOR Cod interior AL/CI/ 11 Cod exterior AL/CI/ 11S LED 1 X GU5,3 - 12/24 V - 20W Max 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 20W Maxv Ip 40-65 CASSIOPEA Cod AL/CI/ 22 Cod AL/CI/ 22S LED 1 X GU 5,3 - 12/24V - 20W Max 1 X G4 - 12/24V - 20W Max Ip 40-65 METALSTYLE 111 LUCI INTERNE - ESTERNE / SPOT LED, ALOGENI TAURUS Cod interior AL/CI/21 Cod exterior AL/CI/21S LED 1 X GU 5,3 - 12/24V - 20W Max 1 X G4 - 12/24V - 20W Max LED, HALOGEN SPOT / INTERIORS / EXTERIORS LIGHTS HYDRA Cod exterior AL/CI/1S LED 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 20W Max Ip 65 Ip 40-65 VIRGO Cod interior AL/CI/32 Cod exterior AL/CI/32S LED 1 X GU4 - 12V - 10W Max 1 X G4 - 12/24V - 10W Max INDUS Cod exterior AL/CI/3S LED 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 20W Max Ip 65 Ip 40-65 112 METALSTYLE METALSTYLE 113 LUCI INTERNE - ESTERNE / SPOT LED, ALOGENI GEMINI Cod interior AL/CI/27 LED 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 20W Max LED, HALOGEN SPOT / INTERIORS / EXTERIORS LIGHTS SQUARE Cod interior AL/CI/ 33 Cod exterior AL/CI/ 33S LED 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 35W Max Ip 40 Ip 40-65 PHOENIX Cod interior AL/CI/25 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 10W Max SQUARE 2 Cod interior AL/CI/ 34 Cod exterior AL/CI/ 34S LED 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 20W Max Ip 20 Ip 40-65 114 METALSTYLE METALSTYLE 115 LUCI INTERNE / SPOT ALOGENI ORIENTABILI CORONA Cod AL/CI/15 1 X GU5,3 - 12/24 V - 20W Max 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 20W Max SWIEVEL SPOT LIGTHS / INTERIORS LIGHTS DORADO Cod AL/CI/16 1 X GU5,3 - 12/24 V - 20W Max 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 20W Max Ip 20 Ip 20 PUPPIS Cod AL/CI/28 1 X GU4 - 12/24 V - 20W Max 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 20W Max APUS Cod AL/CI/ 29 1 X GU4 - 12/24 V - 20W Max 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 20W Max Ip 20 116 Ip 20 METALSTYLE METALSTYLE 117 LUCI INTERNE / SPOT ALOGENI ORIENTABILI / SWIEVEL SPOT LIGTHS LUCI / LIGHTS LUCI INTERNE / INTERIORS AMALTEA Cod AL/CI/36 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 20W Max LED Ip 20 LUCI LED LED LIGHTS DEA Cod AL/CI/44 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 20W Max Ip 20 118 METALSTYLE METALSTYLE 119 LUCI / LED LED / LIGHTS MD6 OD DOWNLIGHT Caratteristiche • Alloggiamento: alluminio con ottima dissipazione • Basso consumo energetico • Lunga durata • Eccellente dissipazione di calore • Accensione istantanea al 100 % • Durata: fino a 30.000 ore • Assenza di Mercurio • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Caratteristiche • Alloggiamento: alluminio con ottima dissipazione • Basso consumo energetico • Lunga durata • Eccellente dissipazione di calore • Accensione istantanea al 100 % • Durata: fino a 30.000 ore • Assenza di Mercurio • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Features • Housing: aluminum material with good heat conduction • Very low energy consumption • Extremely long life • Excellent heat dissipation • Instant 100 % light • Lifetime: up to 30.000 h • Mercury-free lamps • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Features • Housing: aluminum material with good heat conduction • Very low energy consumption • Extremely long life • Excellent heat dissipation • Instant 100 % light • Lifetime: up to 30.000 h • Mercury-free lamps • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Curve di distanza Distance curves Sharp COB orientabile Curve fotometriche Distribution curves Curve di distanza Distance curves 90-95 ф68-75mm Codice Code Finitura Finishing Colore Colour Angolo Angle Potenza Wattage Lumen Foro Cutout Alimentazione Power Supply IP Codice Code MD6-NW Milky 4000 K 25°-40° 6W 420 LM ф68-75mm AC 12-24V 20 OD10W-NW Milky MD6-WW Milky 3000 K 25°-40° 6W 390 LM ф68-75mm AC 12-24V 20 OD10W-WW Milky 120 METALSTYLE Curve fotometriche Distribution curves Finitura Colore Finishing Colour Angolo Angle Potenza Wattage Lumen Foro Cutout Dimensione Dimensions Alimentazione Power Supply IP 4000 K 90° 10 W 900 LM ф90-95mm ф113x59mm AC 12-24V 20 3000 K 90° 10 W 900 LM ф90-95mm ф113x59mm AC 12-24V 20 METALSTYLE 121 LUCI / LED LED / LIGHTS DOWNLIGHT 11W DOWNLIGHT 14W Caratteristiche • Alloggiamento: alluminio con ottima dissipazione • Basso consumo energetico • Lunga durata • Eccellente dissipazione di calore • Accensione istantanea al 100 % • Durata: fino a 30.000 ore • Assenza di Mercurio • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Caratteristiche • Alloggiamento: alluminio con ottima dissipazione • Basso consumo energetico • Lunga durata • Eccellente dissipazione di calore • Accensione istantanea al 100 % • Durata: fino a 30.000 ore • Assenza di Mercurio • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Features • Housing: aluminum material with good heat conduction • Very low energy consumption • Extremely long life • Excellent heat dissipation • Instant 100 % light • Lifetime: up to 30.000 h • Mercury-free lamps • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Features • Housing: aluminum material with good heat conduction • Very low energy consumption • Extremely long life • Excellent heat dissipation • Instant 100 % light • Lifetime: up to 30.000 h • Mercury-free lamps • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 On/Off: > 15.000 Curve di distanza Distance curves Codice Code Colore Colour Angolo Angle Potenza Wattage Lumen D110/93M-NW Milky 4200 K 90° 11 W D110/93M-WW Milky 3000 K 90° D110/93S-NW Silver 4200 K 90° 122 Finitura Finishing METALSTYLE Curve fotometriche Distribution curves Curve di distanza Distance curves Curve fotometriche Distribution curves Codice Code Finitura Colore Finishing Colour Angolo Angle Potenza Wattage Lumen Foro Cutout Dimensione Dimensions Alimentazione IP Power Supply D138/120M-NW Milky 4200 K 90° 14 W 1000 LM ф120mm ф138x57mm AC 12-24V 20 Foro Cutout Dimensione Dimensions Alimentazione Power Supply IP 750 LM ф93mm ф110x56mm AC 12-24V 20 D138/120M-WW Milky 3000 K 90° 14 W 1000 LM ф120mm ф138x57mm AC 12-24V 20 11 W 750 LM ф93mm ф110x56mm AC 12-24V 20 D138/120S-NW Silver 4200 K 90° 14 W 1000 LM ф120mm ф138x57mm AC 12-24V 20 11 W 750 LM ф93mm ф110x56mm AC 12-24V 20 D138/120S-WW Silver 3000 K 90° 14 W 1000 LM ф120mm ф138x57mm AC 12-24V 20 METALSTYLE 123 LUCI / LED LED / LIGHTS DOWNLIGHT 18W DOWNLIGHT 26W Caratteristiche • Alloggiamento: alluminio con ottima dissipazione • Basso consumo energetico • Lunga durata • Eccellente dissipazione di calore • Accensione istantanea al 100 % • Durata: fino a 30.000 ore • Assenza di Mercurio • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Caratteristiche •Alloggiamento: alluminio con ottima dissipazione • Basso consumo energetico • Lunga durata • Eccellente dissipazione di calore • Accensione istantanea al 100 % • Durata: fino a 30.00 ore • Assenza di Mercurio • CRI: Ra>80INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.00 Features • Housing: aluminum material with good heat conduction • Very low energy consumption • Extremely long life • Excellent heat dissipation • Instant 100 % light • Lifetime: up to 30.000 h • Mercury-free lamps • CRI: Ra>80INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 5.000 Curve di distanza Distance curves Features • Housing: aluminum material with good heat conduction • Very low energy consumption • Extremely long life • Excellent heat dissipation • Instant 100 % light • Lifetime: up to 30.000 h • Mercury-free lamps • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Curve fotometriche Distribution curves Curve di distanza Distance curves Curve fotometriche Distribution curves Codice Code Finitura Colore Finishing Colour Angolo Angle Potenza Wattage Lumen Foro Cutout Dimensione Dimensions Alimentazione IP Power Supply Codice Code Finitura Colore Finishing Colour Angolo Angle Potenza Wattage Lumen Foro Cutout Dimensione Dimensions Alimentazione IP Power Supply D160/140M-nw Milky 4200 K 90° 18 W 1300 LM ф140mm ф160x57mm AC 12-24V 20 D200/175M-NW Milky 4200 K 90° 26 W 2000 LM ф175mm ф200x89mm AC 12-24V 20 D160/140M-ww Milky 3000 K 90° 18 W 1300 LM ф140mm ф160x57mm AC 12-24V 20 D200/175M-WW Milky 3000 K 90° 26 W 2000 LM ф175mm ф200x89mm AC 12-24V 20 D160/140S-nw Silver 4200 K 90° 18 W 1300 LM ф140mm ф160x57mm AC 12-24V 20 D200/175S-NW Silver 4200 K 90° 26 W 2000 LM ф175mm ф200x89mm AC 12-24V 20 D160/140S-ww Silver 3000 K 90° 18 W 1300 LM ф140mm ф160x57mm AC 12-24V 20 D200/175S-WW Silver 3000 K 90° 26 W 2000 LM ф175mm ф200x89mm AC 12-24V 20 124 METALSTYLE METALSTYLE 125 LUCI / LED LED / LIGHTS ROUND PANEL 6W ROUND PANEL 8W Caratteristiche • Design in alluminio, ultra-sottile • Opzione con driver: non dimmerabile e dimmerabile Triac • Driver dimmerabile Triac varia la luce di pannello dal 10% al 100% di luminosità sincronizzata. • Diffusore in PMMA di alta qualità con oltre il 90% di luce • Dimmerabile • Durata: fino a 30.000 ore • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Caratteristiche • Design in alluminio, ultra-sottile • Opzione con driver: non dimmerabile e dimmerabile Triac • Driver dimmerabile Triac varia la luce di pannello dal 10% al 100% di luminosità sincronizzata. • Diffusore in PMMA di alta qualità con oltre il 90% di luce • Dimmerabile • Durata: fino a 30.000 ore • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Features • Aluminium housing, ultra-thin design conception • Driver option: non dimmable and triac dimmable • Triac dimmable driver makes the round panel light varies from 10% 100% brightness synchronized. • High quality pmma diffuser with over 90% light • Dimmable • Lifetime: up to 30.000 h • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Features • Aluminium housing, ultra-thin design conception • Driver option: non dimmable and triac dimmable • Triac dimmable driver makes the round panel light varies from 10% 100% brightness synchronized. • High quality pmma diffuser with over 90% light • Dimmable • Lifetime: up to 30.000 h • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Curve di distanza Distance curves Curve fotometriche Distribution curves Curve di distanza Distance curves Curve fotometriche Distribution curves Codice Code Finitura Colore Finishing Colour Angolo Angle Potenza Wattage Lumen Foro Cutout Dimensione Dimensions Alimentazione IP Power Supply Codice Code Finitura Colore Finishing Colour Angolo Angle Potenza Wattage Lumen Foro Cutout Dimensione Dimensions Alimentazione IP Power Supply NP100 NW Milky 4000 K 160° 6W 350 LM ф105mm ф111x17mm AC 12-24V 20 NP130 NW Milky 4000 K 160° 8W 520 LM ф130mm ф139x17mm AC 12-24V 20 NP100 WW Milky 3000 K 160° 6W 330 LM ф105mm ф111x17mm AC 12-24V 20 NP130 WW Milky 3000 K 160° 8W 490 LM ф130mm ф139x17mm AC 12-24V 20 126 METALSTYLE METALSTYLE 127 LUCI / LED LED / LIGHTS ROUND PANEL 14W ROUND PANEL 16W Caratteristiche • Design in alluminio, ultra-sottile • Opzione con driver: non dimmerabile e dimmerabile Triac • Driver dimmerabile Triac varia la luce di pannello dal 10% al 100% di luminosità sincronizzata. • Diffusore in PMMA di alta qualità con oltre il 90% di luce • Dimmerabile • Durata: fino a 30.000 ore • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Caratteristiche • Design in alluminio, ultra-sottile • Opzione con driver: non dimmerabile e dimmerabile Triac • Driver dimmerabile Triac varia la luce di pannello dal 10% al 100% di luminosità sincronizzata. • Diffusore in PMMA di alta qualità con oltre il 90% di luce • Dimmerabile • Durata: fino a 30.000 ore • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Features • Aluminium housing, ultra-thin design conception • Driver option: non dimmable and triac dimmable • Triac dimmable driver makes the round panel light varies from 10% 100% brightness synchronized. • High quality pmma diffuser with over 90% light • Dimmable • Lifetime: up to 30.000 h • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Features • Aluminium housing, ultra-thin design conception • Driver option: non dimmable and triac dimmable • Triac dimmable driver makes the round panel light varies from 10% 100% brightness synchronized. • High quality pmma diffuser with over 90% light • Dimmable • Lifetime: up to 30.000 h • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Curve di distanza Distance curves Curve fotometriche Distribution curves 139.68cm 289.7/900.2lx 0.0 72.44/225.0lx 279.36cm 32.19/100.0lx 419.04cm Curve di distanza Distance curves Curve fotometriche Distribution curves 52.5 105 158 18.11/56.26lx 558.71cm 698.39cm 11.59/36.01lx Height Avg./Nadir. E 210 Angle:108.80deg Diameter Codice Code Finitura Colore Finishing Colour Angolo Angle Potenza Wattage Lumen Foro Cutout Dimensione Dimensions Alimentazione IP Power Supply Codice Code Finitura Colore Finishing Colour Angolo Angle Potenza Wattage Lumen Foro Cutout Dimensione Dimensions Alimentazione IP Power Supply P163/150 NW Milky 4000 K 110° 14 W 750 LM ф150mm Ф163x23mm AC 12-24V 20 P195/175 NW Milky 4000 K 110° 16 W 880 LM ф175mm ф195x23mm AC 12-24V 20 P163/150 WW Milky 3000 K 110° 14 W 750 LM ф150mm Ф163x23mm AC 12-24V 20 P195/175 WW Milky 3000 K 110° 16 W 880 LM ф175mm ф195x23mm AC 12-24V 20 128 METALSTYLE METALSTYLE 129 LUCI / LED LED / LIGHTS SQUARE PANEL 16W SQUARE PANEL 14W Caratteristiche • Design in alluminio, ultra-sottile • Opzione con driver: non dimmerabile e dimmerabile Triac • Driver dimmerabile Triac varia la luce di pannello dal 10% al 100% di luminosità sincronizzata. • Diffusore in PMMA di alta qualità con oltre il 90% di luce • Dimmerabile • Durata: fino a 30.000 ore • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Caratteristiche • Design in alluminio, ultra-sottile • Opzione con driver: non dimmerabile e dimmerabile Triac • Driver dimmerabile Triac varia la luce di pannello dal 10% al 100% di luminosità sincronizzata. • Diffusore in PMMA di alta qualità con oltre il 90% di luce • Dimmerabile • Durata: fino a 30.000 ore • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Features • Aluminium housing, ultra-thin design conception • Driver option: non dimmable and triac dimmable • Triac dimmable driver makes the round panel light varies from 10% 100% brightness synchronized. • High quality pmma diffuser with over 90% light • Dimmable • Lifetime: up to 30.000 h • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Features • Aluminium housing, ultra-thin design conception • Driver option: non dimmable and triac dimmable • Triac dimmable driver makes the round panel light varies from 10% 100% brightness synchronized. • High quality pmma diffuser with over 90% light • Dimmable • Lifetime: up to 30.000 h • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Curve di distanza Distance curves Curve fotometriche Distribution curves Codice Code Finitura Colore Finishing Colour Angolo Angle Potenza Lumen Wattage Foro Cutout P1717M NW Milky 4200 K 110° 16 W 800 LM 150x150mm 170x170x23mm AC 12-24V P1717M WW Milky 3000 K 110° 16 W 800 LM 150x150mm 170x170x23mm AC 12-24V 130 METALSTYLE Dimensione Dimensions Alimentazione IP Power Supply Curve di distanza Distance curves Curve fotometriche Distribution curves Codice Code Finitura Colore Finishing Colour Angolo Angle Potenza Lumen Wattage Foro Cutout Dimensione Dimensions Alimentazione IP Power Supply 20 P2020S NW Silver 4200 K 110° 16 W 800 LM 178x178mm 198x198x23mm AC 12-24V 20 20 P2020S NW Silver 3000 K 110° 16 W 800 LM 178x178mm 198x198x23mm AC 12-24V 20 METALSTYLE 131 LUCI / LED LED / LIGHTS PANEL 3030 16W GROUND 3x1 W Caratteristiche • 3 starti di impermeabilità per un grado di protezione IP67 • LED alta potenza su PCB con dissipatori in alluminio • Lunga durata • Eccellente dissipazione di calore • Accensione istantanea al 100 % • Trattamento anti corrosione in superficie • Durata: fino a 30.000 ore • Assenza di Mercurio • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Caratteristiche • Design in alluminio, ultra-sottile • Opzione con driver: non dimmerabile e dimmerabile Triac • Driver dimmerabile Triac varia la luce di pannello dal 10% al 100% di luminosità sincronizzata. • Diffusore in PMMA di alta qualità con oltre il 90% di luce • Dimmerabile • Durata: fino a 30.000 ore • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Features • Aluminium housing, ultra-thin design conception • Driver option: non dimmable and triac dimmable • Triac dimmable driver makes the round panel light varies from 10% 100% brightness synchronized. • High quality pmma diffuser with over 90% light • Dimmable • Lifetime: up to 30.000 h • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Curve di distanza Distance curves Features • 3 layers of waterproofing to ensure IP67 • High power LED mounted on PCB board with aluminum heat sink for efficient heat dissipation • Extremely long life • Instant 100 % light • Anti corrosion and baking varnish surface • Lifetime: up to 30.000 h • Mercury-free lamps • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Curve fotometriche Distribution curves Codice Code Finitura Finishing Colore Colour Angolo Angle Potenza Wattage Lumen Dimensione Dimensions Alimentazione Power Supply IP Codice Code FL 3X1W W Inox 6500K 60° 3W 240 LM - DC 12 V 67 P3030 NW Silver 4200 K 110° 16 W 1000 LM 295X295mm AC 12-24V 20 FL 3X1W NW Inox 4100K 60° 3W 240 LM - DC 12 V 67 P3030 WW Silver 3000 K 110° 16 W 1000 LM 295X295mm AC 12-24V 20 FL 3X1W WW Inox 3100 K 60° 3W 240 LM - DC 12 V 67 132 METALSTYLE Finitura Finishing Colore Colour Angolo Angle Potenza Wattage Lumen Dimensione Dimensions Alimentazione Power Supply IP METALSTYLE 133 LUCI / LED LED / LIGHTS 4,8 W/m STRIP LED 9,6 W/m STRIP LED Caratteristiche • PCB board super flessibile da 8mm a led ultra luminosi 3528 • Tranciabile ogni 3 LED per ottenere ogni misura desiderata • Il basso consumo permette infinite applicazioni e forme tramite i controller e radiocomandi • Dimmerabile • Durata: fino a 30.000 ore • Numero di LED: 300 • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Caratteristiche • PCB board super flessibile da 8mm a led ultra luminosi 3528 • Tranciabile ogni 3 LED per ottenere ogni misura desiderata • Il basso consumo permette infinite applicazioni e forme tramite i controller e radiocomandi • Dimmerabile • Durata: fino a 30.000 ore • Numero di LED: 600 • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Features • 8mm super flexible white PCB board and super bright 3528 led • Every three LEDs can be cut according to the lenght required • Accessories with 3M tape on back • Low power consuption can display several changing patterns with a controller and remote • Dimmable • Lifetime: up to 30.000 h • Number of LED: 300 • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Features • 8mm super flexible white PCB board and super bright 3528 led • Every three LEDs can be cut according to the lenght required • Accessories with 3M tape on back • Low power consuption can display several changing patterns with a controller and remote • Dimmable • Lifetime: up to 30.000 h • Number of LED: 600 • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Si consiglia di installare le strisce led nei profili di alluminio per una buona dissipazione Is is recommended to install the LED strips in aluminum profiles for good dissipation. Si consiglia di installare le strisce led nei profili di alluminio per una buona dissipazione Is is recommended to install the LED strips in aluminum profiles for good dissipation. Codice Code N° Led Colore Colour Angolo Angle Potenza Wattage Lumen Tensione Voltage IP Codice Code N° Led Colore Colour Angolo Angle Potenza Wattage Lumen Tensione Voltage IP R300-W-IP20 300/5m 6500 K 120° 4,8 W/m 360 lm/m 12 Vdc 20 R600-W-IP20 600/5m 6500 K 120° 9,6 W/m 720 lm/m 12 Vdc 20 R300-NW-IP20 300/5m 4000 K 120° 4,8 W/m 360 lm/m 12 Vdc 20 R600-WW-IP20 600/5m 3000 K 120° 9,6 W/m 720 lm/m 12 Vdc 20 R300-WW-IP20 300/5m 3000 K 120° 4,8 W/m 360 lm/m 12 Vdc 20 R600-W-IP64 600/5m 6500 K 120° 9,6 W/m 640 lm/m 12 Vdc 64 R300-W-IP64 300/5m 6500 K 120° 4,8 W/m 360 lm/m 12 Vdc 20 R600-WW-IP64 600/5m 3000 K 120° 9,6 W/m 640 lm/m 12 Vdc 64 R300-NW-IP64 300/5m 4000 K 120° 4,8 W/m 360 lm/m 12 Vdc 20 R600-W-IP67 600/5m 6500 K 120° 9,6 W/m 600 lm/m 12 Vdc 67 R300-WW-IP64 300/5m 3000 K 120° 4,8 W/m 360 lm/m 12 Vdc 20 R600-WW-IP67 600/5m 3000 K 120° 9,6 W/m 600 lm/m 12 Vdc 67 R300-W-IP67 300/5m 6500 K 120° 4,8 W/m 360 lm/m 12 Vdc 20 R300-WW-IP67 300/5m 3000 K 120° 4,8 W/m 360 lm/m 12 Vdc 20 134 METALSTYLE METALSTYLE 135 LUCI / LED LED / LIGHTS 14,4 W/m STRIP LED 14,4 W/m STRIP LED Caratteristiche • PCB board super flessibile da 10mm a led RGB 5060 • Tranciabile ogni 3 LED per ottenere ogni misura desiderata • Il basso consumo permette infinite applicazioni e forme tramite i controller e radiocomandi • Dimmerabile • Durata: fino a 30.000 ore • Numero di LED: 300 • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Caratteristiche • PCB board super flessibile da 10mm a led ultra luminosi 5060 • Tranciabile ogni 3 LED per ottenere ogni misura desiderata • Il basso consumo permette infinite applicazioni e forme tramite i controller e radiocomandi • Dimmerabile • Durata: fino a 30.000 ore • Numero di LED: 300 • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Features • 10mm super flexible white PCB board and RGB 5060 led • Every three LEDs can be cut according to the lenght required • Accessories with 3M tape on back • Low power consuption can display several changing patterns with a controller and remote • Dimmable • Lifetime: up to 30.000 h • Number of LED: 300 • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Features • 10mm super flexible white PCB board and super bright 5060 led • Every three LEDs can be cut according to the lenght required • Accessories with 3M tape on back • Low power consuption can display several changing patterns with a controller and remote • Dimmable • Lifetime: up to 30.000 h • Number of LED: 300 • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Si consiglia di installare le strisce led nei profili di alluminio per una buona dissipazione Is is recommended to install the LED strips in aluminum profiles for good dissipation. Si consiglia di installare le strisce led nei profili di alluminio per una buona dissipazione Is is recommended to install the LED strips in aluminum profiles for good dissipation. Codice Code N° Led Colore Colour Angolo Angle Potenza Wattage Lumen Tensione Voltage IP Codice Code R600-W-IP20-3014 600/m 6500 K 120° 14,4 W/m 1080 lm/m 12 Vdc 20 R900-W-IP20 300/5m 6500 K 120° 14,4 W/m 1080 lm/m 12 Vdc 20 R600-NW-IP20-3014 600/m 4000 K 120° 14,4 W/m 1080 lm/m 12 Vdc 20 R900-NW-IP20 300/5m 4000 K 120° 14,4 W/m 1080 lm/m 12 Vdc 20 R600-WW-IP20-3014 600/m 3000 K 120° 14,4 W/m 1080 lm/m 12 Vdc 20 R900-WW-IP20 300/5m 3000 K 120° 14,4 W/m 1080 lm/m 12 Vdc 20 R600-W-IP64-3014 600/m 6500 K 120° 14,4 W/m 980 lm/m 12 Vdc 64 R900-W-IP64 300/5m 6500 K 120° 14,4 W/m 980 lm/m 12 Vdc 64 R600-NW-IP64-3014 600/m 4000 K 120° 14,4 W/m 980 lm/m 12 Vdc 64 R900-NW-IP64 300/5m 4000 K 120° 14,4 W/m 980 lm/m 12 Vdc 64 R600-WW-IP64-3014 600/m 3000 K 120° 14,4 W/m 980 lm/m 12 Vdc 64 R900-WW-IP64 300/5m 3000 K 120° 14,4 W/m 980 lm/m 12 Vdc 64 R600-W-IP67-3014 600/m 6500 K 120° 14,4 W/m 920 lm/m 12 Vdc 67 R900-W-IP67 300/5m 6500 K 120° 14,4 W/m 980 lm/m 12 Vdc 67 R600-NW-IP67-3014 600/m 4000 K 120° 14,4 W/m 920 lm/m 12 Vdc 67 R900-WW-IP67 300/5m 3000 K 120° 14,4 W/m 980 lm/m 12 Vdc 67 R600-WW-IP67-3014 600/m 3000 K 120° 14,4 W/m 920 lm/m 12 Vdc 67 136 METALSTYLE N° Led Colore Colour Angolo Angle Potenza Wattage Lumen Tensione Voltage IP METALSTYLE 137 LUCI / LED LED / LIGHTS 25 W/m STRIP LED 14,4 W/m STRIP LED Caratteristiche • PCB board super flessibile da 10mm a led RGB 5060 • Tranciabile ogni 3 LED per ottenere ogni misura desiderata • Il basso consumo permette infinite applicazioni e forme tramite i controller e radiocomandi • Dimmerabile • Durata: fino a 30.000 ore • Numero di LED: 300 • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Caratteristiche • PCB board super flessibile da 8mm a led ultra luminosi 3014 • Tranciabile ogni 6 LED per ottenere ogni misura desiderata • Il basso consumo permette infinite applicazioni e forme tramite i controller e radiocomandi • Dimmerabile • Durata: fino a 30.000 ore • Numero di LED/m:204 • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Features • 10mm super flexible white PCB board and RGB 5060 led • Every three LEDs can be cut according to the lenght required • Accessories with 3M tape on back • Low power consuption can display several changing patterns with a controller and remote • Dimmable • Lifetime: up to 30.000 h • Number of LED: 300 • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 Features • 8mm super flexible white PCB board and super bright 3014 led • Every six LEDs can be cut according to the lenght required • Accessories with 3M tape on back • Low power consuption can display several changing patterns with a controller and remote • Dimmable • Lifetime: up to 30.000 h • Number of LED/mt: 204 • CRI: Ra>80 INSTANT LIGHT ON: <0.5 s = 100% light On/Off: > 15.000 26 11 INC Profilo da incasso Built-in profile 25 EST Profilo esterno Outdoor profile Si consiglia di installare le strisce led nei profili di alluminio per una buona dissipazione Is is recommended to install the LED strips in aluminum profiles for good dissipation. 19 13 17 10 Si consiglia di installare le strisce led nei profili di alluminio per una buona dissipazione Is is recommended to install the LED strips in aluminum profiles for good dissipation. 20 19 ANG Profilo angolare Angular profile Codice Code N° Led Colore Colour Angolo Angle Potenza Wattage Lumen Tensione Voltage IP Codice Code N° Led Colore Colour Angolo Angle Potenza Wattage Lumen Tensione Voltage IP R1020-W-IP20-3014 1020/m 6500 K 120° 25 W/m 1840 lm/m 24 Vdc 20 R300-RGB-IP20 300/m RGB 120° 14,4 W/m 560 lm/m 12 Vdc 20 R1020-NW-IP20-3014 1020/m 4000 K 120° 25 W/m 1840 lm/m 24 Vdc 20 R300-RGB-IP64 300/m RGB 120° 14,4 W/m 500 lm/m 12 Vdc 64 R1020-WW -IP20-3014 1020/m 3000 K 120° 25 W/m 1840 lm/m 24 Vdc 20 R300-RGB-IP67 300/m RGB 120° 14,4 W/m 480 lm/m 12 Vdc 67 138 METALSTYLE METALSTYLE 139 LUCI / LED LED / LIGHTS AMPLIFICATORE RGB CONTROLLER MONO Caratteristiche • Regolazione della luminosità per strip LED da controllo remoto ad alte prestazioni • Controlla la luminosità di tutti i prodotti progttati con il circuito a tensione costante • 50 gradi di luminosità • Funzione di memoria • Funziona con tutti i tipi di luci a LED Caratteristiche • Alloggiamento in alluminio eccellente per la dissipazione del calore; esercizio a bassa temperatura, alta efficienza e risparmio energetico • Amplifica il segnale RGB di qualsiasi prodotto a LED Features • Aluminum mental housing, easy for heat dissipation; Low temperature rising, high efficiency, energy saving and environmental protection. • Can use any RGB products power amplifier and range Features • High-performance brightness adjustable LED touching remote controller • Controlling all brightness adjustable products with constant voltage circuit design • 50 grades of brightness • Memory function • Match with all kinds of LED lights Dimensioni e schema di montaggio Dimensions and installation drawing Dimensioni e schema di montaggio Dimensions and installation drawing Codice Code Uscita Ouput Power N° Canali N° Channels Alimentazione Power Supply Dimensione Dimensions Corrente Max Max Current Codice Code Corrente Max Max Current Frequenza Frequency Distanza Radiocomando Dimensione Remote distance Dimensions Tensione esercizio Working voltage K-KL-AM-A RGB 3 DC 12-24 V 108x 65x25 mm 12 A Z9507 6A/CHANNEL 433,92 MHz 20-30 m DC 12-24 V 140 METALSTYLE 85x65x24 mm METALSTYLE 141 LUCI / LED SISTEMI DI DIMMERAZIONE E ALIMENTAZIONE CONTROLLER RGB 30W dimmable Led Driver Caratteristiche • Regolazione della luminosità per strip LED da controllo remoto ad alte prestazioni • Controlla la luminosità di tutti i prodotti progttati con il circuito a tensione costante • 50 gradi di luminosità • Funzione di memoria • Funziona con tutti i tipi di luci a LED NEWS Features • High-performance brightness adjustable LED touching remote controller • Controlling all brightness adjustable products with constant voltage circuit design • 50 grades of brightness • Memory function • Match with all kinds of LED lights Cod OKD-30D Cod OKD-DMD Driver LED con funzione dimmerabile 1-10V e switch dim. In un solo prodotto la possibilità di regolare in uscita il valore d corrente desiderato da 250mAh. Il sensore è dotato di un sistema a microonde di rilevazione del movimento emettendo un’onda ad alta frequenza di 5.8GHz e ricevendone il suo eco, un sensore crepuscolare (disabilitabile) ed un ingresso per la dimmerazione. Dimmable 1-10V constant current LED driver all-in-one from 250mAh to 750mAh 50watt. Codice Code Corrente Max Max Current Frequenza Frequency Distanza Radiocomando Dimensione Remote distance Dimensions Tensione esercizio Working voltage Z9507 6A/CHANNEL 433,92 MHz 20-30 m DC 12-24 V 142 METALSTYLE Microwave Motion Sensor New advanced version 85x65x24 mm Mains voltage 220-240V/AC 50/60hZ Mains current 160mA~150mA Mains power 35W (max) Output voltage (U-out max) 68V/DC Power factor ≥0.90 Operation temperature Ta: -20~+50°C Tc: 75°C Output current/voltage 250mA (6vdc~59vdc) 350mA (6vdc~57vdc) 400mA (6vdc~55vdc) 450mA (6vdc~53vdc) 500mA (6vdc~53vdc) 550mA (6vdc~53vdc) 600mA (6vdc~50vdc) 700mA (6vdc~43vdc) Efficient(max) ≥85% Abnormal protection Output short-circuit protection with auto-reset Over-heat protection Over.heat protection with auto-reset EMC standard EN55015 , EN61547 Safety standard EN61347-1, EN61347-2-13 Cerification Semko, CE, EMC Dielectric strength Input→output: 3750VAC input →ground: 1800VAC IP grade IP20 The sensor is an active motion, it emits a hight-frequency electromagnetic wave 5.8GHz and receives its echo. Operating voltage HF system Trasmission power Rated load Detection angle Power consumption Detection range Time setting Light control Stand-by period Stand-by dimming level Mounting Working temperature 220-224 VAC 50 HZ/60Hz 5.8GHz CW radar <0.2mW 800W (capacitve load) 30~150° Approx. 0.5W Max. 12 meters in diameter, adjustable 5s~30 min 2~50LUX, disable 0s, 10s ~1h, + ∞ 10% ~1h, + ∞ Indoors, celling & walling mounted -35 ~+70°C METALSTYLE 143 DRIVERS AND DIMMING SYSTEMS Microwave Motion sensor LUCI INTERNE / INTERIORS LIGHTS Photocell Daylight Sensor NEWS PLAFONIERE Cod OKD-DM-SILM Cod OKL-DL Driver super compatto con sensore di movimento e crepuscolare per potenze fino a 800W. Ogni funzione è regolabile mediante DIP switch. Fotocellula con sensore di luminostà dinamico e regolabile da 50-800lux, utilizzabile su tutti i driver dimmerabili con ingresso 1-10V. Super compact driver with movement sensor, daylight sensor up to 800watt. Each function is adjustable by DIP switch. Operating voltage Switched power Standby power Warmming-up time Detection area Hold time Daylight threshold Microwave frequency Microwave power Detection range Detection angle Mounting height Operating temperature IP rating Certificate 144 METALSTYLE 220-224 max 400W (capacitive) max 800W (resistive) <0,5W 20s 10/25/50/75/100% can be customized 5S/30S/1min/5min/15min/30min, can be customized 2-50lux daylight/twilight/darkness, can be customized 5.8GHz+/-75MHz 0.2mW Max (oxH): 12m x6m 30 – 150 max 6m -35C +70C IP 20 IP65 Semko, EMC, CE, R&TTE DOME LIGHTS Photocell with dinamic daylight sensor adjustable from 50 to 800lux, it can be used on all dimmable drivers 1-10V. Mains voltage Operating termperature Contrial line Cable lenght Dimming range Sensor angle Max permitted cable length IP rate Max load of the control exit 1-10V -20°+60°C +Red -Black 80cm cable 10% - 100% 90° 50M IP20 50mA METALSTYLE 145 LUCI INTERNE - ESTERNE / PLAFONIERE / DOME LIGHTS LUCI INTERNE / INTERIORS LIGHTS PROXIMA Cod interior CB/CI/1 Cod exterior CB/CI/1S Cod interior CB/CI/1P Cod exterior CB/CI/1PS 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 20W Max 1 X SV7/8 - 12/24 V - 18W Max Ip 40-65 LUCI DA LETTURA READING LIGHTS CASTOR Cod interior AL/CI/ 26 Cod exterior AL/CI/ 26 S LED 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 20W Max Ip 40-65 146 METALSTYLE METALSTYLE 147 LUCI INTERNE / LUCI DA LETTURA IMPULSE Cod AB/FB1 1 X E14 - 12/24 V - 20W Max Ip 20 PYRAMID Cod LTP 1 X E14 - 12/24 V - 40W Max Ip 20 148 METALSTYLE METALSTYLE 149 LUCI INTERNE / LUCI DA LETTURA RECT Cod PBER 2 X E14 - 12/24 V - 25W Max READING LIGHTS / INTERIORS LIGHTS IZAR Cod M/CI/22 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 10W Max LED Ip 20 Ip 20 RECT 2 Cod PBER/4 2 X E14 - 12/24 V - 40W Max MERAK Cod M/CI/22E 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 10W Max LED Ip 20 150 Ip 20 METALSTYLE METALSTYLE 151 LUCI INTERNE / LUCI DA LETTURA / READING LIGHTS HALOGEN SPOT / INTERIORS LUCI / LIGHTS SNAKE Cod MCI/24 LED Ip 40 LUCI DI CORTESIA 152 METALSTYLE COURTESY LIGHTS METALSTYLE 153 LUCI / LUCI DI CORTESIA SMILE Cod GL/SG/11 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 20W Max LED COURTESY LIGHTS / LIGHTS STYLE Cod GL/SG/ 22 LED 1W - 350mA LED 2W - 500mA LED 3W - 700mA Ip 65 Ip 65 PLUTONE Cod GL/SG/9 LED FLAT Cod GL/SG/21 LED 1W - 350mA LED 2W - 500mA LED 3W - 700mA Ip 65 154 Ip 65 METALSTYLE METALSTYLE 155 LUCI / LUCI DI CORTESIA OCTO Cod GL/SG/12 LED COURTESY LIGHTS / LIGHTS RIGEL 2 Cod GL/SG/2 LED Ip 65 Ip 65 SUX URANO Cod LED Cod GL/SG/7 LED Ip 65 Ip 65 156 METALSTYLE METALSTYLE 157 LUCI / LUCI DI CORTESIA / COURTESY LIGHTS HALOGEN LUCI ESTERNE SPOT / EXTERIORS INTERIORS LIGHTS VENUS Cod GL/SG/13 LED Ip 65 LUCI STAGNE 158 METALSTYLE WATERTIGHT LIGHT METALSTYLE 159 LUCI ESTERNE / LUCI STAGNE WATERTIGHT LIGHTS / EXTERIORS LIGHTS WALL Cod FTL LED LED 12x0,5w 12/24Vdc Cod AZ- FT LIGHTS 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 20W Max LED 3 x 1w 350 mA Ip 67 Ip 67 Flangia da saldare a scafo Component to be welded on hull Flangia da saldare a scafo Component to be welded on hull FOOTLIGHTS 160 METALSTYLE METALSTYLE 161 LUCI ESTERNE / LUCI STAGNE ROSS Cod GL/PS/3 1 X GY6,35 - 12/24 V - 50W Max WATERTIGHT LIGHTS / EXTERIORS LIGHTS ANTARES Cod GL/PS/1 1 X SV7/8 - 12/24 V - 10W Max 1 X GU5,3 - 12/24 V - 20W Max LED 3 x 1W - 350 mA Ip 66 Ip 66 POLARIS Cod AL/CI/14 1 X G4 - 12/24 V - 20W Max ALEO Cod GL/PS/1R 1 X SV7/8 - 12/24 V - 10W Max 1 X GU5,3 - 12/24 V - 20W Max LED 3 x 1W - 350 mA Ip 66 Ip 66 162 METALSTYLE METALSTYLE 163 LUCI ESTERNE / EXTERIORS LIGHTS PRESE ELETTRICHE 164 METALSTYLE SOCKETS METALSTYLE 165 LUCI ESTERNE / PRESE ELETTRICHE SOCKETS / EXTERIORS LIGHTS ELECTRIC Acciaio Inox Stainless Steel Flangia da saldare a scafo Component to be welded on hull Plastica - Plastica Flangia da saldare a scafo Component to be welded on hull Ip 67 Ip 67 Predisposta per presa Shuko o doppia presa Vimar Designed for outlet Shuko or dual outlet Vimar Su richiesta Upon request 166 Standard METALSTYLE METALSTYLE 167 LUCI INTERNE / SPOT ALOGENI LUCI ESTERNE / EXTERIORS LIGHTS FARI SUBACQUEI 168 METALSTYLE UNDERWATER LIGHTS METALSTYLE 169 LUCI ESTERNE / FARI SUBACQUEI NAUTILUS Certificato - Certified Cod GL/PS/6 1 X GU5,3 - 12/24 V - 50W IRCMax 3 X LED - 10 ÷ 30 Vdc - 9W Max (disponibile a richiesta anche nelle versioni a 4000° o 8000°) UNDERWATER LIGHTS / EXTERIORS LIGHTS CONUS R80 Cod GL/PS/11 6 x 4 W high-power LED 2x800 mA, 12-24Vdc 10.000° K aluminium bronze (AB2) or anodized aluminium casing Ip 68 Ip 68 DOMINUS Cod GL/PS/7 3 X LED 12/28 Vdc - 3W Max Ip 68 CONUS R240 Cod GL/PS/12 18 x 4 W high-power LED 6x800 mA, 12-24Vdc 10.000° K aluminium bronze (AB2) or anodized aluminium casing Ip 68 170 METALSTYLE METALSTYLE 171 LUCI ESTERNE / FARI SUBAQUEI CONUS T80 Cod GL/PS/13 6 x 4 W high-power LED 2x800 mA, 12-24Vdc 10.000° K aluminium bronze (AB2) or anodized aluminium casing UNDERWATER LIGHTS / EXTERIORS LIGHTS CONVEX R80 Cod GL/PS/15 6 x 4 W high-power LED 2x800 mA, 12-24Vdc 10.000° K aluminium bronze (AB2) or anodized aluminium casing Ip 68 Ip 68 CONUS T240 Cod GL/PS/14 18 x 4 W high-power LED 6x800 mA, 12-24Vdc 10.000° K aluminium bronze (AB2) or anodized aluminium casing. CONVEX R240 Cod GL/PS/16 18 x 4 W high-power LED 6x800 mA, 12-24Vdc 10.000° K aluminium bronze (AB2) or anodized aluminium casing. Ip 68 172 Ip 68 METALSTYLE METALSTYLE 173 LUCI ESTERNE / FARI SUBAQUEI CONVEX T80 Cod GL/PS/17 6 x 4 W high-power LED 2x800 mA, 12-24Vdc 10.000° K aluminium bronze (AB2) or anodized aluminium casing UNDERWATER LIGHTS / EXTERIORS LIGHTS CONVEX TH80 Cod GL/PS/19 6 x 4 W high-power LED 2x800 mA, 12-24Vdc 10.000° K aluminium bronze (AB2) or anodized aluminium casing Ip 68 Ip 68 CONVEX T240 Cod GL/PS/18 18 x 4 W high-power LED 6x800 mA, 12-24Vdc 10.000° K aluminium bronze (AB2) or anodized aluminium casing. CONVEX TH240 Cod GL/PS/20 18 x 4 W high-power LED 6x800 mA, 12-24Vdc 10.000° K aluminium bronze (AB2) or anodized aluminium casing. Ip 68 174 Ip 68 METALSTYLE METALSTYLE 175 LUCI ESTERNE / FARI SUBAQUEI PLAQUE MF680 Cod GL/PS/21 6 x 4 W high-power LED 2x800 mA, 12-24Vdc 10.000° K aluminium bronze (AB2) Ip 68 UNDERWATER LIGHTS / EXTERIORS LIGHTS EQUATOR 0640 Cod MSR0640 Ultra-thin compact surface-mount design, aluminium bronze (AB2) casing, 60° angle, high-grade polycarbonate glass optical window, luminous flux 650 lm at white color temperature 6.000-10.000 K, 12-24Vdc, max. 680 mA/12Vdc, or max. 380 mA/24Vdc 6 high-power LEDs Ip 68 PLAQUE MF240 Cod GL/PS/22 18 x 4 W high-power LED 6x800 mA, 12-24Vdc 10.000° K aluminium bronze (AB2) Ip 68 EQUATOR 120 Cod MSR120 Ultra-thin compact surface-mount design, aluminium bronze (AB2) casing, 60° angle, high-grade polycarbonate glass optical window, luminous flux 1300 lm at white color temperature 6.000-10.000 K, 12-24Vdc, max. 1.4 A/12Vdc, or max. 650 mA/24Vdc, 12 high-power LEDs Ip 68 176 METALSTYLE METALSTYLE 177 LUCI ESTERNE / FARI SUBAQUEI / UNDERWATER LIGHTS EQUATOR 36240 Cod. MSR36240 Ultra-thin compact surface-mount design, aluminium bronze (AB2) casing, 60° angle, high-grade polycarbonate glass optical window, luminous flux 3900 lm at white color temperature 6.000-10.000 K, 12-24Vdc, max. 4.3 A/12Vdc, or max. 1.9 A/24Vdc, 36 high-power LEDs Ip 68 178 METALSTYLE
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