ROMA-ZGÚRA KÓNTRA RASΙMO, 20 & 21 Djúnyo 2014. Zuricha, Shváitsi, woya avel li mai Buté-themêngo Roma festiválo mánde desha Roma muzikáto, artisto, aktóri, aktórka, profesóri, djurnalisto, kai loveanklel. Li mai Buté-themêngo Festiválo kai Roma si dui gósto kai but zhene, kai karing artisto, profesóri, kai aktivista maládyol andre faschinime drom. Initsyativa si Christian Mehr, Roma muzikáto katar Shváitsi. Politikáko thai-vi pa Romani muzika kai aver árta, la organaizime kamel ka ankalavel Ivropáno atésiya pe la chorro kai bengalo situwátsiya le Roma kai Sinti, kai ambódel kako kidemos sámno le solidaritéto. Ánde li dui-dives kidemos na mai xansû katar desh-u-pansh banda katar fyálurya kampánya andre Ivropáno kai yekh katar Státurya-Amérika, wóya aktĺl-pe mishtimos andre le "Alte Kaserne" andre Zurich, Shváitsi. Dobundil la le Ungaritsko gavorro "Bódvalenke". Ándo araki "Bódvalenke" phurano avel yekh dole bi-ginimásko than kai Roma trayil andre but chorromos. Sargodi de la kampash akhardo mishtó-gîndime Roma artísto ka avel pa kai huryavel lêngo kher andre kolóro angluno, turísta astarimos ka anklel. Akana Bódvalenke si pe drom ka avel modélo Romani si pudyáriya kai zorimos. Ashlo trobutno le lashimos ( lel pai, kanálo mahrime ), núma ándo wast love kerel anzarel le gavorro ! Kodo le sóstar artista gîndíl ka azhutil. Le love katar la presentátsiya wóya avel áshta pe kolkorres pe Christian Mehr, organaizíl, ka le Rroma Bódvalenke. Le Festiválo wóya but zhene baro baro fotografíya patréto kai gavorro trayósko. Le Festiválo Í gor ka avel phaleya kai Roma kai bi-Roma ekspérto del-pe swáto pe buki andre Ivropáno, ka ashel chórro tráyo le Roma kai opre nevo perspektíva. Káva platfómo diskútsiya, andre savo le ashunimos shai aktívo lel mekél-pe, wóya avel ankalado la buté-themêngo hamime médiya árta komédiya. Pasa gor " Roma-Zgúra Kóntra Rasimo" si bishalel politikáko zhivindo akharel ka Ivropáno. Le búlka participánto artísto si importánto yekh. Le lêngo kriyatúra kai originálno bukyarno avel sar sasto sar ku sya lêngo gêtimé ka aktîl-pe benefíto presentáatsiya, le sikavel politikáno sar ka ambódel Ivropáno ándo kher le sa manush. Dáturya gor:; © Khetanes & AGRI - © DMCA ROMA-EMBER AGAINST RACISM, 20/21 June 2014 in Zurich, Switzerland, will be the first International Roma festival with tens of Roma musicians, painters, actors, scholars, journalists and fundraisers. The first International Festival where Roma are both guests and hosts, and where artists, scholars and activists join forces in a fascinating way. Initiator is Christian Mehr, Roma musician from Switzerland. Politically as well as through Gypsy music and other art, the organizers want to draw Europe’s attention on the awful and inhuman situation of Roma and Sinti, and turn this event into a signal for solidarity. During the two-days event no less than 15 bands from various countries in Europe and 1 from the States, will perform benefit concerts in the “Alte Kaserne” in Zurich. Beneficiary is the Hungarian village of Bódvalenke. In the past Bódvalenke used to be one of those uncountable places where Roma live in dire poverty. However,since the residents invited well-known painters to come over and decorate their houses with colorful frescoes, tourists have started to appear. Now Bódvalenke is on its way to become a model of Roma’s own power and vitality. Still lacking is a good infrastructure (running water, sewer system), but available funds don’t reach the village ! That is why artists decided to help. Proceeds from the concerts will be handed over personally by Christian Mehr, the organizer, to the people of Bódvalenke. The Festival will host a huge photo-exhibition of frescoes and village life. The Festival also aims to be a platform where Roma and non-Roma experts confer on the situation in Europe, to end persecution of Roma and open up new perspectives. This stage discussion, in which the audience can actively take part, will be introduced by an international mixed media art performance. The overall goal of “Roma-Ember Against Racism” is sending a political wake-up call to Europe. The role of participating artists is an important one. With their creativity and original working approaches as well as with their readiness to perform benefit concerts, they show politicians how to turn Europe into a house for all people. For detailed information:; © Khetanes & AGRI - © DMCA
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