-1- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS MAURO VENTURINI Papers published on Internationsal Jorunals (J) J1. 27bis. Venturini, M., 2005, “Development and Experimental Validation of a Compressor Dynamic Model”, ASME J. of Turbomachinery, 127(3), pp. 599-608. Erratum printed on ASME J. of Turbomachinery, 128(1). J2. 33bis. Venturini, M., 2006, “Simulation of Compressor Transient Behavior Through Recurrent Neural Network Models”, ASME J. of Turbomachinery, 128(3), pp. 444-454. J3. 35bis. Venturini, M., 2007, “Optimization of a Real-Time Simulator Based on Recurrent Neural Networks for Compressor Transient Behavior Prediction”, ASME J. of Turbomachinery, 129(3), pp. 468-478. J4. 31bis. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2007, “Artificial Intelligence for the Diagnostics of Gas Turbines. Part I: Neural Network Approach”, ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 129(3), pp. 711-719. J5. 32bis. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2007, “Artificial Intelligence for the Diagnostics of Gas Turbines. Part II: Neuro-Fuzzy Approach”, ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 129(3), pp. 720-729. J6. 37bis. Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Venturini, M., 2007, “Development of a One-Dimensional Modular Dynamic Model for the Simulation of Surge in Compression Systems”, ASME J. of Turbomachinery, 129(3), pp. 437-447. J7. 48bis. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., Cadorin, M., Cenci, G., Morini, M., 2009, “Energy and Economic Analyses of Integrated Biogas-Fed Energy Systems”, ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 131(6), 061401, (15 pages). J8. 57. Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Venturini, M., 2009, “Analysis of Biogas Compression System Dynamics”, Applied Energy, 86, pp. 2466-2475. J9. 47bis. Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2010, “Influence of Blade Deterioration on Compressor and Turbine Performance”, ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 132(3), 032401 (11 pages). Erratum printed on ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 132(11), 11701 (3 pages). J10. 54bis. Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2010, “Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Fouling on Axial Compressor Stages”, ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 132(7), 072401 (10 pages). J11. 67. Orme, G. J., Venturini, M., 2011, “Property Risk Assessment for Power Plants: Methodology, Validation and Application”, Energy, 36, pp. 3189-3203. J12. 59bis. Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2011, “Numerical Analysis of the Effects of Non-Uniform Surface Roughness on Compressor Stage Performance”, ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 133(7), 072402 (8 pages). J13. 58bis. Bettocchi, R., Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., Torsello, G., 2011, “Set Up of an Experimental Facility for the Investigation of Wet Compression on a Multistage Compressor”, ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 133(10), 102001 (8 pages). J14. 70bis. Cavarzere, A., Venturini, M., 2012, “Application of Forecasting Methodologies to Predict Gas Turbine Behavior over Time”, ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 134(1), 012401 (8 pages). -2- J15. 69bis. Puggina, N., Venturini, M., 2012, “Development of a Statistical Methodology for Gas Turbine Prognostics”, ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 134(2), 022401 (9 pages). J16. 73. Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2012, “Gas Turbine Health State Determination: Methodology Approach and Field Application”, International Journal of Rotating Machinery, vol. 2012, Article ID 142173, 14 pages. doi:10.1155/2012/142173. J17. 68bis. Barbieri, E. S., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2012, “Analysis of Innovative Micro-CHP Systems to Meet Household Energy Demands”, Applied Energy, 97, pp. 723-733. J18. 74bis. Venturini, M., Puggina, N., 2012, “Prediction Reliability of a Statistical Methodology for Gas Turbine Prognostics”, ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 134(10), 101601 (9 pages). J19. 84bis. Venturini, M., Therkorn, D., 2013, “Application of a Statistical Methodology for Gas Turbine Degradation Prognostics to Alstom Field Data”, J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power 135(9), 091603 (10 pages), doi:10.1115/1.4024952. J20. 92. Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2013, “Optimal Allocation of Thermal, Electric and Cooling Loads among Generation Technologies in Household Applications”, Applied Energy, 112, pp. 205-214. J21. 83bis. Ziviani, D., Beyene, A., Venturini, M., 2014, “Design, Analysis and Optimization of a MicroCHP ORC System for Ultra-Low Grade Thermal Energy Recovery”, J. Energy Resour. Technol. 136(1), 011602 (11 pages), doi:10.1115/1.4024858. J22. 85bis. Aldi, N., Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Suman, A., Venturini, M., 2014, “Performance Evaluation of Nonuniformly Fouled Axial Compressor Stages by Means of Computational Fluid Dynamic Analyses”, ASME J. of Turbomachinery, 136(2), 021016, (11 pages), doi: 10.1115/1.4025227. J23. 93. Ziviani, D., Beyene, A., Venturini, M., 2014, “Advances and Challenges in ORC Systems Modeling for Low Grade Thermal Energy Recovery”, Applied Energy, 121, pp. 79-95, doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.01.074. J24. 96. Asgari, H., Venturini, M., Chen, X., Sainudiin, R., 2014, “Modeling and Simulation of the Transient Behavior of an Industrial Power Plant Gas Turbine”, J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power 136(6), 061601 (10 pages), doi: 10.1115/1.4026215. J25. 88bis. Gonzalez Salazar, M. A., Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., Finkenrath, M., Poganietz, W. R., 2014, “Methodology for Biomass Energy Potential Estimation: Projections of Future Potential in Colombia”, Renewable Energy, 69, pp. 488-505, doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2014.03.056. -3- Papers presented at International Conferences (IC) with referees IC1. 10. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., Sebastianelli, S., 2001, “A System for Health State Determination of Natural Gas Compression Gas Turbines”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2001, June 4-7, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, ASME Paper 2001-GT-223. IC2. 11. Pinelli, M., Venturini, M., 2001, “Improvement of the Accuracy in Gas Turbine Health Determination”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2001, June 4-7, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, ASME Paper 2001-GT-476. IC3. 14. Pinelli, M., Venturini, M., 2001, “Operating State Historical Data Analysis to Support Gas Turbine Malfunction Detection”, Proc. International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2001, November 11-16, New York, New York, USA, ASME IMECE2001/AES-23665. IC4. 15. Spina, P. R., Torella, G., Venturini, M., 2002, “The use of Expert Systems for Gas Turbine Diagnostics and Maintenance”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2002, June 3-6, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ASME Paper GT-2002-30033. IC5. 16. Pinelli, M., Venturini, M., 2002, “Application of Methodologies to Evaluate the Health State of Gas Turbines in a Cogenerative Combined Cycle Power Plant”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2002, June 3-6, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ASME Paper GT-2002-30248. IC6. 20. Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2002, “A Multiple Operating Point Minimization Technique for Gas Turbine Operating State Determination”, Proc. International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2002, November 17-22, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, ASME IMECE2002/AES-33188. IC7. 22. Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2003, “Optimized Operating Point Selection for Gas Turbine Health State Analysis by using a Multi-Point Technique”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2003, June 16-19, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, ASME Paper GT2003-38191. IC8. 23. Pinelli, M., Venturini, M., Burgio, M., 2003, “Statistical Methodologies for Reliability Assessment of Gas Turbine Measurements”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2003, June 16-19, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, ASME Paper GT2003-38407. IC9. 24. Carraretto, C., Pinelli, M., Stoppato, A., Venturini, M., 2003, “Gas Path Analysis and Exergetic Diagnostics for Gas Turbine Health State Determination”, Proc. ECOS 2003, June 30 – July 2, Copenhagen, Denmark, Vol. I, pp. 299-307. IC10. 26. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2003, “Statistical Analyses to Improve Gas Turbine Diagnostics Reliability”, Proc. International Gas Turbine Congress 2003 (IGTC’03), Tokyo, Japan, November 2 -7, GTSJ, Tokyo, Paper IGTC2003Tokyo TS-004. IC11. 27. Venturini, M., 2004, “Development and Experimental Validation of a Compressor Dynamic Model”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2004, June 14-17, Vienna, Austria, ASME Paper GT2004-53416. IC12. 28. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., Burgio, M., 2004, “Set up of a Robust Neural Network for Gas Turbine Simulation”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2004, June 14-17, Vienna, Austria, ASME Paper GT2004-53421. IC13. 31. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2005, “Artificial Intelligence for the Diagnostics of Gas Turbines. Part I: Neural Network Approach”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2005, June 6-9, Reno-Tahoe, Nevada, USA, ASME Paper GT2005-68026. IC14. 32. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2005, “Artificial Intelligence for the Diagnostics of Gas Turbines. Part II: Neuro-Fuzzy Approach”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2005, June 6-9, Reno-Tahoe, Nevada, USA, ASME Paper GT2005-68027. -4- IC15. 33. Venturini, M., 2005, “Simulation of Compressor Transient Behavior Through Recurrent Neural Network Models”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2005, June 6-9, Reno-Tahoe, Nevada, USA, ASME Paper GT2005-68030. IC16. 35. Venturini, M., 2006, “Optimization of a Real-Time Simulator Based on Recurrent Neural Networks for Compressor Transient Behavior Prediction”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2006, May 8-11, Barcelona, Spain, ASME Paper GT2006-90117. IC17. 36. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., Zanetta, G. A., 2006, “Assessment of the Robustness of Gas Turbine Diagnostics Tools Based on Neural Networks”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2006, May 8-11, Barcelona, Spain, ASME Paper GT2006-90118. IC18. 37. Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Venturini, M., 2006, “Development of a One-Dimensional Modular Dynamic Model for the Simulation of Surge in Compression Systems”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2006, May 8-11, Barcelona, Spain, ASME Paper GT2006-90134. “Oil & Gas Applications Committee” Best Paper Award. IC19. 39. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., Cenci, G., Morini, M., 2007, “Energy Production from Biomass: Development of a General Model and Application to Anaerobic Digestion”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2007, May 14-17, Montreal, Canada, ASME Paper GT2007-27039. IC20. 40. Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Venturini, M., 2007, “Acoustic and Vibrational Analyses on a Multi-Stage Compressor for Unstable Behavior Precursor Identification”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2007, May 14-17, Montreal, Canada, ASME Paper GT2007-27040. IC21. 41. Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Venturini, M., 2007, “Application of a One-Dimensional Modular Dynamic Model for Compressor Surge Avoidance”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2007, May 14-17, Montreal, Canada, ASME Paper GT2007-27041. “Oil & Gas Applications Committee” Best Paper Award. IC22. 42. Morini, M., Cataldi, G., Pinelli, M., Venturini, M., 2007, “A Model for the Simulation of LargeSize Single-Shaft Gas Turbine Start-Up Based on Operating Data Fitting”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2007, May 14-17, Montreal, Canada, ASME Paper GT2007-27373. IC23. 43. Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2007, “Gas Turbine Modeling by Using Neural Networks Trained on Field Operating Data”, Proc. ECOS 2007, June 25 – 28, Padova, Italy, SGE Ed., Padova, Vol. I, pp. 213-222. IC24. 46. Venturini, M., Morini, M., 2008, “From Research to Didactics: the Course of Dynamics and Control of Fluid Machines for Automation Engineering Students”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2008, June 9-13, Berlin, Germany, ASME Paper GT2008-50042. IC25. 47. Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2008, “Influence of Blade Deterioration on Compressor and Turbine Performance”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2008, June 9-13, Berlin, Germany, ASME Paper GT2008-50043. IC26. 48. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., Cadorin, M., Cenci, G., Morini, M., 2008, “Energetic and Economic Analyses of Integrated Biogas-Fed Energy Systems”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2008, June 9-13, Berlin, Germany, ASME Paper GT2008-50044. IC27. 49. Orme, G. J., Venturini, M., 2008, “Property Risk Assessment for Combined Cycle Power Plants”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2008, June 9-13, Berlin, Germany, ASME Paper GT2008-50586. IC28. 50. Venturini, M., Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., 2008, “A Comprehensive Approach for Measurement Validation and Health State Determination of Gas Turbines: Methodology and Field Application”, Proc. Fifth International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies, July 15-18, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Invited Paper - Sessione “Gas Turbine Diagnostics”. -5- IC29. 52. Orme, G. J., Venturini, M., 2009, “Prediction of Power Plant Exposure to Economic Losses Through a Property Risk Assessment Methodology”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2009, June 8-12, Orlando, Florida, USA, ASME Paper GT2009-59018. IC30. 53. Bettocchi, R., Cadorin, M., Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2009, “Assessment of the Performance and of the Profitability of CHP Energy Systems Fed by Vegetable Oils”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2009, June 8-12, Orlando, Florida, USA, ASME Paper GT2009-59022. IC31. 54. Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2009, “CFD Simulation of Fouling on Axial Compressor Stages”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2009, June 8-12, Orlando, Florida, USA, ASME Paper GT2009-59025. “Oil & Gas Applications Committee” Best Paper Award. IC32. 58. Bettocchi, R., Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., Torsello, G., 2010, “Set Up of an Experimental Facility for the Investigation of Wet Compression on a Multistage Compressor”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2010, June 14-18, Glasgow, UK, ASME Paper GT2010-22451. IC33. 59. Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2010, “Numerical Analysis of the Effects of Non-Uniform Surface Roughness on Compressor Stage Performance”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2010, June 14-18, Glasgow, UK, ASME Paper GT2010-23291. IC34. 60. Cadorin, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2010, “Feasibility Analysis of Micro-CHP Systems for Residential Building Applications”, Proc. ECOS 2010, June 14 – 17, Lausanne, Switzerland, Paper #72. IC35. 61. Bettocchi, R., Caprara, C., Martelli, R., Minarelli, F., Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Venturini, M., 2010, “Assessment of Energy Chains for Distributed Generation: Agricultural and ThermoEconomic Analyses within Emilia-Romagna Region”, Proc. ECOS 2010, June 14 – 17, Lausanne, Switzerland, Paper #200. IC36. 65. Malavolta, M., Beyene, A., Venturini, M., 2010, “Experimental Implementation of a Micro-Scale ORC-Based CHP Energy System for Domestic Applications”, Proc. ASME IMECE 2010, November 12 – 18, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, ASME Paper IMECE2010-37208. IC37. 66. Pinelli, M., Morini, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., Ferrari, C., 2011, “Analysis of the Effects of Simulated Fouling on an Axial Compressor Stage Through CFD Modeling”, 9th European Conference on Turbomachinery, March 21-25, Istanbul, Turkey, Paper n. A216, Ed: M. Sen, G. Bois, M. Manna, T. Arts, Istanbul (Turkey),Vol. I, pp. 261 - 270. IC38. 68. Barbieri, E. S., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2011, “Analysis of Innovative Micro-CHP Systems to Meet Household Energy Demands”, Proc. Third International Conference on Applied Energy, 16-18 May 2011, Perugia, Italy, pp. 2617-2634. IC39. 69. Puggina, N., Venturini, M., 2011, “Development of a Statistical Methodology for Gas Turbine Prognostics”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2011, June 6-10, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, ASME Paper GT2011-45708. IC40. 70. Cavarzere, A., Venturini, M., 2011, “Application of Forecasting Methodologies to Predict Gas Turbine Behavior over Time”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2011, June 6-10, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, ASME Paper GT2011-45710. IC41. 74. Venturini, M., Puggina, N., 2012, “Prediction Reliability of a Statistical Methodology for Gas Turbine Prognostics”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2012, June 11-15, Copenhagen, Denmark, ASME Paper GT2012-68022. IC42. 75. Cavarzere, A., Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Vaccari, A., Venturini, M., 2012, “Fuelling Micro Gas Turbines with Vegetable Oils - Part I: Straight and Blended Vegetable Oil Properties”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2012, June 11-15, Copenhagen, Denmark, ASME Paper GT2012-68238. IC43. 76. Cavarzere, A., Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Vaccari, A., Venturini, M., 2012, “Fuelling Micro Gas Turbines with Vegetable Oils - Part II: Experimental Analysis”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2012, June 11-15, Copenhagen, Denmark, ASME Paper GT2012-68239. -6- IC44. 77. Morini, M., Venturini, M., 2012, “An Innovative Inlet Air Cooling System for IGCC Power Augmentation - Part I: Analysis of IGCC Plant Components”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2012, June 11-15, Copenhagen, Denmark, ASME Paper GT2012-68346. IC45. 78. Bosi, M., Ferrari, C., Melino, F., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2012, “Thermophotovoltaic Generation: A State of the Art Review ”, Proc. ECOS 2012, June 26 – 29, Perugia, Italy, Paper #088. IC46. 79. Barbieri, E. S., Ferrari, C., Melino, F., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2012, “Thermophotovoltaic Energy Conversion - Part 2: Prototypes and Experiences”, Proc. Fourth International Conference on Applied Energy, 5-8 July 2012, Suzhou, China, Paper ID A10176. IC47. 82. Ziviani, D., Beyene, A., Venturini, M., 2012, “Development and Validation of an Advanced Simulation Model for ORC-Based Systems”, Proc. ASME IMECE 2012, November 9 – 15, Houston, Texas, USA, Paper No. IMECE2012-85734, pp. 331-345; 15 pages, doi:10.1115/IMECE2012-85734. “IMECE2012 Advanced Energy Systems Division” Best Paper Award IC48. 83. Ziviani, D., Beyene, A., Venturini, M., 2012, “Application of an Advanced Simulation Model to a Micro-CHP ORC-Based System for Ultra-Low Grade Heat Recovery”, Proc. ASME IMECE 2012, November 9 – 15, Houston, Texas, USA, Paper No. IMECE2012-85735, pp. 347-359; 13 pages, doi:10.1115/IMECE2012-85735. IC49. 84. Venturini, M., Therkorn, D., 2013, “Application of a Statistical Methodology for Gas Turbine Degradation Prognostics to Alstom Field Data”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2013, June 3-7, San Antonio, Texas, USA, ASME Paper GT2013-94407. “Oil & Gas Applications Committee” Best Paper Award. IC50. 85. Aldi, N., Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Suman, A., Venturini, M., 2013, “Performance Evaluation of Non-Uniformly Fouled Axial Compressor Stages by means of Computational Fluid Dynamic Analyses”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2013, June 3-7, San Antonio, Texas, USA, ASME Paper GT2013-95580. IC51. 86. Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Vaccari, A., Venturini, M., 2013, “An Innovative Inlet Air Cooling System for IGCC Power Augmentation”, Proc. Fifth International Conference on Applied Energy, 1-4 July 2013, Pretoria, South Africa, Paper ID 33. IC52. 87. Gonzalez Salazar, M. A., Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., Finkenrath, M., Poganietz, W. R., 2013, “Methodology for Biomass Energy Potential Estimation: Assessment of Current Potential in Colombia”, Proc. Fifth International Conference on Applied Energy, 1-4 July 2013, Pretoria, South Africa, Paper ID 76. IC53. 88. Gonzalez Salazar, M. A., Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., Finkenrath, M., Poganietz, W. R., 2013, “Methodology for Biomass Energy Potential Estimation: Projections of Future Potential in Colombia”, Proc. Fifth International Conference on Applied Energy, 1-4 July 2013, Pretoria, South Africa, Paper ID 77. IC54. 94. Ziviani, D., Suman, A., Lecompte, S., De Paepe, M., van den Broek, M., Spina, P. R., Pinelli, M., Venturini, M., Beyene, A., 2014, “Comparison of a Single-Screw and a Scroll Expander under Part-Load Conditions for Low-Grade Heat Recovery ORC Systems”, Proc. Sixth International Conference on Applied Energy, May 30 – June 2 2014, Taipei, Taiwan, Paper ID 78. IC55. 95. Asgari, H., Chen, X., Sainudiin, R., Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2014, “Modeling and Simulation of the Start-up Operation of a Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine by Using NARX Models”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2014, June 16-20, Dusseldorf, Germany, ASME Paper GT2014-25056. -7- Papers published on Italian Jorunals (R) R1. 9bis. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Venturini, M., Spina, P. R., Sebastianelli, S., 2001, “Analisi dei dati storici di esercizio di una turbina a gas per la diagnosi dei guasti”, Manutenzione, ANNO VIII, n. 6, pp. 33-38. R2. 25bis. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Venturini, M., Burgio, M., Spina, P. R., 2004, “Studio di modelli neurali per la simulazione di turbogas”, Manutenzione, ANNO XI, n. 4, pp. 25-34. Papers presented at International Conferences (C) without referees C1. 8. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Sebastianelli, S., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2000, “Diagnosis of Gas Turbine Operating State in Natural Gas Compression Plants”, Proc. “Condition-Based Maintenance for Highly Engineered Systems” Symposium, Pisa, September 25-27, vol. I, pp. 1-13. C2. 9. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Venturini, M., Spina, P. R., Sebastianelli, S., 2001, “Analisi dei dati storici di funzionamento di una turbina a gas per la diagnosi dei guasti”, Atti SMI'01 - 4a Mostra e Convegno Internazionale sulla Manutenzione degli Impianti Industriali, Bologna, 28 febbraio - 3 marzo. C3. 21. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Venturini, M., Spina, P. R., Sebastianelli, S., Bezzi, F., 2003, “A software tool for gas turbine on-condition monitoring and diagnostics”, Proc. OMC 2003 "The Mediterranean: new oil and gas routes for an ancient sea", Ravenna, March 26-28, vol. I, pp. 1-12. C4. 55. Bettocchi, R., Cadorin, M., Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2009, “Biogas Utilization for Electricity Production in Small Scale Energy Systems”, Proc. 17th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, June 29 – July 3, Hamburg, Germany, Paper OA2.3. Papers presented at Italian Conferences (NC) NC1. 2. Bettocchi, R., Spina, P. R., Pinelli, M., Venturini, M., 1999, “Influenza dell’incertezza di misura sulla determinazione dello stato di funzionamento di turbogas”, Atti 54° Congresso ATI, L’Aquila, 14-17 settembre, vol. II, pp. 875-886. NC2. 5. Pinelli, M., Venturini, M., 2000, “Variazione delle grandezze caratteristiche di turbogas a seguito di guasti”, Atti 55° Congresso ATI, Matera, 15-20 settembre, vol. I, pp. 1-10. NC3. 6. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2000, “Analisi dei guasti nei turbogas”, Atti 55° Congresso ATI, Matera, 15-20 settembre, vol. I, pp. 1-16. NC4. 12. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Venturini, M., 2001, “Applicazione di una Metodologia di Diagnosi su Turbogas in Impianti Combinati Gas-Vapore”, Atti X Convegno "Tecnologie e Sistemi Energetici Complessi", Genova, 21-22 giugno 2001, vol. I, pp. 641-653. NC5. 13. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2001, “A Program for the Evaluation of Pollutant Emissions in Combined Cycle Power Plants with Fired Heat Recovery Steam Generator”, Atti 56° Congresso ATI, Napoli, 10-14 settembre, vol. III, pp. 109-117. NC6. 18. Pinelli, M., Venturini, M., Buzzoni, M., 2002, “Banco prova per la caratterizzazione statica dinamica ed acustica di compressori”, Atti 57° Congresso Nazionale ATI, Pisa, 17-20 settembre, vol. II, pp. IV-B 11 - IV-B 18. -8- NC7. 19. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Venturini, M., Spina, P. R., Bellagamba, S., Tirone, G., 2002, “Procedura di calibrazione del Programma per la Diagnosi Funzionale dei Turbogas della Centrale a Ciclo Combinato di La Spezia”, Atti 57° Congresso Nazionale ATI, Pisa, 17-20 settembre, vol. I, pp. III-B 3 - III-B 12. NC8. 25. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., Burgio, M., 2003, “Modelli Neurali per la Simulazione di Turbogas”, Atti 58° Congresso Nazionale ATI, Padova, 8-12 settembre, vol. I, pp. 35-46. NC9. 29. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2004, “Gas Turbine Operating State Determination by Using Neural Networks Models”, Atti 59° Congresso Nazionale ATI, Genova, 14-17 settembre, vol. I, pp. 137-148. NC10. 30. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2004, “Tecniche per il rilevamento e l’isolamento dei guasti ai sensori di misura”, Atti XXI Congresso A.I.MAN., Milano, 15-16 settembre, vol. I, pp. 1-12. NC11. 34. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., Zanetta, G. A., 2005, “Analisi della Robustezza di Modelli Neurali Utilizzati per la Diagnostica Funzionale di Turbine a Gas”, Atti 60° Congresso Nazionale ATI, Roma, 13-15 settembre, vol. I, pp. 1-19. NC12. 38. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., Cenci, G., Morini, M., 2006, “Modellizzazione del processo di produzione dell’energia da biomasse”, Atti 61° Congresso Nazionale ATI, Perugia, 12-15 settembre, vol. II, pp. 569-574. NC13. 44. Bettocchi, R., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., Cadorin, M., Cenci, G., Morini, M., 2007, “Evaluation of the Profitability of Cogenerative Energy Systems Fed by Biogas Obtained Through Anaerobic Digestion”, Atti 62° Congresso Nazionale ATI, Salerno, 11-14 settembre, vol. I, pp. 526-531. NC14. 45. Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2007, “Influence of Fouling on Compressor and Turbine Performance”, Atti 62° Congresso Nazionale ATI, Salerno, 11-14 settembre, vol. II, pp. 941-946. NC15. 51. Bettocchi, R., Cadorin, M., Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2008, “Energetic Performance and Profitability of Energy Systems Fed by Vegetable Oils”, Atti 63° Congresso Nazionale ATI, Palermo, 23-26 settembre (Codice Memoria: 07.023). NC16. 56. Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2009, “Numerical Simulation of Fouling Effects on Compressor Stage Performance”, Atti 64° Congresso Nazionale ATI, L’Aquila, 8-11 settembre (Codice Memoria: 16.010). NC17. 62. Cadorin, M., Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2010, “Analisi EnergeticoEconomica di Sistemi Innovativi per la Micro-Cogenerazione nel Settore Residenziale”, Atti 65° Congresso Nazionale ATI, Chia Laguna Resort Domus de Maria (Cagliari), 13 - 17 settembre. (Codice Memoria: 04.036). NC18. 63. Bettocchi, R., Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Torsello, G., Venturini, M., 2010, “Iniezione d'Acqua in Compressori di Turbine a Gas: Apparato Sperimentale ed Effetti sulle Mappe di Prestazione”, Atti 65° Congresso Nazionale ATI, Chia Laguna Resort Domus de Maria (Cagliari), 13 - 17 settembre. (Codice Memoria: 12.172). NC19. 64. Bettocchi, R., Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., Caprara, C., Martelli, R., Minarelli, F., 2010, “Analisi Agronomica e Termoeconomica di Filiere Energetiche per la Piccola Cogenerazione Distribuita in Emilia-Romagna”, Atti 65° Congresso Nazionale ATI, Chia Laguna Resort Domus de Maria (Cagliari), 13 - 17 settembre. (Codice Memoria: 03.173). NC20. 71. Tonon, S., Venturini, M., Perri, C., 2011, “La Gestione delle Biomasse Legnose Residuali – Valutazioni Tecniche ed Ambientali sulla Filiera Energetica”, Atti 66° Congresso Nazionale ATI, Università della Calabria – Rende (Cosenza), 5 - 9 settembre. (Codice Memoria: 03.038) -9- NC21. 72. Bettocchi, R., Bolognesi, S., Cavarzere, A., Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Vaccari, A., Venturini, M., 2011, “Filiera di Produzione dell’Energia da Olio Vegetale”, Atti 66° Congresso Nazionale ATI, Università della Calabria – Rende (Cosenza), 5 - 9 settembre. (Codice Memoria: 06.086) NC22. 89. Cavarzere, A., Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Vaccari, A., Venturini, M., 2013, “Experimental Analysis of a Micro Gas Turbine Fuelled with Vegetable Oils from Energy Crops”, Atti 68° Congresso Nazionale ATI, Bologna, 11 - 13 settembre. (Codice Memoria: 12355) NC22. 89bis. Cavarzere, A., Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Vaccari, A., Venturini, M., 2014, “Experimental Analysis of a Micro Gas Turbine Fuelled with Vegetable Oils from Energy Crops”, Energy Procedia, 45, pp. 91-100. NC23. 90. Aldi, N., Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Suman, A., Venturini, M., 2013, “Numerical Analysis of the Effects of Surface Roughness Localization on the Performance of an Axial Compressor Stage”, Atti 68° Congresso Nazionale ATI, Bologna, 11 - 13 settembre. (Codice Memoria: 12356) NC23. 90bis. Aldi, N., Morini, M., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Suman, A., Venturini, M., 2014, “Numerical Analysis of the Effects of Surface Roughness Localization on the Performance of an Axial Compressor Stage”, Energy Procedia, 45, pp. 1057-1066. NC24. 91. Ferrari, C., Melino, F., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2013, “Overview and Status of Thermophotovoltaic Systems”, Atti 68° Congresso Nazionale ATI, Bologna, 11 - 13 settembre. (Codice Memoria: 12398) NC24. 91bis. Ferrari, C., Melino, F., Pinelli, M., Spina, P. R., Venturini, M., 2014, “Overview and Status of Thermophotovoltaic Systems”, Energy Procedia, 45, pp. 160-169. Ferrara, 24th June 2014. Ing. Mauro Venturini Dott. Ing. Mauro Venturini Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Ferrara Via Saragat, 1 - 44122 Ferrara - ITALY Phone#: +39 0532 974878; Fax #: +39 0532 974863; e-mail: [email protected] Home page: http://docente.unife.it/mauro.venturini
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