new products Airforce is… Airforce is a company made of people whose innovative products are the result of a constant and deep research. Airforce is the study, is the will to launch a style, is the proposal of an advanced Made in Italy focused on quality choices that go hand-inhand with functionality, reliability, design and innovation. Supported by a strong team of people, the industrial management is aware of the challenges of the global market and always face them as a leader. Airforce cooker hoods are present in the main European countries and in emerging and consolidated world markets since many years. Airforce always looks for innovation in every aspect: from technology to aesthetics, from quality to functionality, from energy-saving solutions to performing motors, filters, lighting systems and everything related to cooker hoods. Constantly committed to improvement, Airforce’s goal is to be always one step ahead in facing every change. Airforce is all Italian, strongly European and open to the world, but deeply rooted in the territory where the cooker hood was born in the ‘60s and from where it has become one of the most important kitchen appliances: Airforce is Made In Fabriano. Airforce è un’impresa di uomini, ove l’efficacia dei risultati in termini di prodotto si sviluppa in base ad una politica industriale connotata da una forte e continua ricerca. Airforce è lo studio, la volontà di lanciare uno stile, di proporre un Made in Italy ancor più incentrato ed avanzato sui processi di scelta, dove alta qualità si declina con funzionalità ed affidabilità, design ed innovazione. Una gestione industriale caratterizzata dalla forte cooperazione di un gruppo, di un team, consapevole delle molteplicicomplessità del mercato globale, ma che interpreta e vede queste stesse complessità come sfide, affrontandole sempre da protagonista del settore. Un settore, quello delle cappe aspiranti, che da anni ci vede presenti nelle principali rotte europee e costantemente in espansione nei mercati mondiali, siano essi consolidati o emergenti. Innamorati del prodotto, siamo costantemente impegnati nella ricerca continua dell’innovazione in ogni ambito, dagli aspetti tecnologici a quelli estetici, dalla qualità alla funzionalità, dal risparmio energetico all’efficienza dei motori, dei filtri, dei sistemi di illuminazione e di tutto quanto ruota intorno ai nostri prodotti.Costantemente impegnati per migliorarci,il nostro obiettivo è di essere pronti in anticipo ad affrontare qualsiasi cambiamento, ponendoci sempre un passo avanti. Airforce è una flotta tutta italiana, fortemente europea, aperta al mondo, ma radicata in quel territorio in cui negli anni ‘60 è nata e si è diffusa la cappa aspirante come elettrodomestico centrale di ogni cucina: Airforce è Made in Fabriano. 1 2014 Airforce is… Our filters can be washed for a perfect cleaning, keeping their performance constant in time. I nostri filtri possono essere lavati per una perfetta pulizia, mantenendo costante nel tempo la sua efficienza. WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS SILDING CHIMNEYS LED I-Drive è l’innovativo comando sviluppato da Airforce che abbina la tecnologia Touch a sfioramento ad un intuitivo comando a rotazione; basta selezionare la funzione desiderata e ruotare il cursore per regolare a proprio piacimento l’intensità di tutte le funzioni della cappa. La possibilità di regolare in altezza l’escursione dei camini rende le nostre cappe facili da montare e perfettamente integrabili a soffitti e controsoffitti di qualsiasi altezza. L’indicatore di saturazione dei filtri grassi e dei filtri ai carboni attivi avverte l’utilizzatore della necessità di pulire o sostituire gli stessi, consentendo di mantenere sempre l’aspirazione a livelli ottimali. ODOUR CONTROL PERIMETER ASPIRATION L’esclusivo sistema di illuminazione a Led sviluppato da Airforce combina elevatissime performance di luminosità con un consumo di energia inferiore del 90% rispetto ad una lampada di tipo tradizionale ed una durata di oltre 20.000 ore. The indicator of saturation of the grease filters and of the active charcoal filters alerts the user of the need to clean or replace them, allowing to keep the exhaustion at excellent levels. FILTER CHANGE I-DRIVE TOUCH CONTROL Il comando Touch Control consente di accedere a tutte le funzioni della cappa con il semplicemente sfioramento delle icone, facilitando l’utilizzo e le operazioni di manutenzione e pulizia dell’elettrodomestico. Thanks to technologies that Airforce has developed especially for our engines and lighting systems these hoods have high performances and very low energy consumption. A light sliding touch on the sensitive PTC (Progressive Touch Control) control panel allows to go from speed 1 to 10 in a very easy way. Grazie alle tecnologie che Airforce ha appositamente sviluppato per i propri motori ed i propri sistemi di illuminazione, queste cappe sono contraddistinte da prestazioni elevate e consumi energetici molto contenuti. Il comando PTC (Progressive Touch Control) permette di regolare l’intensità di aspirazione della cappa su 10 diverse velocità tramite il semplice gesto di un dito grazie all’innovativa tecnologia touch sensitive, per la massima facilità di utilizzo. PROGRESSIVE TOUCH CONTROL The stainless steel grease filter gives an aesthetic appeal to the hood and a long-lasting and high filtering capacity; it can be washed in the dishwasher for a perfect cleaning, maintaining its performance constant in time. STAINLESS STEEL GREASE FILTER Il filtro grassi in acciaio inox dona alla cappa un’estetica accattivante ed un’elevata capacità di filtraggio, stabile e prolungata nel tempo. Può essere lavato in lavastoviglie per una perfetta pulizia, mantenendo costante nel tempo la sua efficienza. AUTOMATIC SENSOR These models can be equipped with an additional grease filter. Installed inside the hood, it enhances the high performance of the standard filters considerably. Nelle cappe dotate di questa carateristica, la zona di aspirazione è concentrata perimetralmente, migliorandone l’estetica, riducendone la rumorosità e semplificandone la pulizia. Queste cappe sono dotate di un display che ne semplifica l’utilizzo, mostrando la velocità di funzionamento, la saturazione dei filtri o l’eventuale temporizzazione. Questi modelli possono equipaggiati con un ulteriore filtro grassi, posizionato internamente alla cappa, che consente di aumentare notevolmente le già elevate prestazioni dei filtri standard. AXIAL MOTORS La rivoluzione dei motori nel mondo delle cappe! I motori assiali, al contrario di quelli tradizionali, muovono l’aria lungo un asse lineare, senza ostacoli o deviazioni. Questo si traduce in alta efficienza, bassa rumorosità, e, soprattutto, in consumi incredibilmente ridotti: quattro motori assiali, contemporaneamente in funzione alla massima potenza, hanno un assorbimento inferiore a quello di tre lampadine alogene normalmente montate sulle cappe! DOUBLE GREASE FILTERING INTEGRA INTEGRA Airforce introduces INTEGRA, a product that combines the function of the innovative Axial Downdraft cooker hood with an induction or Hi-light cooktop. INTEGRA has been conceived and developed to obtain the perfect symbiosis in design, ergonomics and in the functionality of the two elements, operated by a single touch control. Airforce presenta INTEGRA, un prodotto che coniuga le funzioni dell’innovativa DownDraft Assiale a quelle di un piano cottura ad induzione o Hi-light. INTEGRA è stato progettato appositamente per ottenere una perfetta simbiosi nel design, nell’ergonomia e nelle funzionalità dei due elementi, controllati da un unico comando touch. In alternativa ai normali filtri ai carboni attivi, queste cappe possono essere equipaggiate con i nostri filtri carbone plus, caratterizzati da prestazioni anti-odore ancor più elevate. This function allows you to adjust the intensity of the lights of the appliance, according to your needs and to the brightness of the surrounding environment. DIMMABLE LIGHT Questa funzione consente di regolare a proprio piacimento l’intensità luminosa dell’elettrodomestico, in funzione delle proprie esigenze e della luminosità dell’ambiente circostante. The models with the double exhausting surface have one or more additional grease filters located in the lower part, turned towards the cooking top. This system maximizes the performance of the hood, even at the lower speeds. With the Sensor function activated, the extraction speed will set itself automatically depending on the heat coming from the stove and will adjust the exhaustion at optimal levels to avoid waste of energy. Attivando il funzionamento automatico, la cappa regolerà autonomamente la velocità di estrazione dei fumi in funzione del calore proveniente dal piano cottura, regolando continuamente l’aspirazione a livelli ottimali per evitare sprechi di energia. In aggiunta alla classica illuminazione del piano cottura, queste cappe sono dotate di un sistema di luci supplementari, studiato per illuminare l’ambiente circostante in maniera diffusa. Charcoal filters plus can be installed in these hoods and are an alternative to the normal charcoal filters. They have enhanced anti-odor performances. CHARCOAL FILTER PLUS REMOTE CONTROL These hoods are equipped with a display that makes the use easier by showing the operating speed, the saturation of the filters or the timer, if in use. The motor revolution in the world of cooker hoods! The axial motors, unlike the traditional ones, smoothly move the air along a linear axis. This means high efficiency, low noise and, above all, an incredibly reduced energy consumption: four axial motors, operating simultaneously at the maximum power, have a lower energy absorption than three standard halogen lamps normally used for hoods! BACKLIT Specifico per le cappe a soffitto il telecomando Airforce è studiato per garantire rapidità e semplicità di utilizzo. The hoods equipped with this feature have filtering surface positioned perimetrically. This system improves aesthetics, reduces noise and simplifies cleaning. DIGITAL DISPLAY In addition to the classical illumination of the cook top, these hoods are equipped with an additional light system, designed to illuminate the surrounding environment in a soft way. Specific for our ceiling hoods, Airforce remote control is designed to be fast and easy to use. The Touch Control panel allows you to access all functions of the hood just by touching the icons, making the use, service and the cleaning of the appliance easier. Questi modelli, nella loro versione filtrante, sono dotati di speciali filtri ai carboni attivi in grado di assorbire gli odori. ENERGY SAVING I-Drive is an innovative control developed by Airforce that combines the touch screen with an intuitive rotation control; simply select the desired function and turn the knob to adjust the intensity of the different functions of the hood as you prefer. The possibility to adjust the height of the chimneys makes our hoods easy to install and perfectly integrated with ceilings of any height. In the recirculation version these models are equipped with special active charcoal filters to absorb odours. 2 The unique LED lighting developed by Airforce combines very high performance of lighting with the low power consumption: less than 90% compared to a traditional lamp and with a lifetime of over 20,000 hours. DOUBLE EXHAUSTION I modelli dotati di doppia aspirazione hanno una o più griglie di filtraggio grassi supplementari poste nella zona inferiore, rivolte verso il piano cottura, che massimizzano l’efficienza di aspirazione, garantendo un filtraggio efficace anche alle velocità di funzionamento più basse. The gradual switching on and off of the led lights attenuates the visual disturbance due to sudden changes of illumination. L’accensione e lo spegnimento delle luci a led avviene gradualmente, attenuando il disturbo visivo dovuto ai cambi di illuminazione improvvisi. SOFT LIGHTING 3 INTEGRA INTEGRA irforce is proud to introduce INTEGRA. INTEGRA is a product that combines the function of the innovative Axial Downdraft cooker hood with an induction or Hi-light cooktop. INTEGRA has been conceived and developed to obtain the perfect symbiosis in design, ergonomics and in the functionality of the two elements, operated by a single touch control. INTEGRA is made up of two fundamental elements: the Axial Downdraft (Airforce Patent) and an innovative hob that is available either in the very high efficiency version or in the more traditional Hi-light version. Airforce has developed both hobs in cooperation with very experienced and professional people and with the exclusive use of components of the German company E.G.O. The hob integrates the touch controls of both products and it allows to command all the different functions. The main purposes of this project are functionality, easy use and design optimized by the cooperation with ErgoCert (ergonomics certification body). Also the arrangement of the cooking areas is a result of a precise functional reasoning aiming at the best performances. The reduced depth of the hob allows the installation of INTEGRA also in 60cm worktops. All of this has allowed the perfect symbiosis of the two integrated products. irforce leader nel settore delle cappe aspiranti, presenta INTEGRA. INTEGRA è un prodotto che coniuga le funzioni dell’ innovativa Downdraft Assiale a quelle di un piano cottura ad induzione o Hilight; ideato e sviluppato per coniugare al meglio le due funzioni, Integra è stato progettato appositamente per ottenere una perfetta simbiosi nel design, nell’ergonomia e nelle funzionalità dei due elementi, controllati da un unico comando touch. Integra si compone di due elementi fondamentali: la cappa Downdraft Assiale (brevetto Airforce) e un innovativo piano di cottura, che può essere scelto sia nella versione ad induzione ad altissima efficienza, che nella più tradizionale versione Hi-light. Entrambi i piani cottura sono stati sviluppati da Airforce avvalendosi della professionalità di collaboratori di grande esperienza e utilizzando esclusivamente componentistica dell’azienda tedesca E.G.O. Il piano cottura integra i comandi di entrambi i prodotti. Questo permette il controllo di tutte le funzioni della cappa e del piano integrati tramite comandi touch. Facilità di utilizzo, funzionalità e design sono stati gli obbiettivi primari di questo progetto, ottimizzato collaborando con la ErgoCert (ente di certificazione per l’ergonomia). Anche la disposizione delle zone di cottura deriva da una precisa logica funzionale, volta a garantire le migliori performance. La profondità ridotta del piano di cottura permette l’installazione di INTEGRA anche su un piano di lavoro da 60 cm. Tutto ciò ci ha permesso di realizzare la perfetta simbiosi dei due prodotti integrati. A 4 A Integra INDUCTION Integra HI-LIGHT INTEGRA 5 Integra INDUCTION 6 7 ENERGY SAVING FILTER CHANGE Integra INDUCTION Induction Cooktop AXIAL MOTORS PROGRESSIVE TOUCH CONTROL Hobs: 2xØ160 induction hobs 2xØ200 induction hobs Control: 4 zones Touch control, 9 heating levels, 4 boosters, pot detection, child lock, timer, countdown, residual heat display Power: 2x2,3kW (booster 3kW) 2x1,2kW (booster 1,4kW) Total: 7kW (8,8 kW) Size: STAINLESS STEEL GREASE FILTER Finish: DownDraft AXIAL Motor: 700 m3/h Progressive touch control 10 speeds (9+1 intensive), grease and charcoal filter control Power: Size: 86x37 cm Stainless steel and black or white glass Finish: 80W 86x12,5 cm Stainless steel and black or white glass Washable stainless steel grease filters. Charcoal filters included. CHARCOAL FILTER PLUS ODOUR CONTROL WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS INTEGRA INTEGRA INTEGRA can be fitted into work tops starting from 60cm. 11 5 850 1,6 Min.708 Max. 788 347 8 78 0 86 12 654 5 91 840 +1 0 108 +1 0 Min.55 8 0 330 -2 83 10 9 15 8 0 830 -2 Max. r 7,5 Integra HI-LIGHT 8 9 ENERGY SAVING FILTER CHANGE Integra HI-LIGHT Hi-Light Cooktop Motor: AXIAL MOTORS Control: PROGRESSIVE TOUCH CONTROL Power: Size: STAINLESS STEEL GREASE FILTER Finish: DownDraft AXIAL 2xØ145 hobs 1xØ180 hob 1xØ180/120 hob Motor: 4 zones Touch control, 9 heating levels, warming function, automatic parboiling, child lock, timer, countdown, residual heat display, 700 m3/h Progressive touch control 10 speeds (9+1 intensive), grease and charcoal filter control 2x 1,2kW 1x 1,8kW 1x 1kW/1,7kW Total: 5,9kW Power: 86x37 cm Size: Stainless steel and black glass Finish: 80W 86x12,5 cm Stainless steel and black glass Washable stainless steel grease filters. Charcoal filters included. CHARCOAL FILTER PLUS Hi-Light Cooktop 75 Motor: ODOUR CONTROL WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS Control: Power: Size: INTEGRA INTEGRA Finish: DownDraft AXIAL 75 1xØ145 hobs 1xØ180 hob 1xØ180/120 hob Motor: 3 zones Touch control, 9 heating levels, warming function, automatic parboiling, child lock, residual heat display, 700 m3/h Progressive touch control 10 speeds (9+1 intensive), grease and charcoal filter control 1x 1,2kW 1x 1,8kW 1x 1kW/1,7kW Total: 4,7kW Power: 71x37 cm Size: Stainless steel and black glass Finish: 80W 71x12,5 cm Stainless steel and black glass Washable stainless steel grease filters. Charcoal filters included. INTEGRA can be fitted into work tops starting from 60cm. 11 5 37 0 85 0 0 1 0-7 0 0-7 86 1,6 44 Min.708 Max. 788 347 38 8-6 10 78 0-7 86 12 654 5 91 75 5-6 82 32 5 840 +1 (690) 0 108 +1 0 Min.55 88 8-6 83 10 9 15 8 0 330 -2 830 0 (680) -2 Max. r 7,5 10 AIRFORCE LAUNCHES A REVOLUTION IN THE SECTOR, PRESENTING THE FIRST HOOD EQUIPPED WITH AXIAL MOTORS. AIRFORCE LANCIA LA RIVOLUZIONE DEL SETTORE, PRESENTANDO LA PRIMA CAPPA EQUIPAGGIATA CON MOTORI ASSIALI! T I he axial motors, unlike the conventional ones, smoothly move the air along a linear axis, without detours. They have very small dimensions, paving the way to a clean and essential hood design, visually not invasive, thanks to the absence of chimneys or other bulky structures, making the hood very easy to install, as well. Axial motors are silent, powerful and eco-friendly: at maximum speed they have a power consumption comparable to a halogen lamp normally installed in our hoods! Their transportation is also eco-friendly: the absence of bulky elements allows a smaller package, for an easier handling and a better storing. The axial motors are safe and reliable thanks to their very long life cycle; besides they can be replaced in a few minutes and are covered by a 5-years warrantee. motori assiali, a differenza di quelli convenzionali, muovono l’aria lungo un percorso lineare, senza deviazioni; hanno dimensioni estremamente ridotte, che aprono la strada a cappe dal design pulito ed essenziale, assolutamente non invasive, prive di camini, tralicci o altre ingombranti strutture, e per questo estremamente facili da installare. I motori assiali sono silenziosi, potenti ed ecologici: un’unità di questo tipo, alla massima potenza, ha un assorbimento paragonabile a quello di una lampadina alogena normalmente montata sulle nostre cappe! Sono ecologici anche nel trasporto: l’assenza di ingombranti elementi strutturali permette di avere degli imballaggi dal minimo ingombro, facili da trasportare e da stoccare. I motori assiali sono sicuri ed affidabili, grazie al loro lunghissimo ciclo di vita; inoltre possono essere sostituiti in pochi minuti, e sono garantiti per ben 5 anni. F112 axial desk DownDraft axial F142 axial F112 axial F150 axial AXIAL 11 F112 AXIAL DESK 12 13 ENERGY SAVING LED F112 AXIAL DESK AXIAL FILTER CHANGE Motor: Induction Cooktop Hobs: 2xØ160 induction hobs 2xØ200 induction hobs Control: 4 zones Touch control, 9 heating levels, 4 boosters, pot detection, child lock, timer, countdown, residual heat display 2x2,3kW (booster 3kW) 2x1,2kW (booster 1,4kW) Total: 7kW (8,8 kW) 700 m3/h Control: Progressive touch control 10 speeds (8+2 intensive), grease and charcoal filter control Lamps: 2x4W Led Power: Size: 79x50 cm Size: AXIAL MOTORS PROGRESSIVE TOUCH CONTROL White painted steel and stainless steel Finish: 86x37 cm Stainless steel and white glass Finish: This cooktop can only be purchased in combination with the hood. Washable stainless steel grease filters. Charcoal filters included. STAINLESS STEEL GREASE FILTER This hood can be purchased as a stand-alone product or even with an Airforce induction cooktop ODOUR CONTROL 8 40 5 Max 27° 76 Min 0° WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS 0 11 8 40 Max 27° 765 5 76 Min 0° SOFT LIGHTING 0 11 0 765 80 37 0 0 0 86 110 80 110 0 330 -2 57 5 82 32 5 37 0 Max. r 7,5 0 830 -2 0 86 0 330 -2 57 5 82 32 5 0 830 -2 Max. r 7,5 DownDraft AXIAL 14 15 ENERGY SAVING FILTER CHANGE DD DownDraft AXIAL DownDraft AXIAL AXIAL MOTORS Motor: 700 m3/h Power: Progressive touch control 10 speeds (9+1 intensive), grease and charcoal filter control Power: 86x12,5 cm 80W Size: Stainless steel and black glass Finish: 700 m3/h Control: 80W Size: STAINLESS STEEL GREASE FILTER Motor: Progressive touch control 10 speeds (9+1 intensive), grease and charcoal filter control Control: PROGRESSIVE TOUCH CONTROL DownDraft AXIAL 75 71x12,5 cm Stainless steel and black glass Finish: Washable stainless steel grease filters. Charcoal filters included. Washable stainless steel grease filters. Charcoal filters included. CHARCOAL FILTER PLUS ODOUR CONTROL WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS 10 0 48 8-6 79 Min. 708 Max. 788 1,6 347 38 8-6 0 78 0-71 86 91 5 12 654 88 8-6 83 10 9 15 8 F142 AXIAL EA SY TO INSTA LL AN D LOW ER T R ANSPORT COSTS 10 SPEEDS AN D 4 HIGH EFFICENCY LED 16 17 4 HIGH EFFICENCY CHARCOA L FI LTER S 850 M /H WITH ON LY 90 WATT 3 4 LOW NOISE A XI A L MOTOR S GUAR AN TEED 5 Y EAR S ENERGY SAVING LED F142 AXIAL AXIAL FILTER CHANGE 4 motors: 850 m3/h 2 motors: 700 m3/h Motor: Control: Progressive touch control 10 speeds (8+2 intensive), grease and charcoal filter control Lamps: 4x4W Led Size: 90x60 cm AXIAL MOTORS PROGRESSIVE TOUCH CONTROL Stainless steel with black glass Finish: Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters included. STAINLESS STEEL GREASE FILTER ODOUR CONTROL WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS 750- 315 100 50 SOFT LIGHTING 40 45 60 46 0 0 8 75 0 90 F112 AXIAL 18 19 ENERGY SAVING LED F112 AXIAL AXIAL FILTER CHANGE Motor: Induction Cooktop Control: Progressive touch control 10 speeds (8+2 intensive), grease and charcoal filter control Lamps: 2x4W Led AXIAL MOTORS Size: PROGRESSIVE TOUCH CONTROL Hobs: 2xØ160 induction hobs 2xØ200 induction hobs Control: 4 zones Touch control, 9 heating levels, 4 boosters, pot detection, child lock, timer, countdown, residual heat display Power: 2x2,3kW (booster 3kW) 2x1,2kW (booster 1,4kW) Total: 7kW (8,8 kW) 700 m3/h 79 cm Size: White painted steel and stainless steel Finish: Finish: Stainless steel and white glass This cooktop can only be purchased in combination with the hood. Washable stainless steel grease filters. Charcoal filters included. STAINLESS STEEL GREASE FILTER 86x37 cm This hood can be purchased as a stand-alone product or even with an Airforce induction cooktop ODOUR CONTROL Max 27° 110 224 R50 WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS 786,5 Min 0° 80 764,5 408 SOFT LIGHTING Max 27° 110 224 R50 786,5 37 0 0 86 Min 0° 80 0 330 -2 57 5 764,5 408 82 32 0 830 -2 5 Max. r 7,5 37 0 60 8 0 330 -2 57 5 82 32 5 0 830 -2 Max. r 7,5 F150 AXIAL 20 21 ENERGY SAVING LED F150 AXIAL AXIAL FILTER CHANGE Motor: Control: Progressive touch control 10 speeds (8+2 intensive), grease and charcoal filter control Lamps: 2x4W Led Size: 90x60 cm AXIAL MOTORS PROGRESSIVE TOUCH CONTROL 850 m3/h Finish: White painted steel Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters included. ODOUR CONTROL WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS 750 or 315 100 50 SOFT LIGHTING 90 0 60 0 90 22 F153 v6 F152 i-drive ELLITTO F119 slim F128 led F129 smart F144 90 F121 slim touch F122 slim touch F132 v6 F79 gold F103 led F80 led F84 led F77 led F66 v6 F75 led F17 S4 led F30 d2 F39 d2 F53 d2 23 F153 V6 24 25 F153 ENERGY SAVING V6 LED V6 ADVANCE Motor: 850 m3/h 750 m3/h 650 m3/h Control: Touch screen 6 speeds (4+2 intensive) with display, charcoal and grease filter control, heat sensor for automatic functioning, timer Touch screen 4 speeds (3+1 intensive) with display, charcoal and grease filter control, heat sensor for automatic functioning, timer Touch screen 4 speeds (3+1 intensive) with display, charcoal and grease filter control, heat sensor for automatic functioning, timer Lamps: 2x4W Led 2x2W Led 2x2W Led / 2x20W Halogen 80 cm 80 cm 80 cm Stainless steel and black painted steel with black or carbon printed glass Stainless steel and black painted steel with black or carbon printed glass Stainless steel and black painted steel with black or carbon printed glass Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. AUTOMATIC SENSOR Size: DIGITAL DISPLAY Finish: PERIMETER ASPIRATION CLASSIC TOUCH CONTROL 210 175 Min. F. 455 Max. F. 730 Min. A. 400 Max. A. 680 FILTER CHANGE BALANCE 50 464 372 ODOUR CONTROL SILDING CHIMNEYS 32 800 386 175 SOFT LIGHTING Min. F. 455 Max. F. 730 Min. A. 400 Max. A. 680 WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS 210 50 464 372 TIMER 800 32 152 386 152 F152 I-DRIVE 26 27 ENERGY SAVING LED F152 I-DRIVE V6 ADVANCE FILTER CHANGE Motor: 750 m3/h 650 m3/h Control: I-Drive Control - 6 speeds (4+2 intensive), grease and charcoal filter control, heat sensor for automatic functioning, timer, light intensity adjustment I-Drive Control - 4 speeds (3+1 intensive), grease and charcoal filter control, heat sensor for automatic functioning, timer I-Drive Control - 4 speeds (3+1 intensive), grease and charcoal filter control, heat sensor for automatic functioning, timer Lamps: 2x4W Led 2x2W Led 2x2W Led / 2x20W Halogen 80 cm 80 cm 80 cm Stainless steel with black and white glass Stainless steel with black and white glass Stainless steel with black and white glass Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. Size: I-DRIVE Finish: 260 DOUBLE EXHAUSTION 260 260 260 SILDING CHIMNEYS ODOUR CONTROL 800 DIMMABLE LIGHT 800 Min. F. 650 Max. F. 1070 Min. F. 650 Max. F. 1070 Min. A. 680 Max. A. 1000 Min. A. 680 Max. A. 1000 20 524 441 26° 20 26° 153 153 524 SOFT LIGHTING 441 WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS CLASSIC 850 m3/h AUTOMATIC SENSOR PERIMETER ASPIRATION BALANCE 430 430 ELLITTO 28 29 ENERGY SAVING ELLITTO LED BALANCE REMOTE CONTROL Motor: 600 m3/h Control: Remote control 4 speeds (3+1 intensive) Lamps: 6x2W Led PERIMETER ASPIRATION Size: ODOUR CONTROL WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS Finish: 100x65 cm Stainless steel with white or black glass Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters included. 10 00 0 65 10 00 0 65 214 640 640 214 F119 SLIM 30 31 ENERGY SAVING LED F119 SLIM BALANCE REMOTE CONTROL Motor: 600 m3/h Control: Remote control 4 speeds (3+1 intensive) Lamps: 2x4W Led + 15W Led strip PERIMETER ASPIRATION Size: BACKLIT Finish: 110x55 cm Stainless steel with white glass Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters included. ODOUR CONTROL WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS 198 145 11 0 0 0 55 F128 LED 32 33 ENERGY SAVING LED F128 LED BALANCE FILTER CHANGE Motor: 750 m3/h 650 m3/h Control: Touch screen 4 speeds, (3+1 intensive) with 5/10/20 min. timer, heat sensor for automatic functioning, grease and charcoal filter control Touch screen 4 speeds, (3+1 intensive) with 5/10/20 min. timer, heat sensor for automatic functioning, grease and charcoal filter control Lamps: 2x4W Led 2x2W Led / 2x20W Halogen 90 cm 90 cm Stainless steel with black, white or sand glass Stainless steel with black, white or sand glass Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. AUTOMATIC SENSOR Size: PERIMETER ASPIRATION TOUCH CONTROL CHARCOAL FILTER PLUS CLASSIC Finish: 260 26 0 260 26 0 ODOUR CONTROL SILDING CHIMNEYS 800 800 507 Min. F. 650 Max. F. 1070 Min. F. 650 Max. F. 1070 Min. A. 580 Max. A. 1000 Min. A. 580 Max. A. 1000 SOFT LIGHTING 15 15 507 WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS 22 94 412 22 94 412 F129 SMART 34 35 ENERGY SAVING LED F129 SMART CLASSIC PERIMETER ASPIRATION Motor: 650 m3/h Control: Soft push button 4 speeds Lamps: 2x2W Led / 2x20W Halogen DOUBLE EXHAUSTION Stainless steel with white, black or custom glass Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS 210 175 210 175 800 Min. F. 455 Max. F. 730 Min. F. 455 Max. F. 730 421 Min. A. 400 Max. A. 670 Min. A. 400 Max. A. 670 800 20 422 SILDING CHIMNEYS Finish: 80 cm 421 28° 20 137 28° 137 395 395 422 Size: ODOUR CONTROL F144 90 36 37 ENERGY SAVING LED F144 90 BALANCE FILTER CHANGE Motor: Control: AUTOMATIC SENSOR Lamps: Size: PERIMETER ASPIRATION Finish: TOUCH CONTROL CLASSIC Induction Cooktop Hobs: 2xØ160 induction hobs 2xØ200 induction hobs Touch screen 4 speeds, (3+1 intensive) with 5/10/20 min. timer, heat sensor for automatic functioning, grease26 and 0 charcoal filter control Control: 4 zones Touch control, 9 heating levels, 4 boosters, pot detection, child lock, timer, countdown, residual heat display 2x4W Led 2x2W Led / 2x20W Halogen Power: 90 cm 90 cm Stainless steel with black or white glass Stainless steel with black or white glass Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. 750 m3/h 650 m3/h Touch screen 4 speeds, (3+1 intensive) with 5/10/20 min. timer, heat sensor for automatic functioning, grease and charcoal filter control 26 0 2x2,3kW (booster 3kW) 2x1,2kW (booster 1,4kW) Total: 7kW (8,8 kW) Size: 86x37 cm Stainless steel and white glass Finish: This cooktop can only be purchased in combination with the hood. This hood can be purchased as a stand-alone product or even with an Airforce induction cooktop 260 26 0 Min. F. 640 Max. F. 1060 ODOUR CONTROL SILDING CHIMNEYS Min. A. 570 Max. A. 990 900 5 553 42 562 20° WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS 110 224 R50 786,5 900 332 Min 0° Min. F. 640 Max. F. 1060 Min. A. 570 Max. A. 990 80 SOFT LIGHTING Max 27° 120 764,5 408 5370 60 8 553 42 562 20° 57 0 330 -2 5 82 32 0 830 -2 5 120 332 Max. r 7,5 F121 SLIM TOUCH 38 39 ENERGY SAVING LED F121 SLIM TOUCH V6 ADVANCE FILTER CHANGE Motor: CLASSIC 850 m3/h 750 m3/h 650 m3/h Control: I-Drive Touch Control - 6 speeds (4+2 intensive), grease and charcoal filter control, heat sensor for automatic functioning, timer, light intensity adjustment I-Drive Touch Control - 4 speeds (3+1 intensive), grease and charcoal filter control, heat sensor for automatic functioning, timer I-Drive Touch Control - 4 speeds (3+1 intensive), grease and charcoal filter control, heat sensor for automatic functioning, timer Lamps: 4x4W Led 4x2W Led 4x2W Led / 4x10W Halogen Size: 90x60 cm 90x60 cm 90x60 cm Stainless steel with black glass Stainless steel with black glass Stainless steel with black glass Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. AUTOMATIC SENSOR TOUCH CONTROL BALANCE Finish: I-DRIVE CHARCOAL FILTER PLUS ODOUR CONTROL DIMMABLE LIGHT SILDING CHIMNEYS 0 Min. F. 650 Max. F. 1070 SOFT LIGHTING 30 0 Min. A. 580 Max. A. 1000 30 WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS 83 0 90 59 6 F122 SLIM TOUCH 40 41 ENERGY SAVING LED F122 SLIM TOUCH V6 ADVANCE FILTER CHANGE Motor: CLASSIC 850 m3/h 750 m3/h 650 m3/h Control: I-Drive Touch Control - 6 speeds (4+2 intensive), grease and charcoal filter control, heat sensor for automatic functioning, timer, light intensity adjustment I-Drive Touch Control - 4 speeds (3+1 intensive), grease and charcoal filter control, heat sensor for automatic functioning, timer I-Drive Touch Control - 4 speeds (3+1 intensive), grease and charcoal filter control, heat sensor for automatic functioning, timer Lamps: 2x4W Led 2x2W Led 2x2W Led / 2x20W Halogen 90 cm 90 cm 90 cm Stainless steel with black glass Stainless steel with black glass Stainless steel with black glass Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. AUTOMATIC SENSOR Size: TOUCH CONTROL BALANCE Finish: I-DRIVE CHARCOAL FILTER PLUS ODOUR CONTROL DIMMABLE LIGHT SILDING CHIMNEYS 0 Min. F. 650 Max. F. 1070 SOFT LIGHTING 26 0 Min. A. 580 Max. A. 1000 26 WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS 83 80 0 49 0 90 F132 V6 42 43 ENERGY SAVING LED F132 V6 V6 ADVANCE FILTER CHANGE Motor: 750 m3/h 650 m3/h Control: Touch screen 6 speeds (4+2 intensive) with display, grease and charcoal filter control, heat sensor for automatic functioning, timer Touch screen 4 speeds (3+1 intensive) with display, grease and charcoal filter control, heat sensor for automatic functioning, timer Touch screen 4 speeds (3+1 intensive) with display, grease and charcoal filter control, heat sensor for automatic functioning, timer Lamps: 2x4W Led 2x2W Led 2x2W Led / 2x20W Halogen 90 cm 90 cm 90 cm Stainless steel with black or white glass Stainless steel with black or white glass Stainless steel with black or white glass Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. Size: DIGITAL DISPLAY TOUCH CONTROL Finish: 260 260 260 260 CHARCOAL FILTER PLUS ODOUR CONTROL 336 7 43 350 435 7 67 350 435 336 67 43 SOFT LIGHTING 900 308 WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS Min. F. 648 Max. F. 1068 308 Min. Min. A. 578 Max. A. 998F. 648 Max. F. 1068 Min. A. 578 Max. A. 998 900 SILDING CHIMNEYS CLASSIC 850 m3/h AUTOMATIC SENSOR PERIMETER ASPIRATION BALANCE F79 GOLD 44 45 ENERGY SAVING LED F79 GOLD BALANCE FILTER CHANGE Motor: 750 m3/h 650 m3/h Control: Touch screen 4 speeds, with 5/10/20 min. timer, leds, heat sensor for automatic functioning, charcoal and grease filter control Touch screen 4 speeds, with 5/10/20 min. timer, leds, heat sensor for automatic functioning, charcoal and grease filter control Lamps: 2x4W Led 2x2W Led / 2x20W Halogen 80 cm 80 cm Stainless steel with white, black or custom glass Stainless steel with white, black or custom glass Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. AUTOMATIC SENSOR Size: TOUCH CONTROL CLASSIC Finish: ODOUR CONTROL SILDING CHIMNEYS WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS 300 SOFT LIGHTING 0 45 0 80 F103 LED 46 47 F103 ENERGY SAVING LED LED CLASSIC FILTER CHANGE Motor: Control: Touch screen 4 speeds, (3+1 intensive) with 5/10/20 min. timer, heat sensor for automatic functioning, grease and charcoal filter control Lamps: 1x6,5 Led bar AUTOMATIC SENSOR Size: TOUCH CONTROL 650 m3/h Finish: 75 cm Stainless steel Washable stainless steel grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. ODOUR CONTROL 17 5 Min. F. 450 Max. F. 725 210 SILDING CHIMNEYS 52 445 425 WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS 65 750 17 Min. A. 395 Max. A. 665 5 Min. F. 450 Max. F. 725 210 Min. A. 395 Max. A. 665 STAINLESS STEEL GREASE FILTER 52 445 425 750 65 438 438 F80 LED 48 49 F80 ENERGY SAVING LED LED BALANCE FILTER CHANGE Motor: 750 m3/h Control: Touch screen 4 speeds, (3+1 intensive) with timer, heat sensor for automatic functioning Lamps: 10,5W Led bar AUTOMATIC SENSOR Size: TOUCH CONTROL 60/90 cm Stainless steel with black or white glass Finish: 775 (610 ) SILDING CHIMNEYS 17° (20°) WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS 00) 124 (130) 360 (352) 00) 900 (6 17° (20°) 124 (130) 360 (352) 50 790 (630) 110 (30) Min. A. 350 Max. A. 530 680 (610) (610 ) 180 775 220 Min. F. 350 Max. F. 580 900 (6 50 790 (630) 180 110 (30) 220 Min. A. 350 Max. A. 530 ODOUR CONTROL 680 (610) CHARCOAL FILTER PLUS Min. F. 350 Max. F. 580 Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. F84 LED 50 51 ENERGY SAVING LED F84 LED CLASSIC AUTOMATIC SENSOR Motor: 650 m3/h Control: Touch screen 4 speeds, timer, heat sensor for automatic functioning Lamps: 2x4W Led Size: 60/90 cm TOUCH CONTROL STAINLESS STEEL GREASE FILTER Finish: Stainless steel with glass Washable stainless steel grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. CHARCOAL FILTER PLUS ODOUR CONTROL SILDING CHIMNEYS WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS 0 30 30 0 55 60 0 0 90 F77 LED 52 53 ENERGY SAVING LED F77 LED CLASSIC AUTOMATIC SENSOR Motor: Control: Touch screen 4 speeds, timer, heat sensor for automatic functioning Lamps: 2x4W Led Size: 60/90 cm TOUCH CONTROL STAINLESS STEEL GREASE FILTER 650 m3/h Finish: Stainless steel with glass Washable stainless steel grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. CHARCOAL FILTER PLUS ODOUR CONTROL SILDING CHIMNEYS WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS 26 Min. F. 650 Max. F. 1070 0 Min. A. 440 Max. A. 1000 0 26 55 60 0/9 00 5 51 F66 V6 54 55 ENERGY SAVING LED F66 V6 V6 ADVANCE FILTER CHANGE Motor: CLASSIC 850 m3/h 750 m3/h 650 m3/h Control: Touch screen 6 speeds (4+2 intensive) with display, charcoal and grease filter control, heat sensor for automatic functioning, timer Touch screen 4 speeds (3+1 intensive) with display, charcoal and grease filter control, heat sensor for automatic functioning, timer Touch screen 4 speeds (3+1 intensive) with display, charcoal and grease filter control, heat sensor for automatic functioning, timer Lamps: 2x2W Led 2x2W Led 2x2W Led / 2x20W Halogen 90 cm 90 cm 90 cm Stainless steel with black or white glass Stainless steel with black or white glass Stainless steel with black or white glass Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. AUTOMATIC SENSOR Size: DIGITAL DISPLAY BALANCE Finish: TOUCH CONTROL ODOUR CONTROL This model can be equipped with a remote Wi-Fi control that allows to manage the hood directly through mobile devices or PCs. SILDING CHIMNEYS WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS 0 Min. A. 580 Max. A. 1000 Min. F. 650 Max. F. 1070 26 26 0 90 8 48 0 F75 LED 56 57 ENERGY SAVING LED F75 LED BALANCE 750 m3/h 650 m3/h Control: Electronic with 4 speeds, timer, charcoal and grease filter control, double control for cook top and decorative lights Electronic with 4 speeds, timer, charcoal and grease filter control, double control for cook top and decorative lights Lamps: 3x2W Cooktop Led + 2x2W Docorative Led 3x2W Cooktop Led + 2x2W Docorative Led 90 cm 90 cm Stainless steel with black or white glass Stainless steel with black or white glass Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. PERIMETER ASPIRATION Size: BACKLIT Finish: ODOUR CONTROL SILDING CHIMNEYS Min. Min. F. 500 Max. F. 815F. 500 Max. F. 815 Min. A. 440 Max. A. 760 Min. A. 440 Max. A. 760 0 18 0 70 0 22 70 0 90 390 0 90 65 70 390 470 65 70 67 470 25° 25° 20 67 WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS 18 0 22 20 604 Motor: 604 FILTER CHANGE CLASSIC F17 S4 LED SLIDER Motor: 400 m3/h Control: Slider 3 speeds Lamps: 2x2W Led / 2x20W Halogen Size: Finish: 60/90 cm Stainless steel with glass Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS SILDING CHIMNEYS ENERGY SAVING ODOUR CONTROL LED F30 D2 SLIDER Motor: 58 400 m3/h Control: Slider 3 speeds Lamps: 2x2W Led / 2x20W Halogen Size: Finish: 59 60/90 cm Stainless steel with glass Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS SILDING CHIMNEYS ENERGY SAVING ODOUR CONTROL WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS SILDING CHIMNEYS ENERGY SAVING ODOUR CONTROL LED F39 LED F53 D2 SLIDER Motor: 400 m3/h Control: Slider 3 speeds Lamps: 2x2W Led / 2x20W Halogen Size: Finish: 60/90 cm Stainless steel Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. D2 F30 D2 ENERGY SAVING LED F17 S4 LED CLASSIC PERIMETER ASPIRATION Motor: 650 m3/h Control: Soft push button 4 speeds Lamps: 2x2W Led / 2x20W Halogen ODOUR CONTROL WASHABLE GREASE FILTERS Stainless steel with glass Washable metallic grease filters. Charcoal filters for recirculation mode. D2 0 26 0 26 26 26 0 0 Max.F.F.650 1070 246 Min. F. 650 Min. Max. F. 1070 Min. A. 580 Min. Max.A. A.580 1010 Max. A. 1010 F39 Finish: 90 cm 90 0 90 0 F53 600 600 D2 246 246 544 544 246 Size: SILDING CHIMNEYS DownDraft axial F 77 led page page 14-15 ELLITTO page page page 8-9 Integra induction page 6-7 F 17 S4 led 110 page 58 F 30 d2 page 59 F 39 d2 page 59 F 53 d2 page 59 F 66v6 page 54-55 F 75 led page 56-57 page F 79 gold 28-29 Integra hi-light 52-53 44-45 48-49 F 84 led page 50-51 F 103 led page 46-47 F 112 axial page 18-19 F 112 axial desk page 12-13 F 119 slim page 30-31 F 121 slim touch page 38-39 F 122 slim touch page 40-41 34-35 F 132 v6 page 32-33 F 129 smart page F 80 led page F 128 led 42-43 F 142 axial page 16-17 F 144 90 page 36-37 F 150 axial page 20-21 F 152 i-drive page 26-27 F 153 v6 page 24-25
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