Bollettino Settimanale - Dipartimento di Fisica

Bollettino Settimanale
31 marzo 2014
1 aprile 2014
AULA AMALDI ore 16.00
Effective string models for Lattice Detection of B-mode Polarization in the Cosmic
Gauge Theories
Microwave Background Radiation at Degree
Angular Scales with BICEP2
Michele Caselle (Università di Torino)
Angiola Orlando (Dep. of Physics, Univ. of California
The interquark potential of whatever confining at San Diego)
gauge theory in D space-time dimensions can
be described, at large quark separation, by an
effective string theory. Recently two important
advances improved our understanding of this
effective theory. First, it was realized that the
form of the effective action is strongly
constrained by the requirement of the Lorentz
invariance of the gauge theory, which is
spontaneously broken by the formation of a long
confining flux tube in the vacuum. This
constraint is strong enough to fix uniquely the
first few subleading terms of the action which
turn out to coincide with those of the NambuGoto string theory. Second, it was understood
how to obtain the exact Nambu-Goto spectrum
by a suitable integrable perturbation of the 2d
c=1 Conformal Field Theory. In this talk we first
review the general implications of these two
results for Lattice Gauge Theories and then, as
a test of the power of these methods, use them
to construct the first few boundary corrections to
the effective string action. Finally, as a side
application of effective string models, we
discuss a new approach to the evaluation of
glueball masses in finite temperature Lattice
Gauge Theories.
The BICEP2 telescope is an instrument designed to search
for the signature of primordial gravitational waves on the
polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) at
degree angular scales. Such gravitational waves are a
generic prediction of inflationary models of the early universe.
BICEP2 observed from the South Pole for three seasons
from 2010 to 2012, mapping the sky at 150GHz with a planar
array of 500 polarization sensitive antenna-coupled TES
bolometers. This new detector technology has enabled a
large increase in sensitivity with respect to previous
instruments. I will present the first results from this
instrument, outline the observations and the analysis that led
to this result, and discuss its implications for cosmology.
AULA AMALDI ore 17.00
The impact of the Bicep2 result on cosmology
Alessandro Melchiorri (dip. Fisica, Sapienza)
I will discuss some of the implications of the recent results
from the bicep2 experiment for cosmology and fundamental
physics.In particular I will focus on inflationary models,
neutrino physics and modified gravity scenarios. I will show
that the apparent tension on the amplitude of tensor modes
between bicep2 and planck experiments could be solved by
considering new physics as extra sterile neutrinos.
2 aprile 2014
3 aprile 2014
4 aprile 2014