The European X-ray Free-Electron Laser Facility European XFEL Massimo Altarelli European X-ray Free-Electron Laser Facility 22607 Hamburg, Germany The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project The European XFEL Undulator Tunnels 2 First users: 2017 Injector at DESY campus Experimental Hall in Schenefeld Linear Accelerator 2 km long 17.5 GeV Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL, Hamburg The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project Hard x-ray FEL Projects The European XFEL in the International Context LINAC COHERENT LIGHT SOURCE LCLS 2009 -120 p/s 2011-60 p/s SACLA SPring-8 Angstrom Compact LAser Swiss XFEL (2016) 100 pulses/s Korean XFEL, (2015)) 60 pulses/s Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL, Hamburg 3 The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project Hard x-ray FEL Projects European XFEL Facility 2016 - 27 000 p/s Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL, Hamburg 4 The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project European XFEL - Time Structure 5 Electron bunch trains (with up to 2700 bunches à 1 nC) 600 s t 100 ms 100 ms 100 fs Photon pulses t = 220 ns 188 fs t Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL, Hamburg t FEL process t The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project Comparison of the hard X-ray FEL Projects LCLS (USA) Max. Electron Energy (GeV) Minimum Wavelength(nm) Peak Brilliance Average Brilliance Pulses/s Photons/pulse First Beam Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL, Hamburg 14.3 0.15 1.5 10^33 4.5 10^22 120 10^12 2009 SACLA (JAPAN) 8.0 0.06 1. 10^33 1.5 10^23 60 2 10^11 2011 6 EUROPEAN XFEL (SASE1) 17.5 <0.05 5. 10^33 1.6 10^25 27 000 10^12 2016 The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project The European XFEL 7 Some specifications Photon energy 0.3-24 keV Pulse duration ~ 10-100 fs Pulse energy few mJ Superconducting linac. 17.5 GeV 10 Hz (27 000 b/s) 5 beamlines / 10 instruments Start version with 3 beamlines and 6 instruments SASE2 (= SASE1) First users 2017 17.5 GeV Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL, Hamburg SASE1, lu= 40 mm 0.2 – 0.05 nm SASE3, lu= 68 mm 1.7 – 0.4 nm The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project Undulator Tunability Ranges (M. Yurkov, Th. Tschentscher) 8 The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project Six “day-one” scientific instruments Hard X-rays SPB: Ultrafast Coherent Diffraction Imaging of Single Particles, Clusters, and Biomolecules Structure determination of single particles: atomic clusters, bio-molecules, virus particles, cells. MID: Materials Imaging & Dynamics Structure determination of nano-devices and dynamics at the nanoscale. FXE: Femtosecond X-ray Experiments Time-resolved investigations of the dynamics of solids, liquids, gases Soft x-rays HED: High Energy Density Matter Investigation of matter under extreme conditions using hard X-ray FEL radiation, e.g. probing dense plasmas SQS: Small Quantum Systems Investigation of atoms, ions, molecules and clusters in intense fields and non-linear phenomena SCS: Soft x-ray Coherent Scattering/Spectroscopy Electronic and real structure, dynamics of nanosystems and of non-reproducible biological objects Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL, Hamburg 9 The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project Simultaneous operation of many instruments Within the bunchtrain 2 e—beamlines 3 undulators 6(+) instruments MID HED SPB FXE e- - e On trajectory lases Off trajectory only SR Sophisticated electron bunch distribution 27.000 bunches/sec to 3 beamlines in average 10-20 Hz and ~500 pulses/train On each undulator, one instrument during 12 hours Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL, Hamburg SQS SCS Boxes only placeholders ! 10 The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project Organization of the European XFEL Project In-kind Contributions European XFEL GmbH Council Chair R. Feidenhans’l Accelerator Consortium Management Board Managing Directors Coordinator: M. Altarelli, Chair C. Burger, Admin. Director DESY Institutes from D, F, I, CH, PL, ES, RU, CN, SE… Other In-kind Contributors Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL, Hamburg 11 Scientific Directors S. Molodtsov A. Schwarz T. Tschentscher + ~200 people from 28 countries! (260) Advisory Committees SAC MAC AFC IKRC + Det. AC Lasers AC The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project Construction cost participation (2005 Euro) 663 M€* 25 M€* 306 M€* 17.5 M€* 36 M€ 17 M€* 33 M€ 12.7 M€* * Increased contribution decided in 2012 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL GmbH, Hamburg 12 11 M€ each [ 4 M€ ] The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project Photon Tunnel Machine ready at factory Sept. 6, 2010 - Diameter 5.48 m Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL, Hamburg 13 The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project Linac Tunnel with infrastructure Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL, Hamburg 14 The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project Superconducting “TESLA” Technology 100 8-Cavity modules, 1.4 km, 17.5 GeV Electron Energy Module: 8 X Cavities Niobium Cavities Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL, Hamburg 15 The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project Gun installed, RF commissioning started, 11.2013 === Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL, Hamburg 16 The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project Undulator Segments Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL, Hamburg 17 The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project Schenefeld campus Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL, Hamburg 18 The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project Experiment Hall and Headquarters, artist’s impr. Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL, Hamburg 19 The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project Experiment Hall, June 2013 20 24 April 2013 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL, Hamburg The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project Architect’s concepts for the headquarters building Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL, Hamburg 21 The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project Contributi in-kind italiani: cavità , criostati Superconducting cavities and cryostats made by the E. Zanon company in Schio (Vicenza). 3rd harmonic module Order of > 30 M€, supervised by the LASA laboratory of INFN in Milano Milano, SILS 2013 Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL 22 The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project Criomodulo completo sul banco di prova Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL, Hamburg 23 The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project Prototype bimorph XFEL mirror CINEL - Bruker – SESO Traditional polishing + 1 IBF step (0.3 μrad rms) Developed by Riccardo Signorato Harald Sinn, European XFEL The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project Distribuzione del personale scientifico per naz. Harald Sinn, European XFEL The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project Gianluca Geloni, Hard x-ray self-seeding Harald Sinn, European XFEL The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project User Consortia: present proposals 27 Support to structural biology: 1. Bio-labs in XHQ, facilities UseXBI* 2. Expansion of computational capabilities DataXpress 3. A station for Nanocrystallography on a hard X-ray branch SFX* 4. High energy lasers and pulsed high field magnet for the High Energy Density Instrument HIBEF beamline 5. An additional versatile experimental chamber for oriented molecular species COMO 6. A RIXS station for the soft X-ray branch h-RIXS 7. A helical afterburner, to produce variable polarization soft X-rays CircPol Plus: 8. Photoemission station, under evaluation Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL, Hamburg The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project FASE di Operazione Stima dei costi di operazione annuali: 114 M€ Contributo italiano ~ 3 M€ annui Pagamenti italiani per I costi di costruzione finora effettuati via Sincrotrone Trieste e INFN URGENTE: nomina di un azionista della Società European XFEL. Stato di “osservatore” di Carlo Pagani nel Council. Imossibilità di accedere a posizioni di “Chair” per Council, AFC,.. Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL, Hamburg 28 The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Project 29 Thank you for your attention! Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL, Hamburg
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