ISE 1 Integrated Skills Exam 2014 Inlingua Sassari Piazza Mazzotti, 6 07100 Sassari Tel/Fax 079 28 15 23 Inlingua Alghero Via Vittorio Emanuele, 11 07041 Alghero Tel/Fax 079 98 94 026 [email protected] [email protected] 1 INDICE 1) PRESENTAZIONE……………………………………………………………P. 3 2) CONTROLLED WRITING………………………………..……………...P. 6 (24 MAGGIO 2014 h.10.00) PAST PAPERS (PROVE PASSATE) a) READING INTO WRITING…………………….…………………….P. 7 b) CREATIVE WRITING…………………………………………..………P. 24 3) PORTFOLIO TASKS 2014….…………………………………….……...P. 27 4) ORAL INTERVIEW (FASE ORALE)……………………….…………..P. 31 a) TOPIC FORM……………..……………………………………………..P. 32 5) COME PREPARARSI ALL’ESAME…………………………………….P. 33 2 PRESENTAZIONE 3 PRESENTAZIONE: ISE 1 La sigla ISE sta per “Integrated Skills Exam”, ovvero Esame di Abilità Integrate. La parola “integrate” viene utilizzata perché l’esame prevede sia delle prove scritte che orali. L’esame ISE 1 è equiparato al livello europeo B1 e al livello inlingua 2. DATE IMPORTANTI SCADENZA ISCRIZIONE venerdì 28 marzo *Per iscriversi è necessario compilare l’apposito modulo e versare la quota d’esame pari a €109 ESAME SCRITTO Sabato 24 maggio, ore 10.00 L’esame ISE 1 prevede le seguenti prove: 1. L’ESAME SCRITTO CONTROLLATO questa parte dell’esame si svolge presso inlingua Sassari, in quanto centro registrato Trinity. Durante l’esame non è consentito l’uso del dizionario o di altri supporti linguistici, né l’uso della cancellina. L’ISE 1 prevede lo svolgimento di 2 compiti o “tasks” in 90 minuti complessivi: - Nel TASK 1 al candidato vengono forniti 1 o più testi da leggere; sulla base delle informazioni contenute nei testi, il candidato deve poi completare un compiti scritto (150 parole). - Nel TASK 2 il candidato è chiamato a fare un elaborato scritto simile a quelli richiesti per il portfolio. L’elaborato consiste nella descrizione di luoghi, persone o cose oppure nel racconto di fatti semplici relativi ad avvenimenti passati, presenti e futuri (150 parole). I temi dell’esame scritto vertono su argomenti quali: feste o manifestazioni, mezzi di trasporto, occasioni importanti (ad es. compleanni), intrattenimento (ad es. cinema, TV, locali etc.), musica, esperienze personali recenti. 2. IL PORTFOLIO consiste in una raccolta di 3 lavori scritti, preparati dal candidato a casa propria. Ogni anno il Trinity College fornisce un elenco di argomenti per il portfolio, suddiviso in 3 sezioni, composte da 5 titoli o “tasks” ciascuna. I candidati devono scegliere un task da ciascuna sezione. 3. IL COLLOQUIO in quest’ultima prova il candidato sostiene un colloquio con un esaminatore Trinity per una durata totale di 8 minuti. Il colloquio è suddiviso nelle seguenti parti: - discussione di un argomento preparato dal candidato (il cosiddetto “topic” – 4 minuti) - discussione del portfolio e di un’area tematica scelta dall’esaminatore (4 minuti). Per sostenere la prima parte del colloquio, gli studenti devono preparare il proprio discorso compilando il topic form (vedi figura a lato). 4 LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS 5 CONTROLLED WRITING 6 READING INTO WRITING PAST PAPERS Prova: May 2005 Svolto in data:……………….. 7 Giudizio: ………………. PAST PAPERS Prova: November 2005 Svolto in data:……………….. 8 Giudizio: ………………. Prova: April 2006 Svolto in data:……………….. 9 Giudizio: ………………. Prova: May 2006 Svolto in data:……………….. 10 Giudizio: ………………. Prova: June 2006 Svolto in data:……………….. 11 Giudizio: ………………. Prova: October 2006 Svolto in data:……………….. 12 Giudizio: ………………. Prova: January 2007 Svolto in data:……………….. 13 Giudizio: ………………. Prova: January 2008 Svolto in data:……………….. 14 Giudizio: ………………. Prova: April 2008 Svolto in data:……………….. 15 Giudizio: ………………. Prova: May 2008 Svolto in data:……………….. 16 Giudizio: ………………. Prova: November 2008 Svolto in data:……………….. 17 Giudizio: ………………. Prova: January 2009 Svolto in data:……………….. 18 Giudizio: ………………. Prova: May 2009 Svolto in data:……………….. 19 Giudizio: ………………. Prova:November 2009 Svolto in data:……………….. 20 Giudizio: ………………. Prova: May 2010 Svolto in data:……………….. 21 Giudizio: ………………. Prova: April 2011 Svolto in data:……………….. 22 Giudizio: ………………. Prova: April 2012 Svolto in data:……………….. 23 Giudizio: ………………. CREATIVE WRITING COMPITO May 2005 TASK DATA DI SVOLGIMENTO Write a review (approximately 150 words) for an entertainment guide about the clubs in your area. Describe at least two different clubs and give information about the kind of entertainment and the people who like to go there. ‘Rich people are usually happier than poor people.’ November Write an article (approximately 150 words) for a popular magazine saying what you think about this subject, 2005 giving examples to support your opinion. April 2006 May 2006 Your friend has invited you to stay at his/her house this weekend, but unfortunately you cannot go. Write a letter (approximately 150 words) to your friend explaining why you cannot go and tell your friend about all the things you have to do this weekend. Say when you will be able to see him/her again and what you want to do together. A TV magazine has asked its readers to write an article on ‘My favourite television programme ever!’ Write an article (approximately 150 words) for the magazine describing the programme you like the most and giving at least three reasons why it is your favourite. You have a new, very strict teacher/manager who has introduced some rules at your school or workplace. You think these rules are totally unnecessary! Write a letter June 2006 (approximately 150 words) to your teacher/manager explaining why you do not like the new rules and asking if you can discuss them. October 2006 You've just won a big prize in a competition! Write an email (approximately 150 words) to a friend: i) explaining what you had to do in the competition ii) describing what you have won and iii) telling your friend how you are planning to celebrate tonight. January 2007 Write a review (approximately 150 words) for an entertainment guide of a film or play you have seen recently in the cinema, theatre or on television. i) describe the story ii) say something about the actors and iii) explain who you think the film or play is most suitable for. 24 GIUDIZIO January 2008 Write an article (approximately 150 words) for an entertainment magazine about a famous person in your country who a lot of people like. i) Describe the person and ii) explain why he/she is popular. April 2008 Write a description (approximately 150 words) for a family magazine about an object that is very important to you: i) describing where the object came from ii) saying how long you have had it and iii) explaining why it is so special. May 2008 Write a review (approximately 150 words) of a wellknown singer’s new album for a music magazine: i) giving your opinion of the songs (words and music) and ii) saying how it compares to previous recordings by the same singer. Write an article for a travel guide (approximately 150 words) about the three best tourist attractions in your November country: i) saying which three places of interest visitors to your 2008 area need to see and ii) giving reasons why they will enjoy them. January 2009 May 2009 Write a review for a music magazine (approximately 150 words) of two songs by different singers: i) comparing the music and the words of the songs and ii) saying what kind of people you think will like them. You recently attended a music festival in your country. Write a review (approximately 150 words) for a music magazine: i) explaining what were the best and the worst parts of the event and ii) giving your opinion on the bands and singers you heard. Write a description (approximately 150 words) for a writing competition of the most important person in November your life saying: i) what this person has done to help you in the past and 2009 ii) why they are so important. 25 May 2010 Write a description (approximately 150 words) of your favourite singer for a music magazine: i) saying how long you have liked this singer ii) giving your opinion of their songs and iii) saying what their plans are for the future. April 2011 Jane, your American friend, finds it very difficult to learn foreign languages. Write a letter (approximately 150 words) to her, saying: i) why you enjoy learning a language ii) what you find difficult and iii) what techniques you use to help you remember new words. April 2012 Write your diary (approximately 150 words), real or imaginary, for a day when you found some money explaining: i) where you found the money ii) what you were doing at the time and iii) what you are planning to do with it. 26 PORTFOLIO TASKS 27 IL PORTFOLIO 2014 I candidati devono scegliere un task da ciascuna delle 3 sezioni indicate qui sotto . SEZIONE 1 – Corrispondenza (LETTERA, EMAIL): 70-80 parole 1. You went to a great party last weekend. Write an email to a friend saying what people were doing when you arrived at the party and why it was so good. Tell your friend about a party you are having next week. 2. You have just visited a famous building in a well-known city. Write a letter to a friend saying how long you have been in the city and why you chose to visit the building. Give your opinion of the famous building. 3. Your friend wants to know how to get fit and healthy. Write an email to your friend telling him/her about two different ways you have tried. Say which one you preferred and explain why. 4. Your friend in planning a long journey around your country. Write a letter to your friend saying which form of transport you think is best and how long the journey will take. Tell your friend what he/she must take on the journey. 5. You have just started learning a new language (not English). Write an email to your friend saying why you started learning this language and what things you need to do to improve. Say if you prefer the new language to English. SEZIONE 2 – Scrittura “factual” (RELAZIONE, ARTICOLO, RECENSIONE): 110 – 130 parole 1. Write an article for a travel magazine with the title ‘The top three tourist attractions in my area’. Describe three places in your area that tourists must visit and give reasons for your choices. Say how long they need to spend in each place. 2. There is going to be a film festival in your area. Write a report for the organisers explaining why the festival is a good idea and what films might be popular. Say what the organisers need to do to make sure lots of people attend the festival. 3. You have just visited a new cinema in your area, but you were disappointed with it. Write a review for an entertainment guide describing the problems and giving your opinion of the cinema. Say what you think will happen if the cinema does not improve. 4. A popular band is performing in your area next week. Write an article for a music magazine giving your opinion on their music and saying how successful you think the concert will be. Say what the regulations will be at the event. 5. Your college canteen only sells unhealthy food. Write a report for the head teacher explaining what food the canteen has offered recently and what you think they need to sell to help students be healthy. Say why it is important for students to be healthy. SEZIONE 3 – Scrittura creativa e descrittiva (RACCONTO, DIARIO, DESCRIZIONE): 110 – 130 parole 1. You recently went to a relative’s wedding. Write a description for a magazine saying what your relative had to do to prepare for the wedding and describing what happened on the day. Give your opinion of the experience. 2. Write a story for a writing competition with the title ‘The day I met my favourite film star’. Explain how you met your favourite film star and give your opinion of him/her. Say if you think you will meet this person again in the future. 28 3. A fashion magazine has asked readers what fashions are popular. Write a description for the magazine of the different fashions you see in your area. Explain why you think people follow these fashions and which styles you prefer. 4. Write a story for a website called about a time when you won first prize in a competition you entered. Say what you had to do to win the competition, describe what your prize was and explain what you intend to do with it. 5. Yesterday you made a new friend. Write your diary saying what you were doing when you met him/her and explaining why you liked this person. Say what you think you will do together in the future. IMPORTANTE: Il numero di parole contenute in ciascun compito deve essere chiaramente specificato sulla copertina del portfolio (vedi sotto: “Portfolio cover sheet”) e i candidati non devono superare il numero massimo di parole consentito. Nel conteggio delle parole non sono inclusi: indirizzi, date o titoli. Le contrazioni come “wasn’t” o “didn’t” sono considerate due parole. Ogni studente dovrà presentare una bozza del portfolio entro il termine stabilito. Non rispettare tale termine significa non avere la sicurezza che la bozza verrà revisionata in tempo per fare eventuali modifiche prima della consegna finale. Il portfolio completo e definitvo deve essere consegnato almeno un giorno prima della prova orale con l’esaminatore. 29 DA RICORDARE: - I lavori contenuti nel portfolio devono essere opera esclusiva del candidato. - Solo il candidato può effettuare correzioni o modifiche ai lavori del portfolio. - Gli insegnanti (o altre persone) non possono effettuare correzioni al portfolio. - Agli insegnanti è consentito dare un solo feedback per “task”: questo viene fornito esclusivamente tramite il “feedback form” (vedi figura sopra). - Solo l’insegnante del candidato può dare un “feedback” sul portfolio. - è vietato copiare da qualsiasi fonte scritta e presentare il lavoro come proprio 30 ORAL INTERVIEW 31 Integrated Skills in English Topic form — ISE 1 Candidate name: ISE 1 Registration no: Centre: Session: Centre no: Examination date: Title of topic: Main points to discuss about my topic The information on this form must be presented to the examiner during the examination. 32 PREPARARSI ALL’ESAME 33 COME PREPARARSI ALL’ESAME?? Gli esami Trinity sono un ottimo modo di ottenere un riconoscimento ufficiale del proprio livello di conoscenza della lingua inglese, nonché un modo per migliorare e consolidare le nozioni acquisite durante il corso frequentato. Ecco i nostri consigli per prepararsi ad un esame Trinity – se vuoi un promemoria, indica quale attività hai svolto. Esami ISE: □ Seguire almeno 4 seminari informativi tenuti da Sean presso la nostra sede di inlingua Sassari □ Fare almeno 4 “past papers” per preparati all’esame scritto controllato. □ Preparare il TOPIC FORM prima dell’inizio delle simulazioni delle prove orali. □ Fare almeno 3 simulazioni della prova orale. □ Studiare in maniera approfondita i vocaboli legati alle “SUBJECT AREAS” (Aree tematiche) dell’esame orale □ Rispettare il termine di consegna della prima bozza del portofolio – in modo che possa esservi restituito in tempo per effettuare eventuali modifiche. Scadenza per la consegna della PRIMA bozza 30 APRILE; Scadenza per consegna della versione DEFINITIVA 30 MAGGIO 2014. Buon lavoro!! 34
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