Università di Padova SECOND CYCLE DEGREE PROGRAMME (MSC LEVEL) IN ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING MODELLING AND CONTROL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS Geographical Information Systems Distributed Parameters Modelling A.A. 2014-2015 University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Geographical Information Systems GIS ArcInfo, ArcView, GRASS, MapInfo …. Land Management Decision Support Systems (DSS) Geographic modelling (distribuited parameters) Satellite Images (Remote Sensing) University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Geographical Information Systems DESCRIPTION OF A PORTION OF LAND Combine information layers The layers used depend on the purpose EXAMPLES: Ø Best location for a shop Ø Studies of social characteristics (crime, unemployment, ….) Ø Analysis of the factors of environmental damage Ø …… University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Geographical Information Systems A GIS consists of: Ø Hardware (computers and periferals) Ø Software Ø Data Ø Staff Ø Training Careful analysis of methods to interpret the results generated by GIS analysis University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Geographical Information Systems The elements of a GIS are: Coordinate Systems (scales, projections, datum, ….) Data (Shapefiles) ü Points ü Vectors ü Maps (Raster) Data (Attributes) ü Tables of values University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 MONERIS MOdelling Nutrient Emissions Into River Systems Horst Behrendt IGB, Berlino-DE First Version: 1999 Research Project Water Federal Agency for the Environment (Umweltbundesamt) University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 MONERIS Model characteristics Steady state Distribuited parameters Spatial Scale: the hydrologic unit (sub-basin): > 50 km2 Temporal Scale: annual, pluriannual Evaluate the emissions and residual loads conveyed through different pathways (groundwater, surface runoff, etc.), and fractions due to different sources (agricultural, civil, urban spread, etc...) University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Model structure (input data) DATI UTILIZZATI NELL'APPLICAZIONE DEL MODELLO INFORMAZINOI GENERALI: 2 Area del bacino (km ) Portata media annua (m 3 /s) Carico medio annuo di azoto inoraganico disciolto totale (t/a) DEFLUSSI E CARICHI: Carico medio annuo di azoto totale (t/a) Carico medio annuo di fosforo totale (t/a) Carico medio annuo di solidi sospesi (t/a) STATISTICHE SULLE MUNICIPALITA': Numero di abitanti del bacino Territorio arabile 2 ) -SAU (km Zone urbane (km 2 ) 2 Zone industriali (km ) 2 Cave, discariche, cantieri(km ) 2 Vegetazione artificiali (km ) Colture permanenti (km 2 Prati e pascoli (km USO DEL SUOLO: ) 2 Terreni arabili (km 2 ) ) Terreni agricoli eterogenei (km 2 ) 2 ) 2 Foreste (km ) Suoli erbacei e cespugliati (km Spazi aperti con vegetazione rada (km Zone umide interne (km Zone umide costiere (km 2 Acque interne (km Acque salate (km Altro (km 2 2 2 2 ) ) 2 ) ) ) ) University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Model structure (input data) DATI UTILIZZATI NELL'APPLICAZIONE DEL MODELLO Erosione media annua (t/ha*a) 2 Terreno sabbioso (km 2 Terreno argilloso (km ) ) Terreno medio impasto (km PEDOLOGIA: Aree umide (km Acqutrini (km 2 2 2 ) ) ) Terreno limoso (km 2 ) Contenuto medio di azoto (%) Contenuto medio di argilla (%) 2 Aree formate da terreni non consolidati con acquiferi poco profondi (km GEOLOGIA: Aree formate da terreni non consolidati con acquiferi profondi (km 2 Aree formate da terreni consolidati ad alta porosità (km PENDENZA: ) 2 /a) 2 Altezza di pioggia media nel periodo estivo (mm/m /a) 2 Altezza di pioggia nel periodo invernale (mm/m /a) 2 Altezza di pioggia media annua calcolata su 60 anni (mm/m Deposizione media annua di azoto ammoniacale (NH4 Deposizione media annua di ossidi di azoto (NOX Deposizione media annua di ossidi di azoto (NOX Evapotraspirazione media annua (mm/m 2 *a) 2/ -N) su breve periodo (mg/m -N) su breve periodo (mg/m Deposizione media annua di azoto ammoniacale (NH4 SURPLUS AGRICOLO: ) Pendenza media del bacino (%) Altezza di pioggia media annua (mm/m PRECIPITAZIONI E DEPOSIZIONI ATMOSFERICA: ) 2 /a) 2 -N) su lungo periodo (mg/m -N) sul lungo periodo (mg/m a) 2 2 /a) /a) /a) Surplus agricolo di azoto (kg/ha/a) Surplus agricolo di fosforo sul lungo periodo (kg/ha) Numero di abitanti (nr) Numero di abitanti connessi alla rete fognaria (nr) Numero di abitanti connessi alla rete fognaria e trattati da impianto (nr) SISTEMI URBANI: Lunghezza media della rete fongaria (km) Lunghezza media della rete fongaria (acque grigie e nere) (km) Fosforo totale scaricato dagli impianti di depurazione (kg/a) Azoto totale scaricato dagli impianti di depurazione (kg/a) University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 5. OVERLAND FLOW 6. POINT SOURCES 7. URBAN SYSTEMS 8. BACKGROUND Retention & losses in the groundwater P oi n t s o u r c e s GROUNDWATER P av e d u r b a n a r e a s 4. Retention & losses in the unsaturated zone A tmo sph eri c dep ositio n EROSION Ti l e d r a in a g e 3. In te r fl o w SURPLUS Nutrient leaching from the root zone B a s e fl o w 2. S o rp t io n , D e s o r p ti o n ATMOSFERIC DEPOSITION S e d i m e n t a t io n a n d r e t e n t io n o n la n d 1. Er o s io n PATHWAYS S u r fa ce r u n o ff Model Structure Nutrient emissions into the river systems Nutrient retention and losses in the river systems Nutrient load in the rivers Nutrient inputs into the seas University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Pathways (description) 1.Atmosferic deposition: This pathway considers the emission due to direct atmospheric deposition on water surfaces. Atmospheric deposition is used also in the pathways erosion, urban systems, groundwater and tile drainage. 2.Surplus: calculate the concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil as a function of clay content and amount of fertilizer/manure used in agricultural soil. It is not calculated a value of emission but the results are used in pathways erosion, groundwater and tile drainage. 3.Erosion: the erosion from agricultural land is a significant release of suspended solids and nutrients. 4.Groundwater: precipitation that infiltrates is loaded of nutrients from the soil. Before arriving to the closure several processes can take place such as denitrification and phosphorus release under anaerobic conditions which depend on soil characteristics. Is one of the most important emissions. 5.Overland flow: is the surface runoff in areas not paved (not urban). The nutrient concentrations are determined by soil type. 6.Point sources: are discharges from sewage treatment plants and industries. 7.Urban system: during the events of rain, most of the water collected from drains is bordered in the receptor water body. 8.Tile drainage: is related to emissions from agricultural land drainage systems. Considers calculated surplus concentrations and denitrification. 9.Background: calculate the total emissions without the anthropogenic contribution (i.e. the "natural" system ). Recalculates the appropriate pathways in order to amend the input data. University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Model Structure INPUT DATA PATHWAYS OUTPUT DATA CATCHMENT DESCRIPTION (sub-model parameters) (Nutrient emission, model report) ATMOSPHERIC DEP. EROSION OVERLAND FLOW BASIC INFO MONERIS TILE DRAINAGE GROUNDWATER URBAN AREAS POINT SOURCES University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Pathways of Urban Areas University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Retention model (empirical) Load 1 = Emission 1 + a ⋅ Q b Behrendt, H., & Optiz, D. (1999) University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Po Catchment 3/sec è Area Average discharge of Po river =arable 1504 m National 3.4·10 ha economic (45 km %)2agricultural relevance: land =6 73,760 è Nutrient loads: • • 40 % GDP wheat, 6 hin barley, sugar beet, rice, è Population =maize, 17·10fodder, è è • • horticulture 46 Employment and N =%100,000 t/a fruits • 37 % Industrial production • P6 = t/a 1.1·10 ha9,000 permanent meadows • 35 % Agriculture 6 cattle • 4·10 Diffuse • 55sources % Cattlecontribution: • 5·106 pigs • N, 63 % and pasture • P, 42 % University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 MONERIS – Application to the Po basin 33 sub-basins & gauge stations - Catchment Ids - Net catchment - Total catchment - Equation: Net ßà Total University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Runoff & River load period 1990-1995 Total catchment runoff: source AdBP, average of measures (90-95) $ Nutrient loads: source AdBP $$ % U $ DIN (N-NH4 + N-NOx) U % TN (DIN + other) $ TP (P-PO43- + other) Load = discharge·concentration U % $ U$ % $ U % U % U % $ $ U % $ U % U % U % University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab $ U U % % Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Statistics of municipals N W Sub basins E ISTAT Sub units S > 6000 sub units - Inhabitants - Total area from stat. reports - Arable land (sources ISTAT, AdBP) 0 100 University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab 200 Kilometers Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Landuse (corine2, EEA) 0 100 University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab 200 Kilometers Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Geology Hydrogeological types (source AdBP) N W E Sub basins Consolidated high porosity Consolidated impermeable Unconsolidated, deep GW Unconsolidated, shallow GW S 0 100 University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab 200 Kilometers Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 DEM N W E S Source USGS 80 0 University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab 80 160 Kilometers (1 km res.) Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Slope N W E S Source USGS 0 100 University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab 200 Kilometers Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Precipitation N W E 1995 Cumulative: S Sub basins Year 1995 Summer 1995 Winter 1995 Long term average (60-90) 0 100 University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab Precipitation (mm/y) 600 - 700 700 - 800 800 - 900 900 - 1000 1000 - 1100 1100 - 1200 1200 - 1300 1300 - 1400 1400 - 1500 Source GPCC 200 Kilometers Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Precipitation N W E Average 60-90 Sub basins S 0 Precipitation (mm/y) 220 - 270 270 - 320 320 - 370 370 - 410 410 - 460 460 - 510 100 University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab 200 Kilometers Source GPCC Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Evapotranspiration N W Sub basins Pot. ET (mm/y) 0 - 400 400 - 800 800 - 1200 E S 0 100 200 Kilometers Source UNEP University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Atmospheric Deposition Source IGB NH4_85_MEAN NOX_85_MEAN NH4_96_MEAN NOX_96_MEAN [gN/m_] [gN/m_] [gN/m_] [gN/m_] 1211 704 609 1310 University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Nutrient surplus N W N surplus kg N/y/ha 0 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 40 40 - 70 70 - 130 E Agricultural surplus (N,P) = Fertilizer + Manure – Yeld S • N [kg/ha/y] • P [kg/ha] in the long term (e.g. 50 years) 0 100 University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab Source AdBP 200 Kilometers Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Urban systems N W Z $ E Z $ S TN from WWTP (kg/y) Z $ Z $ Z $ Z$ $ Z Z $ Z $ Z $ 0 - 200 200 - 1000 1000 - 5000 5000 - 10000 10000 - 20000 20000 - 40000 40000 - 90000 90000 - 120000 120000 - 180000 180000 - 500000 300000 - 500000 Z $ $$ Z Z $ Z $ Z Z$ $ Z Z $ Z $ Z $ Z $ Z$ $ Z Z $ - Total$Z inhabitants Z Z $ Z $ Z $ $ Z$ $ Z $ Z $ Z $ Z $ $ Z $ Z $ Z Z $ Z Z $ $ Z $ Z $ Z Z $ Z $ Z $ $ Z Z $ Zhin. $ $ Z Z $ Connected Z $ $ Z Z Z$ $ Z$ Z$ $ Z $ Z $ Z $ Z$ Z Z$ $ $ Z Z$ Z $ Z $ Z Z $ Z $ Z $ $$ Z $ $Z Z Z - Treated hin. Z $ Z $ Z $ Z $ Z $ - P, N discharges from$ZWWTP Z $ Z $ Z $ Z $ Z $ Z $ - $ZLength of combined and separated sewers Z $ Z$ $ Z Z $ Z$ $ Z Z Z $ Z $ $ WWTP Urban areas (sources ISTAT, AdBP) Z $ $ Z Z $ Z $ Z $ Z$ $ Z Z $ Z $ $ $ Z Z Z $ Z $ Z $ Z $ TN emissions from WWTP 0 100 University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab 200 Kilometers Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Basic Info - Generals N o. LAWA disch_s Adress river name IN TO ALTO PO ASTA PO OR C O - MALON E - STU R A D I LAN ZO D OR A BALTEA ASTA PO SESIA gauge station name river catchment code net catchment area [km_] Varaita Area Torinese Orco Valle d'Aosta Area Torinese C ervo Meirano S. Mauro Torinese Pont C anavese Tavagnasco C asale Monferrato Vercelli 13.2 1.1.119 10.1 9.1 1.1.120 8.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5.225,4 7.542,0 653,6 3.259,1 13.645,1 2.194,2 5.225,4 2.316,6 653,6 3.259,1 2.190,4 2.194,2 1 2 3 4 5 6 118 119 54 53 120 39 7 26 33 TIC IN O Ticino prelacuale Bellinzona 6.1 1 1.674,2 1.674,2 8 33 121 TIC IN O Tresa - C eresio Miorina (Sesto C alende) 6.3 1 6.589,7 4.915,5 9 84 85 TAN AR O Bormida Alessandria 14.4 1 2.515,5 2.515,5 10 85 121 TAN AR O Stura di D emonte Montecastello 14.2 1 7.937,6 5.422,1 11 121 122 TER D OPPIO - AGOGN A Terdoppio Becca 7.1 1 37.225,4 6.858,8 12 96 122 TR EBBIA - N U R E - AR D A Alto Trebbia - Aveto S. Salvatore 17.1 1 13 22 123 AD D A Serio Pizzighettone 4.5 1 7.408,5 2.852,6 14 17 19 AD D A Valtellina Fuentes 4.1 1 2.610,0 2.610,0 15 19 22 AD D A Lario Lavello 4.3 1 4.555,9 1.945,9 16 122 123 TR EBBIA - N U R E - AR D A Basso Trebbia Piacenza 17.2 1 42.126,4 4.322,9 17 123 124 TR EBBIA - N U R E - AR D A N ure C remona 17.3 1 51.307,3 1.772,5 18 124 125 TAR O Basso Taro - Stirone C asalmaggiore 18.3 1 52.497,2 1.189,8 19 107 125 PAR MA Parma Baganzola 19.2 1 706,8 20 108 125 EN ZA - C R OSTOLO Enza Sorbolo (Lentigione) 20.1 1 787,0 21 105 125 TAR O Alto Taro S. Quirico 18.2 1 1.478,6 22 125 126 ASTA PO Parma - R eggio - Oltrepo` Mantovano Boretto 1.5 1 55.742,8 23 109 126 EN ZA - C R OSTOLO C rostolo S. C laudio 20.2 1 24 11 126 OGLIO Val C amonica C apriolo (Sarnico) 3.1 1 25 15 126 OGLIO Alto C hiese - Idro Gavardo 3.4 1 26 4 8 SAR C A - MIN C IO Sarca N ago 2.1 1 1.062,2 1.062,2 8 27 119 120 120 120 121 121 net catchment within PO? yes=1 catchment area GIS no=0 [km_] catchment area name 578,1 366,0 1.769,7 985,3 578,1 706,8 787,0 1.478,6 273,2 366,0 1.769,7 985,3 127 SAR C A - MIN C IO Benaco Monzambano 2.2 1 2.242,6 1.180,4 28 113 127 SEC C H IA Basso Secchia P.te Bacchello 21.2.113 1 1.686,2 1.686,2 29 126 127 OGLIO Basso C hiese Borgoforte (R oncocorr.) 3.5 1 62.911,7 4.047,9 30 127 128 SEC C H IA Basso Secchia R evere 21.2.127 1 68.344,0 1.503,4 31 116 128 PAN AR O Alto Panaro Bomporto 22.1 1 1.420,6 1.420,6 32 128 -1 PAN AR O Basso Panaro Pontelagoscuro 22.2 1 70.940,8 1.176,2 -2 D ELTA D EL PO D elta del Po Open sea 24.1 0 73.760,7 2.819,8 33 -1 University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 MONERIS - Model Calibration Discharge calc. & meas. 1000 100 10 1 1E+4 1E+3 1E+2 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 suspended solids measured [t/a] University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab Q meas 1500 Q calc 1000 500 0 0 100 200 10 100 300 400 500 600 [km] 1000 10000 Discharge measured NUTRIENT LOADS 1E+6 SS calibrated 1E+5 2000 1 DIN-load calc. [t/a] suspended solids calc.[t/a] 1E+6 10000 1E+5 1E+5 DIN TP 1E+4 1E+3 1E+2 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 1E+5 DIN-load measured [t/a] 1E+6 TP-load calc. [t/a] SUSPENDED SOLIDS Q meas&calc [m3/sec] Soil loss calibrated in order to obtain, where possible, a good fit with measured and calculated SS. DISCHARGE Discharge calc Nash-Sutcliff Coeff. 1,00 Q 0,90 DIN 0,92 TP 0,90 SS Specific runoff calibrated in order to obtain a satisfactory balance between inflowing and outflowing water for each sub-catchment. 1E+4 1E+3 1E+2 1E+1 1E+0 1E+0 1E+2 1E+4 TP-load measured [t/a] 1E+6 Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Deviations of estimated loads by sub-basin -100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 DIN University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab 0 100 -100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 0 100 TP Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 MONERIS - LOADS from the Catchment Background emissions nitrogen phosophorus [t/a] [%] [t/a] [%] 914,63 2,9 6,62 0,6 0,8 0,8 1,8 0 urban systems WWTP groundwater 100 8,3 20,2 17,1 14,6 14,3 13,8 0,6 0,2 0,5 erosion 10000 N meas N calc 150000 TP load&calc [t/a] DIN -load&calc [t/a] 10 12,0 tile drainage 200000 1.147 22,5 16,3 20 snow 100 Phosphorus 30 overland flow 32.010 Nitrogen 40 91,5 7,9 0,0 56,0 total nutrient emission 50 [%] 26314,78 82,2 1049,00 4780,37 14,9 91,06 0,10 0,0 0,22 60 atmostpharic dep. Total emissions and proportion of the different pathways nitrogen phosophorus [t/a] [%] [t/a] [%] atmospheric deposition 1349,8 0,8 61,0 0,8 tile drainage 19834,5 12,0 1663,7 22,5 groundwater 92330,6 56,0 1056,7 14,3 overland flow 3415,3 2,1 1242,1 16,8 erosion 958,5 0,6 617,6 8,3 WWTP 22777,8 13,8 1266,5 17,1 urban systems (total) 24091,0 14,6 1496,3 20,2 total emissions 100 100 164.757 7.404 100000 50000 P meas 8000 P calc 6000 4000 2000 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 [km] University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab 200 300 400 500 600 [km] Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 7 8 U % 14 $% U 4 Aosta 15 $ 6 U % $ % U $ $ % U Bergamo U % $ $ 13 Milano 5 2 Torino U % $ U % $ U$ % 1 11 16 Pavia U % Piacenza $ % U 14 $% U 15 U % $ % U $ 2 Torino $ U % U % $ U % $ U$ % 1 11 16 Pavia % U $ $% U U % $$ U % U % $% U 9 12 10 17 21 $ 27 U % 18 $ % U U % 18 $ % U $% U Mantova $% U U$ % 22 $%U U % $ Parma $ % U $ $% U 30 U % 32 U % % U $ $ 19 20 23 Modena $ U % $ Ferrara 33 70 140 Kilometers U $% Total P emissions [t/a] 20 - 160 160 - 370 370 - 102 0 1020 - 27 60 $% U Brescia 29 Cremona Piacenza $ U % 0 25 Bergamo U % $ $ 13 Milano 5 $% U 26 U % U % 3 Total N emissions [t/a] 1000 - 4000 4000 - 8000 8000 - 25000 25000 - 42000 28 31 24 Como 6 21 U % 4 Aosta $ 12 10 17 $ U $% 27 Brescia 29 Cremona $% U 9 8 U % $ $% U U % $$ U % 7 25 U % U % 3 26 24 Como $% U Mantova $% U U$ % 22 $%U U % $ Parma $ % U $ $% U 30 U % 32 U % % U $ $ 19 20 23 Modena $ U % $ Ferrara 33 28 31 0 70 140 Kilometers University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 CRITICAL SPOTS 7 8 14 15 4 25 6 3 13 5 2 26 24 11 27 29 16 1 TN [mg/l] 2.9 - 3 3 - 3.2 3.2 - 3.3 3.3 - 3.4 3.4 - 3.6 3.6 - 3.7 17 18 9 12 10 21 30 22 19 20 23 32 33 28 31 0 70 University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab 140 Kilo meters Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015 Future scenarios N [%] P [%] +5 +5 0 0 -5 -10 -5 -10 -15 -15 BAU base BAU high POT1 POT2 POT3 DG 2001 -20 -25 -30 -35 2008 University of Padua LASA – Environmental Systems Analysis Lab 2016 BAU base BAU high POT1 POT2 POT3 DG 2001 2008 2016 Modelling and control of environmental systems Luca Palmeri a.a. 2014/2015
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