SUM2014 Symposium on Urban Mining Simposio sulle Risorse Urbane 19-21 May 2014 / 19-21 Maggio 2014 Old Monastery of Saint Augustine, Bergamo - Italy Ex Monastero di Sant’Agostino, Bergamo SYMPOSIUM PROGRAMME updated on / aggiornato al 09-04-2014 5 SYMPOSIUM STRUCTURE / STRUTTURA DEL SIMPOSIO Papers have been scheduled for oral presentations in 7 general sessions (A) with presentations held both in English and Italian (simultaneous translation available) and 14 specialized sessions and workshops (B e C) held entirely in English for a total of three parallel tracks. Le presentazioni orali si articoleranno in 7 sessioni generali (A) con presentazioni in inglese e in italiano (con servizio di traduzione simultanea)e 14 sessioni specializzate e workshop in inglese (B e C) per un totale di 3 sessioni parallele. Monday 19th May morning Monday 19th May afternoon Tuesday 20th May morning Tuesday 20th May afternoon Wednesday 21st May 6 OPENING SESSION A2. Food Waste B2. Waste Minimisation and Integrated Management A3. Urban Mining: Strategies and Policies B3. Biowaste and Composting A4. Landfill Mining: National Strategies and Case Studies B4. Resource Recovery from Sewage Sludge A5. WEEE: National and Regional Case Studies A6. Strategie di Urban Mining in Italia A7. Recupero avanzato di risorse da rifiuti in Italia A8. Workshop: Legal Issues in Urban Mining B5. Integrated Waste and Wastewater for Resource Recovery B6. Landfill Mining: Treatment of Recovered Material B7. Urban Mining: Recovery Opportunities for Different Materials B8. Demolition Waste C2. Plastics Recycling C3. Recycling of Resources from Bottom Ash C4. Separate Collection C5. End of Life Vehicles and Tyres C6. Concrete and Glass Recovery C7. WEEE: Strategies and Management Approaches C8. Metal and Rare Earth Recovery from WEEE TECHNICAL TOUR AND CLOSING ROUND TABLE st Monday May 19 21th - morning / Lunedì 21 19 Maggio - mattina PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME / PROGRAMMA PRELIMINARE 8:00 - 13:00 Conference Registration / Registrazione al Simposio SESSION A1 SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION / TRADUZIONE SIMULTANEA Opening Session / Sessione di apertura Chair / Presidente: R. Cossu (IT) Further details will be soon available on the symposium website/ Presto disponibili ulteriori dettagli sul sito web del simposio 7 Monday May 19th - morning / Lunedì 19 Maggio - mattina SESSION A2 - Aula Magna SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION / TRADUZIONE SIMULTANEA h. h. hh11:20 - 13:00 Food Waste / Spreco Alimentare Chair / Presidente: F. Syversen, F. Schneider,V.M.E. Edjabou (NO) Food waste - from end of pipe solutions to prevention Rifiuti alimentari - Dalle soluzioni ‘end-of-pipe’ alla prevenzione M.M. Smith, P.J Shaw, I.D. Williams (GB) The potential for reducing avoidable food waste arisings from domestic households Le possibilità di riduzione dei rifiuti alimentari derivanti dalle utenze domestiche I. Schneider, M. Müller, A. Bockreis (AT) Challenges in the management of food waste in a highly dynamic environment Sfide nella gestione dei rifiuti alimentari in un ambiente altamente dinamico A. Rispo, I.D. Williams, P.J. Shaw (GB) Recycling, food waste segregation and prevention in high-density households in a deprived urban area Riciclaggio, separazione e prevenzione dei rifiuti alimentari in un’area urbana povera altamente popolata F. Schneider, H. Bos-Brouwers, J. Gustavsson, O.J. Hanssen, K. Östergren (AT) Front end and back end challenges in developing a harmonised frame work for defining and quantifying food waste across Europe Sfide nello sviluppo di un contesto armonizzato per la definizione e la quantificazione dei rifiuti alimentari in Europa 8 st Monday May 19 21th - afternoon morning / Lunedì / Lunedì19 21Maggio Maggio- -mattina pomeriggio SESSION B2 - Aula X h. 11:20 - 13:00 Waste Minimisation and Integrated Management / Minimizzazione dei rifiuti e gestione integrata Chair / Presidente: L. Rigamonti, I. Sterpi, F. Lovato, M. Grosso (IT) How to compare different integrated MSW management systems A. Bonoli, F. Cappellaro IT Waste Responsibility and Management - The case of the University of Bologna I.S. Zen, D. Subramaniam, H. Sulaiman, R. Ahamad, W. Omar, A.L. Saleh, A.A. Rahman (MY) Waste minimization initiatives in campus sustainability: the experience of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia M. Nenkovic-Riznic, B. Josimovic (RS) New methodology for the site selection process in rural waste management - multicriteria model tested in Serbian villages S. Nessi, L. Rigamonti, M. Grosso (IT) Municipal waste prevention through loose distribution of liquid detergents: a comparison based on life cycle assessment SESSION C2 - Aula 5 11:20 - 13:00 Plastics Recycling / Riciclaggio delle plastiche Chair / Presidente: S. Nicosia, P.A. Lanza, S. Carcione (IT) Plastics recovery from Municipal Waste: mainstreams and by-products in a case study in Northern Italy J. Feketitsch, D. Lane, H. Rechberger, J. Fellner (AT) Prospection and Exploration of plastic flows and stocks in Austria J. Li, G. Wu, Z. Xu CN Physical model and computer simulation of plastic granule separation by the inclined plate-electrodes of a tribo-electrostatic separator V. Luciani, S. Serranti, G. Bonifazi, P. Rem (IT) Upgrading of PVC rich wastes with the combination of magnetic density separation and hyperspectral imaging analysis G. Grause, R. Kärrbrandt, T. Kameda, T. Yoshioka (JP) Effect of the bed material on the reaction pathway of polycarbonate steam hydrolysis in a fluidized bed reactor 9 Monday May 19th - afternoon / Lunedì 19 Maggio - pomeriggio SESSION A3 - Aula 5 SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION / TRADUZIONE SIMULTANEA 15:00 - 16:40 Urban Mining: Strategies and Policies / Urban Mining: Politiche e Strategie Chair / Presidente: G. Bonifazi, S. Serranti IT Urban and Ore Mining: a critical comparison of concepts, rules and methodological approaches Miniere urbane e miniere tradizionali: comparazione critica di concetti, regole e approcci metodologici F.O. Ongondo, I.D. Williams, G. Whitlock (GB) Rethinking urban mining: exploring potential yields of high value WEEE in ‘unique’ urban spaces Ripensare l’Urban Mining: analisi dei potenziali aumenti di RAEE di valore in diversi spazi urbani M. Simoni, E.P. Kuhn, F. Adam (CH) Urban Mining as a contribution to the resource strategy of the Canton of Zurich L’Urban Mining come contributo alla strategia di gestione delle risorse nel Cantone di Zurigo J. Gutberlet (BR) Cooperative Urban Mining Urban Mining Cooperativo 16:40 - 17:20 Coffee Break and Poster discussion 10 st Monday May 19 21th - afternoon / Lunedì 21 19 Maggio - pomeriggio SESSION B3 - Aula 2 15:00 - 16:40 Biowaste and Composting / Rifiuti organici e compostaggio Chair / Presidente: S. Piippo, E. Pongrácz (FI) Sustainable bio-waste strategy in Finland: Case study of Oulu in Northern Finland R. Du Plessis, J. Snyman (ZA) Potential for aerated windrow composting of municipal green waste: CTMM - A case study A. Dall’Ara, M.T. La Peruta, L. Billi (IT) Development of a sustainable technical product from intensive poultry farm byproduct A. Mantonanaki, F.-M. Pellera, P. Pappa, E. Gidarakos (GR) Removal of Zn(II) from aqueous solutions using biochar generated from spent coffee grounds 16:40 - 17:20 Coffee Break and Poster discussion SESSION C3 - Aula 5 15:00 - 16:40 Recycling of Resources from Bottom Ash / Riciclaggio di risorse dalle ceneri pesanti Chair / Presidente: O. Holm, F.-G. Simon DE Recovery of copper from small grain sizes of municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash by means of density separation K. Karlfeldt Fedje, S. Andersson, O. Modin, P. Frändegård, A. Pettersson (SE) Opportunities for Zn recovery from Swedish MSWI fly ashes Y. Xia, K. Phoungthong, H. Zhang, S.-J. Wang, L.-M. Shao, P.-J. He (CN) Metal recovery from MSWI bottom ash in Shanghai J. Nedenskov DK Critical resources in industrial an minicipal solid waste I. Lancellotti, C. Ponzoni, L. Barbieri, C. Leonelli (IT) Geopolymers for incinerator bottom ash management R. del Valle-Zermeño, J. Giró-Paloma , M. Prieto, J. Formosa, J.M. Chimenos (ES) Glass content in MSWI bottom ash: effectiveness assessment of recycling over time 16:40 - 17:20 Coffee Break and Poster discussion 11 Monday May 19th - afternoon / Lunedì 19 Maggio - pomeriggio SESSION A4 - Aula 5 SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION / TRADUZIONE SIMULTANEA h.17:20 - 19:00 Landfill Mining: National Strategies and Case Studies / Landfill Mining: Strategie Nazionali e Casi di Studio Chair / Presidente: M.E. Ortner, A. Bockreis (AT) The Challenges of landfill mining Le sfide del landfill mining N. Sliusar, V. Korotaev, Y. Zagorskaya (RU) Opportunities of landfill mining in the Russian Federation: reclamation of dumpsites and old landfills Opportunità di landfill mining nella Federazione Russa: recupero di vecchie discariche T.P. Wagner (US) Case study of a successful landfill mining operation Caso studio di un intervento di landfill mining di successo M. Steiner, W. Robrecht, L. Vadas (AT) Two Case Studies on Landfill Mining: Kössen (Austria), Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) Due casi studio di landfill mining: Kössen (Austria), Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) A. Winterstetter, D. Laner, H. Rechberger, J. Fellner (AT) Old landfills - anthropogenic resources or reserves? Vecchie discariche: risorse antropogeniche o riserve? 12 st Monday May 19 21th - afternoon / Lunedì 21 19 Maggio - pomeriggio SESSION B4 - Aula 2 17:20 - 19:00 Resource Recovery from Sewage Sludge / Recupero di risorse dai fanghi di depurazione Chair / Presidente: P. Harborth, C. Heußner, K. Münnich, K. Fricke (DE) P recovery from old landfills: comparison of municipal solid waste, sewage sludge and sewage sludge ash landfills J. Lederer, D. Laner, J. Fellner, H. Rechberger (AT) A framework for the evaluation of anthropogenic resources based on natural resource evaluation concepts C. Adam, O. Krüger (DE) Complete survey of German sewage sludge ashes - phosphorous and technology metal recovery potential F. Naji, E. Thomanetz, C. Cimatoribus, M. Kranert (DE) Is the production of phosphoric acid from sewage sludge ash technically feasible? A. Placek, A. Grobelak, A. Grosser, A. Napora, M. Kacprzak (PL) Landspreading of sewage sludge from the food industry in the process of remediation of contaminated sites J. Kisser, H. Gattringer, M. Iordandopoulos-Kisser (AT) Recovering metals from sewage sludge, waste incineration residues and similarsubstances with hyperaccumulative plants SESSION C4 - Aula 2 17:20 - 19:00 Separate Collection / Raccolta differenziata Chair / Presidente: G. De Feo, A.R. Polito (IT) A separate collection centre seen as a “reverse supermarket” in an urban mining perspective I.S. Zen, C. Siwar (MY) An analysis of household acceptance of curbside recycling scheme in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia L. Rigamonti, S. Ferreira, M. Grosso, R.C. Marques (IT) Economic-financial analysis of the Italian packaging waste management system S. Salhofer (AT) Small, but powerful - why we should put more emphasis on the collection of small WEEE 13 Tuesday May 20th - morning / Martedì 20 Maggio - mattina SESSION A5 - Aula 5 SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION / TRADUZIONE SIMULTANEA 09:00 - 10:40 WEEE: National and Regional Case Studies / RAEE: Casi di Studio Nazionali e Regionali Chair / Presidente: J. Kulczycka, M. Cholewa (PL) The e-waste market in Poland: barries and challanges Il mercato dei RAEE in Polonia: barriere e sfide J. Ylä-Mella, R.L. Keiski, E. Pongrácz (FI) WEEE recovery in the Oulu Region, Finland: A local recovery network and consumers’ attitudes toward recycling Recupero dei RAEE nella regione di Oulu, Finlandia: rete locale di recupero e attitudini dei consumatori al riciclo L. Pietrelli, M. Pietrantonio, A. Piozzi, R. Flammini, I. Francolini (IT) Material recovery from printed circuit boards: characterization and recycling strategy Recupero di materiale dai circuiti stampati: caratterizzazione e strategie per il riciclaggio A. Falbo, L. Biganzoli, F. Forte, L. Rigamonti, M. Grosso (IT) LCI of the WEEE management system in Lombardia Region: a focus on R3 and R4 categories Life Cycle Inventory del sistema di gestione dei RAEE in Lombardia: focus sulle categorie R3 e R4 K. Sperlich, K. Sander, T. Hartfeil (DE) Pre-treatment of small WEEE - results from treatment trials for the German EPA Pretrattamento dei piccoli RAEE - Risultati dalle prove di trattamento per l’Agenzia Ambientale tedesca 10:40 - 11:20 Coffee Break and Poster discussion 14 Monday May Tuesday May21 20stth--afternoon morning //Martedì Lunedì 20 21 Maggio - mattina pomeriggio SESSION B5 - Aula 2 09:00 - 10:40 Integrated Waste and Wastewater for Resource Recovery / Gestione integrata dei rifiuti e delle acque di scarico per il recupero di risorse Chair / Presidente: S.M.N. Uddin, Z. Li, H.P. Mang, J. Lapegue (CN) Sustainable sanitation towards eco-city development M.C. Lavagnolo, L. Alibardi, R. Cossu (IT) Ten years of research on integrated waste and wastewater management B.Y. Ammary (JO) Introducing a manifest system for industrial liquid waste: is Jordan ready? 10:40 - 11:20 Coffee Break and Poster discussion SESSION C5 - Aula 2 09:00 - 10:40 End of Life Vehicles and Tyres / Pneumatici e veicoli a fine vita Chair / Presidente: M. Andersson, M. Ljunggren Söderman, B.A. Sandén (SE) Scarce metals in Swedish end-of-life vehicle recycling R. Cossu, T. Lai (IT) Automotive shredder residue (ASR) management: an overview M.C. Zanetti, S. Fiore, B. Ruffino, E. Santagata, D. Dalmazzo, M. Lanotte (IT) Characterization of crumb rubber from end-of-life tyres for paving applications V. Torretta, M. Raboni, E.C. Rada, M. Ragazzi, E. Trulli, I.A. Istrate, L.I. Cioca (IT) Tyres treatment and disposal: comparison between two situations in the EU 10:40 - 11:20 Coffee Break and Poster discussion 15 Tuesday Tuesday May May 20 20thth -- morning morning // Martedì Martedì 20 20 Maggio Maggio -- mattina mattina SESSION A6 - Aula 5 11:20 - 13:00 Urban Mining Strategies in Italy / Strategie di Urban Mining in Italia Chair / Presidente: SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION / TRADUZIONE SIMULTANEA S. Fedrizzi, E.C. Rada, M. Ragazzi (IT) - italian presentation Urban Mining Experiences in the Municipality of Trento, Italy Esperienze di Urban Mining nel Comune di Trento S. Bonomi, M. Ricci, M.Tommasi (IT) - italian presentation Relationships between different organizational units for the development of an integrated strategy for the reduction of food waste and the management of organic waste Le relazioni tra diverse unità organizzative per lo sviluppo di una strategia integrata di riduzione dello spreco alimentare e gestione dei rifiuti organici A. Castagna, P. Luppi, T. Deavi, A. Zeni, M. Sunseri (IT) - italian presentation From waste to resource: permanent reuse centre as cultural investment and concrete possibility Dal rifiuto alla materia, il centro di riuso permanente come investimento culturale e possibilità concreta M. Condorelli, A. Ghidorzi, G. Moro, L. Nettuno, P. Simone (IT) - italian presentation BEST® technology: an advanced efficiency based comparison with traditional municipal solid waste disposal systems La tecnologia BEST®: un confronto in termini di efficienza con i sistemi di smaltimento tradizionali dei rifiuti solidi urbani 16 Monday May Tuesday May21 20stth--afternoon morning //Martedì Lunedì 20 21 Maggio - mattina pomeriggio SESSION B6 - Aula 2 11:20 - 13:00 Landfill Mining: Treatment of Recovered Material / Landfill mining: trattamento dei materiali recuperati Chair / Presidente: A. Maul, A. Feil, Th. Pretz (DE) Pre-conditioning of old-landfilled material for further upscale processes T. Mönkäre, M.R.T. Palmroth, J. Rintala (FI) Stabilization of Fine Fraction from Landfill Mining in Leach Bed Reactor A. Zeiner, K. Münnich, S. Wanka, K. Fricke (DE) Mining of MSW landfills: reduction of masses to be landfilled by treatment of the fine fraction B. Breitenstein, D. Goldmann (DE) Metal recovery by mechanical processing from fine fractions with grainsize < 60 mm generated during landfill mining M. Brenčič, H. Ivanusa Šket (SI) Landfill mining on Karst SESSION C6 - Aula 2 11:20 - 13:00 Concrete and Glass Recovery / Recupero di calcestruzzo e vetro Chair / Presidente: K. Weimann, C. Adam, T. Schulz, E. Linß (DE) Environmental evaluation of different ways to produce recycled concrete aggregates M. van Praagh, H. Modin, J. Trygg (SE) Organic compounds in concrete from demolition works A. Ocholi, S.P. Ejeh, S.Y. Mukaila (NG) Evaluation of the effect of crumb-rubber on the compressive strength of mortar K. Shih, Y. Tang (HK) A “Waste-to-Resource” Method on Using Waste Aluminum and Iron in Sludge as Ceramic Materials S. Landim, F. Durão, A. Maximo, N. Dias, C. Ulsen, M. T. Carvalho (PT) Recovery of glass from MBT rejects - Optimization of the gravity concentration flowsheet F. Andreola, L. Barbieri, R. Taurino, C. Ponzoni, T. Manfredini, C. Leonelli, I. Lancellotti (IT) Valorization of wastes, “end of waste” and by-products using hot and cold techniques 17 Tuesday May 20th - afternoon / Martedì 20 Maggio - pomeriggio SESSION A7 Aula 5 SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION / TRADUZIONE SIMULTANEA h.15:00 - 16:40 Advanced Recovery of Resources from Waste in Italy / Recupero avanzato di risorse da rifiuti in Italia Chair / Presidente: V. Funari, E. Dinelli, R. Braga (IT) - italian presentation Solid residues from incinerators: a source for “critical” raw materials Residui solidi da termovalorizzazione: una fonte di materie prime “critiche”? R. Bertani, R. Cossu, R. Raga, B. Bresoli, R. De Angeli, R. Bonora (IT) - italian presentation Treatment of powders coming from exhaust fluorescent lamps: an evaluation of the experimental parameters influencing the recovery of rare earth elements Trattamento delle polveri da triturazione di lampade a fluorescenza esauste: valutazione dei parametri sperimentali che influenzano il recupero di terre rare U. Ballabio, T. Vollmeier (CH) - italian presentation Innovative thermal treatments and phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge Trattamenti termici innovativi e recupero del fosforo dal fango di depurazione M.C. Collivignarelli, A. Abbà, S. Padovani, M. Frascarolo, D. Sciunnach, M. Turconi, M. Orlando (IT) - italian presentation Agricultural recovery of sewage sludge in Lombardy: perspectives and regulation Recupero dei fanghi di depurazione in agricoltura in Regione Lombardia: prospettive e interventi normativi 16:40 - 17:20 Coffee Break and Poster discussion 18 Monday May Tuesday May21 20stth--afternoon afternoon/ /Lunedì Martedì21 20Maggio Maggio- -pomeriggio pomeriggio SESSION B7 - Aula 2 15:00 - 16:40 Urban Mining: Recovery Opportunities for Different Materials / Urban mining: opportunità di recupero per i diversi materiali Chair / Presidente: K. O. Zacho, H. Riisgaard (DK) Lifetime extension of smartphones - business models in the circular economy M. Colledani, G. Copani, P. Rosa (IT) Zero Waste PCBs: a new integrated solution for key-metals recovery from PCBs H. Ren, J. Guan, H. Yuan, R. Su, J. Yang, X. Zhang, X. Wang (CN) Kinetics and Characteristics of LCD Thermal Degradation K. Tirez, C. Vanhoof, W. Brusten, F. Beutels, C. Gilliot, J. Spooren, L. Debaene, L. Umans (BE) A multi-element determination of critical elements (REE, PGM, …) in solid (waste) materials by SFICP-MS and EDXRF E. Garamvölgyi, P. Chrabák (HU) Re-use, based on the approach of the CERREC project D. Fontana, F. Forte, R. De Carolis, M. Grosso (IT) Indium recovery from waste liquid crystal displays 16:40 - 17:20 Coffee Break and Poster discussion SESSION C7 - Aula 2 15:00 - 16:40 WEEE: Strategies and Management Approaches / RAEE: Strategie e approcci di gestione Chair / Presidente: M. Dos Santos, S. Eisenriegler, P. Grassl, W. Hauer, R. Haubenberger-Hahn, T. Maier, M. Merstallinger, H. Reichl, G. Waizinger (AT) OREG - Optimal Resource Management of Electric and Electronic Devices K. Sperlich, K. Sander (DE) Identification of WEEE containing valuable resources and characterisation of approaches for collection V. Cleaver, I.D. Williams, X. Pierron GB The potential for recovering metals from small household appliances V.S. Rotter, P. Sommer, M. Ueberschaar (DE) Relevance of Batteries for resource efficient WEEE treatment E. Pongrácz (FI) Critical materials: recycling vs. dissipative losses - The case of indium J. Guo, Z. Xu (CN) Use of non-metallic materials from waste printed circuit board in composite products 16:40 - 17:20 Coffee Break and Poster discussion 19 Tuesday May 20th - afternoon / Martedì 20 Maggio - pomeriggio SESSION A8- Aula 5 SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION / TRADUZIONE SIMULTANEA 17:20 - 19:00 Workshop: Legal Issues in Urban Mining / Aspetti Legali nell’Urban Mining Chair / Presidente: Further details will be soon available on the symposium website/ Presto disponibili ulteriori dettagli sul sito web del simposio 20 Monday May Tuesday May21 20stth--afternoon afternoon/ /Lunedì Martedì21 20Maggio Maggio- -pomeriggio pomeriggio SESSION B8 - Aula 2 17:20 - 19:00 Demolition Waste / Rifiuti da demolizione Chair / Presidente: B. Miekley, J. Woeltjen, L. Schebek (DE) Techno-economic potential of the recovery of raw materials from the industrial and commercial building stock F. Kleemann, J. Lederer, H. Rechberger, J. Fellner (AT) Methodology to predict future generation of demolition waste in the City of Vienna A. Bonoli, S. Bamonti (IT) Construction and Demolition waste: recycling for new sustainable materials production at high environmental efficiency J.A.C.S. Filho, E.C.G. Santos (BR) Panorama of recycled construction and demolition waste (RCDW) in Brazil D. Ergun, M. Gorgolewski (CA) Inventorying Toronto’s single-detatched housing stocks to examine the availability of clay brick for urban mining S. Portas, M. Coni, F. Maltinti (IT) Reuse of coal mine debris for road embankment SESSION C8 Aula 5 17:20 - 19:00 Metal and Rare Earth Recovery from WEEE / Recupero di metalli e terre rare da RAEE Chair / Presidente: V. Innocenzi, I. De Michelis, F. Vegliò IT Rare earths from secondary sources: hydrometallurgical process to recover yttrium from fluorescent powders of spent lamps using solvent extraction. Economical feasibility study L. Zhan, Z.M. Xu, B. Xie CN Application of vacuum metallurgy technology for separating and recycling heavy metals (Pb, Cd, etc) from e-wastes: a critical review S. Mueller, P.A. Wäger, R. Widmer, I.D. Williams (GB) Characterising and evaluating waste electrical and electronic equipment as a source of scarce metals - A geological and primary production perspective J. Bachér, T. Kaartinen, J. Mäkinen, M. Wahlström (FI) Froth flotation, a novel treatment method for printed circuit boards from WEEE G. Zecha (AT) Identifying the bottlenecks regarding the recovery of Rare Earth Elements from fluorescent powders of waste fluorescent lamps 21 Wednesday May 21st / Mercoledì 21 Maggio TECHNICAL TOUR AND CLOSING ROUND TABLE / VISITA TECNICA GUIDATA E TAVOLA ROTONDA FINALE Further details will be soon available on the symposium website/ Presto disponibili ulteriori dettagli sul sito web del simposio 22 Monday May 21st - afternoon / Lunedì 21 Maggio - pomeriggio POSTERS SESSION / SESSIONE POSTER 01_ J.-F. Wagner (DE) Soil mechanical properties of MBT-waste 02_ L. Khalaf-Kairouz (LB) Solid Waste Management - The case of Lebanon 03_ A. Chusov, M. Fedorov, E. Neguliaeva RU Integrated recycling of secondary resources and wastes in Saint-Petersburg (Russia) 04_ D.D. Carvalho, L. Cunha, D.R.S. Maia, C. Guimarães (BR) Study of the optimization of biogas production in anaerobic digesters 05_ N. Rodella, A. Zacco, L.E. Depero, M. Gelfi, M. La Vecchia, E. Bontempi (IT) Stabilization of air control pollution residues collected from a metallurgical plant 06_ S. Luste, H. Soininen, T. Ranta-Korhonen (FI) Farm-scale biogas production potentials and profitability in the case-farms of the Leningrad oblast 07_ C. Achillas, E. Feleki, A. Marìn, N. Moussiopoulos, J. Switters, J. C. Tourret (GR) Urban Empathy: an EU funded project towards the promotion of a sustainable urban model at the European level 08_ M. Šyc, P. Kameníková, E. Giray, J. Sobek, M. Pohořelý, K. Svoboda, M. Punčochář (CZ) Phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge ash via microwave enhanced thermochemical treatment 09_ H. Soininen, K. Dufva, T. Ranta-Korhonen, S. Luste (FI) Experimental studies on Ageing of fly ashes from biofuels 10_ I. Critelli, A. Degiorgi, M. Colledani, A. Tasora (IT) A simulation model of Corona Electrostatic Separation (CES) for the recycling of Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) 11_ R. del Valle-Zermeño, M. Prieto, J. Giró-Paloma, J. Formosa, J.M. Chimenos (ES) Reutilization of APC fly ash in a pilot-scale road subbase: environmental impact assessment 12_ Z. Ni, J.G. Liu, M.Y. Song, X.W. Wang, L.H. Ren, X. Kong (CN) Pollution profiles and health risks of occupational exposure to volatile organic compounds associated with a typical food waste treatment plant in China 13_ L.B. Santos, M.V. Striebeck, M.S. Crespi, C.A. Ribeiro, M. De Julio (BR) Energetic characterization of Pine pellets biochar 14_ L.B. Santos, M.V. Striebeck, M.S. Crespi, C.A. Ribeiro, M. De Julio (BR) Characterization of Biochar of Pine pellet as potential adsorbent 23 Posters Session / Sessione Poster 15_ D. Monteiro de Oliveira, L. Sobral, C.E. Gomes de Souza (BR) Hydrometallurgical base metals extraction from steelworks flue dust 16_ A. Grobelak, M. Kacprzak, A. Napora, A. Grosser (PL) The influence of sewage sludge on the mobility of heavy metals in the soil during the chemophytostabilization process 17_ M.P.K. Caldas, V.T. Moraes, D.C.R. Espinosa, J.A.S. Tenório (BR) Study of hydrometallurgical route aiming Ag and Sn extraction from PCB solde 18_ F. Andreola, L. Barbieri, I. Lancellotti, G. Tagliavini (IT) Light-weight materials to valorise waste tyres pyrolysis residue 19_ F. Oliveira, D. Vaz Kuhn, T. Kamiji (BR) Materials characterization for use in the environmental recovery of sand mining pit located in Carapicuíba, Brazil 20_ S. Besco, D. Hrelja, A. Lorenzetti, M. Roso, R. Bonora, E. Bontempi, L.E. Depero, M. Modesti (IT) Synthesis and properties of polymer composites containing fillers from municipal solid waste incineration 21_ M. Condorelli, A. Ghidorzi, G. Moro, L. Nettuno, P. Simone (IT) BEST® technology: an advanced efficiency based comparison with traditional municipal solid waste disposal systems 24
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