Power indices on cooperative games: semivalues. Giulia Bernardi Politecnico di Milano 3 dicembre 2014 Giulia Bernardi Indices on cooperative games 3 dicembre 2014 1 / 25 Cooperative game Cooperative game N set of players. v : 2N → R utility function, such that v (0) / = 0. Vector space given by all games on the nite set N : GN ' R2 n −1 Simple games v is monotonic: v (S) ≤ v (T ) if S ⊆ T v : 2N → { 0, 1} v (N) = 1 Giulia Bernardi Unanimity games For any coalition S ( 1 if S ⊆ T uS (T ) = 0 otherwise Indices on cooperative games 3 dicembre 2014 2 / 25 Examples Buyers and sellers (1) A person wants to sell his car and evaluates it a value a. There are two potential buyers, that evaluates the car b and c , respectively. (suppose b ≤ c and to avoid trivial game a < b ). v (0) / =0 v (1) = a v (2) = v (3) = v ({2, 3}) = 0 v ({1, 2}) = b v ({1, 3}) = v (N) = c Buyers and sellers (2) There are two people selling their own cars and only one potential buyer. v (0) / = v (1) = v (2) = v (3) = 0 v ({1, 3}) = v ({2, 3}) = v (N) = 1 v ({1, 2}) = 0 Giulia Bernardi Indices on cooperative games 3 dicembre 2014 3 / 25 Examples Bankruptcy Problem N = {1, . . . , n} is the set of players (i.e. of creditors), c = (c1 , . . . , cn ) such that ci is the money claimed by player i and E is the available capital; the bankruptcy condition is E < ∑i∈N ci . v (S) = max{0, E − ∑ ci } for every S ⊆ N. i∈NrS Talmud Bankruptcy Problem. A man, who was married to three wives, died and the kethubah (the money the groom should give to his bride) of the rst wife was one-hundred zuz, the one of the second wife was two-hundred zuz while the third one deserved three-hundred zuz; but the estate was three-hundred zuz. v (0) / =0 v (N) = 300 v (1) = 0 v (2) = 0 v (3) = 0 . v ({1, 2}) = 0 v ({1, 3}) = 100 v ({2, 3}) = 200 Giulia Bernardi Indices on cooperative games 3 dicembre 2014 4 / 25 Examples Weighted Majority Game Given a positive number q and non negative integers w1 , . . . , wn the game v = [q; w1 , w2 , . . . , wn ] is dened by ( 1 if w (T ) = ∑i∈T wi ≥ q v (T ) = . 0 otherwise UN Security Council 5 permanent members and 10 non permanent members. A motion is accepted if it gets at least 9 votes, including all the votes of the permanent members. v = [39; 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]. Giulia Bernardi Indices on cooperative games 3 dicembre 2014 5 / 25 Solution Solution ϕ : GN → Rn s.t. ϕi (v ) is the amount given to player i in game v . Properties: linearity: ϕ(v + w ) = ϕ(v ) + ϕ(w ) e ϕ(λ v ) = λ ϕ(v ); positivity: if v is monotonic then ϕi (v ) ≥ 0 ∀i ; eciency: ∑i∈N ϕi (v ) = v (N); symmetry: for any permutation ϑ on N ϕi (ϑ v ) = ϕϑ (i) (v ) where (ϑ v )(S) = v (ϑ (S)); dummy player: v (S ∪ {i}) = v (S) + v ({i}) for all S , then ϕi (v ) = v ({i}). Giulia Bernardi Indices on cooperative games 3 dicembre 2014 6 / 25 Solution concepts Imputation ϕ that are ecient and individually rational, i.e. I (v ) = ∑ ϕi (v ) = v (N) and ϕi (v ) ≥ v ({i}) i∈N for all i ∈ N . Core ϕ that are ecient and coalitionally rational, i.e. C (v ) = {ϕ : ∑ ϕi (v ) = v (N) and ∑ ϕi (v ) ≥ v (S) for all S ⊆ N} i∈N Giulia Bernardi i∈S Indices on cooperative games 3 dicembre 2014 7 / 25 Power indices Shapley σi (v ) = s!(n − s − 1)! [v (S ∪ {i}) − v (S)] n! S⊆Nr{i} ∑ It satises linearity, symmetry, dummy player and eciency. Banzhaf βi (v ) = ∑ S⊆Nr{i} 1 2n−1 [v (S ∪ {i}) − v (S)] It satises linearity, symmetry and the dummy player property. Giulia Bernardi Indices on cooperative games 3 dicembre 2014 8 / 25 Examples Talmud Bankruptcy Problem v (0) / =0 v (i) = 0 v (N) = 300 . v ({1, 2}) = 0 v ({1, 3}) = 100 v ({2, 3}) = 200 The Shapley value is σ1 = 50 σ2 = 100 σ3 = 150 UN Security Council v = [39; 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]. If i is a permanent member and j is a non permanent member 421 2145 53 βi (v ) = 1024 σi (v ) = Giulia Bernardi 4 2145 21 βj (v ) = 4096 σj (v ) = Indices on cooperative games 3 dicembre 2014 9 / 25 Examples Senato della Repubblica v = [161; 108, 91, 50, 20, 16, 16, 10, 10] Party Partito Democratico Popolo delle Libertà 5 Stelle Scelta Civica Lega Nord Misto Grandi Autonomie Per le Autonomie Giulia Bernardi % Seats 33.65 28.35 15.58 6.23 4.98 4.98 3.11 3.11 Shapley 33.8 26.19 21.42 5.24 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 Indices on cooperative games Banzhaf 32.14 25.00 23.21 5.36 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3 dicembre 2014 10 / 25 Probabilistic value Proabilistic value ϕ : GN → Rn that satisfies the following properties: linearity, positivity and dummy player. Theorem ϕ is a probabilistic value i for all i ∈ N there are {pSi }S⊆Nr{i} such that pSi ≥ 0, ∑S⊆Nr{i} pSi = 1 ϕi (v ) = ∑ pSi [v (S ∪ {i}) − v (S)]. S⊆Nr{i} Probabilistic + eciency =⇒ quasivalue. Probabilistic + symmetry =⇒ semivalue. Giulia Bernardi Indices on cooperative games 3 dicembre 2014 11 / 25 Semivalue Semivalue ϕ : GN → Rn linear, positive, symmetry and dummy player. Theorem ϕ is a semivalue i there are {ps }s=0,...n−1 such that ps ≥ 0, 1 n−1 p = 1 ∑n− s s=0 s ϕi (v ) = ∑ ps [v (S ∪ {i}) − v (S)]. S⊆Nr{i} Giulia Bernardi Indices on cooperative games 3 dicembre 2014 12 / 25 Other semivalues q-binomial φi (v ) = q s (1 − q)n−s−1 [v (S ∪ {i}) − v (S)] ∑ S⊆Nr{i} Regular semivalues ps > 0 for all s = 0, . . . , n − 1. Marginal Dictatorial p0 = 1 ps = 0 for all s = 1, . . . , n − 1. Giulia Bernardi ps = 0 pn−1 = 1 for all s = 0, . . . , n − 2. Indices on cooperative games 3 dicembre 2014 13 / 25 Other semivalues Modied Values m2 is dened by the If ϕ is a semivalue with coecients ps , the semivalue ϕm 1 coecients ps if s ∈ [m1 , m2 ] 2 p (n−1) ∑mj=m 1 j j ps0 = 0 otherwise. Modied Shapley: ps0 = 1 (m2 − m1 + 1) Modied Banzhaf: ps0 = Giulia Bernardi n−1 s 1 m2 n−1 ∑j=m j 1 Indices on cooperative games 3 dicembre 2014 14 / 25 Senato della Repubblica β = β07 β01 , β11 β02 , β12 β33 , β34 , β44 β24 , β35 β56 , β57 β66 , β67 PD PdL 5 Stelle Sc. Civica Altri 32.14 25 23.21 5.357 3.571 50 50 0 0 0 37.5 25 18.75 6.25 3.125 30.0 25.0 25.0 5.0 3.75 31.05 24.74 24.21 5.263 3.684 37.5 25 18.75 6.25 3.125 50 50 0 0 0 Table: Modied Banzhaf index Giulia Bernardi Indices on cooperative games 3 dicembre 2014 15 / 25 Semivalues and Biology Microarray game Let M = (mij ) be a matrix such that mij ∈ {0, 1}. For every j dene Sj = {i : mij = 1} and v j ( 1 if Sj ⊆ T j v (T ) = 0 otherwise. The microarray game associated to M is dened as v= 1 m j ∑v . m j= 1 The columns represent the patients while the rows represent the genes, that are the players of this game. mij = 1 =⇒ the gene i is abnormally expressed in patient j , mij = 0 =⇒ the gene i is normally expressed in patient j Giulia Bernardi Indices on cooperative games 3 dicembre 2014 16 / 25 Microarray Game Example 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 Giulia Bernardi v ({1}) = v ({2}) = 1 4 v ({3}) = 0 v ({1, 2}) = 3 4 v ({1, 3}) = v ({2, 3}) = 2 4 v (N) = 1 Indices on cooperative games 1 4 3 dicembre 2014 17 / 25 Semivalues and Biology Shapley and Banzhaf values give dierent rankings of genes, because they have a dierent behaviour on unanimity games. σi (uS ) = 1 s βi (uS ) = 1 2s−1 a-value ( σia (uS ) = 1 sa if i ∈ S 0 otherwise where uS is the simple game such that uS (T ) = 1 i S ⊆ T . Giulia Bernardi Indices on cooperative games 3 dicembre 2014 18 / 25 Semivalues on G G space of all nite games U universe of players. v : 2U → R and there is a niteN such that ∀S ⊂ U , v (S) = v (S ∩ N). A G - Additive games: v (S ∪ T ) = v (S) + v (T ) Semivalues on G ϕ : G → A G that satises: linearity; symmetry: ϕ ◦ ϑ = ϑ ◦ ϕ for all permutation ϑ ; monotonicity: v monotonic =⇒ ϕ(v ) monotonic; axis projection: if v ∈ A G then ϕ(v ) = v . Giulia Bernardi Indices on cooperative games 3 dicembre 2014 19 / 25 Semivalues on G Theorem ϕ is a semivalue on G i there is a probability distributiion ξ over (0, 1) such that Z ϕi (v ) = ∑ S⊆Nr{i} 0 1 n−s−1 t (1 − t) s dξ (t) [v (S ∪ {i}) − v (S)] for each game v with support N . Unanimity Game For any coalition S : Giulia Bernardi ( 1 S ⊆T uS (T ) = 0 otherwise Indices on cooperative games 3 dicembre 2014 20 / 25 Generating Semivalues Theorem The function ϕ dened on the basis of unanimity games ( αs ϕiα (uS ) = 0 if i ∈ S otherwise and extended by linearity is a semivalue on G i α1 = 1 and the sequence αs is completely monotonic. A sequence {µn }∞ n=0 is completely monotonic if µn ≥ 0 and k k (−1) ∆ µn = (−1) ∑ (−1) µn+k−j ≥ 0 j j=0 k k k j for all k, n = 0, 1, 2, . . . . Giulia Bernardi Indices on cooperative games 3 dicembre 2014 21 / 25 Proof psn n−s−1 = ∑ k=0 n−s −1 (−1)k αs+k+1 k So we get n−1 ∑ s=0 n−1 n ps = 1 ⇐⇒ α1 = 1 s psn ≥ 0 ⇐⇒ (−1)k ∆k αt ≥ 0 a-values ( σia (uS ) = 1 sa if i ∈ S 0 otherwise Shapley value if a = 1. Giulia Bernardi q-binomial values ( q s−1 if i ∈ S φi (uS ) = 0 otherwise Banzhaf value if q = 12 . Indices on cooperative games 3 dicembre 2014 22 / 25 Not regular semivalues Proposition Let {µk }+∞ k=0 be a completely monotonic sequence. Then (−1)k ∆k µn > 0 for every n, k unless the sequence is constant except at most for the rst term. A semivalue ϕ on G is regular i ϕ|N is a regular semivalue on GN for all N . A semivalue that is not regular is irregular. Irregular semivalues The irregular semivalues are generated by α = (1, q, . . . q) for any q ∈ [0, 1] and their weighting coecients are p n = (1 − q, 0, . . . , 0, q) for all n. If q = 1 we nd the marginal value. If q = 0 we nd the dictatorial value. Giulia Bernardi Indices on cooperative games 3 dicembre 2014 23 / 25 Generating Semivalues A function f (x) is completely monotonic if (−1)n f (n) (x) ≥ 0, ∀n ≥ 0. We can use completely monotonic functions to dene completely monotonic sequences: Theorem Let f (x) be a completely monotonic function in [a, +∞) and let δ be any xed positive number, then µn = {f (a + nδ )}+∞ n=0 is a completely monotonic sequence. a f (x) = e x Giulia Bernardi c f (x) = ln(b + ) x Indices on cooperative games f (x) = 1 (d + ex)γ 3 dicembre 2014 24 / 25 Bibliography Giulia Bernardi and Roberto Lucchetti. Generating semivalues via unanimity games. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, pages 112, 2014. Francesc Carreras and Josep Freixas. Semivalue versatility and applications. Annals of Operations Research, 109(1-4):343358, 2002. Pradeep Dubey, Abraham Neyman, and Robert James Weber. Value theory without eciency. Mathematics of Operations Research, 6(1):122128, 1981. Roberto Lucchetti, Paola Radrizzani, and Emanuele Munarini. A new family of regular semivalues and applications. International Journal of Game Theory, 40(4):655675, 2011. Robert James Weber. Probabilistic values for games. The Shapley Value. Essays in Honor of Lloyd S. Shapley, 1988. Giulia Bernardi Indices on cooperative games 3 dicembre 2014 25 / 25
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