Ludovica Lorusso Curriculum vitae University of Sassari Department of Political Science, Communication, Engineering and Information Technologies Viale Mancini, 5 - 07100 Sassari, Italy Home Address: Via degli Anemoni, 71 - Maristella 07041 Alghero (SS), Italy Mobile Phone: +39 329/8151709 E-mail: [email protected] Areas of Specialization and Interest Philosophy of Biology, Philosophy of Science, Visual Perception, Cognitive Psychology, Philosophy of Psychology, Human Population Genetics, Bioethics. Research Studies in Philosophy of Biology: the problem of human classification in biomedical research; the methodological and epistemological issues of phylogenetic systematics. Studies in Visual Perception and Cognitive Psychology: models of perception of similarity, dissimilarity, and kinship between faces; emotion perception. Studies in Philosophy of Psychology: the dichotomy between bottom-up theory-neutral and topdown theory-laden processes in visual perception. Scientific and Philosophical Education • 2008. PhD in Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Padova (Italy). Dissertation thesis on the epistemological and methodological issues of phylogenetic systematics. Defended, April 18th 2008. Supervisor: Prof. Giovanni Boniolo. • 2004. Masters Degree in Molecular Biology, highest honour cum laude, University of Milano (Italy). Dissertation thesis in human population genetics on the geographical correlation between mitochondrial DNA variation and languages. Supervisor: Prof. Antonio Torroni. • 2003-2004. She worked (master stage) in the Laboratory of Human Population Genetics directed by Prof. Antonio Torroni, Department of Biology and Biotechnology "Lazzaro Spallanzani", University of Pavia. • 2000-2002. She studied Molecular Biology in Milano and attended courses and seminars on Evolution, Molecular Evolution and History of Biology. • 1997-2000. She studied Chemistry at the University of Firenze (Italy). 1 Teaching Experience • • • • Lectures in Ethics and Political Philosophy at the University of Sassari (2012). Lectures in Philosophy of Biology at the University of Sassari (2009). Lectures in Philosophy of Mind and Perception at the University of Sassari (2008). Lectures in Philosophy of Science at the University of Padova (2006). Visiting Positions • • • • • Visiting Scholar, Department of Philosophy, University of San Francisco. Collaboration with Professor Quayshawn Spencer; Spring Term 2014. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, UPMC, CNRS; Collaboration with Dr. Nathalie George; Spring Term 2013. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Psychology, Royal Holloway University of London. Collaboration with Prof. Manos Tsakiris; Spring Term 2010. Visiting Scholar, Department of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Collaboration with Professor Elliott Sober; Academic Year 2006-2007. Visiting Scholar, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh; Spring Term 2006. Articles, Books and Chapters Lorusso, L. “Reconstructing the Biological Past”, book, in preparation. Lorusso, L. and Bacchini, F. “Determining Race”, under revision for Philosophy of Science (PSA 2014 Proceedings). Lorusso, L. and Grosso, E. “Similarity, dissimilarity, and kin judgment: new insights”, under revision for Perception. Lorusso, L., Pulina, L. and Grosso, E. “Perceived similarity between faces: old issues for a new method”, under revision for Review of Philosophy and Psychology. Lorusso, L. “What concept of human race in biology?”, under revision for History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences. Lorusso, L. “The Epigenetic Hypothesis and the New Biological Role of Self-Identified Racial Categories”, under revision for Critical Philosophy of Race. Lorusso L. “Complex causation in the race debate”, New Advances in Causation, Agency and Moral Responsibility, Cambridge Scholars, in press. Tajadura-Jiménez, A., Lorusso L., Tsakiris M., 2013. “Active and passive-touch during interpersonal multisensory stimulation change self-other boundaries”, Consciousness and Cognition, 22, 4: 1352-1360. Lorusso, L., 2013. “Nanotechnology, aims, and values”, Ethics & Politics, XV, 1, 272-302. 2 Lorusso L., 2012. “Problemi epistemologici ed etici nell’uso del concetto di razza nelle scienze biomediche”, Bioetica. Rivista interdisciplinare, 3, 397-409, issn: 1122-2344. Lorusso L., Brelstaff G., Pulina L., and Grosso E., 2012. “On the plausibility of a generalized model of perceived similarity between faces”, Perception, 41, 116, issn: 0301-0066. Brelstaff G., Chessa F.,Lorusso L., and Grosso E., 2012. “Reading parallel texts – augmentation and eye movements”, Perception, 41, 171, issn: 0301-0066. Lorusso L. and Grosso E., 2012. “Non Inversion of Similarity and Dissimilarity in Judging Faces”. In N. Rußwinkel, U. Drewitz & H. van Rijn (eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, Berlin: Universitaetsverlag der TU Berlin. Lorusso L., 2011. “Evolutionary Representations of Biological History”, Logic and Philosophy of Science, 1, 405-412, ISSN 1826 -1043. Lorusso L., Brelstaff G., Brodo L., Lagorio A., Grosso E., 2011. “Visual judgments of kinship: An alternative perspective”, Perception, 40, 1282-1289. Lorusso L., 2011. “The Justification of Race in Biological Explanation”, Journal of Medical Ethics, 37:535-539. Lorusso L., Brelstaff G., Grosso, E., 2011. “A new model for the visual judgement of kinship”, Proceedings of the 10th IEEE IVMSP Workshop, Ithaca, NY. Lorusso L., Brodo L., Grosso E., Brelstaff G., Lagorio A., 2010. “Are judgments of kinship from faces primed by visual similarity?”, Perception, 39, 126, issn: 0301-0066. Lorusso L., 2010. “The Concept of Race and Its Justification in Biology”, in Marcello D'Agostino, Giulio Giorello, Federico Laudisa, Telmo Pievani and Corrado Sinigaglia (edts) New Essays in Logic and Philosophy of Science, College Publications. Lorusso L. and Boniolo G., 2008. “Clustering Humans: on Biological Boundaries”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 39, 163-170. Lorusso L. e Minelli A., “La Ricostruzione Filogenetica” (“Reconstructing Phylogenies”), 2008. In Giovanni Boniolo e Stefano Giaimo, Filosofia della Biologia (Philosophy of Biology), Bruno Mondadori. Selection of Talks “The Concept of Race in the Post-Genomics Era”, with Fabio Bacchini, presented at the International Conference of the Philosophy of Science Association (PSA), 15-17 November 2012. “Against the Precautionary Principle (Especially for Nanotechnology)”, with Fabio Bacchini, IAEP (International Association of Environmental Philosophy) Conference, Rochester (NY), USA, 3-5 November 2012. “On the plausibility of a generalized model of perceived similarity between faces”, ECVP conference, Alghero 2012. 3 “Beyond the dichotomy between bottom-up and top-down: a new approach to visual perception of similarity in human faces”, ESPP conference, London 2012. “Non Inversion of Similarity and Dissimilarity in Judging Faces”, International Conference on Cognitive Modeling ICCM, Berlino 2012. “New meanings of old concepts: the case of common ancestry”, Italian Society of Logics and Philosophy of Science SILFS, Bergamo 2010. “Are judgements of kinship from faces primed by visual similarity?” European Conference on Visual Perception ECVP, Losanna 2010). “The Justification of Race in Biological Explanation” Italian Society of Logics and Philosophy of Science SILFS, Milano 2007). “Clustering Humans: Boundaries & Properties” International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology, Exeter 2007). Selection of Organized Conferences Precautionary Principle and Nanotechnology, Workshop (2 Luglio 2012), University of Sassari. Speakers: Sergio Bartolommei (Università di Pisa), Maurizio Mori (Università di Torino), PierreYves Raccah (CNRS – Université d’Orléans), Paola Savona (Università di Palermo). Nanoethics: Do We Need a New Ethics for Nanotechnology?, International Workshop (7 Agosto 2012), University of Sassari. Speakers: Fabio Bacchini (Università di Sassari), Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent (Université Paris Ouest), Arianna Ferrari (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie), Alexei Grinbaum (CEA-Saclay, Gifsur-Yvette), Brice Laurent (Centre de Sociologie de l’Innovation, Mines-ParisTech, CNRS, Paris), Ludovica Lorusso (Università di Sassari), Luca Malfatti (Università di Sassari), Tsjalling Swierstra (Universiteit Maastricht). The Social Construction of the Self, International Meeting (28-29 Settembre 2009), University of Sassari. Organized by Fabio Bacchini (Università di Sassari), Cristiano Castelfranchi (ISTC-CNR Roma), Fabio Paglieri (ISTC-CNR Roma) and Ludovica Lorusso (Università di Sassari); an event organized by the research project CONTACT – Consciousness in Interaction: The Role of the Natural and Social Environment in Shaping Consciousness, part of the ESF-EuroCORES programme CNCC – Consciousness in a Natural and Cultural Context. Event also sponsored by Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione, Università degli Studi di Siena; Facoltà di Architettura, Alghero, Università degli Studi di Sassari; Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione, CNR, Roma. The Social Self, International Summer School in Neuroscience and Philosophy of Mind (20-27 Settembre 2009), University of Sassari. Organized by Fabio Bacchini (University of Sassari), Vittorio Gallese (University of Parma), Ludovica Lorusso (University of Sassari), Corrado Sinigaglia (University of Milan), Silvano Tagliagambe (University of Sassari). List of Faculty: Salvatore Aglioti (Dipartimento di Psicologia, Università La Sapienza, Roma), José L. Bermudez (Philosophy Deparment Washington University), Gregory Currie (Department of Philosophy, University of Nottingham), Shaun Gallagher (Department of Philosophy, University of 4 Central Florida), Vittorio Gallese (Neuroscience Department, University of Parma), Peter Hobson (Institute of Child Health, UCL, London), Jessica Hobson (Institute of Child Health, UCL, London), Matteo Mameli (Department of Philosophy, King's College, London), Andrew Meltzoff (Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences, University of Washington), Georg Northoff (Laboratory of Neuroimaging and Neurophilosophy, University of Magdeburg), Vasudevi Reddy (Department of Psychology, Portsmouth University), Barry Smith (Department of Philosophy, UCL, London), Natalie Sebanz (Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig), Kim Sterelny (Victoria University, Wellington). Self and Other in Social Neuroscience and Philosophy of Mind, International Meeting (26-28 Ottobre 2008), University of Sassari. Organized by Fabio Bacchini (University of Sassari), Ludovica Lorusso (University of Sassari), Corrado Sinigaglia (University of Milan), Silvano Tagliagambe (University of Sassari); an event organized by the research project CONTACT. Event also sponsored by University of Edinburgh, and Faculty of Architecture, University of Sassari. Speakers: Johannes Brandl (Salzburg, Philosophy), Tim Crane (London, UCL, Philosophy), Elena Daprati (Roma, Cognitive Neuroscience), Frederique De Vignemont (Paris, Institut Jean Nicod, Philosophy), Nico Frijda (Amsterdam, Psychology), Shaun Gallagher (Orlando, University of Central Florida, Philosophy & Cognitive Science), Pierre Jacob (Paris, Institut Jean Nicod, Philosophy), Julian Kiverstein (Edinburgh, Philosophy), Erik Rietveld (Harvard, Philosophy), JeanMichel Roy (Lyon, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Philosophy), Corrado Sinigaglia (Milano, Philosophy), Jessica Sommerville (Washington, Psychology), Barry Smith (London, Birkbeck, Philosophy), Ed Tan (Amsterdam, Psychology), Manos Tsakiris (London, Royal Holloway, Psychology). 23 marzo 2014 5
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