Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., Suppl. n. 1 al Vol. 31 (2014) © Società Geologica Italiana, Roma 2014 CONGRESSO SGI-SIMP 2014 A revision of the hydrogeological setting of the Cassino plain from Gari to Peccia springs Saroli M.1, Lancia M.*1, Giovinco G.1, Albano M.2 & Petitta M.3 1. Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale. 2. INGV-Roma. 3. Sapienza Università di Roma. Corresponding email: [email protected] Keywords: Central-Southern Apennines, hydrogeological-modeling, numerical-simulations. The Cassino plain is located in the end-sector of the Latina Valley, between the Simbruini-Ernici-Cairo Mts. hydrostructure (NW) and the Venafro Mts. hydrostructure (NE). Both aquifers belong to the Lazio-Abruzzi domain, with limestone ranging from platform to slope facies. Terrigenous sequences as well as late-Quaternary lacustrine and fluvial deposits cover the carbonatic hydrostructures in the low-land areas. After compressional stages related to the chain-growth, extensional tectonic has intensively characterized the investigated area. Along the plain sector, the ridges of Trocchio and Porchio Mts. are made by platform limestone and they are bounded by three normal faults. Two plentiful springs with bicarbonate-calcium features are located at the plain borders: Gari spring (discharge of 13-18 m3/s, elevation of 40-30 m a.s.l.) and Peccia spring (discharge of 5 m3/s, elevation of 29-25 m a.s.l.). Starting from the 70's the outlining of the two springs recharge-areas has been under discussion. A first conceptual model (Boni & Bono, 1973; Boni et al., 1986) considers both springs as related to the Simbruini-Ernici-Cairo Mts.-Venafro Mts. hydrostructures. Furthermore the hydrogeological continuity between the springs would be ensured by underground fluxes through Trocchio and Porchio Mts. On the contrary, a second conceptual model (CASMEZ, 1979; Celico, 1979) considers the springs as disconnected; Gari spring would be fed by the Simbruini-Ernici-Cairo Mts. hydrostructure while Peccia springs would be fed by the Venafro Mt. hydrostructure. Thanks to previous works (CASMEZ, 1979; Celico, 1979; Boni et al., 1986), the gathering of unpublished borehole data (as the Western-Campania Aqueduct prospects), a revised geological and hydrogeological conceptual-model has been proposed. More specifically, compressive tectonic elements at the western side of the Cairo Mt., as well as several klippen have been recognized. Taking into account new data including piezometric surveys, a hydrogeological section has been built, from Gari to Peccia springs. Assuming an equivalent porous media and steady-state conditions, numerical simulations by means of Comsol® and Rocscience® softwares has been carried out, in order to verify the proposed conceptual model and the possible groundwater-flow continuity between the two springs through Trocchio and Porchio Mts. Boni C.F. & Bono P. 1973. Segnalazione di un gruppo di grandi sorgenti nel bacino del fiume Peccia, affluente del Garigliano. Geol. Rom. 12, 227-242. Boni C.F., Bono P. & Capelli G. 1986. Schema Idrogeologico dell’Italia Centrale. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 35, 991-1012, II Tavole. CASMEZ 1979. Progetto Speciale Intersettoriale per l'alimentazione idrica delle Regioni Abruzzo, Campania e Lazio. P.S. 29, Roma. Celico P. 1979. Considerazioni sull’idrogeologia di alcune zone dell’Italia Centro Meridionale alla luce dei risultati di recenti indagini geognostiche. Mem. e Not. Ist. Geol. Appl. Napoli 15, 1-43. 565
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