June 18 9.30 Registration opens - foyer 11.00 Aula Magna - Introduction and opening 11.30-13.00 Aula Magna – Plenary lecture, Tarja Knuuttila: ‘Modeling, Representing and Experimenting: Synthetic Genetic Circuits in the Study of Biological Organization’ 13-14.30 Lunch break Time Aula 'Conferenze' Philosophy of physics I - LAUDISA Allori: ‘Quantum Mechanics and Paradigm Shift’ Aula 'Verra' Philosophy of perception - RUSSO Bacchini: ‘A Trouble for Disjunctivism’ 15.00-15.30 Rossanese: ‘Structural Realism and Algebraic Quantum Field Theory’ 15.30-16.00 Vassallo/Ip: ‘On the Conceptual Issues Surrounding the Notion of Background Independent Bohmian Mechanics’ 16.00-16.30 Romano: ‘Decoherence and Bohmian Mechanics’ Raftopoulos: ‘Theory-Ladenness of Perception and the Evidential Role of Perception’ Ferretti: ‘Perception without Representations. Can Enactivism Really Reject Representations?’ Di Bona: ‘The Spatiality of Auditory Perception’ 14.30-15.00 Coffee break Time 17.00-17.30 Aula 'Conferenze' Philosophy of physics II - LAUDISA Garola: ‘A Proposal for a Local and Non Contextual Extension of Quantum Mechanics’ 17.30-18.00 Hubert: ‘A Common Ontology for Classical Physics and Quantum Mechanics’ 18.00-18.30 Ben-Yami: ‘Absolute Distant Simultaneity in Special Relativity’ Aula ‘Verra’ Causation - RUSSO Osimani: ‘ Causing Something to be One Way rather than Another. Genetic Information, Causal Specificity and the Relevance of Linear Order’ Casini/Andreas: ‘A Ramsey-Test Counterfactual Account of Causation’ Felline: ‘Causation, Regularities and Counterfactuals in Fundamental Physics: a Solution to the Bottoming-Out Problem’ Aula 24 Logic and applications I - MINARI Artemov/Protopopescu: ‘Intuitionistic Epistemic Logic’ Giordani: ‘Exploiting Justification Logic for Solving Gettier Problems’ Aula 26 Scientific models, scientific realism - CEI Portides: ‘Why Scientific Models Cannot Be Treated as Works of Fiction’ Pero/Suarez: ‘Varieties of Misrepresentation and Homomorphism’ Toader: ‘Believing Provable Propositions’ Giunti: ‘A Real World Semantics for Deterministic Dynamical Systems with Finitely Many Components’ Cordero: ‘Content Reduction for Robust Realism’ Casadio/Sadrzadeh: ‘Cyclic Properties from Lambek Calculus vs. Pregroups. Applications to Word Order in Natural Language’ Aula 24 Logic and applications II - MINARI Arpaia: ‘Logical Models for an Epistemology of Psychology’ Aula 26 Scientific realism and antirealism - CEI Bschir: ‘Realism, Empiricism, and Ontological Relativity. A Happy Menage a Trois?’ Paseka: ‘The Role of Linear Algebra in Logic – On the Extensions of Di Nola’s Theorem’ Chajda: ‘The Logic Representing Basic Algebras’ Alai: ‘Stars and Minds. “Empirical Realism” and Metaphysical Antirealism in Liberalized Neopositivism’ Coffey: ‘Is Underdetermination a Problem for Structural Realism?’ June 19 Time 9.30-10.00 10.00-10.30 10.30-11.00 Aula 'Conferenze' Mathematics and philosophy: historical considerations BONIOLO Bordoni: ‘On Determinism: the Debate between Mathematicians and Philosophers in France around 1880’ Guzzardi: ‘The Form of the Law. The Guiding Power of Mathematics in Ruggiero Boscovich’s Curve’ Ugaglia: ‘Potentiality and Iteration: on Aristotle’s Processual Notion of Infinity’ Aula 'Verra' Metaphysics and science I - FANO Aula 24 Logic – D’AGOSTINO Orlandelli: ‘Proof Analysis in NonNormal Deontic Logics’ Meyer: ‘Action at a Temporal Distance’ Calosi: ‘Persistence, Location and Change in Spacetime’ Carrara/De Florio: ‘Independence and Logicality’ Porello/Troquard: ‘A Logical Modeling of Artifacts’ Behaviour’ Aula 26 Philosophy of the social sciences RUSSO Fenici: ‘The Role of Social Experience in Passing the False Belief Task: Maturation, Facilitation, Attunement, or Induction?’ Borghini/Nathan: ‘Causal Mechanisms of Reinforcement in the Social Sciences’ Bianchin: ‘Towards a Cognitive Account of Collective Intentionality’ Coffee break 11.30-13.00 Aula Magna – Plenary lecture, Hannes Leitgeb: ‘The Humean Thesis on Belief’ 13.00-14.30 Lunch break Time Aula 'Conferenze' Logic, mathematics and computation: philosophical and historical issues - PIAZZA 14.30-15.00 Von Plato: ‘Wittgenstein’s Struggles with the Quantifiers’ 15.00-15.30 15.30-16.00 16.00-16.30 Coffee break Time Pistone: ‘The Synthetic Conception of Proof: from Herbrand’s Theorem to Geometry of Interaction’ Numerico: ‘The Weak Epistemological Status of Computing, Licklider’s Insight on Computers and Research: the Crucial Role of Datification’ Boccuni: ‘A Theory for Fregean Concepts and Objects’ Aula 'Conferenze' Philosophy of mathematics and truth - PIAZZA 17.00-17.30 Cieslinski: ‘The Innocence of Truth’ 17.30-18.00 Marrano/Hosni: ‘Comparing Degrees of Truth: Lessons from Utility Theory’ 18.00-18.30 Cogliandro/Ternullo: ‘On the Necessity of Large Cardinals’ 18.30-20.00 Aula Magna: General SILFS meeting 20.30 Social Dinner, Ristorante ‘La Mansarda’ Aula 'Verra' Metaphysics and science II - FANO Torrengo: ‘Metaphysical Explanations in Science’ Lam: ‘Contextual Physical Identity’ Bartels: ‘How to Bite the Bullet of Quidditism – Why the Standard Argument against Categorical Properties in Physics Fails’ Ghins: ‘Do We Need Powers to Unify the Laws of Nature?’ Aula 'Verra' Quantum logic and computation - GIUNTINI Sergioli: ‘Holistic Structures in Quantum Computation. An application to Werner and Isotropic States’ Cuffaro: ‘Quantum Computation and HowPossibly Explanation’ Cinà: ‘Connecting Categorical Quantum Mechanics and Dynamic Quantum Logic’ Aula 24 Epistemology I - CARRARA Festa/Cevolani: ‘Matthew Properties for Incremental Confirmation and the Weak Law of Likelihood’ Isaac: ‘A Group Theoretic Approach to Rational Decision Making’ Crupi: ‘A Probabilistic Account of Entailment and Refutation’ Bewersdorf: ‘Total Evidence and Uncertainty’ Aula 24 Epistemology II - CARRARA Brössel/Eder: ‘How to Resolve Doxastic Disagreement’ Klein/Marx: ‘Modeling the Dynamics of Generalized Trust. Scope and Limits of Formal, Experimental and Computational Approaches’ Battaglia/Poellinger: ‘Decision-Making in the Loop and the Moral Imitation Game' Aula 26 Topics in the philosophy of science SGARAVATTI Tripodi: 'Gendered Metaphors in the Philosophy of Science' Dolcini: ‘Self Deception without Deception’ Arcangeli/Dokic: ‘Mental Time Travel and Engaged Imaginaton’ Zipoli Caiani: ‘Do Pictures Afford Actions? A New Information-Based Account of Affordances Perception’ Aula 26 Philosophy of mind and cognition SGARAVATTI Pinna: ‘Finger-Counting and Acquisition of Numerical Skills’ Amoretti/Manzotti: ‘Some Reasons not to Be Internalists about the Physical Correlates of Consciousness’ June 20 Time 9.30-10.00 Aula 'Conferenze' Philosophy of the life sciences I - CORSI Special lecture Aula 'Verra' Philosophy of physics I - CASTELLANI Curiel: ‘Carnot Cycles and Black Holes’ Aula 24 General philosophy of science I FELLINE Sprenger: ‘Explicating Degree of Corroboration’ Badino: ‘How Typical! Genealogy of a Concept’ Scorzato: ‘A Partial but Unambiguous Characterization of Scientific Progress’ Godziszewski: ‘Yablo Paradox in Partial Semantics and Potentially Infinite Domains’ Cevolani: ‘A Better Way Out of the Preface Paradox’ Afriat: ‘Is the World Made of Loops?’ Seidel: ‘Rational Disagreement in Science without Methodological Incommensurability’ Marra: ‘For a Dynamic Account of Deontic Logic. The Miners and other Paradoxes’ SILFS BestPhD Thesis winner 10.00-10.30 S. Giaimo: ‘The Pleiotropy Theory of Ageing: Conceptual, Methodological and Empirical Issues’ 10.30-11.00 Coffee break Time 11.30-12.00 12.00-12.30 12.30-13.00 Aula 'Conferenze' Philosophy of the life sciences II – CORSI Aula 'Verra' Philosophy of Physics II - CASTELLANI Bertolaso: ‘Disentangling Context Dependencies in Biological Sciences’ Lorusso: ‘Complex Causation and Race Concepts’ Wolff: ‘Criteria of Physical Significance for Quantities in Physics’ Sus: ‘Dark Matter, the Equivalence Principle and Modified Gravity’ Germain, Ratti, Boem: ‘The Encode Project and the Function Controversy’ Strocchi: ‘Symmetries, Symmetry Breaking and Gauge Symmetries’ 13.00-14.30 Lunch break Time Aula 'Conferenze' Philosophy of the life sciences III - ARPAIA Aula 'Verra' Philosophy of Physics III - LAUDISA 14.30-15.00 Nardini: ‘Monitoring Clinical Trials: Ethics and Epistemology in Medicine’ 15.00-15.30 Tambolo: ‘Placebo Effect and the Justification of Methodological Rules’ Lalli: ‘”Geometry as a Branch of Physics”: Philosophy at Work in Howard P. Robertson’s Contributions to Relativity Theory’ Brian Pitts: ‘Historical and Philosophical Insights about General Relativity and Space-Time from Particle Physics’ 15.30-16.00 Aula 24 General philosophy of science II FELLINE Backmann: ‘Even Better Best Systems, Special Sciences and Demarcation’ Zamora Bonilla/Rodriguez Fernandez: ’The Game-Theoretic Logic of Scientific Discovery’ Manafu: ‘On the (Im)possibility of a Unified Science of Multiply Realized Kinds’ Aula 24 The nature of reasoning and beliefs CEI Bianchini: ‘Analogy between Making and Reasoning’ Crupi/Girotto: ‘Models of Rationality and the Psychology of Reasoning: from Is to Ought, and Back’ Feldbacher: ‘Meta-Inductive Strategy Selection’ Coffee break 16.30-18.00 Aula Magna - Plenary lecture, John Norton: ‘A Material Dissolution of the Problem of Induction’ Closing of the conference Aula 26 Logic I - PAOLI Aula 26 Logic II - PAOLI D’Agostini: ‘Coercive Logic. Paradoxes and Undeniable Truths’ Ledda/Gil-Férez/Tsinakis: ‘The Failure of Amalgamation Property for Semilinear Varieties of Residuated Lattices’ Negri/Sbardolini: ‘Proof Analysis for Lewis Counterfactuals’ Aula 26 Logic III - Paraconsistency - GIUNTINI Ciuni/Omori: ‘Consistency Operator, Just-True Operator and Paraconsistent Weak Kleene’ Ciuni/Carrara: ‘Logical Consequence in Paraconsistent Weak Kleene’ Piazza/Pulcini: ‘A Unified Setting for Non-Monotonicity and Paraconsistency’ June 21 Satellite Event - Workshop 'Current Trends in the Philosophy of Logic' Aula 'Conferenze' 9.30-9.45 Opening address 9.45-10.30 Hannes Leitgeb (LMU, Munich), "Probabilistic theories of type-free truth and probability" 10.35-11.20 Julien Murzi (University of Kent), "Instability and revenge" 11.20-11.50 Break 11.50-12.35 Elia Zardini (University of Barcelona), “Instability and contraction” 12.35-14.00 Lunch break 14.00-14.45 Dave Ripley (University of Connecticut), “Why I am not a noncontractivist” 14.50-15.35 Ole Hjortland (LMU, Munich): "Garson's model theoretic inferentialism" 15.35-16.05 Break 16.05-16.50 Peter Schroeder-Heister (University of Tuebingen), "Harmony in proof-theoretic semantics"
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