la divisione publishing del gruppo net la divisione

Milano, 7 Febbraio 2014
La divisione Publishing del Gruppo The Net-A-Porter annuncia il lancio di PORTER,
il primo magazine indipendente rivolto al grande pubblico “powered by Net-APorter.Com”.
Il primo numero di Porter sarà disponibile, a livello globale, nelle edicole e sul sito
( a partire da oggi, 7 febbraio, mentre
l’edizione digitale potrà essere scaricata a partire dal 14 febbraio attraverso Apple
Newsstand e Google Play.
PORTER, magazine globale che si rivolge alle donne e parla di donne, celebra la moda
così come l’arte, la cultura, la bellezza e i viaggi.
E’ pubblicato sei volte all’anno, con un’unica edizione globale in inglese.
Natalie Massenet, Founder & Executive Chairman, dichiara: “Con il lancio di PORTER
abbiamo portato a compimento l’opera di The Net-A-Porter. L’idea su cui si fonda
questa impresa editoriale era quella di lanciare un magazine per sua natura rivolto allo
shopping online, che traesse ispirazione dalle splendide riviste di moda con cui tutti
noi siamo cresciute. PORTER è la realizzazione di lunghi anni di riflessione e di tanto
sognare. Quando ho incontrato Lucy Yeomans (Editor-in-Chief, ndr) mi sono resa
conto che insieme a Tess Macleod-Smith, ora Head of Group Publishing, potevamo
dare forma all’idea che condividevamo”.
Tess Macleod-Smith aggiunge: “Il Gruppo The Net-A-Porter è in contatto oggi con
più di 8,3 milioni di donne nel mondo”. Un’audience sempre informata, caratterizzata
da elevatissimo potere d’acquisto e alto livello di educazione.
“E’ alla loro richiesta di un punto di riferimento editoriale globale che rispondiamo con
il lancio di Porter. La nostra mission in qualità di editore è di essere i primi a livello
mondiale quanto a contenuti e commercializzazione, disponibili in ogni momento,
ovunque e su tutte le piattaforme“.
Ampia copertura e visibilità a livello globale è stata data alla notizia.
Gli articoli sono disponibili ai seguenti link:!716E4E0A-6AA3-4BA4-A36CB773C0669A50
Di seguito il testo completo del comunicato ufficiale del gruppo The Net-A-Porter
The NET-A-PORTER Group’s Publishing Division announces the launch of PORTER – the
Group’s first independent consumer magazine powered by NET-A-PORTER.COM.
The first issue of PORTER will be available at newsstands globally and via NET-APORTER.COM ( from the 7th February and the
digital edition will be available to download from the 14th February via Apple Newsstand
and Google Play.
A global magazine for and about women, PORTER celebrates fashion alongside art, culture,
beauty and travel. Published six times a year, there will be one edition published globally in
English. The name PORTER has a strength, wit, elegance and intelligence that speaks to the
modern female audience and yet has a timelessness to it that suggests it could have existed
for decades. PORTER is defined by, read by and features the PORTER woman and her culture,
wherever she is in the world. The magazine is about uniting, inspiring and celebrating
international, stylish and incredible women.
Under the leadership of Editor-in-Chief Lucy Yeomans, PORTER brings together world-class
editors, writers, stylists and photographers to deliver a unique global print magazine, and
also – in the digital edition and mobile experience, powered by NET-A-PORTER – the ability
to shop and discover more about all that has inspired you within the magazine.
“Powered by NET-A-PORTER.COM” allows PORTER both world-class technical expertise
and service – the dedicated in-house mobile team has created a bespoke digital edition that
links page to purchase via NET-A-PORTER.COM – and unrivalled customer insight and
reach, thanks to the millions of women who make up the community of the e-commerce site
and are active every day across 170 different countries, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Lucy Yeomans, Editor-in-Chief, says: “Two years ago I dreamed of creating a new global
fashion magazine: a magazine that spoke to the woman of today, combining the beauty,
fantasy and authority of print magazines with the instant access and global reach of the
digital world. When I talked to Natalie Massenet it was a meeting of minds. We were on
exactly the same page and had been separately thinking of the same idea – but together
were able to bring that idea into reality. PORTER, for me, has come to stand for a chic,
intelligent, adventurous woman of the world – a latter-day Katharine Hepburn-type, if you
like – rather than just the name of a magazine. It is both for and about incredible women of
Natalie Massenet, Founder & Executive Chairman, says: "With the launch of PORTER I feel
like we have come full circle at The NET-A-PORTER Group. The founding idea for this
business was about launching a shoppable magazine online, inspired by the incredible glossy
magazines we have grown up with. PORTER is the fulfilment of many years of thinking and
dreaming. When I met Lucy Yeomans, I felt that she and Tess Macleod-Smith, our now
Head of Group Publishing, could uniquely deliver on our shared vision. We leveraged their
incredible expertise together with the infrastructure of The NET-A-PORTER Group and its 13
years of experience. When we put our minds together we created this extraordinary
magazine. I love PORTER – she is the woman I admire, respect and dream of being."
Tess Macleod-Smith, VP/Publishing Director, says: “The NET-A-PORTER Group currently
speaks to more than 8.3 million people worldwide, an audience made up of high net worth,
well-informed consumers with huge purchasing power and a love of fashion. It’s their desire
and demand for a global edit that we’re answering with the launch of PORTER. Our
publishing mission is to be world-class leaders in content and commerce, any time, anywhere
and on any platform. We are thrilled with the way the industry has reacted to this launch,
from the support of the advertising industry to the enthusiasm of the global news trade.”
Follow @PORTERmagazine on Twitter and Instagram and join the conversation with
Per ulteriori informazioni, si prega di contattare:
Chiara Polenghi Tel. +39 02 844 044 1
[email protected]
Cesanamedia s.r.l. - - è il rappresentante esclusivo per l’Italia di quotidiani,
riviste e websites internazionali, fra cui The New York Times, International New York Times,; Le Figaro,; TheTimes e The Sunday Times; Süddeutsche Zeitung; The Asahi Shimbun; Wallpaper*; ‘A’A’, L’ Architecture d’Aujourd’hui,; Marie Claire UK; De Persgroep e le testate del Gruppo Vocento in Spagna; Cicero e Monopol,, Inoltre le piattaforme digitali del gruppo The Net-A-Porter,