FORMATO EUROPEO PER IL CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL INFORMATION Name Address Telephone Fax E-mail Nationality Birthday DI GASBARRO FERNANDA Rome - Italy Mobile: +39 3357197598 Office: +39 0683040413 +39 0683040911 [email protected] Italian 1953 WORKING EXPERIENCE Company Date Sogin S.p.A. 2006-2013 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Manager Management of the strategies related to Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Fissile Materials Definition of the technical specification and management of the contracts with AREVA and NDA on transport, reprocessing and return of the residues Management of the Sogin physical inventory of nuclear materials. Management of spent fuel transports and fissile materials, national and international licensing procedures Management of the alienation of the nuclear materials and nuclear equipment under restriction Pagina 1 - Curriculum vitae di [ Di Gasbarro Fernanda ] Per ulteriori informazioni: Date 2004-2011 Project manager for the decommissioning of the ex CISE Laboratories in Segrate, Milan Alienation of wastes, small and big radioactive sources Alienation of not-irradiated fuel with Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. Erwin-TN USA Date 1999-2006 Technical management of contract tender for Transport and Reprocessing of 235 tons of Caorso, Garigliano and Trino spent fuel Management of 13 transports (26 casks) for 259 of spent fuel assemblies from Deposito Avogadro to Sellafield UK Finalization of the contract with BNFL for the transport of spent fuel to UK and supplying of two new casks NTL3MA type Alienation of nuclear components of Caorso NPP Export of materials “Dual Use” and detention of fissile material Supervision of the activities related to the NPP Nuclear Fuel and ENEA Nuclear Materials in Sogin management Management of the reprocessing contacts for Latina, Trino and Garigliano spent fuel and residues substitution contract with NDA Management of a storage contract with Deposito Avogadro S.r.L. Company Date Pagina 2 - Curriculum vitae di [ Di Gasbarro Fernanda ] Enel S.p.A 1981-1999 Alienation of the not-irradiated fuel of Caorso and Trino Nuclear Power Plants to Siemens Power Co - USA Consultant at European Commission for TACIS Program in Brussels Designing of the communication tools about Nuclear Energy Designing of data bases in energy field AP 600 design development in Westinghouse Electric Corporation – Pittsburg – USA SBWR design development in General Electric San Jose – CA USA Design of plan modifications at Caorso NPP SAR Ch. 15 for Alto Lazio NPP licensing in General Electric-CAUSA Project management of simulation models for NPP transient analysis with CISE and Ansaldo. Per ulteriori informazioni: Company Date Company Date Olivetti S.p.A. 1979-1981 Consultant in the project development for the management of the Italian beauty art opera for Italian Minister of Cultural Heritage and Minister of Interior Minister of Public Education 1976-1979 Professor of educational artistic EDUCATION AND PROFESSION May 30th, 1979 University of Rome – “La Sapienza” – Nuclear Engineer Member of the Professional Association of the Engineers of the Province of Rome MOTHER TONGUE ITALIAN OTHER LANGUAGES ENGLISH French ARTISTIC SKILL Pagina 3 - Curriculum vitae di [ Di Gasbarro Fernanda ] GOOD Elementary Drawing (human body and adorned) with pencil, tempera and watercolor painting, drawing and geometric perspective, geometry and perspective shadows Per ulteriori informazioni:
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