present in cooperation with DESIGN EXPORT LAB (14th - 24th April 2015) The Italian Trade Agency - ICE, in cooperation with the Triennale of Milan and the Venice International University Consortium, has planned and organized the first DESIGN EXPORT LAB. It consists of two distinctive and complementary steps. The first is an Educational Tour, which will start in Milan and continue in the region of Veneto, ending in the city of Venice. The second, a Master Class, organized to involve the furnishing and contract sector and to target foreign architects, designers and interior's decorators. The Educational Tour (14th - 19th April 2015) will include visits to the most prestigious manufacturers and firms. Participants will witness our traditions set in our territory, preserved and revisited by the brilliant Italian masters in the field, including “new forms” designers. Participants will also visit the most renowned locations where inspiration is drawn from, and they will have access to the headquarters of the most exclusive firms, the icons of our Made in Italy around the world. During the tour, participants will be accompanied by a tutor who will have the task of providing them with all relevant information to live an educational experience leading to a better understanding of our culture and products. At the end of the tour, for the second step, participants will attend the Master Class (20th - 24th April 2015), which will be held in the fabulous island of San Servolo in Venice. The Master is organized over a period of 5 days, with a total of 40 hours in class. Here, 10 of the most prominent and world celebrated Italian architects will present their experiences. Each architect will introduce himself through an interesting and captivating presentation, describing the importance of their relationship with the local manufacturers, underlying the importance of their brands and the role played by Italian producers in order to create the finest quality items. Every afternoon, participants will meet 25 firms among the most prestigious and innovative of their sector. These companies have reinterpreted and transformed their ideas into functional and useful products, with a special concern toward quality along the manufacturing process. Each company introduces itself pointing out its distinctiveness in the production process, materials and supply chain, operations management, emphasizing its experience in dealing with both Italian partners and in terms of international tenders response. Each company will also underline how Italians can master and combine extreme accuracy with creativity and flexibility in order to respond to different requests, customizing its response to each foreign project. Why attend? • Italian design attracts a wide range of experts from many sector, all over the world. With this program, participants will have the opportunity to meet the most important members of the leading Italian firms, together with architects and designers. • The DESIGN EXPORT LAB is organized on occasion of the world's main international trade fair, Salone del Mobile, an event that constitutes a “Must” for all the international furniture and design experts. Part of the Educational Tour will take place within the exhibition, including B2B meetings. • Having grouped together so many prestigious Italian architects and firms, makes this event unique and exclusive. • The event is organized by the Italian Trade Agency - ICE, in partnership with the Triennale of Milan and the Venice International University Consortium • The invitation pack includes round trip in economy class, hotel accomodation and meals (lunch and dinner) from the 14th to 19th April. PROGRAM OF THE EVENTS EDUCATIONAL TOUR, 14th - 19th April 14/15/16 April 2015, Milan: Visit to the Salone del Mobile International Exhibition, including B2B meetings with the most representative Italian Design companies; Attendance to the main Exhibition side events: INTERNI ENERGY FOR LIFE 2015 EXHIBITION “SPA WORLD by Simone Micheli” EXHIBITION “BIG DREAM IN A LITTLE TOWER” Inauguration ceremony in Tortona 17th April 2015, Milan: Visit of the Triennale di Milano and Triennale Design Museum; Meeting with the “New Generation architects”; Visit of the “Arts & Food Pavillon” inside the Triennale; 18th April 2015, Stra del Veneto: Visit to the Ruben Luciano's “Barchessa” offices and showroom; Transfer to the MARINA VERDE WELLNESS & RESORT; 19th April, Caorle: Visit to the prestigious residential area and to the ancient town of Caorle; guided tour of the lagoon. Transfer to Venice. MASTER CLASS, 20th - 24thApril 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 April 2015, Venice: 9,00 Welcome coffee 9,30 – 13,30 Architects' Presentation (2 sessions) List of participant Architects: Simone Micheli Maurizio Papiri Marco Piva Michele Bonan Italo Rota Massimo Josa Ghini Fabio Novembre Claudio Silvestrin Luca Scacchetti Gianpaolo Peja Denis Santachiara Ettore Mocchetti Carlo Colombo Massimo Roy Studio Archea 13,30 –14,30 Lunch – buffet 14,30 –16,30 Companies' presentation (5 sessions) List of participant Companies (see next page) D ocen za V isita e docen za AD R E N AL IN A - im b o ttiti C attolica (R N ) - Italy AQ U A W ater S ystem - cen tri b en essere M arco G ab b riellin i B T icin o - im pian ti elettrici, p lacch e V arese AN T R AX - term o arred o 3 R esana T V AV E - im p ianti elettrici, placch e R ezzato (B rescia) - Italy C L IM AV E N E T A S .p .A. - Im p ian ti area B assano del G rappa (V I) – Italy AX IA C O N T R AC T D IV IS IO N - co n tract bag n i, arred o C astelfranco V eneto (T V ) – Italy B R AN D O N I G R O U P - F oto v o ltaico - P an n elli fo to v o ltaici - E n erg ia so lare C astelfidardo (A N ) D E L C O N C A - G ress S an C lem ente (R N ) D E L L A R O V E R E - Arred o p er u ffici P esaro (P U ) E ffeitalia - tessu ti Lecco E d ilit - ed ilizia P adova (P D ) - IT A LY E q u ilib riu m - b io ed ilizia Lecco G AR V AN AR R E D AM E N T O AC U S T IC O - C asse e im p ian ti acu stici F aenza (R a) G E D Y - accesso ri b ag n o O R IG G IO (V A ) H O T L IG H T - Illu m in azio n e F irenze ID R AL - R ubinetteria G argallo (N o) IN T E R F AC E - m o q u ette M ilano L ith o s/P R AT I - p av im enti lam in ati B osco di S candiano R eggio em ilia (Italy) M IR AG E - g ress P avullo N el F rignano M odena O M N IT E C H S R L - L av orazio n e so lid su rface P onte di P iave (T V ) O K E Y P O R T E - P o rte b lin d ate M adonna dell’O lm o – C N O IK O S co lo re e m ateria - C o lo ri G atteo M are, (F C ) P O IN T E X - tessu ti C apalle (Fi) P O R C E L AN O S A G R U P O - G ress, san itari, ru b in etti, S o lid su rface S assuolo (M O ) - Italy R & C O - B arriso l, co n tract S an M artino in S trada (LO ) - Italy 3D AL L E S T IT O R E - allestim en ti S enigallia (A N ) T exilia - tendaggi/ tessuti S olaro (M I) T R AS FO R IN I L U IG I & C . S .R .L . - p o rte C odigoro (FE ) V AN N U C C I P IAN T E – G iard in i S P AZ IO 08 - L av o razio n e d el v etro M o d en a (IT ) S IG N S Y S T E M - G R AF IC A rivestim en ti film ici e p an n ellatu re E D R A sp a P erignano (P isa) - Italy E rn estom ed a S p a M ontelabbte M arche An to n io L u p i D esig n S .p .A. C erreto G uido/Firenze G ru p p o E U R O M O B IL F alzè di P iave (T V ) G LIP by S .I.L .E . - illu m in azio n e Q uinto di T reviso (T v) G S G In tern atio n al_E S S E N Z A - in fissi - Z .I. F ossatone - B ologna IG U Z Z IN I ILL U M IN AZ IO N E - Illu m in azio n e R ecanati (M C ) Id ro sistem i - im p ian ti C onegliano (T V ) M AP E I - in to n o , sigillan ti, co lle etc, M ilano - Italia M Y Y O U R - arred o in e o u t do o r G azzo (P D ) – Italy B AT T IS T E L L A + N O V AM O B ILI - co m p lem en ti d i arred o / C o n tract P ieve di S oligo T reviso O IK O S p o rte - p o rte b lin d ate G ruaro (V E ) - Italy P R E F O R M AT I IT AL IA - L av o razio n e so lid su rface, ep s C asoni di M ussolente (V I) - Italy V AL S E C C H I G ro u p - arred o P ontida B ergam o T AB U - p avim en ti lam in ati C antù (C om o) - IT A LY V E G A S Y S T E M S - facciate fo to v o ltaich e P adernello di P aese (T v) Alias sp a G rum ello del M onte Arp er sp a M onastier di T reviso V eneto G ru p p o In d u striale B u snelli S .p .a. M isinto Lom bardia K artell S p a N oviglio Lom bardi L AG O V illa del C onte V eneto L U C E P L AN M ilano M atteo g rassi S p a M ariano C om ense Lom bardia M oro so S p a C avalicco di T avagnacco M IS U R AE M M E M ariano C om ense (C om o) - Italy P o lifo rm sp a Inverigo Lom bardia Z an o tta sp a 20054 N ova M ilanese S n aid ero R in o S p a M ajano (U dine) - Italy MASTER CLASS - DESIGN EXPORT LAB 2015 APPLICATION FORM To the attention of: ITALIA TRADE AGENCY ICE-AGENZIA Via Listz,21 00142 ROMA Name and/or Company name:_____________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Telephone:______________________________ Fax: ________________________________ Tax Registration Number:________________________________________________________ Company Registration Number: __________________________________________________ Email: ___________________________ Website: ___________________________________ Domain of Activity:______________________________________________________________ Passaport N°: _________________________________________________________________ I hereby request to attend the 2015 Design Export Lab/Master Class. It is understood that the program includes a an agenda of personalized B2B meetings with selected Architects, Designers and Manufacturers. The undersigned declares to fully attend the full program as per Exhibit n° 1 (14th -24th April 2015). PARTECIPATION FEE: 5,000.00 Euro (V.A.T. - to be included where applicable) The entire amount shall be fully due (100% down payment) in advance and addressed to: ICE - Agenzia per la promozione all’estero e l’internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane. Bank: Monte dei Paschi di Siena – Sportello ICE- Agenzia – Via Listz,21 – 00144 ROMA; c/c n.184763 - IBAN IT 28 P 01030 03205 000000184763 BIC PASCITMMROM. Commercial Invoice is issued after the reception of the bank transfer. Place ___________________ Date ___________________
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