ERASMUS+ 2015: LA DIMENSIONE INTERNAZIONALE DELL’ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE Milano, 16 gennaio 2015 Gruppo 2 – Degree mobility Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees “Crossing the Mediterranean: towards Investment and Integration” (MIM) JMD Laura Cappellesso Ufficio Relazioni Internazionali 1/18 “Crossing the Mediterranean: towards Investment and Integration” (MIM) JMD • La presentazione del progetto! • La scheda del Master MIM • La storia del Master MIM • Il progetto del Master MIM e l’Erasmus+ 2/18 “Crossing the Mediterranean: towards Investment and Integration” (MIM) JMD La presentazione del progetto! • Call for proposals Erasmus+ 2014 Key Action 1 - Joint Master Degrees • Valutazione EACEA (luglio 2014): 78/100 (soglia 79,5/100) lista di riserva • EACEA: disponibilità di nuovi fondi (novembre 2014) - finanziato! • Budget: € 1,969,000 • Durata: 15/10/14-14/10/19 • N° 39 borse (13 per intake) 3/18 “Crossing the Mediterranean: towards Investment and Integration” (MIM) JMD La scheda del Master MIM • • • • Master (secondo ciclo) Itinerante e interdisciplinare 2 anni offerto congiuntamente da: Università Ca' Foscari Venezia (UNIVE, Italia) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB, Spagna) Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (UPV, Francia) • Obiettivo: migrazione, mediazione linguistica e culturale, interazione/integrazione nell’area Euro-mediterranea 4/18 “Crossing the Mediterranean: towards Investment and Integration” (MIM) JMD La scheda del Master MIM • 3 moduli didattici presso UNIVE, UAB, UPV (3 mesi ciascuno) + Corsi di lingua (italiano, francese, spagnolo, arabo, ebraico) • 3 seminari tematici (Consortium seminars) presso UNIVE, UAB, UPV • Corsi di formazione complementari (3 mesi) presso Associated Partners (Université de Sousse, Université Moulay Ismail Meknès, Université de Strasbourg) • stage (4 mesi) presso Associated Partners • tesi 5/18 “Crossing the Mediterranean: towards Investment and Integration” (MIM) JMD La scheda del Master MIM • Titoli rilasciati: Master Universitario di I livello “Mediazione Intermediterranea: investimenti e integrazione” (UNIVE) (verso Laurea Magistrale in Relazioni Internazionali) Máster Oficial “Máster Europeo en Mediación Intermediterránea: Inversión Económica e Integración Intercultural” (UAB) Master 2 Devéloppement Social, Spécialité “Migrations Inter-Méditerranéennes” (UPV) 6/18 “Crossing the Mediterranean: towards Investment and Integration” (MIM) JMD La storia del Master MIM • 15 anni e 400 diplomati! • • • • • 1996: progetto pilota Socrates a.a. 1998/99: prima edizione a.a. 1999/2000 entra a regime autofinanziamento 2003: diventa Master universitario di primo livello in Italia 7/18 “Crossing the Mediterranean: towards Investment and Integration” (MIM) JMD La storia del Master MIM • 2014: la nuova sfida! Call Erasmus+ - Key Action 1 - Joint Master Degrees Cambiamenti strutturali Nuova VISIONE Qualità 8/18 “Crossing the Mediterranean: towards Investment and Integration” (MIM) JMD Il progetto del Master MIM e l’Erasmus+ «RELEVANCE» NEEDS ANALYSIS: • Figure professionali altamente qualificate in un campo specifico • Innovatività dell’offerta formativa 9/18 “Crossing the Mediterranean: towards Investment and Integration” (MIM) JMD Il progetto del Master MIM e l’Erasmus+ «QUALITY» JOINTNESS, INTEGRATION DIMENSION del CURRICULUM 3 aree tematiche: UNIVE: AREA UMANISTICA UAB: COMUNICAZIONE E MEDIA, project management UPV: SCIENZE POLITICHE E LEGISLAZIONE E POLITICHE EUROPEE SULL’IMMIGRAZIONE • Partner Associati 10/18 YEAR 1 1) 2) 3) Module 1, Consortium seminar, language courses (UAB, September -December) 1) Project Management Techniques in Communication and Cooperation; 2) Communication, Cultural Mediation and Human Development; 3) International Development Cooperation; 4) Globalization, EuroMediterranean regional integration and migrations; 5) Research on Communication and Development in the Mediterranean. Module 2, Consortium seminar, language courses (UNIVE, January -March) 1) cultural mediation to 2) migration policies, 3) gender in the Mediterranean area, 4) cooperation and sustainable development in the Mediterranean, and in depth analysis of several countries of the Southern shore of the Mediterranean. Local seminars/workshops will be offered on Arab literature and culture. Complementary training (April - June, at associated partners): one of the following options Moroccan dialect and research methodology seminars (Université Moulay Ismail Meknes, Morocco) Standard Arabic and research methodology seminars (Université de Sousse, Tunisia); Research methodology seminar in social sciences and collaboration with CERIS – Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches sur l’Intervention Sociale (Université de Strasbourg, France) YEAR 2 Module 3, Consortium seminar, language courses (UPV, September - January) 1) European legislation and policies on immigration; 2) globalisation and development cooperation; 3) cultural mediation; 4) decentralized cooperation and its management by local authorities. Internships (February - May) Thesis (June - August) 11/18 12/18 “Crossing the Mediterranean: towards Investment and Integration” (MIM) JMD Il progetto del Master MIM e l’Erasmus+ «QUALITY» JOINTNESS, INTEGRATION DIMENSION del CONSORZIO • Consortium Agreement • Governance di Consorzio • Communication system • Procedure amministrative congiunte Iscrizione e ammissione beneficiari Selezione beneficiari • Unico budget di progetto • Monitoraggio e verifica della qualità • Piano di comunicazione congiunto 13/18 “Crossing the Mediterranean: towards Investment and Integration” (MIM) JMD Il progetto del Master MIM e l’Erasmus+ «QUALITY» JOINTNESS, INTEGRATION DIMENSION del CONSORZIO Stage = politica congiunta del consorzio per l’occupabilità 14/18 “Crossing the Mediterranean: towards Investment and Integration” (MIM) JMD Il progetto del Master MIM e l’Erasmus+ «QUALITY» JOINTNESS, INTEGRATION DIMENSION del CONSORZIO 15/18 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CIR - Consiglio Italiano Rifugiati, Roma (Italian Refugee Centre) ALDA (Association of local and democracy agencies) Strasbourg Paralleli – Istituto euromediterraneo del Nord Ovest,Torino (EuroMed Institute) Students’ Affairs Department – Al-Quds Universit MEDIA DIVERSITY INSTITUTE (London) CeTuMA (Centre de Tunis pour la Migration et l’Asile), Sousse Association ESCLAVAGE TOLERANCE ZERO, Marseille AGIR Association de Gestion Intégrée des Ressources; Al Hoceima (Morocco) Centre d' Estudis sobre Inversions i Desenvolupament Catalunya -Marroc (CERID) Fundación Tres Culturas (Seville) IEMed (Barcelona) Associació Cultural Ibn Batuta (Barcelona) Patronal de la Petita i Mitjana Empresa a Catalunya (PIMEC) (Barcelona) Fundació InterArts (Barcelona) ACSUR Las Segovias (Barcelona) Radio-Televisió Marroquina (Morocco) AMSED (Francia) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • GENERALITAT de Catalunya (Secretaria general de la Joventut) (Barcelona) Casa Árabe (Madrid y Córdoba) Museu de la Mediterrània (Torroella de Montgrí- Girona) Collegi de Periodistes de Catalunya (Barcelona) Observatorio Mediterráneo de la Comunicación (OMEC) - (BellaterraBarcelona) CEDAL (Perú) Ass. Hollaback; Istanbul (Turkey) Conseil Général de l’Hérault (Montpellier) Arc Latin (Montpellier) Cimade (Montpellier) DEFI (Montpellier) IRD (Montpellier) MSH (Montpellier) Association Nouas (Montpellier) Chambre de commerce (Montpellier) UNHCR (Geneva) UNHCR (Rabat) Fondation Anna Lindh (Alexandria) Conseil Général (Hérault) OFII (Montpellier) Embassy of Spain (Algeria) Forum-Réfugiés (Paris) IRMC (Tunis) CIMADE (Montpellier) 16/18 Il progetto del Master MIM e l’Erasmus+ «QUALITY» PROGETTI DI INTERNAZIONALIZZAZIONE Reti di scambio Master MIM - Un. di Rabat (Cooperlink MIUR, 2007) Reti di scambio Master MIM - Un. di Meknès (Cooperlink MIUR, 2008) Turismo responsabile in area mediterranea: potenziamento della rete di scambio del master MIM in Tunisia (Cooperlink, MIUR, 2012) Mediterranean Office for Youth - MOY Labelled Programme (2011) "The Euro-Mediterranean Region: Sustainability Between People and Politics" LLP – Erasmus - Curriculum Development (2010) “Mediterranean Inter-cultural Mediator Mobility - M.I.M.M. LLP – Leonardo da Vinci – People in the Labour Market (2003), M.I.M.M. 2, (2004) M.I.M.M. 3 (2005), M.I.M.M. 4 (2006) “GLObal Knowledge for an Advanced Local MANagement” (GLOKAL MAN) LLP – Leonardo da Vinci – People in the Labour Market (2007), GLOKAL MAN 2) (2008) 17/18 “Crossing the Mediterranean: towards Investment and Integration” (MIM) JMD Laura Cappellesso Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia Ufficio Relazioni Internazionali [email protected] Tel. 041 234 8054 18/18
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