il pensiero che c'è dentro le cose: in questo concetto l'essenza di Verve Sfumature di sabbia, aggregazioni di materia, geometrie artistiche ton sur ton: l'eccellenza di Verve è nella particolarità di ogni pezzo, pensato come elemento unico e irripetibile. Lo stile industriale del cemento ed il calore del cotto si sono incontrati in un mix insolito, hanno dato vita ad una collezione originale e dalle vaste possibilità applicative. Interpretare le molteplici sfumature del contemporaneo, dal residenziale agli spazi commerciali, dal recupero di spazi industriali nei contesti urbani a dimore di prestigio. Grafiche forti e stonalizzate accanto a quelle più sobrie e neutre: espressione concettuale ed estetica di una personalità versatile. Intrecci e giochi geometrici che interpretano in stile contemporaneo il gusto raffinato della classicità. CHARCOAL materie sabbiose e ossidazioni leggere GREY freddi ed essenziali, i grigi senza mezzi termini BEIGE resine chiare, rarefatte da un soffio rosato, come dentro ad una nuvola BROWN intenso, caldo, profondo, l’eleganza del marrone senza compromessi IVORY morbido e delicato, la bellezza austera dell'avorio COTTO materico, naturale, compatto e moderno PG. 2 PG. 3 PG. 4 PG. 5 art. 62003 charcoal 40x60_16"x24" art. 62009 charcoal 20x60_8"x24" art. 62057 decoro versus cold 20x60_8"x24" The thought that is within everything:this concept is the essence of Verve. art. 61925 charcoal 60x60_24"x24" art. 62003 charcoal 40x60_16"x24" art. 62009 charcoal 20x60_8"x24" Nuances of sand, materials are added, tone-on-tone artistic patterns: the excellence of Verve lies in those particular traits in each piece, a piece thought as a unique and unrepeatable item. The industrial style of concrete meets the warmth of terracotta in an exceptional mix; they have given rise to an original collection and an array of applications. To interpret the diverse nuances of contemporary taste, from residential to commercial spaces, from the restoration of industrial spaces in urban settings to luxury homes. Strong graphics in varying tones next to other simpler and more neutral ones. Expression of the conceptual and the aesthetic of a versatile personality. Intertwined geometrical patterns that revisit the refined taste of the classic under a contemporary style. PG. 6 PG. 7 PG. 8 PG. 9 art. 62167 mosaico 4,7_1.8" vintage charcoal Le sens des choses : la nature de Verve réside dans ce concept. art. 62057 decoro versus cold 20x60_8"x24" Des nuances sable, des agrégations de matière, des géométries artistiques ton sur ton: l'excellence de Verve se traduit dans la particularité de chaque pièce, pensée comme un élément unique et exceptionnel. Le style industriel du ciment et la chaleur de la terre cuite ont été unis dans un mélange insolite pour créer une collection originale permettant une multitude d'applications. Interpréter les multiples nuances du style contemporain, en allant des habitations résidentielles aux espaces commerciaux, en passant par la reconversion d'espaces industriels dans des contextes urbains en demeures de prestige. Des notes graphiques fortes et nuancées cohabitent avec des notes plus sobres et neutres: l'expression conceptuelle et esthétique d'une personnalité éclectique. Des entrelacements et des jeux de formes géométriques qui interprètent le goût raffiné du classicisme dans un style contemporain. PG. 1O PG. 11 PG. 12 PG. 13 art. 62011 grey 20x60_8"x24" art. 62059 remix dark 40x40_16"x16" art. 62065 battiscopa grey 4,8x60_1.9"x24" Der Gedanke, der in den Dingen steckt: In diesem Konzept die Essenz von Verve. art. 62013 beige 30x60_12"x24" art. 62067 gradino costa retta beige 33x60_13"x24" art. 62061 battiscopa beige 4,8x60_1.9"x24" art. 62082 battiscala sinistro beige 34,6x24,6_13.6"x9.7" Sandige Farbnuancen, Aggregation von Materie, künstlerische Geometrien ton sur ton: Die Exzellenz von Verve liegt in der Besonderheit jedes Stücks, das als einmaliges, nicht wiederholbares Element gedacht ist. Der industrielle Stil des Betons und der Eindruck von Wärme des gebrannten Tons trafen in einem ungewohnten Mix aufeinander, ließen eine originelle Kollektion entstehen, die unendliche Anwendungsmöglichkeiten bietet. Die vielzähligen Nuancen des Zeitgenössischen interpretieren, überall: in Wohnungen, Geschäftsräumen, sanierten Industriegebäuden in städtischer Umgebung oder in vornehmen Wohnsitzen. Starke, kontrastreiche Grafiken neben nüchternen, neutralen: konzeptueller und ästhetischer Ausdruck einer vielseitigen Persönlichkeit. Flechtmuster und geometrische Spiele, die in zeitgenössischem Stil den raffinierten Geschmack der Klassik interpretieren. PG. 14 PG. 15 PG. 16 PG. 17 art. 62001 beige 40x60_16"x24" art. 62171 angolo gradino c. r. destro beige 33x60_13"x24" art. 62067 gradino costa retta beige 33x60_13"x24" art. 62061 battiscopa beige 4,8x60_1.9"x24" in esterno: art. 62007 beige 20x60_8"x24" PG. 18 PG. 19 art. 61923 beige 60x60_24"x24" art. 62013 beige 30x60_12"x24" art. 62125 vintage beige 30x60_12"x24" art. 62111 mosaico 4,7_1.8" beige art. 62165 mosaico 4,7_1.8" vintage beige La idea que hay en las cosas: en este concepto está la esencia de Verve. art. 61931 vintage brown 60x60_24"x24" Tonalidades de la arena, combinación de materia, geometrías artísticas tono sobre tono: la excelencia de Verve está en la singularidad de cada pieza, pensada como un elemento único e irrepetible. El estilo industrial del cemento y la calidez del ladrillo se unieron en una mezcla inusual, para crear una colección original y con amplias posibilidades de aplicación. Interpretar los múltiples matices del estilo contemporáneo, del residencial a los espacios comerciales, de la recuperación de espacios industriales en los entornos urbanos a las viviendas de lujo. Gráficos fuertes y con variedad de tonalidades, junto a los más sobrios y neutros: expresión conceptual y estética de una personalidad versátil. Tramas y juegos geométricos que interpretan en estilo contemporáneo el refinado gusto del clasicismo. PG. 2O PG. 21 PG. 22 PG. 23 art. 61924 brown 60x60_24"x24" art. 62062 battiscopa brown 4,8x60_1.9"x24" PG. 24 PG. 25 art. 61928 ivory 60x60_24"x24" PG. 26 PG. 27 art. 61935 vintage ivory 60x60_24"x24" PG. 28 PG. 29 art. 61926 cotto 60x60_24"x24" art. 62016 cotto 30x60_12"x24" PG. 3O PG. 31 art. 62010 cotto 20x60_8"x24" art. 62064 battiscopa cotto 4,8x60_1.9"x24" 30x60_12"x24" PG. 14-15-16-17 40x60_16"x24" 20x60_8"x24" 20x60_8"x24" decoro versus cold PG. 4-5 20x60_8"x24" decoro versus cold PG. 10-11 20x60_8"x24" PG. 16-17 vintage 60x60_24"x24" PG. 2O-21 60x60_24"x24" PG. 24-25 30x60_12"x24" PG. 28-29 60x60_24"x24" PG. 18-19 60x60_24"x24" 40x60_16"x24" 20x60_8"x24" PG. 6-7 20x60_8"x24" PG. 12-13 mosaico vintage 4,7_1.8" PG. 18-19 mosaico vintage 4,7_1.8" vintage 60x60_24"x24" PG. 26-27 CHARCOAL 60x60_24"x24" PG. 28-29 vintage 30x60_12"x24" 20x60_8"x24" PG. 18-19 PG. 8-9 PG. 32 60x60_24"x24" PG. 22-23 GREY PG. 3O-31 BEIGE BROWN IVORY COTTO PG. 33 rettificato_rectified edge 62063 battiscopa charcoal 4,8x60_1.9"x24" DRY 0,76 V3 INGELIVO WET 0,73 WET 0,60 MEDIA A+B R 10 C.O.F. D. C.O.F. IMPERMEABILE RESISTE FACILE RESISTE RIVESTIMENTO PAVIMENTO POSA CON FUGA 62087 battiscala sinistro charcoal 34,6x24,6_13.6"x9.7" 62086 battiscala destro charcoal 34,6x24,6_13.6"x9.7" 61925 charcoal 60x60_24"x24" 62069 gradino costa retta charcoal 33x60_13"x24" 62003 charcoal 40x60_16"x24" 62176 angolo gradino c. r. sinistro charcoal 33x60_13"x24" 62015 charcoal 30x60_12"x24" 62113 mosaico 4,7_1.8" charcoal 30x30_12"x12" 62167 mosaico 4,7_1.8" vintage charcoal 30x30_12"x12" 62009 charcoal 20x60_8"x24" 62057 decoro versus cold (set 2 pz) 20x60_8"x24" 62059 mosaico remix dark, grey+charcoal (comp. 2 pz) 40x40_16"x16" 62175 angolo gradino c. r. destro charcoal 33x60_13"x24" 61932 vintage charcoal (6 soggetti mix) 60x60_24"x24" 62127 vintage charcoal (6 soggetti mix) 30x60_12"x24" PG. 34 PG. 35 rettificato_rectified edge 62065 battiscopa grey 4,8x60_1.9"x24" DRY 0,76 V3 INGELIVO WET 0,73 WET 0,60 MEDIA A+B R 10 C.O.F. D. C.O.F. IMPERMEABILE RESISTE FACILE RESISTE RIVESTIMENTO PAVIMENTO POSA CON FUGA 62091 battiscala sinistro grey 34,6x24,6_13.6"x9.7" 62090 battiscala destro grey 34,6x24,6_13.6"x9.7" 61927 grey 60x60_24"x24" 62071 gradino costa retta grey 33x60_13"x24" 62005 grey 40x60_16"x24" 62180 angolo gradino c. r. sinistro grey 33x60_13"x24" 62017 grey 30x60_12"x24" 62115 mosaico 4,7_1.8" grey 30x30_12"x12" 62011 grey 20x60_8"x24" 62057 decoro versus cold (set 2 pz) 20x60_8"x24" 62169 mosaico 4,7_1.8" vintage grey 30x30_12"x12" 62059 mosaico remix dark, grey+charcoal (comp. 2 pz) 40x40_16"x16" 62179 angolo gradino c. r. destro grey 33x60_13"x24" 61934 vintage grey (6 soggetti mix) 60x60_24"x24" 62129 vintage grey (6 soggetti mix) 30x60_12"x24" PG. 36 PG. 37 rettificato_rectified edge 62061 battiscopa beige 4,8x60_1.9"x24" DRY 0,76 V3 INGELIVO WET 0,73 WET 0,60 MEDIA A+B R 10 C.O.F. D. C.O.F. IMPERMEABILE RESISTE FACILE RESISTE RIVESTIMENTO PAVIMENTO POSA CON FUGA 62082 battiscala sinistro beige 34,6x24,6_13.6"x9.7" 62077 battiscala destro beige 34,6x24,6_13.6"x9.7 61923 beige 60x60_24"x24" 62067 gradino costa retta beige 33x60_13"x24" 62001 beige 40x60_16"x24" 62172 angolo gradino c. r. sinistro beige 33x60_13"x24" 62013 beige 30x60_12"x24" 62111 mosaico 4,7_1.8" beige 30x30_12"x12" 62007 beige 20x60_8"x24" 62058 decoro versus warm (set 2pz) 20x60_8"x24" 62165 mosaico 4,7_1.8" vintage beige 30x30_12"x12" 62060 mosaico remix light, ivory+beige (comp. 2 pz) 40x40_16"x16" 62171 angolo gradino c. r. destro beige 33x60_13"x24" 61930 vintage beige (6 soggetti mix) 60x60_24"x24" 62125 vintage beige (6 soggetti mix) 30x60_12"x24" PG. 38 PG. 39 rettificato_rectified edge 62062 battiscopa brown 4,8x60_1.9"x24" DRY 0,76 V3 INGELIVO WET 0,73 WET 0,60 MEDIA A+B R 10 C.O.F. D. C.O.F. IMPERMEABILE RESISTE FACILE RESISTE RIVESTIMENTO PAVIMENTO POSA CON FUGA 62085 battiscala sinistro brown 34,6x24,6_13.6"x9.7" 62083 battiscala destro brown 34,6x24,6_13.6"x9.7" 61924 brown 60x60_24"x24" 62068 gradino costa retta brown 33x60_13"x24" 62002 brown 40x60_16"x24" 62174 angolo gradino c. r. sinistro brown 33x60_13"x24" 62014 brown 30x60_12"x24" 62112 mosaico 4,7_1.8" brown 30x30_12"x12" 62008 brown 20x60_8"x24" 62058 decoro versus warm (set 2pz) 20x60_8"x24" 62166 mosaico 4,7_1.8" vintage brown 30x30_12"x12" 62173 angolo gradino c. r. destro brown 33x60_13"x24" 61931 vintage brown (6 soggetti mix) 60x60_24"x24" 62126 vintage brown (6 soggetti mix) 30x60_12"x24" PG. 4O PG. 41 rettificato_rectified edge 62066 battiscopa ivory 4,8x60_1.9"x24" DRY 0,76 V3 INGELIVO WET 0,73 WET 0,60 MEDIA A+B R 10 C.O.F. D. C.O.F. IMPERMEABILE RESISTE FACILE RESISTE RIVESTIMENTO PAVIMENTO POSA CON FUGA 62093 battiscala sinistro ivory 34,6x24,6_13.6"x9.7" 62092 battiscala destro ivory 34,6x24,6_13.6"x9.7" 61928 ivory 60x60_24"x24" 62072 gradino costa retta ivory 33x60_13"x24" 62006 ivory 40x60_16"x24" 62182 angolo gradino c. r. sinistro ivory 33x60_13"x24" 62018 ivory 30x60_12"x24" 62116 mosaico 4,7_1.8" ivory 30x30_12"x12" 62012 ivory 20x60_8"x24" 62058 decoro versus warm (set 2pz) 20x60_8"x24" 62170 mosaico 4,7_1.8" vintage ivory 30x30_12"x12" 62060 mosaico remix light, ivory+beige (comp. 2 pz) 40x40_16"x16" 62181 angolo gradino c. r. destro ivory 33x60_13"x24" 61935 vintage ivory (6 soggetti mix) 60x60_24"x24" 62130 vintage ivory (6 soggetti mix) 30x60_12"x24" PG. 42 PG. 43 rettificato_rectified edge 62064 battiscopa cotto 4,8x60_1.9"x24" DRY 0,76 V3 INGELIVO WET 0,73 WET 0,60 MEDIA A+B R 10 C.O.F. D. C.O.F. IMPERMEABILE RESISTE FACILE RESISTE RIVESTIMENTO PAVIMENTO POSA CON FUGA 62089 battiscala sinistro cotto 34,6x24,6_13.6"x9.7" 62088 battiscala destro cotto 34,6x24,6_13.6"x9.7" 61926 cotto 60x60_24"x24" 62070 gradino costa retta cotto 33x60_13"x24" 62004 cotto 40x60_16"x24" 62178 angolo gradino c. r. sinistro cotto 33x60_13"x24" 62016 cotto 30x60_12"x24" 62114 mosaico 4,7_1.8" cotto 30x30_12"x12" 62010 cotto 20x60_8"x24" 62058 decoro versus warm (set 2pz) 20x60_8"x24" 62168 mosaico 4,7_1.8" vintage cotto 30x30_12"x12" 62177 angolo gradino c. r. destro cotto 33x60_13"x24" 61933 vintage cotto (6 soggetti mix) 60x60_24"x24" 62128 vintage cotto (6 soggetti mix) 30x60_12"x24" PG. 44 PG. 45
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