LIST OF COMPETENT AUTHORITIES under Article 53 of Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2006 on shipments of waste Last update 24 March 2015 1. REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA (A) Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft (Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management) Sektion VI – Stoffstromwirtschaft, Umwelttechnik und Abfallmanagement (Department VI - Materials Flow Management, Environmental Technology and Waste Management) Tel.: +43 (0)1 51522 Fax : +43 (0)1 52522-7502 Stubenbastei 5 A - 1010 Wien Contact for legal matters: Mr. Stephanus Rescheneder (Export); Division VI/1 Ms. Claudia Neurater (Import, Transit); Division VI/1 Tel.: +43 (0)1 515 22-3501 E-fax: +43 (0)1513 1679-1286 E-mail: stephan.rescheneder@[email protected] Stephan.rescheneder@lebensministeriu Tel.: +43 (0)1 515 22-1628 E-fax: +43 (0)1513 16 79-2226 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Contact for technical matters: Ms. Sonja Löw Division VI/3 Mr. Walter Pirstinger Division VI/3 2. Tel.: +43 (0)1 51522-3520 E-fax: +43 (0)1513 1679-1196 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Tel.: +43 (0)1 51522-3519 E-fax: +43 (0)1513 1679-1265 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] BELGIUM (B) FOR TRANSIT ONLY: BE 004 Interregionale Verpakkingscommissie (IVC) Commission interrégionale de l’Emballage (CIE) Interregionale Verpackungskommission (IVC-CIE) Interregional Packaging Commission (IVC-CIE) Kunstlaan 10-11 Avenue des Arts B-1210 BRUSSELS T +32 2 2090364 F +32 2 2183022 [email protected] Brussels Capital: BE 002 BE-2 IBGE-BIM Waste Shipment Avenue du Port/Havenlaan 86C/3000 1000 BRUXELLES/BRUSSEL Tel.: (02) 775 75 01 Fax: (02) 775 75 05 E-mail: wasteshipment@environnemen [email protected] Official website : Flanders: BE 001 BE-1 OVAM, Afdeling Afvalstoffenbeheer Stationsstraat 110 B-2800 MECHELEN Marc Leemans Tel. +32/15.284.206 Fax +32/15.413.072 [email protected] For transfers of manure only: BE 001 Vlaamse Landmaatschappij - DE MESTBANK Guldenvlieslaan/Avenue de la Toison d'Or, 72 B-1060 BRUSSEL/BRUXELLES Tel.: +32 (0)2 5389040 Wallonia: BE 003 Service public de Wallonie Direction générale de l'Agriculture, des Ressources naturelles et de l'Environnement. Avenue Princes de Liège 15 5100 NAMUR. 3. Tel.: +32 (0)81 33 65 52 Fax : +32 (0)81 33 65 33 BULGARIA (BG) Ministry of Environment and Water Waste Management and Soil Protection Directorate 22, Maria Luiza Blvd. 1000 Sofia Bulgaria website: Contacts: Language acceptable: Bulgarian, English For technical issues: Olga Matova Martin Ganyushkin Lina Patarchanova Tel.: (359 2) 940 6554; (359 2) 940 6639; [email protected] Tel.: (359 2) 940 67 34; [email protected] Tel.: (359 2) 940 65 30; [email protected] Fax: (359 2) 940 6635 4. CROATIA (CR) Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection Ulica Republike Austrije 14, HR – 10 000 Zagreb Croatia Tel: +385 1 3717-111 Fax: +385 1 3717-149 website: 5. CYPRUS (CY) Environment Service Mr. Demetris Demetriou Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment Nicosia, 1411 Cyprus Tel: +35722408952 Fax:+35722774945 E-Mail: [email protected] website: 6. CZECH REPUBLIC (CZ) CZ 15 7. Ministry of the Environment Waste Management Department Vrsovicka, 65 CZ – 100 10 Praha 10 Czech Republic Jana SAMKOVA Zdenka BUBENIKOVA Tel. +420 267 122 216 Tel. +420 267 122 014 Fax: +420 267 311 545 [email protected] [email protected] DENMARK (DK) DK-001 Danish Environmental Protection Agency, EPA Soil & Waste Division Strandgade 29 1401 Copenhagen K Tel: (45) 7254 4000 Fax: (+45) 3254 8364 E-Mail: [email protected] Denmark 8. ESTONIA (EE) EE-001 Ministry of the Environment Waste Department Narva mnt 7a 15172 Tallinn Estonia Tel. : +372 680 7438 Fax : +372 680 7427 E-mail: [email protected] 9. FINLAND (FIN) FI-001 10. Finnish Environment Institute Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production P.O. Box 140 FIN-00251 HELSINKI Tel: +358 295 251 000 Fax: + 358 9 5490 2491 E-mail: [email protected] Contacts: Ms. Marja-Riitta Korhonen +358 295 251 299 Ms. Emma Nurmi +358 295 251 464 Ms. Hannele Nikander, +358 295 251 456 Ms. Kaija Rainio +358 295 251 538 Tel:+ +358 295 251 000 Fax: + 358 20 490 2491 E-mail: [email protected] FRANCE (F) Pursuant to Article 38 of Regulation (EEC) No 259/93, the French Government designates as competent authorities: – for exports or re-exports of waste to ACP States (African, Caribbean and Pacific states), the prefect of the department in which the installation that produced the waste or, where appropriate, the preprocessing installation that produced the waste is located; – for imports, the prefect of the department in which the waste disposal installation is located; – for transits, the minister responsible for the environment. Competent authority for waste transit : Phone : +33 140 81 87 76 Ministère de l'écologie, du développement fax : +33 140 81 89 69 durable et de l'énergie MEDDE/DGPR/SNQE/BPGD E-mail : Grande Arche de la Défense transitwasteshipment@develop Paroi Nord 92055 LA DEFENSE CEDEX FRANCE Competent authorities of dispatch and of destination. The French competent authority for exportation or importation is the préfecture of the département where is located the facility which produces or treats the waste. The address of this facility has a five digits code number. The two first digits of this code (or the three first digits in the case of départements d’outremer) represent the number of the département, that is to say the number of the competent préfecture. DEPARTEMENT Address e-mail Telephone Fax Language [email protected] 04 37 91 44 44 04 72 61 93 50 French French 03 22 33 66 00 03 22 33 66 22 French 04 73 34 91 00 04 73 34 91 39 French 04 91 83 63 63 04 91 79 14 19 French 04 91 83 63 63 04 91 79 14 19 French 04 91 83 63 63 04 91 79 14 19 French 04 37 91 44 44 04 72 61 93 50 French 03 ALLIER DREAL RHONE-ALPES Le Sévigné - 146, rue Pierre Corneille - 69003 LYON DREAL PICARDIE 44, rue Alexandre Dumas - 80094 AMIENS cedex 3 DREAL AUVERGNE 21, allée Evariste Gallois - 36174 AUBIERE cedex ALPES DE HAUTE 04 PROVENCE DREAL PROVENCE-ALPES-COTE D'AZUR 67/69 av.du dreal-provence-alpes-cote-d'[email protected] Prado - 13286 MARSEILLE cedex 6 05 HAUTE ALPES DREAL PROVENCE-ALPES-COTE D'AZUR 67/69 av.du dreal-provence-alpes-cote-d'[email protected] Prado - 13286 MARSEILLE cedex 6 06 ALPES - MARITIMES DREAL PROVENCE-ALPES-COTE D'AZUR 67/69 av.du dreal-provence-alpes-cote-d'[email protected] Prado - 13286 MARSEILLE cedex 6 07 ARDECHE DREAL RHONE-ALPES Le Sévigné - 146, rue Pierre Corneille - 69003 LYON 08 ARDENNES DREAL Champagne Ardenne 40 boulevard Anatole France 51022 Chalons en Champagne [email protected] 09 ARIEGE DREAL MIDI-PYRENEES Rue Michel Labrousse - 31107 [email protected] TOULOUSE cedex 10 AUBE DREAL Champagne Ardenne 40 boulevard Anatole France 51022 Chalons en Champagne 11 AUDE DREAL LANGUEDOC-ROUSSILLON "Les échelles de la French ville" ANTIGONE - 3, place Paul Bec - 34000 [email protected] 04 67 69 70 00 04 67 69 70 01 MONTPELLIER 12 AVEYRON DREAL MIDI-PYRENEES Rue Michel Labrousse - 31107 [email protected] TOULOUSE cedex 01 AIN 02 AISNE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 14 CALVADOS 15 CANTAL 16 CHARENTE CHARENTE 17 MARITIME French 05 62 14 90 00 05 62 14 90 01 French [email protected] DREAL PROVENCE-ALPES-COTE D'AZUR 67/69 av.du dreal-provence-alpes-cote-d'[email protected] 13 BOUCHES DU RHONE Prado - 13286 MARSEILLE cedex 6 DREAL BASSE-NORMANDIE Le Pentacle - Avenue de Tsukuba - 14209 HEROUVILLE ST CLAIR DREAL AUVERGNE 21, allée Evariste Gallois - 36174 AUBIERE cedex DREAL POITOU-CHARENTES Rue de la Goelette 86280 SAINT BENOIT DREAL POITOU-CHARENTES Rue de la Goelette 86280 SAINT BENOIT 03 51 41 64 40 03 51 41 62 02 03 51 41 64 40 03 51 41 62 02 French 05 62 14 90 00 05 62 14 90 01 French 04 91 83 63 63 04 91 79 14 19 French [email protected] 02 31 46 50 00 02 31 46 50 66 [email protected] 04 73 34 91 00 04 73 34 91 39 [email protected] 05 49 38 30 00 49 38 30 30 [email protected] 05 49 38 30 00 49 38 30 30 French French French DEPARTEMENT e-mail Telephone [email protected] 02 38 41 76 00 02 38 56 43 31 18 CHER Address DREAL CENTRE 6, rue Charles de Coulomb - 45077 ORLEANS cedex 2 19 CORREZE DREAL LIMOUSIN 15, place Jourdan - 87000 LIMOGES [email protected] 20A CORSE DU SUD DREAL CORSE Immeuble de la Ponta - Rés. D'Ajaccio [email protected] Rue Nicolas Peraldi - 20000 AJACCIO Fax Language French 22 COTES D'ARMOR DREAL CORSE Immeuble de la Ponta - Rés. D'Ajaccio [email protected] Rue Nicolas Peraldi - 20000 AJACCIO DREAL BOURGOGNE 15/17 Av. Jean Bertin - 21000 [email protected] DIJON cedex DREAL BRETAGNE 9, rue du Clos Courtel - 35043 [email protected] RENNES cedex 23 CREUSE DREAL LIMOUSIN 15, place Jourdan - 87000 LIMOGES [email protected] 05 55 11 84 00 05 55 32 19 84 French French 04 95 23 70 70 04 95 22 26 40 French 04 95 23 70 70 04 95 22 26 40 French 03 80 29 40 00 03 80 29 40 93 French 02 99 87 43 21 02 99 87 43 03 05 55 11 84 00 05 55 32 19 84 French 24 DORDOGNE DREAL AQUITAINE 42, rue du Gal de Larminat -B.P. 55 [email protected] - 33035 BORDEAUX 05 56 00 04 00 05 56 00 04 98 25 DOUBS DREAL FRANCHE-COMTE 21b, rue Alain Savary - B.P. [email protected] 1269 - 25005 BESANCON 03 81 41 65 00 03 81 53 00 81 26 DROME DREAL RHONE-ALPES Le Sévigné - 146, rue Pierre Corneille - 69003 LYON [email protected] 04 37 91 44 44 04 72 61 93 50 [email protected] 02 35 52 32 00 02 35 52 32 32 [email protected] 02 38 41 76 00 02 38 56 43 31 [email protected] 02 99 87 43 21 02 99 87 43 03 20B HAUTE CORSE 21 COTE D'OR French French French French 30 GARD DREAL HAUTE-NORMANDIE 21, rue de la Porte des Champs - 76037 ROUEN cedex DREAL CENTRE 6, rue Charles de Coulomb - 45077 ORLEANS cedex 2 DREAL BRETAGNE 9, rue du Clos Courtel - 35043 RENNES cedex DREAL LANGUEDOC-ROUSSILLON "Les échelles de la ville" ANTIGONE - 3, place Paul Bec - 34000 MONTPELLIER 31 HAUTE - GARONNE DREAL MIDI-PYRENEES Rue Michel Labrousse - 31107 [email protected] TOULOUSE cedex 05 62 14 90 00 05 62 14 90 01 32 GERS DREAL MIDI-PYRENEES Rue Michel Labrousse - 31107 [email protected] TOULOUSE cedex 05 62 14 90 00 05 62 14 90 01 27 EURE 28 EURE ET LOIR 29 FINISTERE 33 GIRONDE 34 HERAULT 35 ILLE-ET-VILAINE French French French [email protected] 04 67 69 70 00 04 67 69 70 01 French French French DREAL AQUITAINE 42, rue du Gal de Larminat -B.P. 55 [email protected] 05 56 00 04 00 05 56 00 04 98 - 33035 BORDEAUX DREAL LANGUEDOC-ROUSSILLON "Les échelles de la French ville" ANTIGONE - 3, place Paul Bec - 34000 [email protected] 04 67 69 70 00 04 67 69 70 01 MONTPELLIER DREAL BRETAGNE 9, rue du Clos Courtel - 35043 French [email protected] 02 99 87 43 21 02 99 87 43 03 RENNES cedex DEPARTEMENT e-mail Telephone [email protected] 02 38 41 76 00 02 38 56 43 31 [email protected] 02 38 41 76 00 02 38 56 43 31 [email protected] 04 37 91 44 44 04 72 61 93 50 37 INDRE-ET-LOIRE Address DREAL CENTRE 6, rue Charles de Coulomb - 45077 ORLEANS cedex 2 DREAL CENTRE 6, rue Charles de Coulomb - 45077 ORLEANS cedex 2 38 ISERE DREAL RHONE-ALPES Le Sévigné - 146, rue Pierre Corneille - 69003 LYON 39 JURA DREAL FRANCHE-COMTE 21b, rue Alain Savary - B.P. [email protected] 1269 - 25005 BESANCON 36 INDRE 40 LANDES 41 LOIR-et-CHER 42 LOIRE 43 LOIRE (haute) French French 03 81 41 65 00 03 81 53 00 81 French 05 56 00 04 00 05 56 00 04 98 02 38 41 76 00 02 38 56 43 31 French French [email protected] 04 37 91 44 44 04 72 61 93 50 [email protected] 04 73 34 91 00 04 73 34 91 39 French French 45 LOIRET DREAL PAYS DE LA LOIRE 2, rue Alfred Kastler - La Chantrerie - B.P. 30723 6 44037 NANTES cedex 03 DREAL CENTRE 6, rue Charles de Coulomb - 45077 ORLEANS cedex 2 46 LOT DREAL MIDI-PYRENEES Rue Michel Labrousse - 31107 [email protected] TOULOUSE cedex 44 LOIRE-ATLANTIQUE Language French French DREAL AQUITAINE 42, rue du Gal de Larminat -B.P. 55 [email protected] - 33035 BORDEAUX DREAL CENTRE 6, rue Charles de Coulomb - 45077 [email protected] ORLEANS cedex 2 DREAL RHONE-ALPES Le Sévigné - 146, rue Pierre Corneille - 69003 LYON DREAL AUVERGNE 21, allée Evariste Gallois - 36174 AUBIERE cedex Fax [email protected] 02 51 85 80 00 02 51 85 80 44 [email protected] 02 38 41 76 00 02 38 56 43 31 French French 05 62 14 90 00 05 62 14 90 01 48 LOZERE French DREAL AQUITAINE 42, rue du Gal de Larminat -B.P. 55 [email protected] 05 56 00 04 00 05 56 00 04 98 - 33035 BORDEAUX DREAL LANGUEDOC-ROUSSILLON "Les échelles de la French ville" ANTIGONE - 3, place Paul Bec - 34000 [email protected] 04 67 69 70 00 04 67 69 70 01 MONTPELLIER 49 MAINE ET LOIRE DREAL PAYS DE LA LOIRE 2, rue Alfred Kastler - La Chantrerie - B.P. 30723 6 44037 NANTES cedex 03 [email protected] 02 51 85 80 00 02 51 85 80 44 50 MANCHE DREAL BASSE-NORMANDIE Le Pentacle - Avenue de Tsukuba - 14209 HEROUVILLE ST CLAIR [email protected] 02 31 46 50 00 02 31 46 50 66 47 LOT-et-GARONNE 51 MARNE 52 HAUTE MARNE DREAL Champagne Ardenne 40 boulevard Anatole France 51022 Chalons en Champagne DREAL Champagne Ardenne 40 boulevard Anatole France 51022 Chalons en Champagne French French French [email protected] 03 51 41 64 40 03 51 41 62 02 French [email protected] 03 51 41 64 40 03 51 41 62 02 Address e-mail Telephone 53 MAYENNE DREAL PAYS DE LA LOIRE 2, rue Alfred Kastler - La Chantrerie - B.P. 30723 6 44037 NANTES cedex 03 [email protected] 02 51 85 80 00 02 51 85 80 44 MEURTHE-ET54 MOSELLE DREAL LORRAINE 15, rue Claude Chappé - B.P. 95038 [email protected] - 57071 METZ cedex 3 DEPARTEMENT 55 MEUSE 56 MORBIHAN 57 MOSELLE 58 NIEVRE DREAL LORRAINE 15, rue Claude Chappé - B.P. 95038 [email protected] - 57071 METZ cedex 3 DREAL BRETAGNE 9, rue du Clos Courtel - 35043 [email protected] RENNES cedex DREAL LORRAINE 15, rue Claude Chappé - B.P. 95038 [email protected] - 57071 METZ cedex 3 DREAL BOURGOGNE 15/17 Av. Jean Bertin - 21000 [email protected] DIJON cedex 60 OISE DREAL NORD-PAS-DE-CALAIS 941, rue Charles Bourseul -B.P. 750 - 59507 DOUAI cedex DREAL PICARDIE 44, rue Alexandre Dumas - 80094 AMIENS cedex 3 61 ORNE DREAL BASSE-NORMANDIE Le Pentacle - Avenue de Tsukuba - 14209 HEROUVILLE ST CLAIR 59 NORD Fax French 03 87 56 42 00 03 87 76 97 19 French 03 87 56 42 00 03 87 76 97 19 02 99 87 43 21 02 99 87 43 03 French French 03 87 56 42 00 03 87 76 97 19 French 03 80 29 40 00 03 80 29 40 93 French [email protected] 03 27 71 20 20 03 27 88 30 36 [email protected] 03 22 33 66 00 03 22 33 66 22 [email protected] 02 31 46 50 00 02 31 46 50 66 French French French 63 PUY-DE-DOME DREAL NORD-PAS-DE-CALAIS 941, rue Charles Bourseul -B.P. 750 - 59507 DOUAI cedex DREAL AUVERGNE 21, allée Evariste Gallois - 36174 AUBIERE cedex [email protected] 04 73 34 91 00 04 73 34 91 39 PYRENEES64 ATLANTIQUES DREAL AQUITAINE 42, rue du Gal de Larminat -B.P. 55 [email protected] - 33035 BORDEAUX 05 56 00 04 00 05 56 00 04 98 62 PAS-DE-CALAIS Language French [email protected] 03 27 71 20 20 03 27 88 30 36 French French French DREAL MIDI-PYRENEES Rue Michel Labrousse - 31107 [email protected] 05 62 14 90 00 05 62 14 90 01 65 HAUTES-PYRENEES TOULOUSE cedex DREAL LANGUEDOC-ROUSSILLON "Les échelles de la French PYRENEESville" ANTIGONE - 3, place Paul Bec - 34000 [email protected] 04 67 69 70 00 04 67 69 70 01 66 ORIENTALES MONTPELLIER French 67 BAS RHIN DREAL ALSACE SRT - 2 route d'Oberhausbergen BP 81005/F - 67070 Strasbourg Cedex [email protected] 03 88 13 05 00 68 HAUT RHIN DREAL ALSACE SRT - 2 route d'Oberhausbergen BP 81005/F - 67070 Strasbourg Cedex [email protected] 03 88 13 05 00 69 RHONE DREAL RHONE-ALPES Le Sévigné - 146, rue Pierre Corneille - 69003 LYON [email protected] 04 37 91 44 44 04 72 61 93 50 70 HAUTE-SAONE DREAL FRANCHE-COMTE 21b, rue Alain Savary - B.P. [email protected] 1269 - 25005 BESANCON 71 SAONE ET LOIRE DREAL BOURGOGNE 15/17 Av. Jean Bertin - 21000 French French [email protected] French 03 81 41 65 00 03 81 53 00 81 03 80 29 40 00 03 80 29 40 93 French e-mail Telephone 72 SARTHE DREAL PAYS DE LA LOIRE 2, rue Alfred Kastler - La Chantrerie - B.P. 30723 6 44037 NANTES cedex 03 [email protected] 02 51 85 80 00 02 51 85 80 44 73 SAVOIE DREAL RHONE-ALPES Le Sévigné - 146, rue Pierre Corneille - 69003 LYON [email protected] 04 37 91 44 44 04 72 61 93 50 [email protected] 04 37 91 44 44 04 72 61 93 50 [email protected] 01 53 73 53 73 01 53 71 57 22 [email protected] 02 35 52 32 00 02 35 52 32 32 [email protected] 01 44 59 47 47 01 44 59 47 00 [email protected] 01 44 59 47 47 01 44 59 47 00 [email protected] 05 49 38 30 00 49 38 30 30 [email protected] 03 22 33 66 00 03 22 33 66 22 DEPARTEMENT 74 HAUTE SAVOIE 75 PARIS Address DIJON cedex DREAL RHONE-ALPES Le Sévigné - 146, rue Pierre Corneille - 69003 LYON STIIC (Préfecture de Police) 12/14 Quai de Gesvres 75195 PARIS R.P. Fax French French French French French 80 SOMME DREAL HAUTE-NORMANDIE 21, rue de la Porte des Champs - 76037 ROUEN cedex DREAL ILE-DE-France 10, rue Crillon -75100 PARIS cedex 4 DREAL ILE-DE-France 10, rue Crillon -75100 PARIS cedex 4 DREAL POITOU-CHARENTES Rue de la Goelette 86280 SAINT BENOIT DREAL PICARDIE 44, rue Alexandre Dumas - 80094 AMIENS cedex 3 81 TARN DREAL MIDI-PYRENEES Rue Michel Labrousse - 31107 [email protected] TOULOUSE cedex 05 62 14 90 00 05 62 14 90 01 82 TARN ET GARONNE DREAL MIDI-PYRENEES Rue Michel Labrousse - 31107 [email protected] TOULOUSE cedex 05 62 14 90 00 05 62 14 90 01 83 VAR DREAL PROVENCE-ALPES-COTE D'AZUR 67/69 av.du dreal-provence-alpes-cote-d'[email protected] Prado - 13286 MARSEILLE cedex 6 04 91 83 63 63 04 91 79 14 19 84 VAUCLUSE DREAL PROVENCE-ALPES-COTE D'AZUR 67/69 av.du dreal-provence-alpes-cote-d'[email protected] Prado - 13286 MARSEILLE cedex 6 04 91 83 63 63 04 91 79 14 19 76 SEINE MARITIME 77 SEINE ET MARNE 78 YVELINES 79 DEUX-SEVRES French French French French 86 VIENNE 87 HAUTE VIENNE DREAL LIMOUSIN 15, place Jourdan - 87000 LIMOGES [email protected] French French French [email protected] 02 51 85 80 00 02 51 85 80 44 [email protected] 05 49 38 30 00 49 38 30 30 French 89 YONNE DREAL LORRAINE 15, rue Claude Chappé - B.P. 95038 [email protected] - 57071 METZ cedex 3 DREAL BOURGOGNE 15/17 Av. Jean Bertin - 21000 [email protected] DIJON cedex TERRITOIRE DE 90 BELFORT DREAL FRANCHE-COMTE 21b, rue Alain Savary - B.P. [email protected] 1269 - 25005 BESANCON 88 VOSGES French French DREAL PAYS DE LA LOIRE 2, rue Alfred Kastler - La Chantrerie - B.P. 30723 6 44037 NANTES cedex 03 DREAL POITOU-CHARENTES Rue de la Goelette 86280 SAINT BENOIT 85 VENDEE Language 05 55 11 84 00 05 55 32 19 84 French French 03 87 56 42 00 03 87 76 97 19 French 03 80 29 40 00 03 80 29 40 93 French 03 81 41 65 00 03 81 53 00 81 DEPARTEMENT e-mail Telephone [email protected] 01 44 59 47 47 01 44 59 47 00 [email protected] 01 53 73 53 73 01 53 71 57 22 [email protected] 01 53 73 53 73 01 53 71 57 22 [email protected] 01 53 73 53 73 01 53 71 57 22 [email protected] 01 44 59 47 47 01 44 59 47 00 95 VAL D'OISE Address DREAL ILE-DE-France 10, rue Crillon -75100 PARIS cedex 4 STIIC (Préfecture de Police) 12/14 Quai de Gesvres 75195 PARIS R.P. STIIC (Préfecture de Police) 12/14 Quai de Gesvres 75195 PARIS R.P. STIIC (Préfecture de Police) 12/14 Quai de Gesvres 75195 PARIS R.P. DREAL ILE-DE-France 10, rue Crillon -75100 PARIS cedex 4 971 GUADELOUPE DREAL GUYANE-GUADELOUPE-MARTINIQUE Immeuble du service de l'Industrie et des Mines - Pointe [email protected] Buzare - B.P. 7001- 97307 CAYENNE cedex 972 MARTINIQUE DREAL GUYANE-GUADELOUPE-MARTINIQUE Immeuble du service de l'Industrie et des Mines - Pointe [email protected] Buzare - B.P. 7001- 97307 CAYENNE cedex 973 GUYANE DREAL GUYANE-GUADELOUPE-MARTINIQUE Immeuble du service de l'Industrie et des Mines - Pointe [email protected] Buzare - B.P. 7001- 97307 CAYENNE cedex 91 ESSONNE 92 HAUTS DE SEINE 93 SEINE SAINT DENIS 94 VAL DE MARNE 974 REUNION Fax French French French French [email protected] French 00 594 29 75 33 00 594 29 07 34 French 00 594 29 75 33 00 594 29 07 34 French 00 594 29 75 33 00 594 29 07 34 00 262 28 08 82 00 262 29 37 31 French French 976 MAYOTTE DREAL REUNION B.P. 12 - 97490 SAINTE CLOTILDE Préfecture de Saint Pierre et Miquelon Bureau de l'environnement et du cadre de vioe, BP 4200 , 97500 SAINT-PIERRE Préfecture de Mayotte BP 20 97610 DZAOUDZI (MAYOTTE) NOUVELLE 988 CALEDONIE Haut Commissariat NOUMEA BP 25026 Nouvelle Calédonie 00 687 26 63 00 00 687 27 28 28 POLYNESIE FRANCAISE Ministrede l'environnement de la Polynésie Française BP 2551 PAPEETE TAHITI 00 689 42 44 13 00 689 45 02 53 WALLIS ET FUTUNA Assemblée territoriale des îles Wallis et Futuna BP 31 Mata-Utu WALLIS ET FUTUNA 00 681 72 25 04 00 681 72 20 54 SAINT PIERRE ET 975 MIQUELON Language French 00 508 41 28 01 00 508 41 25 46 French 00 269 60 10 54 00 269 60 18 50 French French French Competent authority of Transit Competent Authority of Transit Address E-mail Ministère de l'écologie, du développement durable et de l'énergie Grande Arche de la Défense [email protected] 01 40 81 87 76 01 40 81 89 69 French/English Paroi Nord DGPR/SPNQE 92055 La Défense cedex France Phone Fax Languages 11. GERMANY (D) Transit Deutschland / Germany DE 005 Umweltbundesamt Tel: +49-340-2103 Anlaufstelle Basler Übereinkommen Wörlitzer Platz 1 06844 Dessau-Roßlau -0 -3459 -3612 -3296 -3507 -2281 -3045 -3792 -3039 Fax: +49-340-2103 [email protected] -3103 Export / Import Baden-Württemberg DE 008 SAA Sonderabfallagentur Baden-Württemberg GmbH Postfach 4251 70719 Fellbach Tel.: +49-711-951961 Fax: +49-711-951961 [email protected] -0 -66 -15 Bayern / Bavaria DE 026 Regierung von Oberbayern Maximilianstraße 39 80534 München Tel: +49-89-2176 -0 -2748 -2582 -2987 -2661 -2456 -2144 -2355 Fax: +49-89-2176 -2858 [email protected] [email protected] Bayern / Bavaria DE 027 Regierung von Niederbayern Regierungsplatz 540 84028 Landshut Tel: +49-871-808 -0 -1818 -1804 -1821 -1842 -1890 -1841 Fax: +49-871-808 -1859 [email protected] [email protected] Tel: +49-941-5680 -0 -818 -824 -813 -847 -846 Fax: +49-941-5680 -899 [email protected] DE 028 Regierung der Oberpfalz Postfach 93039 Regensburg DE 029 Regierung von Oberfranken Sachgebiet 55.1 Ludwigstr. 20 95444 Bayreuth Tel: +49-921-604 DE 030 Regierung von Mittelfranken Postfach 606 91511 Ansbach Tel: +49-981-53 -0 -1764 -1357 -1438 Fax: +49-921-604 -4764 -4357 -4438 [email protected] -0 -1943 -1601 -1611 -1689 Fax: +49-981-53 -1773 [email protected] DE 031 Regierung von Unterfranken Tel: +49-931-380 Peterplatz 9 97070 Würzburg Fax: +49-931-380 -0 -1277 -1268 -2277 -2268 [email protected] - 13 - Bayern / Bavaria DE 032 Regierung von Schwaben Fronhof 10 86152 Augsburg Tel: +49-821-327 -01 -2511 -2240 -2420 -2373 -2383 -2303 -2355 Fax: +49-821-327 -2289 [email protected] Berlin DE 006 Senatsverwaltung für Gesundheit, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz Brückenstraße 6 10179 Berlin Tel: +49-30-9025 -0 -2158 -2188 Fax: +49-30-9025 -2979 [email protected] Brandenburg DE 015 SBB Sonderabfallgesellschaft Brandenburg/Berlin mbH Großbeerenstraße 231 14480 Potsdam Tel: +49-331-2793 -0 -38 -32 Fax: +49-331-2793 -8038 -8032 [email protected] Bremen DE 007 Der Senator für Umwelt, Bau und Verkehr Ansgaritorstraße 2 28195 Bremen Tel: +49-421-361 -0 -59 353 -4585 -9434 Fax: +49-421-361 -9515 [email protected] - 14 - Hamburg DE 009 Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt Abteilung Abfallwirtschaft Neuenfelder Str. 19 21109 Hamburg Tel: +49-40-42828 -0 -4245 -4297 -4148 Fax: +49-40-42840 -4355 [email protected] Hessen / Hesse DE 010 Regierungspräsidium Darmstadt Wilhelminenstraße 1-3 64278 Darmstadt Tel: +49-6151-12 -0 -6155 -6158 -5384 -5396 -8123 Fax: +49-6151-12 -3450 [email protected] DE 011 Regierungspräsidium Gießen Abteilung Umwelt Marburger Straße 91 35296 Gießen Tel: +49-641-303 -0 -4312 -4324 -4329 Fax: +49-641-303 -4349 [email protected] DE 012 Regierungspräsidium Kassel Tel: +49-561-106 -0 Dez.32 Abfallwirtschaft -3773 Steinweg 6 -3775 34117 Kassel Fax: +49-561-106 -3771 [email protected] Zuständige Behörde für Untertageanlagen der K+S Kali GmbH (UTD Herfa-Neurode, UTV Hattorf, UTV Winterhall/Competent authority for underground facilities DE 013 Regierungspräsidium Kassel Tel: +49-6621-406 -6 Dezernat 34 Bergaufsicht -885 Hubertusweg 19 36251 Bad Hersfeld Fax: +49-6621-406 -708 [email protected] Mecklenburg-Vorpommern / Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania - 15 - Mecklenburg-Vorpommern / Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania DE 049 Landesamt für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Geologie Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Goldberger Str. 12 18273 Güstrow Tel: +49-3843-777 -0 -540 -546 Fax: +49-3843-777 -9540 -9546 [email protected] Niedersachsen / Lower Saxony Zuständige Behörde für alle Abfälle mit Ausnahme der unten genannten Competent authority for all wastes except the wastes mentioned below DE 014 Niedersächsische Gesellschaft zur Endablagerung von Sonderabfall mbH Postfach 4447 30044 Hannover Tel: +49-511-3608 -0 -207 -206 -208 -205 Fax: +49-511-3608 -211 [email protected] Zuständige Behörde für Klärschlamm (AC 270) zur landwirtschaftlichen Verwertung (R10) und für Abfälle zur Verwertung in Biogasanlagen (Variante von R3) / Competent authority for sewage sludge (AC 270) for use in agriculture (R10) and waste for use in biogas facilities (kind of R3) DE 047 Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen Mars-La-Tour-Str. 1-13 26121 Oldenburg Tel: +49-441-801 -0 -785 -786 Fax: +49-441-801 -778 [email protected] Nordrhein-Westfalen - North Rhine-Westphalia DE 016 Bezirksregierung Arnsberg Postfach 59817 Arnsberg - 16 - Tel: +49-2931-82 -0 -2606 -2633 -2627 -2558 Fax: +49-2931-82 -46183 [email protected] Mecklenburg-Vorpommern / Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania DE 017 DE 018 Bezirksregierung Detmold Dezernat 52 Abfallwirtschaft / Bodenschutz Leopoldstr. 15 32756 Detmold Tel: +49-5231-71 Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf Cecilienallee 2 40474 Düsseldorf Tel: +49-211-475 Fax: +49-5231-71 -0 -5203 -5232 -5233 -5299 [email protected] -0 -5799 -5796 -2476 -2474 Fax: +49-211-475 -2988 [email protected] DE 019 Bezirksregierung Köln Zeughausstr. 2-10 50667 Köln Tel: +49-221-147 -0 -3476 -3416 -3415 -3422 -3649 -3745 -4599 Fax: +49-221-147 -2895 -3595 [email protected] DE 020 Bezirksregierung Münster Dezernat 52 Nevinghoff 22 48147 Münster - 17 - Tel: +49-251-411 -0 -1246 -1650 -1558 -1557 Fax: +49-251-411 -1338 [email protected] Rheinland-Pfalz / Rhineland-Palatinate DE 021 Sonderabfall-ManagementGesellschaft mbH Wilhelm-TheodorRömheld-Straße 34 55130 Mainz Tel: +49-6131-98298 -0 -60 Fax: +49-6131-98298 [email protected] -61 Saarland DE 024 Landesamt für Umwelt und Arbeitsschutz Saarland Don-Bosco-Straße 1 66119 Saarbrücken Tel: +49-681-8500 Fax: +49-681-8500 [email protected] -0 -1262 -1410 Sachsen / Saxony DE 022 Landesdirektion Dresden Stauffenbergallee 2 01099 Dresden Tel: +49-351-825 -0 -4340 -4341 -4345 -4332 -4346 -4344 -4343 -4331 Fax: +49-351-825 -9999 [email protected] Sachsen-Anhalt / Saxony-Anhalt Zuständige Behörde für alle Anlagen außer für Untertageanlagen Competent authority for all facilities except of underground facilities DE 040 Landesverwaltungsamt Sachsen-Anhalt (LVwA) Referat 401 Dessauer Straße 70 06118 Halle/Saale Tel: +49-345-514 -0 -2267 -2230 Fax: +49-345-514 -2466 [email protected] Zuständige Behörde für Untertageanlagen / Competent authority for underground facilities DE 043 Landesamt für Geologie und Tel.: +49-39265-53 -0 Bergwesen (LAGB) -140 Köthener Straße 38 -148 06118 Halle/Saale -133 Fax: +49-39265-53 -910 [email protected] - 18 - Schleswig-Holstein DE 025 Gesellschaft für die Organisation der Entsorgung von Sonderabfällen mbH Saalestraße 8 24539 Neumünster Tel: +49-4321-9994 Fax: +49-4321-9994 [email protected] -0 -18 -22 -99 Thüringen / Thuringia DE 023 12. GR001 Thüringer Landesverwaltungsamt Referat 430 Weimarplatz 4 99423 Weimar Tel: +49-361-3773 -00 -7865 -7891 Fax: +49-361-377 -7851 [email protected] GREECE (GR) Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works Environmental Planning Division 147 Patission str. 112 51 ATHENS GREECE - 19 - Tel. : +30 210 865 3294 +30 210 866 3722 Fax : +30 210 866 3693 13. HUNGARY (HU) Name of the Hungarian Competent Authority, Focal Point for the physical Languages acceptable checks National Inspectorate for Environment and Nature Attila Ábrahám Head of Section Hungarian - English Tel.: +36 (1) 22 49 100 Fax: +36 (1) 22 49 163 E-Mail: [email protected] Mail: 1539 Budapest, Pf. 675 Location: 1016 Budapest, Mészáros utca 58/A. 14. IRELAND (IRL) Under the Waste Management (Shipment of Waste) Regulations 2007, from 12 July 2007, Dublin City Council is designated as the Competent Authority of Dispatch in respect of the export of waste from the State, the Competent Authority of Destination in respect of the import of waste into the State, and the Competent Authority of Transit in respect of the passage of waste in transit through the State. For purposes of the TFS Regulations, Dublin City Council has established the National TFS Office, address: IE31 National TFS Office, The contacts within the National TFS Office are: Dublin City Council, 68-71 Marrowbone Lane, Martina Duignan (TFS Co-ordinator): (353) (1) 2224235 fax (00 353) (1) 454 4830 Dublin 8, Frank Melia: (353) (1) 2224347 Republic of Ireland. Vivienne Ahern: (353) (1) 2224467 Eblana House, [email protected] The website address is as follows: ty/your_home/waste_services/national_tfs _office/ - 20 - 15. ITALY (I) VALERIA SORCI (FOCAL POINT) Direzione Qualità della Vita – Divisione V Tel 0039 0657225216 Fax 0039 0657225291 e-mail [email protected] COMPETENT AUTHORITY OF TRANSIT Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Tel. : +39 06 57225216 Fax : +39 06 57225291 Territorio Direzione per la Qualità della Vita E-mail : [email protected] Responsible: D.ssa Valeria Sorci Via C.Colombo, 44 00147 ROMA - 21 - IMPORT/EXPORT COMPETENT AUTHORITIES: Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano Agenzia Provinciale per la protezione dell'ambiente e tutela del lavoro Ufficio gestione rifiuti Sig. Ivo Puntscher via Amba Alagi, 35 39100 BOLZANO Tel. : +39 0471 411890 Fax : +39 0471 411889 E-mail : [email protected] Provincia Autonoma di Trento Agenzia Provinciale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente Settore Tecnico Suolo – U.O. Tutela del Suolo Dott. L. Sighel Via Mantova, 16 38 100 TRENTO Tel. : +39 0461 497758 Fax : +39 0461 236574 E-mail : [email protected] REGIONE ABRUZZO Tel.: +39 085 7672535 Fax.: +39 085 7672585 E-mail: [email protected] Direzione Turismo Ambiente Energia Dott. A. Celardo Via Passolanciano, 75 65100 PESCARA REGIONE BASILICATA: Provincia di POTENZAAmbienteIng. A. Tel: + 39 0971 650603 Santoro Fax : + 39 0971 650181 P.zza delle Regioni E-mail: 85100 POTENZA [email protected] Provincia di MATERA Ambiente Tel: + 39 0835 306280 Dr. S. Vito Valentino Fax : +39 0835 306294 Via Ridola 60 E-mail: [email protected] 75100 MATERA - 22 - REGIONE CALABRIA Dipartimento Politiche dell’Ambiente Dipartimento 14, Settore 54 Ufficio Ecologia Dipartimento 5, Servizio 2 Arch. Luciano Pelle Via delle Repubbliche Marinare 88100 CATANZARO Tel. : +39 0961 32960 Fax : +39 0961 747882 REGIONE CAMPANIA: Settore Tecnico Amministrativo Provinciale Ecologia AVELLINO Dott. Guido Vegliante Centro Direzionale Collina Liquorini AVELLINO Tel.: +39 0825 765606 Fax: +39 0825 765469 E-mail: [email protected] Settore Provinciale Ecologia BENEVENTO Dott. Antonello Barretta Piazza Gramazio n.1 Centro Direzionale Santa Colomba 82100 BENEVENTO Tel.: +39 0824 364229 Fax: 0824 364234 E- mail: [email protected] Settore Tecnico Amministrativo Provinciale CASERTA Settore Provinciale Ecologia Tutela Tel.: +39 0823 554260/262 dell’Ambiente, Disinquinamento e Protezione Fax: +39 0823 554250 E- mail: Civile di Caserta [email protected] Dott.ssa Lucia Pagnozzi Centro Direzionale S. Benedetto Via Arena CASERTA Settore Tecnico Amministrativo Provinciale Ecologia NAPOLI Dott. Gaetano Colella Centro Direzionale Isola C5 80143 NAPOLI Tel.: +39 081 7968936/48 Fax +39 081 7968501 E – mail: [email protected] - 23 - Settore Tecnico Amministrativo Provinciale Ecologia SALERNO Dott. Antonio Setaro Via Tanagro 12 SALERNO Tel.: +39 089 3075813 Fax.: +39 089 3075812 E- mail: [email protected] REGIONE AUTONOMA FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA: PROVINCIA DI TRIESTE Servizio Tutela del Territorio Tel: +39 040 3798516 Funzione Ambiente Fax: +39 040 3798233 Responsabile Dott.Paolo Plossi E –mail:[email protected] Via S. Anastasio, n. 3 34132 TRIESTE PROVINCIA DI PORDENONE Settore Tutela Ambientale – Servizio gestione Tel.: +39 0434 231378/1377 rifiuti Fax.: +39 0434 231372 Dott. Sergio Cristante/Dott.ssa Sylvia Mion E-mail: L.go San Giorgio, 12 [email protected] 33170 PORDENONE PROVINCIA DI UDINE Direzione D’Area Ambiente – Servizio Risorse Tel.: +39 0432 279865/854 Ambientali Fax.:+39 0432 279859 Francesco Pecile/Dott. C. Zoratti P.zza Patriarcato, n.3 33100 UDINE E-mail: [email protected] PROVINCIA DI GORIZIA Direzione Territorio e Ambiente Tel.: +39 0481 385242 Dir.Ing. F. Gabrielcig/Arch. F. Lenarduzzi Corso Italia, 55 34170 GORIZIA Fax.:+39 0481 385495 - 24 - E-mail: [email protected] REGIONE EMILIA ROMAGNA: Provincia DI BOLOGNA Settore Ambiente Ufficio Impianti Rifiuti e BonificheDott. Gabriele Bollini /Dott. Salvatore Gangemi Tel.: +39 051 6598888 /6598542 Fax.: +39 051 6598883 E-mail : [email protected] Strada Maggiore, 80 45125 BOLOGNA Provincia DI FERRARA Settore Ambiente Ing. P. Magri/Dott.ssa D. Cavicchi Corso Giovecca,146 44100 FERRARA Tel.: +39 0532 299541/557 Fax.: +39 0532 299553 E-mail: [email protected] Provincia DI FORLI’-CESENA Servizio Ambiente e Sicurezza del Territorio Ufficio Pianif. E Gestione Rifiuti Responsabile della P.O. Rifiuti Dr. Elmo Ricci P.zza Morgagni, 9 47100 FORLI’ Tel.: +39 0543 714213 Fax: +39 0543 714213 E-mail: [email protected]ì Provincia di MODENA Settore Difesa del Suolo e Tutela dell’Ambiente Dott. G. Rompianesi Via J. Barozzi, 340 41100 MODENA Tel.: +39 059 209418 Fax: +39 059 209409 E-mail: [email protected] Provincia di PARMA Servizio Ambiente Difesa del Suolo e Forestazione Dott.ssa A. Gambini Piazzale della pace, 1 43100 PARMA Tel.: +39 0521 931605 Fax.: +39 0521 931853 E-mail: [email protected] Provincia di PIACENZA Valorizzazione e Tutela dell’Ambiente D. ssa Anna Olati Corso Garibaldi, 50 29100 PIACENZA - 25 - Tel.: +39 0523 795480 Fax.: +39 0523 795450 E-mail:[email protected] Provincia di RAVENNA Settore Ambiente e Suolo Dott. S. Naldi/ Ing.Francesca Chemeri P. zza dei Caduti per la Libertà, 2/4 48100 RAVENNA Tel.: +39 0544 258210/258214 Fax.: +39 0544 258014 E-mail [email protected] [email protected] Provincia di REGGIO EMILIA Servizio Tutela Ambientale D.ssa A. Sansone /Dott. G. Liuzzi Corso Garibaldi, 59 42100 REGGIO EMILIA Tel.: +39 0522 444203/232 Fax.: +39 0522 444248 E-mail : [email protected] Provinicia di RIMINI Servizio Ambiente Dott.ssa Viviana De Podestà Dott. Daniele Salvatori Via D. Campana, 64 47900 RIMINI Tel.: +39 0541 716334 /219 Fax.: +39 0541 716296 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] REGIONE LAZIO Dipartimento Territorio Direzione Regionale Energia e Rifiuti Dott. Luca Fegatelli Tel. : +39 06 51688659 Fax : +39 06 51688953 E-mail: [email protected] Area Rifiuti D2/2W/01 Viale Caravaggio, 99 00147 ROMA REGIONE LIGURIA: Provincia di GENOVA Area 8 – Ambiente-Ufficio Suolo Avv. R. Giovanetti/D.ssa P. Fontanella Largo F. Cattanei, 3 16147 GENOVA Tel.: +39 010 5499615/5499612 Fax.: +39 010 5499821/813 E-mail: [email protected] Provincia di LA SPEZIA Tel.: +39 0187 742263 Fax.: +39 0187 742285 E-mail:[email protected] Amministrazione ambientale Ing. R. Serafini Via V. Veneto, 2 19100 LA SPEZIA - 26 - Provincia di IMPERIA Settore Tutela dell’Ambiente Avv. Danilo Sfamurri V.le Matteotti 147 18100 IMPERIA Tel. : +39 0183 704323 Fax : +39 0183 704410 Email: [email protected] Provincia di SAVONA Settore Tutela dell’Ambiente Ing. Vincenzo Gareri Via Sormano, 12 17100 SAVONA Tel. : +39 0198313329 Fax : +39 0198313269 E-mail: [email protected] REGIONE LOMBARDIA Reti e Servizi di pubblica utilità Unità Organizzativa “Reti ed infrastrutture” Trasporti transfrontalieri U.O. Gestione Rifiuti Sig.ra Beduschi Via Pola, 12 20124 MILANO Tel. : +39 0267656760 Fax : +39 0267655591 E-mail: [email protected] REGIONE MARCHE Tel. : +39 0718063525 Servizio Ambiente e Paesaggio P.F. Salvaguardia, Sostenibilità e Cooperazione Fax : +39 0718063012 E-mail Ambientale [email protected] Arch. I. Cioni Via Tiziano, 44 60125 ANCONA REGIONE MOLISE Servizio Prevenzione e Tutela Ambiente Ing. Antonio Campana Via D’Amato 3 86100 CAMPOBASSO - 27 - Tel. : +39 0874 424612 Fax : +39 0874 424633 E-mail: [email protected] REGIONE PIEMONTE: Província di ALESSANDRIA Direzione Pianificazione Difesa del Suolo – VIAServizi Tecnici-SIT-Servizio Gestione Rifiuti Ing. C.Coffano/ Sig. Roberto Pagano Via Galimberti, 2 15100 ALESSANDRIA Tel.: +39 0131 – 304565/304758 Fax: +39 0131- 304708 E-mail: [email protected] Província di ASTI Tel.: 0039 (0)141-433322 Fax: 0039 (0)141/433316 E.mail: [email protected] Servizio Ambiente Dott. A. Marengo Piazza Alfieri, 33 14100 ASTI Província di BIELLA Settore Tutela Ambientale ed Agricoltura Servizio Smaltimento Rifiuti Dott. M. Fornaro Via Quintino Sella, 12 13900 BIELLA Tel.: 0039 (0)15-8480784 Fax: 0039 (0)15-8480740 E-mail: [email protected] Província di CUNEO Tel.: +39 0171-445808 Fax: +39 0171 445560 E-mail: [email protected] Area funzionale del territorio Dott. L. Fantino/Ing. G. Cavallo Corso Nizza, 21 12100 CUNEO Província di NOVARA Tel.: 0039 03213785416 Fax: 0039 0321378453 E-mail: [email protected] Tutela e sviluppo del territorio Dott. Guerrini Piazza Matteotti 1 28100 NOVARA Província di TORINO Area Ambiente, Parchi, Risorse Idriche e Tutela della Fauna Ing. Pier Franco ArianoCorso Inghilterra 7/9 10138 TORINO - 28 - Tel.: 0039 (0)11 8616820 Fax: 0039 (0)11 8616975 E-mail: [email protected] Província del VERBANO CUSIO OSSOLA Tel.: 0039 0323 4950252 Fax: 0039 0323 4950274 E-mail: [email protected] Ambiente e Georisorse Servizio suolo rifiuti e bonifiche Ing. Claudio Giannoni Via dell’Industria, 25 28924 VERBANIA Província di VERCELLI Tel.: 0039 0161 590439/590441 Fax: 0039 0161 255570 E-mail: casale Assessorato Ambiente Settore Tutela Ambientale D.ssa Zarantorello/Dott.ssa Casale Via XX Settembre, 45 13100 VERCELLI REGIONE PUGLIA: Provincia DI FOGGIA Assessorato Ambiente e Territorio Dott. Giovanni D’Attoli P.zza XX Settembre, 20 Tel: 0881/791826 Fax 0881/791815 FOGGIA Provincia DI BRINDISI Tel: 0831/565218 Fax 0831/565473 E-mail : [email protected] .it Servizio Ecologia Dott.ssa AnnaMaria Attolini P.zza S. Teresa, n. 3 72100 BRINDISI Provincia DI BARI Servizio Ambiente Dott. Casavola Via Amendola n. 189 BARI Tel: 080/5412610 E-mail : [email protected] Provincia DI LECCE Servizio Rifiuti, Scarichi emissioni e controllo impianti Ing. D. Corsini Via Umberto I 73100 LECCE - 29 - Tel: 0832: 683662 Fax: 0832/683707 E-mail : [email protected] Provincia DI TARANTO Settore Ecologia – Ambiente Dott. L.Romandini Lago di Bolzena n. 2 74100 TARANTO Tel: 099/7320105 Fax: 099/7354892 REGIONE SARDEGNA: Provincia di CAGLIARI 15.1.1.Assessorato all’Ambiente e Territorio Settore Ecologia e Protezione Civile Ing. Ignazio Farris Via Cadello, 9/ b 09121 CAGLIARI 15.1.2. Difesa del Tel. +39 070 4092821 Fax +39 070 4092865 E - mail: [email protected] Provincia DI OLBIA – TEMPIO Settore Ambiente e Valorizzazione del Territorio Dott. Alberto Zangirolamo Via Nanni 17-19 07026 OLBIA Provincia DI CARBONIA - IGLESIAS Assessorato Ambiente Ing. Palmiro Pitzulu Via Fertilia, 40 09013 CARBONIA (CI) Provincia DEL MEDIO CAMPIDANO Assessorato Ambiente Ing. Pierandrea Bandinu Via Paganini, n. 22 09025 SANLURI Provincia DELL’OGLIASTRA Servizio Ambiente Ing. Giuseppina Carrus Via Pietro Pistis 08045 LANUSEI Tel. +39 0789 557769 Fax +39 0789 557778 E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: +39 0781 66951 Fax +39 0781 670821 E - mail: [email protected] Tel.: +39 0709 356412 Fax +39 0709 356496 E - mail: [email protected] Tel: +39 0782 473661 Fax :+39 0782 41053 Email:[email protected] - 30 - Provincia DI SASSARI Settore VIII Ambiente e Agricoltura Dott.De Luca Giuseppe Piazza D’Italia, n.31 07100 SASSARI Provincia DI ORISTANO Settore Ambiente Ing. Piero Dau Via Liguria, n. 61 09170 ORISTANO Tel: +39 079 2069481 Fax :+39 079 206926 E - mail: [email protected] Tel: +39 0783314403 Fax :+39 0783314418 E - mail: [email protected] Provincia DI NUORO Assessorato Ambiente Dott. Giovanni Deiana P.zza Italia n. 22 08100 NUORO Tel.: +39 0784238822 Fax +39 0784232814 E - mail: [email protected] REGIONE SICILIANA Tel.: +39 091 6759232 Agenzia Regionale per i Rifiuti e le Acque – Settore Rifiuti e Bonifiche Avv. Giorgio Colajanni Fax: +39 091 342871 Via Catania, 2 E-mail: [email protected] 90141 PALERMO REGIONE TOSCANA: Provincia di AREZZO Area Territorio e Servizio Ambiente Dott. P. Lucci Via San Lorentino, 25 52100 AREZZO Tel.: +39 05753354299 Fax.: +39 05753354307 E-mail: [email protected] Provincia di FIRENZE Gestione rifiuti e bonifiche siti inquinati Dott.ssa Francesca Forni /L. Pampaloni Via Mercadante, 42 50129 FIRENZE Tel.: +39 055 2760809 /055 2760841 Fax.: +39 055 2768092 E-mail: [email protected] Provincia di GROSSETO Settore Sviluppo e Tutela del Territorio e Area Tel.: +39 0564484814/484806 Fax.: +39 0564484802 Ambiente Ing. M. Canova / Dr. Poggioni E-mail: [email protected] Via Aurelia Nord, 217 58100 GROSSETO - 31 - Provincia di LIVORNO Arch. R. Serra c/o Provincia di Livorno P.zza del Municipio, 4 57123 LIVORNO Tel.: +39 0586257463 Fax.: +39 0586839551 E-mail: [email protected] Provincia di LUCCA Servizio Ambiente Ing. R. Pagni P.zza Napoleone, 1 55100 LUCCA Tel. : +39 0583 417235 Fax : +39 0583 55926 E-mail: [email protected] Provincia di MASSA CARRARA Settore Ambiente e Trasporti Servizio Rifiuti Ing. Giuliano Arrighi /Ing. L. Calvi Tel. : +39 0585 8168278 /8168279 Fax : +39 0585 8168283 E-mail: [email protected] Via Marina Vecchia n. 78 54100 MASSA (MS) Provincia di PISA Tel. : +39 050 929685 Fax : +39 050 502680 E-mail: : [email protected] Servizio Ambiente D.ssa L. Pioli P.zza Vittorio Emanuele II, 14 56100 PISA Provincia di PISTOIA Settore Tutela dell’Ambiente Dott. G. Ariberti Merendi P.zza San Leone, 1 PISTOIA Tel. : +39 0573 372041 Fax : +39 0573 372024 E-mail: [email protected] Provincia di PRATO Tel.: 0039 0574 534321 Fax.: 0039 0574 534228 E-mail:[email protected] U.O.C. Tutela Ambiente Dr.N. Stramandinoli via G. Pisano,12 59100 PRATO - 32 - Provincia di SIENA Tel.: +39 0577 241630 Fax.: +39 0577 241626 E-mail: [email protected] Amministrazione Provinciale di Siena Servizio Ambiente Dott. P. Casprini/D.ssa G. Torpigliani Via Massetana, 106 SIENA REGIONE UMBRIA Ufficio difesa del suolo, dell’ambiente e infrastrutture I Settore Ing. F. Cicchella P.zza Partigiani, 1 06100 PERUGIA Tel.: +39 0744 484258 Fax: +39 0744 484255 E-mail: [email protected] REGIONE AUTONOMA VALLE D’AOSTA Assessorato Regionale Territorio Ambiente e Opere Pubbliche Dipartimento Territorio, Ambiente e Risorse Idriche – Ufficio Tutela dell’Ambiente Sig.ra Ines Mancuso Loc. Amerique, 33 QUART (AO) Tel.: +39 0165 776817 Fax: +39 0165 776843 E-mail: [email protected] REGIONE VENETO Segreteria Regionale all’Ambiente Dott.ssa L. Salvatore Direzione Regionale Tutela dell’Ambiente Calle Priuli, 99 30121 VENEZIA 16. LATVIA (LV) LV 001 17. Tel.: +39 041 2792159/2667 Fax: +39 041 2792445 E-mail: [email protected] State Environmental Service of Latvia, Rupniecibas iela 23, LV-1045, Riga, Latvia Tel: +371 67084200 Fax: +371 67084212 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] LITHUANIA (LT) Environmental Protection Agency A. Juozapavičiaus st.9 LT – 09311 Vilnius, Lithuania - 33 - Tel: +370 52662808 Fax: +370 52662800 E-mail: [email protected] 18. LUXEMBOURG (LUX) LU001 19. Administration de l'Environnement Division des déchets 1, avenue du Rock'n'Roll L-4361 Esch-sur-Alzette Luxembourg Tel: 00 352 405656-310/405656-311 Fax: 00352 49 62 56/49 64 38 [email protected] MALTA (MT) Competent Authority of transit, dispatch and destination MT 00 Malta Environment and Planning Authority Waste Management Team Resources Management Unit P.O. Box 200, Marsa GPO 01 MALTA Tel: (+356) 2290 5004 / 2290 1535 / 2290 0000 Fax: (+356) 2290 5011 E-mail : [email protected] Official website: Competent Authority of dispatch MT 01 Malta Environment and Planning Authority Waste Management Team Resources Management Unit P.O. Box 200, Marsa GPO 01 MALTA Tel: (+356) 2290 5004 / 2290 1535 / 2290 0000 Fax: (+356) 2290 5011 E-mail : [email protected] Official website: Competent Authority of destination MT 10 Malta Environment and Planning Authority Waste Management Team Resources Management Unit P.O. Box 200, Marsa GPO 01 MALTA 20. Tel: (+356) 2290 5004 / 2290 1535 / 2290 0000 Fax: (+356) 2290 5011 E-mail : [email protected] Official website: THE NETHERLANDS (NL) NL 001 ILT/Handhavingsbeleid/EVOA en Besluiten vergunningverlening Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu P.O. Box 24062 3502 MB UTRECHT The Netherlands Visiting address: Graadt van Roggenweg 500 3531 AH UTRECHT The Netherlands - 34 - Tel.: +31 88 489 00 00 Fax: +31 70 456 20 98 E-mail: [email protected] Fax movemnt docs.:+31 88 602 90 51 Website: (English) 21. POLAND (PL) PL 22. Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente Rua da Murgueira, 9/9A Zambujal Apartado 7586 2611-865 Amadora Ministry of Environment and Water Management Aleea Lacul Morii nr. 151 Sector 6, cod 060841 Bucharest Romania Elena Dumitru SK Tel.: +351 21 472 8200 Fax: +351 21 471 9074 E-mail: [email protected] ROMANIA (RO) National Environmental Protection Agency 24. tel. +48 22 5792 271 (head of unit) +48 22 5792 363 (notifications) +48 22 5792 249 (illegal shipments) +48 22 5792 296 (movement documents) +48 22 5792 280 (end-of-life vehicles) fax +48 22 5792 302E-mail: [email protected] PORTUGAL (PT) PT 23. Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection Division of Transboundary Movement of Waste Wawelska St 52/54 PL-00922 Warsaw Tel.: (40 21) 493 43 50 (40 746) 22 66 55 Fax: (40 21) 493 43 50 E-Mail: [email protected] TEL/FAX +40 21 316 02 98, email: [email protected] SLOVAKIA (SK) Name of the Slovakian Competent Authority Ministry of the Environmental of the Slovak Republic Waste Management Department Postal address Námestie Ľ. Štúra 1 812 35 Bratislava Slovak Republic [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] e-mail address(es) Telephone number +421 2 6020 1677 +421 2 6428 2677 Fax number +421 (2) 6020 1678 +421 (2) 6428 6691 Slovak Official languages acceptable to the competent authorities Head of the Waste Management Department Slovak Competent Authority websites 25. Mrs. Eleonóra Šuplatová SLOVENIA (SI) Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia Vojkova 1b, SI-1000 Ljubljana Tel: (+386-1) 478-4000 4535 4521 4507 4541 Fax: (+386-1) 478-4051 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]; [email protected] 26. SPAIN (ES) Competent Authorities of Dispatch and Destination for shipments between Spain and other EU Member States. * Ceuta and Melilla: Subdirección General de Producción y Tel: (+34) 91 5976000 Consumo Sostenibles Tel: (+34) 91 5976868 Dirección General de Calidad y Evaluación Ambiental Fax: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino Plaza de San Juan de la Cruz, s/n 28071 Madrid - 36 - 91 5975938 E-mail: [email protected] * Autonomous Community of Andalucía: Dirección General de Prevención y Tel: (+34) 95 5003400 Calidad Ambiental Fax: (+34) 95 5003779 Consejería de Medio Ambiente E-mail: Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía dgpca.cma@junta de Casa Sundheim Avda. Manuel Siurot, 50 41071 SEVILLA * Autonomous Community of Aragón: Dirección General de Calidad Ambiental y Cambio Climático Tel: (+34) 976 714834 Departamento de Medio Ambiente Fax: (+34)976 714836 Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón E-mail: Pº María Agustín 36 50071 ZARAGOZA * Autonomous Community of Asturias: Dirección General de Agua y Calidad Ambiental Tel: (+34) 985 105903 Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Ordenación Fax: (+34) 985 105770 del Territorio e Infraestructuras E-mail: Comunidad Autónoma de Asturias [email protected] c/ Coronel Aranda, 2 33005 OVIEDO * Autonomous Community of Baleares: Dirección General de Calidad Ambiental Tel: (+34) 971 176800 Consejería de Medio Ambiente Fax: (+34)971 176801 Comunidad Autónoma de Baleares E-mail: [email protected] Avda. Gabriel Alomar y Villalonga, 33 07071 PALMA DE MALLORCA * Autonomous Community of Canarias: Servicio de Residuos y Control de la Contaminación Consejería de Medio Ambiente Tel.: (+34) 928 306563 Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias Fax: (+34)928 306575 E-mail: [email protected] c/ Profesor Agustín Millares Carló nº 18 35071 – LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA * Autonomous Community of Cantabria: Dirección General de Medio Ambiente Tel: (+34) 942 202330 Consejería de Medio Ambiente Fax: (+34) 942 202392 c/ Lealtad, 24 E-mail: [email protected] 39002 SANTANDER - 38 - * Autonomous Community of Castilla-La Mancha: Dirección General de Calidad y Tel: (+34) 925 286706 Sostenibilidad Ambiental Consejería de Industria, Energía y Medio Ambiente Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha Avda. Río Estenilla, s/n 45071 TOLEDO * Autonomous Community of Castilla y León: Servicio de Control de la Gestión de los Residuos Tel: (+34) 983 419186 Consejería de Medio Ambiente Fax: (+34) 983 419854 Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla y León E-mail: c/ Rigoberto Cortejoso, nº 1 [email protected] 47014 VALLADOLID * Autonomous Community of Cataluña: Agencia de Residuos de Cataluña Tel: (+34) 93 5673300 Departamento de Atención Ciudadana Fax: (+34)93 2049938 Generalitad de Cataluña E-mail: [email protected]ña c/ Dr. Roux, nº 80 08017 BARCELONA - 39 - * Autonomous Community of Extremadura: Dirección General de Medio Ambiente Tel:(+34) 924 002342 Consejería de Agricultura y Medio Ambiente Fax: (+34)924 002443 Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura E-mail: [email protected] Avda. de Portugal, s/n. 06800 MERIDA (Badajoz) * Autonomous Community of Galicia: Dirección General de Calidad y Evaluación Ambiental Tel: (+34) 981 541045 Consejería de Medio Ambiente Fax: (+34)981 541100 Junta de Galicia E-mail: c/ San Lázaro, s/n. [email protected] 15781 SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (La Coruña) * Autonomous Community of La Rioja: Dirección General de Calidad Ambiental Tel: (+34) 941 291374 Consejería de Turismo, Medio Ambiente y Política Territorial Fax: (+34) 941 291705 E-mail: Gobierno de La Rioja [email protected] c/ Prado Viejo, 62 bis. 26071 LOGROÑO * Autonomous Community of Madrid: - 40 - Dirección General de Medio Ambiente Área de Planificación y Gestión de Residuos Tel: (+34) 91 5804591 Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Vivienda Fax: (+34)91 5804595 Ordenación del Territori E-mail:[email protected] c/ Princesa, 5 28008 MADRID * Autonomous Community of Murcia: Consejería de Agricultura y Agua Tel: (+34)968 228925 Dirección General de Planificación, Evaluación Fax: (+34)968 228816 y Control Ambiental Servicio de Vigilancia e Inspección Ambiental Región de Murcia c/ Catedrático Eugenio Ubeda, 3 – 4ª planta 30071 MURCIA * Autonomous Community of Navarra: Servicio de Calidad Ambiental Tel:. (+34)848 421490 Departamento de Desarrollo Rural y Medio Ambient Fax: (+34)848 426257 Gobierno de Navarra E.mail: Avda. del Ejército, 2 [email protected] 31002 PAMPLONA * Autonomous Community of País Vasco: - 41 - Servicio de Residuos Peligrosos Tel: (+34) 945 016981 Viceconsejería de Medio Ambiente Fax: (+34) 945 019911 Departamento de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio E-mail: [email protected] Gobierno Vasco c/ San Sebastián/Donosti, 1 01010 VITORIA * Autonomous Community of Valencia: Dirección General para el Cambio Climático Tel: (+34) 96 1973855 Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Agua, Urbanismo y Vivienda Fax: (+34) 96 1973612 Comunidad Valenciana E-mail: [email protected] c/ Francisco Cubells, 7 46011 VALENCIA 2. Imports and exports between Spain and non-EU Member State, and transit of waste through Spain Competent authority: Subdirección General de Producción y Consumo Sostenibles Tel: .(+34) 91 5976000 Dirección General de Calidad y Tel: .(+34) 91 5976868 Evaluación Ambiental Fax: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y E-mail: [email protected] Medio Rural y Marino Plaza de San Juan de la Cruz, s/n 28071 Madr - 42 - 915975938 27. SWEDEN (SE) SE 001 28. Naturvårdsverket/ The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Sektionen för operativ tillsyn / Environmental Enforcement Section Forskarens väg 5 831 40 Östersund Tel: +46 (10) 698 10 00 Fax: + 46- 10- 698 14 77 E-mail: [email protected] UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Competent Authority of Transit: GB 00 Environment Agency TFS National Service Richard Fairclough House Knutsford Road Warrington Cheshire WA4 1HT Tel.: +44 (0) 1925 542265 Fax : +44 (0) 1925 542105 E-mail: [email protected] Official website: Competent Authorities of Dispatch and Destination : ENGLAND and WALES until 31/10/14; ENGLAND as of 1/11/14 GB 01 Environment Agency Transfrontier National Service Richard Fairclough House Knutsford Road Warrington Cheshire WA4 1HG Tel.: +44 (0) 1925 542265 Fax : +44 (0) 1925 542105 The Scottish Environment Protection Agency Erskine Court Castle Business Park Stirling FK9 4TR Tel.: +44 1786 457700 Fax : +44 1786 461425 e-mail : [email protected] Official website: SCOTLAND GB 02 - 43 - E-mail: [email protected] Official Website: http// NORTHERN IRELAND GB 03 Hazardous Waste/TFS Section Land and Resource Management Unit Environment and Heritage Service Floor 1, Klondyke Building Cromac Avenue Gasworks Business Park Lower Ormeau Road Belfast BT7 2JA WALES (as of 1/11/2014): GB 04 Natural Resources Wales Plas-yr-Afon / Rivers House, St Mellons Business Park Cardiff CF3 0EY Tel: +44 (0)28 90569313 Fax: (00 44) (0)28 90569310 E-mail: [email protected] Official website: Tel.: +44 (0) 2920 245074 Fax : +44 (0) 2920 362487 E-mail: [email protected] Official website: EEA COUNTRIES (Focal Points to the Basel Convention) 29. ICELAND Environment Agency of Iceland Sudurlandsbraut 24, IS-108 Reykjavík, Iceland, 30. LIECHTENSTEIN Office of Environmental Protection Waste Management Division PO box 684 FL-9490 Vaduz Liechtenstein 31. Telephone:(354) 591 20 00 Telefax: (354) 591 20 10 E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: (00423) 236 61 94 Fax: (00423) 236 61 99 E-Mail: [email protected] NORWAY The Norwegian Environment Agency Post box 5672 Sluppen, 7485 Trondheim Norway - 44 - Tel.: (0047) 73 58 05 00 Fax: (0047) 73 58 05 01 E-Mail: [email protected]
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