CONTACT DETAILS P ho ne (+ 31) 651 45 61 53 M ail angeloram persad94@ gm A ddress Ach terom 43, 3311 KA, D O RD RE C H T LinkedIn /in/angeloram persad EDUCATION ANGELO RAMPERSAD Tw en ty y ears o ld SKILLS D egree: B ach elor ofC om m erce Fo u nda o n C o u rse: Ach ieved STEDELIJKDALTO N LYCEUM / 2006 - 2012 S enior G eneralS econdary E du ca on (S G S E ) P ro fi le: E conom ics and S ociety Adobe Photoshop 7.5 / 10 Adobe Il l ustrator 7 / 10 Adobe InDesig n 6 / 10 M ic rosoftO ffic e 9.5 / 10 SPSS 7 / 10 Prez i 8.5/ 10 PERSONAL SKILLS Friendl y RO TTERDAM UN IVERSITY / 2012 - PRESEN T WORK EXPERIENCE LA M AGN ÉTICA - BARCELO N A / 2014 Marke ng Intern In th is fu nc on Iam responsible for th e developm ent ofa m arkengplan and su pport ofvariou s online m arke ng ac vi es (S E M , S E O & S M M ).Keyw ords:crea v ity,details. TN T EXPRESS DO RDRECH T / 2014 Warehouse Employ ee In th is fu nc on Iam responsible for th e logis c proces w ith in TN T E x press, by ge ng sh ipm ents fron point A to point B .Keyw ords: accu racy, team w o rk. MY INTERESTS Funny O p tim istic SPO RTS CREATIVE M USIC W O RK Creative ART M O VIES
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