Endocrinology Tuesday 12 Morning session Afternoon session Type 1 diabetes and chronic diseases : patients informations ADRENAL and DSD Chair : C. DE BEAUFORT, CHL Luxembourg and S. TENOUTASSE, ULB Brussels Chair : M. COOLS, UZ Gent and C.HEINRICH, ULB Brussels 11:00 Advances and perspectives in the management of young patients with type 1 diabetes 14:30 Philippe LYSY. Pediatric Endocrinology, UCL Brussels 11:30 Debatable matters in patient education and information : electronic voting and round table discussion Dominique BECKERS. Pediatric Endocrinology, UCL CHU Mont-Godinne and Marie-Christine LEBRETHON. Pediatric Endocrinology, Ulg CHU N-D des Bruyères 12:10 Clinical and hormonal characteristics of first Belgian male patient with a proven IGSF1 Deficiency S. CRAEN R., DE SCHEPPER J., CALLEWAERT B., VAN HULLE S. / UZ Gent 12:20 Sexually dimorphic effect of gestational exposure to BPA on DNA methylation in the rat placenta FUDVOYE J. (1), DEHAN P. (2), TROOSKENS G. (3), GERARD A. (2), BOURGUIGNON J.P (2), PARENT A.S (4) / [1] CHU Liège, [2] Université de Liège, [3] UZ Gent, [4] CHU de Liège Le diagnostic anténatal des anomalies du développement des organes sexuels ALAEV N., BRACHET C., HEINRICHS C. / HUDERF 14:40 Adrenarche : when to investigate further? Renate ZEEVAERT, Jean De SCHEPPER. Pediatric Endocrinology, UZ Brussel. 15:00 The newborn with ambiguous genitalia (Case studies with voting devices) Martine COOLS. Pediatric Endocrinology, UZ Gent Endocrinology A003 A013 A020 A035 A036 A046 A047 A083 A094 Maturity onset diabetes of the young: just think about it MESSAAOUI A., TENOUTASSE S., DORCHY H. / HUDERF Evolution of diabetes-associated autoantibodies and of C-peptide since the onset of type 1 diabetes. ASIMAKOPOULOU A. (1), DORCHY H. (2) / [1] Clinique Edith Cavell, [2] HUDERF Integrated screening in a large consecutive series of 46,XY neonates and infants with atypical sexual. BAETENS D. (1), MLADENOV W. (2), DELLE CHIAIE B. (1), MENTEN B. (1), DESLOOVERE A. (1), IOTOVA V. (2), CALLEWAERT B. (1), VAN LAECKE E. (1), HOEBEKE P. (1), DE BAERE E. (1), COOLS M. (1) / [1] UZ Gent, [2] Medical University of Varna Une histoire familiale KASONGO L., NICOLESCU R., MISSON JP. / CHR Citadelle Liege Une entité endocrinologique à ne pas oublier KASONGO L., NICOLESCU R., MISSON JP. / CHR Citadelle Liege Implication de l'orexine dans le lien entre réduction du temps de sommeil et obésité chez les jeunes. WINANDY C., ARUS FIGA M., FRANCOIS G., ZECH F., GRUSON D., BEAULOYE V. / UCL Saint-Luc Prolactinomas in Pediatric Age: Characteristics and Long-Term Outcome. BRUNELLE C. (1), BEAULOYE V. (1), LYSY P. (2), ALEXOPOULOU O. (1), MAITER D. (1) / [1] UCL Saint-Luc, [2] IREC, UCL De klinische presentatie van primaire hyperparathyreoïdie op kinderleeftijd. DE SCHEPPER J. (1), DE WAELE K. (2), GRYSON D. (2), VAN AKEN S. (2) / [1] UZ Gent / UZ Brussel, [2] UZ Gent Triiodothyronine-predominant Graves' disease (T3-P-GD): description and management in childhood. HARVENGT J. (1), BOIZEAU P. (2), ZENATY D. (2), PAULSEN A. (2), SIMON D. (2), GUILMIN CREPON S. (2), GUILMIN CREPON S. (2), ALBERTI C. (2), CAREL J. (2), LEGER J. (2) / [1] CHU Liege, [2] Hopital Robert Debre Paris Poster session A098 A136 A138 A154 A157 A164 A180 A189 CASE REPORT: 6Q24-RELATED TRANSIENT NEONATAL DIABETES MELLITUS. DECALUWE W., DEPOORTER S., WINTERS L. / AZ Sint Jan Brugge Designing and implementation of a physical activity day' for overweight and obese youth. CLOES M. (1), DEWANDRE A. (2), LEBRETHON MC. (2), NAWEZI YAV C. (1), ROMPEN J. (1) / [1] Universite de Liege, [2] CHU Liege Is allergic diseases more prevalent in children with type1 diabetes mellitus? NICOLAI E., MOURAUX Th., BODART E., BECKERS D. / UCL MontGodinne Promotion of physical activity among children and adolescents followed for overweight or obesity in. DEWANDRE A. (1), HARVENGT J. (1), LAGASSE C. (1), PARENT A. (1), BOURGUIGNON JP. (1), SEGHAYE MC. (1), CLOES M. (2), LEBRETHON MC. (1) / [1] CHU Liege, [2] Universite de Liege Hypercorticisme familial, vers un diagnostic d'hyperplasie micronodulaire pigmentaire des surrénales. LECLERCQ V. (1), MERINDOL N. (2), CHIVU O. (1), DEBRAY F-G. (3), HAMOIR E. (3), KHAMIS J. (1), LEWIN M. (1), PHILIPPET P. (1) / [1] CHC Esperance Liege, [2] Universite de Liege, [3] CHU Sart Tilman Liege Assay interference should always be excluded in case of unexpected thyroid hormone results. GIES I. (1), VANBESIEN J. (1), DE SCHEPPER J. (2), ANCKAERT E. (1), RUTTEMAN B. (1) / [1] UZ Brussel, [2] UZ Gent / UZ Brussel Paradoxical hypoglycemia to somatostatin administration: a clue to factitious insulin injection. HOOGWIJS I. (1), HUYSENTRUYT K. (1), VANBESIEN J. (1), DE SCHEPPER J. (2), GIES I. (1) / [1] UZ Brussel, [2] UZ Gent / UZ Brussel Diabetes Insipidus:an uncommon pathology?3 cases of central diabetes insipidus at CHR la Citadelle. DELBOS M., NICOLESCU R. / CHR Citadelle Liege Endocrinology A198 A212 A220 A240 A258 A271 A273 Steatorrhea as manifestation of a combined lipoprotein lipase and ApoLipoprotein CII gene mutation. GIES I. (1), VANBESIEN J. (1), DE SCHEPPER J. (2) / [1] UZ Brussel, [2] UZ Gent / UZ Brussel A case of severe juvenile acquired hypothyroidism: the effect on growth, metabolism and cognition. LEMAY A., DOTREMONT H., FRANCE A., DEN BRINKER M. / UZA Calcium and bone homeostasis in heterozygous carriers of CYP24A1 mutations. COOLS M. (1), GOEMAERE S. (1), BAETENS D. (1), RAES A. (1), DESLOOVERE A. (1), KAUFMAN J. (1), DE SCHEPPER J. (2), JANS I. (3), VANDERSCHUEREN D. (3), BILLEN J. (3), DE BAERE E. (1), FIERS T. (1), BOUILLON R. (3) / [1] UZ Gent, [2] UZ Gent / UZ Brussel, [3] KU Leuven Exploration of a hypoglycaemia : when the absence of tears leads to diagnosis. VICINANZA A., DE MUL A., BOROS E., MAHLER T., HEINRICHS C., BRACHET C. / HUDERF PSEUDOHYPOPARATHYROIDISM (PHP): clinical heterogeneity illustrated by 3 different cases. LEMAY A., DEN BRINKER M., DOTREMONT H., FRANCE A. / UZA Polydipsia but no diabetes: what else is there? VANDERSNICKT J. (1), DELMOTTE A. (2), POSCHET K. (2) / [1] KU Leuven, [2] GZA Sint-Vincentius Hospital Generic and disease-specific quality of life in young patients with type 1 diabetes (MiPedQoL) LARIDAEN J., COOLS M., VAN AKEN S., GOUBERT L. / UZ Gent Poster session
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